HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-4-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, rum .5th, 1931, 8 lbs. Onions for 25c Supreme Mince Meat • • 2 tb for 22c Eatmore Wheat Berries 20c Canadian' Beauty Flour . • • 7 lb for ••••• • ' • 20c Tomato Juice • • • • • • 3 large tins for 25c National Matches 3 boxes for • 23c Quick Shine Stove Poish for 14c Moody Lye • • • • 3 tins for 25c Comfort Soap 6 -bars for 25c White Cooking Beans 1 tb for erre 5c Soybeans ...... • . • • . 1 lb fcr .. 6c Scrub Brush 1 for • 10c Fry's s Cocoa 1/q tti tin for •M• 13c Macaroni 6 tb for 25c Health Bran •.erre••• 2 Ib pkg for Bonami California Lemons . ,,,,,, 8c 14c 22c 1 cake for 1 doz. TASTIER Because richer sun'kist seedless" navel oranges. When. you buy orang- es not stamped sunikist they are not no, 1 grade oranges. Halve you seen those sunkist oranges at Grewar's for only 2 doz. for 35c. You -rill be amazed see the size compare this value. Lowest prices in years, CASH AND GARRY • A. GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS! Shampoo Should Include Hairbrush Your hair le no cleaner, than your hairbrush, so its a good idea to we=lt your brush each time you Easter Special From April 5th to the 15th BE THE SMARTEST OF SMART THIS EASTER SEASON Let us set your Hair "Up" or "down" in a flattering style SPECIALLY PRICED PERMANENTS $2.50 Wave for — — $1.75. $3.50 Wave for — — $2.25 $5.00 Wave for — — $3•OO $6,00 Wave for — — $4.00 $7.00 Wave for — — $5.00 Brussels Beauty Salon (Over H. B. Allen's Drug Store) Phone 55X for an appointment shampoo your hair. Careful wash- ing .s'houlld not harm a good brush Use a mild: soap thoroughly dis- solved in tepid water and, if you like, add a few drops of ammonia. Dip the bristles do ,the suds until clean and then rinse thoroughly in clear lukewarm 'water, shake off the excess and 'hang •up .to dry, Do not dry near heat and never stand brushes• on the bristles or back to dry. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for crushing and delivering gravel on the roads' up to a distance of 3',j,miles from the .pit, as the Road Superintendent directs. The gravel to be crushed to a size not greater than 11 inches, The Contractor to furnish power, trucks and all things necessary to deliver the crushed grayer and he hes to be eeepooslble fon' 25% of all breaks in the crusher. The, Cctu i1 will furnish the crusher, the bele end oil and will pay 75% of the centred price monthly (on council meeting days) as the work progresses. The contract will call for about 6000 yards of crushed gravel and there will be no extra charge by the contractor for moving the Crusher. Please enclose a $100. good -faith cheque with your tender. The lowest or any .tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be considered at the Township' Hall on Monday, April 10, 1939, at '2 o'clock p.m., A, MacEWEN; Clerk. DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR EYES ! If you have x.+oticed after reading or close work that your Eyes become tired easily or you feel nervous and have a slight headache, you can be sure your Eyes need attention. Conte to Reid for a thorough, scientific Eye Examination and proper glasses at moderate prices. You nave a modern, complete eyesight service within asy reach. Mr. Reid comes to Brussels every Wednesday (except the odd time when roads are impassible) and maintains an office in Miss Hingston's store. Phone 51 for an appointment NOW. R. A. REID AT BRUSSFI-6 OFFICE —MISS KINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2'00 to 5,00 Plume 51 for Appointment orgrorroorriorromor morromm 1' 0 0 * 0 * . ,;: . Obituary 1 4 it * * * '1; * 0 0 Oh•i'lstopher George Barrows A Welly lean';,ted rc:;i(vet c; Menlo)) tonvuship, Christopher George J301lvws, was laid 10 rest 111 Deere( cemetery on, It•ndurd'ay. Apa'il let, Funeral services were conducted from his late residence ;Let 31, Cow, 13, McI(illop, at 2 pen„ by ills plac'torr, Rev. C. Cunt. mints of Wallen United church, .of whlch the deceased was a lneanber. The late Mr, Barrows passed away in Seater 011 Memo3'ial hospital ou Thursday morning, March 80th rellonririg a brief ilhtes•s of five drays The deceased was born In Reach, Ca•nnbnidgeebire, 10,1ngland on the 26t1t of September, 1849. I•Ie came with hts parents to Canaria, settling at St, ltlaiys in 1956 and moved to the community, In which lie passed away, sixty-six years ago, at the age of twenty-foue years. His wife, the former Mary Ann Driscol, predeceased her husband a year .ago last August. They had celebrated their 4I1ltieth wedding anniversary the July previous, to her . death, There survives to mourn ,the death of a beloved father, one son Russel, McKillop and two daughters Mrs. W: J. Bennet of Dinsmore, Sask., and Mrs, Jno, Marshal of Walton,. Five brothers and Yonne sisters Predeceased him. Also surviving are four gr'a•nldebildi'en Mary and, Jack '"pennebt and Mary and Frank Marshal. Pallbearers were: That, Kerntck, Dlyrph; Beirt Vinson of Belgrave and Herbert Kiilkby, ,Silas Johnston, W. R. Somerville and W. C. Benr nett, all of Walton. Plower bearers were: Frank and Marry Marshall and Ross and Boyd Vinson, MRS. SHORTREED It was with dieep regret that th•e citizens of the community learned that on Monday evening Mrs. Sh•ortreed passed away at iter borne on Lot 24, Con. 9, Morris. She had been suffering from heart trouble for the past three months, but the end came suddenly and unexpected- ly, Mrs. Sherereed was born in Mor- ris Twp, in 1872 and was a daughter of the late 'George and Mrs. Mc- Mann, In 1902 ,she was married to John Shoi-treed and lived all her life in the conimnunity. She was a woman of sterling personal quaii- ,ties an'd' was highly respected by all who knew her. She was a mem- ber of the Presbyterian rliurch, She is survived by two daughters and ono son. (Esther) Mrs. Lesley Johnston, Wawmnoslr; (Grace) Mrs. Harvey Brown, Morris and Ellwood at lacsne. Three eters, Mrs, Woodls, Walton; lilts, McLeod', Sea - forth an•cl. Mars. Wdldiamson, Victoria, B.C. The turreted took place from 'hem late residence Thursday afternoon, the service being conducted by Rev Chas. Cumming, Wiulton., assisted by Rev, Boyle of Blyth, loterment was made in Brussels Cemetery. Pal.lIbeiar•en-e being '1Vrn, AMOal1, George McArthur,, John Taylor„ Ere Eryans Herb Kirkby and Jeclt Garnhasn, The flower bearers were: Alien MdClafl, Jim 'Shortreed, ',Mitred Shontreedy Walter Slnortreed, Bob Patterson anti, Bill Stryde. Flowers, pillow, from the family; spray, Mrs. Woods; spray, RIrs, Rolit, and Mrs. Will. Sbortreed; pillow, Mr. and, Mre, Williamson, Victoria; pillow, Hannah, Patterson. New York; spniy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoneham, London; wreath, Daviel Walker, Toronto; spray, Harvey and Mrs, Jenner, Listowel; spray, Seviift's Canadian Co,: bete quer, Duff's church choir, 1\'alton; herniaet, I34yth Pres, Miura: : spray, 11.1'x•, end Mrs, Will Creighton, Blyth; basket, Robt, Jothnadon tam- ily, 13lylt1i emery, lir. and Mrs. Wni, Taylor, Blyth, ALEXANDER McKERCHER Mr. 11c41Snno!tc +t• bus been president 101 the last few year's. Mr. MtKercher' was also a direc- tor of the Wrbxe,ter• 'I'PJeplione CD. 111 was greatly iuiereetttl In the Huron Conh•ty Plowman's Assocla- lou h:aviilug first competed ata plow 1111; flhW'Jt'il over sixty years ago, l't'. hk'Kerrbe' Is survived by his wife, formerly Manggaret 3'. Ritchie, Fionviek any folal' Sons Tyndal and Ewart r1i' Tio'wirk, Denies or Rose* tome, ,Sae;catchowan, Allan of Jamestown and Jive grandchildren. Alru ono brother Duncan and one Meter tris, Thos. Lovell of 1lowick. Tile funeral was bold at his late ret::denre On Monday, Marab 27111. Rev, Mr, Williams of Craebr0ok conduucted the e'eri•tee. Interment bei'ig matte in Wroxeter Cemetery, Me. 'Wm, Spell's of Brussels,, -con triuu•ted a ielo. The 'pallbearers were Won, Allures, Wm, Doig; John Bryans, Howard Wylie and Wm, Skeins. The bower beara1e were Hugh Doig, Harry Adams, Clayton Grain. gee', Paul Adams, Clarence McCal- lum and Duncan McDougall, Those who attendee the funeral team a distance were Robt. Mc- Kercher, Montreal, Mrs. F, P. San- dferson, Toronto; Tlyndal Riltchie, Wingham and a number from Brus- sels. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF FdORSES SATURDAY, APRIL 16th AT GALBRAITH SALE BARN BRUSSELS, •ONT. at 1 o'clock 30 Good Ontario Horses Some matched Teams, 3 and 4 years old; 5 Good Mares, 5 years old; Some Mares in Foal; also good cheap work horses, Two Good Wagon Horses, also a High Class Saddle Horse, J. H, Galbraith, Prop. F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE Derham Budl, phone 45-r-4 Bevan Elliott, Lot 21, Con., 7, Morris, WANTED— ICattle to pasture, water all the time phone' 15-r•7 Mrs. Ethel Cloakey. FOR SALE— 1 Remmington Typewriter, size 11, In real good shape, reasonable. Phone 46-r-4 A. D. Campbell FOR SALE— Seed grain, American Improved Banner Oats. phone 23-r-16 Dan McKinnon R R 3, Brussels FOR SALE— A quantity of White King Seed Oats phone 42-r-7 James. Clark FOR SALE 50 or 60 Barred Rock Pullets, 5 weeks old. phone 34-r-7 Mrs. T, Keffer FOR SALE OR RENT — 7a acres of good land, all workable N 1/ of lot 29, Conkessioa 8, Morris Twp. aPdeIY to R, Currie, phone 12-r-14 Addison Taylor, phone 23-r-3 FOR SALE— SEED GRAIN Banner Oats; also mixed Banner and Two•Ronved Barley, Price $1.50 per cwt. phone 55-r-16 J. M. Knight & Sons 0, R, n.0. 3. Brussels MEW HERE IS GOOD PAYING WORK WITH A LARGE MANU. FACTURING CONCERN OF 200 daily necessities used in every home. Sure and quick repeaters Sure and guick repeaters, No ex- perience required. (100d pay every day If active, and permannet busi- ness pertain of presevertng. In- vestigate our Plan at once. CATALOGUE FREE: FAM)LEX CO. 570 St, Clement, Montdeal, Lad Under 14 May Not Have The death occurred Friday even- Air or Other Gun Ing March 24th at his 11nme Lot 20, C.orl:ee ion, C„ 1Iow'iek Twit. though be had been i11 railing health for :about a year, lie had only been confined to leis lied about three weeks. htr, Me'Kerrher was a life-long resident of Hawker, having been born 011 the hmneetead, Lot 2, Con- cession tl, 'Il•e wee a member or the Board of reverent% of the Howlett linnet Fire 0051taratlt•e 'Co., strive the death of ids father 25 years aga. 111s fetter 110a one or the first chnrter•- etl directors of tb,e gator company. Many parents heave wondered whether or not it le legal for their children to have an nieetut, hitt the r 'Initial Code says it is illegal, Chapter 126 provides that.: ,'Lucre one is guilty or nn utl•enme and liable nn summary oanveeton to a penalty not exceeding fifty dollars who sells or gimes any firearm, pistol, revolver or air -glut, or ally ammunition thereof, iota ntinet' under the age of 11 years, not being the holler of a Prinndl lib I'`orm 761 , , ,Anyfire arm or rtir'gun or any ammunition flurried by a minor wiihotil a 1)011011 nary be seized by a police officer." Women's and Misses Coats and Tailored Suits Colourful Tweeds, Plain Boucles, in Soft Tones Casual Toppers and Fitted Dressmaker Models $10 T(.) $35. Deanna Durbin Coats For the Junior Miss, We Are Exclusive Agents for these Popular Styles Sizes 15 to 17 $12.95 UP Easter Accessories Spring Brings a wonderful assortment of 'Flowers, Gloves Scarfs, Handbags — You need these to complete Your Spring Outfit Cambridge Clothes For Discriminating Men. This well known line is the name of tailored perfection. Outstanding materials and workmanship in every suit and coat $22.50 TO $55.00 Phone KING'S Wingham 71 Eggs For Easter Long Tradition The origin of the Easter egg tra- dition, is lost in antiquity but year alter year the deightful practice of adorning brealdfiast table with eggs on. Easter `Sunday morning continues. It matters not that the first fresh eggs no longer come with Easter, the beginning at Spring. The modern mode of thehumble hen may and usually does, produce her delicious product the year round, Easter is still associated with egret with the hen stretching in the warming earth, newly aware of her destiny, Eggs. in, the Easter tradition, are aways boled in the shell. For chil- dren, of course, they must be coloured, with one of an infinite variety of home or commercial perpnaatione. No parents, treasur- ing ch:Ildhood memories of bowls of mite -coloured eggs on Easter morning, would' deny .a similar pleasures to their children. - For children, millet eggs, if they are available. will prove an edded attraction, their small size lending 0 youthful tench and having the further practical adnanitage of enab- ling Junior to dispose elf a greater number. These.smeld eggs are sold under the designation of Grade A Pullet, They weight approximatedy an ounce and a hall each. Grade A Large eggs weigh, Aiwa ounces or more. Eggs are so sensitive to neat in cooking that itis easy to overcook them, or cook them poorly. When they are cooked to •the shell a pre- cise method is neees'slary to cook them to the right degree. Use one pint of water foe the first egy end. one cop of water for each. addition- al egg Bring the water to the bailing point, The shape of the kettle should be such that the water wee cover the egg, Place the egg in, the water and, cover the kettle. Remove from the heat and keep the water hot but not boiling for 6 to 8 minutes, depending upon tine degree of cooking desired for soft conked or medium; eggs. Foe' hard cooked eggs, follow the ditto - tions for soft cooking, allowing the egg to simanre 30.35 minutes. :Cool eggs by plunging them into cold water, or letting cold water run over them in order to prevent black- ened suresee of the yolk. Hard cooked eggs can be used in a num- bay of ways to give variety, * * * * * * * * * Wedding * * * * * , * * , * GARNISS—KERR A very interesting event occurred at the United' 'Church parsonage in Wingham on Monday, April 3rd, yrhere Mise Dorothy .44810es Herr,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Kern; E. Wawanosh and Mr. A. Alan Garnisa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. H. Gaendse, Brussels, were united in, marriage by Rev. Mr. Anderson. The bride wore a :Sharon, Rose crepe, with shoulcl•er bouquet of Briarcliff roses and was unattended. Miss. Luella Kerr, .sister of the beide and'- Mr, Wm. Mundell of Bluevale eating as' witnesses. The happy couple left for a motortrip to Niagara Falls, 'Buffalo and, other' points. The bride travelling in a navy ensemble snit with matching accessories. On their return, they will reside on Central Ave., Loudon Ont. • The Post joins with the boot of friends of this popular couple in wishing them bearty congzatwla_ bons, 4t Fi MF.R 1) RBI R.A., • Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 20X 8 1 PALACE BAKERY HOT CROSS BUNS Try our HOT CROSS BUNS made fresh every day with plenty of raisins, currants, cherries, spices and mixed peels PRICE •••• ...... 20c PerDozen Phone 32x W. E. Willis