HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-5-3, Page 4calling all MO OR1Se II iII II imrirwaeatmsoumwuiaufiausoaamtdwaowmmmmwwaoowrswanimimim Below is a partial list of .acc ssortes. Selling at Competitive Prices Fans—cool the air Radiator Ornaments Rear Vision Mirrors Steering Wheel Muffs Jacks—hydraulic, etc, Tail Pipes for exhaust Hub Caps—of all kinds Flash Lights & Batteries Gas Tank Caps of all kinds Mufflers Fog Lights Mud Flaps Grille Guards Door Handles Fender Guides Wheel Spinners Horns—air blast Clearance Lights Head Light Lenses IF YOUR BATTERY IS TO BE REPLACED TRY Exide Batteries NOW—is the Time to Replace those worn tires with NEW Goodyear Tires & Tubes MAKE DRIVING SAFER and FREE FROM ;TIRE WORRY Call and see them — you are under no obligation to buy — Acetylene Welding — Licensed Mechanic — on all makes of cars Elliott's Garage 'phone 82 Brussels SUPERIOR STORE QUAL.1TY SERVICE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 2 tins for 15c per bottle 15c each 19c each 14c Carnation 'Milk, tall Vanilla, large Mop Handles Bonami, Cake or Powder 20c for ', Lynn Valley Tomatoes 21/2's, large 3 2 tins for 10c Fresh Broken Sodas Dress Gper yd18c inghams per 19c Ladies Suede iGloves . 19c Children's Cotton Hose, sand & black per pr Men's Zipper Shirts, in two colors each $1.00 Ladies' Print Dresses, new Spring styles • • each 98c Girls' Patent Slippers • • ` • • per pr $1.49 WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Ethel, Ont. Phone 22-11 1 i AWEDNIODAY, MAY 91d, 1999 THS BRUSSEi:S PCPST Why write letters and send money orders? Order your ray Chicks through rite --Personal attention, prompt delivery. Gilbert N ethery R. R. 5 Brussels Spring Time Is Here We have the Best and Largest Stock —of • • B, C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES ONTARIO and B. C, LUMBER of All Leading Kinds On Hand Cement Lime Gyproc Board Lath Plaster Coal Wood• and Cedar Posts See Our Stock and Get Our Prices You Y u Bu y We have been advised by the Local Bank that they will advance money on the home improvement plan and its the Better way to do your repairing or improvement as you can always buy better with Cash We deliver your job Free anywhere within reason N. McDonald And Company Phone 77 Brussels, Ont. BLUEVALE The Friendship Circle, senior girls' class of the United Clime'''. Sunday School sponsored an inter- estiug social evening 1n the sell. 1 room of •the church. Mrs.. R. J. MacLennan, class teacher, pre:=ld- et for a short program, A 'male quartet, Rev. A. V. Robb, George Johnston, Wil4 Peacook, and Carl Johnston, sang a pleasing number, A contest in recognizing photos of babies, probided .much, amusement. The nest of the evening was spent playing Chinese checkers, The first 'pd'izes were won be' Miss Hogarth and Miss Isobel McKin- non and the consolation pnizcs weal. to Miss Helen Thomson and Will Peacook. Delicious refreshments were served by the girl's of the class, Miss Dorothy Aitkin, accompan- ied by her friend, Mins' Mildred Mc- Quillan, St. Helensy visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert , Turnbull at London; Mrs. M. L, Aitkin with Mrs, (Rev,) A. E. Mann at St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs John Hall with their daughter, Mrs. W J. Masters, at Parkhill; Mrs. Margaret Rolplr M re. Laura Metall, Eldon Kirton, Mrs, Joseph Curtis and daughter, Miss. Margaret Curtis, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Alexander Morri- son, at Atwood; William Mac- Leod spent Saturday with his brother, John MacLeod, of Wroxe- ter, who is a patient in the Listowel hospital; Jiannes IVLeHardy wan relatives at Ripley; Mr. and Mrs. Alain Gerniiss, London, and isLr. and Mrs, C. H. Garniss, Brussels; with Mr. and Pit's. 11. F. Gerniso: Claude Belsinith, Molesworth, with Mr, and Mars. J. U. Higgins; Miss Janet Robertson, Brussels, with her mother, itlrs. William Robertson; Rev. A. M, Shannon, of London, occupied the pulpit in Brox Preshy- tedian Church on. Sunday. Rev. John McKenzie of Hespeler, will be the minister:next Sunday. WROXETER The annual meeting of the Wo- men's. Institute was held at the home of MIs. L. Van Velsor with the president, Mts. R. Rae in the chair. The roll call was answered by paying fees for the coming year. Miss Goodfellow gave a report on the executive meeting she attended which 'was held in Bluevale. She also gave a splendid demonstration an, "First Aid in The Home." It was decided that Lily Waller be local leader with Dorothy Brown as assistant to attend the sewing course to be held in, the fall. Mar. D. S. McNaughton gave a very in- teresting and helpful paper on "The Emergency Kibchen Shelf,', stating some articles people shouldkeep on hand for unexpected visitors, also a few puiok ,recipes with, which a Person could get up a meal in a short space of time. Another tea - tore of the meeting was ,the ex- ehauge of seeds and roots. The nom- inating committee then gave their report of officers chosen for next year which was as follows: presi• dent, Miss K, Goodfellow; 1st viee- esid.ew Pr L Mrs. r D.My s vat , c a Luton g 2nd vi c e.,pr esi d en t, Mrs. R. Rae; secretary -treasurer, Mrs, Laurie Van Velsor; district clireotor, Mrs. J. T. Alien; Mauch directors, o11,+. Howard Wylie, Mrs, Vern Denny and Mrs. Ross Pope; lunch commit- tee, Mia M. Davidson and Mrs, Clarence White; program commit. tee, Mrs's K. Goodfellow and Mrs, L. Van Velsor; Plen,l,d, Mrs. J. �• ' Allen; press secretary, Mrs D. fi, lmr\auhhdbn; ,auditors, Mrs. R. Stocks, Mrs. J. ,T, Allen, Ft was Mee derided to change the day of meet- ings from, the last Thursday of the month to the firhd_ A delicious lunch was seebed, by the lionOwe, asels1ed by Mr:s. Wearying and a ='nl'.: !.cur teas repent. GREY Mt'. Reuben 3, 'Brewer sold his farm to Wm, Stevenson and sons, being lot 12, concession (1, Grey 7'wp., nelmg the late Wim. Brewer's homestead. Illustrated—Cheerotet '!aster De Luxe Sedan with trunk. fOU'LL get the thrill of your life out of this traveller! You'll know .you're riding the winner the instant you feel the surging power of its Valve -in -Read Engine! And you'll have conclusive proof of this fact when you watch Chevrolet take the lead in moving trafficl it's the fastest -accelerating car in its price range —much nimbler than other low-priced cars! • It's the most powerful hill -climber, too—much better on the grades than any other car of its price! to It's the liveliest of all low-priced cars --first in acceleration, first in hill -climbing, first in all-round performance with economy—and it is also first in sales! Be a "leader" this summer. Know the thrill of being out in front in getaway and on the hills. Own the car combining "all that's best at low- est cost"—the safe car, the spirited car, the sales -leading car—the new 1939 Chevrolet! Low monthly payments on she General • Motors Instalment Plan. The only low-priced car combining "ALL THAT'S BEST AT LOWEST COST!" ADVANCED KNEE -ACTION RIDING SYSTEM Frictionless Coil Springs; Double -Acting Shock Absorb- ers; Ride Stabilizer; Shockproof Dual Cross Steering. STEERING COLUMN GEAR -SHIFT "Vacuum assist" supplies 80% of shifting effort. Simple, posi- tive design. Only 1113 extra. NEW AERO -STREAM STYLING BODIES BY FISHER Long, low and roomy ... im- proved No -Draft Ventilation ... all -steel Body by Fisher with "Observation Cr"avisibility. CHEVROLET'S FAMOUS VALVE -IN -HEAD SIX Volvo -in -head engines have made all world records—on land —on water ---end in the air. PERFECTED tQ^=are-Acsle^> HYDRAULIC BRAKES Maximum effect with minimum pedal pressure . .. Emergency Brake Lover under the cowl at driver's left. CHEVROLET Orval Whitfied -Champion's Garage BUY FROM A BUSINESS- LEADER .. YOUR.CHEVROLET DEALER BELGRAVE Mr, James McCrea has comment• ed work on the section gang at Listowel, Mabel Coates, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Coultes ,is a patient in the Wi•ughent hospital where she underv,'e'nt au operation for acute avi endioi•tis on Saturday. Vlr, and Mns. FI. E. Armitage, re- cent newlyweds, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Young, ATWOOD Mrs. Charles Lucas attended. the funeral in Pont Elgin of her uncle the late Mr. Thomas Cludey who was in isDicksonC. ear• J. Dic r7,b Y \l h was in Kingston last week attend- ing a meting of the Cheese Pro- duc•ers' Association, Word was s'eceiverl in town or the death 01 Moose Jaw, Sask., 01 George H. Coghlin who was' a nat- ive of this village and was in his eStJ1 year, Mrs, .John L Ballantyne., Miss Essig Coghill', John and Al. bent. Coghill', all Of Atwood, are s'is teas and brothers, Mr. Coghlin went West iu 1918. Mr, and Mos. James Ingles have moved. to the home of Mare: Wilson on Math street, Followving a. a officers of the Maple Leaf Institute; President, Mrs. D1 Howes,; vieeipvosldenlet Mrs., L, Galbralth: and Miss Mabel Cogbpin; sec; areas., Miss • Agnes Cnlbdtn; Misses Marie Stmtpson and 1 'fall Coulter were 1.11,00111100 dole. Awes to attend the girls' confer- cnre at 'Plletph in May. When a 'pretty school teacher drops her eyes, her pupils act up. MORRIS Ernest, Jas. and Mrs. Michie, also C. A, Michie, of Hesmeler motored to Saginaw to attend the funeral of a brother, John Michele, who passed suddenly- away Wednesday :Horning, Alpril 2Cxth in Saginaw hospital. He was born in Morris township, 71 years ago, residing in Saginaw for over 50 years where he was engaged In the treat business, Ike is sur- vivek-1 by his wife also, one 'son. John and daughter Gladys. The funeral was held last Saturday afternoou from his late hon eou Howrd St. Interment: in l(talrgrove Cemetery. WALTON The Women's Missionary Society met on the evening of April 2C for the Easter thunk -offering. Mrs, Can',:ving preeined. ;Seldom is It a privilege to See such beautiful slides as those drown by the Misses McGowan of Blyth or to hear slIb an interesting lecture as that given by Mr, Ross. The high:y colored ,pictures were views of CCc'stern. Canada, the west 'coast of united States and. Florida, Mrs'+ Beth Shannon sang It solo. A nn• anlmous coli Croat Mononie1' and Duff's rhuroh'es was extended to Rev, Woods of Sparta, (Intended icor Last Week) The amateur contest held In Wal- ton ce,nnnuntl,ty hall stades' the aus Pines Of Cyt, George's Church provee a decided success, 'There were sev- enteen co ntesItai1Ls in the junior .lrtrt of the program and eight in the senior, All numbers were web deserving of praise. Mr, 'Silos Johnston acted as Major Bowes in a very eilelent jovial manner which added mob to the evenin'g's enter. tainenent. During intermission and while ballots were being, counted the audience was entertained wtta musical selections by the Walton Girls !String Quartette, Mr, H. Shannon, Beth Sivannon and Mary 1-livar,phrles and, by Ross. CardIB oC Brussels. The prize winners in the contest were; Juniors -1st, .Teau MbCall, Lendesboro. 2nd, Jimmie Kelley and Leslie Routledge, Wal• ton; 3rd, Isabel Davidson, Walton. Seniors, -1st, Chas. Workman and H. Rutledge, Brussels'. 2nd, Willis Maclean, Brussels; 3rd, Mr. and Mrs Agar, T. Broome and W. Collins, Seaforth, 'The committee in charge extend thanks and appreciation to all who took part or helped, in any way. Car Accident An accident to which three curs were involved and resulting to in- jury to two persons, as well ae can- sicYerable property tiemage occurred on Saturday evening on No. 4 highway near the town limits, north and didectly opposite Laumce Levis' residence. A. car awned by Bert Johnson, Brussels, was parked at the Levis !tome and o ear striven by Mrs. Vera MeKiblbon of Wingham Proceeding north was met by one driben by Lloyd Canter of Londes- boro at that point. Carter saw the parked car but thought 1•t was mov- ing until he was almost upon it when 11e swung sharply to tete left to avoid, ramming It end collided with. the McHiibbon car, With the force nit' The Impact Derwin Carter, father of Lloyd; was thrown violent- ly against the iusdr•lnnteiSt board and received 7ecoaautious about the head and neck. Miss M. Dinsley in the WInghssn ,ear received face and forehead lacerations and broken hones of the right hand,