HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-12-6, Page 2Is The St i'rk L,si shag
lanadian flying men have n:.,
C J a lot of strange cargoes both
teet home and abroad in the last
reeveral years, but when a Quebec
Airways Boeing took off from
Quebec City Airportrthe other day,
€oound for Chicoutimi, it carried
Bane of the strangest loads of all —
26 babies, not one of them over
11ve months old!
The infants were being trans-
reered from La Creche Saint -Vin -
s ent-rife-Paul in Quebec to Chicon.
t nil— a long train ride, but only
an hour away by air. L'Abbe Ger-
main, priest in charge ofthe
orphanage, contacted officials of
Quebec Airways, a Canadian Paci=
fie Air Lines subsidiary, with the
7.:esult that the babies flew, and
all in one plane -load. Ordinarily,
the aircraft carries ten passen-
gers and a crew of three. But with
Sister Coeur ImlriaCule and Sister
Marie de Ia Reparation, who were
also making their first airplane
flight, the total number of souls
aboard was thirty-one. Even so,
with each babyweighing an
average of ten pounds, it was a
far lighter load than customary.
Special three -place cribs, made
of plywood, were built so that
each box would fit into one seat
in the airplane. Wrapped snugly
in baby blankets, and strapped in
both boxes and seats, even the
roughest of air could not have
tossed the tiny infants out. And
as it turned out, there wasn't
even one bump on the entire trip.
"They didn't give a bit of
trouble"said Stewardess ,roan
Harland, a veteran hostess of the
airline. "After the take -off, they
just went to sleep, and that's all
there was to it!"
Bachelor Captain Art Leach,.
pilot of the plane, didn't have
much to say: `They were squeal-
ing when I went forward before
take -off, and theywere s uealin
after I landed", he announced
Said First Officer Gordon Alex-
ander: "I didn't hear a thing. Had
the ear -phones en all the time,"
Then, musingly, "Seems to me
static was a httle worse than
usual, though!"
The publicity meeting of the
3AI:grave Women's Iustitute was
Mehl at the home of Mrs. Stewart
remoter on Tuesday afternoon with
• .A good attendance. The meeting was
esenducted by the vice-president,
'i4Ties k7ddth Procter.
Mrs. W. J. Henderson, district
Igresident of West Huron Womeus
institutes, was the guest speaker.
3. a1 wing the opening exercises
G� �
• ,.-,_. 11 1
the minutes were read by Mrs. R.
Procter who acted as secreta:y in
the absence of Mrs. C. Procter.
Mrs. J. M. Coultes gave the finan-
cial report. ;-he roll call was i•e-
pended to with "A worthwhile
activity of the Women's Iustitute
A motion was passes mstruett•ig
the secetary to apply for the gov-
nment grant of $3.00. Christmas
ca•cds will be sent to sick and shut -
10 members of the community and
e voluntary offering was made to
tate convener, Mrs. H. Procter, to
,Laver this activity. The following
members were appointed to secure
tae name of these to whom cards
should be sent and forward them
the convener; Morris, 5, Mrs,
Armstrong. 4, Mrs, J.
eelet, Belgrave. Miss E. Proc-
• Wawanash, 6; Mrs. Stanley
eeee.c, Mrs. Harry Rinn.
.. east will he made for a :nine.
q'.t's Fac
he Eec
- '?
.rt. ll
horta'is a -r :3d t r ds
1i ted `cheer k
or kgje-of Forfri 116p
'�•���=-... ,tea
are available in greater quantities this year but still not 'enough to meet
the demand.
The Dominion Government authorized increased production of Farm
Machinery and Pumping Systems because it was recognized that labor-
saving devices were necessary for the farmers to increase production of
farm products.
We will supply our Duro Dealers with as many Duro Pumps as ma-
terials and manufacturing facilities will permit, but War Production
must cdtne first.
Keep in touch with your Duro Dealer -'— he will do his best to take
care of your needs. He will also assist you to secure permit to purchase
from your RationingOfficer ,at the War-
time Prices and Trade. Board.
EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixtures and
Fittings are still available in a good range
of styles and prices. Consult your EMC
dealer regarding those now available;,
William Gillespie
Phone +;'t: Brussels, Clair.
'I 't01`fi..
sweeper and the members are
:trued to make one block 13 inches
tattare, 1n atm work design +ro4
bring to the treat meeting: Mrs
J. M. Coolies thanked the inem-
bees for the boner of repreeeating
theta as delegate to the Loser'
Area convention. Mr's Henderson
gave a full report of the convention
at wirieh six of the nine branches
in West Huron were represented.
Mrs. Albert Coultes gave the
current events. Group songs were
led by Mrs. J. M. Coultes and a
solo by Mrs. Jack Wickstead was
enjoyed. firs, N. Keating gave a
short talk on publicity in relation
to home and country and also con-
ducted an institute contest.
Red Cross work completed sit,re
1 the last meeting was reported. The
meeting closed with the Institute
Ode, after which lunch was served
by ,the hostess and assistants. Mrs.
T. B. Johnston and Mrs. N. 'Keat-
The Ladies' Guild of Trinity
Anglican Church niet at the home of
ales David Armstrong on Thursday
afternoon with the . vice-president,
Mrs. P, H. Streeter in 'charge. Rev.
P. He Streeter read the scrlphnre
lseson and led In prayer. The roll
call was responded to by naming '•a
last minute Christmas gift" During
the business period the birth'isy
box was opened and a worthwhile
suso was realized, Holiday . bells
were also brought to the meetine.
Mr. and Mee. Streeter, who are
soon to leave the parish s for . z new
charge at London, were presented
with a rug in token of the esteem
in which they have been held dur•-
irg the past three years., An ad-
dress was read by Mrs. Richat'd
Procter and Mrs. John NIcGill
made the presentation. An auction
sale and 10 -cent tea were held at
the close of the meeting.
The regular meeting of the Young
People's Association of Tratity
Anglican Church was held Friday
evening at the home of Mrs. John
Van Camp and Miss Nora Van
Camp, The president. Miss Ruth
Bradburn, was in the chair and
opened the meeting with a hymn,
The rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter, led
in prayer, and gave the Bible lesson.
The program was arranged by
Misses Ruth Higgins and Fern
Nethery and consisted of readings
and contests.' Mr, 'Streeter and
daughter, Miss Jean Streeter, wore
reek presented with a gift, in
grateful acknowledgment of their
work in the organization, Miss
Ruth Bradburn read an address
and Misses Joan Brydges and Irene
Logan presented the gifts,, a
leather writing case to Mr. Streeter
and a. silver cross and chain to
Miss Joan.
Mr. Streeter closed the meeting
with prayer and refreshments were
served by the hostess. Misses Don-
na Van Camp and ,Jane Armstrong
will arrange the next meeting.
The Farm Forum for S.S. No. 11
East Wawanosh, was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herron Irwin
on Monday evening with an attend-
ance of 26. George McGee was non
vennr of the program,. Diversity of
opinion was brought forth on the
question: "Can the future farmer.
especially the returned soldier.
make a living?" An additional
feature was an address by Flt Lt.
Melia ed Irtlin who has spent several
months on c oestal patrol duty on
bath the east and west roast TIe
Beet on The Atlantir Convoy "
Hereon Irwin teas recreational enli-
vener. r.m eh was ,eervecl by the
hooese. The next meeting will be
hell at the home of Mr, and Mis.
Le ire Wigirtmarr.
Wednesday, December SSS, 1944
It's a real
pipe smoker's
The r,tlt Late Farm forum grr,up
1110 at Telford Cook's with , good
attendance. Albert Coultes was in
charge. There was a good discus-
sion on the broadcast and the inn•
elneien was that the ',proposed al
lowanre is not sufficient .for a re-
turned soldier to start fat ming.
Mrs. l,Valterr Scott led in a tiscua-
sion on "Building or Remodelling
A Perm Tdonse." . A period of games'
was enjoyed and lunrh served. The
next meeting. will be at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Cool:,
The Farm Forum group for S. 5
No, 8, East Wawanosh, wag held
al the, home of Alex McBurney
with Harold Vincent in charge rind
an attendance of 30. A majority of
the group agreed that the allow.
auce of $1,200 was. sufficient for a
returned soldier to start farming
be) the decision was not mitni-
rn'us. All agreed that young ferrn•
or., in the civilian class should also
receive help from the government
in getting established. The neat
meeting will be hold at Mr. and
Mrs: Albert Vineent'e home with
Arthur, Scott as convener. Lnnrh
wee set•Ved. ..
Pit; r,t: Richard Irwin of TP'fcri-
eta Pay. 1'..f ., in. 011 fin'lntigh with
his Parente. Mr. a1•4 Mrs.- lIer;an
Irwin. concession. 1t}, Bast 'GV'awan•
15 'Pigs, ready to wean
George Cardiff Phone 42 -r -1G
In the Stratton Block, apply at the
office of E. D. Bell.
Kitchen 1S x 22; woodshed 16 x 22.
phone 31 The Brussels Pt st
12 Pianos at each stor eof Schuett
& Sons at Mildmay or Mt. Forest.
J. F. Schuett
A. bunchweeks
of Pigs. abonS G �
old, also a quantity of dry wood.
Wm. Blake Picone 42 1,2.
1931 Chev. front axle complete with
wheels, tires and tubes.
apply to M. MacFarlane,
Phone 38-r-17.
50 Cattle to be let out .for Winter
Feeding. apply at the
Brussels Post Phone 31
Girls 3 -piece outfit — rose col-
oured, size 3, hat coat and leggings,
in excellent condition. Can he seen
at The Brussels Post, Phone 31.
A Black Cow from the 7th Con.
of Morris, Finder phone 80.
F M. Samir
On to Lot 6, Con, 14, Mchillop,
one heifer, also missing same farm
slime .early summer, one steer markt
ed on lower half of right ear.
Gordon Knight Phone 13-r-25
1 Quebec Heater, 1 Empire Owen.
Sound Heater (coal or wood) 1 Day
Bed, 1 Side -Board, all in Al condit•
ion. apply to -
Mrs. A, L. McDonald Phone 13x
Kitchener e B194 Hatchery will
make you a present of $1. on each
100 chick order for delivery January
or February. That represents a con•
siderabie saving especially when you
consider their high quality, See our
prices. R. 5, Warwick, Phone 19x,
Lost Ration Books
An appeal to ronsumers to write
th it names and addresses " on the
rover ard the stuns of coupon sheets
it 'their fond ration books has been
merle by W. Harold alePhdllips, fol.
rowing n survey which• shows an
average of 600.personsloge, damage'
or have their ration' books stolen
monthly in Western Ontario. Care-
lessness on the part of the slapper,
rather than theft by others, is res-
ponsible for the greatest number of
lost books. It was, pointed out that it
honks had their punper identification
marks they could be readily return-
ed to the owner, after they had .been.
picked up from store counters
where they were lett by their
Sufferers of
i>teed'htg and..
piles should
;now Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the
cause at .its source, Money hack if
the first bottle does not satisfy, Buy
from your druggist, F. R. Smith, at
The Rexall Store, Brussels,
?hot Boreal 8°l)p,,rVits, Vigor?
cry antra 1'00(111151610. C001411101*5 1, n1(5.0
a rain (00, 0 01 ,W' F. viinilt0V' 0101100M.
r'I14 0 nr 1)
$„P Ii I 1 v 0111 5n(5 310 11 001 00041.004 .000
� ,1) 040 ..n, )0..,0, 11.14tUpt. ,•randd 200 Ont.,
To Keep Lang Distance Lines Clear—
e:c4 e-ee eel_tom°G.Y. '—eean ,t4elaitee]°.PJ_e---ee f e'e iC-31/rro
The eager voices of our men and women
in uniform, calling home at Christmas
and New Year's, will crowd the wires
again this year. Help to make sure that
every one of these calls goes through...
that all those on duty away from home hear the voices
of their loved ones.
Please send your greetings by mail—some one in the
services will be grateful. (And please send them early
—the postal people have a big holiday job on their
hands, too.)
ae At -We S'o-wrce
Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer
For Engagements Prone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they, will be
looked after Immediately.
For information, etc., write or phone either 61.,'•13 OR,
41X et Brueeels,.Ont.
Allan A. Lamont
Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insuranre
Get particulars of our Spacial Automobile Policy for fanners,
Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657
W. 11 S. Jarnio•ton, M.D., G.M., L.M,C,C,
Physician and Surgeon
Office Hours -1 4 and 7 - 8 p.m.
Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible.
Saturday evenings until 10 p.m.
Sundays—Eanergetscies and by appointment only.
Homb palls in Forenoons and 4 - 6 p,tn.
Chas. T. Davidson
Insurance Agent For
Automobile and Fire Insurance
Accident and Sickness
Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co.
Haraild Jackson
(Licensed In Hurun and Perth Countfe:1
• For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jaelcson
phone 12 on en Sealorth' 11.R, 1, Sum ,1nld
Make creengen•ents at The Brussels Post tr
.Eimer 0, Bell, Barrister orrice, Bruseaia.
D.1" RANN Furniture
Licensed Funeral Director and: Embalmer
PHONE 36, or 85 — . BRUSSELS, ONT.
Howick Mutual Fire Insurance:.
Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance
Automobile Insurance
Lewis Rowland
(Llcenstd For Huron County)
For Engagements Phone 31 The Brussels Post" and,' .they will
• he rooked after tmmedaltely
Fee Information, etc., w its or phone Lew, Rowland 830.•'34 at
Seaforthl 1r write R.R. 9, Walton,
W. S. Donaldson -- i Licensed Auctioneer
Phone 3l 3 13 —. Atwood, Ont.
for the .Counties of Huron and Perth
All sales promptly attended to — Charges moderate
For Engagements phone 31 `"The Brusels Post9i and they
ow ---fill will be looked after immediately. 1'lto