HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-19, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Organization �r- Meeting Held - On Saturday eventing the organ. ization meeting od the Brussels, Bis= i inlet Junior Farmers No -barb Bar- LeY Club was held In the basement of the public library, Brussels. Members of local commiUoee, Wil- bur Turnbull, chairman, T, C, Wil- son, Charles Anderson and Edward Bryans ,submitted their repent of membership drive, reporting khat to date sateen fanners' sons of age. 12 to 20 years inclusive have signed up as members and it is confident- tly anticipated that by the 21st of this month four others will halve signed up, bringing the total up to the maximum of 20 members. !On the 21st the No -Barb barley donated by 1), M. McTavish, secre- taay of Brussels Agricultural Society, wile be distributed Brom the Brussels council chamber. This seed also will be given the Ceresan dust trea•tanent for .smart prevention by the young farmers themselves under ddreditlon of ullgricubtural Representative J. C. Shearer. Mr. Shearer presided at the .organiza- tion and the officers -el tot are. Wil- liam Turnbull, Brussels, R.R. 2, president; Jack Bryans, Blyth R,R, 2, vice-president; Herbert Kirkby Walton, secretary -treasurer. BIG AMATEUR CONTEST -in- Walton Community Hall Friday, April 21st Junior Prizes Senior Prizes l st-$5.00 1st -$5.00 2nd -$2.00 2nd -$2.00 3rd -$1.00 3rd -$1.00 under the auspices of St. George's Church .Entries received by Humphries Store, phone Seaforth 232-r-2 Mrs. B. Anderson phone Brussels 90-r-8 Admission -25c and 1 5 c REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING * * * * * * * Obituary * * * * d: * * * * MRS, REBECCA SMITH There passed away at her home in Brussels on Friday, April 7, Mrs. Rebe'c'ca Smith, in her 77111 year. Deceased was. born in Mar'ris Township on July 28th, 1862, being ,the youngest of a family of ten children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johne Jackson ,ail having pre- deceased her. Mrs, Smith was a member of the United Church being is her place as long as health permitted. The deceased was assistant matron of the Mimic° Industrial School for a number of years. In 1914 she was ,united in marriage to Alexander 'Smith of Brussels who predeceased her In 1928. She will be sadly missed by her nieces, nephetws end. friends. The funereal took place from her late residence on April 10th. Owing to th,c' illness of her minister Rev, H. Mahoney, the service was conducted by Rev. S. Kerr of Melville Presby- terian !Church. Interment was nude in Brussels CeureterY• Fllowere-s'7way, John Jackson' & family, M. Skelton, Mrs, McQuarrie and Alunea';spray, Harry Jackson family; pillow, Fear nephews; bas- ket, Fear niece% Toronto; wreath, Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Skelton, Bay City, Mich; spill,, Mrs, J. Smith and family, Mrs. Grant; spray, M'r. and Mrs. W. C, Kerr; flower bearers, Miss Mary Fear, Toronto; Mrs. Har - lock, Toronto; Mrs. L. Fear, Mrs. L. Williamson, Miss Rose ArmsoO, Miss Alise Pope. Pallbearers, W. Fear, L. Fear, G. Jackson, G. Maines, G. Smith, J. Beatty. John Wayne Ray Carrigan and Max Terhune Pals of the Saddle The Three Mesqulteers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Joe Penner Richard Lane I'm from the City Kay Sutton Paul Guilfoyle One long howl as Joe stumbles from one panic -making situation to another also Gene Raymond Ann Sothern She Got Everything -with- Helen Broderick Victor Moore Parkyakarkus Next Thursday, Friday & Saturday Ray Rogers Smiley Burnette Under Western Skys A NewCowboy ,Hero Artusseto Wednesday,a April 19th, 1939 BRUSSELS, ON I !RIO Finds Woman Dead In Bluevale Home Go Monday afternoon it was 11LO _... CAL NEWS ITEMS 11 Attention CARD OF THANKS Farm 'Friends I wish' to thank all kind friends Brussels Creamery is paying 10 and neighbors in and aground Ethel per lb, above road prices for butter for their kindness and all the nice fat delivered to 'CreamerY. ' : things they brought me during my BRUSSELS CREAMERY , illness.. I apreciate it. Courts May Decide Funeral Expenses Toronto, Alpril 1& -,-lino reading WAS given 1n the legislature to a bilk amending the Embalmers and Funeral Directors Act. The bili provides that where a person. res- ponsible for the payment of account submitted by an embalmer or funeral doctor is dissatisfied with the bill rendered- he tray have it considered by a Dour' judge. THE UNITED CHURCH Mrs. William Hamilton, Women's Institute The April Institute meeting is I Trout Season being held on April 21st. 'Phe Roll Opens April 29th Call 'My Favourite Quotation,' It is announced that the trout - Topic by Mrs, King on 'Music.' fishing season will open this year on- This. nThis! is the Annual Meeting, Reports Saturday, April 29,011, Instead of on and election of officers is being held. REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., LLD, Minister 11 a.m.-Christian Stewardship 3 p.m. -Sunday School 7 p.m. -Rediscovering Jesus Monday -Y. P. U. Missionary Night Jeanette Sanderson ,will give the Topic Auction Sale Well Attended A large crowd attended the auction sale of horses held at Gal'braithis, Sale 'Stable 011 Saturday afternoon. Eighteen horses were sold and the prices were good, It certainly helped to bring the farm- ers into toren, on, Saturday as busi- ness has been very quiet for the local merchants. -4-1 Plan To Decorate The King and Queen are coming to Canada! Those of us in villages not on the royal route may say - what does it mean to us? But let us here in Brussels plan to decorate our homes and business places 1n their honour, for big and small we are all part of the ,British Empire andd as such. should revere our King and Queen. The Melville Presbyterian Young People's Society is sponsoring play entitled - "TAKE MY ADVICE" Presented by the Presbyterian Y.P,S. of Seaforth FRIDAY, EV'G. APRIL 21st at 8 o'clock IN THE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS This play is a three -act comedy packed full of laughs for everyone ADMISSION - 25c & 10c COME ALL, AND ENJOY YOURSELVES a COMING - DON'T MISS iT! Brussels Town Hall on Tuesday, April 25th Commencing at 8 P. M. jail Talking Motion Picture Show Starring ---Richard 'Dix a'nd Madge Evans TRANSATLANTIC TUNNEL Also -Cartoons and Travelogues Admission Adults 25c,r Children 10c We are Equipped with the Latest Ttalking Machine , and will guarantee excellent sound, Tennis Court lnnundated wduld especially like to thank Last Friday afternoon the mem Reeve W, C. and Mrs, Kerr for their hers of the local tennis club were kindness, busy sweeping the water Off the Signed Mrs. tends court so that the young tennis enthusiasts could' :get au early staat this. season, playing at their favorT- i'te pastime. But by all appearances at present they will have to be con}- tent and waft for a while till thb water .recedes. The liver -has overflowed' its banks for a second time this season and there is about nine inchea of water on the courts. May 1st as usual. This will give anglers an extra week -end for their favorite. sport. Fountain Installed *Tire Red Band Store has installed a fountain this week, for the pur- pose of keeping the vegetable stook fresh and crisp. This added con- venience will assure freshness at all times, being kept under a spray of cold water at aU tunes, Brussels School 'Reopens After Holiday The local lads and lassies were back to their seats at schools on Monday despite the fact that it was blue Monday all round. The students • are on, their last lap at school anthese next three months are important ones, as the June examinations are not far off. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the neighbours and friends for the kind deeds and sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement in the passing of our aunt, Mrs', Rebecca Smith. We 1PLAY SAFE- ,Alsis for "Sunkist 'Oranges" and ' take a good look to see that Sunkist is on each Orange. Then you are sure of Stweiet Juicy Thin Skinned Oranges. The pick of the crop - because Sunkist bring you your full money's, worth every time. Greavar's sell only Sunkist Orange's Have you tried :those Sunkist Oranges Grewar's are selling for only 2 doz. for 35c. See their size Compare •this value. CASH AND .CARRY A. GREWAR SELL FOR LESS WE Spring! Is The Time To Brighten up the Home Whether it is painting, papering, general repairs, plumbing, or elec- tric wiring, the Horne Improvement Plan makes the financing of such work easy, The baron or garage may require repairer or new fences built. All this work can be financed under tre Plan as well. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Brussels has a folder which gives all the necessary information and the Manager will be glad to answer any questions you. may wish to ask about the Home Improvement Plan, Forsyth and; Edith Brussels Continuation School WINTER TERM REPORT Below are listed the n'anle0 of learned that Miss Nellie Sellas had students in order of merit with the passed away. Miss' 'Sellars, was is average .percent obtained' in all her 74th year, a daughter of the tests, and examdnntioms held during late Mr, and Mrs, Joel Sellars, Site the 'Inter term, Parents are was born on the 206 concession of urged to examine carefully the de- Morris 'Township, where she has Nailed report sent home with each always continued •to live. A few student and to consult the princ.i- years ago she .suffered a .stroke 'of pal if the student is not making paralyeisy but had recovered suf- satisfactony !progress, ficientily that site was again able The standard for Promotion at to live in he own borne alone. She mid-suunnrer in, Grade IX and X is to was around on Sunday .and when be 50% on each 'subject with an av- there was no reslPonse to telephone es•age of 60% on all subjects. I call's on Monday, her brother went GRADE IX i to investigate and Bound that she Jean MacDonald 76.6 I had passed away, Site had perform - Joe Stites 73,6 I ed here evening household duties, John Kelly 70.9 and had retired. She is survived . Jean .Speiran 66.8 i by two brothers, Eli in the Caned - Harris Bell 64.8 4 ian West, and J. J. Sellars in Helen McCntebeob 64.7 • Morris. 'Margaret Gibson, 64.2 r 1 The funeral was 'held from title Josephine VanNorman 63.9 ) D. A. Rann. Funeral Parlor on Wed - George Baeke:r 62,8 nesday.' Interment in Brussels cone - Emerson Mitchell 62,1 Prize Winners At Stratford Horse Show At the Annual Spring Horse Show held in Stratford last Friday, Geo. Galbraith took first prize in Road- ster class and fourth. prize in the saddle and hunter class. D. C. Warwick won 2nd prize for the best 3 -year-old; 4th; prize for the 3-yearold futurity class; 3rd prize for yearling colt. They averaged about 15 horses to .a class and tihe local horsemen are to be congratulated on their splendid showing. St. John's .Guild The regular monthly meeting of •5t. John's Indies,' Guild was held in the Vestry Room of the church with a fair number attending. The meeting was opened with the Lord's Prayer in unison. A passage of Scripture Was, road by Mrs. 13. Warleman, The minutes of the previous, meeting were read by the secretary Mrs, I3, ,Strebton, Aprons brought in at this meeting were priced, It was decided: to have a towel shower at May meeting. Towels to be lcept for bazaar. The apron being patched in• the town la to be brought in- at the May meet- ing. The meeting Was 'closed with the benediction. l SOMETHING TO SELL 7 SOMETHING TO BUY ? It ONLY COSTS YOU TWO•BITS TO TRY 1 Use The ,^,lestilfied' Column BLACK DIAMONDS - These are not. Coal or Diamonds but the sweetest, thin skinned Grapefruit you have ever. eaten. Just tare Wing to sharpen up that appeddte alter the 'fin. Solid. Crisp Large Beads: of Calif, Head Lettuce only 10c; Celery Hearts 2 large Hearts only 15c. Buy your fruit nt Grewar's and be assured' et the best, CASH AND CARRY A. GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS Innovation Of Economy Store Mr. Russell Farrow, who has clerked in J. T. Ross grocery for the past ten years, purchased the business last 'Tuesday end has inserted an ad on another page of this issue under the heading of Farrow's Economy Store. The store is being re -decorated, and stocked with a complete line of fresh groceries and, with obliging, courteous service which Russell is capable of giving, shio'uld be a pleasant place in which to shop. ter, Helen Speer 61.3 * * * * e * * * * * Jack Allan 60.6 Tens Armstrong 58.2 PEOPLE WE KNOW Mary Fox 58 * * * * * * * * * Clara Russell 56 ' A fire in the chimney et the Jean Stephenson 53.1 t home of 'Charles Garniss on Mon - Mary 1Vl0Cuicheon 52.1 / 1 day was extinguished by the aid of Elizabeth Brewer 52 Helen Riley 52 Leslie Rutledge 51.4 Jean Grainger 50.9 Jim Ireland 49.2 Lorne Bryans 48.7 Laura Ellacot 45,1 Stuart Kerr 39.7 Clarke Caeiff 39.3 GRADE X- Alioe. Stiles 7518 Gibson Willis 72.9 Della Tbynm,e 70 George McNichol 66.6 Mary Helen Kerr 59.6 Anna MoQuarrie 55. - William Coleman 57,9 Donald Walker 56,2 Frank Marshall 55.8 Mary Hellen Eckmier 54.9 Fiances Burchell 52.5 Jack Pierce 51,1 Donis Armstrong 49 Allan. Rollos 45.6 Kenneth Hendry 38,6 GRADE 1 - Lois Plum 70.9 James Lamont 70.4 Isabel Turnbull 63,9 Jean .Scott 61.1 Elizabeth Molter 59.5 Glenn Wheeler 59.3 Marlon Lake 59 Dorothy Armstrong 57.3 Jeanne VanNorman 57.3 Janet King +55,7 Jeanette Sanderson 53.6 Donald Lawless 53.1 'Mlany Baeker 51,6 Ivor Williams 49,3 Mary Ireland 46.8 Luella Mitchel 43,7 o Frank Scott 45.4 Gladys Davidson 41.7 'Mona. Miller 36.5 Ruth, Hendry 36.3 Charles Bnyants 34.6 Kenneth Wilbee 34,4 Jack McDonald 33.2 0 Elizabeth, Hendry 30,,4 GRADE XII - Glen Dilworifh 66 Londse Stiles 65.5 5 Earle ,Coutts 62.2 Tom 'MeFadzean 62.2 Harold Parker 60.4 John Sipeir 60.1 George Northwood 60 Virginia. Plum 58.7 ' Bert Bleck 54,2 Barbara. Michie 52.6 Henafi Russell 514 Pet Bears At Newry Considerable excitement was created around the Newry service stations recently when- It was learn, ed that two beans belonging to Walter Bell bad decided to end their- long winter's, sleep an 'trawl out of their straw -filled log and enjoy the warm sunshine. Mr, Dell received the two beans es a gift when, they were quite .small cubs, but they ere almost grown up now and are quite an attraction for travellers along the higblway. -Milverton Sun. BORN ICAY-On Saturday, April 15, 1029, at the Stratford, General HOS,.. pita), to Mr, and Stirs. J. A. C. Kay, a sora, George Kenner, the firemen. No damage was done. Miss likhel Shaw who has been. nursing Mr. McGuire, at the home of D. C. Ross has returned to her home at Walton. Mr.I Lee Kipfer is laid up with the 'flu and as soon as 'Mr. Kipfer has recuperated Jack ,Rnutledge's barber shop will be open for busi- ness. C. Richardson. Co., Ltd., of St. Marys are engaged at Wm. J. Stewart's putting in the machinerY for the pasteurization planet here. Mr. Wyman Sprarling of London is spending a week here with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fletcher Sperling. A number of ladies of the Liberal Association' attending a meeting of the Guelph, District Women's Liber- al Association held in Palmerston on Tuesday afternoen- Misses C. MdCracken, G. Ross, H. Downing, D. Bates and Russell Grant have returned to their schools in Toronto. Mrs. Jack 'Cameron, Nancy and y Murray, also Margaret Scriangeour of Blyth, returned home Friday afite s1ending Easter vacation with Mr. and: Mrs. Jerry Scrim- geour, at Tilsonburg, At The Churches Services in, Melville Presbyter- ian. Church yere' conducted by the Minister, Rev, S. Kerr who took for his morning subject "The Spirit or the Church." The subject for the evening service was "Woe is me, if I preach not the Gospel." An An- them was sung at both morning and evening services, 'Services in St. John's. Anglican. Church were conducted by the Rec- tor, Rev. H. Hendry Who spoke at the morning service fnomn Ezek, 37-3 -"Son of Man These Bones Live?" The evening text was taken frown Luke 24-30: "Peace Be Unto You." The W. a4I. S. annual Easter Thhnkojering services ,ere con- ducted one Sunday morning by Mrs. McKenzie, Sealforth, guest speaker, who gave a splendid message to those who attended. Rev. Mr. Ma- honey conduoted the evendnp,, ser- vice, 'Special musil was contribut- ed at both services, William, King 46.7 ;Alice Blake 71 (not ranked) Wiilianr Eokmier 52 (not ranked) GRADE XIII- ' Edith MecTavish 71.6 Mina. Bryan 63.6 Elizabeth Beset 61.8 Halbert Keifer. 44.2 Not Ranked Dorothy Ballantyne 72 Marie King 65 Jsabe4 MacTavish 71,5 Sloss Wheeler 66 Dorothy Wright 61 Those students not ranked are taking only three or fewer .than three embjdcts. SCATS Y. P. Meetings The. Y. P. S, of 'the United Church held their weekly meeting on. Mon. day evening with 'Clrarils4s. McNich- ol in the chair; Barbara Michie read ,the Scripture lesson and Jack Bry-aane gave a talk, and Rev. H. J. Mahoney spoke on "]s 'Sunday a Holiday or Holy Day?" Qt was de- cided to have a play on May 3rd. St. John's Anglican, Mitch held !!heir Y. P. S, on Monday evening witpn Harvey laud .lin In the chair. After Scripture reading and prayer games 11,100 played, "My lrardbatnd proposed five times before I accepted ,him:" "Is that so? Wleo were the Ave inertly girls?" DEATHS P120D(E--In Listowel Memorial ,Flos- pdta.l, on Tuesday, A,pr01 18111, John Pride, in his 77Ith year, Funeral service will be held from his late residence, Slott 20, iConces,- M on 12, Grey Toilvushin, on, Friday, April 8187, iSeawlee at 1.80 pen. lnterauen,t la Brussels CelneterY,