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Wednesday, April 5th, 1939
Brussels Council
Brussels, April 8)'d, 1939
The Municipal Council of the Vii.
lege of Brasserie met in the Public
Library on the aypove 'date. All
members being present.
The min•wtes of the last meeting
being read it wee moved by H.
Bowler; seconded by F. Santis that
the minutes be adopted,—Carired,
The following accounts
were presented:—
D. C. Warwick, Treas. Boned 10.00
Postage 3,00
G. McDowell, Marsh salary 60.00
IL S, Warwick, March
salary 95.00
L. Turvey, fire dept.
labor 9,00
Baysgels Hydro -Electric
Street Lights 108,00
Hell lights
Jno. Rutledge, street labor .76
Wilton & Gillespie, hall coal 42.14"
Trensifer 4o school 1000.00
Ed. Henderson, snow plow'g 10.50
11, Champion., fire dept. gas 2,50
Relief for March 187.49
;Moved by W. Cameron, seconded
by H. champion that the accounts
as presented be paid. —Carried,
Moved by H. Bowler, soanted by
F. Santis that by-law no. 3 authoriz-
ing the borrowing up to $7000.00 be
read the third time and finally
pawed, —.Carried.
''loved by W, Cameron., seconded
by H, Champion that the tax roll es
corrected be accepted from the Col-
leotor, —Carried.
under the auspices of the
Women's Institute
Admission — — Gents 25c
Ladies Bring Lunch
under auspices of
St. John's Sunday School
5 -Reel Picture
Admission—Adut1 20c
Children unser 12 years -10c
,The Melville Presbyterian Young
People's Society is sponsoring a
play entitled—
Presented by the Presbyterian
Y.P.S. of eeaforth
et 8 o'clock
This play Is a three -act comedy
packed full of laughs for everyone
ADMISSION — 25c & 10c
Toiling Up New Ceiyaries Ever
With The Cross That Turns ,
Not Beck,
11 a.m.—Good .Friday „service ,in
Melyllle Church.
11 a,m.-Eatser Sunday. "The Fin-
} allty of the Cross."
Special music by the choir. The
class In Church membership will
unite in fellowship.
•8 p.m.—Sunday School. A special
collection, will be taken for
refugee children.
l7 pin,—The Song of Victory.
Charles Bickford 'preSien Foster
The Storm
Barton MacLane
4 O x
Mr, titter;
Dear Sir; —
In answer to the letter which ap-
peered in the mailbox lash week I
wish to say that the purpose of my
letter which appeared two weeks
previous to that date was to point
out what was wrong with dances.
My intention, was •bb help them but
It is quite apparebtt •that they can-
not see It that. way.
An Observer says that if anyone
was refused admission to dance it
mush have been that he could not
find a partner to dance with. Being
refused admtissdon to a dance means
that you weren't allowed inside the
door. While being refused ,Per
mission to dance means that a paant-
ner was asked but the offer was
An Observer asks the readers of
the Post, could you blame a girl for
refusing t1 dance with a man who
is twice her age? You naturally
understand that the girl is there to
dance. 1f the man couldn't do the
dance or wa.e under the influence of
drink I should certainly exouse her.
2nd that the only thing he knew
about round dancing was to step on.
his partners toes.
He goes' on to say that I shouldn't
expect a girl to teach me to danee
in a hall with a bunch like that
watching. I wonder if he wrote
this part of the letter? It he sew
as much as he .says ho did, he cer-
tainly didn't see me ask any girl to
do a round dance or teach ere
either, That clears up the question
of stepping on my partners' 'toes
An Observer asks• us where were
our girl -friends? He says the boys
go and never think or trying to help
by seeing ,that the girls get there.
However in the next paragraph tae
answers ,his own .question -by saying
if we did bring girls who didn't be-
long to their gang welt :it would be
just too bad for the girls as nobody
except the one nvho brought them
there would dare- with them. Any
one who reads thio, letter may quite
readily understand why no girls
A year ago last fall two young
girls were working on ,farms near
Cranbrook, Both girls were musical
and bath of these girls good dane-
ers. One of these girls has pang
over the radio, 'They went to the
fist dance at .4ranbrook but b'e-
caus'e they were strangers no one
danced much with them. Both giri9
said they had: a rotten time, just one
dance ell night. It you really want
to holth dances why don'•t you ap-
point four young people, tevo boys
and two girls who attend the dances
regulkrly, whose duty it is to see
that people outside your own gang
are made' welcome and get partners
to dance with, There are a few
Young people in the, community who
would like to learn. to dance and
who have no other place to learn
except in the drag, I always under-
stood Chet was what the hall was
intended for.
I notice that An Observer says
that I am ignorant and such a thing
is quite poselb)e but you can be
ignorant and wilting to learn.
There is a story told which fits
the opposite type, about the ladies
and knights watching the wild
beasts. On lady In order to show
haw brand her lover was reproved
her glove throwing it far out among
the rearing lions. Without hesita-
tion he leaped the wall and rescued
the glove throwing it right in the
ladies face, list love said he, but
vanity setts love a task like that.
Your as ever Interested,
Andrea Leeds Joel McCrae
Youth Takes a Fling
Frank Jenks Dorothea Kent
The spirit of restless youth, a boy
arid a girl who couldn't choose ,be.
tween love and ambition.
Next Thurs., Fri., Sat.
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
Home on the Prairie
Bobby Breen
Fisherman's :Wharf
NIJMN�IVJ`�!1`I .. NWNN�+/`/'NN�I`I�O�M'i'wwwNM�IM
The Lord Is Risen Indeed
Easter flowers are blooming bright,
Faster skies pour radiant light;
Christ our Lord is risen in might,
Glory in the highest,
A'nges enrolled: this 'siweet lay,
When in manger rude He lay,
Now once more cast grief sway,
Glory in the highest.
He, then born to grief and pain,
Now to glory been, again,
Calleth forth our gladdest stale,
Glory in the highest.
As He riseth, rise we too,
Tune - we heart and voice anew,
Offering homage glad and true,
Glory in the highest.
Mary A. Nicholson, 1875
Coming !
Miss Clara Elliott of Guelph will
he here the last week of April to
give peimtanent 'Unveil. Watch for
further notice later.
We wise to express aur sincere
appreciation end thanks to, our
neighbours and friends: for the
thoughtful acts of kindness and
symnpathy shown us at the time of
our bereavement. Also for the
beautiful floral tributes.
The Barrows Family,
With Neilso•n's Box Choc, ?Over,
box guaranteed fresh. Large asst. of
Easter- Bunnies Rebbibs Eggs etc.
at Grewars. City Dairy Ice Cream
Bricks for Easter. Fresh salted p-
unks 2 lb. for 23c,
Brussels Ladies' Aid
Holds Meat Pie Supper
The Ladies' Aid at Melville Pres-
byterian, Church held a meant pie
supper on Wednesday evening in
the basement of 'the church which
was beautifully decorated with
Spring Mowers foe the occasion. The
supper was well patronized. The
convenors were Mie. B. Walker,
general convenes", Mrs. T. T. Mc-
Rae, ill's. 31. Ballantyne, Mrs. 0.
Baelcer, Mrs. J. 'Gibson, Mrs. L.
Baelcer, Mrs, W. Little and Mrs.
George Samis,
To Celebrate
Silver Jubilee
The 25th annual meeting (silver
jubilee) of thre Ontario Provincial
Soalety, W,M,•S. of tate 'Presbyterian
Meech in 'Canada will be held in
St. Paul's' ,Ohnrcli, Hamilton. oil
Teesdaoy, Wedhesclay and Tlutesdey,
April 18, 19, 20th, with three Ses-
siloua daily, .Special speakers in-
clude Mise 13esele MacMuechy,
Jabot, India; Nil's. W, 0, Davis,
Mancbafllla; Missy 'Lily eleArthu•r,
Mrs. W, A. MeLenmau, president
and Mre. Inn `Villin=s, Rtresident
of Ontario Pro linciai Society. Also
reeidetut minister.
Stanley Cup Dates
April 6—Toronto at Boston.
April 9—Toronto at Boston.
April 11—Boston at Toronto.
April 13—Boston at Toronto.
April 16—Toronto at Bosbou.
April 18—+Boston at Toronto.
Alpii 20—Toronto at Boston.
Best four -out -of -seven,
Our thanks is given to kind
neigbbours and' friends for their
w'o'rds and deeds of sympathy ex -
Pressed to us, at the time of the
death. of our sister Mrs. Jno. Short -
Mrs, Lester Johnston
Mrs. Harvey Brown
Ellwood Shortreed
Former 1V!orris Resident
Dies In Saskatchewan
Mrs. Chas, elcQuarrie received
the said' news of the death of her
nephew, Albert Leslie McCall of
Abenmithy, Sask., son of James Mc-
Call and Mary Jane 'Marshall, form-
erly of the 7th Con,,, Morris. He
was born .in Holyrood forty-three
years ago, When thirteen years
old the family moved to Abernathy,
Sask. Mr, ;McCall had served os
councillor far a number of years and
hacl atteatren a convention of coups
cillots at Regina where the contract-
ed the Flu whict later des'eloped
into puenmonda from which he
passed away in Abernathy Hospital
after a .few days' Illness. He leaves
to mourn their loss, has wife and
five children, his parents and, 4mo
brothers, Funeral t000k place. from
the United Church in Abernathy,
Sask. Interment was made in the
Abernathy Cemetery,
Entertained C. G. I. T.
The Canadian Girls In• Training
of the United Church clod leaders
were most graciously eu:terbeined at
the home of'Mrs. A, L. McDonald
on Tueeclay evening, March 28.
The meeting opened with the
Easter Warsibip service coneluetecl
by Alice Stiles who chose as her
them "IIe is Risen. Hyman "When I
survey the Wondgrou's Oross," was
sung, after which the scripture
lesson taken franc Mathew 28-1-20
was read by Marearet Bell, Jose-
Melte Van Noonan then favoured
the griub with reading and Jeanette
Sanderson then lead the group in
prayer. A reading "How to Locate
Hester' 'was red by 'Lois Pin= and
this Was, followed by Hymn 'Christ
The Lord is Rises Today 'end flue
M'ivipah Benediction The girls 'then
enjoyed! 20 minutes of singing atter
Which Mils, McDonald. eotudueted a
111nn6rer of dtnteresthlig contests
Wee were injoyed by all. A very
delicious 11111011 was totem served by
the hoetese. to those present. At the
close of which Luella Mitchell mov-
ed a vole of thanks to Mrs, Mellon•
ace for the lovely eveneng wheels
was seconded by Jean Stellth'ensoit,
The evening closed by the singing
of taps,
Brussels Will
Greet The King
Arrangements are being made by
the hating citizene in tate Village
of Brussels to have all children
within the municipality attend et
Loudon, when the King arrives in
order that they may pay homage to
their Sovereign,
Already one mer,tiree has been
held at which the Se'liool Board, the
Town Council and dtizens were
represented, and delegates appoint-
ed by the meeting have approached
the Coanandttee in charge at London
and have secured a space for the
school children also the Brussels
Band if the bandsmen desire to
attend. The adults of course are
not provddied special resea-vadions
but it 1, expeoted that there will be
plenty of room for all who care to
attend as the route of the proces-
sion is along one which proceeds as
far north as 9t, James Street which
is near the outskirts of the city.
A. second• meeting will be held on
Thursday night of this week at
eight o'clock in the Library Hall
when all persons interested in for-
warding this trip are requested to
be present as there is considerable
work and a great deal of organiza-
tion to be done in order that this
Aged Man Died
After Assault;,
Sister Is Named
Victim, In Hospital
Admitted Sister Beat Him
But Blamed Her
Mental Condition
"We find that Albeit Fitzpatrick,
being an old and feeble man, came
to his death .as the result of assault
and exposure, the assault apparent-
ly being caused' by his sister, Kate,"
was the verdict brought in on. Mon
day afternoon • by the Coroner's
jury under Dr. R. C. Redmond, en-
qudring into the death of 84 -year-
old Albert Fitzipateick, wij o suc-
cumbed in the hospital here last.
Roy MCA/eller, lower Wingiham
grocer, disclosed that an Tuesday,
March 7, wheu he made one of bes,
regular calls to the Fi'tspstrick.
home, Miss Cetheeine ,Fititpatridk
opened, the door and sold, "There's
a man lying there lin the floor, L
found him there when I got •no."
Mr. MoArthur said he went in and
found the late Albert Fitzpatrick
lying face -down on the floor with
bruised' face and one eye puffed:
out. He was unconscious and atter
covering him with a coat and put-
may he an eventful day for '
It has been suggested tbat the
Town attend en masse, a picnic. be
arranged at Springbank Park, and
that everyone bring lunch so that a
real day's outing will be provided
for all.
If you have any suggestions kind-
ly bring them with you to the meet-
ing on. Thursday night as the co -
,operation of all citizens is required.
Morning service lu the United
Church on Sunday ,was conducted
by the minister, Rev. H. 3, Mahon-
ey, the subject being "The Cross As
'Ile Supreme leleral and Social
Ideal," in tete Sunday school. the
Menet Membership Class was con-
ducted by the minister. In the
evening a special service• was con-
ducted' by the C,G,I.T., with mu'sdc
by ,the Girls Choir. The acidness
was given, by Miss Helen Backer.
Services in Melville Presbyterian
•Church on Senday were conciliated
by the minister, Rev. 8, Kerr, who
spoke in the morning on "The
Lord Hath Need of Teem', The
in, Hee' evening was taken from
Matt 20-28. At the morning anthem the Mr. l:arngey sang e base sato,
anti en anthem' was given at the
eiben.ing service. A special Good
Frklay service will he given 111
Melville Presbyterian Cburedh at
11 ,m„ with all churches taping
y 'tart, and Rev, 14. J. Reviler, roc -
aline/ tor of St. nts Anglican. Church,
peeacihng the sermon,
Walkerton Woman
Killed As Car
Crashes Into Tree _
When the ear 1n white) they were
riding skidded off the pavement and
catapulted into a tree on No. 4
highway at the First Line of Morrls
Township early Tues morning, Mrs.
Eva Parker of Walkeeton, was in-
stantly killed and her husband seri-
ously injured. He was taken to
Winghonr General Hospital.
The accident is, believed to have
happened about 1.30 Tuesday morn- ,
ing but the demolished car was not
discovered until some hours later;
by a passing motorist. Constable '
T. W. Platt of Wingham and Traf-
fic Oifteer Robinson of Exeter were
called to the scene. Dr. W. A. Con-
nelly of Wingitam was also sum-
soned and, had Mr. Parker remov-
ed to Winghmrn Hospital, Mrs, Par-
ker was dead. when, taken from the
wre'ckerl car which was, completely j
demolished. She is survived by a
two -months -old baby,
Mrs, H. Sullivan is undergoing
treatment at the Listowel Hospital.
Miss' Margaret Scott of Toronto
Is spentlieg a few days at her home
here, •
hers, le, S. Scott of West Lorne
is visiting her sister Miss Margaret
Mrs. Roof. Tbomeon and Mrs, R.
J. MoLaaclildn were weelc-end visit-
ors in Toronto,
Mrs, W. Wilbee has returned
home after spending four months in
Stiletto*at the bottle of her daugh-
ter Mrs, Fred Mee.
Miss Helen Baelcer is ougering
from the flu this week, Mise Flo
0. Buchanan ie supplying for her
clouting 1a ' absence,
Mdss� Mamie Thomson io missed
front her position: in Wi11is' Bakery,
We hope she will soon be able to
return: to her work,
Mr. and M =
leers, 0. L, Drumand
1e01 town early this week to attend AMMO neral of Mrs, Henry Marvin
Lopet, 'Ilio rutera,1 took place
front 'Bay View' St, Sillsviile, the
home of Mee. Drummno d's parents
with. whom Mrs. Loyst bas lived for
the past thirty years.
ting his head on a pillow, McArthur
went to a neighbors Luke King,
and Father Pagmette of the Roman
Catholic 'Church of which Mr,
Fitaapa.triok was a member, wars.
called: -
Priest Testifies
Rev. Father J. F, 4'aquett dta-
closed that Albert Fitpetrick and
his sister had apparently been
ger ting along all right until the
past year, On two or three occa-
sions he had called in when alter-
cations 3tad arisen between the
two. The sister seemed to have a
grudge against her brother but in
spite of this fact was living with
him in the hot;se.
On 117arc11 ,
ward Flitzpatrdck7th,the respopriestndedwith whenEd-
called anti found the aged man on
the floor. His head was badly mark-
ed up, hand abrased and he had no.
use of bis limbs. They called Dr.
IV, C. Crawford who had him re-
moved to the hospital.
Whitt he was in the hospital,
the injured man admitted his sis-
ter had belt 'him, but added that
she was not responsd'ble because
of her mental eondtion,
William Fitzpatrick, nephew of
Albert Fitzpatrick, admitted dur-
tbe past yetaa' that Albert and
his sister had not been, getting
along very well. 0'3'e said that'
Catherine had not been responsible
because of her mental condition for
what had taken place Abort was
described as being S4 and his sis-
ter, 73, and they lived in the same
house, owned' by Abert, although.
In separate apartments, Howe+er,.
the sister did her cooking on the -
stove in Albert's kitchen,
Describes Inuries
Dr, Crawford said he found the•
aged man with the • eigtht side' 00
the face -and the forehead bruised
and an. eye closed. These were
abrasions on the right wrist and
the left hand and right knee were
bleeding a little,
Witness was asked by Crown At
torneY D. E. Holmes of Goderich,
1 if the injuries could be received
by falling from a chair. The ans-
war wee in the negatibe. The post-
mortem by Dr. .Cranford anal Dr.
P. Torrance disclosed. brat the aged
I man had acute hardening oe the
arteries and a softening of a por
tion of ,the brain and this, to.,
gelbher with the eOlPoser'e and in
juries hestemed death,
It wars revealed to. the July in an
utoeteiul manner that two mental
experts, Dr. -George Stevenson and
Dr. Lynch, of the Attorney -Gener-
al's Depoatm'eut,,:had examined tate
aged sdsteh- and lin their opinion
she w+99 said to have been mortally:
Members 00 the jury were: Ar
, Oar Wilson, •foreman, Thantae.
Fells, Albert Locllcridge, Wallace
r, .
,Miller cis Newnan, Theo,
DEATHS Mundy, Jr Isarit,, George Williame
and F, J. Greene.
LONG --'M the home of his dough -
ter, Mrs, Laine McMahon, near
lLintvo0tt: Ont„ on Saturday, FOR SALE --
April 1st, Jesepdr Long. T his Turnips,
?Frit year. pitons 55-r-15 Robt. Locking,
Funerel sorvlce was held from
Si, kmhtoar Catholic Church, Mem-
seas', on Tueetley, April 4111, 1089, 1
Service art 10 o'clock n.atr, Inner- JACKSON -In Cayuga, on There.
melt be St, Ambrose 'Ccanetery, aley, March 30th, 1939, to Dr,
13rilssela, and Mos. Kenneth Jeciesele Ca 801,
ad •