HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-3-29, Page 1Vogt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, ,March 29th, 1939 Boys' Grain Club Being Organized In Brussels ,Area ,F Y: :F * PEOPLE WE KNOW * * .,e * * * * <3 Mrs, W, A, BdhUes, Toronto, with: her father, Initial Steps Taken to Visited last week Form Club to ,,,. S, Wilton. Encourage Better John and lean Leitch oalletl on Grain Production Bruszels and Ethel friends ou Mon- Irvltlal steps for organization of a t'.c;y of this week, 'Boys' Grain Cilteb for Brussels d1s• The many friends of Mrs. M. triet were taken at e, meeting of the Poker will regret to learn that she Ilrureeis Agricultural Society three- is again confined to bed under the tors held Monday afternoon in the (looter's care, basement of the Bnussels Public Mr. Herbert Manning, Blyth, has Library. James Burgess, pa'erlden+t taken a position with Mr, J, M. of 'the Agricultural Society °peopled Scott of ^aeaforth who runs a poul- the chair and D. M. McTavish try farm recorded .the proceeding% The Mr. Dave Iiastiugs and Miss group was addressed by J. C. Vera Fox wore week -end guests 'Shearer, Huron agrioultural reeve- with the formier's parents, Mr. and senitatipe, of Clinton, tt„ho `spoke on Mra. Wm. Iiaeting% at Loudon, the subject of "The Value of. Junior ,Mrs. J. Cottruil and ovhildren, Clubs,' and it was decided to or- Port Elgin, weer• ti+IMtors with her genies a Brussels Boys' Grain Club parents, Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Ole - for farmers' .sons of ages 12 to 20 Donald on Friday and Saturday. inclusive. The objectives as out- Mrs. Nelson, Toronto' has return - lined by Mr. Shearer are: First, to ed h•ovie after spending last week Improve the quality of seed sown with. her parents Mr. and Mrs. in Brussels distniett; second, to Thes•, M*Call, the latter not enjoy - tome attention onl production ing her usual good, health. . costs per bushel of yield and, John ]Swan collapsed , on the thirdly, ,to deanonetrate to the street on Monday of this week, G. Campbell picked him ,up called a doctor who removed him to his home where he is recovering. Mr, and Ml's. Mitchell and family who have, been living in the Ramsay house are moving to the house own- ed by Mrs, G. Evans, lately occupied by L. Brothers, 'who moved on Tuesday to Barr+iston. Heartiest congratulations to Mrs. John Long who celebrated her birthday this week. Mrs. Long has not been in .ilia best of health for Nie past year, we trope ,brat., this spring weather wdll see her out and• around again. Mies Margaret Russell, R,N., who has Sucresstully completed her special course in Obstetrics is to arrive, home this week -end, Miss Mussell and her friend Miss Meyers had the honor to be asked to remain, on the staff at the Royal Victoria Maternity Hospital, at Montreal, but declined. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart, Kin- istino, Sask., celebrated their golden wedding recently. They 'were marredin Brussels, Cart, and went to Mandtoba in 1912, They have feen farming in that province and Saskatchewan sauce. Mr. and Mra, Stewart have eight children and 21 grandchildren. young mon the value of good seed, good Cultural methods and disease control. The club rules: each member Abell purchase lei bushels of registered No, 1 nabarb barley, shall keep a record of the cost of production, and shall exhibit two bushels et the Brussels Fall Fair on September 30. A membership drive committee was appointed. They are: Wilbur Turnbull, chair- man; T. C. Wilson, deputy reeve, Grey; Charles Anderson and Ed- ward Bryans. A meeting of the committee and club members will be held on April 15 at Brussels for definite organ- ization and appointment of offic- ers. REGE THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Smiley Burnette Intoduces the new sweetheart's of the West Roy Rogers Mary Hart Billy the Kid Returns The Robinhood of The Pains MON., TUES., WED. Janet Gaynor Doug. Fairbanks jr. Young In Heart Roland Young Billie Burke Henry Stephenson A story of Love and Pathos Next Thurs., Frt,,, Sat, Preston Foster Charles Bickford • Barton MacLane The Storm Men battle the elements and each other IM the drama of two feuding brothers and a heartless ship's Captain COMING— Youth Takes a Fling An Operetta entitled TOM SAWYER also program of Rhythm Band numbers by the Primary Pupils will be presented by the Brussel Public School in the TOWN !HALL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 at 8.15 o'clock Admission — 25c Knox Church, Cranbrook The Play— 'DON'T DARKEN MY DOOR' yil be presented by the Y.P.S. of MVlonkton THURSDAY, APRIL 6th at 8 o'clock p.m. Admission— Adults-25c Children —15c WANTED -20 BOYS— Between ages of 12 and 20 years to join the Boys' Grain Club in connection with Brussels Fall Fair. Committee in charge:—Chan Anderson; T. C. Wilson; W. E, Turnbull; Ed. Bryans. BRUSSELS FAIR TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 29 & 30th Ata very enthusiastic meeting of Directors plans ,,are under way to put Brussels Fair back on the map. But we must have the help of the village and surrounding community, Committees were appointed as follows: Heavy Horses—C. Anderson, J. Yuill Light Horses --D. C. Warwick, J. S. Armstrong Cattle—W. E. Turnbull, Ed Bryans Sheep & Swine—W. Broadfoot, W. 'Shortreed Poultry—W. Scott, T. C. Wilson Fruit & Vegetables—Jas. Bryans, R. J. McFadzean Inside (Exhibits—R. J. Bowman and Lady Directors Advertising—E. D. ,Bell, R, J. :Bowman JAS. BURGESS, D. M. McTAVISH, President Secretary -Treasurer BRUSSELS, ONTAR! 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Easter Lillies Cut Flowers DO you want an Easter ,Lily or other cut flowers for Easter? Orders must be in. by .Saturday of this week, Order NOW, from MRS. M, BALLANTYNE CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the sympathy and kintlnese shown us at the time of the Illalese and subsequent demise of wife and mother, Also thanks to those Who sent floral tributes and loaned cars. Ohm. Davidson and Family. ICEBURG— Yes Crisp California Iceburg Head Lettuce Large Heads strictly fresh only 100. Get those golden Yellow Bananas at Grewars ,they the the beet, Have you tried Nose Marsh Seedless Grapefruit Little or 'no sugar required on them. Lowest price in years. Buy your Fruit at Grower's. .CASH AND CARRY A. GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS Master Builder The Head Office of The Mutual Life of Canada at Waterloo, On- tario, has announced that Mr, W. T. Booth, C. L. U. of Wtngham has qualified for membership hi the Master Builders Club. To be a member of this senior group in the field forte of the Company it is necessary to have at least one mil- lion of insurance in force, and Mr. Booth is servicing ,policyholders whose total insurance is well in excess of that amount. Mail Man's Horse Drops Dead On Road Mr. Duncan McKinnon lost his faithful animal, which pulled the mail oart over the rural route which Mr. McKinnon serves, drop- ped dead Friday on the road, The horse was 27 years old and had given many years of faithful service carrying thre .mail every day, in all kinds of weather, eo the People on. the line. The horse was formerly owned by Miss Mike of Galt and came to Brussels from the Wilks stables. DEATHS In Morris Township on Tuesday, March 271th, Alice D. McMann, be- loved wife of the late John Short - reed. In her 67th year, Funeral service will be held fr•oni her late residence, lot 24, Ooncession 9, Morris Township, on Thursday, March 30th. 'Service at 2,00 p.m. Interment in Brussels, cemetery. In Grey Township on Tuesday, March 28th, August McFarlane, age 72 years; 11 months, 22 days, Funeral service will be held from his late home, lot 26, concession 16, Grey Township, on Saturday, April yet. Service at 2.00 p.m, Inter- mrent in Harvey's Cemetery, Logan T.Oernship. DANCE POSTPONED until Friday, April 28th Moncrieff Hall (For the Light Fund) Admission — — 25c THE KANSAS FARMER CONCERT & DANCE Community Hall, Walton Friday Nite, March 31st Admission — 35c; Children 10c THE UNITED CHURCH REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B,A., B.D. Minister TOILING UP NEW CALVARIES EVER WITH THE CROSS THAT TURNS NOT BACK 11 nm,—,The Cross as the Supreme • Moral and Social Ideal 3 p.m.—Sunday School. Missionary Sunday. ,Church membership class conductedby the minleter 7 pm,—Special Service conducted by the C.G.I,T. Music by the Girls Choir. Address by Miss 'Helen Backer, $ p.m.—Monday Y. P, U. Meets` CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank those who were so kind and thwughbful in acts of kindness and syanpethy during our recent sudden bereavement, Very gratefully, Ma, and Mrs. Thos, Dougherty • CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express our sincere ppree1ation, of the many kindness - s and sympathy shown us by our riends and, nelgbbors during our 'ecemt sad bereavement. Most especially we wish 10 thank those ?0110 so kindly sent floral tributes. Mra. Alex. M'cKeeeher and family Notice Unpaid Taxes Parties have until Monday, April 3rd to pay their taxes to local Tax Collector, after that date all unpaid taxes will have to be for- warded to County Treasurer for collection, Brussels Council. Women's Liberal Association to Meet The Women's Liberal Association will hold its regular meeting at the home of 'Mee. W. D. S. Jamieson on Thursday evening, April 6th, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Scott's topic will be "Same Notable Accomplishments of Ohe i'Fackenize Bing Liberal Govern- ment.” This will bo followed by dis- cussion on current events, A good attendance is hoped. for. Meeting Held At Home of Mrs. N. F. Gerry The W, A, of United Church met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, N. F. Gerry with a good at- tendance. The president, Miss M. Robinson opened the meeting with a hymn "A Better Day is Coming" and prayer was offered by Mrs. Stewart. The minutes were then reed by the secretary and adopted, Reports from the different com- mittees were given. During ,the business discussion it was decided to get new tables for the church also et was. decided a resolution be sent Mr. Robertson asking his support in favor of the Canada Tem- perance Act, Miss Kingston extended thanks to the W, A, for choir banquet. A short program included readings from Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. A. L. McDonald; a quar- tette by Alice Pope, Mary Davison, Jeanette Sanderson and Dorothy Wright, 'Wearin' 0' the Green', A questionaire of the United Ohara 'MS conducted by Mrs, Davison. Refreshments were served and a social half hour enjoyed, A vote of thanks was tendered Mss. Gerry for hospitality, Teeswater Reunion Further Plans Horse races' will be held on one day only during Re -union, Wednes- day, August 9th. It is expected that a record meet will gather on that date. The committee at a special meet- ing held last week, contracted with Mr, W. A. Garden; of the Canadian Vaudeville Exchange, for Special Aots to be put on every afternoon and evening on a special platform. These acts include: Clown Band, dancing girls, conmecliansy acrobats, slaokwire acts, bicycle acts, jug- glers, cowboy roper, comedy magic, special scenic aid ligating equip- ment foe platform, and sound truck. Hurrah For Scotland The Scots will be there from far and near on, Monday, Aug. 7th, for plans, are completed to hold Cale- doandsi Games under the auspices of tee Elgin and Middlesex Caledonian Society. There .will be dance com- petitors, from all over Canada; ex- hibition, of tossing the caber; piping contests and Pipe •Band ,Competi- tions, They are •assured of sdx Pipe Bands at present, with more to hear ,from, The Bands that are going to be present are:—Theo of Henry Void's Pipe Bands of De- troit; tie 91st Argyle Highlanders of Hamilton;; the St. Thomas Pipe Band; the Ingersol Pipe Band and the Lnr+know Pipe Band. They also expect to havo the Toronto S,cettsfn, and, the C.N,R, Pipe Bands Of Montreal, This will be a day ever to be remembered in Brnee County', The Auction sale on the farm of Mrs,. Peter McArthur will be held Tuesday afternoon, April 111h. TH E ITE Brussels, Ontario March 27, 1929 The Editor The Brussels Post, Dear Sir:— In a recent issue of the letter- box a letter WS published signed by Interested with regards to a dame held previous 10 that in : Craubrook, 1 Interested told ue. that it was an in'c'ited dance and• that after a time a few got there the card tables were put back and the music started. Initeressted tells sus that some were refused admission to dance, went on to exiplain what was wrong with the Cranbrook dances and finished up by saying that no- body wanted to be snubbed on a dance Boor and that no lady would do 11, Now Mr. Editor and readers of the Post, in fairness to the Clan - brook girls, please bear with me while I try to explain what happen- i ed at the dance, in. question. It was an invited dance all right enough but not by Inflated invita- tion and as there was no admission charge at the door• there was no doorikeeper. Being so fele there anyone could have walked in invited or not, So therefore if anyone was refused admission to tlance it must have been that they could not find a partnor to dance with. During the course of the evening I noticed a couple of men, asking girls for a donee• The first got a partner for a square dance. and after that could get no partner. The other (who is Interested in my opinion, either that or Interested wrote the letter for him) received no ,partner at all, Interested evidently is too ignor- ant to aslk a fair question of, but of the fair minded readers of the Posit I ask. Could you blame a girl for refusing to dance with a man who is 1st twice her own age, and, that the only thing he knew about round dancing is for every - time he moved his feet to place them on his partner's, and 3rd considering these two handicaps to be as.lced to fiance on a . hall floor with 2 or 8 ether couples the rest of the crowd sitting back to criti- cise, There are not many girls now -a -days between :the ages of 15 and 22 who want to get up even with a partner their own age who tall dance when there is only 2 or 3 couples dancing on the floor. If any girl accepted just because it was not lady -like to turn a partner dawn, she wouldn't feel much like a lady at :the end of the dance. Everybody has to learn, to dance. But when we Pass the halfway mark of out' 3 score years and 10 ons' days of learning to dance are over and we should know enough by then to ask someone our omen age or else dance something we can do. Those who were refused admis- sion •to dance, well where was the wile or girl -friend that they brought with tilremm? Not many wives or sweethearts, refuse to dance with the one who teak them. Anybody going to a dance deserves to go without a dancing partner if he goes' alone to the dance. Here is one thing that is wrong with the eranlbroolt deuces, AU the boys go anti never think of trying to help out the dance by seeing to it that some girls get there. Every dance in Cranbrook there are 3 males to every female. However I Will agree with Inter. ested in that the Oranbrook young people will have to waken, up. They have, only themselves to blame, It a boy from another down came and brought a girl, or Cranbrook boy brought a girl from another town, unless the girl were well known to the Cranbrook ghug and were popuiar with them, all right, but if they were strangers, the only chance they would have would be with the ones who brought theta, Sonie of the Cranbrook girls are as bad as the boys even• at the seine grime, Dances in Cranbrook would be a auceests if evety+botly would help. When the music starts, it everybody Would get a partner and: start to To Open Pasteurization Plant Here w:llain J, Stewart of Clinton Iras • perchased the retail dairy business 00' L. le. Cardiff and local workers are now engaged in Bitting up eine le, R. Srndth building, formerly tra- mpled by the 'Canadian Bank of Commerce 'as a pasteurization plant. Ma'. Stewart, who has been en- gaged in the insurance business for the past few years, formerly ran a dairy business at. Bayfield, for eight years. Tihe up-to-date, plant will have: inetallod all pew modern equipment and will be ready to commence business about the 10,1,11 0! APril. Courteous, efficient service will be given the public in supplying them with pasteurized milk and. creana pdoducts. Later on, a milk 'bar will be opened where you will be able to have served to you, the finest in all milk drinks, .,,milk shakes, chocolate milk, etc. Mr. and Mr's, !Stewart will talre up residence on the property of Mra, Ramsey on Wednesday of next week, The Post and its readers extend a welcome t0 thena,- 'k * '5 * * * * * *- Wedding Wedding * * * * * * * * ah. yX ELLACOTT—FISCH ER A. quiet early spring wedding took plate on Wednesday a0ternoao., March 221ed, at !St. John's Angli.,arn Church, whew Velma Georgina.- younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs_ John Fischer, was united in Tao— T-riage ¢a Williaan Elmer Ellice't3', son of Mr, and Mrs. William Elli- cott, all of Grey township, The ceremony was perlformed. by Ren. W. J. Heady. while the .couple were attended by Miss Violet Ellicott and Mr', Charles Fischer. The bride was attractively gowo- ed in navy blue triple sheer with, hat and accessories to match. They will reside ou the groom's farm on the 9th concession of Grey. New Royal Stamps Due This Spring A special issue of stamps to mark the visit of the King and Queen will go on sale throughout Canada May 15. The issue wilt be limited to a commemorative num- ber and will be double size. The one -cent sttaurgr will lea green, bearing the portraits of tide Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose, while the two -cent stamrp will be brown and carry the 3010- ture of the national war merman !al at Ottawa, The three -cent stamup will be red with portraits of the King and Queen. dance: right off instead of waiting till it wee three parts over and not just for one dance but every dance It would help the time out, make- more tun and most important,help- out the one, who are playing. The. Cranbrook boys have to stem ,drat' when tlhey go to outside halls xnr- else go without a deuce so why not . do it in your own, hall. It isn't much encouragement to the Qua's who are playing to play a number • through and then, have no one damp- ing to it, play another with postsib't 1 or 2 couples dancing thew delay another one or two with nobaultg dancing and so an. of the numbers aren't what you want, well then ask , for them, then get up and. daace and help the .tiling along, I understand some would like to'• have another dance but feel that after the letter by interested, thee there wouldn't be much use, ,So now tlta.t the roads are paueable tO cars let's rally round the aid hale and show Interested that there can be good tine^; in •Craubrook as that the •Craubrook girls are as much ladies a* girls are anywhere. There eves, a good time tine night +oP the draw for prizes so let's evel some nee out of the lights. But rm. warning Interested that they had better bring partners with therm for all night as the Crambrook glide will sure be waiting for firem.. tau return, Thanking you for the space 17thtr'' tarkelI In you. paper,.I remain, An Observer