HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-3-29, Page 4TILE BRUSSELS PAST
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Mrs. Alex Gamlen' ll visited o;; Briclt Church Young People's
reldty afternoon, with Mr. and Mrs, Unionmet io the Church on Friday
Alex McEwen, 1st line. night, Kenneth Johnson was in
'WV- A. V. and Mrs, Robb receiv- the chair. The lessen was read by
ell: the sad news of Ler sister who Mies Ferrier and comment thereon
passed) away 03 etteuay in Toronto,
Mr. Donald Robertson of Mill-
bank visited on Sunday with hie
/nater and brother, let line,
Glad to see Mr. Wm. 13, Fraser
able ea be out agate after having
the flu, he epentt t3ra ar with Mrs.
Eraser in Wingham,
Miss Flora Coulter spent the
'week -end with her parents Mr. and
Wire. W. J. Coulter at feetland.
We are sorry to hear :Vir, and
Mrs. Roy Sellers were sick last
weak- We hope they are bete
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barnard
Zinc]' baby visited for a fele days
mouth His parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed.
Barnard and family.
The meeting of the Y. P.. of the
-United Church was held with the
President, Miss Daisy Holmes, to
c-ixarge. Mrs, A. V. Robb presided
for the program, Bill Wainwright
read the scripture. A. solo w•as sung
by Rev, A. V. Robb, J. G. Wheeler
lead charge of the topic. "What
Young People's Sooiety Means To
Me," Rev. A. V. Robb continued
his series on Scripture study, speak-
ing on the Epistle to the Colossians.
Jahn Stracham Mise Jessie
Strachan, Mrs. Nelson Cardiff. Grey
Township, with their cousins, Mrs -
Pe S. MacEwen and Mrs- George
MacDonald; Mr, and Mrs. W. L.
Speir, Morris, with Mr. and Mrs.
D. King.
Rev. A. V, Rabb, in the United
Church ;Su'nday, continued hes sub-
ient of the preceding Sunday at
the morning service, in which
Christ's coming was compared to
,the uoming of sunlight and rain,
1He choir sang the anthem, "O God
Our Help." In the evening Mr.
Robb spoke of the scapegoat of the
Eebrew ceremonial, showing it
yynibelic of Christ as our Saviour.
Alex J. Calder, Beaverton, a Knox
'College student, conducted. the ser-
vice at Knox Presbyterian Church
out Sunday morning, the subject of
itis sermon being "The Hands of
Teslrs" 'From the text, "He showed
them his heeds,' 'pointing out the
many purposes for which Jesus
used his hands and that they were
elevays out-etrebebed ready to re -
given, by Lawra. Hopper.. The tome
was taken by Geo, Taylor 'and dealt
with the 'General Theane of 'Oom-
munirm es contrasted with Christ -
len Ideals of Government. The
musical feature of the event= was
a duet by Laura Hopper and Louise
Couttes The next meeting will be
held at the hone of Jas. McGee,
Thursday, April 6th.
The Belgrave Women's Inetttute
met at the home of Mos. J. L.
Stewart Wednesday 'afternoon, The
president, Mrs. N. Keating, was in
charge. It was decided to give don-
ations to the cemetery board, the
community skating rink club, and
to the Belgrave School Sair, Mae
Frisby end Anna McDowell, local
tended the course i niWinghere and
tended the rouse in Winghaan and
reported that the course had been
comrleted in two days.
The prizes for the school fair
were decided as follows Girls un-
der 10 years, a geranium 'planted
Miter April 1; boys under ten, col -
leo ton of garden vegetables; girls
over 10 years, lunch cloth made
from a flour sack; boys over 10
years. a wren house unpainted.
The following couveniug commit-
tees were also appointed: Commun.
I•ty activities and relief, Mrs, H.
Wheeler, Edith Procter; education,
Mrs. Earle Anderson, Mrs. R. W.
Procter; Canadian industries., ilirs.
Keating, Mrs, Clayton Logan; legis-
lation, Mrs, J, Wheeler, Mrs. J. G.
Anderson; peace, Mrs. W, Arm-
strong, Mrs. Nell Montgomery; ag-
riculture, Mrs. J. M. Caultes, Mrs.
Gordon Higgins; Canadianization,
Helen Yuill, Laura Hopper; health
and child welfare, MIS. S. J. Mac-
Kenzie, Mrs. J, B. Townend; home
economics. Mrs. J. C. Procter, Mrs.
C. W. Scott; historical research,
Mrs. H. Procter, Mrs. N. Hgiigns,
Readings by Mrs. R, McCrea
were enjoyed, Mrs. Clayton Logan
gave a paper on Current Events,
Miss Mae Frisby and Anna Mc-
Dowell spoke on the value of vege-
tebles and also gave a salad plate
demon:rlration. Lunch was served
by the hostess, aesisted by Mrs.
B. Yule and Mrs, G. Jordan.
ceive any who answered the invita-
tion "come,"
Mrs. Mary Robertson is visiting
her sister, Mrs. John Geddes, at
IWhy write letters and send money
....orders? Order your Bray. Chicks
;through ole—personal attention,
• ,prompt delivery.
Gilbert Nethery
R. R. 5 Brussels
Donald and Mrs. 1'f Taggart,
Lloyd and Mrs. Porter, Tuesday of
last week attended the funeral of
their (runt, Mrs, .Pas, Pol+ter, of
Miss Margaret 'iSmlth, teacher,
Mingo two., wee a week -end visitor
with her sister Mrs. Herold Cardin,
Elmer aril' Mrs. Ellacett who
were recently married are getting
settled nicely in their home on the
0th con.
Merles Deitner is in the Moles-
yotrh vicinity busily engaged wir-
ing several Palm homes and also
the Presbyterian manse in that
Mrs, Wm. Cardiff and, baby Keith
have returned home after spending
a few days with her mother, Mrs.
IN9e0ailleY, who has been very ill
for the past few weeks,
Mrs. Allister Bird was taken to
Clinton hosibital on. Saturday where
she underwent an appendicitis
operation. She is recovering
A most enjoyable time was spent
at Union United Ohwrch, Monday
evening when the ladder served a
trot oyster slipper. do spite of the '
bad roads and sickness a splendid
crowd gathered to enjoy this treat.
following the supper a good pro-
gram was presentee by the follow-
ing artists, piano solo, Arnold Earle, •
Ethel; duet Mrs, Lake and Quest
Dobson, Ethel, piano duet, Dorothy
an•d Eileen Dilworth; solo, Willis
Meehan; reading, Mary Mclntoeh;
violin solo, Arnold Earle; reading, '
Mrs. Alex. Mann, Mancrieff; guitar
duet, Charlie Baer and Elston Speir-
ant; solo, Quest Dobson. • A one -act
platy by pupils of Ethel School- Iso-
bel Barton. Elsie Franklin, Jean
Twrnbull Florence Pearson, ,Doug.
Whitfield and Billy Bremner. Mr.
Snell acted as chairman in his usual
jovial gbyle. Although the even-
ing w'ae greatly enjoyed and those
absent newel. a real treat:
Rose MoTaggaurt, son of Mr. and
Maes Donald MdTaggard had the
nslafortune to break an arm on
Tuesday of this week.
Condition Favorable
Clifford Logan who was seriously
injured during a hockey game in
Wingham, is doing es well as can
he expected. He is a patient in St.
Michael's Hospital, Toronto,
,Mrs. Bryant, Blyth, writh Mrs. 3,
A, Brandon.
Sunday School Social
A very enjoyable time was spent
wilen the Knox United Sunday
School held a social in the form
of a croeinole party. The winners
wire Mts. J, C. Procter, Billie Mc-
Cleneghan, Mrs. Norman Keating,
Clifford Kelly. Following the games
C. R. Coultes, as chairman, intro -
(levee the following program. Talk
by Rev, ,7, B. Townend; piano solo
by Freda Jordan; reading by Edith
Procter; a cornet solo. by 'Clifton
Mrs. 'Wilfred Reid has rented
her farm to Allan Pattison.
WI T 1rr YOUR E YE a !
If you have noticed after reading or close work that your
Eyes become tired essiiy er you feel nervous and have a
slight headache, you tar be sure your Eyes need attention.
Come to Red for s thorough, scientific Eye Examination
sad ,proper girc:lsee at moderate prices.
You x:ave a modern, complete eyesight service within asy
reach. Mr. Reid comes to Brussels every Wednesday
(except the odd time when roads are impassible) and
maintains an office in Miss Kingston's store. Phone 51 for
an appointment NOW.
R. A. R, ID
'Phone 51 for Appointment
On Saturday, March 25 at their
farm home near Ethel. There was
born to •Mr, and Mrs. Earl Bowes,
a son, oongratulstions.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Ziegler and
Billy spent Sunday in Norwich
Mrs, Leitch wino was visiting A•Irs.
McLaren for the last six weeks, re-
turned home with them.
Mrs. Mary Gill is again under
the Doctor's Dare, Miss Edie Kraut-
WE1)'I' BSDAY, AtARCi 2'Jth, 1988
Choose the Car the Public is Buying!
Take a Tip from other motorists ... Own a Chevrolet and get more for less
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tures and economy -and you,too,wil!
Low monthly payments on the
General Motors Instalment Plan.
maraca -awoke Mute "85" Caun with trunk.
You just guide it with your fingertips, and a
"vacuum assist" device supplies 30%a of the
shifting effort! Chevrolet's steering column
gear -shift is a simple, positive, mechanical
book -up, It gives a neater, roomier front
compartment, due to the elimination of the
conventional gear lever. It makes thenar
drive litre a dream. (Available on all
models at only $10 extra.)
eel Al %tat%
NEW " V ISIS--lrv8e
�' lAeRw `;byono 1000e irs
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1 ole speedos ]in�eund,
Only Chevrolet brings you a
Valve,in-t1ead Six Engine at
e r such low prices. Greater
h power, greater all-round per-
erformance—at lowest cost for
it*" , gas; oil' and upkeep—with de-
pendability and long life.
Maximum efficiency with mini-
mum pedal pressure ; longer
brake life. Double protection
added by the under -cowl Emer-
gency Brake Lever, which op-
erates on both rear wheel brake
(On Master 0e LuxeModele)Frietionless Coll Springs .. .
Parallel -cylinder typo Double -
Acting Shock Absorbers
=' ��- (front and rear) ... Ride
Stabilizer . , . and improved
Shockproof Dual Cross
Drval Vhittied -Eharnd'sGarae
er is helping to care for hoer. 1 -
Grover 'C. Gill of London and son
Jared emend the week -end with
other members of the 'family, Orma,
lits. Fergg, of 'Walton and Mies
Doris et (Ethel. We are glad to
r^,tire that G. C. is much improved
and, the teachers Mr. Stevens and
Miss Fear was a decided success
reflecting credit on. each 'partici-
pant. There was' a large audience
in health, following aperatons per-
formed several months ago.
Wan. Hamilton purposes return -
Ing to farming again in the spring.
C. C. Edkmier will be taking •
posession of the Gill ,property . alt
Ethel C. N, R. station about April
As a nuanher of valuable thoro-
bred tattle the property .of Kerr
Wos., a ehent distance east of
Ethel were wabredng at the river
which runs across the front of their
farm 'property on Con, 8. Grey, the
lee gave way plmmging one of the
inun;ber into 'the icy swiftly flowing
current. A few minutete after the
animal was rescued from the chill-
ing waters, leach ensued. This
>* the eeennd' similar lass they have
had this winter,
Howard Youngswho has been in
th'e employ of C. R. Dunbar farmer
and mill owner will move to Hen-
flyn next week, where he and Mrs.
Your,oe will he as:,erltled with
Tilos, and Mrs. D^n ,hsrty In •t•trn1
Ada Wavdla•w a rrenhuly em-
ployed in Weeder's ,:tura In the
hues days of each week.
Union rutted i tl :t. c1: -.neer
supper held Morid ty, March 27,
was an atirareimt ter a mimeo' of
Bthelitee it was an ocrclsion of
'Stveral lots er maple trees ib the
.ratrroundinry eommundty were tail -
ped laet week in readiness for
making syrup and sugar,
The enreert program, presented
Friday, March 24, at Grey Twp, Ieel]
by Ethel public lichee/ pupils,
enter the draining of bur. Ander.
ten Muskat instructor in the school
t. 1
Temperance Study Course
Of October 1938
In absence of secretary through
illness Rev- 3, B. Townend Was
made secretary for the day. Com-
munications reed end flied or re-
ferred to committees for attention.
Statistics, .Rev's. A. V. Robb, A.
Lane, C. E. Beacom appointed a
committee to review and report.
Corot ' 11e re section 73 of Manual,
Rev. A. V. Robb reported progress.
Remit re transfer of students, by a
vote of 46 for the motion and 6
against it carried that "The ret:de
of Huron Presbytery :be in the
negative. Request of Rev, H.
Willing for transfer to Conference
o fB. C, referred to transfer Com-
mittee, Request of Rev, A. V.
Robb for change of pastoral rela-
tion referred to 'Settlement Com-
mittee. Request from St, I3elens
Official Boned re pulpit supply re-
ferred to a committee of Rev. Wil-
kins and Townend for consultation
with said Official Board,
Pastoral enlarges boundaries com-
mittee reported—re the Nilen
cher0e, that the Nile charge as
such be discontinued at the entl of
the present Conference year. That
Nile anal Leetbuen: be made part of
lE>nmiller Charge and ,that the
minister's residence be et Ben.
Miller. That Int, Albert be made
part of ,the Dungannon Charge.
These arrangements to include
limes of service anti proportions of
eatery agreed upon already. Moved
ht emamnimnetut that the above re-
port be adopted with one change—
namely that the matter of the
ministers residence be tel, to a
commission of Presbytery. Amend-
ment carried and Rev's. Wilson
and Menzies were appointed a
commission of Pres'by'tery.
Re the Elimville Charge, the
comanittee recommends that the
Elisvitle Charge be discontinued
as such at close of present confer-
ecne year. That l,limv[lle be evade
Part of Thames Road Charge.
That Zion be made .part of the
Woodhnsn Charge subieot to al.
prove' of Perth Presbytery.
Secretary was instructed to in-
form Colieerenoe of proposed re-
arrangements, and ask that settle-
ment make suitable ,provision for
the settlement of Rev. G. A.
Barnard in some other charge,
,Cleurch property report, remise
mended that the request of Elim -
Ville Clualge to sell the Parsonage
arc', Ile contents be left over till
next Presbytery for consideration.
Moved in, amendment that the
request, be granted,
—Anlend111e111 Curried.
Re request of Loudevboro for
permission to sell Manse property,
it is rernmulende,l the request be
referred• back to the Trustees ear
Nether core lderation, cotton lett
with the °Oficial Board. . —Curried
11 was further tarried that the
chairman of .this Committee be ask-
ed to be presetnt at the meeting
where this le further considered,
Messages of eerePaiby were for-
warded to Rev's, A, Lane and I3, N,
Wright 1n their Illness.
Moon on remit re pat'agrnplt 110
of mantled "P1111. the reply of this
Presbytery be in the negative Was
carried by vote of 33 for and 110110
Mleaionei•y and ma1111)110nee t'e.
port presented 110 priettel form evil
(1111,•ad after comment thereon by
the -chairman of the committee.
Treasurers report adopted and
arrangements made for Its printing
and distribution,
Re reugesit on. transfer of students
Rev's, Peters, H. E, Wright and
Gardiner were appointed a 00131-
mittee to deal with matters brought
out in the discussion of this remit
Sue4entaLlon fund — Communica-
tion; left over to attention at next
meeting including the proposed
meeting for ministers.
Gaderlch summer school admin-
istration Board reported. its .plans
for the summer and naade an appeal
for heavy co-operationof mini tern
that would help the summer camps
and would also assist revenues or
both camp and Presbytery,
Voles' of appreciation to Minister
,and Officials of Wesley Willis
Ch unit.
Next meeting of Presbytery to be
held In Wingham on April 2711),
II, M. Wright, Sec,
Divorces On
l)+vorcas inet,:ts (t ellgltily in
Canada 1ast year. it was dis.eloses
iu a report of the Dominion Bureou
of S,,tie,tice, issued on Friday last.
Number of decrees granted was
1,e83, on inereoW of 13 or 0,7 per
cent, over 1037.
Ot this total, 1,708 were granted
by the coulee of ee)etl' provinces
while the remaining 31i were grant-
` ed by the Dominion Parlinauettt, 83
to petillonorswith legal d0111°011e in
1 C)ucbee, and two 1n Peinoe Edward
i Divorces. .granted le melt in 1038
tetelled 636, ilneltenged from 1037,
while the number granted to women
was 1,108 t'ompal'ed welt1.185 the
pretvious year.