The Brussels Post, 1939-5-10, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST
WEL 1 Si)Ai`, MAY 10th, 1030
calling all
Below is a partial list of
Selling at Competitive Prices
Fog Lights
Mud Flaps
Grille Guards
Door Handles
Fender Guides
Wheel Spinners
Horns—air blast
Clearance Lights
Head Light 'Lenses
Fans ---cool the air
Radiator Ornaments
Rear Vision Mirrors
Steering Wheel Muffs
Jacks—hydraulic, etc,
Tail Pipes for exhaust
Hub Caps—of all kinds
Flash Lights & Batteries
Gas Tank Caps of all kinds
Exide Batteries
NOW—is the Time to Replace those worn tires with NEW
Goodyear Tires & Tubes
Call and see them — you are under no obligation to buy
— Acetylene Welding —
Licensed Mechanic — on all makes c'f cars
El l l ott's Garage
'phone 82 Brussels
Slang Has
A Place
Speaking at Guelph rec surly,
Lord Tweedatnsair, Govetnol-Genes
al, defined slang as a striking
Metaphor, which, if it served a
need is embodied in the language.
In other words, His Excellency
sees• no objeetioa to slang so long
as it hits the button and allows a
buy to broadcast what's in his
belfry without puting his audieuce
into a brain huddle to learn what
he is i,eefing about,
Estate Agent, Conveyancer
and Commissioner
General insurance
Has Vivid Recollections
Of Wars And A Long .Siege
i tm'etl great sulzjt'liee of
treat, w)iteli trade it ueeleas,
Most recent periodical to suspend
publication is The Canadian 12aga-
zine, wlticlt becomes effective
with the April issue. Complete
announcement in this regard will
be found in the April issue, with
directions to subscribers as to the
cltoice of another magazine for the
unexpired portion to The Canadian
Tom Gillies of Brussels Was ,at
Ladysmith In Boer War, and Saw
Disaster at San Francisco
'Se yell deceived, your husband,"
the judge said gravely.
"Ca the contrary. my lord, he de-
ceived nie, He said he was going
out of town, and didn't go."
Officej Say you saw it in The Post.
Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario
� 1 Spring Time
Is Here
We have the Best and Largest Stock
—of •
of All Leading Kinds On Hand
Cement Lime Gyproc Board Lath
Plaster Coal Wood and Cedar Posts
See Our Stock and Get Our Prices
Before You Buy
We have been advised by the
Local Bank that they will
advance money on the home
improvement plan and its the
Better way to do your repairing
or improvement as you can
always buy better with Cash
We deliver your job Free
anywhere within reason
01 Na McDonald
And Company
Phone 77 Brussels, Ont.
(By F, B. Kenedy)
Tom Gillies of Brussels ,is an old
soldier who has been places and
:.,tri dills.
11: Ito wuvo a yaung Into and if a
bullet hadue1 shattered hie left lap
amine; the Cuban I toitleatiun
t,.:'ly 11 •s cantle). he KIP', heat
IA'iu the tinny today, ba -rinse ,,
lilt,:: and has always Liked the in
the arory.
Yes, Tom Gillies is 00 old soldier.
Vivid indeed are his recollections
of fighting days dueling the lioet
War, climaxing in the relief et A Welcome Sight
Ladysanith, And even more vivid
are lids recollet,tions of the grew`
San Francine earthquake, because
he was there the, day' after the great
disaster, as a member of the United
States army in doing relief duty.
„Sure l'be been through, some
wars and have seen plenty, but Pre
never -seen anything like Hutt
re=s in San Francisco. We were
at Washington barracks training
when the wire came of the earth-
quake and the neat morning
we were back in 'Prieto. The whole
place was on fire. 1'll never forget
the awful sights, especially around
Chinatown where there were
.,cotes of bodies battered to pieces
and beyond' identification, TheY
sinnply piled them. up and burned
them with lime. It was something
which had to be done. We had the
Job of unloading boats which came
with eurplies and of taking them to
the different stations which had
been set up. Everything was done
by army mule pack, No, I never
want to see anything like that
again," declared' the veteran soldier,
referring to the earthquake on
April 21, 1906, wales took the lives
of more than five hundred people
and devastated 2,900 acres of prop
enty. The flee lasted for turee
were tloslug in all the Lime, 'Then
we el t1tett 110 1t:attorabl0 retreat It
back toward .Ledya,ulth and it was
necessary to take all the women
aura children. British. subjects wlto
had been living tui Pundes,
We trete cut off fl'a;mt gn;na
butt the regelar route. heeauee
the enemy httd taken up that pus1
tine, \1'e swatted out. right ander
their noses in the middle of the
night and hatted tate long treat on a
toned -about tante, I gimes tee
commander of the outfit was about
the only person W-41,0 Komi' where
wo tete' going. That night we
padded ail the wheels of the gnus
and wagons• and padded the chains
en that there -wasn't a sound.
''General Sltuon had, been wound-
ed when out fielding emir Dundee
and died in a Boer's house, They
gave hint a, regular military funer-
al. Well, we traveled all that night
and all the following clay. Provt-
bions pan tow nod we knew the
enemy wes all around. We kept
going the following night and then
the next morning, after we had
trouble getting over a flooding river
ea', we saw a cloud or dust in the
distance. The order went oust to
,get ready for action, We thought
we were meeting the enemy right
In front of us and we knew they
were on our fees. Well, sir, sudden•
ly MO' order went ,out to c0'ise
action and stand at ease and oil
of that cloud of dust came riding
the lith Lancers, The first thing
you could see was Ilia shine at tite
top of their lances as they trade
toward us, I don't think I was an
relieved in my life, said lir. Gillies
as he rrc'ollected events of those
wiring days. be said the Lancers
escorted the whole outfit back to
The c1:1Ys kept Sti'e°tclting , by
and there was uo sign of relief. 1
gure3e 11011e of '415 elver expected to
got though alive, Niti>,ts were•
being eat do:wit all the time kind
the only tiring that carried tis
through was the eamoturagemleutt
given by General Sir George White!:
said itir, Billies. Everyone eves so
worn out When the relief did chine
though on February 27, 1900, that
there wasn'ta great deal of cele-
brating oto the part of the solei t'S
Lord Duntloluntl was hire first 10
reach the village and he eves ret -
love d by Sir heavers Butler who
commanded the relief and bron,h8
in fie sit atcn and, supplies after
clearing the area of the Boers,
Later on this veteran soldier was
wouanied in the head while serving
at Blood River and then be was
shot in the leg during .an encounter
at Buffalo Rives', In June of 1902
he went bask to the hospital at Net -
ley, 'England, to get over itds+ .1n -
juries and soon afterwards he
jotrrnoyed} batik to Canada and out
to Vancouver, B.C.
Toru GMJlies had ]heard a good
deal of ,California, so be went
south to San Francisco and after
meeting sante of his old atony pals
they enlisted) with the 12th Battery
and they had just gone away to
Washington to start training when
they got orders claming the night
to return ielenedietely to San Frau•
cisco as au earthquake had :struck.
After working for a about two
week's around the strleken Califor-
nia City, Mr. Gillies went right
across' the United States, an.' sailed
form a Virginia port for Havana,
Clubs, where .there was talk of
an uprising. On a medal which
Tom Gillies owns ere the words,
"Cuban Pacification, 1906-1909.
Badly tWounded
It was near Havana, Cuba, tbal
Ladysmith. But there wasn't much the old soldier suffered the se'vere
peace back in the village, because 1 wound on the It1p, whish today
the great siege, which was to make stapes iL necessary for him to use
history soon started. The so1Ciers two crutches in getting around; He
were ante to see the Boors out of was on a revenue cutter and the
the hills utiles away, but their gene Cubans in a boat took to a cave
recalled one gun belonging to the It was when he was on. the boat be
Another War Coming enemy which was named "Long received the Lull change of a bullet
Mr. Gillies is a man who reads Tom" after the Brussels man, be- and than made a stay in a hospital
his daily newspaper and follows cause the wa.s about the tallest sol of Havana for three months meees•
with keen interest the events In ' dier of the whole outfit. sary.
troubled Europe. He believes a war i In 1911 lir, Gillies returned to
is coming, but he doesn't think, i Asked about the stories of horse:' Canada, settling, at Ayton. He
the armies of Hitler and Mussolini ; being killed to supple' the soldiers tried desperately to get into the
tare as strong and as powerful as and the people with meat during army during the Great War, but
the dictators tell the Test of the . the siege, Tom Gillies laughed as couldn't ghat past the medical evem-
tvorld. he recalled the necessary move in leer.
"And this time they want t0 slaughtering more than two 11un• "A group of us old -inters decid-
really clean the enemy Up. The deed 'bosses. Fewer had broken out ed to forth a bakery in Tor•":1to,
was the whole trouble during the and, took a heavy toll of lives, and bet the dnctnr just laughed when
last war. The boys should have the Ore from the enemy bad puma- vve tried 11(0re titan one trick to
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLET" to
get item atction• again,' laughed
Mr, Gdlltae. I)e •h'a's bean a resident
or B•nusca°sl far title past ten years,
canning here from Wroxeter.
kept right on going instead of stop-
ping where they did," said the old
soldier. He believes Canada should
have a stronger standing -army
than elle has right now, but he
also thinks' Canadians will be right
to the fore in case the British. Em-
pire needas help if an emergency
should arise,
Tom Gillies only wishes he were
able to get into a undform again,
But even in. the early stages of
the Great War he was turned
dotty 011several occasions, be-
cause of injuries suffered, in prev-
ious engagements. He said he
couldn't get past the medical offi-
cers, no matter how 'hard lie tried,
because of the. injury to his hip,
which also affected Lie spine,
Native of Scotland
But to get to the beginning. Born
at Gashielts, Scotland, he was
raised in Birmingham, England, un-
til he was nine years old and then
came to Canada, mutiking his Rants
aL Gerrie, He was in the Can-
adian volunteers' as a Young man
and 1't was when he was worltit:g
on cattle boats sailing to the Old
Country from 5t, Joltn, N,B., that
he deckled to join the Imperial
Army. This: he did at Glasgow, ev-
erting with the 690 Field Battery
of the R.F.A. Think was in 11,10
when he was a young man or 21
years or age,
• The following summer, In 1017, me
wits sen~ directly to latdyienitlt In
South, Attica nu regular atmwy
At the time the 10,11 :1101111 lain Bat. 1
forty and the Royal iiesh Rifles
were alr'eacdy there and it w'ue ttboIt
a year later Ikea u•nnble cdry
vt:,tti1 rl among the Beers
. :,a- .1 thee dew:
there all right. I remoinbet, it wits
In the month of Jolly in 10111 11x11
we 1111,1 to 1huule,, sets'
eight pen or twenty guiles front 1
La(lyantnit+h, 1t. was considered a
goat dabs niatc'h. We wenn theme
shout three weeks and things ce•r
tautly get pretty loot and the I3oers
Spring Cleaning
Days Jmrnent
But it's Not Necessary To
Up.set Your Hoesehold
Completely In The Process
Modern methods have . lightened
the task of house-cleaning as of
many other things and it ]'s no
longer lin most; eases tite complete
household upset that it used to be,
but that the occasion is still a mat-
ter of dread on the mart of mane -
line members: of the hiousedtotd fa
apparent In 'the •foll wing lament
by D'klgvilie wpIUing in the London
Dally Sketch t
Spring to heralded by the time-
honored ritual known• us s'ol'ing
cleaning, tht Is a period beloved of
women because they know it to be
necesary, and bated of siren be-
cause they cau't live in it.
Everything Missing
It is the period of the year when
eve1lY'tduitng you have kept ,where
it is, is tekett and put where it
Where Is the plpe•clenner I left
beside the bath three weeks ago?
in the garage.
Where are those oltl slipper's I
used to ensconce behind my den
In tithe garage.
Where is the hat that has been
rescued a thousand times from
destruetion, arrest or incineration?
In Ole garage,
And where is the garage?
Don't ask um,
A man in New Mexico reports a
Bud Leghorn hen which laid a doz-
en- eggs In one day and then fell
over dead, Of course New Mexico
la a long nay from here so we
merely repeat the story for what
you care to mike of it,
Pliny Fisk died in New York 1110
other flay in a home fo riueurahtes
and depending on charity. And it
was Pliny Fisk trete tinning the
height of his career in wan Streit
made $300,000 clear profit in One
day's operations.
Rose Brand
Chick Starter
With the same precision and care that has
from a few bags to thousands of bags
of guiding our ever increasing customers who
cal ,feeding plan—no drastic moves—careful
marked the manufacture of these Feeds
monthly, we have taken the responsibility
depend on us, into a better, more economi-
thinking—based on facts.
(11. 0.6 R A f
—Lower Mortality,
—Better Pigmentation, Feather Bloom and Lustre.
—Increased Vitality.
Be sure to ask for these feeds by name and have the advantage of getting tender ground
grasses In your Chick Ration.
E. S. WATT &