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��je �rv�selg dost
Wednesday, April 12th, 1939
Officers Elected
By Liberal Club
'Jibe anneal meeting of the Wo•
mania', Liberal Ohub .was held at the
home of Mrs, ('Dr.) W. D, S. Jamie-
son on Thwesdday evening with a
good attendance, Atter the singing
of the Maele Leaf reports were
given by the 'treasurer, Mrs. R,
Thomson', and eecretary Mrs. J. Wil-
ton, Mrs. W, Scott, corresponding
secretary, gatve her topic, "Notice-
able Ace ompliabmten•ts of. the Mc-
kenzie King Government," mention-
ing expansion of trade, aid to
drought areas, the unemployment
problem, unemployment insurance,
National Housing Aot, the wheat
problem, tariff redlu:ctiona, etc.
Mrs, J. Parker, fleet vice.prese
dent and Mrs. W. Scott, correspond-
ing secretary, attended the recap -
tion and tea given by Mrs, M. Hep-
burn and ladles. o2 the cabinet In
Toronto, March 30.
The election of officers for the
Conlil?,g year wee then held; Hon,
Presidents, Mrs. W. H. Keir and
Mrs. John Robb; president, Mra. A.
Strachan, first vice-president, Mra,
Jamieson', second vice, Mee. J.
Parker; third }ice, Mrs. W. Hug-
gins; rec. sec., Mrs. Walter Scott;
tress„ Mra. R. Thomson; program
committee, convener, Mrs, George
Semis, Mrs, C. Matheson, Mrs. Bal.
lanttyne and Mrs. Finlay Sammie;
pianist, Mrs. Jamieson; press re-
porter, Mr•a. J, D. Warwick; audit -
ore, Mrs, G. McDowell and Mrs.
John Robb.
Come to the
Walton Community Hall
Music supplied by—
An Operetta entitled
also program of Rhythm Band
numbers by the Primary Pupils
will be presented by the
Brussels Public School in the
at 8.15 o'clock
Admission — 25c
REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., 8.
11 am.—W. M. S.
Annual Easter Thankoffering
Mrs. McKenzie, Seaforth
Guest Speaker
3 pm.—Sunday School
7 p.m—Evening Worship
Monday 8 p. m,—Y, P, U,
Citizenship Night
Friday,April 1.4—GirIs' and Boys'
Conference At Clinton
The Melville Presbyterian Young
people's Society Is sponsoring a
play entitled—
presented by the Presbyterian
Y.P.S. of Seaforth
at 8 o'clock
This play Is a three -act comedy
packed full of laughs for everyone
ADMISSION 25c & 100
Walton Community Hall
Friday, April 21st
Junior Prizes Senior Prizes
1st—$5.00 1st—$5.00
2nd ---$2.00 2nd—'$2.00
3rd—,$1.00 3rd --$1.00
under the auspices of
St. George's Church
Entries received by
Humphries Store,
phone Seaforth 232-r-2
Mra. B. Anderson
phone Brussels 904-8
Admission -25c and 15c
* * * * * * * * * *
* Holiday Visitors
* * * * >* * * *
Miss Hattie Downing of Toronto,
with relatives,
Donald MoRae of London, an
Easter .visltor wi•tlt his parents,
Mrs, Alfred Lawry was a visitor
In T.ond'on this week.
D. A. Rana and D. C, Warwick
spent a day in Toronto this week.
Mrs. George Henderson spent the
Easter holiday in .Stratford.
Mrs, Clarke Matheson and son
Ian spent a few days' in Toronto
last week.
Bowlman Galbraith, Toronto, is
spending the Baster vacation at Ms
Mr. and Mrs, G. Northwood and
son George were holiday visitors at
Mr. Ian McDonald has disposed
of hie butcher shop to Archie Mc-
Donald of Molesworth,
'Mea. Ira McLean and children are
visiting her mother Mrs. Earl, at
Masher Peter •Brediu was an
Baster visitor with Me. and Mrs.
J. H. Galbraith,
Miss Edna Davidson is spending
,the holidays in Weston and To-
Mass Mary Backer, Mra. Brown,
Mrs. P. A, McArthur were Easter
holiday visitors in, Toronto.
Mess Gertrude Roos. of Toronto
with iter parents Mr. and Mrs, D.
C. Roes,
Alex Soariing, Stt. Marys, who has
been very 1U is Improving, his
manly friends here will be glad to
Mrs. . Buechldn, who was recuper-
ating at her edster's in Gheeley has
returned home and Is recovering
her health.
Mrs. Scott and Mies Aileen Scott
of Bobcay,geon are guests of the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Wesley McNeil Who has been
teller at the 'Canadian Bank of
Commerce for some ,time has been
moved to Pert Stanley,
end Mrs. R. J, Rana, Wrox-
eter, Jack and Barrie Rana, London
and Dr. and Mms 'Spence, Toronto
were Easter visitors at the home of
Mr. and, Tire. D. A, Bann,
Mrs G Topham, Mrs W. Wallace
and 'son Mervin. and Gordon, New-
bridge, were Easter visitors 'with
Mr and Mrs, R. W Kennedy
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd. Jackson and
family of London, were Easter
guests. at the home of his parents,
M.r and Mrs; H. Is Jackson,
Miss Carrie McOracken of the
Toronto School Staff Is spending
the Easter holidays at her home
Mrs, Harry Walker returned
home on Monday evening after a
visit In Windsor at the hone of her
IMr, and Ms, J. Nelson of To-
ronto were Easter visitors at the
home of the latter's, parents .3!l,
and Mrs, Thos, McCall.
Mrs, Alvin Pride and children
are sending a Sew days of the
Easter vacation at the home of her
parentis Mr. and Mra. Harry Keys
of Grey.
Mr. and 'Mrs, A. ,R. Kennedy,
Peterborough and Hugh Kennedy,
of Toronto were Easter Sunday
visitors with Mr, and Mrs, R. W.
Mr.�and, Mrs, $ylvesater Fox
motored, to London on Tuesday to
meet the saber's slater, Miss
Leah MidOh4c'heon, of Detroit,
who came to attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. Parkes in Wroxeter.
She returned' ,home on, Saturday.
Mr. Jas, Ross who has been in
business here for the past 64 yeara
.has disposed of lilie grocery busineet
to Russell Farrow who has worked
for him for tate past ntumiber of
yea'r's, The business change be-
came effective on Tuesday of this
Farm Friends
Brusee a Creamery is paying lc
g er lb. above road prime for butter
fait delivered to ,Orcamery,
The Cannily of the late Janet B.
Kirkby wish to express their sin-
cere appreciation for the many, ex-
pressions of sympathy extended to
them during their recent bereave-
Mrs. Joseph Long wishes to thank
her many trtends• and kind ueigh-
bourse for kindness and sympathy
shown during her bereavement and
death of her husband, They were 1
much appreciated,
New Well
In The Making
The }Dapper Drilling Company et
Bea/forth are busily engaged in
drilling a well on the property, of ,
F. R. Snaith, where lite pasteuriza- 1
tion plant has located. On Tues-
d ay of this week they .had• reached
a depth of 40 feet and reported the
reek was very hard.
Barber Shop
Now Open
A new barber &hop Chas opened
in the building formerly occupied
by the office of E. D, Bell. Mr.
Lee Keefer, Brucefleld, who has I
been barbering in London for the
past tent years is in cbarge of the
shop which is owned by Jno. .Rut-
ledge of Brus*els.
A mew up -.to -date water system
has been installed and the entire
shop has been tastefully redecorat-
Mr. Kiefer is extended a welcome
to Brussels.
In Memoriam
In Loving 'Memory of Adexender
Nichol, who passed .nwuy in To-
ronto, on April 16th, 1988,
One precious to !hearts has gone
The voice we loved is stilled
The place made vacant in, our home
can never be filled
Our Father itt his. wisdom called
The boon, Hie lova had given
NOW PLAYING And thotrgit on earth the body !dos
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette The Soul Is .sage .n Heaven,
Home on the Prairie , Wife " Penally'
Is The Time To
Brighten up the Home
Whether it is painting, papering,
general repairs, plumbing, or elec-
tric wiring, the Home Improvement
Plan makes the financing of such
work easy.
The barn. or garage may require
repairs, or new fences, built. All
this work can be financed under tre
Plan as well.
The Canadian Bank of Commerce,
Brussels, has a folder which gives
all the necessary information and
the Manager will be glad to answer
any questions youmay wish to asst
about the Hone Imerovemrnt Plan,
Wesley McNeil
Transferred to Port Stanley
The staff at the local branch of
The Canadian Bank of Commerce
asseanbledl in the manager's office
last Thut•skidy and presented Mr,
Wesley McNeil with a handsome
Gentleman's Morocco Traveling Kit.
Mr, M,dNefl has been transferred to
Port Stanley Branch and expressed
his regret at leaving Brussels atter
h s four and a half years at the
local branch•, The Brussels .staff
wished blur avert' succe41S and con-
gratulated hien on: his ,promotion.
Mr. MlnNell will he succeeded on
the local staff by Mr, E. A. Hutniek
from Windsor, The Port Stanley
Manager is Mr. George Dawson, a
former clerk at the local bank.
Special Good Friday
Services At Brussels
Special Good aaidhy service was
real in Mehylle eresbyterian
Church, with Rev, H. J. Mahoney of
the United Church and Rev. Ji, J.
Hendry of ,St. John's Anglican
Church, assisting, The service
opened with Prayer and 'Scripture
reading by Rev. H. 3. Mahoney;
Prayer by Rev, S. Kerr; a quartet
composed 03 Mr. and Mrs, Earngey,
Mrs. N. C'aediff and Mr. Geo, North-
wood, sang; Rev. H. J. Hendry,
rector of St, John's. Church preach-
ed the sermon.
Good Attendance
At Meeting
The Axil meeting of the W.M.S.
of .Melville Presbyterian Church
was held Wednesday afternoon with
a good attendance. The vice-presi-
dent, hire. G. Deadman presided In
the absence of the President, Mas.
H. Parker. 1.i s. L, Edlemier gave
the Scripture reading and ,prayer
was, ofiered by Mrs, Deadman, Mrs.
(Rev.) Kerr gave the Easter Mes-
sage which, was much. enjoyed. Mrs.
Deadwiman contributed a delightful
solo. Mss Kate Menzies gave the
Ourrenrt Events. The meeting
closed by repeating the Lord's
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * *
A quiet wedding was solemnized
011 Satturday, April 8, at the Pres.
byterian church manse, ,Cranbroolc,
at two o'clock by Rev. W. A Wil-
liams when Emily Marie, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Coutts of Walton was united in mar.
riage to Mr, James Melvin Cameron,
sou of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cameron,
Brussels,. The bride was' attired in
navy blue sheen- crepe with- access-
ories to .nlatch, The young couple
were unattended,. A wedding supper
was served to immediate families
at the home of the bride,
'Services in Melviile Presbyterian
Church on Sunday were conducted
by the minister the Rev S. Kerr,
who spoke at the morning service
on "Like as Christ Was Raiser!
From the Dead," and in the evening
the text was "Our 'Saviour Jesus
Christ' ' In the morning a solo
was giver, by Mies. Marguerite
Logan anal an anthem from the
chole at both services,
Semvicee int St, John's Anglican
Church were conducted by the ree-
fer, Rev. II. 3, Hendry, whose sub-
ject ht the morning was, "Tire
Empty Tooth," and tit the evening
"The Power off the Resurrection,"
There was special mete at both
Easterservice in the Untied
•Cltlach In the morning eras taken
by Berl Airderson with special
muse. Owing to the illness of lite
ltnioteter, nee. I3, J. Mahoney, even -
Mg service was twithdrawn
The home of Mr, and Mrs. Her-
berta Shiell of Biuevale was the
scene of a pretty wedding at noon
en Saturday, Aptdl 8, when their
second' daugluter, Olive Marguerite
became the bride of Mr. Charles
Leslie Clark of Port Rowan, sou of
Mr. and Mrs. William I, Clark of
Orillia. The ceremony was perform,
ed by Rev, A. V. Robb, pastor of
the United Church, and the wedding
music was played by Miss Alba
Shiell. The bride, who was given in
marriage by her .father, wore a
gown of white silk net over taffeta,
with a long full skirt and a finger
length veil falling pram a wreath
of lily -of -the galley, She carried a
bouquet of Easter lilliets, lily-oftbe-
valley and delphiniums, Mrs. Gra-
ham Wrap*, sister of the bride, act-
ed as bridesmaid and wore a long
dress el pink georgette with lace
trimming and a wreath of lily -of -
the -valley Ort her hair. The bride-
groom was sulpported by Mr. Gra-
bens 'Wray. ,Following the wedding
luncheon, the !bride and bridgroom
left by motor for a short trip, the
bride travelling Im a navy blue tail-
ored' suit and suer colored, accts.
series. On their return they yill re-
side le Port Rowan.
• * *
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* *
* *
August McFarlane, a highly res..
erected resident of Grey towesh'p
passed away at his home, Lot 26,
eevestsion 16, an. Tuesday, March
28th. Ip falling health for some
time, he succumbed, following an
attaok of influenza.
The late Mr, McFarlane was born
in Waterloo township on May 20th,
1866. He lived for a number of
years in Elma township near West
Monloton, but are farmed for the last
nineteen years in the 'municipality
where his death occurred. He was
united' In .marriage in 1895 to Grace
Nairn Watson who survives,
He le survived also by two sans,
W. J. MOFarlane, Regina; R. W.
McFarlane, K. L. McFarlane and
Stanley, all at hone, One son
Anierelw Angusit, Predeceased his
father, Also surviving is one half-
brother, Otto Schnook and one half -
slater, Mas, Ed, Deniard, Milverton,
another half+brother, Wm. Sdbnock,
predeceased him.
The funeral took place on. Satur-
day, April let, at 2 P.m,, from his
late residence, conducted, by Rev.
H. J. Mahoney, of Brussels United
Church, Inttermentt took place in
Harvey's cemetery, Logan town-
Pall bearers were L. C. Speiran,
Rabt. Mtc'Paggart, David Brown,
Murray Broyn, Wm. Harriston and
J. Bray. Flower bearers- were
Wrm, McTaggart and Fred Mitchell.
After being in failing health for
two years Joseph Long passed
away at the home of his daughter
VIrs, Lorne Mrt Mahon on Saturday
of last week.
The deceased was in his 76th
year and had lived in Grey Town-
ship all his life until a year ago
when be sold his farm and moved
to. Brussels. He was the yo,ungeet
son of a family of seven. His
Parents were th,e late John. and
Mary Long, He was united in
marriage in 1907 to his now bereft
Partner Miss- Catherine Russell. He
also leaves to mourn one daughter
Mrs, Lorne McMahen. of Linwood.
In his demise the community has
lost a true friend and_ kind neighbor.
He was always' ready to tcelp those
in. need.
The funeral was held on Tuesday
0f last week from St. Ambrose
church; Brussels where Requiem
Higit Maes was sung by his priest
Rev, Father Paquette,
The pallbearers were: John Gor-
salitz, Otto Schnook, Russell Sun-
dercook, John Gaynor, Jim Denner
and George Baker.
The floral and stparitual bougets
were many and beautitel.
The sympathy 03 .the community
is extended/ to his wife and laugh.
Relatives from a distance were,
Mts. Leo Callaghan', Belleville, Mr.
and, Mrs. Geo. Missersmith, Sebriug-
vllle and Miss Kathleen Marshall
of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, George
Greenside, Atwood.
Whistling Swans
Miss Death
At Niagara Falls
Of several hundred 'Whistling
Swans,. whieb landed otu the river
above Niagara Falls about the mid-
dle of '!Marcie n,at more than twenty
were, swept over the 3a.lis, according
to information received by the De-
Partmrenit. of Mines and Resources,
Ottawa, The Royal Canadian, Mount-
ed Police, which carried out patrols
to prevent siloleetetiou of the birds,
repeat that eine live swans here
seen, oh the ice below tine falls, of
which three died and one was swept
under the Ice, The bird's, were krat
noticed in the vicinity on March, 16
bet by March 19 most of them bad
eontinned on, their nortdcward flight
to the nesi,idng wounds in• the Cana-
titan Arctic,
Celebrate 25th
Mr, and Mrs, George Bone, bighly
ree ected residents of Morrie town-
ship, celebrated their 'tiweatty-fifth
wedding anstdveraery on Saturday,
Anwll 7th, when a number of rela-
tives and friends joined in extend.
ing heartiest congratulations and
best wishes, to the happy bride and
groom 03 ilwenty-five years ago.
Thirty guests, many of whom at-
tended the marriage ceremony,
weer present on. Saturday to mark
the occasion. Among the guests
were Mr, and Mrs• David Crudek-
shanks of Toronto.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Bone have one
daughter, Miss Dorothy, at home.
Following is the account of the
wedding ceremony taken from the
twenty-five years ago files,
Outpidts Victory—An event of In-
terest took place at the borne of
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Sellerss 3rd
line, Morrie, on Wednesday, April
8th, when their youngest daughter,
Ethel, was united in marriage to
George 'Bone, also the 3rd line.
Promptly at 3 o'clock the wedding
Party entered the parlor to the
strains od' the Wedding March
played by Mrs, Cooke. Reit. J. E.
Cooke of Bluevale, performed the
wedding ceremony. The bride who
was given away by her father was
daintily attired! in a dress of Abee
blue brocaded Mousseline; with trim-
mings oS shadow lace and crystal
banding. She carried a shower
bouquet of white carnations. Atter
congratulations, the guests', number-
ing about 40 repaired to the dining
room wbere a tastellutly arranged
supper was served. Mr and. Mrs.
Bone received many beautiful and
useful presents testifying to their
popularity .among their friends.
They will reside on the 3rd line at
present. Groom's gift to the organ-
ist was. a set of cut glass salt and
pepper shakers• and sterling .silver
The Post and its readers join in
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Bone many
more years of happy married life.
Sire was also a ,frequent visitor
at the home of her nephew, R. M.
Pearson of Atwood,
gins, Hilborn, possessed a charm-
ing personality, gracious and
gentle and was beloved by all who
knery her. She was a member of
the Crated Church and when
health permitted• had been active
in the work of the church, having
taught a. Sunday 'S'chool classfor
a nmmrber of years. For a short
time she wns, a member of Pont
Elgin Woanen'e InStftute,
'Surviving are two brothers, Roll-
er Peiraore of Halitfax, formerly
of St Catharines and W. J. Peir-
son of Saugeen.
The funeral service was held on
Friday afternoon;, March 31st from
the United' 'Chorea with ,the Rev.
R, H, Turnbull in charge. Entomb-
ment was made in Sanctuary Park
Pall bearers were neighbours of
the deceased, •Messrs, Morley Rob-
ertson, Med, Blaok, Jack Shanks,
Walter McTaggart, James Cheese
man and Jacob Kaudlman,
It was with sleets regret that
friends learned of ,the death on
Wednesday, March 29th, of Mra.
W. R. liilboru at her home in
Saugeet, Mrs. Hillborn. had been
ill with infinensa during the winter
months and had been confined to
bed, for some time, bet the had
greatly improved and was able to
be up and about the hawse, Deatlt
came quite suddenly as the reauet
of a heart attack,
Mas. Htltborn's maiden name was
Mary A, Pearson and she was born
on 'October 31st, 1862. The 'County
of Oxford was, iter birthplace but
while still a baby in arms elle came
twitin her pe•reauts, the late Mr. and
Mitis, John 'Pearson, to the term in
'Saugeen where she spent the
greater ,past et here life and which
is now occupied by her brother,
Mir. W. J', Peinson, That part of
,Saugeen in which the Peireon
family 851111ed was virgin, forest
then and at wee in a satumdy pioneer
environment tist the late Mate
Hi her% grew to maturity.
About forty years aga she was
nnertlied, to W, R. Hdlborn', a dreg -
gist of Tara, and they ;made their
bottle in that village for six years
when Mr. Hilbaen passed away,
Since that ante Mrs, diilborn, has
Because richer sunikist seedless
navel oranges. When, you buy orang-
es not stamped amidst they are not
no. 1 grade oranges. Have you sees
those scnikist oranges at Gmwar's
for only 2 doz. for 36e. You wd11 be
amazed see the size compare this
Lowest prices in, years,
SMITH—flan 13rntseels, on Friday',
April 7th, Rebeeca. Jackson, be•
loved Wile of the late Alexander
Smith, In her 77th year.
Funeral service tees heli from her
late residence, John St„ Brunae/le,
an Mooaj y, A•pt-u '10th, 1939, Oar -
at 2.00 'Ant: Interment was made
in Bruseels, Cemetery.
000R—Im Listowel Hospital on
Sunday, Amin 91Uh, 1939, William
H, Cook, in, his 78th year,
Funeral took place from the.
Walker Funeral' Home, William St.,
Brussels, on Wednesday, April 13th,
Service wns held at 3 p,m
lived ;for the mmeati was roost part with her Made in Bn•ealsls1s Cease.
brother, W. J. Pearson oS Sasgeen, tory, -