HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-3-8, Page 6Annual Report of BRUSSELS, MIiR.RIS & GREY IILEPHfIIIE YTEM For year ending December 36, 1938 COMMISSIONERS D. lIeTAVFSH. Mailman WM. m'P.l1N11tUN Commissioner RUBT, SHORTRIehlD Commissioner OFFICERS Secretary. Treasurer. W. s, scoT'r W. S. SCOT',L Number of Telephones, January 31st, 14137 Subscribers 959 Renters 100 Number of Telephones, December 31st, 1938 Subscribers 96.7 Renters 102 Net gain in Telephones far the year M11ee. of Poles, January let, 1938 Miles of Poles., December 31st, 1938 Total 1068 Total 1069 1 telephone 201 201 Nat gain in. Pole mileage for the year Nil miles Mlles. of Single Wire, January let, 1933 130E Miles of Single Wire, December 31st, 1938 1302 Net gain in Wire mileage for bile year Nil 'OPERATING ACCOUNT -REVENUE AND EXPENSES The following Is a condensed statement of Revenue Expenses for the year ending December 31, 1030, REVENUE 1. Supscn'ibers' Levies in 1938 for Prin- cipal, Interest and Maintenance, collected 2, Subscribers' Levies in 1933 for Prin- cipal, Interest and Maintenance, uncollected 3. Nor-subeeribere Rentals for 1938. collected 4. Non -subscribers'' Rentals for 1938, uncollected 5. Local tolls front Nontisubscriber's, Pay Stations, etc. 6. From Bell Telephone Company for Commission's, etc,. on Long Dis- tance Calls 7, Nat earnings from Tolls to or frons 59 15158, other th:nn. ''Bell" S. Miscellaneous Receipts $5396.20 2176.85 616,05 181,06 212.83 590.73 Nit 50.73 9. Total revenue EXPENSES 10. Operator's Salaries $ 2743.50 11. Annual Switching Fees paid to "Bell'' or ether systems 12, Maintenance or Repairs -Wages 13. Sfainitenawee or Repairs-lSUpplies 14. Commissioners Salaries 15. Secretary's and Treasurer's Salaries ,.,. 16, Other Salaries (Auditors, Clerks, Municipal Offreers, etc) 17, Heat and light • 18. Stationery, Printing and Postage 19. Insurance and Workmen's Compen_ cation 20. Gas, Oil & Truck Ma.itatenanee 21, 'Livery - 22. Freight & Cartage 23. Bad Debts 24. Depreciation, Toole & Vehicles 25. Sundries 26, Total operating expenses 45.40 1614,70 2241.67 93,00 640.00 195.90 213.46 217.69 163.10 205,62 3750 27.21 25,01 119.75 97.90 27. Gloss Income (opeaating revenue leas oriel abimg expense) Deduct. miles and 99,524.39 $ 8680.41 38. interest nn Temporary Loans $ Nil 20, interest on Netos and hill. , 9 NII 513.98 Nil 30 N's (,c'n - ...... _ ., .,., ... 9 943.96 11, 1 : 1101,:.1 ;.1:0 It :crest p-,yabi' nn. L8 hen tures in 1-88 Nil S.0111i), ren yeer •4i .a-. 1ter enll+ea• 1Int, 1117 T,rsF Adj,avtrnorut 9. 843-98 921426.54 11.82 21414.72 31. 'samples ileamuimi• 31.vt., 1939 $ 22259,70 CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT --YEAR ENDING DEC. 31st, 1938 Receipts From date of by-law for the establishment of the system December 31st, 1937 :15. l,'1510 T1401porary'Lnn.nl5 $ -Nil 46, Prom Pros eet1 of 1)1))rvtur e 83037.92 37. ('rete Snhsa•albers in lieu of a ebentare payments Nil 38, 9'rout Revenue 6084,20 • Frons Jelmery: ist to Deoembcr 31st, 1938 39, Finns Temporary• Loans $ Nil. 40, From Proceeds of t bentanee Nil 41. From Sut)ee ribera in lieu ar anconal Instalments eel ' 42, 9h) nni Reveutta Nli tri to 989922 12 89922..12 THE BRUSSELS POST WieDN'1'i"5DAY, MARCH DISBU'RSMENTS From date of bylew for the establishment of the system to December 31st, 1037, 43. Temparan5'. X+oaak, Repayments ,...... •„ $ Nil 44.193pendeal on Plant and 18gtubpntetut 89922,1" Year Ending December 31st, 1938 45 1'enieorary Loan Repayments 40. Expended on Plant and lliquiputent ,,,,, Nil 47, Balance Unexpended en December 31st, 1935 DTII BALANCE SHEET FOR Fixed 48. Plant and lulu() Hent 99, Real Estate 50, Tools and Vehicles 51. ()Mee Furniture and Fittings Current.. 52, Subscribers' Levies Uncollected In previous years and 5p to December 81st, 1938 53. Rentals Uncollected in previous years' and up to: 899'22,12 Total $ S9922,12 31st, 1938 THE YEAR ENDING DEC., ASSETS $ 87622.49 1759.69 990.25 540,00 2156,85 December 31st, 1998 , 385.00.. 54. Tolls Uncollected In previous years and up to December 31st, 3.958 55. Material on hand 56, Fuel on hand 57. Cash In Bank or on band 1568.24 1440,24 30,00 9847.65 Total 9106280.35 ' Fixed LIABILITIES 58. Debenture Principal Unpaid on December 31st, 1938 $ N11 59, Oaeh Payments by .subscribers` in lieu of• anneal 'levy Nil 60. Debewture'Prinloinal paid to Deeomlrer 31st, 1038 t 88837.92 Current. 61. Temporary Loans owbstandiwg and repayable by issue of debentures 62, Advances by Municipality repayable out of revenue 63. Accounts Payable 64. Bell Telephone Company re Tolls 65. Interest •due due end unpaid Balance January 1st, 1938 921426,54 Adel: Net Income for year per exhibit II, 843.98 Total 32270,52 Less:Adjustments to erior operations 11,82 Nil Nil 43.57 140.16 Nil Balance December 31st, 193S 22258.70 Total $$106250.35 I certify that the annexed stetm elsts of Revenue and Ex- penses, spenes, Construction _Account and 'Balance Sheet exhibit a true .and coureot view •nf the state of the System's affairs as on. December 31st, 1938, Dated this 27th day of February 3.989 Frank P. Gibbs, C.A., Auditor. The Annual Meeting of the Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System will he held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Thursday. March 16th, 1909, at 2,00 p.m. LET US -L -0-0K-1 AT THE PAST 8w• Ars Item rakes Proal P48,, of the Post of U and U Tiara ale 25 YEARS AGO BELGRABE Miss Elea. Procter spent two weeks with he, sisters in, the Queen C'ty and had a good time. * * * Miss tette Cloakey was a visitor a,t Toronto recently, Edward Bryanss and Miss Jane •toyed a short visit with Monkton friends, J AMESTO W N Mrs, Duncan McDonald and daug(rter were visiting in Brusseis. * * 5 Frederick Wright of Cwpar, Seek., has been visiting Me parents Mr, and: Mrs, Frank C, Wright, has re- turned home. GREY W. J. Gill's Anc0ou Salo is t' ts:lutest for Thursday afternoon. Last Monday * Santael •llotteten left for Winnipeg. 'Mr. and Mrs, 21..5.0 Stewart ex. tote prat 10 Imre nex'l. 'work :for. Wert, W D'OXETER John henry 01' fl'arrlstan was visiting here, * * r� 4ir•t. Snun-lls. or 4'nneonve•, 1e lbs' got. et of IFS" father 9'hns, M.u;ugrlsv5, * * .1(41n i4111110,ue,1 hem rout rued in the 4%'r•4. E7HEL %''ul, Slemo ul1 visited rnlatiV15 in S4. Marye and locality. * 5 * Mrs. ) 19. [lrrv.Sit is rseove1•Inlg from an ;11i 5•.1,; CRANBROOK Party at, .tmrob Lonsx's Iri'iday ev)llhlg 01' 11i11 week. * a * itrw, -1111 2T1,1. Ilnyle' and Mrs. re riled', 2119. Boyle's mnt,hei were guests a3. 1{n09 church 0)110535 for e few days this week, MORSIS .Hiss Minnie Walker returned ]tonne: from Toronto, - Mils M. 11eyess •cf Detroit is spending a few days' with her cousin Mise Lillian Garrido', 2nd line. Baxter Bewley*lelit for his home at Fillmore, (Sask., Wednesday, of this week. . John Whittlwghnm*of Regina, has been visi.tlug at T. T. Bell's end other frienols. BRUSSELS Mrs. S. Canter was visiting rela- tives at Clinton, Dr. ;Hamilton visited at his paren- tal home In Gorrie last Sunday, • • • Mss, A. McLean, of Seaforth was visiting her sister Mrs. P, Scot. • • • Mists Annie McQuarrle bas taken a millinery position at Dundalk. • • 5 Mrs, George ITsbkirk and son of. 2IcKtilop were (visiting at A. .1. Lowry's last week, • • • Mrs. A, Steadiest. and Miss • Isabel are enjoying a .few clays. in Toronito with W. B. Straehetn, Married Machan - Selling -at .the mantle, Walton. ors Wednesda1y, March 111,11, by Rely. W. A, 'Lundy, Mr, Win, Henry Meehan, to Miss, Katherine Selling, all of Monl'hileff. 50 YEARS AGO ETHEL Thos. Maunlems is n1ovil1g 1111)') of his ,goods; to Ilia form soul of Brarsseis, * * W. P. navies 1s eaperlla1 Hurt. a vIs11. BLUEVALE Julie Gardner had several ribs broken a few days; ago by a kick bale al 1)01'lee, 011 • List Wcdnemit(Y 1111 9504)15 Of 111r' 1'ro11hpleritu) 1111) 4regnd l0))-organde. e(1 41BIM-wale T,lferal'y Satiety. The following is tee list. orlicerie: :Robert tilarck, President; Miss .tenet Men, ser, Vice -Pres,; Mho Pelle Ki;e'. 'Cress.; A. Hartley, Set,; 51)31 R. King, 8, •Clyhuret, a. ln'iePhersart, 119st3 36, hietclser% preeTent ronrntittea. MOR -R18 I'Iy11)I50al--"0n TuaCduy '05 that week .J, P. Kelly, a well-known young gentleman of this township and Alts Rebee'ca Bake of Grey Township were united lot marriage by Rev. Fattier Shea, in Seatn'i1h, Miss Annie Kelly, of -Myth, sinter to the groom was '100 brldc,nnaid anal Dennis J. Bte'ke, brother to itla bride officiated ns groynisman. The bride was very -meetly attired in a mahogany colored cashmere taws, Whittled With cream pinch and rob- bone, He will be lain up fee 90010 commence marrieds life with the best wishes of a clrele of friends, GREY Miss Hannah, Ball is making a visit with ;her brother, G. L. Ball, L.D,S„ at Seaforth, Miss Maggie McLachlin hate been visiting her .sister Mrs. R. K. Mc- Donald near Kinlcardmne, Last Pride; afternoon as Fletcher Sperling was chopping on, Lot. 29, con, 16, the axe caught in a branch which threnv it on his deft foot nearly severing the hist two toes and cutting the. ,third one to the bon to match. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly titre. BRUSSELS Ilobt. Armstrong is ahte to be around after his illness, * • a * 301111 Fee•gusom went back to Stratford on Wednesday, * * * 20. and Mrs. White of Winnipeg wea•e the guests of 111r. and :Ills, Marry Dennis. * * *, Mrs, Hislop, who has• been visit- ing her ,daughter firs. Dougald Strachan, for a few months return- ed to her home in, Manitoba. .Mise Maggie Sellars accompam* led her to the prairie province. * k * '5 4 M' * * TrueStory * * (By A. R. K.) * * * T Now 26". A missed Mr. B. a chap who esery clay he'd see, he knew not wheat to do; he asked just what the reason 505, anti rciue one told. him then the cause, for 13 had taught the flu. if Two days went by and Mr. A, inemired if 'C had ,gene away, leis piece was vacant now; the flu hod seized om Mr. 0, he was as sick as loan could be, 01111 pain wes on his brow, • it Then A dropped- in on Mr. D, a man he often were to -see, he met his wife instead; for Mr. D had caught else flu. 011(1 thought the wisest thing to do was -bundle off to bead. e 'Then 11r. A reit very strange, mei s't beslitle• the kitchen mange. was sure that he felt sick; .he Drank some belted lemonade, be- fore his •bed was fixed and -lade, he use(1' a boatel b•ick. He thought he'd need some pills anti stuff, VMS sure that he was feel- ing tough, Ire feared he shad the flu; iie thought he'd have the doctor in, find 'wh•at was tektite place wibble, so he'd know what to do. 1C His pulse was working nice and sure, he didn't have a tenup'era- tare, nor did his nerve snots jerk; the doctor moved the 'br:lok anv113, anti told him when come 011 neral clay -he 1)5111er go to work. Gni,/ .,,s,Worthless Without Happiness The chief of a gyp'+y bland eltoo'ry IFP •r"d to he talten'sels the tee of 1159nriii , 8551 da'atdrw 1110 10liglb e1' s4 ry, ton where, But hp hg's' Aman +bine, more 154101•t:rrut to do than that. Tho meet importer,, duly of lryTs'v r•hdr(r: neeordinat to C10n''nd 13erctrvfel. is to keep the tribe Itemise. w'hrn h5 tines nueseloeml sono 1:141s3. frlrluals 'why they lied dis95U 51 or Ahearn who stoo,mn• to 1)1 V1+ 111,511 11 armir rItior p^rrl 1.151 heeled tlr»rn to heeente powered arid WP' Ithy, hr Ives 41newered: ",Slime Emelt is one (Islet, we 5695 and Inn¢l) every eight. S"tnrhaw, in mole or till his •tai ,land, 2tartel'N lSill- rsh•14 -wee net esses3101515, to song and- heightw', 05011.. gnai1 3vae 811 the gold, 55 belt(- bi nl)) Peekete when there Wes ne gold In our v0Ice447"--W11041t1y Joui'nral. •Trace#n1. airplanes whleh will fly lsetnveen Most+ow and New Voris by.. woy of N0mt11 Pohl raglone -will car'a't' 12 p4:sseingent• anal ' crew of box: $i%. 1939 .it's a Boy. Even us you teal this; some Father somewhere is rushing this news to relatives: No matter where they are or what time 0 is -his first impulse is to let them know! It's a Boy! And that is also true of Aunts (and Uncles) and all the in: laws. Before Baby 0 half an " hour old . his arrival is cele- brated far and wide -and he is endowed with a dozen names. It's a Boy! To Grandparents another chapter of Family History begins. Their grandparents may have waited for days before they had good news like this, but that was before the telephone -and Long Distance -became part of our everyday existence. • Spread Good News by LONG DISTANCE! Look in your telephone direc- tory and you'll find that by using Low Night Rates (also applying all day Sunday) and placing "Anyone" calls you can talk to nearby towns or Prov- inces for much less titan you expected. THE 13AR The sa1100n is semettmes called a bar - fliers tree, • - ,A bar to flectven, a .:lion".to 11.0011, 1Vhoecr named it, maned it well, A• bra' to manlines>ss and wealth, A emir to want anal broirenr begtl111, A bar to boner, pride and fame, A. door to grief; aux( ;yin, and sheltie, A bee to home, a bar to prayer, A door le-1101irnei59 and. despair. A bar to all 0 at':r true' and brave A door 4.o every drunitarti4s. grave. A bar to heaven, a door in -hell, 'Whoever named 11, mined 1t Wvtitl-- tltntt is w'hIelkey, Mos, J. Mal. The Teetotaler's Pledge A pledge I make ntrl-wino to lake, hot hr"lllh read list titrne the 11*5.dt 1 will kry l)rd that mattes the scot, Nr. t1ery tint tita4 ruins 110m0, No ,1,5111 I 1,1 11 by drinking gin, ti' -1.l eider '1011 will never do, Nor brewer's* freer. 81y 12@981 to cheer, Nsr' sparkling ale my: race wto bale. 500)1111 my 1,l11rw4i -1`71- always bring Cold' Water s1'oln the well or spring. So here T pladg5 pen110105.1 bate To alt that, rn.n intoucatte, " 1Tnng' estne iltritdes Itt Drit lan41 are limiting dnna'e hours to ntid. eiga h,