HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-1-11, Page 5NEWS OF THE DISTRICI Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL • The January meeting or the :man's Missionary Society of Et United Church was held on The day afternoon, Jan, 5th, at the no .of Mrs. J, lying, Mrs. If. Seeir I,:esidetl and 13 ladies attended. The ,neetiug opened with bye, 519 and The 'Lord's Prayer unison. The minutes of the 1a meeting were read and appref and the Roll called, The Anna Reports were given and a rho business pelted foloiwed. Miss 16. Pearson gave a sp1e11r3i synopsis of CJI. II, of the Stud Book, "The World in Canada." '.Ph Scripture 'Lesson from Luke 1.5 1-1 was read by Mrs, 'Currie ante which MIs, Snell offered prayer Mrs. W. Love read a Temperene selection, The meeting was Ctrs ed with hyymn 362 and the Beaeciie• • tion. Following the thaw of last 'vee:t Dads were opened, making thein Irly passible for motor traffic, bet for horses travelling on the roles,onditions could scarcely have been orse, ev. Mr. Snell is only slowly re Deering from the effects of evere cold, but was able, last Sun ay to conduct services at the tltree ppoinlanents on the Meanie Roes nion and Ethel. Quite a number of persons in Its community are sick with what called a heavy cold. Grey municipal council weer in ssion Monday, Jan, 9th for the rst meeting in 1939. E, L. Jardine is progressing to - rd imporved health more slowly, an his many friends had hoped 1', Over a month ago, after the un- rtunate happening which occur - to Mrs, Virm- Hamilton of having hip severely fractured by a fall on e slippery ,pavement in Stratford, e cast system of treatment was 'en, this system will be continued 1 sure satisfeetoa'y recovery, There is no particular improve- Wo- ; meet noticeable In Mrs, A, E. Ma- hel guire'a condition. rs- I Mrs. H. Smalldon, atter prolOnge( me illness does not respond as favour - an ably to treatment given, a8 bad been hoped for. 111 At the a111Ua1 meeting for h, S. 11 No, 11, Grey "!Ethel School' 'the et , retiring trustee was re-elected, en Consequently the members of the al 11 uriee board for 1939, are Stauley rt llurbar, F. Sleightholm and Bert Lakce. ri ' R, Brown is home from Li3tewel • hospital, after an operation perform • ed recently arriving Monday, under 0 .as favour ble conditions as could bl r expected. D. IC L'vineetone of Walton Is e staying with his invalid sister. 119i'e. , Will. eiceemon to ra few We The price of bogs has dr. ppe'i for tbis week's shipment, Last week a choice lot was shipped from !'alit at 93ric per lb. A car of screenings was unleaded legit wf1" -end to C. R. Dunbar's chopping mill. The largest attendance of the tea„on was present at G' ey Twp. hall, Friday ;Jan. 6, at the dance a sponsored by Ethel Women's Insti- tute, Music by the Blue Ribbon orchestra, Lunch was served, For those who had stove wood to deliver and feed to haul, the good sleighing gave out a little too coon, r tea c w R c s a U tl is se fi Iva th fo fo ed a th til gi for at least another month to a MONCRIEFF The Women's M1881onary Society of Monorieff United Church was held at 'the home of Mrs. George Robertson on Jan. 4th, The meet- ing opened with the use of hymn 311 followed with a pe'ayer by Mrs. .T, Baillie. The Scripture reading was .taken by Mrs, W. Smith and the roll was called. The minutes of tbe last meeting were read and adopted , The Devotional was tak- en by Mrs. M. Baillie and the s business was taken care of. Hymn 308 was sung and the olferiug was r"eaeived. The tepic was read by Mrs, Joe Smith and a reading was given by Mrs, Roy Patterson, The closing hymn 306 was sung and the Lord's prayer' 'leas repeated in unison. The Larches Aid held a sheet meeting following thle. BLUEVALE We are sorry to hear Mies -Vary Blade is not as well as her many friends would like to hear. Miss Elizabeth Robertson is spending a while with her mother and brother on. the let line, Miss Pearl Mathes returned t1 Toronto last Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs, Waller Smillie i spent Sunday afteruoon with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Shaw of Bluevale. Sorry to hear the' little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Smith's has been sick with the fin, We hope she will soon be better. Mr. Earl Hamilton has bought bfr, David Jewfttei farm on the boundry, he gets .possession on March 1st. Mr. Wm. Robertson has !might Mr, E, Barnard's farm also on the boundny, Mr. Berton Mathers spent Sun- day with Mr, and Miss Jas. Mssee in Grey. O nSunday morning at the United ,church Rev. A. V. Robb, ga„o an address on "being like+minded with Christ” in which he showel Christ's estimation of material and splr:Mal values. At Knox Presbyterian church Rev. J. R. Greig spoke from the text, "I am the way, the truth and the light,' and' gave 'the sec- ond leading of the citation of the call Brom the Atwood Presbyterian church 10 Rev, J. R. Greig, Mr. Greig will preach his fare- well sermon here on Sunday, Jan- uary 15th and he will be initiated at Atwood on Wednesday, January 18th. Mission Circle electe The Mission Circle of the United church held its anual meeting at C the pa:Iecnaga on Saturday atter Moon the pt'esldent, Mrs, J8nletl Jobnetou, presiding, Miss Margate Curtis read the scripture lessen. "Patablee or Man's Worth to God, was given by Mies Daisy Holales Poems were read by Helen Th:'mp Solt and Jean McLennou and Miss. es Louise Patton and Irene Taylor led In prayer. A solo 'Pace to Face,' was sung by Mies Eunice T13orntou, Rev. A. V. Robb closed the meeting with prayer, The hostess, Mrs, A. V. Robb served refreshments: The Circle sent a hale of Christmas gifts and clothing to Northern On- 1ar10, The officers elected for 1939 we^e: Advisory president, Mrs. James Johnston; president, Mrs, A, V. Robb; 1st vice president, 1lossie Milligan; 2110 vice president, Dais9' Holmes; 39(1 vice president, Lou'.e PLlttml; recording secretary, Trine Taylor; treasurer, Isobel McKim non; corresponding secretary, Hel- en Thomson; press secretary, 21e1 en Thomson; christian stewardship an dliinauce secretary, J1ILIiier• Thornton; strangers' secretary, Mee James Johnston; anpply and lite,u,lu'e secretary, Rhoda Robert• sou; temperance .secretary, Mar- garet ()urns; pianist, Isabel Mc- Kinoun; assistant, Helen Thomson. The Womanp Association of the United Church held its January meeting in the school room. Mrs. Stanley Gallaher presided. The treasurer, Mrs, Joseph Curtis, gave the financial standing for 1938, showing $256.00 received in cash and supplies, including a bale valued' at $08.00 for the West and local relief 313,00, The annual congregational meeting is on Feb- ruary 10. MM. M. L. Aitken gave .some news items of the activities Of p'romineu.t Canadian women dur- ing 1938, Owing to the condition of the roads the attendance was small The hostesses serving lunch were Mrs. Robert McLennou, Mrs, Ed- ward Johnston, Mrs. Blanche Cos- tello. WilDNESDAY, TAN. 11th, l,8$$ eamommeromm, 41•110••••111•11111.11111110, • that 167:23 had been raised during the last (1uarter, it was decided to I t carry on in circles da't'ing the wile ter months. Mrs. J. R. Greig presided fel' 110 election 0f ()Ulcers with the follow- ing result; 'irresideut, Miss M, Oiive Scott; vice;ee1~ident, Mrs.. Eldrid Nichol; secrete' y, Mrs, Archie Mes- ser; treasurer, 'sirs, W. Ii, McKim ney; •pianist, Mrs, Raymond Jell ort; the mnsio, auditors, Mrs. Alex MoYbray, Mrs. We aro sorry to report that Irene Harry E111010, Simon is suffering from an attack. Elect Officers The fourth quarterly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyter- ian church -vas held in the school room. Miss Olive Scott presided, Mrs, E. Nichol, Mrs. Roy Tui-vey, Mrs. J. Snell, Mrs. Harry Elliott presented the financial standing. of their respective groups showing 'Theu P « .e lean to which tob.cco con be ,moked The monthly meeting of the IV, M, 5, of Knox Presbyterian cburoh was dell in the school room, Eleven members• and several visitors were pre -sent. Mrs, Alex Mombray pre sided and was nssisted with the de- votional 1)0110(1 by Mrs. W, H, Me• Kinney,\ who read the scripture les- son. Regret was expressed' when the resignation of Mrs, 3, R, Greig as first vicmpresldent was accepted. The topic, 'A Mission in the Clouds' deallh with the experience of Frank Beck ministering to the Bolivian Indians. Last•Respects Paid The funeral of George Mul:dell, Drayton, was held to Wirgham cemetery, Mr. Mundell was barn in Turnberry Township, a son of the late Mr, ane Mrs. William Mundell. He bad' lived retired in Drayton for the last few years. His wife pre- deceased him by three years. He is survived by four sisters and three brothers, Mrs, Peter Hackney. Bel - more; Mrs, Simpson, Wingham; Mrs. Jarvis, Toronto; Mrs. George Gannett, Bluevale; William, Wing - ham; Thomas, Turnbercy; John, Bluevale. Miss Edna Ellen Jenkins, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Jen- kins of the Bluevale Soad, passed her evaminations for registered nurse. Miss Jenkins will shortl; re- turn to her duties at St, Thomas hospital. BELGRAVE The Rink Club held a very suc- cessful edchre and dance on Friday night in Foresters' Hall. Therewas a good attendance present and a good time was enjoyed by all. Prizes weer won by Mrs, N. Mon- gomery for the ladies, and C. R. Coultes for the men. Consolation prizes were taken by Mrs. H. Mc- Guire and Harold Vincent. Lunch with Jackson's orchestra supplying tiriliTED= LISTOWEL, _ ONTARIO announce the appointment of CI -.:Ire Lon «8 < .' v«8 Representative Commencing January 16th C----11 �J We have a complete line of NEW and USED CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS GENERAL SERVICE & New Cars Serviced at anderson's ar e CITIES SERVICE GAS STATION Brussels Phone 73x #,„4 • if you are going to change your car for either new or used Get in touch with Mr. Long and he will try to get what you want. At present/we have 50 used cars in stock being reconditioned and ready for Spring Sales. of pnenmohia and hes a nurse in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Logan have moved into Mete M. Grasby's house in the village. C. R. Coulter was in the city over the week -end, The recent thaw was very wel- come as many were short of water and it was good to see so much loose a11010 settled after the stormy time. The -No. 4 Highway has been completely strafed of anew some days ago end the county snow plow came down the 9th of E. Wawanosh Saturday afternoon and also down as far as the station. When the.,' concessions and sideroads have snow left on them the fanners have bsite a transyontation problem td solve, Belgrave resat mail courier into Wawanosh has been obliged to start out with the horse west of Belgrave and go down throsgh the first sidenial to the 6th line end to deliver the x011 by car on Na 4: by special trip, The Women's In: tilute will held the regular monthly meeting_ 3the home of Mrs. H. Wheeler onToe,a- day afternoon, January 17, Conerenors--'Mrs. H, Wheeler, Mrs. J. Wheeler. Roll Call—A verse on Canada Ot a beauty spot in Canada, Motto—"Our Flag, the symbol or freedom, Mrs, J. 'Wheeler. Current Events—Mr. R. J. Me- Kenzie, o-Kenzie, Music—Mi.ss V. Wheeler. AddreOs—'Who's Who and Why, In Canada, Mrs. N. Keating. Community singing-1National Sorge Lunch Committee—Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. C. Proc- ter. The Women's Missionary socie.,v of Belgrave United Church iheld their first meeting of the New Year 011 Wednesday, Jan. 4th at 2.30 p.m. in the school room of the chards with the President Mrs, Here. Wheeler in the chair, owing to stormy weather, there was not te large attendance, Mrs. R. Nicholson gave the 2nd chapter of the study book. "Plant- ing the church," and a splendid re- port was given on last year's work by the secretary M. J. Wheeler. This was followed by discussion and tbe worship per:od. The sheeting was then brought to a close by prayer. To Continue Fight For Share In Estate Pontiac, Mich., Jan. 9—Mrs, Annie Laurine Dodge, young Can- adian widow of Daniel G. Dodge. will continue her attempt tomorrow to obtain a larger share of her hus- band's estimated $11,000,000 estate. Her petition to set aside a pre• marital will awarding her $250,000 will be heard in probate court here. ,Another petition, accusing Daniel Dodge's mother of concealing estate assets in her accounting of her guardianship of her son's estate wil lye heard, Mrs. Dodge recently, received an award of a $5,009 monthly allowance from the estate despite the opposition. of her• mother-in-law, Mrs. Matilda Wilson.. Daniel Dodge drowned last August when he fell from his speedboat while on his honeymoon on Maul-. toulin Island, In Memoriam MITCHELL—'I0 loving memory of Wm. Mitchell who passel away one year ago Jan. 9. "He bade no one a last farewell. He waved his hand to none The Spirit fled, and before we knew. That be from us 11ad gone, The dearest Dad and the Sweetest friend One of the best whole God could' lend He was loving, gentle, thoughfut. and true Always willing a lclnc1 act to do." Sadly missed' by wife & family AMBITIOUS MEN1 We wish to contact you totj STEADY BMLOYMISNT • GOO17:' PAY - INDEPENDENCE, Every body sbuys Our guaranteed 9nrodects, Highed quality. Lower prices. NO' 6XPL9Th123 +QE NEEDDID, W heli 7011. Iilg continuous repeal salmi.: and profits. Snoail capitalnecea; Bary to buy goods. NO SISX. rt .4 catalogue our full details *MO today: FAMILEX CO.