HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-12, Page 4THF BRUSSELS POST
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Air. Jas. Jelturxtn of lralibnrteu
la ellseti ditto -hitt lei tdny+ with his
parents. Mr. nod Mrs. R. .lohnsun.
hitt William Ito!"sett \ arae Azar.
♦vthv Dolton and 'terms ltatat, oat
UAW110410T- \ \' . nn' "inutility; their
tlotiday`ct with the fertnets sister.
tire, \\" itntnllhltrQ_
N11,11 0\ of '1'0' t3:r:h
Murat. ,'t a:n <t, ,le,-„tt biliary of
Myth :out \ta eraret \t.l+ra5 1-•"
daau ~leen: S iirdaay a ttlt 1\'ia}te1n
tAt%R', e' tae..a ,s `.< $3'e.•.tcl air the
\\it!! her" nnettier Mrs tlrlr-
lay ct .ttettiiohttaag and 'Mr, t'
Setters +s sp0ndtag his holiday such
!kis twee:4'r Amgen!. .at ttlneaale.
Mrs, W Kell, and aanatnlr tare*
ispon!i ng t:tet t31i.ute:t with the
fo mrer's pea encs in \\ tawaiwuth,
Miss 'Margaret Camwettu of Hot -
Sarni Centro ao speuti nu her holt.
curs ,ts41: ',tor Osr°!ents, a: the manse.
Mr Ken Pelmet: s F'Cfl ttao tenni:•
tahe41e4t ttr,,i+few 011d let mesh:we
1,..t hear May Clunks nut#e real
r,s„tisa, t;,t 5elaetsxrnsc"zl Fxs.t yogi
raraonxt. a:ttexttian. e.re„slea
Gilbert Nethery
R. R. 5 Brussels
end in Tomtit).
Mrs. rr. It. Outliner of Toronto
spent the holiday with her Stater
Mat. J. «;. Ituclleantrau,
Sirs- t3ren'tte t)uuttas entertained
•el lt-ri s item Cleveland. Ohio, Mrs,
,tenet ties drt., :\91's. Robert 1):lllb e,
Mita :acct lits Iloteata! Clark, Miss
vtelltt ltan ".ln t'c<11111°l ofIth ocean
to C.lea'eltind,
Miss Kathleen Ittetnner, teacher.
mooretrold •s on„teying. her blaster
e.aea. •, atilt ha parents. W. attat
ltaewster. t:tt eon..
3tr a 9 Matte, Mr, arra firs. A.
\\clover anti daughter \\'ardtue
of Niagara Falls spots the Easter
week•-eeud ac,ttt thole mother and
brother \fall, out. it,
MS. O. Tatetbruil, i etit reu. lags
t .t He llldtsPosed daring tlao
ieas..rt ek. tntaltt. A hewn:rt AMOK. hart
feei,,.tlA somewhat Improted t!t
pr meat¢
It11y r`e:a ran 'coca rooted gena Ilene:
no: fare,: on the fora lernt tai.
I3ti1 Tzrttlrz.",1 is to be ern, sa;tt•
`!,ata on haring wen tr.dprize tat
the Ft 1a i :g u; oontromtor, beech
spent at !tanto: whore almost Ga'er/.
t•onvealonee for pleasure and rant
tort are fotuleb. After hutcla tut'
ealndratty wits called W order and
the fat:livitlg addrt'ss was read by
R. r.. Tayietr mil N. t'. 17uue:altsrn
prosonted Mr. l'fe afar with a beau-
tiful club hag.
To Mr. Norman rrtlftur:
Bear Norm,
Atter a sojourn ut four )ears in
this contannnily you have sate ii! to
east your lot elsewhere.
Outing yvur fen.( years here
your pleasant ette:'-tui disposition
has getnetr y-elt tuauy waren friend's
1arti wuilo wa rare iearlt tta see you
depart we fool our toss t< ether's
gain, As a small part:ii re:uem-
brtance Ire ttk you to except the$
Clear bang not for its intrinsic value
batt to bring hack fend remem-
brances of y°our years spent in this
\\`e hope gen will long he spared,
to use i, and travel book to visit us
again. As we Will always reratte
w. h. pleasure year sojourn .,, this
„e..chhorh:t ed,
Signed or. behalf your friends
old, net°t4tbers,
W. '. rratwans n
R, C. Campbell
Bob Go tea
at aft rt t. and Chalon •tt, t: Seeing The recipient. made t short snit-
Thursday evening of lest week a
ladeontrany e f at. a: (iris friends
Arid tleiA1184,:•0. „. .0411t71c•3 6.4 the
R.. and Mrs, 1-Znig:'it, let
a]reY The gathertng
saws .5,e Zanier of Mr. Norman
Ttettfotr Notttt as he is fa ali'arly
able and pointed reply thanking
friends. for their r ; _.t also Mt. ar,..3
A rs% Knight who t,`,ew ,sea the
home for the ew^css'ort. Norm. :bade
many- friends 't ill$ be re ,.: ti
roved .. ow, pretty well: O: :he
sing,. hes a .Only c'::.i fi ;: h-. \Ce
think tax rootmjsced a ..,:. ::;e
h;`t la :tr ax ileo leas btsext a l'aa ), 0770"04 one iris may .. recalled :k.a this
: la 077.17:4*yre ,,f Mr. Knight ightt for the root. dancing x: [ i:t ed :r.:: t::: wee
l,:'.t fOur years, „cI..w hours s'( ::'c 'ihr n.Y 1i. -::f:: the,
A most c 4=era .e evening l'iTtA ere W.i derat ed ,x:c„^::ng 9r, tc,3
.'".8ieaa-ay- return's .
�ati t"'art'. i a\ y :'a . t%:- v rrater. ir,Lszt, the 'f l
Isco =any .lt ..at,. ..«ai atesi ieI.4 tm
aria it' »n'tZ ki :it pare?„.
A': '' `.Ise ^„r tit'•st til t\"'7-1,-, i.t\dt t7 ;7"Qt
1$ :1�zt'l: a �i $'.a� ±tom. 1`�1 ,t. r t '1
mak, •,0a'1±r labbl:et sis,sxt S' .,ii e711 C yta3i
mot oa$ rs,"l10• a; :tea:, lid zr,-it'4-adagio, l,c'1i1 ;c
Duro er u gly S
: (stem
U ti- ..t•: S..rt.S.St c.. "C.•,. l ttO'hon,.
r'x ::t^4- i, r. .";s ltrt y,•t rt) ai ,a;cifY
. ^
71/e. 4'er a'.. 't', tt re 2t 'k 42tes.s.niLlrt,d
;Pr`:.1:1,111r. ::tl.irat''<:-"r.Jt�4 ..7C lrifwtoYlrr-
t .':. tr 11>.; 'r}.•r .l' .1 tf: t': ria aLlziKt- {�"es:Cl.......
•%u, tem nifty Mu, LttIU$SF'tner
11111%r. :111/"F L•St;ittrI. i; a^;F .<.,5fc.
�... -tttrl ell! t-t"l s 25- pl., , Vint:..
e .r:, :e 1,r1. ..t:.• :rte`*.
410116601t : ti $4 4.171110
f710010, Z00047100
51,/x12z411l !'cream t i y air ''b%le+7t 6;
:,ntr^tttntfn "inner. 'imnrnittne.tt'.
..),.rt -eu. n' .far( r tn^tit ,. Pe731ett:lni4T'
e!11 tt 31t1'.'tiat-t ..nt.l t, tune. hunt
Ohl: .nt't r'tiltttt nt iia. ntrinttita- two.
rout ;we l nt'.-tltt -tl:' hirer '' ar.
I.nnliitt r•iJii.. Mt mnnttettlen, gun.
:rumor's. rtinntitrtt VtttltrtlI'..it'iarf!'t
a11�Tt r 9i�li i glob xIE.
&laritviat % `•itii a;.
:1u13)t,;rz. �k.rcfS, Irl. '.ten:, 1.
.,,u,ru,a 'e'amtlfmr r+rraattr falttini,
170i 1iltYnr'
1 tine ,tsar,
111,. Ring Hastings of New
tt at lJ c 7707e.lt'S a4 atla eU'•S, :
-enr :3ssr.a s sat .:_a5. tic lime.
aa5 and
errs lit Yo41.c see tr Baster with has
;ta-woes. and i!li- and 137x. Roel':'
paiseraa and Mr. sad hitt Chas.
Bo enan msec a-irir.
l7it� Hoeaar•'h tst<ettiling to
tolidszes at her
it:'. Shim: 1Jc.'..tney rf T:.roott .
spe10 Y•?rri' d 1n:ol a c' with Ifir, and'
103.7t. i!*sic, lh:tsrsi^: xis3 c t
Y,7. t,.tt!: ^raa'a 'ffiel t kele,y,
tic w:`a Tek d ir:4 ra s*t: 1a =
r„asae.T holidays with his parents
.and bsto het, : w ellts Sr, a:nlda:S:
1dr, swt3 1.711%. x ,,, 3 ?c \ rLe ? At!
da chr,x' ea Stmd,ar atter
non ,1r h br- and ldrs1 "R),Tha
Toho_ vol,
The .. h.l'a xrr,.en:^ .rf errs 1. P.
-of the United treaurret was. "rFrd
v t1: Tta't i H.5:tx r yo-essatup.; : ;a
o-po wig gutted man,:vat.nt
^ r 3n'hra?•tara dr K 't Q eeti- 1
(;end., _thew to.* rlue^tcn.. "`}.• t r7p.-
ttz •.t lesswea 17,4t4St tvsLit 1t0x 3.G.-••-
Weft/L4 'The Blister trrpa. 'w
ratt'4n ]t1r s r A. V.. Tit.obh
%Honored ttiaralt
Monte -ors of •: tt i 'ts' T, ;11th:.t ,
,t'a:^n,e :of the rare ia.t 'cit 3rer
tor, Otraams! at at,.it .
bfrt. ,tocol, ani 31,e31r-sd r.:her
f is lits • Iffisr1, a':? F. a ; t a .4111/)
Liu1,:u!'.41r C't,tYwt:7".
tu170.7i570 eitJixlnu'ti.lra:..174
a'tul.. Wiry Nettie issmetrvsl y-
% 'r• 'on g70t +ts n 'htntill At :i, Ora'
r "int it t -to ttr er : i1r" i7 . _.. T'. ht i
:rime" S,rvera:ttnriltt a t,• ear t t azo.
tr r 'attt ail )r tui sue ),lane+mntr
TAM, .77 rslnnzsiS vi .:h h. ntisrnill.:ti-
o+nUr shower'.
4^• 1 t y,„: r1't,wl, r:•t MOT,
)ltۥ t1- ie a4, Ci fli M iinguts
m..t:17r 41".1 suntu'etssatnl• ii 4hr,rt
'''r11Uw 1tt it : it+ w•;Burat' .tun? ill'
t: .S ,,eir. Sill ... £;Jit*••. „'••n
lsc-w Atte,':ut+•tear,
44r:tti, ?c, ,.octet f4:re ,
4 tU S er £t,3
(47.1, 1. it .5tt'•• 17 'Isom
1rr1i+ ". _•I- :ir.. -t -' 1r.:e.,:,; IL:..
'tr1k: .. .. .�.,.
fere.'; 111.
11111 eclic 1 t :
:itet"'tr- .!>e a{..
11, 1' t11, 1AN9
� f�,rll r;YI'tl{ rt
Millet, the french artist, son of a farmer and himself
a farm laborer, has in his universally known pictures
of -The Gtearlers, The Man with the Hoe; etc., left a
very graphic record of farming methods and their
influence on farm workers of o century ago.
Edwin Markham, the American poet, viewing
The Man with the Hoe, interprets it to us with dramatic
force in his poem of the same name when he says,
Who loosened and let down this brutal jaw;
Whose the hand that slanted back this brow;
Whose breath b,"ew out the tight within this brain.
Ringing out the challenge, he asks -"Is this the
thing the Lord, God mode and gave dominion over
kind and sea", and calls on `Masters, Lards and
Rulers of all kavas hp straighten up this shape".
Rut each step in this great emancipation has come
by the introduction of some new labor-saving machine:
Thus by Eberctirtrg man from back -breaking, brain -
deadening toil, modern machinery has done more
than ail the roasters.,. lords and rulers of ail lands
to straighten up this shape.
For ninety years now }Massey -Harris has played
a conspeceous part in designing and making such
labor-saving litaciiines and in the development of
'power and power egt::lament for farm operations
a.> er s? re -a1 Wea r sc,, we T 7..a-
: TVS. le the ct-:'r
Zen= Smell .11amestortr_ lobo.
The ?tff. k *,:or ^t 2Z 1 '.a
is :home � ac :: nrea dG+r _ e
.1 1.5-16z1 „s nae ;vc lay a1
.• m: ith. as the home :of Mos, t me .. ai -'s et:ae t 3? wn :ate
eestae�l era= i r?isrr: of ]=
• •Cern ,Ti7esemC_ r ata Hrs. Br.ysz, :.:d
'The ya..-44er '.. ft!a7i:"? taf rt c1.
xvas ITMC e -oil tt.Tsr.y'lcho-t:n 'ander
'eadeas3iu at ate ?Tena a1;.
Ta_ mr tit e d i e a?a =y:'_,.;..;
'Wel* -wed and aa'iG..^cred aVud the
??silt Citi? r, ls'a r- s 3tarcvnr i!e .
area', The Ln m her nd Sorsnw
N:a•s. ^nelI then lock thence or
the Wr^s:1e, Serxi'c+: thick :zeta:ed
2'yme. 1!•1, PC t r 1! `1 '.. W. e -
mre)7": 'N°ripll.^•teree, w,f t:!,n taunt Title
a.e--.weal hymn FS'S and dosed with"he Seinethiceson„
'Maas' 30...71111eZ 'TOT Paster time. I.
t#r 14-4.-„1„,,q1 tm.," acY was s an Buster Muitany wisiit ,r n the
7tt'Js& W. 1. ti}intttlrn'eii .a 3ance-
heild Mnttant' nagM. i•:•ex ,i ups
Snme' osier- arrorp mutters, .r- ,
Tint 1, ttmuidtnttts ; g bones stork
'bni.Inr7 mg-. 3r, tate cane -re the
hetrrY" circ, iL •:.it=' is tr, tih,g,? f last
se,..a'iue an �At 73m . a1 sited
-C Ita:•rt,0 L7R tintiitPy wa uncsanrIed
-Ica "who',ncrar Le, 0. snuilTt •wl:e~
u t-intte•'ueontr. Banter 1fl1C0ags. was
dianghtes Mans- we're
. .nom :t: stern: : a1ieas 'a „n :3'as:,
..e house 112 the C-1;711..
at, n[ has beer asbd, ]`i -!•_>i. Ingle':
asL 3arra:ir who have :iced there
Ttrt ' :')t- winter e •W'DIi' more eche
w-rreit tr, the ItinOnche •r 'property r,
Zion, A Gewx
The 7Iei. ,altli'itr£ w^.ct RerT, Mr.
Snsai rs: w_ninr' T==.nait Para 1e, sma
i3 srs;i<aat ra v5tttt,d :a ataeh? syrss+
lniak!1:g nremis7 '5323•01..te .um[i I,Ed a
'wn r.ftvanii. same.
i,rne= Timmins of +na:.i1nn mfg.:MIT
crt';sagig e ittenc•;,a5 latut Sunda airs ,
3 L°I
:lair., ,a3t3 MTS. 11.1.otiontel Who hare
hoer vases*: :f their Lath Doctor
Ilerhatrwa Tot a :enr 1eye xttl t.till
t.r tnOtrr .SZEW TC A3'tesscsrsn to 'their ;.
hams ;n 3am'lton. Yawl ;B ,itu
r:r'•;•r *'h:.1 ,Fitunldayed with 'itis
entrra. 1'. 1.7. !Citt7iiit nnntrmpz>Iztttti
-them mutter t>t hi nn itime tr rs.
par tor ;dikter a: 'ate hospital virinae
she is itt 11ra,:n•;3ig 3lx T'ntisan.inntJ
urs ttx.
Bemis St17!tprntr, .spent 2tlltg'nr tun- ,3 1r .t'rm- t't' *e: tin tt at`e nnug rge - ,
day it Ulan._it ittl0I ;. "'itt iihah arsud.., r 11
11soorrt miuttet: Issirtwel. Y.•Ut Y' f
1t 'lit nee al x- ti n:
?, 7tunut!lt It" nuttier ol litre( 9
nt!a'ntnp.4, n. titis, ett,tnt:r -n cul
17ata1 fn"t T'nezltc. .-
41.,6.. i5'1u 'rlflt 11': 1111' nntilm; ,11 -i
tillitij•T 4 ••er:n•a11•7, 01 ii0LliC 0'-
vnsi4!iti fir.
-'-` It[I755 nnititte. 0-tlrkeit., T107
Jerrzls •ttln1et u 104 theme tr" Tier' ate 9
dlfis T'u;.tt+et: u: ';:i1At,: ti'nets e.
,tine' 11:.11/04'.0, ,:', s ri,I !r•?; j
,tie. ,...44 +aa077 .). t -t. •V;. i
131111 acct!.
ret:, . its set's,. ;-ax,lt;;:.4,, i,.
19tnr 16s,r„vt
(1,41, :.. •.51i7 ta, ..ib•. W r -•. a: iii
, 11'1rtt 3. i•tI 1 :51•u'."' t tSSt, '- ,481. "!
1 o rlsbr_ 611%g7ufi 'a' . .. e u
7 '3,•r :tt «., a tee ,.sty':.dlt Ism,
' - 14,012. i a?I 710i 11
774E r 1 t,i s•' •) 11.7,T7,
e1, e•1 o f fit int 4Y f. 14' i ''eta
µi5!' , + r !1':,: 1711 6144'W/61111na ' hu.
...+ ; 40 ip
i. 1 IIW Wall /I -lis-Ilnlil' uitnll-
ratan antest:
tf!lli. htvatt• -'flora'. nllrttrifflultiame,
1110 3111'1' in tltt' :3i 0iT 11L qvf,, aim!:
B!. .t lH
t tn0011t5 n `.II' 7711111111'“ 74 ' CP'
"1.'+11711 71. 0, tip 77e,r7107 ilnl,tl n,%fa;!
ins. .•.' ll11 * it 'onialitic' ':b3 npm:ttar.
f1 ,. O't71110+ •, lila' atilt: llt*l"L Itt
t!,1 1150: tt '.linen,*' -it., :•h.C' "Vr .ttEi *
'r 1' t's!•1!ilty, 't'hs !,tele 1111 '1i 15
010.:7,70t1 e ; ty7117.1.1 1 11: •s!'111.b1.
111I1 Ali it ,rifun(ai 7 111.410.1M. T t b I
A, tlr•,e, !rnb!sttt .,tu.tr,[.atvnl! 1f tori j
IfIlin)'-t: welt ui.thai livtr0 earn tr,,arx,
1 in :I,1 itll'4 Dttt'. 11' late KJ, 51-
Ilfttl'1' 4ttr tilt •.
(n11111.41! tw nt y. ata•t!4 11 taiesr :rn.
to a spinutts 7- 'llt)I1aa4W63NrYt9 ±! 4••114
;t 11fe 5 Jt! sCha notmolf Ume:,ntr
1.11 .1',•1437 11,rtit5)4t1tJL .09 hater r.1.1.elr
;inti ar,ittrru ter los a 7ltmiuti tHI !;i4x1
'AM,* t:111i1 cl' 0111110; 11* 4" 40.011
4111711. Pt,1•teat. trut'Jf i1n
1n4,w lite.
J .
-t 11 c r„ 1. t 11 tri. 1 f
r..tF wral:
Sri k
mat by the cnrztt ee in session
dt,s ng a saiiab]e location-
Titm. a:3ti eksraff has leased
from John Sanderson the 10.0•acre
farm can C:a= 3, ¢ Waxanosb.
ro entl5r vacated by Wane,. McGill
send trill mage there shortly.
Wilmot F' ebo e0 has mored to
Oakwood, lie was. a rained work-
er it United Church, being a mem-
ber of the chair and teaching a
class to Sa:rday School.
Frigh Grade No, 1
Government Standard
Clover & Timothy Seed
at W. J. McCracken's Grocery
at Lowest possible price
.Phones 43 & 27
Mortgage Sale
of property in the Township of Grey
in the County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of the
powers of sale contained) In, n cer-
tain mortgage which will be pro-
duced et the time of sale there will
be offered for sale by public median
as ueon'S R, 1'11 0, on
SoaetrdaytheQ, Witt titt000ta!nthUsalty011of
Agri, A,D, itt$9, 4t 3„t0 aoeli in
the afteruoan, two foltowlno'pt11(011•
esfr , nata': ,tAli ttd 4ttngtnh
s�sd certainnuepttfe0t Or tiQCIhOt lnhtitr
nod premises sltuhlal, 1Y111,g and
being in the Township of ('trot' In
County of Huron n11 !wing' 'tiOm-
posted of 'Porta I,ot lonelier Ton In
t1e Eighth ("hark foe- of tato aid
21t`! rbi7. iel ihundred
1.0115 S S, a`•e ..1 1055,iteinn out
t' pre a ray is situate about four
n.= es t:^ Brussels. The soil is
Et d to be clay loam. and about
ne,tlalr,r"Zre .;Tres is under rtiltiri.
irtII8 ;,1k: S.&LK; Ten Ater rent,
4I :rix 31 t,±chase, price to be Niel on
70*- -da ' ,cid sane anti the balance
via: it 'thirty t^14*I's t:ta0C atter. The
3r'p3!4'eiy' ix,.17 ".17 offered a'M1t* 05'1 tae a
t'0O4eeY'etj 715.1
sT tslLWer yard etLstte and tteostls etf
4aa17€ ha:AT on st be rad o5a] raalban Sar
'Itis. mndtin!ett,
D 'Til 'ta k',t:a rx e1;e7y' es r- 0!ttt std 4
at March. .k ti. 'ti 311. r
i t :F:i5lr r1nG 4a.raa'c::1t eI
11 MIA44110Ct8:14
41�ee�ia 7 r01tl5l,54
',5:4411.1Aer kr Cho ?t?ntiir7,