The Brussels Post, 1939-4-26, Page 1411he TOruolitto
Wednesday, April 39th, 1939 BRUSSELS, ONl'ARIO
J* 8•
* d' LOCAL
Brussels Pupils
Give Operetta
Au operetta entctied' "Torn Saw-
yer," was presented by the Brussels
Publie School e'1hildhen on Wednesday
evening when a good Grovel attend-
ed. Tine concert Gpeared with rhythm
band of thir4y-five ohlidrei of the
Palmary 'Class under the direction
of the teacher, Miss Helen Backer.
The girls were gaily attired in yet -
low c'aipee end ,page boy ,hals, and
the boys wore red capes 'and Page
boy hats. 'Tlule group conttnibnted
several nmmubers, Their musical iv.
etrumente .:consistedof triangles
rltieks, bells, olappede. and cymbals
and. one lone drummer, Bobby Jewell.
This - group contributed several
eherustes and were accomrpanded by
their owls band, The operetta en-
titled "Tom Sawyer,' was put on by
the pupils of Me. Ken Ashton'a room
and Mies M. Downing's room. The
lending parts were taken by, "Tole
Sawyer," Ross Lawless; "Huckle-
berry Finn,' Josephine VanNormen
"Aunt Polly," Helen Armstrong;
"Pirate," Bill Sullivan, suepo'tted by
Bill Turves, M. Baeker, Nora Lowery,
M. Bell, R. Heathy, W. Harney, D.
Gemmel; "Sunflower Girls,' June
Work, Nancy Cameron, Phyllis Sul-
livans Jean. Wilton, Dorothy Lem-
eux, Ruth. Jewell; "Tire Skeleton's,"
M. VanNorman, Udllien Gibson,
Maly Witton, Mess' Alice Pope and
Mr, Anderton, musical director of
Clinton, were 'accompanists for the
tee Mug,
Grey Township Called
After Noted Premier
Grey Tar -melee owes its name to
the noted British premier, Earl
Grey, who died in 1845, ehortly be-
fore this toe -reship was settled. The
township was organized in 1856
with Peter McDonald as the first
reeve, and Peter Ferguson, Robert
Leckie, John Robertson, Thomas
Strachan, mai a unui11olts. JJbn
Stewart was clerk. Mr. McDonald
held office as reeve for nine years.
Music Supplied by—
Corn Husker's Orchestra
,Admission — 35c
auspices of W. A.
of United Church
at 3 o'clock
baking, candy, eggs, pickles
and relishes
Miss Mamie Thom eson as in' ewe
forth hosetita•l ,having them ton dls
Ides, J, E.'° Smith returned to
Brussels atter erenating 'the Pant
coven' months 1n ,Ches'1ety,
Me, and Ma:s•, Sidney BallautYae
and Joan, were vts'itors .with Mrs. J.
Miss Myers of Stratford is nurse
at the arae of Mr, and Mrs. Philip
Mr. Will Asnent who is working
in Quebec returned home for the
Me. and Mrs, Wm, Procter attend-
ed the funeral of James' Taylor at
Belgrave, on Sunday afternoon.
Me. Lleyde,Kenn'aghanr and Mr.
Archie Henderson are on atrip
down to Nova Soobta.
1VLr, anal Mrs. Roes Speiran of Sag-
inaw, Mich„ were home to attend
the enteral of Mrs. Spedran's father.
Mrs. Clarence Steeltensonand son
Kenneth of Verne, were visiting
with. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilton,
Mr, and Mrs, Wi11 Ringler of
West Waneenosh event a day in
Bru ees with relatives and friends.
Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dawson of
Poria Sdrantley were week -end visitor'
at the home of the letter's parents
Air, and Mrs. Philip Amiens,
'Mies May Artmetrong and her
sister Mns, Jack 'C,amlpbeil have
returned borne after spending the
winter in Toronito and Acton,
Mr. Don, Dailey of .Chieago and
Mrs. N. V, Freenidan of Battersea
are vdstt6ingetheir parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Headmen.
Mns. Alvin Badgley andt daughter
Bernice, of Liet0oln• Park, Mich.,
spent a few hours et the home of
Mrs. D, Badgiey, Brussels,
Peter MoNab, 6th •lane Morris, has
returned home atter spending the
winter with Ms daughter Mrs. A.
H. Robertson in Toronto.
MT, and Mrs, 'Garf. Baeker of
Port Frances are visiting relatives
and friendly' in• town, They are on
their way home after spending
several months at their winter
home in' Florida,
Mr, an Mrs, Parker Foster, who
,spent the winter with the latter's
sister Mrs. Ira Parker returned
last week to their home In Kin -
temente. Mns, Parker accompan-
ied them and will stay until ber
health is improved,
The engagement is amnoumced of
Mildred Orplva .Spar11ng, daughter
ce Mrs. Mary E. .Sperling, Clinton.
and the late George 'Sperling, to
Mr. Allan Henry Arnold, Toronto,
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. •C, Arnold,
London, the marriage to take place
quietly in Toronto on April 29. alise
$parling is well known. in Brussels
es she went to school here. Her
mother droved recently to Clinton
from Brussels,
Last Wednesday, Mr. Philip
Ament undenwent an operation at
his home here for the removal of
his' lett eye. A catera•Ct had forrn-
ed• on -the pupil years ago and caus-
ed a blindness but this winter ire
bad suffered' from the hardened
oatermat pressing on. the nerve• and
in. order to save his good eye it was
found necessary to remove the
affected one. Dr. Forester of
,Stlra'tford perifomnred •the operation
and Mr. Anent 1•s malting rapid
progress toward recovery,
Mee. Jahn Sinuuome, reecived word
satundny, April 25nd of the death
of her eater in Debnoit, Mrs, Robert
Mattice, 'wife of the late Robert
Mmtttloe, who predeceased her 32
Years, ago. She was the eldest
daughter of ,the late •Samruel anal Ann
Crawford. Sine waw 111. ther 85111
year, She Is survived by three dsugh-
ters: Mrs'. Brawn, of California; Mrs.
Ann •Stratnvan of Detract; Mies Jen,.
nde Matttice of Detroit and nye sisters
and one brother, Mrs. Mary Mooney,
Beer/kens Sadie; Mrs, Gorxi. Mooney,
Wins 1peg;• Wire. Josephine Town,
Winanddfeg. MTs, Jbiun Simmons cf
Brussels, Mes, Dave. amine, Morris;
Mr. Wit1iomt a waiw4ord, Vancouver,
will fbe presented entitled
under auspices of the
United Church
at 8.15 p.m.
Admission—Adults 25c
Children 10c
Of the Season
Finest Modern Music By
Harold V. Pyne and his
8 Melody Boys
Refreshment Booth
Admission — 30c Each
Come with the Crowds
A New Cowboy Hero
Roy Rogers With
Smiley Burnette
Under. Western Skys
We wish to thank the friends and
neighbors and all, for their kindness
and sympathy during *lir triad be-
reavement, it was deepiY appreciated,
The Pride Family,
Half Holidays To
Commence Next Thursday
Starting next Weaneedey evening
on May Srd the stores will remain
open and will be eloised the follow-
ing Thuredtay afternoon, t,be same
as in Rosner years; So that the
tired business mean elan get out into
the open.
Trees Planted
M)proeimateiy 500 trees were
delivered to residents of this com-
munity of Tuesday ()it this yeek.
by Downbeat Nersedry, of ,Strathrey,
Ont. A large nmmtber of fruit
trees as well asevergreen etc., for
the beautification.• of local properties
two of which are, Mrs. A. C. Baeker
and H. Chanriplom The trees were
kept In good shape while being,
delivered and will be a sight of
added beauty both to the properties
and the village im years to come, .
MON., 9 -UES„ WED.
Carole Lombard James Stewart
Made For Eaeh Other
Tragedy, Romance, Laughter
and thrilling action
'rHUR:8., FRI., SAT,
Jabkie Coper In
, Newsboy, dome
Edmund .Lode Wendy Barrie
and "The Litte Tough Suya''r
Olivia De Havttand Diok Powell
'Hard To Get
I. O. O. F. Anniversary
The Annual Sermon to the mem-
bers of the Western, Star Lodge,
No. 149, LO.O.F., wilt be preached
in the United Chuwdh, Brussels, on
Sunday evening, April 30th, eom-
Teemcing et .7 o'olook.
Members are asged to assemble at
Lodge Room at 6.30.
Visiting Brethern,
invited to attend,
W, J. Mo0rjaogen, Ree, -Sec.
A. Wad, Noble Grand.
are cordially,
M1 parties who nave been using
the Brueeels, Morris and Grey Tele-
phone pdoperty for a Public dump-
ing ground are warned to stop this
at ogee or action will be taken by
time commissioners and will not be
well for the party who is caught,
Melville Y. P. S.
Sponsors Play
Despite the inclement weather and
the pre/veiling flu epidemic a fair
cro'wd attended the play at the Town
Hall on Friday evening, The play
Presented by the, Presbyterian
Church Y.P.S. of Seafarer, entitled
"Take My Adwice," was wen received
and sponsored by the Melville Pres-
byterian. Yeung People's Society,
St. John's AtY.P.A.
Held Social Evening
The Sunday sohcal room of St.
John's °lauroh was tastefully decorat-
ed in pink and white on: •Monday
eventing, when the closing meeting
of the A.Y,IP.A, took the form of a
miscellaneous shower in honor of a
recent beide, After a brief pro -
grasp, Mr. Hendry called the bride
and groom to the front and presented
their with a number of beautiful
gilts. Mr. and Mrs. Ellacott both
made a suitable reply. Mr, Hendry
called upon, Mr, Fischer, Warden.;
'Bobs" Campbell, organist and Alec
Coleman, Tress„ of A. Y. P. A. tt
sty a few wanes each wishing the
bride and grown • wands yeans of
happy wedded life. The rest of the
evening was spent and con-
tests, after Whitt lunch: was served.
The bride and groom passing around
some bride's cake wdrioh most of the
young people took home to sleep on.
,Somme of the warners expect
etaet ltltewlug thda week,
The Maple syrup season• is over for
time year, a very geed run in general
considering the weather.
Thos. 18, MGDonealil, 7th ewe,
Footb81t Meeting to be head in
basement of Public Library on Fri-
day, April 2668, for the purpose o4
electing officers, and making ar-
rangements Sc'- the owning season.
Ail interested' be on hand at 8
o'clock sharp,
H, Bowler, Manager,
Brussels Football Club.
Sunkist Oranges' at Grewar's 2 doz.
for 35c, See the size and compare
this value. Have you tried 'chase
Black Diamond Grapefruit at Grew-
ar's. Ask the person that has
tried• them they will tell you how
good! they are. Grewar's always
harve Crisp Hhrl Heads of Lettuce,
only 10c (Large Size) Crisp Celery
Hearts. iibve you trued those
delicious Pineapples• for desert,
Dies In Alberta
The deatb, occurred in Inndsfadl
Hospital, Alberta, on March 27 of
errs. Agnes H. Sarvis in her SOhh
year. 'Mrs. Series. was foranerly Ag-
nes H. Sproat, daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. George Sproat of
Tuckerisamith and was widely known
tlrrougltout this ddetrdat. In 1886 she
married Beetllham Sarvis. Following
her marriage the couple lived in
North Dakota for twenty
years, later remtovdng to Bind:lass•,
Alberta, where they resided until
Starves' death In 1932, In recerut
yeas Mns. Sarvis had made her
home with her children, of •w'honr
there are three, G .G, Sarvis, Bind -
loss, Alberta; Dr. IOwu-rt Sarvis,
Sumas, Wash„ and Mrs, B, Kirk -
Patrick, Markervdlle, Alta, Inter-
m:ent wee 1n: the fintaloss eemeterY.
She ie survived by one brother
John, Sproat In Stratford and one
sister ('Mary) Mns. Jarnee Anderson,
&tit line Of Morels.
Brussels Y. P, S.
Given Talk On
Life Of Livingstong
Tore.P,S. of Melville Presby-
tenian Church held '160' weekly meet -
ink on Monday evening, Earl Moore,
President oe the society occupied the
chair. Jean Scott read the Scripture
lesson and. Ecldth McTavish gave the
prayer. Isobel McTavish had the
topic "The Life of David Living-
stone," The roll -call was answered
by a verse of Scripture.
The Y. P. S. of the United Church
was held on Monday 'evening;' it
was missionary night and Jeanette
Sanderson hall the topic.
The buildinig of a new Post Office
at Tweed, Ont., Iiastings County eon -
tracks, for the $16,000 public build-
Inge were awarded to Duncan M'c-
Dougaldl Bluevale, Ont„ work wins
almost le 008060ence inernediately,
However in, tire meantime the erec-
tion hes ben under dispnvto perhaps
from a polttloal stnndpoint and seine
to Of the town fattens objected to the
expense and spending sb much
metes' at the present thee, but the
building of the post office to to be
proceeded with et ono, Old' friends
0f lateens MoDougald congratulate
holds an au06ton sale of farm stock him enhis achievement and 11000 to
and implements this week, hear OP many mere e*0tna0ts,
* *
* * * * * * * * *
Annie McGregor Bradt, widow of
the late Dr. J, A. McNeuglhton passed
away at her home on Mdll street on
Saturday, Apadl 22nte ie her 78th
year, Ahthouelr an failing bealth
for some months her death follow-
ing a sudden heart attack was a
shock to the laage chole 04 friends
and acquaintances who have known
her during the nityisix years of her
reeidente int Brussels,
The deceaseds was bora. In. Har-
punhey on Jan, 16th, 1862, and was
the daughter or Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Brett of ISeafortb, She was
married ins Seafor'-th fldty-sin years
ago to Dr. 3. A, MoNuug'hton who
predeceasedher six years ago.
She leaves to mourn ben death,
one ado'gted daughter, Florence, at
home; one brother, It. E, Brett,
Stratford, and bwo sisters, Mrs.
Reid of California and Mrs. Boyle of
Foam Lake; Sask.
The funeral services, which were
largely attended, were conducted by
Rev, H. A, Mahoney of the Brussels
United Church of which she was a
devoted member. A. private 'service
wren 'held at the horde at 1.30 with a
service in •the United 'Church at
2 pm.
The floral tributes. lonely tokens
of sympathy for the bereaved and
esteem for the deceased, were num-
rous and: beautiful and were carried
by the flower bearrs, David Sholddee
Harry, Champions R'ae Houston,
Stuent Lowe, Jack Love and Mac
Pallbearers, were: Dr. T.T. McRae,
Dr. W. D. S. Jamieson, D. McTavish,
Wm. Gilletspie, John'Log'an, and Alex.
Interment was made la Brussels
United Church W. A.
The W. A. of the United Church
met Tuesday evening ,Aprt1 18, in
She schoolroom of the church with a
good attendanre, The meeting
opened with a hymn 'Lead. Kindly
Light' and was followed by the
Lordrs Prayer in unisons The sec-
rettary% report was given. Owing to
the resignation of Mrs, Parker w'ho
has been, tregsueen- far the past 13
years, Miss E. Downing was elect-
ed to that office. It was moved and
seconded that a letter of apprecia-
to be sent Mrs. Parker. During the
business discussion it was decided
to hold a sale of baking on Saturday,
Apnil 29, at library and plans were
made to lave a 'travelling tea" on
'fl hursclay, May 17th.
Annual Meeting
Is Held By
Brussels Institute
The annual meeting 0f the Wo -
mete Institute was held in the Car-
negie Libnary on Frldaty afternoon.
The attendance nes not as large as
usual owing to the bad weather. The
President, Mrs. W. S'co'tt was in
charge and the meeting opened with
the ode and priayer, The minnttes
oe the previous' meeting were read
and adopted and Treasurers' Report
given. The elebtion of officers then
took place, Mrs, W. Scott was re-
elected: 1M president for the emsudng
year; Mns, Jus, Aimee -wig, first
vice; Mit, George Sunnte, 2nd vice
tins. 'C. Matheson, seereitare treas-
urer, and. Mrs,J. Gibson, assistant
secretary; assistant directoes: Mrs.
Cl. Semis, Mrs. L, Bclornier, 'Mrs.
R. Thomson, Mrs, J, Bryan's, Miss.
W. Long; Mrs. W, Turnbull gave a
report on agriculture and Canadtlan
Indtrsttry; Mrs, Dr, Hamilton gave
a report on health and' child wee
fere; Mrs. Ii. O. Wacker on cone
rnunity aciltvitie0 and.' relief; Mrs. A,
0, Baeker on, home economies; Mrs.
A. Strachan on legislation; Mrs. W,
'tint gave a s;plerrdid paper on the greater part of his lite. He lov-
"M,te40," wMcb was meek enjoyed, ed his barrio and took a meat inter -
Mo'rri's Council
' Mdn!utes' of tie Menai Meeting
held in She Township Hall, Morrie,
on Moeda', April 10th, 1939.
Melnlbere all pnesenut the Reeve
presiding. The andnnttes Of the
last meeting were read and approv-
ed. The Road 'Patrolmen. Ser 1939
were aiopointed' es fodlowtw:
Alex Campbell, James Johnston,
Arthur Edgar, Allex Shaw, Gordon
Walker, ,Oha'rles Warwick, John Mc -
G111, Wm, Berne, Noble Brothers,
Harvey McCrrtieheon, Sam Appleby,
Leslie Fear, Jtaseplh Bewley, Robert
McCrea., H. 5, Browns 'Cham. Work-
orkman, Feed Churchill, Miller Rdoh-
J. Roland, 'Bakery relief for
Rands 65.76
Blyth Standard, advertising 4.75
Advance - Times advert. .,3.10
Municipal World, supplies 16.18
,County Trees., hostpdtal '21.00
L1pyd Wthd'tlautfe•r, reldef for
Roy Mann 4.55
A, L. Kerndok, relied for
Roy Mane. .... 6.00
Irvine Wallace, relief for
Roy Mann
L. Jokwaton, relief for
Roy Malin 3.48
L. W. Eckmier, relief for
Rands 9.60
Joe Smith, milk for Rands 12.60
John Roland, relief of
Rands ....... ...... 25.78
G, MoCelluun, sheep
inspector g
Cdunty Treas., taxes
Villabe of Brussels,
relief for Shiels for Dec,
Jan. and Feb. 42,19
Next meeting Monday, May 15th,
John Pride
Mr. John• Pride quietly ;passed
away do Listowel Memorial Hospital
ou Tuesday evendng, April 18. He
was .the eldest .son, of MT. and Mrs,
Robert Pride, bore in Welsley Town.
Although not in best of "health
most of the winter he was not ser-
eriouslty all, until >eibout two weeks be-
fore his deatb.
Iie 1S aer'vived by this wife, seven
daughters, Mrs. Gus Wheeler of
Brussels; Mrs. Fred. Snia11don and
.Mns. Alvan Hunter of Orcenbrook;
Mrs, Rose Spelman: of ;saglnaw, Mich.;
Dorothy and Vera who passed on be-
fore and Gertrude at horde. Three
sons; Alvin of Brussels; Seth and
Freak at home.
Three sisters„ Mrs. William
Thompson of Listowel Mns. James
An'tdcltnte of Atwood' and Mrs. Peter
Ridden of Trowbridge and one
brother Richard: of Mondcton,
The floral tributes were: from the
family a pillow; Fred Anitil:nap and
Roy Pollard, a spray; W. Then*
son's, a spray; Richard Pride and
faintly, a spray; Stanley Purvis and
Charles Lucas, a spray. The neigh-
bors a spray, They Swift Cream Co.,
a spray•
The funeral took place oe Friday,
April 21, from bis h,gme conducted
by Rev. M. A. Williams, Two fav
ourite ibymnns were sung "Breath on
me, Breath of God" and "What a
Friend we have in Jesus."
Those wllo carried newel% were
Brill Thompson, Defend Helpenme,
Harvey Snelling, Arkins Pefferss Al-
fred. anti. G. Goldwyn Knight. •
The pallbehrers were; J. McIntosh,
J. Gorsaad4z, Geo, Menzies, D.
Maher, 0, Schnork and H, Goa--
ovsalltz, 3u4e'ranenrt Ives made in
Brussels Ceanetery,
James Taylor
A. MacEwen; Clerk.
King Approves
Of Plan For
Visit By Quints
Ottawa, April 22,—Tore Bing today
gave his approval to the proposal
that the Dionne Quintuplets be pre•
sectied to His Majesty and the
Queer in Toronto, May 22, the inter-
departmental conranittee in. charge of
the royal tour announced.
A statemnet Issued by the com-
mittee .said a cablegram was receiv-
ed from London this morning
agreeing to the suggestion of the
Ontario 'government that the quints
be presented,
est 1n beautifying it, he was a lover
of trees and Bowers. Ile spent
many years as a drover and auatico-
eer until he moved to the store do
Beigrave three years ago.
The deecasedd was a Presbyterian
in religion and had been, a member of
St, Andrew's, Presibyberian, church in
•Wringhaur, for the past 1S years. He
etas a lover of music and his voice
will be sadly missed in the :service
od song.
He leaves to moudn his passing,
lest behoved wife, formerly Jennie
Andersen his three daughters, Mas.
War. (Hazel) VenCamp of Morris
township; Mrs. Dave (Lenore) Mur-
ray of Wingham sad Lille at home,
and one sister 'Mns. A. (Grace) Scott
of B1y*h.
Tile fmneral wee held on Sunday
from, hie late residence at Belgnave,
the semetes. •couducted by Rev.
Iienneth• MacLean of Winghtam are -
Meted by Rev. A. M. Boyle of Blybh.
The pallbearers were his six
nephews: George Scott, Andy 'Scott
and Tear ,Iiemderson of Weigh=
Harvey Ander'eon' of Kincardine;
Finlay McGowan: of London and Ross
Andemson• of Belgrlave,
The many and beautiful Sorel
ttdbetes bore sincere testimony of
the high esteem in which •sive de-
ceased was. held. His cheered dis-
position. end, 'kindly woros 08 greet•
Ing as well as his many !deeds of
heipdul love and sereice will long be
remembered by those, who mourn his
It was with feelings of deep re -
Bret that 3bdeivds learned of the
sudden death on ThniedlaY, April
20th of Mr. ,fames Taylor, merchant
and postmaster of Beagrave, Mr,
Taylor had' suffered a severe heart
attack two, weeks previous to hie
death, but it was thonngrat that lvis
condition was greatly Improved,
His very Sudden passing was a
great *bock to his family end the
commrun1ty. His claegbter, Mrs.
Wm•. VaelOannlp had spent the
greater iratlt of the afternoon with
hint •and 0haa lett about ten militates
before he 'passed away.
Mr. 'Peeler, who was 61 years of
age, wee 'born in Hulleht township
the youngest son"o4'tee late Mr, and
Mrs, R, B. Taylor, He lived on the
farm a mile south of iielgnave for
11 a.m.—Morning Warship
3 p.m, -Sunday School
7 p.m.—Annual Divine Worship of
Independent Order of the b'dd-
Fellows accompanied by the Moen -
Ing Star Rebeoca Lodge, Visitors
will, be welcome.
Monday i p.m.—Y. P. (I.
Wednesday, May 3 et 8.15 p,m.•--tn
the Town Hall a play will be present+
ed entitled, 'Forever True"' under
auspices of the Y.P.U,
Sunday, May 7 at 11 ern ---
Communlort Service