The Brussels Post, 1939-4-19, Page 5THE BRUSSELS FUST — Mrs. A, Montgomery :811111111111111 N EW S OF THE DISTRIGT De t"ous Burns Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents BLUEVALE Mrs, George Wheeler Meet the h Mr' week -clad !n Xtitc crlse'r with , and Mrs, Wil Johnston and family. leis, Wan. .Avin+abam spent the wceleri l with Mr, and Mee, Robt Miele:, an ern) family at Ripley. Mr. and Mee. XAville M•atly e leave 'beer.- laid up with tee fin for the pist week, Mrs, Saanuel Wools lute been there helping take care of them .and baby. Mr. Gordon Messer'Welter' on Sunday with Mr, anti Mtes. Chas. Bosenan- and family. Mr. and Mrs, Cl as. Johnston and eon, visited on ,Sunclay afternoon with Mr,, ands Mrs, Cooper Nethery and c&augluter at Belguave, Mr. John Thynne left this week for Nova Scotia on a three month's stay or 'mere, heeling concerts six nights a week there, Mr. Harvey Robertson was sick with the flu last wok. We are glad to report he is able to be out again. Mr. anuv Mrs. Walter $rnil'tie was ~sick with the 'fin' last week bet are getting better again, We wee sorry to hear Mr, Chas, Bowman loam been seek for the past week, glad, to hear he is getting better again. v We were sorry to hear Miss Nellie Sellers hada Passed aevay, We Home Economies, Mrs. Roy Tee Yee; 17ducatiOny Miss Marguerite Nicholson; Agriculture, Canadian. Industries', Miss Dorothy Green- way; Legislation, Mals, T. Breekeu- ridge; Relief, •Comenunity .Actiel- ties, Margaret Cwrlls.; Historical :te alc.h', Currrat leverets, Jean i....: (.31'1111 eeirieli, .5.,•i, ce F. Jal1 fl; Peace And Intetnatioual Re:,,talons, Mrs, AlLltin; Braes 1'e - pot ter M. Olive Scott, The newly -elected president con- dueted meeting fqr 'ohs remain- de'r of the program, Mrs. Alex, Mowbray wee has Tecontfy re- tinue(' from spending tare winter in Florida, gaze a most interesting account of lter trip. She mentioned Daytonne Beach, Miami, and Fort Myers, illustrating 'thuese beauty soots by picture cards and, .snaps. She also spcke of ,the different in- dc,,e''riee, especially the shell kn•ick- kn•eeks, the fruit and vegetable n:tarkes and beautiful flowers. Robert Slhia.w ,preached In the Bluevale United Churdh and at Ebenezer on Sunday in th@ absence of the i ... ,tor, Rev. A. V. Robb. At the morning service his address was especially to the young people bas- ed en the passage from Ezekiel, "Their young men shall dream (breams.." Rev, Kenneth •'r --T van, Wing- hamy occupied the in Knox extend our sympathy to mer Presbyterian Church, end preached brothers, from the text, ,'He that daeth the Mrs. M, L, Aitkin' was the hostess will et God+ abtdeth forever." Allan on 'Thunder afternoon for the Ramsay sang "Some. Day P11 Un - annual meeting of the. Womans Institute. The president, Mrs. Wloketead, presided. The report of the seoret'atY-treasurer ,showed the membership to be 34; number of meetings, 11; total attendance, 207; balance on hand, $27,76. The reports of convenors of .standinig committees were heard on Health, Agrtenitwre, Relief and Coennvunity Activities, Peace and Historical Research. Miss Jean Elliott ,was named as delegate to the Girls' Conference at Guelph, May 10, 11 and 12. The subject of the president's addirese was "Why Do We Go To Institute 'Meetings," and mentioned our Institute Ode as an example for numbers to Miley, and aug- geel sed mlarking the calendar in order to remember the ,date, and arvke of the opportunities available re emeet girls in becoming good brrr•emtakerst 'be following list of offlcetis was • ' ""red by the nominating com- rnitriee: Presideinit, Miss Mevgaret nurvey; let eice'lpresident, (Mrs, M. L, Afire Attlee; 2nd vice - presider.', Miss Florence' Fowler; secretary -treasurer, Miss M. Olive Scott; distract director (Mrs, J,) Beatrice Wickstead; representative to district annual, Mis. J. Brecken• ridge; branch direatorsy Mrs, Mil- ton. Smeh, flys. . W. H, McKinney, lilies 'Mergaret Curtis, Miss Flor- ence Fowler; program committee, Mrs. Roy 'Purvey, Mrs. Mex, Mow- bray, Mets. J. H. Smith, tees. S. N, Gallaher; pianist, Mrs. J. Brecken- ridge; auditors, MTs, IOurtis, Mrs. Wobtla'uter; coneeeo's of Standing Ooelmi.tlteese Ilea lite and Chiid Welfare, Miss Lillian •Garnise; Order Bray Chicks now, and be "lucky" when egg -prices climb next Fall.See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. Gilbert Nethery R. R. 5 Brussels - FUNERAL HOME William Street, WALKER'S Brunelle Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone elt e,e,e91,1 Day or Night Calle MOTOR HEARSE :l B CI, WALKER Embalmer, end Funeral Dlreotor, 1 Canadian National Railways delineate" ,Mrs, A. E. Mann and son Harry, SL Miarys, Welted with. Miss Duff. Mr. and Mrs, V. A. Mowbray and sora, Jiack, Lawrence Sinilly, Erie; with. •Mr and• Mrs. Alex, Mowbray. Miss Margaret Thmvey is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Whitfield near Ethel, MANY ATTEND FUNERAL OF WALTER SIMSON. GORRIE Fordtwich, Ont., April 17—Quite a number troan here attended the funeral of the lade Walter Stinson, in Gorrie, on Saturday. The late Mr. Simpson, who was in his eighty- first year, passed away at Nue home of his daughter, Mis, Norman Wade, nintm, coneetssion, He was well known ,throughout the township, hiaving been tax collector for the western division of Howick Town ship for a number of Years, 13e wife, 'lvhe is spending the Winter with her 'sons H. W. Laird; In Flor- ida, was unable toereturn home for Olue funeral owing to illness, Junior Farmers Braley Club f'Aeiietf.s ,At Gorrie ETHEL The dance heldl at Grey Twle Hall Met Friday night under the ausploee of P7thel Public, Library ems 'ant given as large a patronage ee had been hoped for. But good music and other !Wilke foe Pleas- ant enttertalr,m'ept were provided as anal, And all present apprec- iated the opportunity of having a good 'tuna. Especially choice music is pour- lepil for Chi' ci ,see le be held Friday night of tl ,s week it le Brown's Hall, A cl'iaidity of feed ni apnea have been unloaded dewing Met week front par load lots at Ethel C.N,R, , stations to C. R. Bantlrer's cheeping still. The change team anon fall to rainfall has, merle deep trod in places on Thaniy reads making dif- ficult traveling for motorists. In some atonies in the village ebet•y memlet• of the family have bawl an attack of the Flu. Mrs, Rev, Snell was sick with the Flu. during the past week. Comment= servlee was conduct- ed at Ethel United Church, by Rev. Swell, at evening service last Sun- day On Mothers Day at Ethel United Chterdh Stmday School, the order of service of the prescribed programs will be followed es nearly as possible. The Meknes. and unfavorable weather delayed the transfer of household effects and 'tastily mov- ings, •schedluled for around April 15. Roy Peterson who is well known in the village will take up farming iw the spring on Lot 22, con. 3, Grey Township. Alf Kineg and Stan S'peiraa have been busy at their contract of get- tinig out a ,supply of wood for fuel at lot 11, con. 8, Grey for Dune Mc- Kinnon of Brussels. Ren-, Mr, .Stell and a group of members, of Ethel United .Chereb Y. P. S. went to Clinton Feeley and .spent the time profitably as ,they took active part in the ;proceedings et 'the coniferemce. of older boys anal girls held in, Wesley Willis Church, at the place and time mentioned above. eehs. John' A, Snell of Jamestown spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Jbs. and Mrs, Antes, Mis Delilah Lowry coneleheu her visit till the. later part of the week, following Easter Sunday. A meeting of the H•oniok Town- ship Junior Farmers Barley Club was held in. the ,•township ..,hall, Corrie, on Saiturciely afternoon when tee relglstered Ontario Agnicultun'al College 21 baley Was distributed to the twenty farmers' sons, ranging in ages 112 to 20 yearn innlesive, The seed%wee subjected 4,d the 'new Cesera.ne dust treatment for prei'en- tion of barley 'snout, eaob Young tem 'breatirlg his own allotment undlen• direction of Ablicaltutml Rep- resentative J. C. • Sheerer, The local club stlnenvlsops are John W. Seh'omg, Clarrot Greve ,and Georgie Baker, 'The club leader is R. W. N. Wade, Gerrie, The offlcete are Williams Bennett, Gerrie, President: Mcleod IOatheors, Wroxeter, 'rice- presiclenrt, and' 'Kenuseth. Wright, Wroxeter, vice•1presidesl't• The tnemb,ents are hurray and Allister Elliott, Ken'ueth Gelbraitht Leo and Anson I-Iwtton, W. Ritchie. H. ettetdhl:son, Cltnries Moder, Donald Brown, John Douglas, W. A. Bennett, Leotard. 'Sanderson, 'Glen A.nett n, Howe tel Felicar,.. William Cowan Gerrie district; Cecil Gal- elate», lbmdiwiele; Kenneth Wright, Front Warren and John A, Lane, Wroxeter,. Time Table Changes Effective Sunday, April 30th Full Information from Agents The eemtn,unldty was deeply shock- ed by the death of Mrs, Andrew ugei Montgomery, who pasted away In sez Scott ;Memorial Heepttal about sev- en o'aloclt Tuesday morning as the lr ;11 of burns received: in a file at the realilt home an Mill street about 1.30 that morning. Phe family occupied the dawn- etiiirs of the house, the upper part being used as a storeroom and for drying rag tate r biidren's clothes, Mr. Montgomery. said he had !wen awakened by the screams of his wife ,rind discovered her in flames upstairs. He tan and got a Pall of n ter and extin'gutahad' the flamis. alis ,wife did not answer at fireet but later 'teals able to speak; when a"'ked whet hid happened sere could only. say, "I don't know, 1 deete know." K le suggested site might have gone uipstairs, to get some more cov- ers for the children and thee her clothing might Mare ignited, from the light, ther'•e being no electricity in the house, and some awards of night apparel are regarded very ia,- flaninnatb•le, The other theoery is Ib,at Mrs, Montgomery discovered flre upstairs and caught fire in art - tempting to beat it out. The wall- paper was badly burned, The stove pipe from downstairs passes through the upstairs room. M A private funeral was herd on Thursday at 2 p.in. at the home of Mr. John Monillgomery, Winthrop, intemtwent in Maitlauuelbank 'Cemse- tery. A preliminary insuest was held on Tuesday morning by Coroner, Dr, e'. J. Bairr-ows, the Jury being: J, J, Chuf, foreman; le, E, Smith, C. Holmes, Bev, Christie, J. A. Case, M. McLeod, Ed. Daley. They adjourned to a date to be set later'. Formerly Laurette Malvina Glee - sou, she was born' 31. years ego in Ottawa. Following her manh'iage to Andrew Montgomery son of Mr. and F Leaving Saturday morning for hes' luome in Listoyel where she will be for the time r'emainin'g, till site resrarires teaching clashes when srrhools reopen after Easter holt• drays. Six neer pupils between the ages 5 years old and six years old com- menced, echo' ebtendance in the junior r00115 of Ethel psblic school when 'school opened atter Easter vlaoathen. 'It will be in.toreeting to note developments. * * * * * * * * * Obituary * * * * * * * * 1' s . THOMAS GAVIN SMART The I1lighland., Parker Im a recent isane' cowries a story telling of the funeral of Thomas Gavin Stuart, a native of Bmtuseeis. 'rte paper says "'Rev, Willie L. Gelstoat of- flcla'ted' at 3 o'clock Thursday after noon at et nes'al services for Thomas GAbin Smart, eity building inspector who dived suddenly Monday, April 3rd, In Highland Peek General Roselle'. The body was in state from noon' ,until the hoer of service et HigIlsland' Park Presbytorioat Marcie Burial was in Roseland Park Cemetery. Pallbeen'ers were Wilbur Coons, A1•nold •Conlin, Charles Rawlings, Leonard Knapp, Horace Newheery and Frank Gon h. Mr. S,niaiit, when home wns at 33 Winona Avenue, lead, lived in High - 1011(1 Parlc Cor 26 y'oaita, lie was born Feb, 12, 1$74, in Brussels, Out,, and bad aloe lived in Blaine, Miele, and lie Detroit. Appointed build- ing• inwlpcctor last year, Mr. Smart also served the city Mom 1322 to 1921 when he was clouted city con- tnlssloner. He was a retired em- ployee of the Motel 'I'i'tlnk hall- way told a. monger of the Rro- tllelilLood of Locomotive Engineers. Surviving nae his wife, Mee. Jenttle 17. Smeri; three eons Whitney A„ Carroll el., rill Wayne D. Snarl, and three grandchildren, Carola Robert and Marylyn." 011 WFD'NnSDAY, AP= 19th, 1939f' IB S iiS1 ■Rl**II tion! • co orny Stores r; Specials for Thursday, Friday & Saturday 1 • 1 • • , 1 ■ ii Crristies Soda Crackers large box 18c Eatmore Wheat Berries ""•' per pkg "lOcc. il . Winsome Toilet Soap 3 cakes l Vinilla, Large Bottle• -'•'•••"'- 0e II Campbell's Spaghetti 3 cans • - • 25c Tomatoes, large 28 -oz, can • • • . • •••• 2 for 25e II 1/2 it, 19c 19c 1 9c 25c . 18c 8c .' 18c 1 Black Tea, bulk Jiff Soap Flakes •••• Corn Starch White Cooking Beans NonSuch Stove Polish Pearline Pat -a -Pan Pastry -Flour Large Rex per box per bottle per box 7 Ib bag Our Motto - 1 Satisfaction At Economy Prices 1 - HIGHEST GRADING PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Brussels Same Attention Fin We Deliver Phone 55 `Every Order, Large or 'Small Receives the Mots. J. A. Montgomery of Wia- throP, on Sept. let, 1928, she and Mr, Montgomery lived in Detroit and Sarnia, end, in 1931 came to Wintlu'op, Mr. Montgomery's home, and about terse years Aga to Sea - forth, rreeiddng in their Present house on Railway street the past year and e. half. Besides her hus- band she leaves six children, Betty Ross, Shirley, Irene, Malcolm and. Rath.; surviving also are her mother, Mrs. Henry Gleeson. Ot- tawa, and four brothere, and three sisters. Henry, Patrick and: William Gleeson, all of Ottawa, and Victor Gleeson; Detroit; Mrs, Stamonr (Le- nora) and Mus. lesebie (Nina), booth of Ottawa, and Mors. Shiptzel (Rose) of Wieser.—5eafortlt Neds MODERNIZE HOME with a DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equip- ment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trim- mings, as illustrated, ready for in- stallation, cost: Bath Tub . • Toilet • . • , Basin, 17"x19" Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet Sink and Cabinet, with faucet No, 30 Range Boiler . • Septic an . Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt atten- tion and estimates wilt be furnished without charge. $36.30 23.90 16.60 29 75 57.15 10.00 30.00 87.00 Under the Gov't Rome Improvement Loan Act the cost of mod• cruising your home can be spread over a three year period. :s For Sale By WILTON' & GILLESPIE, Brussels, Phone 68 338 •EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED—London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Vancouver `TAT — 1 1 1 i For Sale By WILTON' & GILLESPIE, Brussels, Phone 68 338 •EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED—London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg, Vancouver