HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-2-1, Page 2a
By Olive Wadsley
The Gulf Widens.
fe], in the blue -grey light of the eawn ;
Toby auelLaura faces one another
end both tueee; were pale and set. (
"I dent think there is any more
to be said." 'Laura spoke in an in-
different voice, bet tears were near.
All night long be and Toby bad
been arguing, and now they were et
the end of things.
!I One word had let to a:letter anti
between Toby's Jealousy ot Clive
'el Marlow and Laura's eager against
4- Pallid% they had arrived at the apex
of -their very worst euperience—a
IX real and bitter disagreement,
"I don't. But, all the same, why
discuss itt with him at all, the young
cur? Why let him walk upstairs
after you.--"
"Let nim?" Laura laughed. el
have told you what really happen -
-t tudi
'4±-' Toby frowned heavily.
"it's been such a Jumble," be
kind, Laura, but you have said 8)100
feald, "I am sorry if I've sounded un -
bard. things, too."
"You deserved them," sbe said,
and turned her head that he should
;le not see her tears.
It was for his own good she kept
firm about Panels. Sweet and love -
1 yand clever the girl might be, but
it was time she lett Toby alone!
And Toby—
She looked at him now, his hair
on end and his face pale.
Re was a new and miserable
Toby, and sbe was struck by a end -
len and terrible fear.
Thent she dismissed it. He was
not the first man who has fallen a
victim to a younger girl's cbarms
only to come back to the wife peel -
tent and ashamed.
Toby bad not even strayed, she
was silly to imagine things, yet this
night had been horrible, and awful
things had been said. Toby even
"It you think I have encourage&
had suggested she had. flirted with
Marlow, not harmfully, but flirted!
And he had defended Pamie at
every point and then bad flown Into
a rage and cursed the whole of the
Film l'onipany, froni the directors
to the eleaners, and wished the
place would fall to bits and ee en
for nearly ten minutes.
Then he said Laura was a Jealous
woman who envied the girl eer
chance atter which be had almost
fallen en bis knees to apologise,
And 110•31P it was dawn and they
were as far apa.t as ever—out-
Par both were proud—both tired
and stubborn—neither would say,
"I'm sorry!"
"I shall go to bed for an 'hour or
so," Laura said, as he sat hunched
up in the chair in the smoke -room.
teeribly 'tired and so must you
be. You will see things my wey
later on."
'And you are set on Pansie going
away?' he asked.
"Yes. She is not our type and up.
sets things. When she first arrie.
ed and was lonely it was a kindness
to have her here, but she is making
friends and can enjoy herself belts
on her own."
"And +she will get spoilt oomplete-
ly," mumbled Toby, "I was
tbinking over another story with
her in- it, and, I thought we might all
discuss it when this one was over.
If she gets away on her own she
might sign herself to some tool
agent or another film company and
we'll lose her."
"Why can't our people sign ber
on dor a year?" asked Laura. "It
she is so wonderful why let her
saip? Besides, X cannot take the
responsibility of a girl of her age
and disPaition. t have other
things to think of Just now,"
"You haven't promise: to let
that young cad paint you, atter all,
The question was the last straw,
the whip -lash en a soul already
Laura flamed with Inelignetion.
"That is an impertinent question
I refuse to answer, Good night."
She -tent up the dark and ilent
staircase and into her room, ;where
sbe locked the door and lay on the
bed. too weary too hart and bewild-
ered, to even weep.
* * *
For at least another hour Toby
set, then he rose and wondered
what the world had come to. One
could net trust anything or anyone
anywhere at anytime! It WAS all a
hopeless mess, end he was fed to
the hilt and wouldn't he love a
Drink was creeping into his veins
and he knew It, With a Jerk he
straightened his shoulders and
decided a cold 'bath and bed; for a
few hours- would be best, Quietly
he len the room, switched off the
light. As he did, so he telt a. soft
hand suddenly grasp his arra aiM
another presc over his lips.
"Hush, denet wake the eousebottl:
It's Pansie. Pine on my way out De-
Startled, he pulled the girl, soft
and pertumed, back into the dark-
ness of the room -he had Just va-
"Going?" he asked in a husky
whisper. "Where—whY,"
A ehokedsob answered bim.
40h, you know! She said.—"
He ceught her (hands.
"Don't be a silly girl. It will be
all right Besides, where could you
go at this; hour?"
"Never mind—Pm going!" Pansie
struggled free, "I've packed a case
and I'll catch a. workman's train to
town. I am used to running away,"
she added, with forlorn humor.
"you're not going!"
lelastertully the man shut the
door told elwitebed the light on
11 showed a pale if powdered
Pansie, who carried a royal blue
suitcase and whose reproachful
eyes stared in e, blinking manner at
him from under the brim of a very
Wart hat,
Eel' fah, %Way itEt the Men
cree n bee Strangeneele 0
Meeting -
lie telt drawn to her, but as yet
thee° 'Wes uo passion in that et.
'I thine I have caused quite
enough upset lime without etayetg
anoeber hoe :' Pewee vowed. "I
am going! Pleetse-e—e
With a perfectly ineffeetual move-
ment she tried to free herself, and
Toby laughed oddly.
"'on abetted, Iced! she said, nYou
know leuea doesn't mean what ahe
said, and I douet went. you to gm"
Teartul blue eyes; were raised to
his, rine for a moment the two look-
ed seine wha t. awkwardly u.t; es eb
other --at lease, the neati was awk-
ward and seit-conetions and not
without a sense of baying made a
foolish remark.
'Well, you are alene, and inewieci
and I—" He etuneeled.
;"Ath, yes, I know, bat ell the Same
I am going!"
Pansie flushed e,t the mention et
Laura—it was a flush of angee, and
she turned away really freeing her
hand DOW and opening the door.
"It is daylight and the sun is up,"
she went. on. sl am going to walk
to the station and catch the nest
• Perplexedly Toby 'watched her 00
toweedlsthe hall door. lie knew
that somewhere in elle rear the
maids were astir already, and it wee
very horrible and silly. What fools
women were!
He saw Pansie go out and heard
the doer shut, and then, acting on
impulse, as he always did, he elecid-
ett to meet her in ;the garden by go-
ing out through the French win-
dows of the drawing -room.
It was a. matter of sem-nide to do.
so and as Pansie lett the grounds ot
Riverview Toby ram pantingly atter
* *
About the time they, were at. the
station Laura, atter a sleepless
night, deckled to go down- to break.
fast and maike her peace with her
Lt was very wrong to behave so
badly she. thought, as &he bathed
and dressed iquicklY, and felt mare
that seen in the clear light of the;
day, her attitude towards Pansie
O'Connor -would be understood be'
Th -e sound of the telephone
startled her, and she moved towards
the stairs wondering who would call
them before breakfast—unless it
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'wee an teapot/tent Meseuge Irani the
-Siert was at the lekstrument 1girdr0
the Meld, and. unlit/keel the receiver
with Melo unowivaige of the shock
she eves to hove given her.
The YUSCO that came to her %IVO
Wikn that of the landlady in Ken-
nington Park Road, and R told her
in accents of mingled exeltemout
and condemnation that M. Olive
tearlow had been -taken 111 throUgh
poison a1I1 was rinsing for ars
Stilleveed, and the deem Said, MK
hd better tomo it OD W01114, At
once, please.
"He's orying to see you some-
thing awful!" concluded the good
lady et Kenniagton, "He sent as
hs hest was 'broke and his life
ruined, and in; any case be aut
eele are my rout for three weeke."
Leure, remembering the wild look
on Marlow's trace decided sbe most
see him if only to prove that eh
WS 10 no way responsible tor the.
It woeld never do to have Toey'a
career spoilt by s scantlal.
A few hurried words; to Alice
elicited the infoemation that 'ter
husband lied gone out. Ile and Miss
Pansie had gone tower's- the station.
That made Laura decide not to tell
where she was- bound so quickie,
for evidently Toby was harping on!
the girl leaving them, while be had
taken the matter into her own
hands; and had gone, as her dis-
mantled room showed. Possibly
Toby, acting like the spoilt boy be
was, had gone after her to ask her
to come back,
"It will serve him right if he
wonders where I am!" Learn
thought, as she drove the two-seater
Londontwards. "If he has gone to
town to see that aggravating girl
properly housed he will come back
and find me noosing for a few
She sent the ear forward swiftly,
and ber eyes were stormy.
So Laura rushed to London,
while Toby and Pansie, taking a
short cut back over some fields.
missed her and arrived at River-
view to find her absent.
Toby was more disgrented than
ever and, Pansie sulky, for a walk
over fields wet with dew had ruined
her stockings and she bad Tidied
her ankle twice.
She bad wanted a really dramati
cal exit with. Toby chasing after her
to London, where she could enact
the scene she had Imagined.
NOW, before his wife, she would
he at a loss and, almost humbled.
Imagine her barely concealed JOY
and- Toby's consternation when
Alice informed them, es she put the
ego and bacon on the table, that
the Mistress bad motored to Loudon
to see a gentleman who was ser-
iously ill, and didn't say when sbe
would be back,
Nothing Toby. could ask elicited
anything more from the maid, and
finally it was Pansie who hit the
nail on the head.
"I expect she has gone to see
Young Mer/ow," she said, "that girl
said she heard Kennington Park
Road mentioned and he lives there.
I expect she is having her portrait
,painted as a surprise for you."
"Atter yesterday?" demanded
Toby. 'INot lik&y1 No. Laura
basue gone to see bim, I'm sure of
"Well, then, why Kennington?
Before breakfast, too! kt was vary
"Scarcely a. sitting for a portrait,.
then!" grunted Toby, who by now
was really feeling very sorry for
himself. It was. the final blow on
to a a horrible teveuty-four hours,
and he was ready to do something
desperate. "If I thought she'd gone
to see that blighter, rd--"
"Poor iboy!" Pansie cupped her
chin in her soft hands and stared
over at him sorrowfully 00,h, I
wish this hadn't happened., but
something tells me she has gone to
Olive Marlow. Why, I don't know,
unless—tmless—" She paused
and her eyee fell, "Yen see' Olive le
In Ileve with berl" she faltered.
"We all know that?"
'Who's the 'all'?' demanded 'Toby
with %tore force than tleganee.
"This is news to me, anyneaYi"
Ob, we ail know," said Pansie
vaguely, and then, she rose and
went over to him and her voice was
low and soft. "Oh, Toby, 1 am so
very, very sorry for you! Because
'What is it, Pantile? Yon are
trying to tell Me, something, Out
With it, I feel like a man in
daT"Olb; ,caugelt her by the shouldere
and stared at ber miserably,
Unto overetired brain a hew
and really serious tear Was
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