HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-1-18, Page 1!ru £ttg POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Juvenile Hockeyists Lose Opening' Game Brussels Tuvenite mitrante in the Huron Bruce Hockey League lost their second straight 'game of the season before a large 'crowd of s4reotator'aryat the local arena hero on .Monday evening, when the Wingham sextette defeated Brun - sets by the score of 4-1. J. Fraser was the bad Than of the evening, scoring 'two of Winghenn goals one in the flet period and the next came in the second, J. Hamil- ton and I. Biggs were the other goal -getters for Win,gdtam each scoring a •goal in the first period. J. McDonald was the only goal - getter for the Meals , J. Lowe yea robbed of a goal in the last period, was disallowed by referee H. Mitchell. The local team really came to life in the last period giving the Wingham goalie D. Adams plenty of work. But they could not seem to get in there and score. With a little more experience and' the spectacular goal minding of D. Lawless the localls will give any o1 the teams a run for their money. Brussels—D, Lawless, goal; 3, McDonald, G. Northwood, defence; D, Currie, W. Coleman, wings; I, Williams, centre; spares, H. McDon- ald, H. Huether, A. Relies, F. Rut- ledge, Underwood, J, Lowe, Duncan Wingham'—D. Adams, goal; K. Johnson, E. .Sturdy, defence; I, Biggs, 7. Hamilton, wings; G. John- son, centre; spares, S. Elliott, H. Wettlaufer, B. Forsyth, T. Fraser, M. Ha'hkirk, J. Wilson. Referee --H, Mitchell. THE BRUSSELS CREAMERY— Patronize your home factory. Give you larger returns. The Annual Meeting of East Huron Agricultural Society will be held at the Pustilic Library, Brussels Saturday, January 21st at 2 p.m. all are invited to attend Jas. Burgess, Pres, THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., Bele M i n lster SUNDAY, JAN. 22nd— MONDAY, JAN, 23rd, 8 ,p.tn.— HEAR HIS LIFE STORY .A rare opportunity to hear Gipsy Stenon Smith internationhlly famous evangelist and singer will be afford- ed the citizens of Brussels and the surrounding territory this coming week -end. Gipsy Smith who was born and raised in the camps of England is coming to Brussels United Church to conduct special services at 11 o'diook, three o'clock in the afternoon at an open session of the Sunday School and at seven in the evening this Sunday, January 22nd. .On Monday evening he will ten hie life story. Wherever Gipsy Smith appears he is greeted by thousands so come early either Sunday, Jan, 22nd or Monday, Jan. 23rd, to Brussels Mittel Church to hear this 'distinguished Christian Evangelist. :,tau..•: REGENT THEATR E PEOPLE WEK O NN AVS41 446.. 0/011ai4h011K1414.4 Bill Kcltt n ler; wire underwent a recent ' apyondicitie operation in Listowel hospital was .able, to return home on. Wednesday of this week. A great many, including children and adults, alae sufferers. from "flu,'' some are quite ill while others have milder attacks. Mr. 'Pearson Young, of Sebr Ing- ei11e, is the new manager of the Swift Canadian plant here, succeed- ing Claire Long, who resigned. Mies Blanch Liglrtowler of Sea - forth spent a day with her friend Miss Mary Lott, Addietant-,Drummond and Mrs'. Drummond and Capt, Green of St: Marys, were guests of Mins Mary Lott. Reeve Kerr left to -day for Gode- 'rich, 10 attend County C'ouncti. Mess Noria Shoklice of Walton spent the week -end at the home of her unole Mr, W. A. Lowry. Mrs. W. Speiran and daughter Jean Visited over the week -end at G -alt. Miss Madalon Speiran of Tomato, also spent a few days with Galt friends. Jack Thynne, who has spent the past months in the Maritime prov- inces, where he is widely known and acclaimed as an entetainer, has returned home. He told of the build- ing of paved highway, an extension of the Charlettown highway, from Somenside, 60 miles, to Tdgntsh, The work is all being done with men, and horse-drawn vehicles, no trucks are being used. • SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Warner Baxter M'arJorle Weaver I'll Give A Million Smith ,Ballew Lou Gehrig — MON., TUES., WED. Errol Flynn Olivia De Haviland Fours A Crowd Patric KnoWles Roseland Russel Hugh Herbert Walter Connolly a rousing comedy drama Next Thurs., (Frio and Sat. Wayne Morels Claire Trevor Charles Bickford Valley of the Giants A gorgeous ,eachnioolor of the Timberlands COMING -- Big Town Girl ; Always Goodby Gypsy Simon Smith Evangelist & Singer Will Preach At Brussels 'United Church Rev. W. Wren, M,A.B,D., writes, An Interdenominational Evangel- istic Campaign has been held in the United Churoh, Pioton, Ont„ during a period of two weeks. This cam- paign was Sponsored by the United Church in which all denominations were uni.tel at which many Roman Castholie,s were seen in attendance at these meetings. It was the first time that a whole community joined for such a series of meetings; and the regularity of attendance by Min- isters and congregations brought joy to a deeply interested town and county, These series were conduct- ed by Evangelist Gypsy Simon Small, About 17,000 ,Attended! Picton has bad many Evangelistic campaigns but no religious move- ment has so deeply and widely stir- red the whole community attracting such large 'crowds and awakening a profound interest in the things of God. All churches in the town and county have been grealtly blessed and benefitted, Gypsy Simon Smith has won a place in the affections of the People and his work will travel dortzr the years. We most heartily endorse the men, his methods and his mesasge, to any end all who de- sire the assistance at one who will render a real and +permanent ser- vice through sane methods, spiritual and 'gospel preaching through the ministry of a much beloved 'Chris- tian worker, We commend to you Gypsy Simon Snrith. We want him to come back. Rev. David' Wren, M.A.B.D. United 'Clnroh, Pictton, Ont. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1939 ll LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Huron ;County Surplus Is Reported As $4.810 The County of Huron had a sur- plus of $4,810 receipts over llabili- ties in 1938, County Council was told Tuesday for Its first session of 1939. Council's first duty was ,to elect a evarlem, Rev, R. E. Turner of Goderi•ch was elected. The .two old line ipohtica3 .parties provide a warden alternate Years, a tradition in this county instituted to prevent debate in open council. Today 13 Liberals of a council of 29 members will choose the warden h1 cauous and present their retom- mondation to counoll. elrgM The reorganization of the county pollee and the county equalization assessment report are the two train testes on the agenda. BIRTH NOTICE— .4.1 lgoocls sold by Wearever agent 1 nBruseeils that have not been de- livered will be, within the next few Weeks, Wearever Agent. Church Service Services in Melville Presbyter- ian ehur'ch on Sunday were conduct- ed by the minister, Rey, Samuel Kerr, An anthem was contributed by the choir at both morning and evening services, W. 13rngey took the bass solo part in the evening anthem. :Services in the United Church on Sunday were conducted by .the minister, Rev. H. J. Mahoney. Rector Is Appointel Rev. A, H, O'Neil, rector of the Anglican parish of Gorrie in the Huron Deanery oaf the Diocese of Huron, has been appointed to the charge of the parish of St. Paul's Clinton, to succeed Rev. K. Mc- Goun, nine years rector of Lhis par- ish and now retiring on account of illness, Mr, and Mrs. K. MoGoun and Miss Eileen will continue to re- side here. Prudham—At Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on :Sundae, Jan. 15, 1080, to Mr, and Mrs. W, M. Prudhaut . (nee Helen Kay), Kitchener, Ont., a son. Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company To Hold Annual Meeting The 55th annual meeting of the Policy Holders of the Elma Farm- ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany will be held in the Music Hall, Astwood on Tuesdap the 31st lay of January, 1939, at 2 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors and dis- posing of same. For the election of officers and any other business that may come before the meeting. J: C. Long Moved To Listowel Mr. J. C. Long, better known here as Claire, is now engaged by L. & W. Jackson Motors, Listowel and Claire will ropresemt this firm as salesman of new and used ua"s. trucks and tractors. •Olaire, who has been manage: of the Swift Canadian Co., here for the past few years is'well and favnrably known in this •district and can supply 'prospective buyers of a new or used car with Just what they want. See advertisement on an- other page of this issue, — s—s ,- 1. O. O. F. Stag Party The members of Western Star L0.O.F. Lodge, were' hosts at an enjoyable stag euchre party on the evening of Friday, Jan. 13th. The party was held in the local I.0.0,1e, lodge room when tweety- six tables were in play. Prlie winners were W. KeS's", who won first prize and M. Thom- son, second; while Eddie Hoist was the lucky chair winner and art, Davidson who received the consola- tion award. Following the card playing a lunch was served by the committee of men .in charge. NOTICE All accounts owing to the under= signed as of December 1, 1938 must 'I be paid to them by Febeuary 1, s °^ "'"`"`^ New Anglican Rector Commences $ertsice Here Rev. W. 3, Heudry, newly appoint- ed rector of SL John's Anglican Church, Brussels and St, George's Church, Walton, adcompanied •hY Mrs, Hendry and family arrived in Brussels on Saturday and coni. menced his duties in the parish on Sunday, taking charge of all sex, vices on that daY. The two older daughters, Beth and Ruth and sou Kenneth will attend oont:nuation school Here and the two younger gltds, Jean and Shirley have enrolled as students of the nubile sobool. Mr, Hendry, who has been i11 for the past three weeks, was on Pelee Island for 3 Years and disclosed some interesting facts about it. The island, *Melt is 16 miles from the mainland, the most sowtherly pent of Canada, would be entirely under water if it were not for the dykes and 4 large sestdonary engines, each worth about $15(000.00, which keep the water ,from inundating the island. Because of these the taxes are high, 3200 to 5300 for 50' acres. The land is very fertile and is a most productive farming area. The main crops are tobacco and corn. Thane is a nopulaal.= between 600 and 700. While the people are prosperous, everyone owning a car, and no one on relief, they are in- clined to be backward. There is no hydro and no waved roads, but the roads are good. The telephone service is very uncertain during the winter. The 'Post' with its readers extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Hendry and family. Obituary oNww1, Mrs. William Matheson Ms, William MetlleSon, formerly IJtnnra Violet Colvin, d,fughter of he 4116e George and Mrs, Colvin, of I3ruseeis, passed away at her home n Yaucouver 00 mouldy, as a re - 116 of a etroke, She was married in Winnipeg and moved to Ytuoouver in 1924, M'rs, Matheson was born In Brussels 48 years ago and attended 'puud•ic and continuation school here, She was a member of St. John's Angli- can church and active in Young People's work, The late Mrs. Matheson was a member of the staff of the Brussels Post for 12 years. The remains were laid to rest in the Mountain View cemetery, Van- couver. Beside her husband, she is surviv- ed by four sisters and one brother, Mrs. Geo. M. Mitchell of Collette, Sack„ Mrs. A. G. English Harding, Man., Mrs. Frank M. Grant of Boston, Mase., Mrs, W. Young and George Colvin, of Stratford, Ont. The many Brussels friends, of the Colvin family, with the 'Post' ex- tend sympathy in their bereave- ment., 1936, after which date unpaid ac- counts yill be handed to Elmer D, Bell; Solicitor, for collection. «., BANKER BROS. Women's Institute Institute meeting on Friday, Jan. 20111, 1939, is to be on "Health," Mrs, R. Warwick will give the topic and MTs. Jearlieson will give a dem onstration on the 'Emergency Kit.' The Roll Cali is a 'Health Hint,' Everybody Welcome, New Silver Dollar To Commemorate Visit Of King and Queen A dispatch flap Ottawa, says a new sliver dollar, commeanoretive of the visit to Canada next sums per of King George and Queen Eliza- beth, will be struck shortly by the Royal Canadian mint, Prime Minis- ter Mackenzie King announced, The coin will bear the likeness of King George on one side and a de- sign symbolizing the Royal visit on the opposite side. It is not contem- plated that the profiles of both the King and Queen will be on the coin since the issue of metal money is the sole prerogative of the reigning Sovereign. W. 1. 'Hold 1-1. Euchre Party A large number of the residents of Brussels and surrouading district were entertained in the Town Hall Tuesday evening of this 'week by the members of the local Wo.men'a Institute. These parties of the organiza- tion are an annual affair and are keenly anticipated, In spite of a great deal of siolme50 there was a large It SS. Forty-two tables of euchre were in play and a num- ber of others were present who did not play, Lucky scorers at card's were, Mrs. Harold ,Spear and Chester Rantoul; Noble Gerry won the lucky chair prize and consola- tion awards went to Mrs, Rursel Bryan and Alec Woodrow. At the conclusion of the card playing community singing, capably led, by Elmer D. Bell, was en- thusiastically ,anticipated in and much enjoyed by alt, A delicious' 11111611 was served by •the ladies 1111 charge, Proceeds cif the party amounted t 0349.00 An l the ladies of the Inati- tute wissh to express their thanits to all who contributed to the s'u0- 0ess of the °Atoning. _-�_*— United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the W.\I S. of the United Church was held on Friday, Jan, 19th. The pres'- dent, Mrs. Parker, in charge, Hymn. 211, '.Sing to Jehovah's Praise' was sung fololwed by prayer by Mr. Mahoney. The installation of of- fleers for 1939 was conducted by Mr. Mahoney, Peesident, Mrs Parker; Vice Presidents, Mrs, Proc- tor, Mrs, McKinnon, Mrs, Strachan; Recording 'Sec',., Miss Skelton; Corresiponding See'y., Mrs. Speiran; Treasurer, Mrs, IVIcLauchlin; Stew- ardship Secy., Mrs, Baeker; Strang. ers Sec'y., Mrs, Bates; Missionary Monthly, Mrs, Hamilton; Litera- ture, Airs. D, McDonald; Temper- ance, Mrs, J. E. 'Smith; Mission Band Sulat., bins. Wilson; Associate Helpers, Mrs, McArthur; Supply Sec'y„ Mis, R. Downing; Visl'ing committee, Mrs, Stewart; Flower committee, Mrs, Jackson. Reports of the year's work wore given which were quite encouraging. The treasurer reported that we had sept away more money tbah last year, the suppler sec',., reported sending bates of clothing valued at $63. The Mission Band are study - lug the book, "Good Neighbors, ' Mrs. Proctor ,had charge of the aver - ship period. The scripture lesson runs read by Florence McNaughton. MTS. Proctor gate a very helpful talk en prayer. films, Hamilton and Mrs, Baeker sang a duet. At the close of the meeting a fee tea was served by the Finance Comanittee, Herbert A. McCall Following a heart attack, Herbert A. McCall 'pasesd on at his resi- lence, Edward Street, early Wednes- day evening, January 4th, in his 76th year. Mr. McCall ate a hearty supper that evening and appeared to be as well as usual but an hour later suffered a seizure and passel on. His sudden .passing was a great Shock to his many friends. Mr. McCall was born at St. Wil- liams and as a young man moved to Forestville, At Forestville, Dec. 26, 1886, he was married to Agnes Wilbur and two ,years ago, they oelebrated their golden 'wedding here, Prior to retiring to Wing - ham• ten pears ego. Mr, MdOall re- sided in Harrie'ion, Whitechurch and Bluewale, where they operated a general store. After his marriage he lived at Blenheim two years, then Chicago a year. Returning to Canada he resided at Delhi until 1811. Following a short stay at Fisherville, he novel to Bluevale. He leaves to mourn their loss his wife and cue daughter, Mrs. W. C. (Lillian- Xing, of Brussels. The funeral service was held at his late residence on Friday after- noon and was conducted by Rev. 7- F. Anderson, of Wingham United Church of which the deceased was a member. ' The pallbearers were, Leslie Greenway, 7. 0. Hablelrk, W, Van- Wyck, R. H. Lloyd, George Orvis, Jack Reavie. Burial took .place fn Wingham Cemetery, "'era Mrs. John Sunderland Oakley There passed away at 'Cameron, Ont., on Friday, Dec, 23rd, 1935, Janet Conquergood, beloved wife of the late John S. Oakley in her eighty-sixth year. Deceased had been ailing for sometime and ,had been an invalid from rheumatism for a number of Years. Patient and cheerful, ees- pite. the .suffering which she bore With 'Christian fortitude, She en- deared herself to all, Boat In Scotland, deceased came to Cana•ta when about 3 years of age with her parents the. late Rebent and Jessie Cbnpu'engood, dud settled in Clarke Township. She is survived by one son Thorn - as at home; two •daughter, Mrs. Lillian Perrin and Mrs, Margaret Mark all of Cameron; 9 grand- children and four • great grandchild. ren and one sister, Mrs, Joe Rey- nolds of Detroit, Mdelrigan. Her husband predeceased her nine years ago. The funeral was held on Monday, Dec, 26, from her late residence to St. George's Anglican Church and thence to Riverside 'Cematerh', Lindsay, Service was conducted by Rev. R. M .Withers 01 Bandon Falls. The late Mrs. Oaltioy ,was a faithful member of St. George's Church 'The pallbearers were Masers, George MlcCab, Floyd Downer, Ar. their Parkin, Wallace Dunn, Garnet Mayabee and Tltolhaa Byres. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Albert 'Oakley end daughter Mrs. 'Geo, Relines, Acton, Ont„ Mr, and Mts, Witham Upper Canada Bible Society The letter appearing below was received by ' Miss O. Hingston, treasurer of the local branch of the Bible 'Society and is printed here- with; Toronto, Dec, 31, 1938 Dear Friend: We acknowledge with thanks your remittance for 3139.00 being contid- bwtiens eon, yanr local Branch. We enclose official receipt herewith. Kindly convey to your Officers, 'Colleotore and Members our sincere appreciation of their practical as. sieltance in lire great work of circu- lating the Sacripdures through the British and Foreign Bible Society, Thanking you personally for your continued interest in our work, 1 remain, on -behalf of the Soetety, Yours sincerely, C, G. Stevens, Mg1', The following are elle collection for 1938; Gre3, 1st & 2nd, 34.35; 3101 4li 4th, 34,10; 6t11 & 0411 ,$4,10; 7th & 8th, 33,35; 9111 & 10th, 31.60; llth & 11201, $13.50 Morrie 3rd, $4,25; 41111, 36.25;; 5th, 33,05; 0th, 33.90; 7th, 32.00. Ethel, 38.35. Brussels, Nortli, $18,00; Seuth, 31.15; ]last, 321,25; West, 324,25, 'Offering at Amite' Meeting $5,88 Total .............................. Topping, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Conquergood,, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Varcoe and Miss Isabelle Varcoe, Lindeay; Mr. and Mrs- Robt. Townley, aPet'erborough; Mr and Mrs. Roy Banbury, Oakwood. The many beautiful floral tributes which surrounded the casket bore silent testimony to the love and esteems in which deceased• was held. They were from; The Family; Grandchildren; Miss Langford and Miss Cullua; St, George's Church; L.O.L. no. 539 and L,O.B.A, no. 476; Mr. and Mrs. Feed Varcoe; Oilr. Albert Oakley; Pearl and Gladys, Acton, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. R. Hamilton, Mark and Robinson, Walton, Ont. The late Mrs, Oakley will, be re- memirered by the older residents of Grey as she lived for a number of years with her late husband 1111 miles south of Brussels on the gravel road, where they farmed for over 20 years, She ivus a faithful member at St. George's Anglican Church, Walton also a member of the Lady True Blues, Walton. Sincerest sym- pathy y-mpathy to the bereaved family. Lucknow Juveniles Whip Brussels Kids Lucknow, Jean, es—The juvenile 0. H. A. schedule opened here last night, when the Lucknow team de- feated Brussels' with a score of 6 to 2. Brussels —Goal, Lawless; de- fence, McDonald; Rewards, Scott; forwards, Relies, Walker and Un- derwood; alternates, Northwood,. Currie, Rutledge, Williams, Bryan. and Coleman, ret Luckmow—Goal, McKie; defence, IvleLeod, McDonald; forwards, Dah- mer, Aitchison; alternates, Cook,•: McKenzie, Button, Wylde. Relteree--aBell, of Brussels. Huron Council Will Be Asked To Make Grant Committee Unanimously Adopts 'Resolution to Seek County Aid; .Will • Present Petition Soon Clinton—.North and South Huron Plowmen's aseociat'lons provincial plowing match committee appointed at the initial meeting a week ago, met Here Saturday to arrange that details in the drive to have the 1940 match held' in Huron. • .A resolution to make elliptic -Wen to the 'County Council for a grant of 32000 was unaulteously adopted and 8. dopu(a.tion cnm1j oeed of: 'Mt, entire committee will present 6hele petition in person at the Jaluters meeting of '001111011. a �i