HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-2-1, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
. .. ,. • ., ,^„_�.. eroren. 'IrtlltCb was served and
dancing folloM>ed,
eegfwee I, fol• tlredAnfe°17 ont et9toon.ite9 open too week,
end in Toronto.
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
We wre eery to imeer Mr. Saanel,
Woods passed away on Monday
morning. We extend ou'r ay/apatite/.
to Ws wire and family.
The little daughter of Mr, anti
Airs, Lail Halullton has been dick
with a .bad veld and hope site w11.1
soon be better.
We are sorry to hear Mr, Alex,
bloieweh is laid up with a bad cold.
We hope he will :soon be best,:, -
Mrs, Richard Johnston has beats
laid up with a bed cold and sore
Cer'tifi'cates tar perfect attendance
at Sunday School during 1938 wo:o
awarded during the church ear:ice
at the United 'Olwr1i 'on Sunday
morning as follows': Messfe Milli•
gap, StewartMaoLennon, Spence{
efeTiineon, Jean MacLennan, Gas.
sie Seieng, Daisy Holmes, Mar-
garet Curtis, Shirley, Selling. For
good attendance, awards were aim
gen to George Thomson, eacet
Moc'Lennon, 'rune I•Iail, I {leu
Thoneon, Harry '4Vettlau.er,
At the nroi'tuilrg eervioe in, the
united Church, Rev, A. V. Robb
sp,.ke on the Ille choices, of Abra.
Ilam and Lot, showing the results
of the higher choice, Inn the eve-
ning tbe pastor conttnut:l les, ser -
las of Old Testa-me:et characters.
Rev, J. A, .Grant of Alton, am-
80c per cwt.
Farmers' Store Phone 46
Our Annual Mid -Winter Clearance
Sale Continues. Seasonable
Merchandise At Prices
To Save You Real Money
Grocery Specials for the Week
Rose Brand Baking Powder 1 Ib can •••• • ••••• • -• • • • . • • • • 15c
Peanut Butter • •---• • 2 Ib in a quart jar •-•• 33c
Falcon Corn • • • . 2 2 -oz. tins . • • • . • • • • . • • •••• • • 15c
Pitted Dates • per ib 10c
Ready -Cut Macaroni ................pe. tb • • . •.•••... • ...-••. • 5c
Harry Horne's Pure Dutch Cocoa in Glass Tumbler 2 for 25c
Chopped Nut Butter per jar • •-- • • 23c
ChoiLe Cooking Figs • . • •••• • . • • • • • . • 2 t .• • • • •••• • ... • .--- 19c
White Beans 6 Ib ••••• . • • .. • • • -•••• 25c
Falcon Coffee . • • . • ••••. • • • 1 Ib can • • • • ••••............•..••. • 27c
Gold Medal Jelly Powders per pkg • . • • • • 5c
tt.n sc, • • Large package 21c
C. 13so •. •... • .. Large package • . 19c
Ay.racr Vegetable or Tomato Soup 22 oz tins • • , • • • • ••,• , 23c
22 oz tins ••••• • • 2 for . 23c
lac:nz Rcd Kidney Beans ..............per can • • • . • • • • .. • .. 13c
Buy your prints now for your spring dressmaking
Reg. priced at 25 to 28 • . • • . NOW 18c per yd.
Prices Are the Lowest -- To Clear out these Goods.
Mea-.l,s Heavy Sox, Overalls and Shirts
Fleece and Wool Underwear
To Clear At Very Low Prices
These Prices are for Cash or Trade
All Outststanding Accounts for 1938
Must be Paid on or before February 4th
If you have noticed after reading or close work that your
Eyes become tired easily or you feel nervous and have a
slight headache, you can he sure your Eyes need attention,
Conte to Reid for a thorough, scientific Eye Examination
and proper glasses at moderate prices.
You have a modern, complete eyesight service within asy
reach. Mr. Reid cranes to firusselsevery Wednesday
(except the odd time when roads are impassible) and
maintains an office in Miss Hingston's store, Phone 51 for
au appointr:ient NOW.
'inhume 51 for Appointment
ducted the ec'vice in Knox Pres.
bytexian Church and Eddies 00
Sunday lnoiuio;, He spoke 0n the
life and character',stlas of Judos,
I3e also declared the pulpits erreant.
The $50 first prize for bread
awarded at Wheel= was won by
Mrs, Arthur Rublen, of Morrie,
one and a half miles from Bluevale.
Other prize winners were: Mrs, J,
Belied Nichol, 4th• concession of
Turnberly, and Mrs, Joseph Curtis,
of Bluevale, Over one thousand
leaves were entered in the contest,
On Friday evening, Jen. 14th,
congregations of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church met to say farewell to
Rev. and Mrs. Greig and also rills
Sutton, who is Mrs. Greig'.s mother,
after a most pleasing program e'1u-
sisting of solos, instrumental :music,
recitations and also community
singing, Miss 0, Scott read a well
worded address expressing their
sorrow at parting with their pastor
and his wife and appreciated the
good work in connection with the
church and community, they were
presented wiClr an electric lamp ar,i
chair and also .to Mrs. Sutton a bed
ramie, who also has endeared her-
self to the people during her stay
here, Mr. Greig on behalf of him -
sett and household, warmly thank:
ed the congregation for the kind-
ness and goodwill, a most 'pleasant
and sociable time MIAs! spent by all,
Lunch was also 'served.
Rev. Graig was inducted at Atwood
Presbyterian Church Wednesday
evening, Jan. 18th,
The annual meeting of Trinity
Anglican Church was held with an
average attendance. The meeting
opened with prayer by the rector,
A. McBurney was• appointed secret
tary ,in the absence of the 'vestry
clerk, ,Minutes of the last m•eetilig
were adopted. The treasurer's re-
port showed a balance on hand. The
Lading' Guild and Sunday School
also showed' balances. In the rec-
tors re'iport, be ;pointed net that
this eves the sixtyslxth annual
vestry meeting; that there had
been an average attendance dur-
ing the year of sixty-three, that
the•e had bee nthree burials but no
marriages or baptisms, He com-
mended the work of the Ladies'
Guild anti spoke highly of tbe et
ficiency of the Sunday School Ana
its officials.
.. .. Ara...... r r,f.■.n.�■..+.'weowar ot. .._...
Vestry Re -appointed
Robert Procter was elected
People's Warden and lir. Weekes
announced that Reber t McCrea
would act as Minister's Warden Deo
tem. The select vestry were ap
pointed as folio lve. R. J. Mr
Cres, Robert Procter, William
Brydiges, J, T. Brydges, D. Chant-
ney, Richard Procter, H. Nethery
C. R. Wade, W. G. Nethery, Charles
Johnston, J. McGill, le, idradburn.
D, Armstrong, Mis. Willtanr
Brydges, Mrs, 01. Shoebottoth
Richard Prooter and A. McBurney
were appointed auditors. The
treasurer, C. H. 'Wade, was re-
elected. The following sidesuten
were elected: Richard: Procter; R..T.
McCrea, el. Beadburn, A, McBur-
ney, A, Nethery, 0. Armstrong,
C,. G. Meth:ea, V, Chaanney, J. le
McCrea. Robert McCrea. was .ip•
pointed as lay delegate to Synod
with Robert Prooter as substitute,
eald. A, Me:Burney was appointed
Zesty clerk. The vestry clerk was
instructed by those present to send
a letter to Mr. Gilbert Nether,,
Byron Santtarioum, expressing their
regret at his not being able to be
present at the meeting, A vote
of appreciatiou was extended•to
the rector; choir, orgauist, war-
dens and othe officlals. The meet-
ind was adbodraed and Rev. Weekes
pronounced •the ben erection,
Mee, N. Montgomery and. Mee. C.
H, Wade spend. a couple of days in
Mies, Kay Towuend, of Louder
spent the iveelt-end with her .par
ents, Rev, and Mrs, J. 33, Townenl
The Woolen's Institute will merit
ou Thursday afternoon, Feb., 16tH,
at the home of Mals. Stan, Seeirnu,
The meted, Those who drift as the
wind Wawa, newer arrive anytwhree;
Roll Oall, Valentine verse; Topic,
Nothing great was ever a her:f oe
without enthusiasm, Mrs. Currie;
'Contest, Jessie Pearson; Current
events, Mrs. Percy Stephenson. All
the ladies interested are invited to
attend and eiiioy a pleasant alter -
Tire week -end storms of heavy
snow and wind, made roads' in this
vicinity praottcally impassible,
either for horses or motors, till af-
ter the big snowplows came through
o raame other spectal effort.
Union United church congrega-
eion:-il banquet was dotted for More
day, Jan, 30th.
With Helen Currie, who it going
t oHamilton in the near future, to
be .In itiatning for professional
nursing, es guest of honor, Ethel
community young people met in
Brown's hall, Saturday evening,.
Sam 28, and presented her with an
adriress and a gift as a farewell
and good will token, After which
en enjoyable time was spent in
games and other interesting num-
bers only- a short time was spent in
dancing, Luncei was deintfy
served. Miss. Helen expressed ap-
preciation fittingly.
Young People's meeting for
Ethel United church 'society was
announced for Tuesday night at
8,15 o'clock for this week, instead of
Monday, their usual weekly date.
R. Brown's recovery is more
tedious than bad been, hoped Tor,
after recent operations of a serious
Mre. Snelldon is still quite 111.
Mrs. V, Dilworth, although not
yet up to usual health, is slowly tin -
Mrs. Wm; Hamilton who, about
eight weeks ago sustained a frac-
tured hip, is making favourable 1
recovery, but naturally, is finding
the time long.
Mrs. W. Slemmon, who as an in-
valid requiring, for many montha,
attentive care, very much apprec-
iates the company of friends 'who
call to visit her.
Nearly two months ago, Mrs. E.
A. Maguire was effected with
partial paralysis and was given
ever, attention at her horse 1n
Ethel, but is at present In Brussels.
at the hone of her sister, Mrs. D.
C. Ross, going there Friday of last
week. This intimation may be of
interest to those who he'd not
known or -this change,
Sunday Scheel lied preaching ser-
vices in Ethel United church last
Sunday were well attended al-
though weather and road conditions
were rather unfavourable.
Ethel Women's, Institute, is to be
congratulated on the very decided
success of the Big Night, ou Tues-
day, Jan. 27, under their auspices,
re -quilting the use of two halls, Grey
Twp. hall and Brown's hall, to ac-
commodate for the dance entertain-
ment, The music was provided by
MoNair's and the Blue Ribbon or-
chestra. The awards of the lucky
draw contest were made at eleven
o'clock in the Twdl. hall. !Lunch
was served at each hall. Their'
financial undertaking in connection
with fixing the Twp ball in such a
splendid way, was cancelled, which
together with having pleasant en-
joyment proved satiseaotory,
On Wednesday evening of last
week the members of Ethel United
Church choir .presented one Ot
the merdbens; Migs Helen Currie
With a gift. Helen, who is terry -
Mg soon for 16amilton, where sire
will train tor a muse, will be
greatly missed in the choir. We
wish her much success in her new
the St. Augustine branch of tits
Wcanen'a Institute held their an
,,nal at 11011ie in the 9th line eclloo
house .Friday night with e .good et
temde:nee present. The early par
OE the evening was spoilt '.playing
euchre and prises were won by,
Gladys McBurney and Michael Law,
The coneolatiou prizes went to Mels.
Robert Ohaauttey end Harold
lItsis' Lillian, McKee, Glen Allen ie
visiting her :friend letiss Annie
Mr. H. Peppier, Listowel, visited
last week et the borne of Miss
Jessie :Pearson, 4th con•, prior to
leaving ,Cor Alberta, where he will
take np aviation.
The BraY Chick does the :rick.
Let me show you the proof. Place
your order here. No writing. No
bother, Call or phone.
Gilbert Nethery
R. R. 5 Brussels
Firemen Battle..
For Two Hours
To Save Building
Stock of Lloyd Turvey
Variety Store On ,
Main Street Almost
Total Loss
Lucknow•--dieavy loss resulted
Friday ni@ht as fire swept through
the Lloyd Turvey Variety Store on
Lucknow's main e'ree+t. :Stock in
the store, which featured a five -
cent to $1 trade, was almost a total
Lueknow firemen, under Chief:
Austin Solomon, battled time flames
from 9,30 to 11.30 before the blaze
was finally extinguished. The fire
origin of •Melt Is not known, had
galued considerable headway when
the alarm was turned in, and the
flames spread rapidly through the
light materials included in the
The department, however, suc-
ceeded in keeping the blaze limited
to the main floor, Considerable
damage by smoke and water was
done to the second storey, ea which
Mr. and Mrs. Turvey have their
living quarters, although the loss
here was not ae great as in the
store proper.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Turvey were
away at the time the fire was dis-
covered, The store owner accom-
panied the Luclarow hockey -team
to Listowel for an 0.H,A, internia-
diete clash, while Mrs, 'Turvey was
out for the evening.
The fact the store was situated
on a corner aided firemen do their
battle, They were able to bring
loose lines into play from both the
front and side of the building,
J. Geddes, Toronto, is .tile owner
of the building.
16 cords of Maple and Beech body
wood, 16 -inches long and 2 cords
cedar, 16dnobes long. To he de-
livered at the School house S,S, no.
11, Twp. of Grey, Ethel, not later
than March 1st, 1939,
The lowest or any
necessarily accepted.
Tenders to be in by Feb, 1st, 1939.
W. T. Spence, Sec,-Treas.
S. S. No. 11, Twip. of Grey
Box 13, Ethel ,Ont
tender not
It was a reenton or old friends
reel 05 a 'bit of fun, the gaests were
each asked to bring something 10
the feast.
The einglislnnau broltght a. bottle
oe witlekey—the Irislunan a tti or
biscults -•-• and the •Seotenian hie
Comprising Lot 10 and Erre of 9,
Con, 6, Grey township; 150 acres, 8
acres hardwood bush; land in excel-
lent condition. One and one -hair
story brick house, barn 54ftx6Oft,
strawsbed 32x50, good stabling, bee -
house, implement shed and garage;
roofing good over all, drilled• will:
water in house and barn. Hydro
Metalled. To be sold to close
For particulars apply to
Mrs, P, A. McArthur,
Ethel, R .11. 1,
Notice To Creditors
in the estate of William Hall late
of the Village of Brussels In the
County of Huon, gentleman, Wno
died On or about the twenty-sixth
day of November, A.D. 1938.
Notices in this column Dost
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad. Orders takes
over 'Phone 35c.
Mixed Hay, good cattle ]ray.
phone 86X P. Ament
1 :Miller Incubator (400 egg eapae-
ity.i apply to
phone 111X -r-2 Mrs, M. Rands
3-year-cle heifer, due to freshen
about the middle of May.
phone 564-9 Mrs, Gordon Halley
4 Durham Cows, freshening soon;
20 Chunks of Pigs, apply to
phone 48-r-9 Carl Darton
11 miles East at Walton
14 little Pigs;, 5 weeks old
Allows 56-e-7 Dave Shiels
Graham Survey
Tendere wanted tor decorating
auditorium of Melville Presbyter-
ian Church, for sipectcations apply
to R. J. Bowman, Broussels•
—Tenders to be in by Feb. 25, 1939
Tenders for 8 cord 14 -inch Beech
and Maple Body Wood. Tenders
to be in by February 15tH.
R. Warwick,
Sec. Brussels School
12 cords et Maple and Beech body
wood, 16 inches long to be delivered
at the United church not later than
March 7, 1939, The lowest or any
tender not neoessarild accepted,
tenders to be in by Feb, 7th, 1939,
R. J. Hoover, See. of Beard
Three S4lorthorn Bulls now ready
for service; also a nice Pereheron
Horse rising three years old, color
dark grey.
Phone 354--9 Thomas Herr
TAKE NOTIOSI that all ,pages
leaving claims or demands egeiust
the estate of the above-nreptioneti
deceasedt must mall particulars and
p,roaf or same eo the undersigned
solicitor on or before the fourteenth'
day, of February, AD. 1999, upon
which date tee under menttoaed
exectutors will proceed to distribute
the eseets with regard only to those
claims whieli they shall then have
DATED at Brussels this tneenty
firth day of January, A.D. 1039.
Roy Jewitt Hall,
William Stanley Iiai.1
by their solicitor IELMERR l), BELL,
Brussels, Ontario,
We have it in 4 and S lb, pails and
65 lb, tins or can 511 your own con-
tainer for only Sc per 1b. and cave
you money. Ever so much better
than Born syrup."No healthier sweet
than Pure honey. Come and sample
It, Wood or oats taken in ex-
G. A. Deadman.
"You loolr vary downcast!"
'Yes, my wife has been array
tor six weeps and T wrote her every
week and said 1 agent the evening
at homeel
"She le beck now end the dight
bill ]las come in—it'e tor 50e1"
120 acres, mile east of Walton,
Lots 4 and 5, 1Sth Concession,
Township of Grey. Large bank
bars, frame house, excellent gravel,.
pit. Apply to Frank Finglaud,
Clinton, Ont.
Bulld an independent business
ot your own with the distribution of
over 200 guaranteed necessities in
select ddsitllee. Every day is pay
day. Be'peat orders on all goods.
Lower prices, Sudcess guaranteed
to all honest aanbitioue, alert men.
Write today without obligation to
Fi .MPLEX CO, 570 Sat. Clement,
Without x proper license
it you issue Marriage Lie,
eases, tell tie young folks
shout ft in ourClasslfted A4i4
They atl'know a licence le
necessary, but they don't alt
know where to get one.
This paper *popular with
the young pcbplte.