HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-1-25, Page 4wee
JANUARY 250.i, 1839
sods IIMIU111011HIllIuIIIN11IMillitilhllIAIiI.
arc ry
On isplay at
Garage, Brussels
Good Used Car Bargains
'38 De Luxe Ford Sedan (new car guarantee, 7,000 miles)
'37 De Luxe Chevrolet Master Sedan (14,000 miles)
'37 De Luxe Ford Sedan (like new)
'38 De Luxe Ford Coach
50 OTHER USED CARS—other models, other makes
'38 Fargo, Panel Delivery (13,000 miles, like new)
'35 Dodge Long Wheelbase
2 Chevrolet Stake Trucks
2 Ford Stake Trucks
TRACTORS -2 used, Reconditioned Tractors
Now Is the Time to Buy Your New Tractor
See — — Claire Long
phone 23-r-23 Representative Brussels
& W. Jackson Motors
-Service With a Smile -
Phone 161 Wallace St., Listowel
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 1 Ethel, Ont. — Phone 22-8
Phone 20X - Brussels; On• I General Insurance Agent
Cls�s•�i,1 •�
Pulls you through!
The most powerful Big Traction
Tire ever built for Light Trucks!
• With these smooth -
rolling Goodyear Studded
Sure -Grips on your truck
you can laugh at winter
storms, and spring thaws.
Merchants, farmers, any
one who must keep light
trucks going all through
the bad -road -season need.
these husky tires.
Heavy, long -wearing,
tractor -type) self-cleaning
tread; new compression.
proof Supertwist cord
body provide for many
extra miles of dependable
Get the facts from your
Goodyear dealer today!
Available in Sizes
6,00416 6.5046
7.00.17 7.5046
—`r li
169 By
See. I. Call'em
1i 1I Ill i i®I 11611111111®I I IM I Id1l ills, Igll I lel l la; l IBI l
"How many students are there at
your college?"
"Oh about one in ten."
Orator—"Who has done most to
rouse the working classes?"
Hesokler—+"The inventor of alarm
"More than three hundred tons of
sugar are wasted every year inthe
bottom of tea cups," says a statist'.
clan. This announcement is ex.
petted to cause a. •great stir In
Bugs Is Bugs
During the world war one of the
officers ran across one of the dark -
les who used to work on his planta-
tion, "What makes you scratch so.
'It am dese mathmetical bugs,
suh," remarked Santo.
"What are mathematical bugs,
Sambo? I never heard of them,"
said the officer.
"Well, suh, I guess dey get der
name because ley substraot 'from yu
happiness, divide yu attention, add
to yu misery and multiply like de
Abomination: A bombing attack
on a nation.
Civilian: A person who always
gives a civil answer.
Classic. Something very classy.
Polygot: A glutton in many kinds
Bailiff: A spice that is put in with
a roast,
The Nudist Movement
Flapper. "Ani next week I'm off
to Paris to get my clothes.' '
Grandmother: "Yes, yes, I'd
wondered where you'd left then'."
"Pa, what's a matrimonial
"It's a pureau, son, with six draw-
ers packed full of women's fixing'
and one mean's. necktie,"
Old Stuff
Dentist—I'm sorry bet I'm out, of
gas, miss.
Sweet Patient—Ye gods, do dent-
ists pull that one too?"
Being a hnrsb'and ';s like any
other job—it makes it a lot easier
if you learn to like your boss.
The old-fashioned doll said ` "ora
ma" when you squeezed her—•but
the modern one says ''Oh boy."
The doctor was visiting Rastas'
wife to deliver her twelfth offspring.
while riding along with Rastus he
saw a duck on the road. Doctor:
'Whose duck Is that " Rastus:
"That am't no duck. Thut's, the stork
with his legs wore off."
The Ford is my car,
I shall not want another;
It maketh me fie clown in wet plares
It solleth my clothes;
It leadeth me into the paths of
For its name sake.
It leadeth me into deep water;
It prepareth a breakdown in time
Presence of mine enemies.
Yea, though I run clown the valley:
T am towed rp the hills.
I fear mush evil when It is with me;
Its rod and Its engine discomfort
it auointeth my heal with oil
Rs 'lank rUt1e ih over,
Surely to goodness the 'darn thing
Follow me al Ithe tinea rr my life,
Or I will dwell to the liouee of the
Insane forever.
- ontributed,
Estate Agent. Conveyance►
and Commissioner
General Insurance
Main btreet, Ethel, Ontario
The Wept for* is which
tnb.ceo can be .rooked"
Special Session
Of Equalization
is Suggested
Reeve N. W. Trewartha
Asks That Discussion
Of Report Be Laid
( Over Until Later
A heated discussion was launches,
in Huron County Council on Thurs-
day morning when Reeve N, W.
T:ewaitha, an ex -Walden, of Clin.
ton inquired regarding the presents -
Oen of the report of Mogg and Quin-
lan, valuators on .the equalization of
the assessment ,tabled for Friday,
FIe gave notice that he would ask
that It be deferred to a speital
meeting or to the June session to
p: eve,.,, i, . -being "railroaded"
through at •this••.session.
Wraden Turner said there would
be no "rallroa•ding' 'as far as he
was concerned. EverytJhlug would
be dace fair and square.
Reeve Wilson asked that the dis-
cussion be not reported in the
newspapers, and ,at the conclusion
of it, Warden Turner requested the
council to pass a motion asking' the
press not lo report the discussion,
which was carried, and further de-
bate postponed until the report i,;
Reeve Trewartha, at the after-
noon sesion, complained that lie
could not find the 'notion appoint-
ing the valuators in the printed
minutes and the various steps
taken In appointing them were ex-
plained and pointed out to him.
Checking Old Age Pensions.
William Archibald, chairman of
the Old Age Pensions and Mothers'
Allowances Board of Huron County,
told council in a •bried address that
the government is making a cheek -
up on OW Age Pensions, which Ile
considered a good thinb. He felt
the work was most Important as it
was in the interest of citizens; un-
able adequately to support them-
School Inspector Reports.
J. 11. Kinkead, school inspector
for North Huron, in his report
said his inspectorate was oomprlse•t
of eight townships. There are 111i
teachers only one of Whom is paid
less, thaw $60 . A decreased enrol-
ment was noted and school grants
were increased,
Reeve J. 11, Scott congratulated
Mr, Kinkead on his report, and a
vote of thanks was tendered' him.
Children's Aid Report.
'Children's Aid Society report was
read showing 115 visits are child
protection; 143 office interviews,
Seven children were made petmeu-
ent wards of the society. In De-
cember 1938 there were 46 chillren
in care of the society, six of whom
are in the Shelter, one in hospital,
three in' boardisg homes, six le
adoption probation, six in wage
homes, ,twenty-two in free homes,
two receiving ,special training in
home service, and: one in a correc-
tional home. Eighteen new cases
were reported under the Unmar-
ried Parents' Act.
Hydro Supplies At Cost.
Council concurred with the reso-
1 tion of the county of Grey that
the hydro Electric 'Commission
shall secure all necessary wire,
switches, switch boxes, insulators
required for use in installing power
and supply 1115 same to all pros-
pective rural Hydro consuanees at
the actual cost of same.
Endo) satlon was given to a reso-
lution from the county of Essex
that the premier of the province
1 hie cabinet take cognizance of
the added responsibility inliosecl by
the commissioner of agrelu'itural
loans that he will not pay any pen-
alties on tax arrears in case the
mortgagor default, that this will
impose on the already of u,burden-
rd taxpayers, and that the commie.
sinter he directed to pay, as ell
other taxpayers are obliged to pay
and by so doing will assist to some
extent the alrealy overburdened
Council endorsed a resolution
from ,the Courcy of Middloser to re•
quart the Province of 'Ontario to
a:nond the Dog Tax anll hive Stook
Act to Include horses, hogs and
pouOtt•y besides sheep and Battle,
Brussels, Ont.
Phone 70
Soap Flakes 4 lbs. for 25c
Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour 6 pkg • • ' • •••• • • ' ' • ' 22c
Pacific Pastry Flour • • •••• • • • • 6 pkg. • • • ' • • ...... • . •. • ' - . • 18c
Walker Fresh Sodas 2 for
Libby's Vegetable Soups .••• • • • • 3 for
Libby's, Pork & Beans • • 3 for • • • 25c
Comfort Soap • • • • • • •••• • • - •' • • , • • 6 bars for
Rice ... .......... , ., .... 3 tb for , ... , ,., • , • 25c
3 tins for ••••••••••• 25c
24 -oz. . . 24c
2 pkg for • • . • • ••.......-. • . • . 15c
Real Bargain Black Pepper 1 Ib
Gold Medal Coffee • ••••-••••• • • • 1/2 lb • •
Try Our Cooking Bran • • • • , • • • • • 2 It
Pure Clover Honey - • • •••-•••-••• • 10 lb . • • • ••••........ • • • • , 90c
Caravan Hand Soap 10 bars . • • • 25c
Miracle Washing Fluid • • -•---• • • • • • • 2 for • • •••• • • • - • • • . • • • • • 25c
Brock's Bird Seed Large pkg ••.. 19c
Pride -of -Valley Tomatoes
Falcon Prepared Mustard
Washing Soda
••• 9c
Loose Sodas • • • • • • 1 lb ••-
Gold Medal Marmalade • • .. • • . • 32 oz.
and that no claim under $5.00 be
Real Estate Taxation,
Oonsid'erable discussion was giv
en to the Mouse In the Legislativ:
Comm'ittee's report, with Reeve
Feagan In the Chair, dealing with
a resolution dr'om the County of
York, and was finally carried' on
division of 15 to 13. The resolution
asked that the federal and .provin-
cial parliaments be petitioned to
make 'the necessary amendments to
th eapproprtate statutes to relieve
real estate from taxation for those
services which do not contribute
Meetly to the protection and ear -
vice or real estate and in particu-
lar taxation for unemployment re-
lief, hospitalization, secondary edu-
Couneil endorsed the recomntend-
atiou of the committee concurring
with a resolution from the County
of Elgin seeking ehemiption from
the operation of Section 18, Chap,
191 of the Indrusta•ial Standards Act,
setting minimum wages.
No Deer Season
The resolution sponsored by
Reeve Gamble and Weir to have
an open season to rdeer in Huroc
County was thrown out after some
Reeve Lamport said the deer are
friends of (mankind, and one way
of overcoming the alleged destruc-
tion of 'trees was to plant and
Reeve Mawhinney agreed. "We
should have more wild 1ite;' he
The tenders for the gaol supplies
of J. Cabvin, 'Cubt, for groceries;
D. O'Brien for meat, and E. V.
Cleveland for bread, were accepted
Ross Johnston, 2tu'idh, was se -
appointed corn borer inspector at
45c an hour and mileage.
Grants Authorized.
The following grants were auth-
orized: Clinton Spring Fair, $25:
HuronCounty Ratepayers' and
Tnurttees' Association; $25; Salve-
tion Army for rescue work, $250;
Canadian Institute for the Blind,
$150; Ontario Conservation and Re-
forestation Association, $25; East,
West and South. Iluron Women's
Instttntes ,each $25; Goderich,
Winehant., Seafonth and Clinton
hospitals, each $700; Hensel' Seed
Pair, $35; Hensel] Spring Stock
Show, $85; Junior Extension Funri,
$200; Agricultural Representative
office, $500; 'Central Agricultural
•Oonncil, $50; •Clinton Seed Fair,
•$100; each school fair, $15; Ontario
Educational Association tar mem.
heirship, $5.90,
Charges Rank Discrimination
"Why such rank clieeriminatlon
made between Agriculitti'al Soele_
ties• and Women's Insti•tntes7" 051i-
ec1 Reeve Roland Grain when the
report of the executive committee
recommending "no action" in grant
to the latter organization wee re'td,
"Women always tomo to tine rescue
at plowing catches, school fairs
Reeve 3, H. Scott: "One or the
most interesting meetings I ever
attended was that of a local Wo-
men's Institute. 1 'would advise tho
members 03 the council to get an
invitation and see how they con-
duct their business.'' 'these reeves
sponsored a inotion giving the $25
grant to the three organizations.
T, M, Govenlook, inspector, te-
portel there were 90 Inmates In the.
County Home. The total recelpto
were $2.2,329.36 with a balance
the bank of $71,10, the report of
Dr. J. W. Shaw, physician ,read.
Dorranoe-Leiper—That the clerk
write a letter of 'sympathy to the
family of the late John Dodds, tor
mer reeve of McKillop. Carried.
Scott-Passmore—That the Agri-
cultural Committee consider the
possibility of taking some definite
action at• this session in regard to
some plan of refes'tation for the
county of Huron and bring in a re-
port to council as soon a spossibl ,.
—Agricultural Committee,
TE 1?
tiET O v
We hope that public will take
full advantage of the "Letter box"
and use it every week, Letters on a
wide variety of subjeots of interest
to our readers, discussions, etc., will
be welcomed and we, urge all to
contribute to this column,
Letters must be signed with your
own name as well as a pen name
but only the pen name will be
published if so requested, All cor-
respondence regarded as strictly
conn den Gal.
Mr, Editor,
Dear Sdr:—
Jan, 17th
This letter„ I hope, will find its
way into your "Letter Box," which,
I believe 1s a vett' good idea and a
decided, addition to any paper, It
is very fine to have an "open
column') where many things of in.
tereat may he brought forward and
t1iscuesed, 11` only It will ;prover there
are enough interested to come for-
ward and contribute to it,
Things have been very quiet lu
the vdllage this winter. Wouldn't
it be fine if there might he a one
mnttnity club formed such as we had
a few years ago? The patties 051
hold were most enjoyable, a source
or :wholesome ento.rialumen t for
young anti olxl, 'Couldn't we have
the sauna thing again
Best wishes Por the 51/01558 of
your 'Letterbox,"
A Reader