HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-26, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST w10DNIRSDAY, APRIL, 2e111, 1eale
Another New Smart Ups
To -Date Novel forlYour
Enjoyment. Starting in
This Week's Issue.
The Doings of Diana
By Pat Moore
The Doctor's Decision
Diana Lewis lay back on her
plata.' and watched the broad back
of Major Reed, the senior medical
officer of eke district, follow her
mother out of the room, She heard
them go out on to the verandah,
heard her father's voice calling to
the bearer to bring drinks, then
came the steady, subdued hum of
Gaguely she wondered what they
were settling about her, but she
was really too tired to care !much,
whatever the derision emtgbt be.
Itawes not that he had had ante
definite illness, but aII the Savour
Sad appeared to go out of lite, and
things had 'become mare and more
wearisome Epi one day she shad
fainted in the midae of a tennis
tournament at the club, and had
been, in, bed ever Mace, though
that was mare than a !week ago
The doctor they usually had, a
cheeztfal but somewhat irresponsible
junior, bad adnni'tted himself
frankly puzzled, and it was at his
request that the great man had
beee called in'.
After a. while Dianna gave ea wen-
dertng, It was really too much
trouble, the hum of voices mingled
inexplicably with the drone of a
mosquito, which was vainly trying
:to :find an entrance through the
curtainswhich covered her bed,
and she dropped off to sleets.
eleamtime are anxious conference
-was' taking place on. the veranda,
',where f t was delightfully cool now
that the sunhad set.
"Conret1tetioneldy your ,dttughiter
is quite strong," declared Major
Reed, taking a pull at the long
glass which the bearer bad handed
to him," the trouble is khat you
have lett her too Iong out in, India.
What she needs is at least a year
of English air. That will set
her up and make her perfectly fit
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis exchanged
ddsniayed g'lanees: They .both
knew that there wee not the slight-
est hope of Mr. Lewis pelting any
leave from his work on the railway
for at least another two years.
"Do you mean that she meet go
at once?" asked Mrs. Lewis wist-
"The sooner •the better," affirmed
Major Reed, taking another drink
and making the little wedge of ice
tinkle pleasantly against the side of
the glass. "I should like her to
get out aext month, before it's too
.hoot in the Red Sea."
'It's going to be very difficult,"
sighed Dianna's father, "You see
my wife and I are in, the curious
position Ise having no relatives to
who nave could send her,"
"There must be thousands
C'll=sNnPsuor CUIL
Simple "mask
box" makes It
easy to take pic-
tures with trick
"f re mes." Above,
"keyhole" 'sic-
ken. Right, box
phowing placing
of camera and
cut • out - mask.
tipper right, various cut-outs: keyhole, gothic window, field glasses,
stairway window, giant cactus silhouette, porthole and rocky cave mouth.
C+NAPSHOTS with trick 'frames"
mull are easy to take, and fun to
show. You can get pictures appar-
ently made through keyholes or
held glasses—and many other novel
Obtain at ordinary Cardboard box.
It should be about twelve Inches One
way, and eight inches or more the
other two dimensions. Exact arse
Goean't matter, Cut a hole In the
Salddle of one end, a bit larger than
Tour camera lens. Cut a large open-
fog in the opposite end, and over
?lila Placea large "keyhole" Out out
f ear
Of deo
drawing ( serve
It is a good idea to paint the inside
Of the box black, to guard against
stray refiations.
Now, Place the box on h 1irlds Mlle
the small rear opening, and adjust
box until it frames the scene you
want to picture, Line up the camera
with the rear opening, as shown—
and take the picture. Use a small
leas opening, making a "time" ex-
posure 1f the light requires it.
Por other effects, Just use a dif-
ferent cutout, such as those shown
above. Make cutouts with airnple
outlines. When you use a cheek box
twelve inches long, a cut-out open•
ing about six inahes high or wide is
usually satisfactory, After your first
roll of pictures, you can tell if iarger
or smaller masks are preferable.
Since the b ut•out
ere close
to the lens, they will be somewhat
out•of-focus and "fuzzy." This helps
coheeal the faking, and adds to the
eports Mee tea table, Sight through ¢.tees
john van Guilder
people in Englantd nvho would be
willing to reneive a girl lute their
homes as a paying finest for a
year," commented the major,
"Yes, but how doers one get in
touch .with askedtetra.Lewis,
"1 think 1 ten help you there,"
said Major Reeel, "I know a woman
In Kent who has. a sort of boarding-
house. if you seat Miss Lemis to
her, 1 am sure she would take the
greatest care of her."
The peewits enchanged another
"We could not possibly send her
without making the most particular
said Mrs. Lewin doubtfully.
"Ole I .can guaraintee that Mrs.
Hurst la all fright. My wife and I
stay with her for a felw weeks when
we were on leave last year. She's
a kind, motherly old, soul, and
would make your daughter feel at
home. Think. It ober," are adde, as
he pulled leimeelf out of his long
chair, "end let me know, tben if
you do decide to send Misr Lewis
to Mrs. Hurst I'll write her a line."
Long after hem parents, had gone
to 'their .room wheel was next to
hers, Diana could near thea! talk-
Ing, as a subdued hum through the
thin wall.
When, her mother bad come in to
see her after the dootor had, gone,
Diana had asked what he had said,
but her mother had put her off with
some bague remark that he had said
she needed a cbange, and the girl
had fent too weak and tired to press
for any more explicit information,
When the next ale mail left for
Eugtantd it carried with it an
anxiousayworded letter to tee ewn-
er of the bending -house in Kent
and a cheque to pap for a cable in
Meantime Me. Lewis had discover-
ed that there was a vacant berth
to be bail on the Marisha, which
was due to leave Bombay in three
weeks' time. Fortunately, the other
occupant of 'the two -besot cabin
happenedto be a slight acquaint.
arc( of 'theirs,
"R's all so lucky,' remarked
Mra. Lewis; wee. for the Sake of
her husband was deteanined to
take a cheerful view el the situa-
tion, though is realty fele could
not Year the thought of Dlawa.'s
leaving ttheenv, "we shall be able to
ask Ilea Nainnt to take care of her,"
Mr. Lelwis smiled, drily,
"From the very little I know of
the lady,' he remarked, "I should
say ease is more likely to let Diane
take care of her."
Diana wag told remising of the
areatebements which were being
made until they were all complete,
and when at last the news was
broken to her, she was inclined to
he SS' rebellious• as her somewhat
ltmdted streinigtdu permitted,
"I don't want to go away and
leave you both," elle aroteeted,
"and I .shall simply hate being
stuck away In a beastly boarding-
house all by myself for a Year,"
"Oh, but it .isen't a beastly
boarding-house," her mother soma
ed her soatlainyly, Meador heed
has been !there, He assures 1.30
that it is a very nice place Indeed,
and that, Mrs, Hurt, the old lady
Who Peeve it, is a perfect deer,"
"Than; thinfk how you'll enjoy
the voyage," put in Mr, Lewis,
Dianna passed a band through
the anop of dards brown curls which
adorned her head,
"1 shell not
love tale V0 e
Ya " she
aid with, a sort of weak vehemewce,
"I shall eitnpt'y loathe it, Oh, don't,
send rule away from you both," she
"Darling, You must go," Mrs.,
Vol vo,nt Io,m t• which
sseato eo b. ,meted"
Leivei told he; "the Major says it
is the only •way for MI to get
really etrong again, and atter all
It's an,, for a year, You've n•o
idea hcw quietly the time will pass
when you are enjoying yourself In
"Eojoydng myeeiei," said Diana
They decided to leave that side of
the tiueeitton alone for the moment,
"tee nal a strcke. of luc,le," said
Mr. Lewis cheerfully. '•We brave
been able to get you a berth in a
cabin ytth Mrs, Nairn, and else will
look after you, I dont suppose
you reanemrber ler, but else lunched
withtie one day, just tater you ledit
school and came out here, on ser
wsv through to Murree."
Diann gave vent to a feebly little
la ugh,
"Of course. I rememirer her,'' she
declared; "didnPt else label her lug-
gage all wrong so tihat it waseput
into another tails bound for good -
nese know's where, and thee left her
handbag with' all her money and he
ticket in' it here, so that you had
to drive baoit from, the station. at
break -meek speed to fetch. it,"
"That's the woman," Mr. Lewis
nodded, delighted thee her thoughts
had been diverted, if only for a
moment, •frcan the coming eepara.
"Then in that case," Diana an.
nortnced, "I think It's just as' well
teat I am a fairly responsible per_
son, and: quite well able to look
after myself, because I much doubt
If I shall get any laking after from
Both Mr. and Mrs, Leyis went to
Bombay to see Diana off, the jour-
ney was hot and wearisome, so that
Diana arrived on board nether more
dead than alive.
Mrs, Lewis promptly hustled Iter
tete her bunk, and gave lnnumer
able instructions regarding her to
the stewarde'x•--Tor Mrs. Mira had
net yet e1rived on board.
"I hope she 'will turn up all
right," remarked Mrs. Lewis ap-
prehensively to her husband.
"Ole she'll turn, up all right," he
replied comfortingly, 'just as the
Marisisa is about to cut her. cable.
At the present moment she's prob-
ably dashing around Bombay In, a
taxi, se0rcbtyng wildly for the boat."
Mr. Lewis' prophecy that Mrs.
Nairn would not turn up 1111 the
very last moment was fulfilled. The
bugle had already beers sounded as
a signal that all visitors must leave
the skip, when, else dashed, up the
gangway, followed by a small esowd
of coolies staggering under suit -
cane, hat -boxes and bundles of
rugs and. umbrellas,
"My dear people, did you thipk I
was never comtDg?"' she cried as
she encountered ,MR. and Mrs. Lewis
at the tops of the gangway,
"Well, we were getting a little
nervous," Mrs, Lewis confessed,
"I was afraid you'd be worrying,"
said Mrs. Naar!, "but my fool of a
teed -delver took me to the wrong
Mrs, Lewis avoided looking at
her husband, for fear that she
should laugh outnight at this, earry-
i,ptg out of arts predfotiOn. Inateaed.
sbe began to give Mrs, Nairn a
little last minute advice, as to the
great care, wbtch• Diane still needed.
It was a little dafecula, however
to make herself beard' above the
(14.11 which was going en around. her,
the shrill Dries et the pouters, the
blest, of the ship's sirens and the
stentorian voice of a steward, an-
nouncing that it was, time all
Welters went aslsere, To add to
her difficulties Mrs. Nairn wee not
paying very much attention to what
she wee' aeying, brut kept on inter-
rushing their oonwensation every
few minutes to shout directions to
her owe particulate coolies, as to
went they were to do with her
1u the. end Diana's parents' were
the veiny last eitsitoes to leave the
ship, and the men were standing
waiting to take away the gangway
as soon as tiuey bad descended it.
'Now don't worry about Diana,"
Mre, Nairn sailed to them is her
Tether higlupidched vette, as the
,ship began to move away from the
side, "I'll look after her, ao there's
not the sldgbteet need for you to
Wean Mit by the long hot journey
Diana was dozing lightly, when Mrs.
Nelra, buret in upon duet.
"There you are," tete cried gaily
as she leaned over the buetlt and
Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderteh, Guelph, Hamilton, London,
Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. 'Catharines, St. diary's, Sarnia,
Stratford, Stt'athroy, Woodstock,.
To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall inotuitive, Uxbrdige,.
Lindsay, Peterboro, Cempbeilford, Newmarket Collingswood,.
Meaford, Midland, North .Bay, Parry 'Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and
West to Beardmore.
o," Fara. Rctum Lionise, Train i'ntom,ation, Touts, consuls nearest Agent. See Handbills.
lamed' the girl, "sty dear, You do
look a poor mieeaable creature."
Diana, Tito was utterly wreteJhed•
after the parting yltih her parents,
and hated! the thougnt of the long,
lonely tense ahead of her, did not
think that this greeting was .calcis
late to make her feel eery- more
cheerfuil. "Tan bery much better
than I wast" see declared, a trifle
"Oast well, I'll look after you
and' you'll anon be better,' 'said
Mrs. Nainjn, "I'tnt. an. excellent
nurse, all my friends whom I have
ever looked after say eo, To begin.
with I'fa thump tsar your pillows. and
make you. more comfortable."
Not bidding' Dlana's protests. that
the was Decfetratly e0mfontable, she
insisted! on thumping up, the
pillows, and In so doing succeeded
he thoroughly disarranging themt.
Before Mrs. Lewis lett the boat
she had unpacked Liana's cabin
trunk and arranlgetl, her frocks.: In
half the available banging accom-
This arrangement, however, did
not not please the newcomer. She
proceeded to dreg Diana's trunk out
from under the bunik, and sweeping
dbw'n• the clothes front the hooks,
bundled them back into it.
',My dear child," was all she re.
plied! to Diana's. protests, "you doeilt
look as though • you will be fit to
leave your bunk, till we get tato
Tilbury, seWhet is the use of hav-
ing all your fucks banging about
the Ceftin? It I put theem, away
there will be so much more room
for antiage. Now what did that
wretched coolie do with my little
het -box "
Captain Marlow
Mag, Nairn was right when she
announced that Diana would not
be able ,to leave, her' bunks for soave
time, but things were not quite so
bad as she made out. Although it
was very hot ln. the Indian Ocean. a
•certat namount of breeze found tis
way in tlhroupht the open porthole,
and Diana gained: strength, daily,
till on. the day after they left Aden
behind: them she was able to dress
and crawl upora dock for all hour or
Suggest Plan
For Highway
Toronto — lenitinuslaSt'ic approval
from every edotion of Ontario la
being registered today to the high-
way safety Proposal made lately
by Mini.saer of Higlttways Heol, T, B.
The plan; tailed for a marked re-
duction in haglayay tnafflo acicfdents
during the next three months as a
tribute to th,e Kivtg and Queen dur-
ing their forthcoming visit to 1
IMr, MeaQueaten today released a
recent appeal made try the King to
Batietls, meteriets. His Majesty, he
said, had been aotive In safety
work ea Great Britain during the
Paste i6 yeanis, ends bads issued the
fallowing statement in his capacity
of royal batron Of the National'
Safety Fins Associations of Great
The message read:
"Every day 600 citizens are kill-
ed or injured on our reads (refer-
ring to Great liitain•, meetly be-
cause oe somebody's thotughtless»
'This message to you is the earn.
fhee DPW/alai cooperation being giv-
en by the presie and radio through-
out Ontario, manly people in. public'
Or eeml public posttlons could make
a detlnite contribution in tunthering
highway Safety by virtate of the
tel ,Y d
He suggested that the safety o;f
,tire "King's leIghway6" coulld 'be
increased if pneacbiees, magist latee,
Boy Strout itnd Ode Guide Madera,.0
se0ooltentless, police officials, ser-
vice and 'women's• club members,.
employers, Sunday school superin—
tendents, motor club officers, and
beads o mntndcepal, townslutp and
county goivernments would exert.
every effort in their power in bring-
ing the Kong's aipmeal for highway
may to the ea -anthem of emery
motorist and. pe:Mae: tan, every child.
and adult with whom they came in -
meiaceanent of the national road.
safety campaign, to reduce 'theee:
dreadful casualties.
"To avoid accidents, he courteous
and alert„ Give spOedaL considera—
tion to the aged,, the ini8in4 anee Mss'
Ferr yovnl.
"The highway code Is a code of.
good road manners. Let us ;a1L
iOyallp observe it, end, make the.
aphis of goodnvfit the keynote of 00E'
behaviour on, the roads."
ills. McQuesten ,deciared Mita
King George's appeal. should 'be"
acted on by his' aoyial subjects
Ontario jusee as mach ai 10 ,the
Brltieh Isaea The Icing's state-
ment, he added, contained all lite
essentials, necessary ,to the ,safety
of motorists and pedestrians..
In response 1.o many itequtrtea
asking- 'wihet can we do to promote
this work," ' the Minister of High,
wars, suggeeited that, in addition t4
Ethel, Ont. -- Phone 22 -tit
General Insurance Agent
Barrister. Solicitor, Etc' '
Phone 203 Brussels, ant
Estate Agent, Conveyances
and Eonanl'issioner
Genera( Insurance
Wil, Ontario
James McFatean
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance
Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado Insurance
—Automobile Insurance
'Phone 42 Box 1, Turnberry St
Brusettas, Ontario
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Phone 36, Brussels
Brussels, Ont.