The Brussels Post, 1939-4-26, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST Round Trip. Travel Bargains From BRUSSELS MAY 5-6 to CHICAGO 12.55 MAY 6 To WINDSOR 4.15 To DETROIT Equally tow fares from alt •adjacent C.N.R, Stations. For train service going and returning see handbills or consult Agents, CANADIAN NATIONAL -WHAT THE WEATHER DOES A men•chaut was, d8esusei.ng his business problems' in a reasonable sort of 'way whet. a Post repre- sentative, and naturally enough be made reference to the backward ,state of the weather. This was tics -experience: I think we have to take Just as much chance as, the fernier does. 'I admit he hie ne control over the weather and when he putsin. his crop he cannot see ahead to the day of harvest ands have any proper idea oft what he is going to get by way of 'return for his Divestment and effort. "We do muchthe same. We have to base our burying on what we an- ticipate in the way of turnover froml normal weather, This year spring weather has remained so cold that *men are wearing the same overcoats they did in the 'winter time and they have not yet felt ' the need of making a change. But we bad stocked spring overcoats in anticipation of the .usual seasonal detnsanl and we have disposed of owly a few of 'therm. Those who axe in the ladles' wear business are finding it somewhat the same and in some ways they have to take greater ohanlcee because stylus change more rapidly than they 'do in' men'g wear. "I am not asking any farmer friends to feel sorry for men in busi- ness, but merely sugesbing that the :man in business has to take just about as much of a weathenchance as the man who depends on, tlhe land for his living," HOW CAN WOMEN BE GREAT ? Today we hear untch criticism of women because, whilst they have bad for a, considerable time equal status with men, they love not attained out• e :nndttug prominence he any of the fine arts, sciences, or politics. It is quite true we have no women, writers to coanpate with Shakespeare, Ten - 013011 ce. S cont, and no artist to cent-. pipet' with, tlhe great da Vinici. It is a.1ea quite true •we have no unusual composers of outstanding merit, al- though do the interpretation, of o ther's \---erns wounen.s+tattd second to none. Perhaps we must even admit that c ey the name of Madame Curie -eds. out in' the world of .science, and that dw (politics women still play a very small pate, - liewever, would prom r:ence in any one ar all these ,make women in gen- eralgreat? Would • re of snceesls in any one or all of them place women in, the category of failures? A writer once ,said, "If your natue is to live at all St is so much better to have it live in peoplefs hearts than only in their brains." With that statement as our measuring rule, I belivee wo- men today stand out in unsurpassed glory. From: the days of the •Crim - eat War when our beloved Florence Nightingale made her way in and out of dreary wards bringing retie; from Pain and loneliness, women's field of service to humanity has steadily. widened; eine' new it teens a definite part oaf our social structure. There is no way of estimating the hearts that have been giadened, the lives PERMIT CITY CONVENIENCES If your home is in rthe ,country or in a town ,or village not served 'by a' 'Community Water Supply `System, a Duro Pump will supply running water under ,pressure to all parts of your home, barns, dairy -build- ings, etc. Without running water your family cannot have bathroom facilities and ,other conveniences so nec- essary to their comfort, :health and daily work. ,g"......... 4 t.,. +Ilse.,„ 1�Nnn [MCO Duro Water Systems,and Emco bathroom and kitchen •equipment are made in designs and quality to meet the needs of every type df'home. Emco Products Are Reasonably Priced 'The four pieces in the bathroom illustrated -Built-in Bath, Shower,'Toilet and Lavatory - with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost .only $132.00 (Soil pipe, Iran pipe and fittings extra) 'Other complete Bathroom Equipment as low as ADuro Special Pumping System.complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle motor with capacity of 250.gdls,,per hour,,costs only:. $ 87.00 $ 76.84 Can also bo supplied for Gasoline' engine operation thioUcrtiize ,your home NOW. Under .the Government Home Improvement 'Loatt Act, or Duro Finance Plan, the cost of doing so can be spread over a period not exceeding three years, Pull le- formation.+and•free booklets oh request. WILTON & GILLESPIE Har4ware Store BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 68 'EMPIRE 'BRA'SS'MFG.'00., 'LTD. 'Loudon Hamilton Toronto. Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 239 that leave been ::tt1'edi, the difficulties of incliviettele there have 1)000 .salved by wonlenee nelnis'telatiouts anti social services, 1f there is emy eriticierll is this geld it tnlh only be that women levee Mit' yet had. time to realize that they etre Citizens not of any sd1l. le com- munity or country, but of 'the world, and that •they must extend their knowledge and sympatbles to include the 180es weenie they deo not fully undensbaud, Wben that Ideal he's been attaiuetl woolen will reign, "i11 the hearts, al the people" and the great majority fulfilled as completely as It might be`ie other more spectate ala_ fcrms. . LET US LOOK AT THE PAST Sere i.rs ytema Talons Pr',otrn Files of the Post of 60 end !d Ysare Apc 50.. YEARS AGO C RA N SROO K A heavy draught mare sold at Peter McDonald's: sale Lost Saturday afternoon for the large anal of $231. WALTON Al the vestry meeting held last Monday 4n eonectiom with St. eeoyge'8 Chercli; R: Feigns= was elected Mini'ster's Wlarden and W. Smith, People's Warden, Adam Sholdlce and echo Hewitt, Sidemen and R. H. Ferguson, Delegate to Synod. BLUEVALE Attamand and Fenton Hartley were home Brom 'Clinton 'Collegiate Insti- tute for .their Easter vacation. • • • • Mr. MacEwen, our new teacher is doing his work nicely end gives promise of filling his positions well. GREY E. V. Smith was for a week's hold- diay from the Ciituton High S•chooI. • Hymnmeal-Ont Wednesday of this week at the home of Hartwell Seek. anti 10th con., was the scene of a veiny interesting event, viz: the marriage of Joseph Whitfield, 12611 con, .te Miss Mare' Speiran, The ceremony was' penfonmed by Rev. J. H, Dyke. • Miss Eliza Seeirany sister to the bride was' brid.esnnaid and E. A. lehertdn, L,D,S., of Beuesels, the •grocmrsnnan. A large number 0f irsetul gifts were made to tote bride They wall continue to reside in this township. BRUSSELS Mrs, Hnggan 0f Walkerton is visit- ing Miss Roddick, • • • Firs, Samuel Pearson, returrted home from visiting in London and Michigan, • • • Mrs. James Oliver is .in Toronto .visiting eke. Leckie. • • • George Gannie of Attwood called on friendis there. • Rev, W. E. Kerr of Owen; 'Sound occupied. the pulpit at the Methodist °hiutch last Sunday. 25 YEARS AGO BELGRAVE M.1e. John VanOamp, who died at the home of John'Coeltes, her son -in. law, was apnvamdls et 80 years of age. John VanDamp, 6111 line, Morris, Is a son. t w 0 At the organization, meeting of the Eriwcritln League held in the Belgrsve Meth•od:let Chiuroh on Tlettee ay even- ing, A0)nil 1611, the following officers were elected for the cowling year: Honorary President, Rev. J,'W, dell- patllioh, B,A; Pres„ Ciaytan, Proc- ter; 1st vicepres., Mrs. W. 3. Proc- ter; .2nd vice4pees,, Miss nine Soanldinett; 3.rtl vice -pros,, :Miss Edi'ti1 Procter, 4th vice,pres„ W. J. Procter, Rec: Sec„ Girl Procter; Cor,-Src„ Mies MY Roser; Tneasmrer, Miss Carrie Stonehotrse; organist, Mrs. (Dr,) •Stetvallt; Asst. Organist, Heirs B. Hopper, WROXETER Dem Due& of Elmira is the nest 0f her son, Irwin Olivet. • • * David Robinson made a business -trip to To roam • • • • T. W. Jacklin teed:muted from Sellar Current, Sesk„ ore Monday, • • • Mr. au14 Mrs, Jantes Fox of Brits• eels, vi:oltelt] o•1c1 11(10010 here. ETHEL Miss Wien of 51115sels has given sit leer imlusical class here. Mrs,Robt*Initclt9e *and c.hiltiren NOPNVSIDAT, 41PPRLi, 200h, 1.929 01 Seetoptll T0418111(1 1101110 after reending an en!Joyable woelt with leer )rrrentseir, and Mrs, Ed;Fletcher, TFMllewing, a ire *111: o11cees for the Ep'wortil League for the lnooming teen. 2-100. Pree„ Rev, X. A Meleel- vey; Pres., .li, J, Slel11anone est vice- pres„ .asap San(exa; 2,114 vice -Pres., Marie McDonald; 3rdi viee-31'•es., Lizzie Chambers; 4hh vioepres•, Alvin. MC1iee; 5th vice 11res., Mrs. McGuire; Rev: Sec., Roy Hall; 'Cor, - Sec., Lueila Henry; Treasurer, Alex (•011108; Orgaariad Della McKee; Aset,-0rgoanist, Pearl Dobson, Leila Vodden; League Choir Leader, Ms. Sleightitolm, GREY Mists. Maggie Robertson has gone a visit to :her sister. 011, Miss Olive La*e' ireturned home fronr lielmore, 1'11: Erxirgeotr of Wawarnosll was renewing o1(1 friendships be Morris this. week, • ( • Wm. Findleter was a visitor at the home of 0115(1es Howlett, Brussels last Sunday, Miss Stella Speiran of Goderich, has been visiting relatives in. Morris and Grey Twp, CRANBROOK Will. Sierran, was at Listowel last week. A. Raymonm•and ,los, Noble went M London on Monday, • * * Mir, and Mee. Purvis went to Toron- to on Saturday, S. Dunn has. improved his property also Walter Pennington., by having trees' oto the' hill East of the barns out down, BRUSSELS Miss Simmons •08 Wroxeter, is vJsiting with Mrs, John. Simmons of Brussels, hese Kate Deadman purposes leav- ing for Toronto where she will pur- sue a training course as nurse. Mrs. Wan. Piynw is visiting her sister in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Robinson and Miss Robinson of Grey Township moved to 'Brussels last week. NOTE AND COMMENT Britain has all the Brew guns need- ed toe her army for the present. Strange people over there. who, could go ahead and make their Been guns without an investigation, a dispute or an argument. 'Sunday school teacher in No, Caro- lina told a child she had put a poor penny in the e,olleetion, When it was scrubbed up a bit it eves found. to be a $2.60 gold piece, And after that it had no chance of finding its way to the colloc'tioui plate. Aman, in. Loudon Mole three sleets: from a store and was sent to jail for three months. We have a feeling the ntagisttate must have been cue of those lads at school who liked hie arithanetic to come out even. Thus. - onee shirt equals one month. ,Coal was shipped, into Ontario treat United Stades, and now that coal is scarce there owing to a strike 11 15 being shaped back even, Strange ways we have of dealing with eamodelies which cost us nothing to crease in, the first place. One estimate is that a .billion a year is being paid in alimony in united States, and ,two billion. to lawyers and counts for what is called "Ironing ort" the troubles, The weakness• is the Ironing is finish- ed in such a way that It hes to be done over again. Pcterberough, resident paid 56 rents Baty on book which raise from New York, and he is still wondering why, heitad to trey Any ditty at all on it, it was not protecting any ('lrntsdian In(11181(3' nnid '1115 only remote he can discover le that the government wanted. or (needed the 56 trolls, The charge was' macre in the On- tario Legislature that only a Grit hard a enhance today of securing a place with tine provind•ia1 police, Liberate securing ,positions. when lLlbervrl government's ere In power a1r'e1 Cor1- servaC1V0a doing the Immo tiring wheh.11teir friends are 11) office cn.e Hardly, be regarded as any;bh1ng par. tionlarly new. HOWdek Coupe l Corrie, April 19th, 1939 'rhe Council beet en the Clerk's ()Mee to hold their regular monthly meeting, The lnenrlrera were. all pre•semt, The Reeve, .1. W, Gamble in the chair. Moved by •Strong an•d Weir that the minutes of last regular meettleg, as read, be adopted, -Carried. Moved by MdlCallu.m anal Strong tihet 111e tender of R, H. Gerson & to steeply gasoline, oil, etco„ for Power Grader for the year 1939, be accept- ed, -Carried, Moved by Strong, that whereas the equalization, for Couudy Ptucposes, 018 compiled for the :equal of Huron, by Messrs, illogg & Quinlan, is 1n the opinion of this Council, tate and just, Therefore we, the Council of the Township of Iienlaick hereby express our approval of said equalization, and trust that our Reeve and Depwty. Reeve will give it their support as it now stands, without any alterations. -'Caa•ried, Moved by Weir end Balzer that this Council renew the insurance on the Tomnlship scads for the year 1939 with Lloydts of London. -Carried. Moved by Weir and Baker that the time for elle return of the Collectors Rolls be extended to the May meet - lug, -Carried. Moved by Weir and 'Strong that the following bills be paid. -Carried. Isaac Gamble, part salary as. clerk 35.00 J. J. Musgrave, meals• for transients Isaac Gmble, 'preparing Deed far Douglas' Holt .... , ,, 2.60 W. R, Fraser, M.D., Bring- ing Ira Huanmison from•. Toronto Pla11et Printing House, cash books for Treasurer 1,.20 J. H, Rogers, express on books Norman Wade, Ineuranoe on Twp. Roadls for 1939 ..,,..,-. 203.00 County Tress., hospital ex- penses for Ira Hunrmison 69,50 Rosa Sandersau, wood for Ttvp, Hall, Wroxeter Municipal World, 'Collector's Rolls and aup;plies. R. H, Carlson & 'Son, supplies for Twp Hall Ete. 105 Relief, for Meath 44,99 Road Eppendituses Wen, Reis, J•r., snow roads Nieman, Reis, s'naw roads. Harvey Retry snort' roads Fred Locking, ditch & ditdhing 6.00 5,00 ,50 4,50 17.45 2.00 2,00 2.80 7,00 Milton Weitz, -SUM roads 1.00 Wilford Wertz, enone roads ,,,, 1,00 Earl Ridley, snow loads , 100 John Gamble, Spon' roads 4.00 Earl Moore, snow roads and tongue in Grader 5,00 Jolts. Findlay, snow roads & broken. plow Harry Gowdy, smow roads' & broken plow 13.49 Sohn. Willits, snow roads 4,50 Harry Edwards, snow roads, 3.80 Howard Nichol, srsow roads 2,40 Harry Metcalf, snow roadis ,,,, .60 Gordon, Wright, ,snow roads and broken tongue & douiblelbree, disk 22.80 John Ferguson, snow roads , 2.20 Harold Boyd, cutting twee ,.,, .40 Donald Webber, .sorrow roads ,. 6.70 Frank Wiliest, snow roads .,,. 1.60 Wm, Sangster, snow roads ,. .80 John, Wright, •snow• roadie ,,,,,, 2,20 John Montgomery, Supt, ealary, March & April ,,,,,, 25,20 Walter Reddbn, snow roads8.60 Norman Koehler•, slaw roads 2.50 Wm,. Wilson, snow roads .20 Geo. Ashton, snow roads .,,-,,.50 Geo, Salndesrson', Snow •roads , .50 David Walker, snow roads 1,00 Cecil Wilson, snow roadis ..,,,, 2.40 John Cowan, smote roads 1.40 E. Balton, welding casting .,,, 100 Roy Vegan, suo0' roads 43:75 Robert Brown, 811onv roads ,,,, 1.40 Wilford Brown, snow roads ,. 1.00 Cleve Vette, snow roadie 1.00 Archie Steuened, snow roads 1.00 Wesley Underwood, .snow roadis Everett Wnight, anew road's „ Thomas Weight, snow roads „ Frank Coles, snow roads Garrard King, ditchtng Jolntt Hannah, teaching elem. Stewoot, dlbching , H. Eastman, dit,chnig George Leonard, dibahinlg Chas. lylliatt, dile ` Earl Balder, snow roads Geonge .Baker, allow roads ,,,, Adernt Gra.hamt, snow roads, -,,, Geo, Peteltsdxeieb, mow roads Leslie McLeod, snow roads „ Wilmot Craig, snow roads .... Airlhde Irwin, snow roads .... Magr.ford li'wln, enemy road's ,,,, Thos, Strong, mow roads) „„ Richard Gettfbtlty mow roads. Aller( Griffith,, 81100' roads ,., A9ben•t beatz, eeonv & ditching Wm, Hood, snow roads 16,50 5.40 6.00 2.00 COO 2.80 1.00 1,50 3.40 .60 11.25 4.00 6.60 1,80 ,80 .80 .80 6.40 6.40 4,80 5.80 2.90 9.30 2,40 `I wonder if Jim will call tonight?" Do you daydream in the evenings? When somebody like Jim is in a distant town and seems ten times as far away as lie really is? And then the telephone bell rings - nue theres 7im1 "Hello Jim, I was hoping you'd call!" , , rs there ever a time when a cheery $ 1�voice frontier away B.M. is not welcome$ When the telephone ' bell announces it you feel grateful that there are still people who think about you. -and prove it by Long Distance. And Jim says: "Only 65 f ?" • People who use Long Distance service are always surprised howlittle it really costs. Ranking with smaller budget gems like movies, cigarettes, laundry and shoe repairs, Long Distance telephone calls don't touch your pocketbook seriously -but do always touch your heart. LONG DISTANCE costs so little! ,rim's call cost only 65c and it travelled more than 200 miles. By using lore Night Rates applying, as well, all day Sun- day -and placing "Anyone" calls -you can talk a long, long way jor just a very little. Erhardt Hili, snow roads L201 David ,Oafltpibell, smow roads 1.20 Anson Wolfe, bolts for grader .40 Richard Waiters, snow roads 3.30 Everett Arsns.tdong, 511080 roads 2.40 John Armstrong, snow roads 9.40 John Al1nettrong, snow roads. .40 Nelson: Armstrong, snow roadie 1,20 Lindsay Galbraith, tsanow roads 1.20 Bruce Armstrong, snow roads 1,20 Rich. At1n1 tr0ng, snow roads. 1,20 Win, Boehler, snow reads ,,1,211 Wm, Faster, stow roads ,,,,, ,. .80 Enos Donaghy, snow roads .,,, .80 George Harris, snov' roads ,... BU Harold roerter, suow roads 13.40 Catrt S9i.oemaher•, sorrow roads, 1.05 E, G. Danny, snow roads & grading 7.44 IOd, liillinger, snow roadie ,,., 10.30 Chas. Rillinlger, snow roads 1.60 li9.,0o1d DIckkeet, snow roan ,. 1.30 Walter Zeigleae snow roads,.,, 1.70, Norman, eicLood, snow roads 2.00 Moved by Stroatg and. •llttoker that this Connell do haw. adjourn, 'tn. meet In, the unleted 1Chmreh, Ball, Irordlwtch, on Thursday, May 15th, err a1, tyre nal' of dere Reeve, ---Carried. c (IA mile, Clerk,