HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-3, Page 5•avrm.oPW,Vxs,•.ww.+r....p 8 • Pllr e .ppie-s for 95c Moody's Lye •••' • - 3 tins for 1 lb Good Green Tea •••••' 4 1b Pure Amber Honey 2 Ib of 'Gold Seal Prunes , 3 Tins of Silver Quill Tomatoes 3 lb of Dutch (Sets Onions 1 'i1 of Planting Peas 24c 50c 25c 1 11, of White Beans 2 lb of Supreme Shortening 3 tins of Pride of the Valley Peas 5 1b tin of Crown IBrandCoen Syrup 1 Can Supreme Cocoa for 2 doz. Sunkist Oranges 2 pkg Washing Soda 25c 25c 25c 15c 5c 24c 25c 38c 19c 25c 15c WOMEN'S GROUPS' ANNUAL MEETING Huron Prepyterlal of the Women's Misisonary Society Held Successful Meetings A splendid attendance and a. very inspirational progromlme marked the 13th annual sheeting of the Huron Presbyterial of the Wo- men's Misisonary !Society of the Notice To Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of William Turvey late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of of December, A.D. 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the thirteenth day of May A. D. 1939, full particu- lars of their claims In writing. Immediately after the said thit•- teenth day of May, 1939, the assets of the said Intestate will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitl- ed thereto, haring regard only to l'1"" e.f w1:,tch the administrator shall then have notice. IO.1':'E'n at Wingham., this twentieth dry c May, A. D. 1939. j, H, Crawford Wingham, Ontario, Solicdtor for the Administrator. PERMANENT SPECIAL. FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY $2.50 Permanent Wave $L75 $3.50 Permanent Wave $2.75 $5.00 Permanent Wave $3.50 Finger Wave 25c and 35c FARROW Beauty Parlor Entrance side L. Russel's Store FOR APPOINTMENT - PHONE 5: United Church, bell at Wingham on April 27th. ill's. ". A, Gardin- er, the President, 1 csided over the entire meeting, At the mcn:ing session the theme of the worship service, which was conducted by Mrs. Nay, of G•orrie, and Mrs. Mc- Gill of Westiceld, was `lClirisi's Vision of, a Better Society." Mrs, Nay portrayed this vision set•y clerly, and stating ,that Clm'iellan women have a very important hart to play in, establishiny the Kingdom of 'God on, earth, Mrs.. Field of Wingham, very cordially welcomed the ladies, while Mns. McKenzie, of Seaforth, replied. She pointed out that it is very inspiring to nteet with other women who are linlvd to us by a common interest—"The World for Christ." In the roll call of auxilheries, Lon• des'boro had the largest representa- tion. The secretaries gabe encour- agiug reports about their work,. Huron increased both its member- ship and givings during 1938, a total of $13,932,54 being raised, In. the .Evening auxiliaries it was reported that their aim is one neu member for every £teen old ones. Gorrie is the Banner society, as it Increased in Om, department. A new Mission Circle has• been organized ut Wingham. There are two new and two reorganized Mission B 09;. Ceittfleates for eonaplyiug yitlt the standard of recognition were earne dby six bands: Win- throp, Brick, Goderich North Street, Gerrie, Exeter James Street, and Londesbora, Miran stands secincl In T -^.,^:, Comte] erre Branch In the Supply work, having sent 105 bales valued at $3,745, An increase in the circulation of the missionary monthly was reported. The impor• tante of the influence of women in Temperance and' Christian Citizen- ship was emlpltesized by the Tem- perance Secretary, (while a very Hear explanation at the Associate 'Helpers' york was given by the Secretary of that department, a wealth of excellent hooks aha pamphlets was introduced by the Literature ',Secretary. Over 2700 calls' were made by Community. Fr'endship secrelariec• The budget MIMEO HOCKS ANO S. C. WHITE LEGHO NS Baby Chicks Baby Pulfets Barred Rock started chicks Pullets week old. Two, Three, Four Five and Six weeks of age These birds are started under ideal conditions. CHICKS STARTED PROPERLY ARE EASILY RAISED Of the 150,000 chicks we hatched we did not have one complaint of range paralysis You Are Welcome To Come And See How The Chicks Are Started It will pay you to get our prices before you place your order. WALTER ROSE THE BRUSSELS POST ..,_,.r..., , plan, fat t'ielsttig I10ane019 was highly 1 tannina'ntic•11' ity our Christian Sts ward Secretary attd was well illi iLtated 1>y MO. Greer. it wa.s pointed rant that the !toed was just ue grr:tt, and the ehellemge '!vas til own out 11abe we really conceit- trated 9111' money, Our possessions a. d cur liveh?" A pleasing 111 tea. hide 1111 the picgranime was e read- ing by Mrs. Walter VanWyvk O+' Winglu'ml, 101101 was thoroughly enjoyed, T1 morning session closed with player by Mrs, C. A. McDonald of Ifensall. A novel feature at the noon ]tour we 3 the "Sandwich Girl' with bur pc ,e`s fro lathe Literature depart, Mont, In the afternoon sosison. "The Challenge of the World to Christ- ianity" was the theme of the wor- ship period, led by MIs H. V. Workman, of Seaforth, and Mrs, Chirstie, of Exeter, A bevy Innpresis,ve memorial ser- vice was conducted' by Mrs. Ham- ilton, of Goderlch, who stated that at this time our thoughts are raised Dm the seen to the unseen, Mrs. Jaanes McCrea, of Chatham, London Conferenre Branch, the guest speaker, brought a. very in- spirational message. She spoke highly of Huron Presbyterial and paid ;special tribute, to the small auxiliaries which fonm0 such a large part of our 'Presbyterial, stating that the missionary work had its beginning in that little group of women who first told of the resur- rection. This should be a chat• lenge to the alnall auxiliaries' not to grow discouraged, but remain firm. She mentioned the contributions Made and saidwe should. not think of it as a duty, but as a challenge front God to make Christian Can- adian citizens. The, world needs more of His spirit,- more of His love, more of His iiifluence," Site stated that the redemption of rhe human race rests in the hands of the mothers in the homes. There- fore, we need Christian mothers, It is very important for, the future of our country that we christianize the youth. lit is the privilege of the W. M, S. to win 'Canada and the World to Christ. A number of points were cleared sup during the opening forum which was conducted by Mrs. W. P. Lane, of G'oderieh. A resolution against the opening up of our 'Sabbath was also brought in and, passed and is being sent to the Provincial and Dominion Legislatures. Mrs. W. B. McCool, of Wingham, contributed a lovely solo at this time. Rev. A. V. Nobb, Bluevale, brought greetings from the Presby- tery. He spoke highly of the work of ttie 'tV, M. S. Rev. J. F, Analersen, of Wingham. installed, the new officers, in a very nicely carried out service. In the re- port of the courtesy cornanittee the thanks of those present was tender- ed the Wingham slociety for the splendid hospitality extended to them. The following isa list of the offic- ers for 1939: Past President, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wingham; President, Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, Seaforth; Vice Presidentsy Mrs, R. E. Mc- Kenzie, 'Seafoeth; Mrs, H. V, Woitknran, Seaforth; Mrs. Robt. Nay, Gowrie R,R. 3; Mrs. Jas. Mc- Gill Blyth, R.R. 3; Mns. Herman 'Powe, Centralia; Recording 'Secre- tary, Ma•s. W, P. Lane, Godericli; Corresponding ;Secretary Miss Cella Christie, Exeter, Treasurer, Miss Mary Milne, Blyth; Christ- ian Steve rdahIP and Finance Sec- retary, Miss .Lawlor Young, Londes- boro; Mission Circle Secretary, Miss Clara McGowan, Blythe; Af- lliaded C. G. I. T, Groups' Secretary, Mists 'Caroline Wellwood, Wingham; Mission. Band Secretary, Mrs. W. Prickard, Clinton; Supply Secre- tary, Mrs. A. 'Cod'clough, Blyth; Community Friendship Secretary, Mrs. It, 110, Peek, Zurich; Literature Secretary, Mvs. J. D. Colquluoun, Sealfoebh; Missionary monthly and World' Friends Secretory, Mrs. W. Wellwoocl, Wingham; Temperance and •0h.ristinn Citizenship Secretary, Miss ]hurl Stirling, •Bayfl ld; Press S0'ckevta'ny, Mins. Leslie Wight Inn., Wing's:int R. 5; Baby Banal Secre- tary, Mrs. J, M. f outhcatt, Exeter; Associate Helpens' 'Secretary, Mrs, 1tf, Aitken, Clinton, PERMANENT WAVES $2.50 Wave for — $1,75 $3.50 Wave for — $2,25 $5.00 Wave for — — $3.00 $0.00 Wave for — — $4.00 $7,00 Wave for — — $5.00 End Curls at $1.50 Etc. Dried Finger Waves 25c BRUSSELS PEAUTY SALON (Over H. 8, Allen's Drug Store) Phone 55X for an appointment 1 Come To Ste.5r , FOR STYLES, UALTY AND VALUES We make it well worth your while to drive here to shop— Large well assorted stocks, very moderately priced await you in every department. • • - New Arrivais LOVELY SPRING DRESSES ,Hundreds of lovely bright new spring dresses in Crepes, Sheers & Chiffons in a myriad of styles Sizes 14 to 46 QUALITY FURNISHINGS FOR MEN $3.75 - $6.75 SPRING COATS What a world of choice here! Smart New Boucles, Tweeds, Velours, Etc., in the best 1939 Styles ALL SIZES ;MATS $1,95 to $3,50 SHIRTS $1,00 to $1,95 TIES 50c to $1,00 Sox 25c to 50c GLOVES 95c to $1,95 ANKLETS 19c to 50c SWEATERS $1,00 to $2,50 JEWELRY 25c to $1,00 $9.75 to $19.50 LOVELY ACSSORIES Gloves • • • 50c to $1,95 Handbags $1, to $2,95 Scarfs • • • • $1,00 Hosiery • • 39c to $1.00 Handkies • • • 5c to 75c, Flowers • • • • 25c to 75c Hats • • • $1,95 to $5,00 SUPER BARGAINS MEN'S CLOTHING SUITS Wehave selected a group of fine suits from our regular stock because the size ranges are broken . Regular values to $23.50 in the lot. . Honest !'.QE `Stewart Bros. value' $1e7 7 i� TOPCOATS Right in the heart of the topcoat season we offer you this Topcoat Sale -- Tweeds, Velours, and plaid back topcoatings in Raglans, Slip'.ons and Fitted Styles Si OTHERS FROM $10.00 UP ALL WORTH $19.50. 5.95 Stewart Bros, Seaforth Rose Brand Chick Starter TAKES ANOTHER LEAP AHEAD WITH THE ADDITION OF 2 % CEROGRAS LOOK FOR THIS TAG ON THE BAG With the same precision and care that has marked the manufacture of these Feeds from a few bags to thousands of bags monthly, we have taken the responsibility of guiding our ever increasing customers who depend on us, into a better, more economi- cal feeding plan—no drastic moves—careful thinking—based on facts. MEANS l{TINGE-,11113..YEAR ROIJ'Ni) ALSO —Lower Mortality, —Better Pigmentation, Feather Bloom and Lustre. —Increased Vitality. Be sure to ask for these feeds by name and have the advantage of getting tender ground grasses in your Chick Ration. DEALER WALTER ROSE POULTRY FARM MAUFACTURED BY E. S. WATT & SONS - Pal merston