HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-26, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST Oranige Pekoe It lend SALAD SQA 11 hs TESTED RECIPES * * * * * * * * * - :k SPRING -TIME FOODS At this time of ,the year there is a natural desire for even the simp- lest dishes to be served. in spring- time dress. 'Homemakers try to meet this desire by 'presarifl3 regu- larly fused foods in new, appealing ways and by serving the various spring foods as soon as. they cone on the market, SUGGESTIONS .FOR LUNCH Devilled Eggs a la King 6 bardtbol•lecl eggs • salt, peipper, mustard, butter 2 tablespoons' chopped green pepper (may be omitted) tahlespons butter 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons chopped pimento 2, lb, mushrooms Cut eggs in hal'bes, after removing shells. :blas)). yolks. .Season with butter, salt, pepper and mustard and red a whites of eggs yith mix- ture. `Make Made, o1 butter, soul' and milk, cooking green •pepper in the butter. Adld pimenta and Marls roams, sliced and sauteed in a little butter, Season totaste WWII Salt and pepper.' Arrange tIWO halves at eggs on buttered toast and. pour sauce over et^$e'. If preferred eggs may be cwt in pieces and added to sauce. Sandwich Loaf Remove crust from loaf of bread. Slice lengthwise into four slices. Butter two slices onboth sides and other two slices on, one side. Put slices together as' sandwich,, using fillings as follows: 1 cup sham, finely chopped 2 tablespoons Shopped pickle Salad dressing to moisten 3 bard -cooked eggs, chopped 1 teaspoou grated onion • Salad dressing 1 sup grated chess° cup chopped pepper or nuts Salad dressing Cover sides and tap of sandwich loaf witch crease or cottage cheese softened. with' cream. Chill for several hours• before. serving. Slice in. individual se.vdngs, SUGGESTIONS FOR DINNER Beef and Corn Loaf 1G cups dry bread crumbs 12F' cups whole kernel corn 114 1b. minted beef - 1 egg oups milk 2 tablespoons melted butter Salt and pepper Mashed potatoes Add. crumbs and corn to beet. Com- bine (beaten egg yltlt milk and add to beef 'Manure. Add melted. butter Season to taste. Place in buttered: 7 inch pan; anti bake 1n• a 'hot oven. (400 degrees F'.) for about 45 minutes. !Cover with fluffy mash- ed potatoes and brown in. oven. Escalloped Ham Use slice of itam about one Snell Hoick. .Rub with mustard. Pack a:beut L inch thick with brawn or maple sugar. Place ;ham in sbellow baking pan. Pour s1Gflcietnit milk in pan. to almost cover 'him, Bare et 400 demreen le, until bean is tender and milk evaporated. WHY GROW OLD LOOKING? The dread of '-looking old" is a very real one to women! And the desire to look youthful 3s equally vivid. 'For'tunately, most of us oan take Messily years off our lobs, by devoting a little more care to cer- tain vital factors with which I deal ibis week, MOUTH— Lines around the mouth of- ten arise from distorted facial habits. Avoid pouting. Apply a touch of Well tissue crease daily. And try this treatment orten.I Close lips; fill your mouth with air and blow Sand. Simple, but re - ma ikaley effective. FOREHEAD-. Scowling and Srowndng quickly Weni'a a pattern of "aging', lines. Perhaps your eyesight is none too good or your feet pain you? Check these points. Outib any nervous habits, such as unnecessary eye - !Sow hadsdng.i Wlsen messaing with creamy use a firm pressure—up and, out EYES- 03niglrt, sparkling eyes are so at- tractive, and to keep your clear and shining, bathe them with murine every day. 'This will cleanse and relax the eyes. Each night smooth the skin around them with tissue cream, patting It .in gently, Avoid undue eyestrain. FEET— An elastic walk shows youthful- ness. Wear shoes that are large enough, and forswear pointed toes! Clamped feet develop corns. If you base corns% don't be a martyr, • but buy a good, corn, plaster, Next yeek's article continues this fascinating topic. Write me for condiclentioi, personal advice. And detailed leaflets on the follow- ing subjects are available for 3c stamp each: Face, Eyes, Hair, FIenths Feet ,Su,perfluolbs Hair, Underweight, Bust, Slimming, Re- ducing in Spots. Please wmtte direct to: Miss 13ar1bara Lynn, P. 0. Box 75, Station B., Montreal, Que. Is This You? The tnan who gets. the fewest number of letters complains the most about the post office; the man who complains of the preacher pays him the least; the men who has the leash senlse Is as a. rule the most conceited, .And '1t may be added with truth tfllaut the maty Wbo will not take his )home paper is the pian to boil the most Sault with the way St. is run, 1k * * * * * * * * * * Say You Saw It In The Poet, * N * * :k * * * * * * Choosing Your Mother -In -Law Pick%With Care While You're At it; Your Wife Wili Probably' Be Like Her Later On Henry Pores altrvice to young men to pick out a good mother-in- law ouglit to Jar quite a few begin* ning-to be-a111ddie-aged, wometl out of comTlacency, writes• Ruth • Millett, "What," they .should be saying to themselves, "would a young man interested in Dorothy think abotbt rhe? Am I the kind of person he w'ouldn1t mind seeing DorOIIIW ,become inanother twenty year'?" (Part of the answer will be found in. a mirror. Does it reflect a wo- man still young, so tar as Slimness and grace go? Or do the years show their weight? And what about the lines that the years are bound to have lett? Are they soft lines left by hapP1- nen, and, spirit, or hard lines etched by discontent? Women Like Color In Men's Clothes • They Favor The Growing Tendency Towards More Brilliancy In Men's :Attire That authority on what he "thinks" women think about men.'s clothes, luscious LuSlus Beebe, who recently declared in print that women like their then drab, should Se interested in a poll taken re- cently at New York's American Wonlenrs Amsoeleddon., in which more than twottihdrds of the girls said they liked. .the growing ten- dency tonvards more color in men's attire. Most, of those venturing opinions were up and coming young business women, well under 80, and engaged in advestdsdnes dosign- lug, secretarial work, Or still study- ing. As mesons their own clothes, most of them Muhl), admitted that they dressed more to please men than thee) dill be please women, (We always enspected that they did, but meets dreanlo they'd. admit 1t.) The girlie felt, however, that they would liko to see womenre, styles change less frequently than they do, What Will You Call The Baby? Fashionable Names ' Should Be Avoided, Especially .For Girls When you're choosing a same for baiby, ther are several points you should: consider. For instance will the Christian mane you fancy sound well when repeated. In conunction with the surname? If the latter has only one syllable, a Christian, name in several syllables should' be chosen. Thus, if your baby's surname is Smith you should avoid plain. John or Sue, and instead pick upon a longer name such as 'Cbmistopher or Prunella, Carry It All Their Lives "Fas(trionable' 'manes, should,, be avoided) at a10 costs, especially for girls. All over the world there are thousands of little Shlrleys, whose ages will always be indelibly stunted on them. Exotic or facetious namesshooed be particularly avoided. Probably the organist who rejoices in the name of C. Shampe. Minor has, found it an advantage. Perhaps the ice- man Fred: Ice likes his name too, but on the wholes it's a pity babies can't be consulted before we stamp them with the names which they will have to put up with all their lives. Suggests Plan Wloeut 011 the world be happy?In *1e opinion of Major Vernon Banblett, Independent member of the British1louse of Con mous, "we ,shall not be able to enjoy ourselves until Praaleo's widow tells Stalin on his deaWwbeal that Hitler has been atesatelmatrrdl at Muets9olini'' ftlmel'al," aeons almost aes too much to !nope for. — no:101k Harald, On Getting Along With Other People And With Oneself Essentials For Successful Living To be able to face the daily re- quirementts of Idle wIth equanimity and a confidence that cue is equal to the challenge of the dray, or at least capable oy accepting defeat philosophically. To bet able to lace realtties3 not run away Snout 'them .through saub- terfugee. To be able to take one's place in everyday lite without more tial1 FOR P D,4Y$ �#LV APRI1. 276 to MAY 6th Wherever this sign is displayed yon may be •ure of obtaining pawn! products of the highest quality that will give you complete satisfaction. HOUSEHOLDERS WHO KNOW HAVE ALWAYS PREFERRED MARTIN-SENOUR PAINT PROD- UCTS BECAUSE OF THEIR HIGH QUALITY. Here is your chance to buy such quality products at a saving of 20%. Take advantage of this opportunity to beautify and brighten your home with enamels of real quality - quality that gives greater and longer lasting beauty and protection. MULTI -USE ENAMEL (HIGH GLOSS) A smooth flowing enamel that dries fast, leaving a beautiful, even porcelain finish. For wood or metal surfaces, inside or outside. 26 sparkling, attractive colors to choose from. al.32 PINT '7 GAL. 1/t' GAL. 1/Z PINT V 4.79 2.52 .44 REG. 1.65 REG. ▪ 95 REG. 6.00 REG. 3.15 REG..55 1/4 PINT .R28 NEU-GLOS A WASHABLE SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL For wails -furniture -woodwork. Easy to apply; dries quickly to a beautiful satin -like finish; has no unpleasant odor. Obtainable in a wide range of beautiful pastel shades. QT.1.19 PINT CA GAL 1/2 GAL 1/Z PINT 1/4 PINT IlUffit 4.19 2.19 .39 .24 REG. 1.50 REB. 20 REG. 5.25 REG.2.15 REG..50 REG.30 BUY NOW FOR FUTURE NEEDS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE THRIFTY LOW PRICES F. R. SMITH- BRUSSELS Ways To Stop Planning Routes Mosquitoes Biting 0d!ficlals •ot the Ontario deposit- With the ddsapearanee of the anent of hikluavays. were conce,ntret- snav and the approach, of warmer ing all their efforts to effect a dras- weather, the thoughts of young and tic reduction in traffic deaths and old alike turn with pleasant antic!- accidents during the next two potion to the Joys of outdoors. Pt- monthss fortunately, these pot's may often 'f heir• work was inspired by the be marred to a considerable extent recent appeal of Highways Minister by the bloodltbilsty attentions of Hon, T. B. MoQuestem, for a I e-wid'e decline in highway biting flies, especially mosquitoes, Pntomli{� and injuries during May e1`oeplt in localities. where effective rated out or and' June as a tribute to King control has been ca d QueenElizabeth while !where these are no breedingGeorge an places. they are visiting Canada. She larvae and pupae of mosquitoes Statistics of the acident record - occasional friction in relationships t develop only in stamen'" in division of the highways de - Toother persons, bodies, and the application of a g To be able to look ryihlu reason- thin ply of petroleum oil on such Porta-ne'nt revealed that unless every able talenlance upon the annoyances places in May and early June will motor vehicle operator and every destd y pedestrian in Ontario Joined in the which are inevitable i11 every lite. To want to win, but to be able to lose gracefully. To cheldsb+ no grudges. To seek advanceunent, but ' With - 01t feverish grasping for more wealth, power, fame or success than one .has capaoity to win or to use. To be able to laugh at oneself, perhaps the greatest evideure of a well controlled mind.,To accord to others a right to their own view -points and ideas. Waking From Winter The frogs emerge to Winter twice; This third time it is •Spring. Thiel, like all webthailWise advice, Is not certain thing. When buzzards rise in obrcling flight, o countless nnumbems of them. To be, really satisfactory suoh work should be properly planted and raraied ou.t on a community scale, For protection, from mosquitoes once they are on the wing, various current acidelut prevention plan, some 2,000 people might be prevent- edfrom seeing Their MaJesties and taking past in the celebrations connoted with the Royal tour. Records showed that an averase of 100 persons lost their fives each repelen;ts are in general use, among which, to name only a Sew are oil Year dawere this pentad and 1,900 of cliltonella, spirits of camphor, oil others were inered—many of them of lavender axil oil of cedar. As a result of recent elgaerimnehs car- ried' out in Ottawa under the direc- tio011 of the Dominion. Entomologist a repellent mixture has been de- veloped •which Has proved more sat- isfactory and more lastinlg in effect than any hitherto in .popular use. patience. T111s repellent is easy to .snix and the forinlrla is quite simple, It is as follows: Oil of thyme 1 fluid ounce Cona•enbnated kerosene ex_ tract of pyrethrum 2 fluid ounces suitor oil, or olive oil 5 fluid ounces Spring surely comes to stay, i Each ounce of ,the pyrethrum ex- Rut I have known, beyolud that tract should be equivalent in sight, strength to ane•-d'fth of a pound of Many an fay clay. good crude lryredhlnirsu powder. This No habitant of hills will doubt mixture when applied. 'lo exposed A signs 1f it's lire own; pert of the elcin has been toned to give protection .frons 'nnosmiltees and other .belting flies for pentads varying (roan •thres to five hours A copy of the llamiphlelt entitled "P}'otootive Nlealsunes Against Blood Sucking Flies in the . Forest" may he obtained. by writing to the Puhlielty and Extension. Eivi'aion., Dotentien, Depantli31entt of Agriestl• t Itune, Ottawa, . ! • is incapacitated for lengthy periods. The majority' of these accidents, it w'us pointed out, were classed as "preventable" and could be avoided to 1939 by the elimination of three fundamental but •easily •corrected accident causes—momeudary in - intention., excessive speed and its. When floods have brought the cymrese, out, The Winter is outblown. —Keith T1100119 in the New Yank Sun, SOMETHING TO SELL ? SOMETHING TO BUY 7 It ONLY COSTS YOU TWO -BITS TO TRV I The denotement or highways was also planing for safer driving dur- ing the visit of the Ring and Queen on -anthem safety "front." De vestment officials were holding conferences with highway .traffic engineers and .traldle experts of the titre provincial police department. The pli31sose of these conlerenees, It was explained, Was to map out a seniee of ho)ltes by ivlllailt notordtltis would, be obis to drive in .greater safety and camifort to the larger °nata'io centres where Their Maj, estles will visit, Every attempt was being made, an official stated, to see Haat all main end secondary reads would be %utilized, in the most efficient Mannar. It is'hoped . the plan will guessed, in disaominating the 11.0w of traffic as much as possible and prevent congestion and delay, .Strong public support of 'this stem to reduce the highway accident toll daring the visit of Their Majesties to Ontario is anticipated, by officials of the department of highways. They said+ the ',Royal taus routes" now being dratted would: be releas- ed in various parts of the province a few weeks prior to the arrival of the King and Queen at those points. New ,Life For The Old Flag The fortllbomdng visit of the King and Queen, to Canada hes given flag manufactures many a sleepless nista worrying over production figures so that there may not he a shortage and at the same time an undue su11piug, The Toronto Board of Education is at pres- ent nllalcing seivere weather tests with an ordinary Union. Jack and one that has. been. treated with a new finishing process which makes telitlle materials stain and spot proof, water repelent and ins the case of flags, droop proof. Tihe new 'process, Is claimed, promises to double the life of a flag. SEED CATALOGUES This is the month the, postman brings, Trudging throrrgh .snow and Hain and fogs, These early harbingers of Spring's Return --thee garden catalogues, Sung py the blazing bea110h, I plea A flower -bell woes'. of a dream 01 larkspur and valerian Ansi llhies bending by a stream Though inose trail seedlings may not bloom In bright protitlsion, wheat I seat; Prefigured in this lanresli.t room Is none the less reality. Oar frost, nor winter storms shall pale Thiel pledge of A31ni1's counterpart, Nor all the winds of 1tOdveau steal) A garden planted in the heartl * 0 0 0 is '3 * * * 1M 1 ** Say You saw It In The Post, f)41* * * * N: * * •• 'k 'M