The Brussels Post, 1939-2-1, Page 3THE .BRUSSELS POST .for treatlueet, ...We do not; behove
R. W. KENNEDY publisher
Published Meetly Wednesday
Subscription price $150 per year,
paid in advance. Subsoriptions in
Umtted States will please add 50e
for postage.
Telephone 31 Brussels, 'Ont,
A g•entlenion who for four years
has, been treasurer of 0 tisa ne:11P
near Windeor is now in court
charged with baying stolen $7,229
of township funds. 7e is a strange
case because the former treasurer
has, none of the money and never at
any time has he taken any of it for
his own use.
In the four year during which
the treasurer .has been operating on
1lis own basis he has' found a nuns
bel• of farmers Who were hard up
and he .knew they were not far re-
moved from being on relief. Some
of them had small 'holdings and had
about concluded it was not worth
while trying to carry on any longe
when they paid! ,their taxes 11,e
treasurer handed back all ar part
of their money and. gave them re-
ceipts In full. He wanted to en-
courage them to keep on working
and not to apply for relief, and, it is
stated his plan was successful in a
number of cases.
This treasurer admits openly in
court tbat he knew what lie was
doing was wrong, but he Gays he
could not have done ,his work any
other way because the people were
so desperately hard ap. His theory
was that those who had money
sboutd help those who had so little
Apparently he operated, on some-
what the same general principle as
Robin Hood who is credited with
having plundered the rich in order
to aid the poor.
Thee treasurer appear, to have
been sincere enough, but his
blunder was In remaining as treas-
urer• •I'I ewes trying to achieve a
laudable purpose but he was doing
It in a dishonest way. He hart
named himself as the relief or
charity committee of the township
without the sanction of those who
had engaged him, and was operat-
ing In his own way without their
l.. wicidge of hie methods.
ArtI yet it is a peculiar case; it
shows the working of a mind which
ir,:ere dy human and snipe.
the actions of a man who
r'ing minethl
ag 'wrong .without
haese9,, 1itWe can n the idea
of helping othe
a na,s, ct ,,a:n, cathinkcit
easJea• than naming .thgs e proper
ph would be
of sentence for such an offender.
There is• a tendency for public
opinion! to be too easily centred
around things 'which after all should
be placed in . secondary rank. We.
have a fair enough example of that
before us right now. In, parliament
and in newapa.pes there is, a great
deal being said regarding the -regu-
lations which shall 'govern broad-
casting in this country. There have
been discussions about it In the
House of Comona and there have
been plenty of editorials about it.
Probably too many, and, even the
preachers have been at it in their
Sunday services tellinlg the folk
that their freedom, 1•s at stake..
We have not the least doubt that
the whale thing will settle down to
its proper place after a bit anti
things will go on troll the same as
usual. People will kick about Pay-
ing their $2,50 fee for a radio and
they will continue to listen to what
they prefer and that's 'about all
there is ,to it.
We have heard much about the
Bren gun report. Plenty of people
who would not know a Bren gun
from a 'boot-jaok have been malting
addreetseg and ,writing plenty of
material in the Newspapers, and we
are told it will all come up for
debating in the House of Com-
mons. And. here again the male
point is that if we need some of
t1les.e gtuls in this oonlltry ,and ap-
parently we do -•-then we SItould de.
Ode who Is going to make diem and
at what Price ,and go ahead with the
'P1ge1•13 18 a Clanger oe our p11.rlfa
meet getting clogged tap with these
socolhdory issues while the greater
gnesdlons stand to one side Walling
Per'liamsnt has ever made tt etre
eet'e effort to •settle our ettliway
business; The nhemlbere realize a
1,ad bargain was made at the 130 -
ginning ant) we have been )laying
for it ever silnee, .I eidenee suit -
milted to the,Senate last year
mode it plain the, t,;e plot>osed
cutting off of duplicating services
had been half-heantedly approached.
That problem is greater than our
radio regulations anti Breit glen
buednes5 combined and It should
not be sddetrecked,
Nor can. this country, look for.
Wald with safety to the policy of
paying a boners for the P1'04310113e
of more wheat than we need or the
wol'ld needs, and that question 10
greater than radio or Bren cum-
binee. With relief Mlle as they
sand today we have not $50,000,000
a year to pay for growing wileas.
What we are actually in gleed of in
this country is gc'ttlus first things
Mr, McCullag11 of The Globe as
Mall is very angrp over alleged dist.
crimination against him In the
matter of the use of the facilities of
the Ces' liar) Broadcasting Corpora -
eon. Le asks, "The govermnent-
co^trolled corporation discriminates
xr,rinet one citizen is favor of an-
other as it wishes. With it person-
al liberty appears to be a phantom."
Thee& are statements• that appear
rather ridiculous le view of the
fu'acts. In the a:•eet place, the
C.B.C. is not government -controlled
in the sense that the •Government
can interfere In the day to day con-
duct of its affairts. When the. Act
under which the Corporation exists
was being put through Parliament,
great care was taken to make
certain, that the Corporation would.
be free from !political interference
or Government -control. It aepears
that the regulations under which
Mr. McCullagh, was refused the
taciiitles which he wished .were
framed, not by the Government but
by the G.B.C. foe the very purpose
-of ensuring fairness in ,the use of
radio transmission. To allow men
of wealth to buy time on the radio
ad lib. for the purpose of propagat-
Ing tbedr views on public questions
would be to discriminate against
men whcse opinions may i>e just as
good but who have not the money
to pay for broadcasting. The regu-
lations of the C.B.C. in this respect
may not be pleasing to Mr. McCul•
lagh, it may be that they are
capable 01 improvement; but Mr,
McCullagh fails to prove that an;
discrimination was practised
against him. As a matter of fast,
he got his message on the air b�
using facilities not controlled by
the C.B.C. In addition he controls
t1 news -seer which he can use
every day for the dissemination of
his views. In the circumstenees,
to talk of a denial of "personal
liberty" appears to us to be, absurd,
The C.B.C. Is by no means a pops=
lar institution, but we do not he-
lieve 11,111 suffer in public estima-
tion by refusing to be "runt' by men
who think that money can buy any.
thing and everything,
* * ♦ '• * ', * * *
Cousin Ezra
* * * (By A. R. K.) It.
* *
1t My Cousin. Ezra's wrong once
more, worse now than what lie's
been before, and •Lyre's feeling
blue; the dainty widow yesterday,
was packing up to go away, and all
this Ezra knew,
II And sire had things all set to
go, she'd, dug and shovelled. out her
snow, and that too seemed a shame;
so Ezra hollered front the gate
that if she'd' rest a bit anti wait he'd
chive her to the 'train,
11' So Ezra toted gripe and stuff,
mei said. they Were as light as flutf,
and• gaily drove away; if she'd say
When she'd be back, he'd gladly
take the family Back, and meet her
any day.
11 His wife had been down town
that clay, she sow him as he drove
away, of parcels she had. tour; her
temper rose sour.six degrees, fur
she was shaking at the knees, her
wester rose up some more.
Wdten Dere drove i>ack from
the t10h1, his wife's tongue lit s
little flame, produced a lot of heat,
She up turd saki before 5110 stopped,
that She coned hobble till sire drop.
ped, 101111 blister's en her feet,
1t So Mire thinking hard Mat now,
on ,110w to miss anther row his outs
look's melee black; he'd toldtee
widow hew he'd melee, 811(1 gladly
do 0110 lithe ruin --whenever sho
got beck,
The Towns
In Huron County
"'Menem is telt neatest town 1
Huron' County, It •Ilan no eyesores,
Comity Valuator It, G. Mogg tog
emir County Council last week
e has Jul,, travelled 22,000 mile
asaaesring the county, "The sam
can't be saki of C!oderich (The
Prettiest Town inCanada)." he
added, "There are a lot of old
buildings in Go(erielr tlhat are not
pleasing to the eye," A,pant from
summer Menthe In GGoderich, Ex.
ether was the best business town in
the eountty. Clinton has _live, ag-
gresstve merchants and, a lot of.
business is done there, But In
Seafor+til, dile ,Scotch merchants
spent too ,much time bemoaning the
Plight of ,the farmer, Last but not
least, Blyth, home of Reeve George
McNeil, horseman and relusman,
'Blyth," said i1Ir. Mogg, "is good
for .horse races."
and others.
Election, of Officers—The follow -
11 ing officers were elected in eonneo-
tion with I.O.G,T. Ledge of tills
d place: C, To D. Armstrong; V. T.,
Mess Edith Hill; 1t.S., A. Langdale;
F, S., J, /Mosisell; T. Miss Lr, Wale
0 e1'; C„ E. Tompkins; M., W, Miller;
It G., -Miss A, Rivers; S., T. Hill; P.C.
T„ W. RodIlleb; T. D„ J. Buyers,
Sero Aro Items Falzon F-oA
?41.. of the Pow of Sal
and 26 roars Aye
S. Jlackson, Toronto, visited: his
son, Dr. G. P, Jackson, several days
lash week.
* • •
Mr. Weaning and family arrived
from Sunderland this week. The
former has opened a butcher shop
in the Sanders block, north of the
jewelry store.
Miss Maude Jackson is visiting
her sister, Mr, 11. R. McDonald at
Beigden, Lambton County,
• • •
'Morris gabe a majority of 152 for
the Canada Temperance Act last
Alex Speir and •family have taken
up housekeeping on the Speir farm,
5th line, The plaice was formerly
known as th eSharpe farm.
During the • past • week George
Somerville of Menora, Mna., has
been v9shting hie mother and
brother, 5211 line Morris. It Is
14 years since he went West,
Mrs, (Dr,) Tyernren, of Brock.
Sask., is a visitor at the home of
H. Tyermsn (West Gravel Rond,)
Masses May and Jennie Oliver
have gone to visit friends et Strat-
ford, North Easteppe and Bright,
r �
'One day lana week Edwarcl Garvin
Who lives 131, miles 5011111 of Brus-
eers had the misfortune to fall at
the stable and dislocate one of his
Grey townshlp gave the largest
majority, 323. recorded In the
County in support of the Canada
Temperance Act,
Mrs. N, le. Gerry was visiting 'her
daughter in Hanover last week,
• • •
McIntosh of Dakota woe visit-
ing councillor Muldoon lash week.
Mrs, Ritchie an•d' daughter, Miss
Lina of Winchester were visitors at
the home of Alex, Stewart, Queen
St,, last week,
• * • •
Miss, Maggie, Queen St..
lett. this week for a visit with relu-
tivee. sand friends in; the West,
Jas. Grieve has leased his farm
to Joseph. Webster for a term of
years and neat spring hleill take a
trill 10 11lanitoba and Dakota,
• *
M;re, Davis, 6ti1 lisle, 'huts• been
dangerously 111 but Is, now were -
whet 1mIproved,
There will be quite an exodu.l
from bills township next earring 10
the Northwest enc!' Dakota, A;nong
the number leaving will he ,Teo..
and Matthew Ouglrten, Jno, Max
well, Jiro, Draftee, Win, Citlipnron
M0Indosh-Smith—At the manse,
Myth, on Jan, 21st, by Rev, A,
ilIoLean, Mr. Alex. Mc✓Intosil of
Langdon, Dakota to Miss Maggie
Smith, Morris,
Two leen who were said to have
been making money in Toronto
were arrested. The stuff was bogus.
One young man who has a B.A.
are an M.A. is still being supported
by his PA.
Police have rounded, up a number
of shaving brushee. sent from JaPsn
to Cdnada, fearing they were infeet-
edt with anthrax. Nice wont though
rather a close shave.
It wadi mentioned in the papers
that a daughter of the King of Italy
had been married. Pictures show
she is a nice looking gal but we'd
almost forgotten there was a king
In Italy.
Grandjury in Toronto .recom-
mended that pedestrians should pay
more attention to traffic lights, In
any city where •there are ,traffic
lights it Ispossible to see people
every day in the week who ere ap-
parently color blind.
Bombing planes of the future we
are told will attain a height of 40.-
000 feet to be safe from anti-aircraft
glint& And that is about 7% miles.
When such a machine crashes it
will be an event worthy of mention.
A man in Detroit wanted police to
put him is jailbecause his rela-
tives were tired of feeding him. He
said be could eat a whole ham at a
meal and a side dish of half a gallon
of beans. Looking at the expense
account, court officials expressed
no great desire to jail the new-
New recruits for the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police will be single men
But of course there is no law to
say a man must stay single after
joining the force,
Planes. being mase for France
are reported to have strewn a speed
of 075 miles per hour in tests, If
the pilot of a Thule like that did not
feel any special urge to Sight he
could get a long may. aft Prong
trouble in a short time.
It is urged that people shored
Irian' a tree to mark the visit of
the King and Queen to this country.
Nice idea, but is, it not a fact that
it would merely mean, taking a tree
from one place and putting it in an-
(Intended, for last week)
The annual meeting of the con-
gregation of Knox United church
was held in the basement of the
church on Tuesday evening, Owing
to the snowy weather the attend-
ance was not as large as it might
have been but between sixty and
severity sat down to a trot supper at
seven o'elock, At the conclusion of
the slipper .Rev T. 13, Townend
opened the meeting with a hymn
and sclipaaro reading followed by
prayer, ,Mas, C. 11. Catittes was ap-
pointed secertaly of the meeting,
The pastoral latter was: read by
Rev, J. 13. Townend. The treasur-
er's report was given by J, C.
Procter, treasure!',
All societies Presented their re -
Port presented by Mrs, J, Wheeler
count of the year's activities. These
all showed great nctivity anti cash
balances on bend, The auditor's re -
poet preeented by Mns. J, Wheelee
stated there Was a balnece on Hand
and 110 liabilities to be met, Follow-
ing these reports the various off
fleet's were elected; Gordon' Walsh,
Albert Vincent, 'Cecil Wheeler
were elected to the !Board of Stew -
area Cor the ,three year tern). Other
members, of the beard are Chris
Nethery, Heel) Wheeler, Lyle Hop.
Per, Harrold Procter, George, !liar.
tit, Norman Walsh, The afters,
Harold 13 Incept, Bob Yulli, Borden
Scott Vend Kenneth 'Wheeler, Plate
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�•*r Fares. Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. Sc, Handbias,.
coleletrs Harry McCleneghany 3
A. Geddes, Jesse Wheeler, Martin
Granby; auditors, Mrs, Jesse Wheel-
er and Mrs. R. Nicholson; treasur-
er, J. C. Procter, manse committee,
H. Wheeler and Robert Stonehouse.
Itwas decided to hold' the annual
meeting next year in the evening
with a supper, as this year. Votes
of appreciation were expressed to
organist, leader and members of
the choir, and the several organiza-
tions far their help and co-opera-
tion during the year. A vote of ap-
preciation was also extended to
Rev, and lens. 3. B. Townend and
an invitation to remain another
year. Rev. Townend made a very
fatting reply,
A very euccessfui meeting was 1
brought to a close with the bene-
diction by Rev, J. B. Townend,
She was a big slrol1g woman, and
the burglar she had tackled bore
unmistakable signs of punishment
as the police arrived.
Justice of the Peace --"It was
very brave of you, lady, to risk pour
fife and to set upon the burglar and
capture him hut you did not need 20
blacken both his eyes and knock all
his teeth out, did you?"
Woman (looking very indignant)
_allow was, I to know it was a burg-
lar? I had been waiting up for my
husband for three hours, and in the
darts I thought it was him."
Read the Ads.
Boy Leaves Hospital
Under Ills Own Power
After Four Long Years
lad's Parents Don't Pay, , question, "How about it, now; don't
Cent For Expert Case 0! Apse
baclr from t se pr vat patients
and Treatment who can afford to pay?"
"Woulit be aske
"that out of the 434 beds"'inhe the Hos-
Elght-year-old Jim has gone back ;pital for Sick Children, 414 are in
to the north country after four years public wards? We had 9,000 patients
in the Hospital for Sick Chilcren, :last year, and less than five per cent.
Toronto. He walked out, carrying ' of thesewere private patients,
his own handbag. "We are a public hospital. and Iike
Four years earlier, when he was every public hospital, we are re -
ha dlyt n
11 retran a baby, his parents 1 retired by law to accept any patientg journey down to To- , who comes to our doors in need of
appeared! in tithe Jim
out p ticnta' clinwith thane ic !they need, and We give
it s not unusual everything for
at the Hospital for Sick Children 1 the hospital to furnish from 8300 to
and told the doctor that Jen hada $400 worth of serum to a single pa.•
sore back:. Whatever
tint suffering As they do with thousands of other Yrom pneumonia,
rs lents every year, the doctors et ! r the cost to us. we get only
the clinic gave the little boy a thor- per patient." allowance of $2,35 a day,
ough examination. Some of the
ablest physicians and surgeons in Some serums are given free to the
Toronto ware there. They took X- I hospitals by the Provincial Depart -
rays, made blood tests and "sec -+met of Health; the others, not on
tions," and found that Jim had athe free list, must be paid for.
tubercular spine. They took him It's pretty obvious, then, that the
upstairs and put him to bed, while hospital has to make up its aperat-
his father and mother stayed around Ing loss some other way.
for a few days and then went back This is the reason for the regular
up north. annual appeal to humane and chari-
Jiro had scar ely doctors the cance to get betht - !Able cit4out-patients'
ut p tientr clinicfor owas crowd -
The nut-
ter. But they worked over him un- ed by 9:30 this morning. Waiting
teasingly, turned loose all the magic room and corridors were filled with
of modern medicine—for four long parents and children from infants to
years, while the little boy ticked off adolescents, Several hundred come
bis birthdays. ! here every day, many from outside
Well, it worked, Jim did get bet- Toronto.
ter, and he walked out of the hos- Of all the hundreds of fathers and
pitai with a strong back set on two mothers who brought in their ailing
stuthey bus!, countrysof Northhome ern On 50ucentsrs There might be could,
tarlo, little higher for X-ray and other
special work, but the majority paid
less and many nothing at all.
Look closely into the heart of the
Hospital for Sick Children, and
you'll only
tess htiperb skill but an organization thatis almost unique in the world. It is
a children's hospital for everyone hi
Ontario„ drawing Its patients from
every municipality even to the farth-
est corners of the province,
36, The Hospital for Sick Chil- areae s no statutory pro ' de-
dren invested $1,400,00 of its own p0 peresttinent
ag an outs." said de-
money In Jim's recovery. j Bawer. "But any munhosicipalities
said gh-
Tliey do things like that ever I out 2 nce h valtties trougli-
Y out the province have come to real
day in the week. The doctors who 1 t
looked after Jim for four years
doncontinually doing for hted their elplesELSs young-
sters who come to them with bad
tonsils, poor eyes, weak chests,
Hereditary diseases and a hundred
other ailments.
Broken bones come In for setting.
Babies who aren't feeding properly,
and older children whose teeth
haven't been attended to since they
were born, are looked after. The
biggest men on the hospital's staff
carry on their daily clinic in the
morning, diagnose troubles, and give
the delicate operations end care to
those who are already In hospital
skiilled physicians ande surgeonsghon
the staff of the Hospital for Sick
Children gave free of charge more
than 40,000 homes of their valuable
time. Put a value on it --say $5.00
an hour, which is too little—and you
have more than $200,000 worth of
medical services given sway in a
single hospital,
Ito-Hlospitaal listened Ole tlydtotthe
And because to -day's hospitals are
organized in an especially marvellous
way, Jim's parents didn't pay a
single cent for the four years of ex-
pert care and treatment. His muni-
cipality paid the Hospital for Sick
Children the Public Ward rate of
$L75 a day for every day the sick
tario Gove Gter overnd ment paid paid the statutory the
rate of 60c, But it cost the hospital
at least $1,00 a day more than the
ze the importance of our out-pa-
tients department, since e, very large
ients treated
ere would ebe
�otherwif the st!occupying
beds in the hospital, And that would
result in a much increased financial
load for the municipalities,"
ofstho etgreat daily clinic,lwhich hunts
out the Ills of thousands of young-
sters and results in upwards of
100,600 visits a year.
The Hfor Sick Children
does not shareain the funds Collected
by the Toronto Federation for Com.
muntty Service because patients are
admitted from all over Ontario.
Over $83,000,00 Is needed this year
to meet the unavoidable deficits
Even small gifts
re dotnly weomednd ppeltebuare thr .
Hospital's assurance from the people
of Ontario that they should continue
to race, creed or financial circum-
Your gift should be mailed to the
Appeal Secretary, Tho Hospital for
Sick Children, 67 College street, To.