HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-3-8, Page 1¢fig
WE ESDA , MA ,CI - 8th, 1939
..r�....�...... a.,sersos... _,, .... �.a....._. .-- -- -
High Tributes Paid
To Worth Of
Robert Weir .
Former,, Agricultural
Minister .Killed
In, The West
Winghaau, March e --Word. of. 'Wm
death by accident: of Bort, Robert
Weir,former federal minister of
agriculture and a native of -Turn-
berry eownshilr, was received•- wl;tlh
regret by residents of 'Wingham
and Maria, many of whom kn'elw
ben .int hisyounger life spent here.
Hou, Air. Weir attended rulial
rchoele. of Ternbe ey township" end
CL'r nen 'high echoce, After. attend-
ing London Norillal School he had
taught school in rural districts of
Huron and had many friends 0,e
maiming ii re.
Mr, Weir's • two sisters, Misses
Catherine and. Jean Weir, reside in
Wingham. He else has -two -broth-
e1's, David Weir, of K'nietino, Sask.,
and John Weir in Turnbsrry town-
.lir. and firs. Fred Alooek and
fancily from neat• Mankota, Sask.,
wle. Have been visiting the old
benne, with Clifford Alcock, 14111
Cele of Grey, rime Christmas re•
tgri:'ed home last week. llrs.
Alcock had her tonsils out in Strat-
ford het ital while here but was
quite: reccve'red -before leaving.
Feed r eponts a fair crop last year
and is willing to stay with It a few
more years. He had a good crap
of onions and other garden staff.
May Save Feet
Alfred Seadding, who 'is faced
with the possible los of his feet
as a result of the Moose River
nine ddsasite , hopes to beat the
surgeon's knife by using a new,
vibretor, invented by a Toronto
mining man. The vibrator was
originally built to sift mine ore,
but lies proved beneficial to re-
otontng blood circulation'.
James Newell
Carol Hughes
Renfrew of
The Royal Mounted]
Wendy Barrie
Edward' -G. Robinson
The man who oat -steps them al
In drama
Tex Ritter iris Meredith
The Mystery of ,the
Hooded Horsemen
Tex Ritter in a new role
of vigilante justice -
Jean Arthur Lionel Barrymore
You Can't Take
It With You
James Stewart Edward Arnold
Mr. Busttelr Stiles of the Vetei'iu'
any College, Guelph, was a week -
earl vlelter .with lois pelents, .
Mr. Carl. Plum Of the I es'nees
College, London, spent 'Sunday at
his home 1heee. .
Mr. Bruce' elooee or CIuealey, wan
home for Sundtay.
aeon Daeliteon has left to -re
game hie duty on a Great Lakes
boat for the coming season.
Mrs. le, DawIdsou has returned
home from the Miami hospital
Joltn Ball of 'S't. Marys oiled on
friends here,
Douglas Anderson, of the Canad-
ian Bank of Cppnueanrce: staff, is
holidaying at hie home in Owen
Sound. -
M1s. Chas. Davidson, Is still very
111 in a Loadou hospital. Her many
friends wish her recovery : was
more rapid,
Mr, and. Mrs. Archie Holmes are
'elutiing at the home of Mr. anci Mrs.
Reginald Watson.
Mr: all Mei. I3. W, Kennedy and
son Robert were week -end visitors
with the former's parents in Peter-
borough. .
Mr. and Mrs, H. M'Iauning have
been vl iein'g with the foluneies
brother, 0. Manning of town,
Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Lott - and
little. daughter- Ida Marie of Tee's -
water were visitors last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McKay.
Mrs, W. J. Procter and. Lealan:d
Procter- were , visitors last . week
with the former's sieters is Blyth,
Mies. EIlpabeth Downing has, 're-
turned' to her home here. She has
been spending the winter in Toron-
to twith her sister Miss - Hattie
Mr. and Mn•a, W. Porten and Miss
Sheila have moved here from To-
rento. QVIr. Porter will assist Mr,
Walter Rose In the poultry
business. -
Mr. Walter Lott of Whitechurch
was visiting at the home of his
sister, Mere. Chas, McKay on Sun-
Mists Margaret McLean of Wing -
ham, visited over the week -end
with her sister Mrs. P. M. Semis,
Newspaper Aproves
Choice Of Pope
Route, March 4—Premier MuSso-
lint's Milan newspape , dl Popolo
dIltalia, set the seal of approval on
the election of Pope Pius XVI,
though, other parts of the Fascist
press' 'saw a continuation of the
policies of his predecessor, Pius VI
King Vittoria Emanuele and. Prem-
ten' Muesoliutt sena telegrams con-
gratulating Cardinal Pacellt upon
his elevation to the ponitiflcabe, I1
Duce's message expressing his
"reverent homage" end that of his
Fascist governmel0t,
REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., Bee,
11 a.m.—The Cross in Redemption
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p.m.—Ey What Authority?
8 p.m.—Monday—Y. P. U.
7 p.m.—Monday—Class in Church
Community Hall
Friday, March 17
PRIZES—. — Ladies' Comic Costume
Gent's Comic Costume'
Ladies' Character Costume
Gent's Character Costume
Best Ccuple - -
(Character or Comic)
Come One! Conte All!
And Fill The Hall
- The Bodies' Aid of the eic,tsille
Presbyterian Church are holding a
Meat 'Pie' Sepper 0n Wednesday,
Mara', 28111. Keep this date o ) ten
watch far farther paiticulars.
Itave yea tried those Golden
Yellow Bancirtes at Gerwitr's. We
have those crisp Large Beads of
Lettuce only 10c. Crisp Celery
Hearts that just snap in, your
mouth. 1f 1t is Sunkist Oranges
Grower's have them, all sizes.
Police Warns Citizens
To Watch For Forgers
Godencb, March 6—County ,pollee
were'againsta tall plan anti a
short man who are going about
the country cashing cleverly forged
cheques for sanall amounts with
storekeepers. Two cbeclues as pre-
viouely repotted each for $14.550,
were cashed at Parkhill recently,
Two more, each for 914.25, were
cashed at Exeter on Saturday. The
procedure used is to forge the firm
signature of some company em-
ploying labor, stating they are pay
cheques. Small pui•dhases are mates
and the balance, taken in cash, The
cert are dressed in working clothes.
Merchants in Huron County have
been warned to check with the
makers of cheques, before cashing
Interesting Sermons
Are Heard At Brussels
Services, in Melville Church Sun-
day were conducted by the minister,
Rev. S. Kerr, who spoke is the
morning on "Why should ye be
stricken' any mare," and in the
e'v'ening on The Good 'Shepherd."
Mrs. W. Herr contributed a solo and
the choir sang an anthem.
•Morning service in the United
,Church Sunday wae conducted by:
Earl Anderson, who spoke on "The
Fourfold Life of Jesus," ,Service
was witirdnarwes in the evening.
Service in St. John's' Anglican
Church' was conducted by the ree-
tor, Rev. W. J. Hendl'y, who snake
in -the manning on; "Who say the
people bha,t I am." The evening
text wale a conienwetion of the
morning text. -
Melville W.M.S. Hear
Address About India
The March meeting of the W,M:S.
of Melville church was held Friday
afternoon, Manch Sud, with a
splendid attendance, The President,
Mrs. H. Parker presided. The
.Scripture reading seas 'taken by
Mra, Jamieson. The topic given
by Mrs. A. H. Mecclenald' was ,'India
becomes a Nattton,'i %Ire. Andrew
Lamont gave .the current events. A
number of ladies' offered shoot
prayers. 9Iu,a. Alex. Stretcher very
ldnelly offered her home for the
expense tea which will be held. on
Wednesday, 'Manch 15Th, at 3
o'clock. A commi'itee was .appoint-
ed- to loolc after the refreshments,
Mrs, 13. Walker (con.); Mee, R.
Thompson And rials. Jamieson, Mrs,
C. Baelcer read a chapter front "My
Mather," which was lnuch enjoyed.
Meeting closed by all repeating the
Lord's Prayer. ,
A Ghost . Story
Creates Commotion
And here's a yarn about a hatiut-
ed Itousee about two guiles eget of
Blue'vale which caused a bandof
nloi'e than linty residents of
Ihluerels to journey forth th'e other
evening to see if they could liner any
ghosts or auy0hing that resembled
glieete.- It seems that the old house
had been vacant for some years and
then one night someone noticed a
light upstairs .and saw queer -looking
'shadows moving around. Then the
story went the romit s it1 Brussels
and the folies went out to see. One
elan' tools along a tesascope and
viewed the boot from -a distance
and score - enoughi. he saw Wiest
shadiwe upeteers. Finally som'eon'e
got up enough' npllve to enter and
Mapped 00 a doer upstairs and a
Woman tausworerl, arnd' wanted, to
Mow what the caller Wanted. IIe
said he wanted something to eat
and apparently by this time the
now tenant was fed up and told
him he'd gent a beton]. it be tide''
get out in a Merry,
Meeting Held
,. e, S of Melville Church
held "their meeting at the clue of
1.1 1 r l .Itg sect tae pre l-
'' 1'ou•1 Moore, in the chair,
Prayer by Jessie Liftta.. Scripture
reading by Earl Moore,' and topic,
"The B'ible,e by Douglas. Anderson.
Meeting Held -
In United Church
The Y.P.S, of the United church
met with Miss Betty Best presicileg.
The sculpture lesson was read by
Jc.etc etephenson, reading by Jose-
phine VentNorinan, Miss Marie King
a solo and Miss Helen Baeken led in
prayer, O. Drumannnri had the
"'Tieing in: on 'What " and
was assisted by Geo. McNicol, J.
$priran, (d. Bell and Josephine Van-
Noo3nan. -
Tired of Ottawa Delay
Ontario Drafts
flan For Royal Tour
Provincial S. ey Iia Ty Nixon
s'aicl the Ontario Committee arrang-
ing for the visit of the King and
Queen to Totoruto May 22 acrid
wait no longer on appropal of
to t'tetive plans •hy the Federal t ev-
eri.nlle'lPt committee.
The Ontario committee, of which
;1Ir, Nixon is chairman, will ploceed
to make- the detailed schedule of the
local violt ejitrt as though Otto-wa
had approved," " he said.
The Toronto procession route
le likely to be- changed to elimin-
ate a stretch along Eastern Mete
tie, described es being among the
city's unbeaubltu1 areas.
At Walton
The eleCormick-17eerdng farm
power show held in the ha11 on
Saturday was well a:btended as well
as large crowd if local people mare
came ,from. nearby pl4aces, Mr. H. A.
Melees -Tay was -chairman for the
day. A number• of pictures, were
- shown on' various Pieces of
machinery and a number of comic
pictures which every one, including
the childa'en enjoyed, 'These pic-
tures were capably shown by Mr.
Jack Reedy, en the afternoon Mr,
Barney 'Simms gave a very interest-
ing talk on tractors.
A 'rollicking riot o0 fun was given
by "Alf and Tommy" for an. hour in
the Uttanoon and evening with
their ventriloquisan and slight of
hand tricks, which was enjoyed by
everyone. Mr. Ernie Jackson was
also on hand to answer any noes -
None asked' on fanin machinery. A
big mond' et between• two and three
hundred people attended the show
in the afternoon and between five
hundred and five hundred and flsty
were present to join in the fun of
the evening,
In tlhe evening "iP'rofestsor Ask -
him" conducted an 1'Qnestion Bee"
'wit'h Robt, Campbell, Gordon Pale
pie and Harry 'Caldevell on the
Deering side and. Wilfred Slrortreed,
Bert Anderson and George Love
were on the Mc0'oranick side w11T1
the Deering sdd'e winning 54 poinita
to 42 points each one given, a small
Tickets. were given ofr a door
prize, elm ticket being drawn at
night, the lucky winner was Miss' •
Lois HOekwell..
'Humphries and Co„ and Mr. John
Back a vete of thanks to everyone
wbo helped make the day a success
by 11101a- presence,
The Young People's Society of the
Petted Chane% need 111 the school-
room on Wedm'estlay with the Ms'
siontlry Commuittr," in charge, Jaws.
Ooultes presided and Mabel Coultas
wee pianist, The topic for the
evening was ale address on "gone
Aspects of 'Mleedonnry life and
\eerie') id we''s based n,ponthe
work of Rev. Geo. Pringle of Yukon
fettle, The topic nus Mk MI 111 an
able matinee by J, C. Procter. The
medical porllon; Of the evening wed
a Coronet Solo by Clifton W'n,lslt, A
d'raanatie eoanniibtee wee aippointed
consisting od Auna Gresby, Geo,
Michie and Harold Vincent.
T—Frances' Dress Shoppe
Shipment of Spring Dresses
Prices $1.00 to $5.00
Town Relief
End of March -
11.u;'sel,, Mereln 60, 1930
Thc 1lunicleal Gouucil 0f the Vil•
'see of Ih ueeels_ met in the Public
Library on the above 'date. A!!
nlrmbe,e being preseutt,
The minutes of the lust meeting
being read it was proved by II.
Bowler; seconded by F. Semis
that the minutes be adopted,
The ec'llowing bills
were preseuted
0; McDowell, Feb. teiltt; y ,... 60.00
It.- S, Warwick, Feb. salary
D, C, Wamvick,
Collector's Bond 20.00
W. S. Scott, letereence 55,60
Transfer to Retool 1000.00
Tansy, Fint 411.111 1.00
N. Thompson, Fuc drill 1.00
11. Thtines, Fire drill 1.00
D. t', 1Cgrwice 1 c .; 111 1.00
W. 11illri', Ti±e (Seine 5.00
lee Ilcn.ler.•on, stow piow'g 11.00
1 . u_ eels Hydro-
Eleetrc, street lighting ..,, 106.00
Hall lighting 3494
S. F. Davison & San,
mise, material 20.70
t', Kerr, rest room
tut'nitut a and
a ceeesorie'e 10,50 •
Relief for the Month of
February 164,00
Moved by II. Clianrpion, seconded
by W. Cameron. that the above
accounts be. eaid. —Omelet].
It was decided, that as customary
that direct relief would be discon-
tinued on. March 31st.
Tbere being no .farther business
Om meeting adjourned,
stenshine comes and it
In regard to the rece'n't letter
about the way the eannival was runt
off I suppose they will just hand
their reply 111 as "gone with the
wind," I mean the ice of course.
And as for the wind, there has been
plenty of it this Minster.
Allow me, to smggest rolling the
old baseball suit out of mothballs
and talk up the baseball, as. from
the looks of tlidngs stiring is just
around the .corner, and 'we hope the
corner islet 'streamlined with a
cuave and the cuatve too long. Let's
get ,started on the neat sports issue
easily and not leave it go till the
seasons is beef 'shat.
Personally I revere anms and
crow about, being able to play base-
ball in the fall and hoefey in scoring
but don't mind me.
,Ons thing worth rem'etmbering
for another- season is that ithere is
just as, good hockey talent in our
town as there is in neighboring
town's 'where they are filling their
rini % to capacity and often to over-
flowing. The attendance ranges
from 1,000 to 2,000 spectators and
acllmisison is, 25c to see play-off
games that are really good to see.
These crowds don% all come from
the two towns- most interested in
their own team but dative for miles
over bad roads and' oet times in
storany weather,
.Any exile is a boon to any town,
if bandied p101101ly. With a better
truant average rinds in which to play,
good poay'ees, a good suggestion
would 'be to get a coach. If neces-
sary, even to getoue frou out of
town would be a paying proposition.
Even the players might make the
ocid dollar.
01 c'ours'e this would necessitate
what le tailed (organization').
Theme ie no one or even two in
eividultls' going to be able to run the
whole show because from past
experience, the outcome at the end
of the season is only criticism. So
there must be something wrong
First of all you have to have the
the players and rink committee
working together-emot some, but
All. Then, get th,e move in the
rink and last but not least, produce
siuoet worth the adandesion price
then you will analte a go of it,
Although not in'tereeted in adver-
tising I would say one good snood
's an advertisement for another.
Turclividuality in spoilt, is like
Dieta:boashlp end that just isn't
Canadian, vat you soz?
Still Puzzled
T'Vc hope that p0111 ,1 will take
.full advantage of the "Letter box"
and tree 11 every wok, Leiters 01 a
wide variety of subjects of interest
to our readers, d'scussions, etc., will
he welecmee and we urge a2 to
eontribr.te to ells column.
Letters must be signed with y0n1'
own name as well as a pen name
but only the pen mune ;x111 he
publieleih if so requested. A1I mor,
respondence regarded as strictly
Brussels Post
Dear sir:—
ran r;n1 say why there are two
unexperienced aperet01.0 at the
telephone office worlclue, together
while two experienced operators
who have been there for years are
allowed to work together, it is
suite a herd:ship and 'takes time for
girls learning to have to look nn
the numbers as so many subscrib-
ers only eali by lmnie and not by
For better and quicker service.
Brussels, Ont.
Editor :Monday. Marcel 6th, 1939
Dear Sir:—
With the long winter evenings on
a farm a person s'ometianes
wonders just what to do with one-
self. There is lots to do, but I
mean, In the way of reeeat'on ,
One often hears 'some older
person speak of the U,F:O. meet,
Ing they used to attend. Where
a group off two or more concessions
would form a club and hold a meet-
ing each 'week. After the business
part of mach sneetblge was over,
dancing took place and lunch serv-
ed. A good time was had by all.
Nowadays we seldom hear of
such. Can It be than the farm folic
are not pulling together like they
used to?
I know the world is in a bad
elate of affairs, In general but sme-
ll the farm folk can show them
that an ,even poli on the whiffle -tree
is one way to overcome a lot of
what es needed,
A Farmer's Daughter
Brussels, Ont. g
March 6, 1939
Brussels, Ont,
lIr, Editor,
Dear Sir: —
I neti•eed, your l'eguest asking for
letters to be published in. the mail-
I have been informed that the
young people of Cranbrook cennot
u4ucJo tared why the dances which
are being held in the ball there are
so poorly attended.
It seems to be, 'taht anyone who
attended their dance a week ago
Tuesday night should be able to
answer tbet question pe1•.fec•t1y.
Intvita.tions were given, to the
Young people asking them to come
to the dance, I understand it
number of them attended and
after a time the music started.
' 1npat euatly some of the boys
wea'e refused: pemnutssion• to dance
at a11. Naturally nobody wants
to be suubhed on a Rouge floor. 110
hely would •d0 shell a thing.
There's absolade'Jy no use of hav-
ing [lances at all until your own
people learn to leis and do unto
others as yon would, that they
auntie do surto you. We w•111 never
bare n good dance at •Cranbroolc
1111111 We 1041r11 to give eeereene a
hearty welcome anci a good time. I
would strongly advise that the
young i,eople get together and conte
to slime final decision either dis-
continue the dances' of -nee every
body alike.
Any glance run as 01115 has been
a disgrace to the community,
To the Editor
Dear Sir
T have 0eletl waiting ,for 'replies to
the letaalis you halve 'published
11611 0 Ibis column originated, but
none have appeared. Gan it be
that they are sibtit'g luck waiting
for the storm of etitecisml to blow
over or are they •golntf; to apply a
little heat to the cold bedsore spring
is un
The Morn's T0Wutshi'p 'Cotten
win hold their regular meeting; on
Monday. Murch. lith,