The Brussels Post, 1939-2-15, Page 1posT PUBLISHINo HOUSE BRUSSELS,ONIARIO Brussels Defeats Clifford By 8r5 Brussels -6 Olifford-5 Considering the softness of the ice caused by the mild weather of Monday ' the Brussels - Clifford hockey game was nice to watch, A fair crowd partaking of the cora- tort afforded by the new seate erect- ed lately in the riult. The game was clean and both sides changed their lines Often which speeded up the mane con- siderably much to the delight of the spectators. The first period ended with Brussels in the lead 3 to 1. The second stanzaovened wllb detelanination on the Pert of the visiting team to balance the score. They got two goals in the first two minutes and one later ont at a ecramble in front of the Brussels goal. The home team netted two, In the last period each team tallied a goal and three penalliee were banded out. The game ended with a win for Brusesls, the score being 6-6. PANCAKE SUPPER served in the schoolroom of St. John' Church —on— TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st under the auspices of St. John's Ladies' Guild from 5.30 to 8.00 o'clock Progressive Crokinole following supper Crokinole and Lucky Chair Prizes Admission — — 25c and 15c Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Holds Valentine Party Members of Morning Star Re- bekah Lodge entettained a uturreer ot the ladies of the Lawn on the evening of St. Valeutine's DaY, Feb - 14th. Mrs. et. Denman, Noble Grand of the lodge, welcouied the viettors, in a few well elitism remarks. Tha evening was delightfully spent le Playing five hundred. Mrs, Wm, Little was wiener of the high score tally and Miss Marie King drew tbe lucky prize heart. During the course of the evening Miss Alice ,Pope contributed a number ot piano solos and Miss C, Hingstou conduct- ed a hearty sing song. Folloviug the serving of a delicious Junch, Miss 'Megaton expressed the te- preciation ef the ladies, to the Rebekahs, for the very pleasant evening. The Lodge rooms were tastefully decorated, Valentine ,motifs and colors being used througbout. Come to the Valentine Dance Walton Community Hall Friday, February 17th Music by: Arthur's Orchestra Admission 35c f•••• •••••• THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D. Minister ETHEL Y.P.A. meeting in Belted church was cancelled for this week. Ethel United chuach cougrega- tional banquet was dated for Tues. day, Feb, 14, lathel friends of Mr. and _Mrs. l. Deauts of lee), Twp. are pleased to know that Dorothy, their elees dau,ghter, who had a leg broken recently while at play at school, is making goer' recovery, quickly. 'Those, who were not present Fri- day night of last week at Brown's Hall missed an opportunity of hav- ing a. good time. Sponsored by Mr. Brown, himeelf. A. costume parade or contest wee an interesting feature for which, alter the Judges had, completed their part, a gener- ous number of well chosen , mares were presented the winners. Danc- ing followed and with a lively, reel narmonious eythm. of Inalaie Pro* vided by lima' talent was enthusias- tically enjoyed. A good lunch wsa served. The rine °emirates met with dts- appointment ip cause -Luting a, rink this season, Consequently, Ethel - Res bad no skating at home this winter. Our hockey boys have played a few games, away from. home with varying success, but atter all made a fair showing with so little prac- tice. Monday afternoon, by using Charlie Keffer's heavy truck with horses to help throught the deepest snow, the roads rrom 'Ethel village to Mount Pleasant cemetery were put in condition tor motor traffic, preparatory for a funeral occasiou, the following afternoon. Cecil Bateman and. Harold Love attended the North Huron Geese', eative Association 'Conference, held at Wingletm last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Leitch and Mese MoDeren of Noravice, also Ivan and daughter Eleanor of Otterville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Zeigler, Mrs, A, Leitch ate aompanted them bonte for a visit, ot WEDNESDAY, February 15th, 1939 '1•••••••••••••=.0.1•1011.•••••,•11•••.•0* LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 Ice Harvest • NOTICE The ice is now being harvested, The LadiesMCI of ee-trille Io r summer use, by tbe Brusse.s ,Church Intend holding a, ettle ur Creamay. R is being cut am homeamide baking and candy In tar - hauled from the pond on the Roe ii)eery on Saturday, Feb. 26, farm, south of the village. The Ice vein is 14 -inches thick is reported es being only fair in quality. 11 a.m,—"DANGEROUS GODS" 3 p.m.—Temperance Day in Sunday School 7 p.m.—How To Win Friends and Keep There relonday 8 p.m.—Y.P.U. Missionary Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.—Lenten Service Friday, Feb. 24th—Annual Skating ,Party at the Arena followed by lunch at the church. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH World Day Of Prayer The animal World's Day of Pray- er will be held in Melville Presbe- terian church this year on the after- noon of Friclay, Feb, 34111, at 3 o'clock. All the women of the district are urged to attend,l • E, D. Bell To Move To New Office The law office of 11 D. Bell, Bee, is to be moved team the present location across the street to the building now occupied by W. F. Stretton, Jeweller. Mr. Bell is making tbe change in location be- cause the latter place will afford better accommodation there being a vault in tbe building. The change will be made in the near fature. A.Y.P,A. Skating Party 'Enjoyed At Brussels , Y. P, A. of St. John's Ang- lican, church anoesored a skating pasty at the arena on Wednesday evening. A large crowd attended and the Band supplied tbe music. After the s'keting, the skaters ad- journed to the basement of the Ang. Man church, where a splendid leen was served. Lookout Mission Band The regular meeting of the Loole Out Mission Band was held on Mote day •witb a ,fair attendance. Imogene Sanderson read the ,Scripture lesson, The leader Mrs. 'Wilson told a story about an aviator. Miss Skeltca assisted with the study ,of Quebec. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, St. John's A. Y. P. A. The regular weekly -meeting of the A.Y.P.A. was held Monday even- ing with Haevey Jaeklin presiding. .3 -ter opening prayers the minutes were read by the secretary and adopted, The scripture Tending was read by Mrs, W, Fischer. Following business period a contest WaS 1100' ducted by Miss B, Hendry. Caterpillar Arrives Early A live caterpillar was brought in this office Ws .week by Miss Janet MieNair, who had found it on Monday. Now whet does the appearance 41 a caterpillar at this time of the year mean? Does it mean sprnig is here, or Just that it ventured out to enjoy the lovely warm sun? We have no idea! Can anyone tell us what the appearance of this funT creature at this time portends. NOW PLAYING Victor MoLagien Brian Doulevy Battle of Broadway STAR RING New screen team dishing out Mulches and laughs MON., TUES., WED. Ginger Rogers James Stewart Vivacious Lady James Ellison -Beulah Bondi The new Ginger Rogers displaYleg her fine draniatie talents le this thrilling atm.), of young love THURS., FRI., SAT. Radio City R.eveit STARRING Bel, Burns Jaok Oakie 1111.111111FINEIMIN ARENA ACTIViTIES THURSDAY— SKATING Worn FRIDAY— open for Skating Patties Hockey Matches Carnivals Saturday Afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock for children under 12 (with escorts) SATURDAY EVENINGS — SKATING from 8 to 10 o'clock Regular Meeting Of Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. of Melville Presby- terian Churn was held on Monday evening with David Parker in tbe chair. Prayer was offered by F. elr Fadzean. The Sg cripture reading was taken by Harold Parker. The topic, given by Earl 'Moore., was "Preeairng one's self to face It was well given, "Minutes ane roll call by Isabel McTavish. Present Fine Program At Brussels Meeting The WeVI.S. of the United Church m held theirmonthly meeting Friday afternoon, with the president, Mrs. Parker In the chair. Mrs. W. De Stewart, who is on the visiting committee, gave her report for last Year. Site made 40 mils. A com- mittee composed of Mrs. Parker, Mrs. W. Spetran and hiss May -Skelton was appointed to work with the other churches for the day of, prayer, Mrs. J. eleLauchlin read the scripture lesson, 'Mrs, 11, S. Haanilton, the study period, Mrs. R. Street:an gave current events; Pers. A. Metter, a reading on stewardship and 'finance. Mrs, A. Wilson Etve a reading ou Nellia McClung's book, 93efore They Call' "The Church Reaches Ont," wee prepared by Mrs. 0. Drummond and read, by Mrs. R. S. Hamilton. 8 to 10 o'clock MONDAY— Kenny Baker Ann Miller MONDAY—Hockey Practice Milton eerie inspiring seranone, A hilarious lineup of high powered TUESDAY-- MrTownshena is u native of coo -totem% In the year's moat Se KATING from 8 1° 10 " '''"eek '" Huron Cloenty boy and was pleased l, laVlsh unusual trivalcal WEDNESDAY*, to see iti the morning ,congeogation Grey Township Home Destroyed By Flames -am Fire destroyed the brick house or, the farm of NOTII:11111. Lamont, 9th Concession Grey, Saturday morning. Mr. Lamont had left the fire and had gone out to do the chores when he came back nothing could beelone to save the tertniture or clothing. Mr, Lamont is a bachelor, living alone. The loss is partially covered by insurance. 1-1 N.ery T E a 0 x lye hope that public win take full advantage of the "Letter box" and nee it every week, Letters on a wide variety of .subjects of interest to our readers, discussiona, etc., will ne weleenietil and we urge all to contribute to this column. Letters must be signed with - Your own name as well as a pen name but only the pen name will be published if so requested. All cor- respondence regarded as erectly confidential. Brussels, Feb. 1 Mr, Editor. Dear Sir: I think 11 15 up to the council to look into the relief question yebere there is an able bodied man ant his wife on relief and not a chicle nor child to Ireee, nothing but a bunch of cats and a dog, If things keep ou as tbey axe go- ing the whole town will be on relief. A, Ratepayer and A. Widuw Chtirch Notes Bei -vices in the United Churn on Smitlay were conducted thy the Min- ister, Rev, 14, J. Mahoney. A male quartet number was sung at the nxerning service by Glee and Lloyd Wheeler, T. 'Stracban and Wm. Bushell, At the Smutty School ei the afternoon Luella 'Mitchell and Margaret Bell received Prizes from the county W. C. T. U. ,SerVices Presbyterian Church on Sunday were conducted by the Minister, Rev. S. Kerr, At the morning service the choir con tributed an anthem, Rev, Canoe W. A. Toweshend, ot London, was a guest at St. Seines rectory -with Rev, W. and Mrs. Hendry on Sunday when he was guest clergyman at both Morning and evenhig services in Ot, Anglican Cluttch here 111111 at St. George's Churn, Walton, le the atternoon. Ae the 13isholit's Coin- mistioner he brought greetings 110111 His Lordship and from the eh 'arch in London and delivered, two Shields Are Presented At Commencement The annual commencement exer- cises of the Brussels Continu.ation school was held in tee emu hall on Friday evening of last weak. Dr. W. D, S. Jamiesoe, chairman of the School Board, was the cap- able chairman. The programa, waa opened with a piano solo and two numbers by the Glee Club under tee direction et the musical instructor, Prof. Anderton. The Dr. Jamieson shield for Entrance or Grade was presented to Joe Stiles. then Black contributed a guitar solo and the General Proficiency Weide were presented to the various grade -winners as follows; Grade 9, Dr, T. 9, McRae shied to George McNichol; Grade 10, Kerr Meinor- lal Shield, presented by Mary Helen Kre rto Lois Plum; Grade 11, Dr. 11, 8, Hamilton shield to Virginia Plum; Grade 12, D. M, eeecTaeish Shield to Edith McTavish; Grade 13, W. C. Kerr Shield to David Parker. An energetic Wall Sigg -was danced b yelght girls, Rev. H. 3. Maheuey presented the athletic medals to tbe winners in the field; Moan Miller, senior girls clhaMpion, Jean Steph- enson, earlier girls; Bill King -, - senior boys champion and Gibson 'Willis, junior boys. This waa. followed by the awarding of the athletic shields the 1), .A. Rama Shield to the junior and senior champion girls and the .1', C. Betake: - shield to the Junior and settler champion boys, Following two more delightful' choruses by the Glee Club the mem- bers of the graduating class, Missee- Betty Best and Edith McTavish and - Herbert Keifer, William Eckneer. and Thomas MdFadzean were called to the platform, One other Male ate, William Stiles was unable to be present. The Valelictory ad - times was read by Edith McTavish: an dthe preesetation of tell gradu- ation diplomas was made by Rev. S. Pere ° The tumbling and pyramids by a group of boys was received with the usual enthusiasm. The L. W, Eckanier Shield for music was pre- sented to Gien Wheeler and tbe 10. D. Bell Shield for general proficien- cy to Jack Bryans, The closing number ou the pro- gram was a play "The Pampered Darling," efficiently presented under tbe direction et Mr, M. Murray, assisted by Miss Isobel McTavish. The cast oil character3. included, Janet Gibbons Betty Best Connie Gibbons Dorothy Ballanty:ae Victor Gibbons Harris Bell Norman Brans —..„— Ross Wheeelr Dudley Field, George Northwood Marie King Mary Helen Eclunire eanet Ring Elizabeth Backer' Brussels, Ont., Feb. 13, 1929 Editor of Letterbox Dear Sin— n you will allow me space to ex - Press my views on the articles iu general contained in your news- paper, you may publish this. Worthy of mention is the fact that I have heard my good neigh- bors often say they never saw this or that in the Post- I think if the paper was reed thoroughly, and with the attitude which should be given toward a small town weekly, it would be named the best paper In Brussels instead of, just some- thing to start the fire with, for atter all there is lots of cheaper raper having the quality of being just as 'inflammable. The Editorials, which are the leading articIes 'in any newspaper or magazine are wortby of greeting a challenge for comparison anytime. There is also other good reading in your palter, 80015 2037 not inter- est all readers but on the whole the articles are very good. Terme you, A Subscriber Brussels, Ont. Sat., Feb. 11th, 1939 Meeting Held Monday Night The Y. P. S, of the United Church beld its weekly meeting on Monday evening with Miss Helen Beaker the chair in the absence of Miss M. Pearson, who is ill. After the bnai- ness meeting the roll -call and min- utes were read. 'Vie room was de- corated for St. Valentine's day, af- ter which game wseer played, Free- er was offered by Rev. IL .1, Ma- honey. Scripture was read by Mar- ian Lake; a poem on St. Valentine by Barbara Michie; Reading on the origin ot St, Valentine's Day by Miss. Baeker. Candy ayes servee. To Open New Barber Shop Xelei Emigh, Toronto, will in the near future open a barber shop in the building now oecupied by the law office of 13, D. Bell, He will establish a Ilair Dressing 'Parlour in connection with his shop and Imetes' and childrene work will he specially catered to. Mr. lamigh is a former resident of Mr, Editor. Dear Sir:— As T sat among 'the audience at the School Commencement the oth- er evening and saw presented the various shields to those students whose scholastic achievements merited them, it was impressed urn me what a fine thing the donors of those shields, had, centre buted to the educational 'welfare of our school. There is no need, to :mention the handsomeness of them, it Ives quite apparent to all, but it le the tact that they provide worthy award foe the students to strive for, it is no small honor to have one's name in- scribed on one of them and it will be very fine in Deter years, to ob- serve a permanent record of one's achievements former times, They are not an incentive to beat anon**, as Ives so ably -pointed out by one of Orustels, having lived. here thirty I tbe speakers but to strive to excall Year's ego. Ilis father ran the 1 in the vartous nettle of scholastic Central hotel, where Champinne 1 we. Grunge now is, in partnership w:th COMING* Hockey Practice 1 0 I &enterer/ell stbool, Mrs. S. the co e wh Was his teael at- at tee ArrilY Girl - NIS ill hi 111 /II Wheel"' G. McDonald, Watch foe the notice of the 011311' 1113 of this new barber shop and hair dressing parlour at an early eat 5 - February Meeting St. John's Guild The Febrile:a, 01 tee ing et the Lad- les Guild waa 11111 Wednesday afternoon in the vestry of the cluireb 'with a good attendence, They will remain in the school for a geed many eears ae an example of the generosity of the donors aud 1•00011 of those who evrelled, wbose names the shielda beat, A Former Student, Mrs, Perkins Annabelle Toy 4444AAVNAMAAMAAVVer444, PEOPLE WE KNOW. Wm, Downing, New 'York, lias re- turned to Brussels and intends Mak- The 'meeting was opened by a Mg his borne bere. passage of scripture followed by ter, 3. D, "'Warwick, D. C. War. prayer offered by Mrs, Hendry, wick, Mime el, firewar, and Miss The minutes of the previous meeting were rend by the secrelara Mrs. Stretton, It WAS (1001(104 den the business period to told the Anuuel 381110101 Supper tollaw- ed by 2 progressive crokittele Darin jessica D. Rueolpri Van Hamseurger Tone letaFadzetire Floyd, Davis Leslie Ruttedge• Members of the Glee Club er- clue: Mary Baeker, alone Miller, Ruth Hendry, Beth 318111117,, Jean ,Seott, Dorothy Armstrong, Jeanette Sanderson, Miry Ireland, Seem Seeiran, Helen Speirs Mary Helen Dckmier, Bill Ring, Glenn Wheebar, Geo. Northwood, Earl ,Couts, Ivor Halbert Keller, Harris Bell. Viola leathers, tended the -funeral ot Mrs. Winnifred Campbell at Winghaan on Wednesday. Nee and Mrs. M. Yolleck, of 621 Euclid avenue, Toronto, and Brim- sets, will celebrate their thirtieth on Shrove Tuesday, March 31111. au wedding anniversary on the Ole of rrange for the sleet. 311558 Renter with the malty elamesela 110c8388139ry eontnettees were appoint. February this year. The Pes ed to a ,be germ for crokleole. friends of Mr, and Mds. Yeller& ee wUl tscenstte tend warmest ngratelatioes nd000351013,- 000351013, '11 benetlictIon by Mrs. Hendry. best wishes en this haPpy 10 WROXETER The fune-ral of Mrs. John Douglas: 'VS held from ber home on Tues- day one -rupee and, was largely at- tended. Born in Branchten, Dem- trieS, 'Co., a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, she moved -with her parents at the age Of 3 to Grey Township, then to Wroxeter 40 years ago. She was married to Job la Douglas 43 years ago, Ile predeceased her by fly* years, To them were born four children, Mrs, Austen Martin, (33ina) Weston; Bessie, Robert and Eleanor at home. A. sister, Miss lvf. Smith Mao survives, The late liars. Douglas was of quiet, unassuming nature, ever ready to lend a beleing ball& and a faltlifill ant conscientlees charcb worker, niter/ilea took place le Wroxeter cemetery, Rev, 0. 13. OiNeil ofe liciating, The pallbearers were.: Robert Paulin, ,lames eandersme. Leslie Dettglas, ANA 33m°, Got - don Gibaen and..13ert Martine