The Brussels Post, 1939-2-8, Page 1Tar nose to POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Brussels Council Educational Holds Meeting ) Service, Is Pauseels, lent,, 6th, 10301 Observed Here The Municipal Council of the Innis lee of Brussels nun in the PO 0 ibtal;y on the above date. til: Members being present. 1 ue enuute,e of the previous heel Mg being read it was moved by x; M. legneron; seconded by .laneenea that the minutes be aueeteu, —.Carried. The following bills were presented:— ie. W, Kennedy, printing 'li Wadeer, Huron County, ual dbinder iMuniapal World, tags and paper 10.00 J, W. Monteith, audit 77.00 G. McDowell, Jan, Salary • 60.01 R. S, Warwick, Jan. Salary 25,00 Melva, elro, street light 108.00 • Hall lighting 2.75 Transfer to school 1000.00 John Rutledge, jr, street labor 3.33 Ed. Garton, street labor 1,00 Ed. Henderson, 'anwo-plow'g 17.50 Chas. Davidson, cartage 8.50 Relief fox' the month of January 195,05 ;.Moved by H. Bawler, seconded by F. Santis that the accounts be paid. —Carried, Moved by F. Santis, seconded by I-1. Chaanpion that by-law no, 2, 1930 regulating the sale of fish au•d fresh meat be read the third time and finally passed. —Carried.Moved by H. Champion, seconded by W. CamerOu that the tax roll be returned to the Collector for —Carried, collections. Moved by H. Champion, seconded by H. Bowler that the Auditor's re- port be accepted and filed. —Carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. u U 7.50 23.00 B. C. S. COMMENCEMENT Town Hall, Brussels FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 at 8 p.m. Presentation of Diplomas, Shields, Medals PLAY "The Pampered Darling" Admission — 25c & 15c Come td the Valentine ;Dance Walton Community Hall Friday, February 17th Music by:— Arthur's. Orchestra Admission 35c THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., S.D. M i nater 11 a,m.—Morning Worship 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.03 p.m.—Evening Worship REGENT rxE:kTRE Tile congregations of the United, } St. ,loon': Anglican and Melville Presby'ter'ian ehurehr gathered in the latter on Sunday evening for a Plat service in •eonnection with leducational 'Week. A large repre- sentation of the various churches attended', Rev. A. Mahoney, Ree,, W. Hendry and Rev, S, Herr, the 'ministersof the three churches; Mr. O. Drummond, principal of Lite Wrote and Miss H. Beaker ,a mem- bet' of the teaching staff were in charge and assited in the service. A choir, composed orf members, of the student body of the school led the service of praise and contribut- ed two very pleasing anthems, con- ducted by L. \ r,"I7clnnier with Ml's, W. King presiding at the organ, Rev, S. Herr gave a splendid ad- dress' based on education in the home, church and school, SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Jane Withers Rochelle Hudson Robert Wilcox 'Rascals MON., TUES., WED. Dick Powell Lola Laine Hollywood Hotel . ,Srances Langford Hugh Herbert Ted Heally Glenda Farrell Your favorite radio ,show, .bigger, better, funnier on the screen TH.URS., FRI., SAT, Viotor Logien Brian Donlevy Battle of Broadway with Louise Howlok All for fun, fun for all with the screens new screen team dishing out parcels and laughs - COMING— Ginger Rogers James Stewart , Vivacious Lady ■llCE SI II I • r Wingkam Town Council Will Hear Valuators The Wingham town council has invited the county valuators, MOgg and Quinlan to address the town -council On February 20. The town fathers took this action. so that they may have a clearer understand- ing of the situation as it exists new, in regard, to the ecualised assess- ment presented to the Huon collate council at its inaugural session 0t 1939, • A discussion was held in regard to the present system of buying wood for relief, and' it was decided that in future action would be taken along this line by means of tenders. Win'ghalu will this year, be repre- sented at the Good Roads conven- tion by Mayor J. H. Crawford and Reeve R. S. Hetherington. THETE R tiEI o 8 X Brussels, Ont. February 8th, 1939 Jai4 WEDNESDAY, February 8th, 1939 111 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 Teeswater Committee Making Re -Union Plans The Teeswete, old boys' reunion advanced another step when the shareholders held their meeting and elected their officers and appointed chairmen of the various committees to prepare for and act during the 'Old Horne Week ,whdeh is to be held ou August 6, 7, 8 and 9: Mr. Editor. Dear Sir:— Upon having seen the bleachers In the rink, I think this commend- able addition to the .now adequate winter sport centre of Brussels Is wortby or a lot of praise. The planning done by the oomnntlttee and wo'kmansbip by D. N, M,cDot; akl and Co. miring it ,possible to seat frons, 250 to 300 more people. This, allowing everyone to have a clear vision of the Ice surfacs and more comfort while attending the hockey matches and carnivals, All one needs, to have solid comfort now, is a rug, come early in order to get a seat,. to enjoy the carnival next Wednesday night, Thanking you for this portion of your valuable space, I remain, Your truly, I. Bea Booster 11111 11111111111111 111 ARENA ACTIVITIES THURSDAY— SKATING from 8 to 10 o'clock FRIDAY— open for Skating Parties Hockey Matches Carnivals Saturday Afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock for children under 12 (with escorts) SATURDAY 'EVENINGS — SKATING from 8 to 10 o'clock MONDA(r— CLIFFORD vs.BRUSSELS Monday, Feb. 13th PLAY-OFF GAME TUESDAY— SKATING from 8 to 10 o'clock WEDNESDAY— Hockey Practice THE BRUSSELS CREAMERY— Patronize your home factory. Give you larger returns. Is Spring On It's Way ? 10 the appearance of some of our feathe.'ed friends is a harbinger of spring it is likely to be with us at any time for ,tiers, R. S. Hamilton reports having seen two pair of cardinals recently; one pair in Janu- ary and the other pair last week. Combined with the mild weather and bright sunshine of to -day we could 'believe that spring is here. 0th•er places have also reported of baying lately seen these birds, Melville Campfire Girls A meeting of the 'Canpflre Girls was held on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 7, at the home of Margaret Gibson. The Secretary and Treas- urer's reports yere read and busi- ness was discussed. Gladys David- son favoured the group with a reading. Dorothy Arnistrong wits in charge of the special number, Games were 'played and lunch yes served at the close. United Church The Y.P.S. of the Belted church held their meeting on Monday eve- ning with Miss Alice Pope, Chris- tian fellowship leader, in the chair. with Betty Best conducting, the meeting, The meeting opened with a call to worship, lBusiness was conducted by Miss Alice Pope. The scripture reading was taken by Edith Forsyth, Jean ,Speiran gave an instrumental, prayer by Idella Bryans, poem on prayer by Alice Pope; topic, 'Worship, Its Valu£ and Methods," by »Helen Baeker. Church Notes Service in the United •Church on Sunday morning was conducted by the minister, Rey. H. J. SOa.honey, 'who spoke on the subject, "Is Re- ligion Bankrupt?" Evening service was withdrawn.. -' +Comumunion' service was held or Sunday morning in St, John's Ang- lican Church with the Rev. W. J. Hendry officiating.. •Evening ser- vice was withdrawn. Good Wishes On Wednesday of last week Mr. Albert Johnston and son, Glenn, paid a visit to Brussels to see M1, J. H. Galbraith, ,horse buyer, who suffered a severe heart attack some six weeks ago and is still confined to bed. Mr. Johnston states that Mr, Galbraith; without a doubt, is the most ertensive buyer and sellev of horses' be. knows within a hundred square miles. The Record Joiner with his, many friends in this community in wishing him a speedy recovery. —+Fordivich Record Valuable Property Changes Ownership L, A. Phelps of New Pont Richey and Clayton, New Yorke has dispos- ed of his valuable property ou the river to C, G, Seeker of Fort Frances, Ont„ Canada. The prop- erty, known formerly as the Burls plate i5 cue of the test pieces of Property in the city and has a beautiful setting on the scenic Cotee river. It is now being oc- .eupied by Mr. and Mrs. Seeker, who expect to make this their perm. anent winter home. —New (Port Richey Press Melville Church W. M. S. The W, M. S. of Melville Presby- terian Church Met on Friday, Feb, 3rd with a good attendance, The president Mrs. Ie, Parker presided. The Scripture reading was given by Mrs, G, McDowell. MIS. W, Cardiff offered player. The Secretary's report was read by Mrs. W. Little in the absence of Mrs. Meadows, The Trete "India past and present" was taken by Mrs. J. Arnterong as Mrs. 4t . S, :Scott was 'unable to be pres- ent, A delightful solo was given by ,bites 'Mario Ring, Mrs, W. Little gave the current events in the elegance of 'Mrs. L, W, Eck/Mete The meeting closed with the Dorn? Prayer in unison, Melville Church Y. P. S. The Y. P, S. of Melville Church ,leeld their nneeting after the eve- ning service with Dorothy BalIen- t,ne in the chair, The ' Scripture lesson was read by Graham Work; iirayer, Ethel Fox; Toin McFad- zeau had the topic, "Missions !wrong The Foreigners in Canada," 11e gave a splendid account of the 'Work among the Hungarians, *Mans, Chluese and Italians. St. John's John's A. Y. P. A, The A.Y.P.A. held their Monday evening meting with Rev, W. Hendry in charge. Following opening ,paray'ero and scripture read- ing the minutes were read by the secretary and approved, A splen- did topic on "Temptation" was capably given by Ken, Colema-n. The remainder of the meeting was delightfully spent in playing games under the drlrection of C. Fischer. Melville Ladies Aid The regular meeting of the 3.adiee' Aid was held on Monday eveniag Feb. 6th, at the home of Mrs, J. C. Seeker with an attend- ance of 32 ladies, After same diseu,s- siotr it was decided to hold a sale of home-made baking and candy In the Library on Saturday, Feb. 18th, After the business meeting two in- teresting contests- were enjoyed. after which a delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Institute Party Grand Success A Valentine Dance In the Town Hall, Friday evening, which was sponsored by the Women's Institute of the town drew a large crowd and everyone reported it as a most enoyaible and successful affair. The ball was beautifully decorat- ed with red and white streamers and arrow -pierced hearts. The Robinson Orchestra of Palm- erston were the musicians for the occasion when new and Old Tyne) dancing was participated in. Mr. and Mrs, H. Spear won the prizes' for the Old Tyme Waltz; Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Hemingway the balloon dance and Mr. and Mrs. B. Johneton the spot dance. A lunch was served, The ladies of the Institute are to be congatu- lated on the delightful evening's entertainenent provided for their guests. Women's Liberal Association The Women's Liberal Club ]net at the home of Mrs. G. .McDowell on Thursday evening with the presi- dent Ml's, A. Strachan, in the chair, The meeting opened with the sing- ing of the "Maple Leaf," and. re- ports, were readby the secretary and tr'eestu•er whin, were adopted. Atter the roll call a report was given 'by Mrs, W. Iluggan. who had lived in the West for a number of years, on "'The Hungarians in the West," of what good settlers they made and how delighted they were to live in Canada. Report of tee Women's Liberal meeting held in London last summer was given by Mrs. H, Parker. Mrs, George Salu/i. gave a paper on thnemploynlent end JYlrs, M, Ballantyne read a paper on ':State Secrets," and of the abdi- cation of the Ring, The annual sheeting will be held in Aprilwhen new of0cers will be installed, BIRTH _*.._.,s__ GROSE—At P010010 Eat Gener- el (hospital, 011 Monday, Feb, 6, to Dr, and Mrs. L, M. Grose (nee ,Margaret Strachan) a son. BAND ,P,LAYED The 'skathlg enthusiast. 'were treated to band music Tuesday night by the Brussels CRIzee's eland, ♦laMdMZ44�.'ih VOO�M1 sv'I• PEOPLE WE KNOW. 1^NY %M.'W4 U4'�'b'WWbt4441 We are glad to see Bill Ec)tmi_g able to be about again after an ap- pendieitis operation some time eee. Sari Bale who reeen'tly bed en foot jarnmeri bct:.een two lee white working near. Durham, is beck to work again. Mrs. Jos. Welter' is supplying ea i'!le Continuation School staff in the absence of Miss A. McKay who is Mrs. A1fed Lowry was to Landau on Friday to visit her sister Mrs. Kingswood, who is in Victoria Hoe - Pita following a very serious operation, Mr. W. A. Low]} arrived borne from a week's visit to Detroit and Toronto. Mr, and .nil's. J, Galbraith are visiting in Toronto. Mr. Galbraith is having treatment following a beart eeiztrre sulfeerd some time ago. Miss Inglis is confined to her bed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1). Roes. Many are still ill, suffering front bad colds, flu and throat infections. A number from this district at- tended the Normal school ''At Home" in Stratford on Friday even- ing of last week, S. Fischer and Miss Mae Fischer, 'Cranbrook were gueets with their uncle, N. Chapman, last week -end. Miss D. McInnis, Ethel, spent the week -end at the home of her uncle J. S. Armstorng. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell and S41iss Bailey 0f Blyth were visiting their sister Mss. William Proctor .en Sunday. Miss Margaret Pearson has re- turned to her position in the store of L. W. Eckmier following a bout with the 'flu, ' A picture was seen in Saturday's Globe and Mail of Frank C. Wilson, son of R, G. Wilson, contarctor of London, formerly of Brussels. He was skip, for one rink of the 171n- ners of the Burden Trophy for the London Curling Club. They also won this prize last year. Frani: is often in the head lines as a win- ner In Bowling and Curling. Monster nster Ice Carnival Planned The Brussels Rink Committee consisting of Cleve Baeker, Waite; Kerr and D, A. Rano are to be ecu- grabuleted upon the erection 00. bleaellers across the whole north end of the Brussels rink, ,As fudns are low a carnival has been planned by them for Wednesday, February 15, which is expected to be the largest held in these parts, A full hill of entortainenent has been procured including Ladies Hockey, Business Men's Broom Ball and Novelty races, as well as an abundant prize list for costumes' The merchants and business men of Brussels are to be congratulated ifor their splendid 501)1)011 and the committee wishes to acknowledge donation of prizes and cash from the following: 3. C, Seeker, Dr. Mc- Rae, Walter Kerr, Elmer D. Bell, D C. Warwick, Nathan Charpnan, R. 3, McLauclllin, Fred Hunter, John Allen, Tuck Thynne, Bill Wright, W. MvrCracken, John Rowland, John Gibson Walter Scott, Joe Kelly, Ben Walker, Harry Champion ,Orville Whitfield, Jack 'Cameron, Dan Mae- Tavish, F, ,'S. am41s, Dr. Jamieson, Robert Bowman, Noble Gerry. Queen's Hotel, Mrs. Ballantyne, Dean Davison, Robert Downing, Wilton & Gillespie, Lorne Eckmier•, Fred Gerard (American Hotel), Ian McDonald, Frank Smith, Norman Thompson, Wdlerld Willis, Stan. 'Rutledge, Harry Bowler, Frank Sltretton, T'he 'Scotch Thistle, Archer Grewar, Harry Allen, Lewis Russel, A. Wood, Misses Dickson, Carrie Hingstor, Harry MoCutrl>- eon, Orwell Elliott, Gordon Sander- son, The Bruese Post, D. A. Rano, James Ross, Ken Ashton, Jack Logan, Martin Murray, Orville Drummond, William Praetor and Pearson Young. Committees bave been chosen to attend• to the work involved in this large affair and everything is run- ning like clockwork. Already the booth committee are prepared to supply .food and drink to serve five hundred people and we believe The Brussels Rink will have one of its gayest nights. The Broomball game in which the business men of Brussels will strive against the men of Ethel is worth the admission alone. We'll be seeing you Feb. 15, Spend More On Beer Than Schools, Claim The people • of 'Ontario Spend more money on liquor than they do on education, Dr. M. A, Cameron of the research department 01 the On- tario College of Education said last night. Dr. Cameron was addres-Ing a gathering of 'borouto teachers and other professional people called by the Inter -Professional association in the Heliconian club. "Likewise, we speua• almost as much on tobacco and more on gaso- line,' said Dr. Cameron. "Tice cost of education in Canada per capita is 510 per year, do New York it is around 523. for all states, including those with large negro populations where the per capita costs amount to only $4, the figure is nearly 514." Canada should actually spend a geart deal more on education rather than retrench, said the speaker. The 50Ju1im1, Dr, Cameron said, lay in a better distribution of costs and an increase in provincial gov- ernment grants. ETHEL Charles Keifer has been engaged 'opening the badly snow drifted streets so that motor traffic for the individual citizen will connect with the main roads over which the county snow plows have been in operation. The requisite power for breaking through was provided by using his big gravel truck, sup- plemented with shovel work. Where there's a will, there's a way. Ethel community high school students, desirous of getting to Stratford on a certain night last week to attend a social funration, sponsored by the school faculty, conveyed an automobile by horses and eletgll, the first few miles to reach the opened highway, and so continued the trip in comfort and ea tithe. 'Transports, have been delayed in snaking delivery of goods, resulting in disappointments in business sec- tions. A car of coal for J. H• Fear and, a 001 of feed: grata for C, R. Dunbar of Ethel chopping mill, arrived, at tile C.N.R. station during last week, Fresh foot prints leading away from several homes in the viliege, noticeable Monday morning, in the. fresh :fallen 811071 of Smlday last would indicate that the town was astir unusually early, as it is said the snow ceased falling about 3,30 nal, Monday. At a well attended meeting a Ethel United church Young People hel dMonday at 8,15 p.m. in the school rooms, B. F. Carr bad charge of the topic, which was presented iu sincerity and kindliness and was well received. Ethel United Church Sunrise 'School are inviting and appealing to the young unanari'ied nleaubers o the church families to co-opeate i'i forming and become members of a Snttior Bible Class which is being organized in the school. Casper and Mrs. Fleet entertained a group 0f friends from Listowe, over the week -end, The trance given in Grey Twp, hall, Friday of last week, sponsored by Ethel Public Library board was l Nell patronised, and with music• by McNair's orchestra, proved, to be a pleasant occasion, Lunch was 'provided and ud0ely served, MONCRIEFF The February meeting of the W.M.S, of Moncrieil DTnd,ted Church viae held at the home o8 itIrs. A, Reisbury. The .meeting opened with the use of hymen 164, followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. leir.s 1, Harrison head the iScripturo Reading and the minutes of the last meeting 'were read and adopted, The roll was called and was. anwser- ed with a verse, with the word love in it. The business was (hemmed and the Devotional was given by Edna Smith. Hemel 262 was sung and the offering was received, Doris Gaillie gave a selection on the 'gutter and the topic was. given by Mrs, Bhightot Peng, A prayer was given by Mrs. H, Cuddington and closing hymn 363 was sung and the neeting was closed with the Bene • diction. renewing this the Ladies Aid held a short meeting, • e lc ie lc,i 0 lc k is lc is 11 is lc lc lc l is lc Lc tc. ese 'rat end t tI the err .rrd In t to est w 0n a ewi Pr, 3. i. a lI M iru S. e0. un 0. Pe S. esti me tte sid 'eta sh Ln i nr In. on sy. ay. nd 100