HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-3, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, MAY 3rd, 193fl Orange Pekoe Blend IP SAL TEA :k ok * * * * * * 'k * * :k rt: 'k s, * * MORE MAPLE SYRUP DISHES Now that the new crop of Maple ;products, is on the ma&et, the fol- lowing recipes. may be of interest, though it .shou.Id be remeenbere•.l 'that maple weep and maple :sugar 'are good at any Lime of •the.year, MAPLE SYRUP ,SAUCE 1 Culp me,ple sya'u;p 1 teaspoon flour 1 teagpoon butter This maple syrup sauce is for pud- dings or ice cream. Melt the butter, adid the flour, cook until frothy. Slowly add syrup, and boil •one min- ute. Serve hat or cold. MAPLE TRIFLE Crumble stale cake crumbs, in four custard cups until half full. Over them "pour maple syrup allowing about three tablespoons to each cup Allow to stand 20 minutes. Then pour over a custard• made as fel- lows: 1 cup milk 2 eggs 2 .tablespoons maple syrup Heat milk and syrup :to boiling point, Beet egg and one yolk until thick, add hot milk and conk In double boiler until the mixture 'coats the spoon. Pour over crumbs while bot, *Wiheat cold, cover with a meringue made from one egg white and, ,two tablespoons granu- lated sugar, and brown in a slow oven. MAPLE CREAM 2% cups' maple syatup 1 tablespoon cream 'Boil syrup until -it hrardens when dropped into cold, water, then add cream, stirring until blended. Cool slightly and • heat until- thickened. 'Walnuts may be added. MAPLE ICE BOX CAKE 1 tablespoon, granulated gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons corngtarch ria nap sugar 2 eggs ?>.t c'wp melee syrup tb teaspoon vanilla Z cup whipping cream 14 curl whipping creaan. Soak gelatine in cold. water. Heat in double boiler, .Ade, sugar anal cornstarch moistened with cold milk. Cook 10 minutes, stirring un - 'tit thickened. Adds beaten eggs and cook three minutes longer, stirring 'constantly. Add gelatine, maple spmup and vanilla. When, mixture begins to ,thicken, ,fold in whipped cream, ,Line mould with lacy lingers and' fill with. alternate layers oI cream mixture and fingers. Place in, rednige2atoa- and let stand for several honne. Unocald and gar- nisli with wbippet cream, sweeten- -ed and flavoured to taste. • 15.. ries and cranberries, Tele is a Mee - Live and blood' purifier. PotnasIUm — Tomatoes, kale, rho barb; lettuce, dandelion, cetera', eab'betee, Parsmlee beaurs, prunes and eurran:ts, This helps muscle growth. Sodium ---,Spinate, radish, sitar berries, carrots, asparagus, pota- toes, leeklc, dandelion, lettuce, cab- bage, i tied, figs. This helps to- get rid of uric acid, Magnesium — Tomatoes, spinach, dandelion. This, makes good teeth and bone. Silicon — Tomatoes, parsnips, spinach, onions, euoumber, horse- radish, cheese and etrravtberries. This. helps to absorb the poisonous gases of the intestines. Iron — Lettuce, leeks, spinach, 'et'awberrleo, radishes, aspardgus, oralorrs, cabbage, cucumber, goose= bevees. This enriches the blood. It will. be seen by this list that 1etluces, contain most of the neces- sary salts reguired by the body, Mineral Salts And Their Relationship to 'the Body In order to keep the body in the best Condition', it should be smelled with organic mineral salts, The fol. lowing het of Meese salts and the 'foods in which they are found may be useful to tine 'housewife when making her menu, Calcium—Watercress, 'lettuce ahilk, dandelion', spinach, radish, turnip,. onion end leek, It is also tourhtl In cheese and whey, 'oranges, fibs, crranberrles ansi strawberries., Cat chine functions in the formation et bone. Phosphorous—Kale, bran, tedist es, pumpkin, Brussels' enroll* cu- cumber, cauliflower, rdnibarb, 'turn- ips, spinach, cheese, Brazil nuts., grapes, pineapples, sage and onions. PhO2iphorus is good for the nervone system, Chlorine—ttlheese, lettuce, epee ace, -whey, cabbage, parsnips ;beets, turnips. Teale is a contponent of gas. trio Juices. sulphur- Hitt.,, Dressy Brnsseis, springs, :cribbage, radish s, ra*1bete RETAIN A YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE I wrote last yeek en how to take years off your looks, , suggesting various factor's. to look for. Here are a few more ,pointers, to watch, because nothing is quite so iut- poiltant to a woman as a youthful appearance. I*ECK AND CHIN— A double chin adds years and Years to our age! Often it is caused by slumping, sa 'keep your shoulders down, head high and dhin in. Try vigorous elappirvg with the back of your hand or a pad of cottonuwool soaked fu astringent. Necks are fr'egnently neglected, yet they age uc so quickly. When evenn','ng your face, ertend the treatment to your neck. Use a bles eh, occasionally. HANDS— To keep hands 'smooth and white, apply ItaMem baht often, and rub it well in, The .rands are in water more than, any other wart of the body, yet ,they have fewer oil glands to lubricate them. Wash only in lukewarm water, using gentle gnlllmolive soap, Rinse afternvards wl'th cold water, BUST— Sagging breasts, bespeek age. Watch your posture; don't shell]) or slouch. It your bust is too small, message elle, warm olive oil in an upward and •outward move- ment. Waite me for confidential, person- al advice. And detailed leaflets on the following subjects are available for 3c stria.. each Face, Dyes, Hair, Hands', Feet, Bust, Superflu- ous Hair, Reducing in. Spots, Under- weight, Slimming. Please write dir'eet Berbera Lyme •P. 0. Station B., Monty+ell, Que. Definitions to: Mies Box 75, ,Saxapluone; Am, i11 rind nviech nobody blows, good, Detour: The roughest distance between two polite. Middle Aged, A person ten years older than, your age. Bic.: Sign, lysed' 60 make other's believe you know more • than, you a'eally do, Royal Party Arrives Here 3,20 on June 6 OTTAWA, AVM 24, — The Wen depaaiblleellai Menunittea airateging for the royal vial t last night ennoune- ed the oftInluld program for King end queen'* tatty of 13 Otare) cities the three days prior to erasing into the United Spates at Niagara Falls, Ont„ Tor 4111e trip to Washington. Returning from the west coast and the *rabies, the royal train will ,aa'rib eat Sioux Lookout, One, from Melville, Suede, at 7,55 p,m„ C,S,T,, onI Sumday. June 4. On, -M•1I n ay, June 5, at 6,30 pan., P.S,T., the royal .tarty is scheduled to arive art. Sten -nay ,Jen tion, After au hours stop 'the -train will leave at 7.10 pen, E.S.T. Three 10 -minute stops will he made on the afternoon of Jane 6. At 1.35 ,p.m. D?S.T. the (royal train will arrive at Guelph et 2,15 p,un, E:S.T;, at Kitchener, and at 3,20 P,m,, D.S,1'., .at Stratford, At each 'city the prime minister will initrodltrce the .mayor and his were. The mayor will ,present an addrese ofwelcome and then will present the members of ,the City Council, officials and their wives, 15 Minutes At Windsor The royal trains will visit. Windsor at 7.30 pati B.S.T. that evening, anti a 21 -gun ,salute will be .tired as Their itdajestlps leave the train to have 'the prime minister present the Mayor of Windsor and Mrs. Groh. A guard of honor will be in - mooted by the icing and the mayor will present His 'Majesty with an addre'sts, Ifrom the people of Wind- sor,' Her Majesty wiul accept a bou- quet. Mayor Croil them will ,presenit the City Council, local officials and their wives, and time train leaves at 7.45 p.m. On• Wedhesday, June 7, the royal train will arrive et the C.N.R. sta- tion at 'Londfon at 10 B.S,T., and the King and Queen will be met by -the mayor of London and his mother, Mrs. Johnston, who will be .presented ey the prime minister. A 21 -gun :saiulte le to be fired and a guard of honor inspected by the sovereign and thea]] the mayor will present the ooumcil, officials and their wives. Her majesties will be asked to accept a bouquet.. At 10:20 a.m., Their Majesties, the prime nrdnbster,—"an Ontario mem- ber of ,the federal Cabinet, the mayor land his mother, and, the lad- ies and gentlemen in waiting yell drive through the city. When passing the municipal of- fices, the King and Queen wIli 'sign the ofzciai visitors' book of the city which will be brought to their motor car, At 10.55 a.m. the royal patlty retunrs to the C.N.R. station. At 11 am. the twain, leaves for Ingensoll where a stop will be made from 11.30 a.m., E,S,T., to 11,40 a.m..arncl 'the usual procedure regard- ing presentations at ellent stops fol- lowed. Pdibtilr Acoeunis ommnitlee of the Legielataire bee brought !tortlt the ! inform/tee% that the neev mental hospital he Elgin county will cost, about. $12,0,00,000 when completed And a Iigtl'e of that size is- sttfffcient io suggest there may be an thereto. eta nsnirber of people needing teeab boa for eonie species of shock, Three Sure Cures For Spring Fever Lift Yourself ,Out Of Lethargy ey Getting Rest and Exercise, Eating Lighter Tlhis is rite, time to tilt yourself out er the letiturgy commonly known' as spring fever. Its a new season—a tette bo look your best and have fun. ,Plenty of fresh air and sunshine are just about the best cures for the doidrnns, you-ve been. in since that morning, a few weeks ago, when, you imagined you heard a robin chirp, Ite an accepted fact that lack of sunehine causes a de- ficiency of Vitamin D. And Vitamin D is en, important beauty vitamin -- Me one which putts a sparkle in your eye, makes your complexion clear and glowing and the corners of your mouth turn up instead 01 clown. In, addition to sunshine, there are three other little Rene which will go a loulg way toward :helpers you enjoy the 'spring season, A new heat, all adequate amount of sleep nuts rest, and' a lighter diet, That More DEAFNESS 1 S 1V1 1 SE R Y Millions know that, but saltine poisons with del'ecttive bearing anal Head Noises are again enjoying conversation go to Theatre and ,Cburolu because they USE LEONARD INVISIBLE EAR DRUMS Tiny Megaphones itttjmg in the Ear entirely out of sight. No Wires. No Batteries No ,Hand Pieces They are Unseen Comforts and 10 - expensive, 'Write for booklet and sworn statement of the inventor wito ways himself deaf, A.10, LEONARD, INC., ,Suite 135, ,Canada Cement Bldg, Montreal. au airplane. Ile brought them 20 Sudbury by air for his sportnlans' Amy, ,sapls a writer in, the Windsor Dail Star. Joe •dbdm't begin tr'aiuing wild Wolves because he wanted to be a showmen. The reason was much More Practical. At fleet a trapper, and new a prospector and assess- mer:,t woiiker, he remembers 'that Welt in, 1923 he was trapping. There was ,plenty of sled dogs. but at plague of dlstentper struck, aunt the dogs were dying off lice flies. He trapped: his, first wolf then and got the idea of using her in hie sled padk, At this point, be drew .a Parallel between wolves and women, a phil- osophy of which he is a strong dis- ciple, "Wolves are like women," he said. "When you meet them for de firs' time, you nuns' be ver' gen- tle. Aiken. ten year you have to watch for frying pan and de sticks If you know 'how to handle women, you can handle wolf. De more women, de more danger. De more wolf de more danger." Taming Wolves Women Similar Joe La lamins, of G-ognnoi. fent,. Is 50 yenns of age, Six feet tall, weights 250 pounds, sports a fold beard and long editor Mair; he talks brokenly, as yott would expect of a trapper 'from the hinteiands of On. teeth; he wears mocassins; as Ito tallns, h,is almost black eyes spar. kis, Joey you know, is believed to be tete first, mu in history Le have worked .a fail tea.nt of wild wolves. as 'sled doge, and he looks the part, He has the dietinelion of having the fleet wolves that aver flew to Please Pass The Spinalch Green Luncheons Are The Thing For Streamline Figures Please pass the spinxachpa.rsley juice cocktails, a deep green of hue, very healthful, and the uncooked vegetable plate after a cup of "po- tassium broth"—.a combination of fruit juices being 'served in New York, Away with your 'planked steaks ringed w,nth ,sizzling potatoes, and year creamed chicken patty fol- lowed, by a nice big ,butterscotch sundae. The girls are going back to the garden for luncheon, 'Wtba.t do they eat Fresh beet greens, granted carrots. Big salads. Celery. Plates, of assorted fruit and maybe peppenmlin.t tea, A mailer of the gulls say they aren't interested in losing weight, and eat celery stalks, raw greeus and canr•ots because they 1114e them. Several said, "good for the skin, and one murmured ' lvttality." MULTI -USE— A smooth flowing, quick drying high plana enamel that will add sparkling beauty to your home. For wood or metal surfaces inside or outside. 26 glorious colors to choose from. NEU-GLOS—A washable semi -gloss enamel to beautify your wall,—furai- ture—woodwork, Easy to apply; dries quickly; has no unpleasant odor. In n widerangeofbeautiful pastel shades. BUY NOW FOR FUTURE NEEDS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE THRIFTY LOW PRICES. F. R. SMITH PHONE 62 55-, BRUSSELS, ONT. Chintz Is Still Popular iChoice Small Checks And Medium - Sized Plaids IBeing Widely Used For Home Decoration NEW YOIR4C In fabric fashions, chintz continues to be about the most effective material you can get, But for praoticaltty, there are several other efaibrios that are get- ting a rush—duet•iight twill, lus- trous• sateen and novelty weave cretonnes. Ali of these are offered in the sante lovely patterns avail- able in chintzes. Small checks and medivan$sized plaic'Iss are widely used,I Stripes are of great fashion imgortanee, small ones, big 011 EIS, flowered owes, The scale of the floral fabrics is large this spring, sometimes over sealed. In plait cobra, you'll find a whole choice of chintzes and sa•teens along with. maty textural weaves . , , it is these unusual rough or stringy tex- tures that the decorsattors like best. Traffic Engineers Strive For Safety During Royal Visit Figures Show That Many Will Not See King and Queen If Others Are Care. Tess; Routes To Larger Centres Being Planned ,Officials of tete Ontario depart. (rent of highways are concentrating all theid efforts to effect a drastic reduction in. ,traffic deaths, and ee. eidenis tiering tate tett two months. Their wont is inspired by the recent appeal of Highways Minister Hon. T. B. MicGeesatee for a " province - wide Mealiest its highway fatalities and injuries thuing May and June ae, a tribute Lo King George and Queen Iiilzabeth ..aIle they are visiting Canada, ,Statistics of the accident record ing division of the highways depart- ment rebeals that unless, every motor vebiole operator and every pedestrian in Ontario joins in the current aooident prevention plan, some 2,000 people might be prevent- ed revented from, seeing Their Majesties, and taktsg -pant .iw ,the celebrations connected: with the Royal tour. Ripe majority of accidents, it was point- ed out, are classed as. "preventable" and could be avoided in 1939 by the elimination of three fundamental but easily corse .ted accident caus- ea—ineanetltary inattention, exces- sibe geed, and imvpatienme. The department of hdgleways is• also planning for eater driving aur• ing line visit of the King and Queen on another sadety "front." Depart- menit officials are Iholding confer- enlces vlithhighway traffic engin- eers and traffic experts of the pro- vincial police department. The • purpose of these conferences, i was explained, is to map out series of routes • by which motorist will be able to drive in great safety and comfort to the lsrge Ontario centres where Their Majes Nee will visit. Etvertiy attempt is being made a official started, to see that all mai and secondey roads will be utilize in .the most efficient manner, I is hoped the plan will succeed i disseminating the flow of traffic much as possible and prevent gesitdon and delay. Strong public support of this step to reduce the highway acciden toll during 'the visit of Thet Majesities to Ontario is anticipate by officials of the department highiways. They said the "Roy tour rotute5' 'now being •drafted wi be released in various parts of tit Province a fear 'weeks, prior to lb arrival of the King and Que at those points. ClieSNAPSNOT CUIL TRICK PICTURES—I a Above: Realistic, but a fake, easy with any camera. Inset, left, shows how to fake a scooter "wreck." Just use concealed pegs or props, pose subject as desired. reTRICK pictures?" you say; "oh, - I can't take those. Mine is just an ordinary camera." There you're wrong. Splendid trick snapshots can be taken with any camera—whether it's a simple, inexpensive box camera or one of the finest cameras made. Consider the snapshot above. It looks like the sort of thing that de- mands a fast "action" camera and lots of picture luck. But don't be fooled. The pjcture was posed, The horse was stuffed, and hung on. a peg. And the camera used was a simple amateur type such as thou- sands of us possess. Probably you don't have a stuffed horse. But if your son has a bicycle or "scooter" you can picture a spill, Just as realistic as this one. Simply rig up the child's vehicle to a tree, showing it in a cockeyed, off -the - ground position—see that the sup- ports are concealed. Let your sub- ject ppse as if he had just topple off—and snap the picture. Photo tricks with string or three. are fun. Try a "magic golf club shot. Just use light -weight threw and suspend one of your clubs fro a tree branch, bit proper strikin position. Hang a ball a few inch in front of the club head. Now, ha a friend pose its if hypnotizing t club into action—and shoot. If yo use thread which is about the sa color and tOne as the background, will not show. Thread also can be used for tri shots indoors. Thus, you corn she your wile "hypnotizing" a 'vase bowers right off the table -or bee ening her sowing basket to h through the air. Just tee da thread to suspend the objects, a shade your photo lights so t thread is not illuminated. Try these tricks now—and w tell you of some others just as ea next week. 229 John van Guilder