HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-3-1, Page 5Gold M wda`V Fume kin 3 tins for 230 Soap Flakes • 4 ill for 25c Pride -of -Valley Peas • • • • 3 can for ••• • 25c Golden Wax Beavis 3 for 35c Windsor Iodized Table Salt • • per pkg • • 9c Frys Cocoa • •••••• arna.l ; ns 14c Supreme Shortening 2 lo 2li4c Pacific Pastry Flour • • • • 6 pkg c Smoked Fillett 1 lb 5 forfo. • • • • •3116cc Bee Hive Corn Syrup 8c British Columbia Salmon •• • 2 large this 25c Tomato Ketchup, 11 oz. • • • • 11. ...-n• 25c� Oxford Blue .. per pkg c Pride -o' -Valley Tomatoes • • • .� tins • • • • 25c Fancy Biscuits 1 fib For 14c Falcon Prepared Mustard, Large Jar • • • 24c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 2 large pkgs 24c and Bowl Cooking Figs 3 lb for 25c Gold Medal Coffee • • • 1/2 fin for 24c Aunt Mary's Peanut Butter, Large Jar • • • 20c • TRY OUR FRESH SOCK OF— LEMONS, ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT 93 1,410 Slipped Up On Radio License Canadians 'Were Convicted Of Failure To Obtain One Oonvioted' of failure to obtain, radio licenses, 1,410 persons were fined during thefirst nine months .of the current fiscal year, Trans - Port Minister Howe told a ques- tioner in :the :Commons )/tat -week. During the period, 1,162,800 licenses were sold for $2,679,216. Of this $194,581 was paid hi •comm4s- sdon to salesmen and administration costs were. $81,264. Private radio receiving licenses issued in •Cia.nade for the fiscal yeti ended March 31, 1938, were 1,104,- 207, compared with 1,038,500 for the. ftsc..1 rear 1936-1037 and 1,162,3043 for the first nine months of the boat year 1033.30, according :to a goveruntet't te•;Ly to another radio question. Why write letters and teed phoney.' orders? Order, your Bray Chicks through me—personal: httention,' prompt delivery. Gilbert Nethery R R. 5 Brussels Chamber Backs Daladier In His Proposal To Recognize Franco Paris, Feb. 27 Prior to Official tabulation of the vote tee French 'Chamber . of Depeties today w,ias• believed • to have given the government a major- ity of about 323 to 261 on Premier Daladder'a .request for a. vote of confidence bit' the question of. r•eognizing General Franc's govern - me twin Spain. Prior to the vote Daladiee in- foruoed the Umber the would pro• pose recognition .at a council of inlete's Monday. TENDERS WANTED' The Council of the Township of Grey are asking for tenders for crushing and deliver -leg on. the Township Roads 10,000 or more cu, as, of t,-avel, Crusher must have .. :ten with cot is ge; than one inch _enure, le tb,a'.0'4. Average haul • ,;tiles, All ve,,rk' will be men.. the direction and subject to anp.ovai of the Road Supt. Work must "be completed not later titan ;Oct . 1st, 1938.' Certified cheque for $200.00 must accompany tender and if tender accepted cheque Will be retained until 'con- tract is completed, Tenders wilt bereceived up to 2 o'clock, pen. Saturday; March 4th, The lowest or any tender tat necessarily abeepteu.• .1, H. Fear, Clerk DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR EYES ! If you have noticed after reading or close work that your Eyes become tired easily or you feel nervous and have a slight headache, you car; be sure your Eyes need attention.' Come to Reid fora thorough, ,scientific . Eye 1'sstalmination. and proper glasses at moderate prices. You have a modern, complete eyesight service within asy reach, Mr. Reid comes to Brussels every Weclneeday (except the odd time when roads are impassible) and maintains an office in Miss Hingston's store Phone 51 for an appointment NOW. R. A. REID AT BRUSSELS OFFICE. —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEIaNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5,00 Thune 51 for Appointment dam - THE BRUSSELS POST • Notices in this column cook 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash dust accompany ad; Orders taken over 'Phone 35e. FOR SALE - 6 Youug Purebred Yorkshire Sawa, ready ,10 breed (Wellwood Breed) also a bunch ready bo wean In 2 weeks. phone 54-r-4 Wm. 'Speir FOR SALE OR RENT— 120 acre Farm, mile east of Walton, Lobs,4 and 5, 13th .Conces- sion, Grey Township. Targe bank barn. Frame house. apply to F, Fingland, •Cldaton Ont. FOR SALE - 1 Young ,Yorkshire Sew, expected to farrow shortly, also a. few Youutg Saws to farrow later. A bargain to quick purchaser as room' is scarce, ePPly_ phone •55-r-6 J.` P, McIntosh FOR SALE— House for sale on William Street, Brussels. apply to Mrs.. W. 3. Cruickshank, 222 9th St. E. Owen Sound ' DEALER WANTED -- To ' handle Massey Harris ' Co., Machine and Repair for Brussels and vicinity. • Apply to The Post WANTED-- Wanted an agent to handle a :till line of Farm 1mplemeents, , alt { old established tism. aippl yby letter to B. Ste*art 46 Erie Street, -Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE— Pipes. of all shapes and . sizes. just the one to suit you, from 15c .to $2,25, Throw away that old pipe of yours and cosue into Greevar's and 'get a new one,.thenn have a real ,smoke, Have 'eau triedMac's Pipe Mixture, everybody smokes it and likes it. Buy your Fresh Tobacco' at Gre'war'e. A. GREWAR CASH AND CARRY AGENTS WANTED— "Golden Wedding , Anniversary Mr. and MM. In, C. tient}tan celebrated their golden wedding an- niversary last week by holding a char/Zing reception Monday a•ttee- noon and evening et their haute . ill Prince Ai'bet•t. A. large number of friends, both old anal •naw, palled to offer their eoug1,4ule140m and beat wishes ter the coming years, Mrs. Huanhiltou beatitifully gowned in wince velvet and wearing a cortleld of yellow rosebuds, received the ceiving fy Nes, le, G. MOKiay. firs. W. S. 11ahniltou looked alter the pleasure of the guests in the living rooln and Ales. J. Murray Wilson,. Mee T. Loveridge, Mrs. ,e, Milne of Sas41 atoons 'Mrs, W. E. 1'deCtellaud of Sesleatoou and Mrs, 0, B Man- ville ipresdded over the Prettily appointed tea table where` -they were assisted by 'Mrs. J. T. Tomlin- -in, M"s. Robert Milne and h'lrs. A. Stratmeyer 01 Saskatoon, The table, covered with a Cream lace clot, was centred' with a,;tiered wed:;:ng cake encircled: with mauve tulle In which pink and yellowlbuds provided a igleam of color. Golden tapers lent a further decorative effect, guests. She watt ae;Sisted, 40 re - Build an independent btisinese of your own with the distribution of over 200 guaranteed necessities in select district. Every day is pay day, Repeat order's on all ,goods. Lower prices, Success guaranteed to all honest, ambitious, alert men. Write today without obligation to FAMILER CO, 570 St. Cteiuent, Montreal FOR SALE— Three S9iorthorn Bulls no'V rents for service; also a nice Pei'cheron Flor"e rising three years Dior color clerk grey. Phone 35-r•9 Thomas Kerr FARM FOR SALE - 120 acres, mile east of :Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession, Township of Grey. Large bank bare, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to Frank Pinglund, Clintoh, Ont. Clothes hr. tile tropic are being nrade of uncanny. They should be easy to 51111) on, ,Somre sort of a prize goes, to the maul wlio convinced his wife that a woman loaka shout hi. a fine coat, "I -Oso airways strike me as anxious -look -tug creatures,” 11 writer nays, No wonder, when they eau hardly dly ever find their things. where they lay then, Mr. and Mils. Hamilton wero, the recipients of telegrams at., con. gratulation from many tater of Canada and. the United State$; and also of many lovely gifts and ;cards. During .tile •evewiuig the Rev 11., G.' McKay read the •telegrams int tie presence of tbe 'guests, Miss Lucille Hamilton, little granddaughter,' delighted• the coMI Would be•very welcome for three. He, is Liberal, confident that all panty -with well -rendered vocal' very dellinite reasons.'They waled { problems eau be solved .by the soles. ••bet,iplea$ed for personal reasons, for proper publication of pure Llberal- Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton were' maims''. ism, Ile has a more thorough 'Mani- fifty years ago at Petrel, `Mani- knowledge 'of Liberalism the toba; and have lived in differ bheory, Watery, operation, of Liberal - parte, of, 'the Were They heTht mr is.blhan any other _member, of the resided ite Prince Albert ' fa'' the'• House, with the possible eaceetion of 'the prime mdndster 113maelf. He is a magician: with figures. He can bake She ten. unhnerals• 'and, make them peritonm in amazing manner— tales of .adventure, such Mertes of tragedy, or comledy, 'burleque, drama, even poetry flroni the trade returns, which everyone knows are just endless figures in long rows. Wti•Gtu such elaborate information as he possesses and bis gift of humour and power of elpression, 1te is one of the :best ettialrpers in Canada. He le an even better de- bater end can go down; in the ring and. deal with Social Creddters and all others in their own laugnage. Mr. Headman. left Oalgary about ten yearly ago. He is a free-lance journalist, sending /test of lila material to The Torortte Star and .. the Winnipeg Free Pres, He had a series' about western Canada last summer in The Toronto Star witioh wee a very valuable ccuteibution and received ;much cowmendlatioo. Since titer he hes been in all parts of Canada foe The Tos•oeto Star and, last month represented that paper at the Anthony Eden cere- monies in New York and Washing•- ton. In, 1935 be was elected as representative 10 Nater Huron, the place of his birth, W1aDNRSi)AY, .M illlChl 1'sI, 11)29 feeirearoeeesereessesetetieetesee, *owe ROUND TRW TRAVEL BARGAINS From BRUSSELS MARCH 1041 To CHICAGO 1i2„$5 MARCH 11 TO W� 9'jSOR 04.15 TOi DETROIT SEE HANDBILLS FOR COMFLETE 1-1$T QF PgSTINATIONS. "Ir Fares, Rett rV Limits, Train Information, Terme, consult nearest Agent. Sce HondlMs. CANADIAN NATIONAL A W estener Has Say About `Bob' Deaehan, M. P. By W. M. Davidson, in The Albertan, Calgary the centre of the •party Viten he was present, and he was seldom absent when in Calgary', He must have had a lot of fun The news cane through the air in Calgary, Without warning ate the ether day that R. 3. Deaelum'an, would spring a booklet with an once of Calgary, but now member of eeeeen is shot, wen a new seg- parliament representing an' Ontario gestion about state railways. Then constituency, might be taken into he would be engaged in a Iong- the King government, in the re- ; distance correspoindenee witch Sir organization that is overdue, Since Wilfrid Laurier, begun by letter then one sleet has been made' of from Calgary with a polite and Ontario ministers, with the appoint- penetrating critieiemof government ment;pf a nteanber'vho at ane time policy and parried on by the old resided in Idedlctne Hat, but the re- 1chieftain in letters written by lids ararngemetut, apparently IS not yet own band. Then 'would come some ceinelgte, To many Albertans the ' contribution to nu eastern 'Canadian apPointaneut of Mr. Deacluman paper bubbling over with Sheeler. lie,has •many friends in Alberta, and bis promtotion. would be the ad- „vette-en-lent ct,y nloement of a good neighbor whocl'e ability had: been recognized. • .The. second reason would be that they know he le better equipped Past twenty years. Their son W. tri S. Hasndlton and Mrs. Hamilton also' 'y` lido • i.. g and temperament Pas a ctheir 1 r oabtne,1 wanton ellen any other waryelebrrated by giving a dinnerfifteenth at suuwhich' Private ,member •iu the House. He their parents and ft'lends were reprepenits en. Ontario riding, but guests. Included in the many` he knows• western ' anada, better. callers wan cthelu •Ifen, T. C, Davie; teats most members. He under- callers Out of�town guests were Mr.sherds,western conditions, the :sail, and Mrs. A. Milne, Mr, and Mss, W. crops, the problems, the people, E. McClelland end. Mrs. A. Steele -tile prairie lite, It would be like never, all of Saskatoon, �•Ipving•.,anohher cabinet minister for The above clipping was taken i eeberta•or Britsh Celumdbia. The front the Prince Albert paper and - tfiirandpmt$s,rsen. iseLibetlal tan ha is an utpm-- F .•eawithou0o will be of interest to many of stirI .readers. 1 promise of quasift�oation, of •rte Dr. Mr. Hamrilton who moved to the Memel Clarke or Sir Richard: OarL Went ;when gadte youug, s a brather`j' wrlghit kind and a thoroughgoing of Joseph R, Hamilton, of Walton, (' progressive. Such an appointment while Mrs,Hamilton,•wbD lues that be a refreshing breath to a formerly bliss Margaret Fraser, is 'cabinet that Is a: bit too con- veaehionaiml. a sister. of Mrs; John :Bolger. of I0 Oa,lgary bad' not .saclt rapid Walton, shifts ,population, it would not he necessary to say anything 'about B boDeaobanan by way of intro- diletiinefca' there was a. time when everyone know bion. He edited a Inglis —Denstedt trade 'journal, published for burl ” tees men, but it had only a limited A quiet wedstng of local interest circulation and that was only a took puce ad Atwood Precbyltetian smell abet of his active life, He Chureb manse. wben Ruby 3311"eis a• t 4SelTht, a writer. a weaken heelKathleen Denstedt, ender 1 ail aagrirulhnali,st, an economist, a daughter ,of Mr, Gordon Deue•ta3Lt, o 1, hetneriistt, an all round ;good citizen. Mtddeton, 'vas aenin marHe will be eemhembevete by the D. Ingle, ede.st son of Mr.Nut'tttrricker, the lnnbhebn club an0 1Lrs, Ronald bogitedus, Kinv strriageeet 1 nand, foe+ his interest In affat„s, Atwood , Rev. J. R. Greig pefoimreil politieai, lnuniaipal and 'local, The to James the •ceremony. The bride was Nut e mealier was a ;weekly paper given in mettrtage by her father., comment which nos stetted by while Mize Doreen Denstedt, sister hlar`.ileoclhmtan, `. Williatn Irvine, of the bride, was britleameid and Ale. Ross 11)10 J'sok Fond It was William Inglis. brother at the. one of'the most' penetrating jour• groom, was hest man,. The fUride, ,flats 00 criticism that eve saw the was )S0i 11 a in :Vey L•ae 'teffete, light of day. How Calgary kepi its with accessories to match carrying foundations with two such papers as a bounuet of red roses, Later.they, the Nut 'Croaker and the Eye Open - 'left for a slime honeymoon tripe. to ar going at ranee tdnue—and thee Toronto, e O'Reilly and Murphy were look, ing in a mice -0114 wineme, What's that bowl of water these MO asked O'Reilly, "That's for the flies to wash their feet In before they walk 'on Llte bunts•;' relilir d Mi1r hy. WEDDING SMOKERS ATTgNTION 1 have ;walked in summer's meadotw ; When the sunbeams flashed and broke, But 1 never saw the cattle Or dote sheep or horses smoke I have m'a.tchecl the world with wonder • When the grass with dew was wet But I never. saw a robin Periling a cigarette. 1 have fished 111 many a river When the seeker crop was ripe But 7 never saw a catfish Pw.2ttmg at a pipe. Men's the only living creutole Thad 'tamales this vale of tears, Litce a snorting traction engine- Purging ngine:.P1110 11g sneelte 'from hese to erre, If Dame Nature ball intended, W4hen see ltt'st invented main That he'd subtle, she would have built hits Ona 'widely different plan. She'd have teed hemp with a .slave Pipe And a damper and a gette. And: bed hate a smolte+cottentne That was s•tt'ietiy up-to.datte, were 'Unlike. in, most ivays•—is dif- flcuiit' to tudeestand. The 'trouble was diet the Nut Cracker was too --br1lldeet and went the way of F'rpeh's that •bre stronger en comment than on' internal revenee. The, luncheon club was even metre Interesting 'sad lesrted longer.it was no service club or anything like that and there w415 no program for it or formality of any kincl. A number of bright spirits, without any aparrangement,ent or arrangement, gathered round the 'festive board of a d0wntew,n :eating place every dey at noon:, ale, as they ate, they also piled- into a. t'otigh and tumble debate on ptnblib' affairs, There were no reembeeehip ceestr'ietlenls and all'you lead to de to get into the tHaas /aril up a. chair and etant in. They were tent all I .Lilret'als-ciwliy, biers you, teat Was ale eba,t9n of it, 'with all classes and corelitions 1}1'esent and Tories breaking bread with Anarchists and Pentane, and evevy person. having hie say, or tying to, The debate began when the first two eat down fff � '•• 0041 never came to an 000. 11 1 t. 11,111 not 1111511,11111 they are going yet. Deacbanahr 1va.s the .tueving spirit, Over 500,000 Expected ha Windsor To See King and Queen Windiser, Ont. Peb, 27 Mayor David Cron said: today he expected: between. 500,000 and 1,000,- 000 person's would visit Windsor -7, ,Pune 6 when King George and Queen Elizabeth visit here briefly 0 ntbedr tour of Cannde and the tinned. Stakes,Mayor Richard Reading •of De- troit and Ooveruor Frank Fitz- gerald of Michigan will recetve special invitations to meet Their Majesties, F. F HOMUTH Anylitical Optometrist guarantees you the Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X KEYS FILED AND FITTED GUNS AND DOORLOCKS ADDING MACHINES AND MECHANICAL DEVICES REPAIRED AT EARi4GEY'S REPAIR SHOP General Repairing of All Kinds Ail Work Guaranteed. Prices Right Inquire at F'rance's Dress Shoppe Walker's Betiding BRUSSELS