The Brussels Post, 1939-5-3, Page 1ir tit Jrui�etg Vogt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, May 3rd 1939 HYDRO SHOWS SURPLUS The balance sheet and operating report for hydro for the vil3age of Brueeele dor year 1938 has been re- ceived, Armetrg the many things it stoves Brussels has a net •proitt .of $460.89 atter (paying a debenture payment of $1757.34 and allowing for depreciation. to the amount of $970.00, There are our debentiree payments to he yet peed. The re• port follower . Assets Distributionsystem. overhead $13,794.49 Line trandforan'ers $ 2,402.70 Meters ,,,,, $ 4,108,62 Street light equipment $ 1,844.50 Old plant $ 2,827:50 Total Plant $26,265.60 In Bank and cash balance $ 5,289.21 Government Bonds held „ $ 5,000.00 Accounts receivable $ 944.71 Equity in Systems ,,,_ $11,522.89 Tobal $49,132 41 Earnings for year 198$ Froin. Domestic service .... $4,573.10 From Commercial light service $ 2,723,30 From Commercial power service $ 737.02 From Street lighting $1,296.00 Miscellaneous $ 202.01 Total earnings, $ 9,631.43 Expenses for year 1938 Power purebesed $ 5,431,57 Distribution, maintenance $ 341.81 Meter maintenance Constmanerv&' premises expense $ 18.00 Street Ligtbdng Maintenance $ 97.47 Salaries and expenses $ 657.74 Debenture paament .,$1,7g7.34 Depreciation $ 697.00 42.61 Net simile's $ 460.S9 Number of (Consumers - Domegtic service Comnimerclal light ,service' Power service 236 64 2 • Total 302 The Women's Association of the United Church are holding a Travelling Tea on Thursday, May llth from 3 to 6 The hostesses are— Mrs. Dune. N. McDonald N Mrs, A. Wilson Mrs. E. Brewer Everyone is cordially invited. The Little Star Mission Band of Melville Church will hold their SPRING; CONCERT FRIDAY EV'G., MAY 5th at 8 o'clock in the basement of the church Interesting numbers by the Band members; Mrs. (Rev.) Wilkie of Teeswater will be the guest speaker. Silver Collection DANCE Of the Season BROWN'S HALL, ETHEL FRIDAY, MAY 5th Finest Modern Music By Harold V. Pym and his 8 Melody Boys Refreshment Booth Admission — 30c Each Come with the Crowds REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Jackie Cooper In , Newsboy Home —with— Edmund Lowe Wendy Barrie MION., TUES., WED. Dick Powell .OIIvia De Ha'iland Hard To Get with Charles Wismtnger Dynamite, Laughs, Romance T,HURS., FRI., SAT. Wayne Marris Priscilla Lane Brother Rat Eddie Albert Ronald Regan •Prom the ,Broadway hit; revolving around the escapades and romances of the cadets at the Virginia !Military Institute -r COMING—. Blondie *****:****. PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * * * * * * Jack Baeker, Toronto, spent the week -earl at hie home here. Mr, Lee Keefer le bask et hie barber chap after a lengthy illness Mrs, Geo, Hanley has returned home atter spending .the winter in Chatham with relatives, Miss Margaret Pearson has re. snarled her position at L. W. Eck - whir store Weir a lengthy illness. Mrs, A, H. Macdonald: retua'ned hone atter a month's visit with relatives in Wharton.. Mr, and Mra, Ken Scott of I3am- ilton were' week -end visitors with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Deadman left for Merlin on Tuesdap and will look after his bees for the summer moieties, iMess Evelyn Cun:Ingham, Reg,S., Brantford, was a week -end , guest with her parents: Mr. and MTS David Cunningham. Boater Stiles, who has just coin• pleted his course at the 0. A. 0., Guelph is Home with his parents Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Stiles. McCurdy Lowry returned home Orem Larder Lake last week after spending the winter working there in connection. with the mines, Franklin D. Turville, K.C., and wide, of Hamilton, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ma Lowry. Mrs, Turville is extending her visit. Mr. and Mrs. 11, L. Jackson re- turned home last 'week after a two week's visit in Godenich at the Juane of the latter's sister Mrs. C. F, Olarke, ,Messrs, Wilt. Lemon, Glenn Hunt- er unter and Leland Prootor were week- end visitors at the home of Mx. Van Hopper, do Detroit, Mrs. Forsythe Sr., who has beeu living alone in her home here for some years moved: out to the home of her daughter, Mrs, Bert Evans lest 'week. Mr. Yank Farrow has, secured a position in the Jamestown store. He will be missed from Willis' delivery wagon where he has been employed the last few months, Rev. W. Hendry, rector of St .7dhrm,'s .ohnroh, accompanied by Jno. Fischer and Harry Bolger of St. George's church Walton, attend- ed the 'Laymen'e banquet in St. Thomas' parish hall, Seatorth on Tuesday evening, Mr. Angus O•amtpbell and Me. 'and Mrs. Bobs Campbell attended St. Joseph's Hospital nurses' gradua- tion exercises in London on Tues- day night in honor of 'their grand- daughter, Mies Ethel Grace Perkins. Word was received here of the death of Helen Shedden wife of Dabid D. Shedden at Janeson Colo., U.S.A., on April 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Shedder were well known is Brussels where he carried on a harness and shoe business for a few years and sold out about • three or four years ago and returned' to the States. His many friends will syammipathize with: him lu his bereavement. - Those who attendee( the Presby- terial in the United Meech, Wing - ham last Thursday the 27th, were Mirs. Wan. Procter, Mise. Elizabeth Downing, Mra, Wilson, Mrs. H. Mc- Kinnon and Mrs, Robt, Strachan and the men attending the Preaby- temlal were Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Mr, Percy Mitchell and Mr. 100, Bates. The chief speaker of the day at the Ladies meeting was Mrs. Jas. Me - Cite, Chatham, President of the London Conference Branch, NOTICE RE LETTERS TO LETTERBOX The editor of the letterbox this week v'a's the reolpient of a letter to be published. This will be done when the party or parties .wishing so, 'will kindly comply with the rules necessitating the signa- ture in full, of writer of letters. This being done, the letters. will certainly be published, gbadly. THE UNITS) CHURCH REV, H. J. MAHONEY, 8.A., B,D, Minister 11 a.m.—Beneath the shadow of the Cross. Communion service 'Membership class and church Tetters. - 3 p.m.—,Sunday School. 7 p.ne—,Evening Worship, May 14th --+Mother's bay Servbeea 'Special Choir. May 21st—p.m.--Y. IP. U. May 28th --Sunday School A'nnivereary uallimMomMONF -,•111.41• BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Obituary* * * April Meeting * * * * * * * Of Council 11 LOCAL WS ITEMS A W A. Baking Sale The W. A. of the United ohureh held a very suecessdiul home made baking sale en Saturday afternoon in the library, proceede of which amounted to $32. A "travelling tea" sponsored by the name organ - leaden will be held- on Thuneday p.m., May 11th, CARD OF THANKS with, to express my sincere bhanke, and apmreela,bion for all the beautiful flowers and expressions of sympathy received by me during my recent sad bereavement, Florence MicNaugiOton. se -no — SOMETHPNG TO LOOK FORWARD TO A Professor Quizz program will be heidi at the Brussels Town Hall, on Tuesday, May 16th, under the auspices of the Girl'& Softball Team. $35.00 wife be gl'ven away in cash prizes. Watch for further particu- lars, Mother's Day Just to remind you of Mother's Day which, comes on May 14th. Give me your orders for potted plants, cwt flowers, etc. Plants will be on display in MTs, Balten- tyne'e window Wednesday, May 10th. Button Holes, 'Corsages• made up for the occasion. Ovoid di'sappointanenit by o'dening early. MRS. M. BALLANTYNE Officers Are Elected By Brussels Tennis Club The Tennis Club held their annual meeting on Tuesday evening when a goodly, number attended„ The offlkiers• for the ensuing year are: Harold Parker, President; Tom McFadden, 1st vice; Miss Jessie Little, secretary -treasurer; Grounds comnmtbtee: George Northwood, Har- old Parker, Gibson Willis, Leonard Walker. The (Club expects to have a geed, year, as this was a new cement court last year and in splendid condition and with new nets the elnb is away to a good start, In The Churches 'Services in the United Charch on Sunday were conducted bp the min- ister, Rev. H. J. Mahoney Who spoke in the morning from Luke 7- 16 °'I have something to say to you. :Services in Melville Presbyterian church on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev. S. Kerr, who spoke 1u the morning drum, Acts 16-30 "They rejoiced for the con- solation' 'and in the evening the text was taken from Psa. 22-1 "The Lord is nay Shepherd,' ' The choir contributed an anthem, Commencing next Sunday, services will be held in the Sunday School while the auditorium of the church is being decorated for the 76th An- niversary of the church which is to take place in June. IServhces in St. Jobn'a Anglican church on Sunday were conducted by the rector, Heti. H. J. Hendry, who took for ,hts morning text Act& 2-7. "Behold, are not all these which, speak ,Galileens. 'The even- ing text was .taken From Rev, 2.29, "He that bath au ear let him hear what the Spirit settle unto the churches," I.0.0.F. Church Service A large number of the members of Western Star Oddfellowe lodge and Morning Star Rebekah• lodge, together with visiting brethren were !present .at the United Olnurcn Sunday evening on the occasion 01 their annual attendance in a body, at Divine Worship, The Oddifellovs met at their hall and marched from there to the church where they were joined bl' the mneanbent9' of the local Rebekah Order, Rev. III. Maloney, pastor of the church addressed them delivering a smlendidl dheedurse based on the text "He hath shelved thee, 0 man, what is good and What doth the Lords require of thee, but to do ineelY and, to love mercy, and to walk humble, with God? Micah 6.8. The choir under the direction at the leader Miss M. Manisa, con• tribttted a deligbitful anthem and n quartette oanmiposed; 05 Misses- D, Wright and H, Beeker add G. Wheeler and( Lloyd Wheeler sang, Alias 22. Davison p resident of the organ with Miss 'Garniss at the plane, REMOVED TO HOSPITAL li"rs. Herbert S.tretten was taken to Seafonth Hospital the fifer Of 1 this week, anti Sorry to report elle 1 Is not recovering se quickly 0s her manly Mends would' tike to bear, Sanderson's Garage Being Renovate( Mr, M. F. Zumbrigg, .proprietor of the Ford' Garage operatedby Gordon .Sanderson 'the back part of the garage is being completely renovated. The local men are put- ting in a new cement flooring with pHs for greasing cars. Also a new roof will be put on, in, near future, Mr. F. Byrne of the Cities Service Ltd'., of Listowel stated that the work would cost about $500 and 80 per cent of the wok would be done locally. ETHEL - The 1st of May, and very little farm or garden seeding done yet. Everybody is getting anxious to go. Potatoes are advancing in price. Last week, John M. Pearson de- livered a fine lot of fat cattle, fed through, the winter by Quest Dob- son to T. L. MdO.onald who shipped then; from Ethel by train, Anther Henry is working on the telephone line. Jim 'Snell commenced work with Ross Cunningham on the farm last Wednesday, ,Mrs. Smalidon's health condition still continues unfavorably, erns. Clifford ,Haggle, Walton was at the farm home of her parents, Ed. and Mrs, Rowland on Coo. 7, Grey, during the past week. A dance with Pyan's orchestra providing the music, is dated. .for. Friday, May 5111, in Brown's hall. Mr. and Mrs, Plumsteel of Clin- ton were guests at Ethel United Church parsonage over Sunday, Johtt A..Snell and son Vernon of Jaanestonvn visited Cecil Bateman and Oar( Amen Sunday afternoon. Feed for livestock is getting Scarce in some places in the com- munity. Owing to the late spring. The Twp, Assesor, John Kreuter has alanost completed. the task of Presenting ass;•esmment notices , James Pearson, er„ died Monday. May let about 9 o'elook p,m., fol- lowing an early Sunday moving attack of heart weakness, Percy Stephenson has had, an attack of 'flu, The Currie family will move to Atwood. Mr. and Mrs, Herold Love and children were week -end visitors in Toronto. Harvey McClelland hes moved his clodk and watch repair bust- ness from J. T. Nicholsons shop, to •Mrs, Mary Gill's at the hotel. leu. Bledk of Blueeale was a heavy buyer of cattle at T. L, Mc- Donald's auction sale, Tuesday of last week. 'Thanks Ore due Ethel fishermen vim so generously and graciously shared their each with their home town, talk. • The funeral of Mrs, J. H. Brown Was largely attended and, was held from Forel Presbyterian church at 2 0'1 ook c p,m. .Friday, April 28, with Rev, W. A. Winker:1e, minister of Cranbrook and Ethel churches eondwotial,g the burial services. W. H, Love was funeral director. In- terment in Elna Center Cemetery, W. A, Brown, and daughter Met- ioly who have been, reselling on Willie Iia'ateter's property near lifted, go to ,Manistee where 21'. Brown has secured employment. Stweet Brown is engaged neer Walton with a Morris Township farmer, The Women's Institute will meet on, Thursday afternoon, May llth, at 2.30 in the township 13011, ,Mrs, H. Stieira (D1atriet President) will be there to give a tack. The motto, will be taken by ilirs, Ames. Time st,bjeot of the Topic will. be 'Hos- pitality. the old and the new The roll Call will be answered by The Paying- of Foes. There will be e mntsicui and literary program. The convenors of standing connnittoos will present reports. Ovary mem- ber i& requested to bring a, friend end enjoy a plensant afternoon, Mb the members. will please bring lunch, * * James MacFarlane This community was shocked and grieved to learn of the sudden pass- ing on Wednesday, April 2641o, of Mr. James. MacFarlane of Con, 3, Grey township, Mr, McFarlane had attended to has usual duties on Tuesday, and as was his habit, re- tired early that evening. He was found dead in bed by ,his son Thounasy early Wednesday morning. A postmortem, conducted by Drs, MdBae and Jamieson of Brussels. revealed that deati, had been caused by a heart seizure aceonupauied by hemorrhage of the brain. While Mr. MacFarlane had been 1n fair health recently, he had been bade fast for several months a little over a year ago with a heart ali- ment and other complications. Apparently he had not made a com- plete recovery from that illness. Deepest sympathy goes out to all those bereaved and especially Mrs, MacFarlane• who was absent from home at the time, She had been called to her sister's home in De- troit to meet a brother from Van. couver whoa, site had not seen for thirty-five years. On a •coast-to- caast tour, •he Das ,making a four- day atop over In Detroit, In happy anticipation et the reunion she had gone on Monday to Detroit. She was accompanied on the home- ward journey by her brother, her sister and brother -in -late. The late Mr. MacFarlane was born, in Amulree, Perthshire, Scot- land in September 1869 and was married tbdrty-flve years ago to Margaret Laing of Perth. In 1914, they and their family of small children came to Canada and settled in Glengarry county where they remained four years, and where two of their children, Welter and Mange were born. They returned to Scot land(.-in.1918, remaining until 1923, during which time, Thomas; the youngest son was born, On their return to Canada, they settled near Luc'know where they lived until 1927, when they purchased• Mei: present hone on Con. 3, Grey. lvr. MacFarlane leaves to mourn his passing, his, wife, ,three sons, Thomas, at home, Walter and Mungo of Grey township, and two doughtete, Mrs. Gordon MacPherson (Jenmdee of 5t. Helen's and Mrs. Sylvester Reynard (Christina) of Grey, There are also eight little grandchildren. The eldest son, Hanish, pasesd away some years ago and was laid to rest in Luck - now cemetery, Two other children died' in early childhood. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon, April 28th, from his late residence, the. servicers being con- ducted by Rev. H. Snell, pastor of Rio Ws. United, 'Church. LSmteranent was made In Lucknow cemetery and Rev, Mr, Wmight of St. Helen's assisted at the graveside. The remains were carried to their last resting place by his three sons, two sons -in -dew and his brother -in. law, James Laing, Beautiful floral tributes were ebi deuce of the esteem in which the late Mr. MacFarlane was held, A man of quiet, home -loving nature, he seldom went out in public, but those who were privileged to knout/ him and to enjoy the hospitality of home and hl* kindly humour valued his friendship and honoured him for his sterling qualities. A man, of diligent lndmsbrious hhtmits, and with high ideals• of honesty and integrity, his .passing will be keenly felt by all who knew bun. Those from a distance attending the funeral included; James Laing of Vancouver, B.C., and Mon, anti Mrs, John Burnett (nee Jessie Laing) et Detori't U.S.rA, Carry Licenses, Or Go To Court, Says Conant Attorney -General 'Gordon Conant warned yesterday that drivers- of motor vehicles mast •Caere their operators' permits with thein or face proseoutiona Issuing instructions to provincial police to ,maintain a close cheek on neodoriotsl Mr. Conant said; "iAny drivers found without finch licenses will be pa'osacuted4 even thougn they (rave licenses but did not bave them with. them, "Under time law they are re. 'mired to carry their licenses," Brussel,,' May 1st, 1939 The Municipal Council of the VII - Daze of Brussels' met in the- Public Library on the above dente, All member's being present. The minutes -of the last meeting being read, it was moved by W. Cameron; seconded by 11, Champion that the minu'te's' be adopted . '—Carried. The following bills were presented:— G. McDowell, April salary .,.. 60,00 R. S. Wan'wdok, April salary 25.00 Municipal World, legal office 1.50 Hydro, street lighting 108.00 Hall lighting 2.25 Dr. Hart, medical services' „ 2,50 Dr, Jamieson, medical services 10,00 Coimercial Stationery, supplies, .81 11, W. Kennedy, adlvertisebnent .50 Bea Walker, funeral expenses.,,'.............a,.....•., 50.00 Ed, Henderson, snow- plowing 3.50 D. N. McDonald, hall coal .,42.40 Listowel Hospital .., 5125 Jos, Kernaghan, .street labor 12.50 E. 'Somers, street labor 12.50 W, C. Keu-r, relief expenses 5.00 Relief for April 106.25 Moved by H. Bowler, seconded by F. Samis, that the aocounts as read be paid. --Carried. .Moved thy F. •Samis, seconded by H. Bowler that we accept the As- sesaueut Roll for 1939 from the Aseeaor. ^Carried, /laved, by H. Bowler, seconded by F. Semis that commencing June Gdh, the Council shall meet the first Tuesday of each month, up to and including October. —Carired, Moved by W. Cameron, seconded by H, Champion that the Court of Revision be held in the Public Library at 8,00 p,m. on Tuesday, June 6.—rOarried. Ort was decided to have George Campbell commence his duties as night constable Wednesday, May 3rd, for the summer ,period. The Reeve was, authorized to appoint a man to look after the Dump for th,e next three weeks, also, have sanitary inspector in- apect all back yards. All premises must be cleaned up by May 13th, Bicycle riding on side walks was also up for discussion, and Chief McDowell was advised to con- fiscate bicycle. There being no funther business the Council adjourned. Annual Football Meeting Held The Brussels, Football Club held their auroral meeting inthe base- ment Gr the Public Library on Fdi- day, April 2Seli before a very small attendance, which, considering the slowing of the team last year OStephenson Chop winners and W. F. A. Finalise) is very hard to explain There, seems to be a lack of "public spirited feeling" which Is so essential to our connmun•ity and necessary to suacesettelly climax any enterprise• entered into for the benefit of our village., and the foot ball team of 1986 brought consider- able business to Brussels and were, generally speaking, a credit to all concerned. d e. The meeting got ander way, and Manager H. Bawled reported a very seiccesefttl season, with a credit balance 'of $28.59 to start off the coining season. To encourage foot- ball it wase decided that the Brussels, 'Club pay the Hough Cup fees for a school team, The officers elected %or 1939 are: President—{Dt, T. T, McRae. Honorary President --D, A, Rana. Vice President—W. C. Kerr. Sir, -Trees, H, Pearson, Managez Alex, Anderson, Ass+t. Manager—J, Bryans, Cnn.elnt--i[3;. Bowler, Reeresemtneive's•—J, Bryans H, Bowler Offltial Gatekeeper -Dr, McRae Peem Captain—R, 0. Fox. Vlee, 'Cltptahn—C. Riley, DEATHS Pearson—an Ethel, on Idon•t1iy, Mit', 1St, 1939, James Peel:Son, ago 88 years, 8 months• and 18 days, Funeral servers will be held! 'tem the United 'Clntroh, )+thea, en Thbxs- day, May 412, Service et '2 ILii Interment la Rruseelt ,Oentteery. ,