HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-12, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST ahiferra Lemon3 22c doz. British Columbia Salmon 2 large tins • • •••• • • • • tcamisssagiSaintraTorts MISe Tomato Catsup 11 oz. • • 2 for • • • 2 5 c High Grade Pepper 20c 1 tb for Kaybee Tooth Picks 5c 1 •box National Matches 2410 3 for insusementaxwmausammarcssa Supreme Mincemeat 24c 1 i'b ...• o ala Supreme Shortening 2It for ...... ....24c TIMILWINEMININSIMMOPIWPWINO Large Lux 25c 24c s.ss.MMI Libby Vegetable Soup 25c 3 for Gold Medal Pumpkin 25 c e, 3 for .... ........ . Good Old Che C3e Gold22 c 1 tb Medal Jelly Powders 5 for `Mirac:e' Washing Washing Fluid 25c 25c Silver Gloss Starch per pkg Gin-cr Snaps 9c 1 doz. 5c 46111111 Oid Dutch Cleanser llc Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour 6 tb pkg 22c Happyvale Prunes 5 tb for ... -......25c White Cooking Beans 25 C. 5 tb pkg IF YOU ARE LOW IN POTATOES - GIVE US A CAW. Royal Train Arrives Here At 2.30 o'clock 0S1trab0ord Beacon-Hetaid) The Royal train, bearing King George VI and Queen, Elizabeth will arrive in Stratford at '.20 o'clock on the afternoon of June 6 and will pull out of the city exactly, 10 min• utes later at 3.30 o'clock, it was a• ^otmIcecb by Mayor Thomas E. !Lary following a conference with rr'icialc of the C.N.R. Royal Can- -adieu Mounted Police and ProvInic- Permanent Spezials From April 5th to the 15th BE THE SMARTEST OF SMART THIS EASTER SEASON Let us set your Hair "Up" or "down" In a flattering style SPECIALLY PRICED PERMANENTS $150 Wave for - - $1.75 $3.50 Wave for - - $2.25 $5.00 Wave for - - $3,00 $6,00 Wave for - $4.00 $7.00 Wave for - - $5.00 Brussels Beauty Salon (Over H. B. Allen:a Drug Store) Phone 55X for an appointment lal Officers on Thursday. Confer- ence was held' at the office of R. E. Orr, Divisional Superintendent of Transportation at the C. N. 11• Depot, Thousands of people from all over this part of Ontario are expected to be in Stratford on June 6 and ac- commodation for them is being ar- ranged, Under a scheme proposed' by Mayor Henry and sanctioned by C. N. R. officials and Ottawa head- quarters of the R. C. M. P., alt freight and passenger cars end loco- motives will be moved from the C N. R. yards here from Downie street to Romeo street and thous- ands of people will be able to get ir''o That apace to see the Royal couple. The allot hal n•which precedes the Royal train will arrive in Strat- ford at 2.45 o'clock and will pull out of Stratford before the Royal train arrives No otter trains will run over the linea for at least two hours before the Royal •train is scheduled to macre the trip, it was announced. Mayor •Heu•ry's• scheme to clear the railroad yards will probably mean that Stratford will have more accomanodation ofr spectators and loyal ,subjects to see their rulers, than will anw other city In Western Ontario. Other places find they lack the necessary space for citizens to congregate while waiting the Royal brain, ,1,++++++++++44,4,i,,+44.4,44+4,4,4 The time of the train's arrival DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR EYES ! If you have noticed after reading or close work that your Eyes become tired easily or you feel nervous and have a slight headache, you can be sure your Eyes need attention. Conte to Reid for $ thorough, scientific Eye Examination ked proper glasses at moderate prices. You nave a modern, complete eyesight service within asy reach. Mr. Reid comes to Brussels every Wednesday (except the odd time when roads are impassible) and maintains an office in Miss Hingatonis store. Phone 51 for an appointment NOW. R. A. REID AT BRUSSELS OFFICE -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2'00 to 5.00 "hone 51 .for Appotnttnent and departure will be officially au- 0ouuScod to the ,11oy111 Visit Conianit- tee a't a meeting 1n the City Hall Monday evening. Accommodation for 100,000 it has been estituated that 100,000 People can be t,c: o:umodrated In tre C'. N, 11, yards and. along the 0. N. R. rigt1-o5.way from Romeo street all the way to Erle street 10 neces- sary, If present ailangeineavts work out aS por schedule .hero will be School children from Listowel, Olin - fon, Seaforth, 'Godericlr, Kincardine, Milverton, Millbank and all Inter - points at Stratford that Of c^:'e there ore scores 01 minor details still to be arranged. There will babe to be drinking fountains for flu* people. Thousands of school children cannot be asked to eland for two or three lhour•s in advance matting for the thin with- out needing some sort of accommo- dation. The fountains may be tem- porarily 1nhlialled by '~tapping" water mains in. the C. N, 11, yards although just how that pant of the Plan will be carried out is not definitely known as yet, GREY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Minutes 00 Council Meeting feed April 1st, 1939. Moved by Leslie McKay, second- ed by Alex Alexander that the nvin- utet be adopted as read. -Carried. ,Moved by Alex Alexander, second- ed by Leslie MolCay, that we amend By-laws No. 4.1937 and. No, 8-1937, Kisitner and North West Drains, to cover the additional cost of con- struction as per the engineer's de- ficiency report. -.Carried. Moved by T. C. Wilson, seconded by Leslie McKay that all relief be discontinued except in any case which the Reeve may consider necessary, -Carried- Moved by Leslie MICKay, seconded by T. C. Wilson, that we agree to co-operate with Huron County Coun- cil up to 25% of the expenditure for reforesbraion purposes in each school section, --Carried. Moved by T. C. Wilson, seconded by Leslie McKay, that this Council will give all possible co-operation with representative Shearer, if he should) hold A. combined Short ,Course in Ethel this coning fall or winter,-Ca•rried. Moved by Thos. Dougherty, sec- onded by T. C. Wdlsou, that all accounts presented) and approved be paid,-ICSrried. Moved by Alex Alexander, sec- onded by Thos. Dougherty, that we adiourn to meet again April 20th, 1939 at '8 o'clock or at the call of the Reeve, --Carried, The following accounts were paid: - Roy Vegan, snow plowing .... 45.50 W. Armstrong, Avow roads S,SO Alex Armstrong, snow roads 1.20 ,Stuart McNair, snow roads .70 Wm, Machan, snow roads ,.,. ,70 Blair McIntosh, snow roads .70 Mac McIntosh, Ma ow roads. .70 Angus Brown, snow roads .. 1.10 John Hood, snow roads 1,50 James Stevenson, lumber 9.77 John, Trainer, snow roads .,,1.00 Wni, Cameron, exp, to Convention Dom. Road Mach. Co., 12.89 Join Pennington, remove ice School Section. No. 11 200,00 Stan, Alexander, Alexander Award J. H. Fear, clerk's fees Win. Elliott, sheep killed .,, Ales Ale•vanc'er, value sheep Listowel Banner, Tenders Wanted S, H. Fear, register relief aIli!pldcanite • J. H, Fear, relief account , Prank 'Harrison relief acct, Wm, Ziegler, relief .acct. Geo, Dunbar, relief acct.., Alex Dunbar, relief acct, J. H. Pear, April Amory R. J. Lovell, supplies Brussels Post, print school notices 7iwp MbKlllop, telelpluone .... 11,00 3. H. Feer, Clerk, 13.00 3.60 9.00 2.75 10.00 2.00 2,85 10.00 5,65 39.10 27,66 49.04 3,28 4.1,65 1,50 .50 BELGRAVE The Women's Ins'titute will meet at the home of Mrs. 3, Townen.d on Tuesday afternoon, Aril 18, with the Historical Research committee in charge, !Convenors, Mrs, 3, Townond, Mrs. H. Procter; Roll Call, Showing your Grandmother's picture and your baby picture; Ad - dram, Mr. 0, W, Soon; Musts, Mese Nota Van'cant,p; Lunch tie 0, Mrs. G, Hlgghis, Mrs. A, Vincent, Mrs. R. Procter, The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Ang- lican church met at hoarse 00 Mrs, R. W. Procter on Thursday after- noon, April 4. W15D:1S07A.Y, APRIL 124ti, 1919 Charles Stewart Dies Suddenly Seaforth, Apidl 3,• ---Charles Stew- art, poniiuent resident of Seale -tit died suddenly last night as the re- sult of a heart attack. He was a menthe]. of the firm of Stewart Bros., well-known Seaforth cloth- iers, and •w.os widely known throughout this district, Mr, Stewart occupied many re- sponsible positions in Seaforth and at the time of lila death was a n1 11 r of the Lions Ciub liere. He was also a Charter member and Past President of the latter organ!. enon, !Mir, Stewal't was born in Seo - forth, 500 of the late Mr. and Mrs. ,I,'mee Stewart. He attended Sea - forth Collegiate Institute and has always reta.ined an active interest in that sc•h o1, At the time of hip: death he was an, honorary president of the Sea•fonth Alumnae Associa- tion, Following his graduation from school here be went to Chicago and New York wheer he lived until his return here in 1904 when he entered into partnership / with his brother, Harry Stewart, under the firm name of Stewart Bro•ts, is his youth ,he was a Promin- ent athlete and was a member of the famous Beaver Lacrosse team stere, He was also a member of Huron 'County Soccer Foo Shall team, He retained a great interest in sports and only two days before his passing he had been elected honorary president or Seaforth Amateur Athletic Association, He was a memper of the Golf and County Club, the Lawn Bowling OEub and the Curling Club here. He woos married 30 years ago to Margaret Friel, who. survives hint, together wit Mayo sons, Friel and Donald, and one daughter, Jean, all at (tome. Requiem High Mass was sung at St. James" ,Roman Catholic 'Church. here on Monday morning at 9.30 o'clock PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF HORSES SATURDAY, APRIL 15th AT GALBRAITH SALE BARN BRUSSELS, ONT. at 1 o'clock 30 Good Ontario Horses Some matched Teams, 3 and 4 years old; 5 Good Mares, 5 years old; Some Mares In Foal; also good cheap work horses. Two Good Wagon Horses, also a High Class Saddle Horse. J. H. Galbraith, Prop. F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer, CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE - House and property on Albert St- Miss tMiss Ella Woods WANTED - 20 pigs. about 75 lbs, phone 23-r-19 James S. Armstrong FOR RENT - !Pasture, running water. phone 21-r-4 Mrs. Clark, Concession 16. FOR SALE - Thoroughbred Poll -Angus Bull, fit for service. 'phone 43-r-10 Selwyn Baker FOR SALE - About 5 tons of hay. 1c pl,y to Charles Cleaver phone 41-r-7 Ethel FOR SALE- O.A.O, No. 1 Falcon Barley, clean seed 75c per bushel. Wm. McNair. Sr, phone 24-r-10 or phone 24-r-13 POR SALE - A quantity of White King Seed Oats• phone 42-r-7 James, Clark FOR SALE OR RENT - 75 acres of good laud, all workable N ?Z of lot 29, Comcesster 8, Morris Twp. apply to R, Currie, phone 12-r-14 Addison Taylor, phone 23 -r -S FOR SALE - SEED GRAIN Banner Oats; also mixed Banner and Two -Rowed Barley, .Peke 01,50 per cwt. phone 554-16 3, M. Katigh1 & Sons R, R, no. 1, Brussels AGENTS WANTED- FAMILEX WILL S'1'AIR'l' YOU in profitable business like hundreds of others throughout Canada. No experience required, We train you. Liberal commission, for selling 200 guaranteed necessities. !Meet ail competition successfully, Ambit- ions salesmen, write for free cata- logue and plan without obligation, FAMILFIX Co, 170 St. Clement, 71lmitreal After Easter Sale Our Great Stock -reducing 0 reit" Sale Starts This Week -end You will find bargains such as you have been accustomed to over a period of years during a t 7pleai "PARIS SHOPPE SALE" Everything is re- duced in price to clear the racks and shelves quickly. COATSin all sizes, fitted or straight back, in the 11 season's choices materials real 1939 styling, in the colours of: black, navy, suez, japonica, beige, grey and green Prices from $8.95 up. Also a handful of 1938 left -avers at from $5 to $10.00, former values up to $22.50. tai TAILORED SUITS at on y $19.9iarg Regular $22.50 GOING AT All orders and special measurements at regular prices. Cir 1: $17.95 IN THE MILLINERY SECTION We Have Hundreds of 'Fine Hats to chose from Straws and Felts for the young Miss or for the conservative Matron, a style to suit every taste, prices from TO $1.95 $2.95 HUNDREDS OF FINE DRESSES FOR AFTERNOON OR EVENING WEAR LOVELY GOWNS FOR THE BRIDE or BRIDES -MAID Half Size Dresses for the stouts, in a variety of new materials plain, figured or Swiss embroidered. You will have no trouble finding a new frock at the price you want to pay. Prices from $2.95 -TO- $14.95 FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY Chiffon and Service Weight FIRST Quality only Sizes 81/2 to 101/2 in the New Spring Shades 49c Per Pair (no mail -orders) 1 You are realty saving money when you shop at the PARIS LADIES SHOPPE Listowel leading ladies wear store Where your Dollar buys more Induct New Minister At St. Marys Service St. MarYsl April 7.--Approximate- iudnotiou services wee held in First Presbyterian Church when the con- gregation and presbytery welcomed the new Pastor, Reb, J. T, Strachen, formerly of •Owen, Sound, Rev. W. E. Keily, of Listowel, moderator of the presbytery, conducted the ser- vice and the sermon, was delivered by Rev. J. 'H, Moore, of Shake- speare. The Sterile leading up to his call were told by Rev, A. R. Wil- son, interim moderator. ,M¢•. KelVly, then addressed' the new min- ister, and Rev, C. S, Oahe, of, Strat-r ford, addressed the caugergation. H ave YOUR EYES Examined Thursday, April 13 I expect to be at myBrussels office all day Thursday April 13th to give Expert Anylitical Lye Examinations and to fit Glasses when required. EYE STRAIN wastes valuable Nerve Energy and depletes the vitality of the whole body; causes Headaches, Nervousness, Sick Stomach, Double Vision etc. •Let US give you Clear Strain Free Vision. F. ', Homuth Phm, B�, R t. ANYLITICAL OPTOMETRIST Harriston Phone 118 Brussels, Phone 26X