HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-2-8, Page 51 L. H. GORDO �i CRANBROOK, ONT. PHONE. 52-10 Grocery Specials for the Week Gold Medal Floor Wax. 1 'Ib can . • • . • • • •'.' • • • . 21c O'Cedar Mops . ,,,., , ... , .. ... , , , , , 890 Discho Sliced Pineapple , • ' 2 cans • • • 19c Gold Medal Choice Pumpkin •••• •. • . •. 2 cans . , • • • • • • • 17e Cooking Bran 2 bago 25e Falcon Peas • •• .• • • • . • • • •:•• • • 2 20 -oz cans 15c Brinnsol, The New Granulated Soap large package ... • 18e Pine or Cedar Oil Furniture Polish • • • 2 , 6 oz. bottles 25c White Cross Toilet Tissue •••• • • -••• • • • 3 rolls • • • 23c Dalton Vanilla • • 4 -oz: jug • • • , 10e Rideau Hall Coffee Vacuum packed • • • • . 1 lb can • • . •••• 3+3c Kellogg's._ All Bran, ready to eat 21e Palmolive Soap, new Iarge cake • • •••• • • • • 3 • 23n TO CLEAR — Men's Tiec, reg. 50e, • • • • half price • 2:,;.; Men's White Sill; Scarfs, reg. 29c, 49c and 69c AT HALF PRICE Men's Fancy Hose, — to clear at — '7ery Low Prices A' N T ADS. Notices in this column oast 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE - 1 Miller Incubator (400 egg capac- 'r,) apply to •pltcue 111X -r•2 Mrs. M. Rands WANT ED— ; in:Mrs D;in::ers for S cord 14 -inch Beech eve Maple Body Wood. Tendert to be to by Fel nary 15th. R. Warwick, Sec. Brussels School FOR SALE— Three Shorthorn Bulls now real for service; also a nice Pereheece Horse rising three years old, color ; dark grey phone 35-r-9 Thomas herr FINE CLOVER HONEY— We have it in 4 and 3 Ib. pails and '65 lb. tins or.can till your own con- tainer for only 8c per 1.b. and save you money. Ever so much better than corn syrnp.'No healthier sweet than Pure Honey, Come and sample it. Wood or :oats taken in ex. change. G. A. Deadman. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession, Township of Grey. Targe bank bare, frame house, excellent gravel p1t. Apply to Frank Fingland, Clinton, Ont. AMBITIOUS MEN— We wish to contact you for steady employment — good pay — inde- pendence. Everybody buys our 200 guaranteed :products Higher quality. Lower prices. No exper- levee needed. Your success makes oars, so we help you. Big coutinil- ous repeat sales and 'prollis• ,• y� risk. 'Free catalogue and *details, PAd,,1LEN Co„ 577 Sl. Clement, Mentrca, ,'ARM FOR SALE— Comprising Lot 10 and 3V.i of 0, Con. 0, Grey township; 150 acres, 3 scree hartlwobd bush; land in excel- lent condition. - One end one -hair Story brlek house, barn 541txG0ft, strawshed 80x50, good stabling, lie's. house, tatplenient shed and garage; roofing good over s11, drilled Weil: water in house and baro. Hydro Installed. To be sold to close estate. Por pat•tiCttlars apply' to Mrs, P. A, M•CArthtir, Ethel, 11 at, 1. OR S•ALE— • A good used Piano, Mason & Kisch. Cheap, apply to phone 3a.r-6 R. J, Bone FOR SALE - 1 young Sow, due March 3rd, 4 chunks, apply to Colin Fingland nd Phone 90-r-5 Walton Harold France TENDER FOR W'OOD— •Sealed tenders for 1.2 cord of hardwood, 14 inches long. Tenders to be in. by Wednesday, February 22nd, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. S. 8, No. 3, Grey Wm. Smith, Sec,-Treas. FOR SALE— 1 Durham Cow. 6 years old, due in April; 2 year old Calves; 1 Pig, weight about 275 lbs.; 2 Chunks Pigs, Potatoes and Cedar for kind- ling; 2 Quarters Beef of 2 year old at 11 and 13e. Lot 5, Con. 13, Grey. Robt, Engel June Blanche and Buddy Bullock Win Film Screen Tests The mrtlon pictures taken' of t'^'•rer'tnn reOidents were Present- ed on Mrndev. and Wednesday of last week in the O -"••,e IIell, There was but s''^nt attendance both evenings, which was rather disap- pointing to the sponsors, but those who .witnessed the presentattan were pleased with the pictures. In the children's screen contest little curly -headed' Miss June Blanche was acclaimed whiner at the Mon- day ev'ening's contest, and Master Buddy Bullock fol Wednesday eveit- ing. The children received small prizes from the sponsors for their efforts. It was rather difftcult to oho:ose winners as the kiddies all screened well and were delightful and amusing. June Blanche is a granddaugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Wlldtinson, 4th Con. of Morris, Notice To Creditors In the estate of William Hall late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huon, gentleman, wno died on or about the twenty-sixth day of November, A.D. 1998. 'TAKE NOTICE that all pa.t;e, having claims or demands 8galnet the estate of the above-meetioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of same l.o the undersigned sollei.tor onor before the fourteenth day of February. A,D. 1030, upon which date the nutter mentioned executor's will proceed to distribute the assets with regard milt' to those alarms which Iltey 511811 then have received. DATED at • Brussels this twenty - firth day of January, A.D. 1939. Rey Jewitt Hell, William 'Stanley 'FIal1 Executors' by their solicitor ELMER b, BELE, Brussels, 01110810, THE BRUSSELS POST WRDNOSDA.Y, FEB, Sth, 15139 BLUEVAL. Mrs. Jus, Masters . of I'at'lthtrl visieed with her parents Mr, and Mrs. John Ilall Mid other Blends, We were : syr to hear Mr's, Cilua. Campbel pa'sed away lust Thursday lu British Columbia, where she had .Lk'It vrb11i1.5. RIs'. Don.tld Robertson visited on Sunday with his motherand brother en the 1st line, . We are glad to Bear Mr. Alex, Mciewen is better again.. . '&Liss Flora Conner took in ' the 'at home' at ,Stratford Normal School on Friday evening, Mr, Norman IIall spent the week end with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn 1i'a11 0f Bluevale,' Mrs, Fred Clnuehill took In the 'at tome' of 'Stratford Nominal School on Friday evening and visit- ed with friends ,there. We were sorry to. hear Airs, Chas, Bosman was sick last week' and hope lie w111 eon bo better. The Steady and True Mission Circle of the United 'Church held the regular monthly meeting at the Parsonitge on Saturday afternoon, Fololwing the opening hymn, prayer was offered by Miss Eunice Thorn- ton .and Miss Mossie Milligan read the scripture lesson. During the business session the members decided to hold a beetle - in May or June, Mrs. A, V. Robb rr•ake in the study chap.ar. "7'ha 'Church of Nations,' 'and "The Dif- ference in Hospitality Between Races." Readings were given by Misses Louie Patton', Daisy Holmes and Jean Mle.Lennon on the theme for February, "Love Thy Neighbor." Mrs. J. Johnston offered prayer and Rev, A. V. Robb ipt•onounced tate benediction: The regular meeting of the of the United Church was held Fri- day evening with the president. 5810s,s Daisy Itobines, in charge, Rober't 'Shane 1$d in prayer and Miss, Mossie Milligan read passage. from "The Gleam.'' Geonge John- ston presided for tlie: remainder of the program. The Serip.ur elesson 'was read by Onmal 'Smith, Mrs. A. V. Robb and Miss Eustice Thornton sang a duet, accompanied by Miss Isobel McKinnon:. The topic, "Jesus Mullets. Helpers," was taken by Miss Duff, Rev, A. V. Robb spoke. A reading was given by 1Mis. Isobel McKinnon, Mr. and airs, Pe?e,e. D. King, who have sipent the lase few months in Toronto have . retained to their home here. Rev, A. V. Robb spoke on "Pray- er" at the morning service in the United Church on Sunday, illustra- ting difficulties in prayer and tate importance of the right attitude. At the evening service the .subject was Model 948T-1 \� An RCA VICTOR Only $29.95 Complete with Batteries • Lowest price — lowest operating cost with no sacrifice of RCAVictoc quality, The revolutionary new battery radio that looks different —is different. • Entirely now circuits — costs mush loss to operate. • Permanent magnet dynamic speaker. • Modem new style cabinet, of fine walnut veneers. • Genuine Ever -ready batteries included. Come in. 'See it-- beer t—hear it at our store. Davisofl's Hardware Phone 17 -- Brussels Phone 70 t Why write letters and send money orders? Order your 'Bray Chicks through Pre --personal attention, prompt delivery. Gilbert Nethery R R. 5 Brussels '.Jonah as a type of. Christ" The Sunday School attendance at the Batted rlinrch on Sunday' was 06, the Highest ;this year. • Mr. Henderson, a student from Knee College, Toronto, occupied the ru1,r.lt in K1103 Presbyterian church 00 Sunday, using as his lest "I Will Arise and Go to My Father." Mrs McNeill rendered a solo. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull. London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ilarold fie,ris and two children, TIlisnn- but o, with their parents, Mir, and Mrs, Edward Johnston; 'Miss' Jesse i tai•ehan, Brussels, with -her, cousin, Mrs. P. S. MacEwen; George Thom- son put en a big gang of men and stored his supply of Inc for the summer season In :two days. Donald Robertson, Millbank, spent Sunda, with his mother, Mrs. William Rob- ertson, ETHEL At Ethel United Church 7.30 o'clock service last Sunday the en- couraging and thoughtfuLe sermon presented thy the paster Bev, Mr. Snell was much appreciated, f e chorus numberof the choir 'V.'s rendered with eustamaiy efttelency. While the duet 5010014.n by, P• N. ,Currie and •daughter• Helen was es- pecially attractive, Miss Helen Currie 'was due to re- port at Iiamiltoo, Feb. 7, int, com- mencement of training In profes- sional nursing. The February meeting of the W. 'M. S. of Ethel United Church was held on Thursday:83te17tcoii, Feb. 2, at the 110nte at Mrs..,1I. Love. The Vice -Pres Mrs., Oar ;'Jearson occupied the chair and 17 ladies attended, The meeting was :'opened•_ with hymn 511 and The Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read. and approved and the Roll Call answered with a favorite verse. After ,the base its 3' period hymn 'f3' teas 'snug. firs, H. Lowe :earl the Scripture Lesson from Luke 1035-37 and Mr: W. Love offered Prayer, Mrs, H S,peiran took charge of the War- ship Service. A very interesting synopsis of C11, IV. "Learning to live togetlte." from the Stlidy Book. was given by Rlr,. Q, E •bson. The meeting was brought to -a.close with hymn 510 and the Benediction, MORRIS The many friends of M.s, Jaek Clark, 5th line, will regret to learn that,she suffered a severe attack of apponciditis and was rushed to Listowel hospital, early Sunday morning, where she .pitekeewelit An immediate operation. She is re- ported as doing as well as can be expected, ATWC OD Mr. and Mrs, G, G; -Moffett,,_Tot'- ento, with Miss Eve6it`""-ttft'tt6'titl; Robert Piest of the btaffy of •^tate Banat of Commerce, left iifis week for three week's vacation; Rev, 01111 Mrs. 1'1airy O'Neil, Gerrie, •were in to Monday. They. ..ate .r leavi next week for their new c•1ia'rge at Mutton; Lindsay Vegan ie.'visiting at the horse of L, G. Coghlin, . Monday night the Local Odd • Fel- lows, with five candidates, went. to Listowel where the llrst 11551118 'was pot an by the degreeY:teanr 'of that lodge, Ou Tuesday,: night they went to Milverton whe:'e the sse. and degree was exemplified' by tits SIllvet'ton team, (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spier, Misses Agnes Davidson and Jean Batett visited with friends in ?.leHillop on Monday and Tuesday' last., " - HAROLD W. LOVE Ethel, Ont. --- Phone 22-8 General )assurance Agent Large PkgOXY i"OL 240 Soap Flakes . • • 4 tb for Pride -of -Valley Peas • , • • 3 for Golden Wax Beans ,•• 3 for Windsor Iodized Table Salt • • •-•• • • • • • per pkg • • 9c erys Cocoa Supreme Shortening 2 lb • • _ • 24c Pacific Pastry Flour • • • • • • • • • 6 lb pkg • . 19c Smoked Fillets •••••••' • • • • ' • • • • • • • 1 tb 16c Bee Hive Corn Syrup . •.• 5 1b 38c British Columbia Salmon 2 large tins • • •• • 25c Towato Ketchup 11 oz. 2. for • . • • • 25c 25c 25c 350 Pride of Valley Tomatoes 3 for • • • -••-• • • • • • 25c Splendid Cooking Onions • • •••• • • •••• 10 tb • • • • • • • , • • • • •• 25c Fancy Biscuits • 1 iii for •-• 14c Falcon Prepared Mustard • .......Large .lar for •••• • • • • 24c Kellogg's Cern Flakes • • • • 2 large pkgs & Bowl 24c - Cooking Figs 3 tbfor • • •. . • •••• • 25c Home -Made Lard , • • 1 lb for • • • • • • . • • • • • . , 25c Gold Medal Coffee •••• • • ••••• ' • • • 1/z tin for 24c Arent Mary's Peanut Butter ............Large Jar 24c TRY OUR FRESH STOCK OF LEMONS, ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT BELGRAVE Another very 'successful euchre and dance was sponsored by the Belgrave Community Rink Club on Friday evening in the Forrestal's' Hall. The early part of the even- ing was spent in cards, the prizes being won by Mrs. J. Wheeler and Harold Vincent, and the consolation prizes went to Mrs. George Jordan and Bob Grasby. Lunch was served and dancing followed with Jack- son's 'Orchestra supplying the music Miss Noma Habkit'k of Seasfor•th. was a weekend visitor with Miss Freda Jordan, The Belgrave United Church had chs a of the Chur • oftheair on Church ng h Monday. Awards Are Presented An interesting part of the service in Knox United Church on Sunday morning 'was the 'presentation of awards for Sunday school and church attendance for 1933. These were presented by Norman Keating, the Sunday School superintendent, to the following: 'Certificate for first year attendance, to Marjorie McKenzie; second year seal 1) Edith McClenaghan; third year seal to Robert Grasby, fourth year seal to Norman Kear:1g, Kenneth Wheeler, Mae Frisby; fifth year, Anna. Granby; James R. Coultes, Mabel Coultes, Mrs. C, R. Coultes and Marjory Grasby; sixth year, Moss Anderson. Edith Procter, Thomas Steep of Clinton, was pres- ent at the Sunday school session and sang a solo and he also sang during the church service. His solos. were both much enjoyed, Miss Elaine Walsh acted as aceotnpan- ist. C. R. Coultes spent the week -end [u Toronto, The annual meeting of the Bel - grave School Fair was held in Lite Foresters' Hal, Belgrave, Wednes- day afternoon, The president J. S. Procter, was in the chair. The minutes of the ,previous• meetings were read and,adopted, The finan- cial statement was also presented and showed a splendid balance on hand, the receipts being $330.35 and expenditure $259,63. Mr, .Shearer, agnicultural rePre- sentative for Huron, was press and gave an address. He eougrat lated the people on their splend school fair and co-operation on 01 clay or the fair and also on the financial position. He &Iso referr to the T, B. canvass trade in t .county and said that it had car by a good 'majority and that t1 two townships here, East We. nosh and Morris, had both given hig hpercentage in favor of restricted area. He then spoke the plans of the Department f a carrying ou the school Bair s various changes were suggest Some discussion followed. It w decided to have a representation a central meeting to be held. Clinton, when all school .fairs a to be represented, The Iollowi were elected: President, J, S. Pr ter; vice-president. Mrs. C. Wade; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W. Scott; the directors for S. No. 3, Morris; Ivan McArter Mrs. J. Yvi11; for S, S. No. 5, rls, Mrs. R. Procter and Earle demon; S. S. No. 7 Morris, Mr, Mrs. Lyle Idopper; tT• S. S. No. Morris, and E. Wawanosh, i1I William Brydges and C. R. Conit S. S. No. 7, E. Wawanosh, M Bert Thompson and . Athol Bru S. S. No, 8 E. Wawanosh, Mrs. 3. Scott and J, F. McCallum; S. No. 9, E. Wawauosh, Mrs, Geoi Walker and R. J. Currie; S. S. 13, E, Wenvanosh, M .s. Joe Dun and Mel Bradburn; U, S.S , No, E. and W. Wawanosh, Mrs. Pe Vincent and Alfred Nesbitt; S. No, 11 E. Wawanr;'li, Janet le ertson and. Herron Irwin. It was decided to have a Sch. Fair again this year and each s tion give a grant of $15. 0. 'Coultes was appointed to intervi the E. Wawanosh council in reg oto a grant and Tames Michie to tervrew the Morris council, The Ladies' Guild of Trip 'Church held their monthly meets on Thursday, Feb. 2 at the home Mrs, R, Yule with a good atte auve. , 'Mrs. Weekes the Pesid Was . in oharge of the meets After the business sesesion a sit ,pogramdne was presented. Lui was served by the hostess. DON'T GAMBLE YOUR t H YOUR EYES ! "If you have noticed after reading or close work that your Eyes became tired easily or you feel nervous and have a slight headache, you can be sure your Eyes need attention. Dome to Reid for a thorough, scientific Eye Examination and proper glasses at moderate •prices. You have a modern. complete eyesight service within asy reach. Mr. Reid comes to Brussels every Wednesday (except the odd time when roads are impassible) and maintains an office in Miss Hingston's store. Phone 51 for an appointment NOW. R. A. REI D AT BRIIC-S t S OFFICE, —MISS i-1 GSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 200 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment