HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-11-22, Page 1THE USSELS Wednesday, November 22nd. 1944 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE White Elephant Euchre Walton Community Hall under the auspices of Walton Red Cross Unit Friday, November 24th at 8:30 Dance after the euchre Lunch served. Dutch Auction on Quilt for Community Gift Fund Admission 35c DANCE IN — Brussels Town Hall -- ON - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th Music by Ken. Wilbee and His 'Orchestra Refreshments' Admission 335c ,., . , .. REGEN1 THEATRE. Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 23rd, 24th, 25th Frank Sinatra — in— Step Lively A gay, carefree musical comedy! Monday, Tuesday, Wedn.aday November 27th, 28th, 29th - Two Features Second show starts 8:45 Jackie Copper —IN— Where Are Your Children —also— Cary Grant Janet Blair — IN— Once Upon A Time A new comedy triumph—delightfully different! Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nov. 80th, Dec, 1st, 2nd Pat O'Brien Carole Landis —IN— Secret Command COMING— The Story of Dr. Wassell "Let us hear•the conclusion of .the whole matter: Fear qod, and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Eccles. 12:13. Melville Church Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A„ B.D. Minister 10 A. M. Sunday School and. Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship "Shaw els A Sign" 7 P. M. Evening Worship Rev. Hugh Wilson will preach. Louis D. Thompson, pnganlst Choirmaster. Came and Welcome. United Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wlisos 11 A. M. Morning Worship "Can A Man's Nature Be Changed?"' Junior Congreagtion 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise will be held in Melville Presbyterian Church. EVERYONE WELCOME Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham 25th Sunday After Trinity November 26th, 1944. St. John's Church Brussels ••- 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon St. George's Church— '1.30 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 2.30 P. M. SuSchoolnday ChM' St, Csvld's Montrone - 2)80 Pt M. Sunday School and t3lble Class 8.84 P. M. Evening Prayer 'Mid Sermon You Can Save A Life There is always a. thrill when read the heroic stories or people w have saved life, bhe bysbander w rescues a drowning child, the fl mean who fights the flames to se someone who is trapped, or tl soldier who risks his life to hri out a wounded friend. We can save lives, too. We • can- not all be heroes, but we can give blood donations to •a Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. The need 18 pressing because two things have depleted the blood serum stocks overseas. One is, of course, the lighting; in •France and Belgium, The other is the' robot bomb attacks in Britain: We cannot allow thes Mocks of blood serum to run lo because the lives -of our men depen upon them. s * * v . . * * ,. we PEOPLE WE KNOW he i r * * * * ho Jack Lowry was home on leave. es- s * * re Norman Thonnpson, R,C.A,F, has re been home on leave. ng * „ David Parker and Harold Parker of the R;C.A.F, were visitors, at their name here. PO, Win. E. Rowland, R,C.A.F., Hagersville Inas been a visitor with his parents, * • • Mrs. A. J. McTavish, a former resident ,has been visiting with Mrs, Win. Porter, e.i • * n' Mr, and Mrs. Be M. Wilmot 'St. John's, Brwssels will he in d Sutton, were visit:,.,.. ...i.,. Brussels attendance. friend this ] Local POST BRUSSELS, ON TA IO News Items At Home To Friends Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Machan, 14th concession McKillop Twp,, near Walton, will be at'home, to their friends,. afternoon and evening of Wednesday, Nov. 29., to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Huron Deanery A.Y.P.A. • A meeting of Huron. Deanery A.Y.P.A. Local Council will'be held in St, George's Parish Hall, Goderieb on Wednesday, Nov, 29, at 9; 30p,m. A representation from Do you know what happens in th army hospitals that are wits aup lighting men, when their supplies blood plasma run short in an emergency? The staff, and often th less serious -cases among th Patients, cheerfully volunteer :eloo donations to tide over the emer gency until .fresh supplies - can be brought in. If the sailers them selves can do that, we can at least do the same, When ,our soldiers, sailors and airmen are fighting for us, and risking their lives for us, it is not very much, in comparison to (;1 s s weer, er Mr, and Mrs, J. Cooper, Clinton, ofwere week end visitors with her parents Mr, and Mrs, E, Jewell. Mrs. Richard Brown, Strathrola was a week end guest with her cousin Mise Florence McNaughton. Mies Elizabeth Baeker, London, spent the week end with her iyarenbe Mr, and Mrs, J. C. Baeker. he asked tor a pint of blood every ten weeks. We must also look forward to the future. We confidently expect that it will not be many months before Ger many is beaten, but after that the Japanese have still to be fought, and large stocks of blood will be needed by all British forces in the Far East. Perhaps you are doubtful about your health and are afraid that a blood donation may leave you un- able to do your work properly. Very few people do find this happen, chiefly because; the clinics are se careful in the tests they make. Before they take a: ebonation frorn anyone they take his temperature. take a blood test. record blood pres- sure andask questions about bis health record. If your health is not good enough, you will not be allowed to make a donation. - If you are doubteni about your health, it is worth going to a Blool Donor Clinic and finding ant, The right spirit was shown re- cently by one new donor who said, "If it does make me feel a little tired ;afterwards, what does that matter Our men do a great deal more than that for us." Another woman said, "The first time I went I telt tired the next day, but 9 think it was the effect of my imagin- ation I felt a little nervous and ex- pected to feel tired, so I did! But the next time, 7 felt used to it and 1 have never felt the slightest effects as any time since." Enlist now as a Blood Donor! 'phone 38 and give your name to Mies. H. B. Allen for the clinic to be held in Brussels on. Friday, Dee. lst, E _ United Church W A. The W. A, rnet at the home of Mrs. R. Downing on Nov, 21st with an attendance of forty five. The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn "All The Way My 'Saviour Leads Me." The minutes were read and adopted, Mrs. Craw• fordreed the 91st psalm which was followed by the . Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison, The treasurer's report was given and adopted. A report was given on the Friendship• • Circle. Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Bnschlin and Mrs, McTaggart were appointed as a nominating committee, it was moved by Addie Cardiff and second- ed by Mina Downing that money be putt ie the bank tor decorating the ehureh. Moved by Mrs Cousins senended by rIS9as Downing that $10,00• be tent the Victor Home in Toronto. The meeting was closed by singing "Work for the night to corning" and "God Save The King" and repeating the Mizpab bene• j diction, i A Vote of thankswas given Mrs Downing for her hospitality, A pleasing programme wars given: Mello solea Thelma Brothers; velem, Mabel 07ivldeOn, Miss Carrie Bing- stun; humorous reading, Nits, Role - land. Three Contests, tinder the direction of Miers Hattie Downing Were enjoyed, A tasty lune6 was 'sarved at the close. . a . Me. and Mrs. Jack McDowell, London, spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G McDowell. * * Mr. and Mrs. Archie Holmes and children, Brantford, were week end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Earl Somers. * * * Miss ladys Davidson and Miss Greta Taylor, London, visited with the forrrner•'s parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Davidson. * . Chester lbintoul, who was serious ly i11 'following an operation for appendicitis, is now making favour. able improvement, * * * Joe Wilton returned on Friday from a trip combining business and pleasure to .St, Thomas, Detroit, Sint•coe and Toronto. * * * Misses Mina .and Clara Hunter Mare returned to their home in Toronto after spending an enjoyable five months visiting nephews and nieces in the vicinity of Kincardine and Clinton. a * * IL. W. Eekrnier was the guest soloist at Colbom'ne St. United Church in London on Sunday. The church was crowded to capacity, It being ,the occasion of their ninety- first inetyfirst anniversary. * * * Rev. M. P. and Mrs, Oldiham were in Owen Sound on Monday and attended the funeral service of the late. John McQuaker, chairman of Public Utilities Commission and Ex- Mayor -of Owen Sound 1n the United Ohurch at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. M, R. Oldhaan of • Chatsworth returned Wibh theist for a visit. V-2 Used Against England Notice To Blood Donors London — Prime Minister Church• ill confirmed that England is under attack by the German long-range V•2 rocket, announcing that it files through the stratosphere up to a height of between 60 and 70 miles and then llluanets to earth with a ton ,of explosive traveling at a speed faster than sound, Casualties and damage, he told the Rouse of 0ontoanne; "have so far not been heavy,' although the attack has been ander way "for the last few weeks." Mr, Churchill said "a nuumber" of tile' new rockets had landed , at widely -scattered penile 'in England. Christmas Leave Includes "Time Spent Travelling Ottawas—tiPeesonnel of the. three Muted foroes in Canada' will not be allowed any travelling time In addition to the five days leave they get efth4r it Christmas Or New 'years, defence headquarters said.. ee Refund Compulsory Savings Two Years After War l ttawa,—The Canadian Income Tax Aot calls for repayment of 1942 eom,pideory savings to income tat. payers two` 'years atter the Cea:;totiCie of hostilities, a 1t•edenue Department spokesman said, Due Dates For Ration Coupons Ration coupons now good are but- ter 82 to 25, sugar 14 to 45, Canning sugar 01 to P10, preserves Di to 32. Canning sugar coupons expire De- cemlber 30. Butter coupons 86 to 87, sugar coupons 46 and 47, and pre- serves coupons. 33 to 34 become valid November 23, Presbytery Meets Maitland Presbytery resets in Ethel Presbyterian Church an Fri- day, Dec, lst at 2:30 pm. when the induction of the Rev. Mr. 1VIcIver will take place. He is the newly appointed minister for Ethel and i Cranbrook churches, c e e Concert And Dance Jack Thynne presents his 4th annual Concert and Dance in Brussels Town Hall on Friday, Dec. 8th. Watch The Post for further particulars, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. !Murray Ross and family wish to express sincere appreciationto friends, nelghbour•.s and County employees for their kindness and sympathy during their sad bereavement, Its Love, Love, Love— Or Maybe The Moon It's crazy what love does. One ardent swain rubbed his sweeetie- pie's face with poison ivy - and won her Putting on a dog collar, a ,luckless chap pitched a ten: cut• side his beloved's house - - and lost her, Read •about the odd things I love does, in The American Weekly 1 with this ,Sunday's (Nov. 26) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. • Paghfg Andy Clark We'll wager you can't beat this one. Andrew Jacklin brought to our offi white leghorn hens, It is almost Notice Dr. Jaunieson wut De at his office ,.on Sunday, November 26th from two o'clock until four o'clock to accommodate any prospective blood donors who would like to have the blood test before the clinic on Dec. 1st. United Church W.M.S. The W.hLS. of the United Church held their meeting at the home of !firs. J. E. Smith with an attendance of 22, Mrs. Hamilton, the president, preriided. Mrs, Speiran, Mrs, Mc- Arthur and M. Robinson were appointed as a nominating com- mittee. Mrs. Wilson and Miss H. Downing gave interesting papers on the Dutch Eats Indies. The meeting closed with prayer. Melville Church W.M.S. The annual "I'an so thaakfui" tea of the WM.'S. of Melville Church wad held at the borne of Miss Grace Stewart on Friday afternoon, Nov, 17. About forty ladies were present, and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent. Miss Stewart was chosen almost unanimously to be the recipient of the Life Mem- bership certificate presented soulful- ly by the society, The committee sin charge of the tea consisted' of Mrs, R. Thomson, Mrs, C, Matheson and Mrs. H, B. Alien and the offer- ing amounted to $40,00, j At The Churches Melville Church it :,•r, in Melville Church on Sunday morning the sermon text was from 91. Mark 6:81, "Come ye yourselves -apart into a desert place and rest. awhile," The anthem suing by the choir was "I Taste and See that the' Lord is Good" by John Gomel , The evening service was held 1n, the United Church. Notice Melville Church' Smiley School Christmas entertainment will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec, 19th Watch for further particulars, United Church At the morning service. ill. the United Mufti', Mr, Wilson spoke fromthe text found in first Gorin- thlaris 12:811 "Covet earnestly the bast gifts," To honor the memory 0f a great end good 'marl, Jack Miner`s inter pretation of the 23rd Psalm was road. Rev. S, Kerr, 13,A., 73,1), had charge of the evening service A trio in the evening anthem 'Vitas taken by Misses Addle Cardiff, Carrie Iiingeton and Mr, 0liitord Boschlin, Arrangoments are being made 91 'have the Drifted Church Sunday •S0hoel d7lirietmas eedmert on Thursday eVeriIng, December 111. id by one of his an the the size—yon will scarcely believe it, it measures 8 nches around and slightly over 01/4 riches the opposite way. It has a perfect outer shell and showed when andled that inside the outer shell vas egg white and .then another gg complete with shell. What an gg! Women's Guild The regular meeting of the Wo men's Guild of St. John's Church was held in the church vestry on Tuesday, Nov, 14th with a good attendance, Mrs. George Davis, president was in charge. The meet- ing opened -with a 'Hymn followed by Scripture Lesson an prayers by the rector. Monthly fees and dues were ,paid. A Christmas Letter will be sent to all the boys of the con- gregation overseas, The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Harvey Bryan, Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. No 1944 Election Obtawa—Cronttnued stern fighting in Europe and the effluxion of time. denitely preclude the expected Fed- eral election Tieing held in 1944, Thus political• guessers has veered to the question whether the 19th Parliament will be dissolved and s general election called before January 31, when the session, ad- journed ion Aug', 14th last, ds scheduled to resume. If Parliament i is diaeotived before January 3J, the' eleotion date would be around March 20. ' Burns $5,000 In Furnace A Southern Saskatchewan "farm- er foam[ an unusual spot to hide his money—in the ashes of his furnace—and now , since his son started a fire .he has turned over charred remains of the 35,000, 111 Mika to the Bank of Canaria. The bank officials declining to disclose the tanner's name, revealed the charred pieces of " bank hetes en- abled thein to return $1,200 in new • bills to the farmer The tanner's explanation was that he had more than $5,000 as proceeds from a good ,crop and wanted to have, it available without having to go to the bank. No .thief would ever look in the furnace, chiropractor who died in May, 1942, he reasoned, under a report of Judge A, A, In• Seaforth Girls To Represent Huron County Council Huron County At Chicago Spikes False Report. 'Ibis year Miss. Ruth Carr-ochan daughter of Mr. and Mrs. las.. 0 than, Seaforth, R.R. No. 3, been chosen to represent the Ju Girls of Huron County at National' 4-17 contest to be. held Chicago, commencing on Deem 2nd. Miss Carnochan- has eompl ' "Resolution Declares County at"' ities Pleased With Officer Big Road Surplus GODER10H, Nov- 18, — E,i. rmttsmo, that Huron County Council made sa - omnrended the transfs): of Mate County Constable' Frank Fox lest• emphatically spiked by the eamer.71, on 1'`riday morning and the follotw1.v ," motion endorsed "That Police Commissioner Stream- er in Toronto be notified that Mils 001101.3' council and our police com- mittee have not been implicated: any way with the recent reclean -eat. Dor the removal of High Oonstab :a- Frank Pox and that we, as Hutasrs Caunty council have assembled„ * ask that County Constable For nee- main emain in Huron asweare entiredee satisfied with* his work and eon - duet." Lever Granted $1,000 Council endorsed the recomme.- ation of the wardens committer that Norman Lever, former tt10e0 °ffteer, be given a retiring allot ance of 31,000, Mr. Lever was- tired astired during the year when the pan- ition was abolished, and is suf£en.- ing from injuries received fn TSS.. while on duty. Grants of $1,200 to the , Lions In- ternational British Chi,Id War "Z -- tims Fund were authorized our rain:: reeommeudation ofthe commiitee__ Six protests of the grant of $25,0031 to Wingham hospital received from Municipalities were filed.. It was anticipated in the report that all moneys raised for the waa- effort will not be used, and the one - expendecd balance will be returned to the general fund. The follow -lac grants were made during the yeah $3.000 to the Navy League of Cern add; Red Shield, 33,000; Aubnrss: Belgrave, Blyth, Brussels, Clinton, Dungannon, Exeter, Fordwi^,h, Goil- °r•ich, Gerrie, Hensall, Londesborre Seaforth, Wingham, Wroxeter. 7'n>+- ic1r, Brumfield, and BayfieYra- branches of the Red Cross, eaelc $600; Luel now and Clifford Reel Crone, each 3300; Kirkton s Woodham, $150; Aid to Meseta Fun $1,000; rolleCting salvage, $316,05. No grant'' will be given to tips school fair asked for by the Hay-- field adfield Agriculture Society. on tice recommendation of the executive committee. This fair is meld connection with the annual " far: fang. It was explained that if Gaze - field received a grrant, other ager.S- cultural fairs where space was al- lotted for children's work would 11s entitled to it and the grant is ge'n13a. only when school faire are held ME" arately. $15,000 Road Surplus Seen - "At the end of the year the cout - ty will have no moneys ow'ng Hari rebates and a surplus of 31213J29 shold exist at the end of the yen„ it was reported by the county made commission in a statement to ti council on Friday morning. During the summerr the reg0D,sese maintenance work on the eonrt'.tea roads had beau caned on, it es.t'�, reported, though frequent break- ages reakages of oicl equipment and acar?sn't c" of repair parts continued to Cando delays. The balance of the report 'vada adapted as follows; "s.he Ethel bridge has been areas plated and the work on the mil Preaches nearly finished. The- came of this bridge will be about $15;tr forces,' x=FMand was completed by our u "7x1 1'5.olese to requests from Su- terested ratepayers, It was deckliea to begin'. the work of cutting the ISM south of the Varna bridge. TM is a steep, dangerous .hilt, and fnau1.y people have had trouble on it, Visited Michigan "Your committee visited counties• in Michigan this summer and learn- ed of the types of equipment rnmst- Mavored in that state. Organized= in Michigan is very different feeaa Omtarie. '!'here, ail roads are row: ty roads and state roads. The- Mute Tete •eofxtraots for building its rows ADA then they are maintained ' the Country, so that there le tate one argenization maintaining ros tee in Moet parts. In i101dhigien them, is no direct tax for roads as air ;tat paid from gas and mater Ye98 taxes. ,`A fleet ins.uraneepolicy, eercce *+s • ing all trucks end graders•, trout::, etc., against public liability, proper* ty damage and fire, for a peemireiti,. of $3030.$.4, hhs boon taken out, "k le unlikely' that airy work , dlentinued on lbaek Tagil six Club projects and 4s . the girl to be selected from this Cou 'She will accompany a number other Junior. Farm Girls and B from other Counties, who have b winners in their respective Counti has nior the in !ibex eted first nty. of 00s een es, :K * * ,, * ♦ ,,, Obituary Howey Alexander Ross 'Phis community was shocked the sudden death of Howey Ale ander Ross, eighteen -year-old of Mr. and Mrs. Morra.y Ross at h home, lot 11, concession 1, Gr township, The youth who was. aecompanie fry his brother, suddenly collap between ' eight and nine o'elo Saturday evening, Nov. llth wh attempting to start his gas engin He had just cranked the engin when hie collapse occurred and h 1 failed to show any sign of 1if from that moment. The deceased hail been employe by Huron County for the past tw years prior to which he assiste his father on the farm. Ile was born on July 25th, 1926 the son of Murray Ross and hi wife who was formerly Rh•od IHowey of Lucirnow, He is survive by his sorrowing parents and tw brothers Jack and Wilmer. Funeral services were eonducte fnom the family residence o Wednesday, Nov. 15th, Pallbearers were county me with wham 11e had worked- Joh Snell, Kenneth Morris, James Van Camp, Robt, McDonald, Waite Ward and Lawrence Willis. The flowers beautiful tributes t tine deceased and expressions o sympathy to the bereaved, wet carried by six fellow workmen au four boys who had been member of his school class at S.S. No. Grey. cem Intetery.erment took place in Brussels at x - son is ey d sed ek ene. e e e d 0 d rs a d O 0 n n to r f e t1, s 4 • Keep Blood Flowing A Cbaplain in Italy writes: In this Field Dressing Station one sees In actuality how the blood g;]veu by our people at home gives life to their lads who are badly wounded. Very often the boy is brought in in a very critical con.. dition. He has lost much blood, he is suffering pain, his wlible body arid mind are numb from shock. I3is face is grey. He is laid on the 'stretcher, cover.' ed with blankets, and above him Is hung the bottle of blood or blood plasma. Drop by drop you watch it as it passes into his veins. Then you see the change begin in the lad, The Colour comes back into his face, The glaze over the eyes gives way to brightness. The mind wakes again and the boy begins to fight to pull through, Honour to the blood donors, They lltterallygive life. Relative At 'Brussels Will Share In Estate LONDON, Nov. 17—Exactly 97 persons, including a number from London and district, will snare in the aft -disputed 358,000 estate of Thomas Henry English, retired sseerec `Lost Ration Books . An appeal to consumers to write their names• and addresses on the cover and the stubs of coupon sheets in their food ration books has been made by W. Iiarold McPhillips, fol• lowing a survey which shelve an average of 600 persons lose, damage or have their ration books stolen monthly in Western Ontario. Care leseneee en the part of the shopper, rather than theft by others, is res- ponsible tot the greatest number of lost books. It was pointed out t:h:at if books had their proper identification marks they could be readily return. Id to the Gamer, after they had been Picked up • from store counters where ,they were lett by i.heit owners. grant as laced- master made in Chambers yesterday. ,Distribution of a $30,000 bequest by the elderly testator to his "fleet, second and third cousins," which Itas caused lawyers and judges ,alike many n headache for more there a year new, awaits only the approval of Judge Ingram's report by a justice of the Supreme Conrt of Ontario. One of the ceuslns re- sides in 'Brussels Release Casualty Lists Next Month Ottawa, ... Canadian Army eosttai• ties for the Schelde Estuary fight- ing which Prime Minister Churchill said in London had test heavy Canadian and British losses, won't be available until erirly In Deoeinber, detente headquarters Indicated,