HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-1-18, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNPSDAY, ,IAM, 18th, 1888 w.o0den vomit; before hatitosid, Alp, As yell hear my POOingf.etu j3,Q,, tattle -tele g'raY lar CKNee were ever dreamed of, and a rod foie of THOMPSONI sulphur and wound. the and a slab Aria - aids far nark ,,sone+ Lite t tui a et)Of to any die'eeee that youngsters i Rest wise ilei, to. Yon can ,cues;; Brussels, Ont. + Phone 70 though it was oily yeslterdey the old school where John Shaw was • ft et Principle ant' the huge box "Ei el. iiif s,�{PE(IALS i mom 8 lbs. of Cooking Onions No, 25c Prunes • • 3 tb for'25c Walnuts, • . • , •• • , • , 1 lb for : • .. •• • • 20c Loose Sodas • • • • • •- ... . 1 Ib for 15c Ginger Cakes • ••• •, • • . 1 doz. for Oxydol, • ..... Large package St. Lawrence Corn Starch • • ' • ' . • • , ' • • ' •',,, Wheat Berries , • ••••••• • • • . • • • • • • 5 lb Lemons 1 dozen . , . , ,.,•, Matches ,,,•.....,.••-•,• 3 boxes ,,,.,.•„ 20c Black Pepper , .. , , ..... ..., .. , .. 20c Fresh Oysters • •--••• • • • • • • , • • per .lar 25c Bee Hive Corn S;; run ........ • 5 :Ib • • •••• • • • • •••• • , • • • .. 38c •• • Sc 23c 8c 21c •• 22c T ETE E•R i tiE a D.X. We hope that public will take full adventage of the "Letter box" and use it every week, Letters on a wide variety of subjects of interest to onr readers, discussions etc.; will be welcomed and we urge all to cootribu•te to tbis column, Letters must be signed with your own name as well as a nem name but only the pen name will be published 11 so requested. All Cor-, respondence regarded as strictly confden tial, While only two letters asked for last week concerning the ringing of the town bell have been sent to the letteegox we have made a con- siderable number who called the office of the "Post' to state em- phatically that they wish to . have the bell rang as is now done. One oltizen even said he would just as soon live in Jamestown if the ring- ing of the bell was discontinued and an elderly lady stated that if the town bell did not ring as usual Brussels just wouldn't be hone anp More. So it•seems onr citizens are much a!-:finri any change in the custom that bus been carried on for so many years. We did not have a single vote in favour of discontinu- ing or changing the hour of the "old town belie' The Editor: Ring the bel lane keep the town alive, A Citizen . To the Citizens of Brussels:- I am your town bell. From my place, lt'''i up in the belfrey, at the rear aC tee old town hall, I have oxen five generations of ,men and etmen, boys and girls as they came, paused for awhile sac: passed on. First the ardoneers, who 'came egw.iiped richly with high ideals, brave hearlts, and hopeful visions of height flutures • and abunfaiit hanpiiness and ;eras¢rerity, for them- selves and those to follow then[, To these men and women you owe much which you would do well to oogiy into the legacy which you will bequeath to those who MUM you. It was' these anbestors of youra who chose the site, and founded your beautiful village, adding to its natural beaiute, the maple trees, em- blem of our beloved Canada, which shade your streets from the hot summer sun. You are allowing many of these to be destroyed and are not replac- ing them. Don't you think that in gratitude to those who did this for 00 Sunday morning and •i the event,.. ing, won't you accept God's invttt. - Voir to come to His House. It ne elms now as in olden bines peter exalts a nation est Oenl:munele, and sin is a reprea0111 fe any vents:. • At one time when you Weed; dP>::' i at 7 o'clock in the morning, I was stove In onepother of the room, If calling all to begin work for the you slat near it in winter, you ro:aete.d, and if yew. peat happened to be in the far corner of the room. you, lied to sit On your feet until oirculati0n stopped, to keep them from feeling quite so cold as' if left d'augling around the icy floor. T day, Blas, 10 these days 'suite folic never heem• toe, and others end Tault whit me for disturbing their slumbers, 2t maltes no difference to me at what hour I ring, but even If the 'places of industry are closed, I think there is still eeouggh neces- called you out •the night thnt. it f"••y and trustful work to be done to burned down, and could riot blame fill a day. you much for rejoicing. Aa I dream of the old days, they But from that old school, a host seem to pass before me, those of boys and, girls went forth to Ell friends of other days good .bad, (but not many) and none indiffer- ent, Each with a personal eber- aoteristic, The serious reineecl, the merry ones, the lovers of pleasure, the energetic, the lazy, thu humorous, the clever, the dull, Did ever another community have such a wealth of local oharac'ters.' Yee remember them all, I don't heed to recall names,. They were all my frieze:1e, They liked my greetings to bhem, especially at 12 o'clnrk noon and 6 pmt. iliow often I have roused You high and honorable positions in the world of industry. The petty t:ia)e and. dleccan>foet end. even punish- ments of the old school no doubt helped to mole and shape the lives of the pulpits for the great tasks of heine•making and nation -building in their future. In those good old days, the :spirit- ual life of a community occupied are exalted place, as was evidenced by the establishment of churches' of at least four denominations; and few were the people who did not attend service at one of them. Well do I ' when fire the eate'eed the town. Yp't remember, when it was 'first my proud privilege to call the people to worship on Sunday, h3nw gladly and joyfully I ,rang out nee resonant always found me 011 the job .I am never "frozen net" or "busted," and require only one person to help inc. I have often wondered why you; notes on 'Sunday mornings, remind- 1 fathers and mothers have not asked ing people that it was Gods Day me to assist you in the upbringing and their duty to iatper in His of your boys and girls, by ringing House for praise .and worship, And me curfew, to remind the children again in the evening, to return that it •ie time for all young 111e.tq thanks for a day oe ['est and peace he at home and• at rest, in order! to in preparati'oe for the duties of an- grow with the strength of b;tdy other week, and mind which only eaefficient rept and quiet can give. In memory's vision, I can see I have shared your joys fund epr- then[, now, those people of other rows, tolling as you mourned the days. Fathers and mothers witi) depantuee of great men and, Yemen their families wending , their way of the nation or community, and to the House of God. S can still pealing forth in resounding too¢; hear the good-natured controversy calling the citizens together to _r,; between 'Methodists and Presbyter- joice over victories or cessation, of lane as they met, two of three slaugheer when war's awful shallow; abreast at the bridge, ower which has hung over our Empire. , • should give the right of way and go Andnow I hear that some whom* single file, The lour roads lead'.ng I thought loved me, think my day pt into town were busy thoroughfares usefulness is past„ e, who have on Sunday, with all roads lending to striven so hard to do my appaluted your combed and to make lovely one of the churches. 'In is1mmer task, who love my work so. Is any your homes, you should at least they came in covered• wagons er voice not as deep and musical as democrats with two, and 'sometimes elver, Go to your pianos and'' see .0Lp for them, and leave them as three seats dull of happy y eelildien. If I am not in•perfect tune with :be you found them? It is indeed a see In winter, sleigh loads, with' lots of key of G. If there is notpure ' fish soul wlto will not pass along hert's Sage of Goods County of Huron, To Wit: issued out of His Majesty's CountyCourt of the County of Huron and to me directed against the Goods and 'Chatels of HAROLD CUNNINGHAM at the Suit of Martha A. Cunningham I hove seized and taken 111 Execution the following property, viz,— CATTLE-3 'Durham Cows; 2 Durham Heifers; '3 Durham Calves; 13 Head`2-year-old Durham Steers. HOGS -3 young Sows HQRSES--1 2 -year-old 'Driving Mare; 1 Bay Clyde Colt; 1 Dark Brown Mare 1 Black 'Horse; 1 Black Mare. IMPLEMENTS -1 Fordson Tractor; 1 Car Horse Trailer; 1 Road Cart; 1 Hay Rack; 1 Hay Fork and Ropes; 1 Magnet Cream Separator; 1 Manure Spreader, No. 7 Massey Harris; 1 ,Ideal Binder; 2 -furrow Tractor Plow, Fleury; 1Chicage Mower; 1 Cultivator "International"; 1 Disc Harrow Frost & Wood; 1 10 -foot Hay Rake Massey Harris; 1 Seed Drill Deer- ing; 1 2-furorw Plow Verity; 1 single Walking Plow; 1 Jogging Cart; 1 Set Sleighs; 1 Set Harrows 4 -sections; 1 Wagon Bayne; 1 set Double Harness; ": 1 Massey Hay Loader; 1 Wheel Barrow; Also all Tools. 1 Mow Hay about 10 or 12 tons About 300 bushels of Oats 1 Chrysler Car, Sedan r~ (Subject to legal exemptions) ' Which Goods and Chattels I shall offer for Safe at Lot 30, Concession 8, Township of Morris, on Wednesday the Twenty -Fifth day of January, 1939, at the hour of LSO of the clock ROBT. JOHNSTON, Sheriff of the County of Huron 111-. H. GORDON a 'kinduems received silvery belle on the .horses, and harmony, have your insteume.nt The recreation park, neon which buffalorobes to keep the fojh !ram• attended to', 1 the young people enjoy the "_summer and .ming. ,Those were the1days of Is there- no more need -for, sports, and, where the people oM the big RAYfaaniliee. , i • mindstrsstdoiis. Surely you he ,rouely ft .I were silent. I ,r: village, and isurj•cunddng ':,country . It makes, me sad to notice` that gather to enjoy the m'u'sic of the my voice is not heeded aa it ou'•e, have been u ito you so song, stVY 1 Town ,Band. on ,Sunday evenntcs,. was. Is not the need to worsiee not they cid boys wind girls miss my friendly greeting when they • come was 'presented by 'one of these gen a's great es slier? Ts not the' pros Mme,:. lever to the burners of •thelfi'ilin, hood? What will you do with' hie—'' me hanging up here for. roto! Tour, or make me into shrapnel "to' wound you in the next war. God forbid, erous pioneers, to the people. They founded your school. School, days! Men and women, the :uoya and. girls of long ago—can you eve" forget these carefree days, when we all drank from the same batter ed en cup, chained t0 the old ent ehaatic condition of the world, the diestreas 'of nations, and men's lteants failing them thi`ongil fear, due to our forgetfulness or"' diere- gard of God's laws? 0 that I had the power to call men back to repentance and wor. SFR GASOLENE And MOTOR O I L Once used always used Good morning, Lloyd . Mr. Reid ask A ed me to leave the car this ,horning to be 'winter -conditioned' while I'm shopping. Will It take very' long? f ' Only about an hour, Mrs. Reid, and your car will be safe for cold weather driving. er. dee 'Ft war See Your - CITIES SERVICE DEALER SANDERSON'S GARAGE Phone 73x Brussels 1 Old•, friends of Brussels I appeal to you Whom I have loved eRtee V. ed se .faithftilly, for so.- * ' C'ee ra, dont •condemn me to sileb Jfc action; that cruel thing fat 1 on . 1 the aged by many unthinking persons, and don't send me away front )moms as a I only wariit •to serve •you,Sjil the,[ way for which I was intended serve, Ts that too much to ask? I remain, . n. u Yourd' faithfully, Your old town 13e11 Brussels, ,Ian; CRANBROOK, ONT. PHONE 52-10 Annual Mid -Winter Clearance Sale Now On Seasonable Merchandise To Save You Real, Money Penman's All Wool Heavy Ribbed UnderwearO reg, 1.45 per garment"' Combinations, reg. 2.50 NOW Penman's Extra Heavy Fleece Underwear 59c $1.09 $1.00 • $1.98 Regular 85c NO Combinations—__NOW . , •. •••• • • • , . • . • • Men's Heavy All Wool Scx 6 lb reg. 85c 39c' Men's Heavy, All Wool Sox 5 tb reg 60c ,NOW Men's All Wool, Sox 4 tb reg. 50c NOW 2 pr • • 65c Overalls Extra Heavy, Large Cut, reg. 2.00 NOW • • • • $1.59 Overalls Extra Value, reg, 1,50 NOW • •• $1.19 MEN'S SHIRTS— Extra Large, Extra Heavy, For Big Men Coat Style reg. 1.50 NOW $1.09 Men's Heavy„ Winter Shirts, reg. 1.25 NOW ......... • , . 89c • Men's Heavy Mack/nay Pants, reg. 2.95 NOW • • -••-• • • $2.29 590 Rivet 'Overall Pasta reg. 1.50 NOW ••.. • • $1.10 Men's Extra Heavy Moleskin Pants, reg. 1.85 NOW $1.39 EXTRA SPECIAL -- IBEX FLANNELTT'E BLANKETS LARGE 'SIZE NOW • •••••• • $1.98 Strainer 'Milk Pails 14 -qt size Extra heavy' tinned - • • . • '98c 19c Calf Pails, Heavy Galva ized-•••,•-,. ' Large Size Barn Pails, Heavy Gaavanized NOW 75c Axe Handles, Hickory and Rock Elm 35c and 59c reg .50c and 75c hIOW • • • • •••• • • • • ' e3 Complete with handles, reg. 1.75 NOW • $ 1.29 Stable Shovels, Manure Forks, Hay Forks and Handles at Prices Below To -day's Wholesale Prices THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS .... Meath Insoles, reg. lOc NOW •-•••••••• , 2 for 15c Mt'is Extra Heavy 'Insoles, reg. 25c NOW 2; pr; 35c Men's Rubber.. Boots 'and Heavy Low Rubbers Below Replacernent Prices 3Von'Prints-in Latest Patterns, yard wide 18 reg. 25c and 28c NOW . •..and Prints, yard wide, reg. 20c NOW• - pery Broadcloth, yard wide in a range of colors reg. 20c •••••••••• NOW •••.•• • .--.-'•• 15c per yd Tadousac`'Flette, yard wide, reg. 33c and 35c NOW 23c yard Linen and Crash Towelling — At Prices That Are Bargains WROXETER The annatal meeting of toe Guile or St. J'sinos' Anglican os was held at the 'home of Mrs. J. Dnuglni on Thursday a.fternoan w the president in the chair R meeting yea opened with pr aper 71i> the reactor, Rev. A. 11. •O'Neil. The secretary -treasurer res dthe es of the last annual meeting anl9 the last meeting. Atter the business ne+tri the rector thanked all ogre ladies for their splendid 'ly •s. work and their co-operation,`, ` ile`' a'ulitor's report was renal and nrlr nen show -nig a igo^d lia.lfyb 0i on hand. The seater the Moot the. chape for the election of- afeers which nth as follows: +l•I4ttor,l,r't prestclent, Mrs, Agnes tare tires!. dent, Mrs, 11• i<iatiler; 'Yiflgi3is1•' dent, Mrs, T, Douglas; se retary treasurer, 11'tt•s. 11 Paulin; visiting committee, Mrs. 'Leri I1aake`• and Mrs, Wes. Paulin for the town, and Mrs, George Grilfdth tot ° eelihtrv,' The meeting ,closed with prayer by the rector, anter which the hosteee, served n dainty lunch, 011' it Grocery Specials for the �Wcek Specially Bought For This Sale Pure Black Pepper • ••••• • • • • 2 lb • • 29c Polifioor Florwax • • • 1 tb can 43c O5Cedar Mops Special • . • . • • • . • . • • • • • • • • 8yc Washing Soda •... 2 pkgs •- 15c Cooking Bran •••• • • • ., • 2 pkgs .. 21"ic trahanr Flour •••••• • ••^ 5 Ib pkgs •.••••••• 19c ' Rideau Hall Coffee Vacuum packed • • • • • 1 lb can ',•36c :Club House Orange Pekoe Tea... • % Illi pkg . • • , • •' 33c ',Cook's Cocoa •••. • • •••• 1 Ib can, reg. 25c • • ' • ; • 18c Gold 'Medal Choice Pumpkin ; •'. • • • • 3 cans • • .. 25c Thee' Prices are for Cash or Trade All Outstanding Accounts fear 1938 Must be Paid on or before February 4th