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Wedsesday October 18th, 1944.
At Brussels Towii
To the music of
Bert Worth and his
C K N X Ambassadors
Saturday Night, October 21st
Dancing 9 until 12 o'clock.
Admission 50c
Blood Donors Urgently Needed!
Blood Clinic, Friday, October 27th.
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, 11:A•„ ALO.
10 A. Sunday School and
Bible Class
111 A. M. Morning Worship
"Jesus In The House Of
Simon The Pharisee.'
7 P. M. Evening Worship
Dr. Wm, R. Quinn, a medical
missionary, home on furlough
from. India, will speak of his
work, and show coloured mov-
ing pictures
Louts 0. Thompson, Organist
Come and Welcome.
United Ch.lrch
..Sinister—Rev. Hugh C. WI/non
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"The Sacrament of Baptism"
Junior Congregation
Sermon Subject "Forgiveness"
12 Church School and
Bible Class
The Evening Service is with-
drawn that we may worship at
Melville Church.
i...JlltlICI1 oa ,..,ng:auf:r
Parish of Brussels
Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham
20th Sunday After Trinity
Ootober 22nd, 1944
St. John's Church Brussels --
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Church -
1.30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2.80 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
St. ,David's Henfryn-
2.30 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
3:30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Hallowe'en Masquerade Party
St. John's Sunday School Room
on Tuesday, October 31st
Programme — Games
Fun For Young and Old
Admission 25 and 15
Children under 6 years old free
Lunch Served
Bingo and Dance
Brussels Town .Ball
Friday, November 3rd
Modern and Old Tyme Dancing
music by Jack Thynne
and his orchestra ,
Admission 25
under the auspices of Brussels
Branch of the Canadian Legion
Proceeds For Overseas
Cigarette Fund
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
October 19th, 20th and 21st.
Anne Baxter Thos. Mitchell
The Sullivans
The story of five heroic brothers,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
October 23rd, 24th, 25th
Joan Fontaine Orson Welles
Jane Eyre
Bronte classic converted into a
powerful and artistic film.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
October 26th, 27th, 28th
Two Features
(2nd show starts 9:45)
The irrespressible Donald O'Connor
finds romance again
Chip off the old Block
—Also •
Basil Rathbone Nigel Bruce
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death
Show Business
_ x
x 511
8i45 a.
a '
.F e
ro I
s 0
Speaker, �
Salvage Saturday
IPlease have your waste paper Iasi
uv, rag's, and BUSHEL BASKETS
1 out ready for the boys on Saturday
Fifty Years Married
October 24th
On the occasion of their 50th
wedding unndvereary, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Kerney of Brussels will be
at home to their blends from 3 pm.
to 5 p.m, and in the evening from
7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs
Itertuey were residents of Winghant
a few years ago, where Mr. Kerney
conducted a barber business.
Urgent Appeal For
New Blood Donors -
Every person physically capable
• is asked to regtetor as ablood
donor. The need* is intim-mth'e.
efen wfl1 n'eedlessay die frons boss of
Mood unless tate peop8o book home,
we who live in safety and comfort
beceess of Miele sacrifice and
devotion to duty, respond to this
urgent appeal for new blood donors.
I0 airy reason, other than physical
imposedbieity, has hitherto kept you
from beang a donor, do net hesitate
now. There is no need of fear. the
discomfort Is eatneun•ely s14ght, ,you
can bake ,the time to do it, it will
take only on hour, or less out of
your busy day while our men in
service give years or their Gime and
if blood donations fall—their laves.
Do not be tineug'htless or negligent.
This' is smnnething that we should
hurry to do—not hesitate. Many
have inede several donations—if you
have not mow is your ogp13ortuu1ty,
TATO depend on .you—Be A Blood
Donor. Have your name lintel
now for the next alio to be held
in the basement of Melville Church
031 Friday, October 371,11.. Give your
mane to Mrs. H. 13. A11en, not later
than Monday, October 30th.
At• The Churches
Melville Presbyterian Church
The morning service in Melville
Phurch was in. charge 'et ,the mlule.
ter. The sermon dealt with the
healing of the Geraeeme demonise
Medical Missionary
In Melville Church
On -Sunday, (Jotober send, et the
evening eervece Dr. Will, R. Quinn, a
medical missionary home Mt leave
Irene podia• will speak and show
coloured moving pictures et his
work in India. DrQuinn was horn
in Kincardine, studied In . Toronto
anti Weetern Universities and later
travelled widely for further medical
study In New York, IOd4nbargh,
London, Dubbin and Vienna. fie baa
been working among the jungle
tribes of the Bhil country in InciJa.
No not Meetheopportunity of Neer
lag this medieal mdeedenary from
India; anti of seeing kis coloured
moving pdctems. A hearty invitee
bion is extended to the people el
Brussels and the surrounding
country to be present.
Unanimously Endorse
Soldier -Barrister As
Candidate For Election
Veteran Of Sicily And Ratty
Named By Well -Attended
Meeting Held In Wingham
WT3 }IAM, Oot. M.—Major
]leargltts Ross Nairn Goderioh bar-
rister, was yesterday 011005n by ac-
clamation. •to ceurteet the riding of
North Huron for the idlaenal party.
The nominating convention was
well attended. le erals being pres-
ent from all parts o8 dais riding.
Major Nairn is well known in this
district having practised law for
10 years. He is a graduate of Os-
gooOe Hal,
He received his •ea.rty education
in the Goderioli Pablbo . anei High
schools 'and is a native of •Gvdericb.
For fore and ene-half years be
Wm overseas, having been with
the forces in. Africa, ,Sicily and
Italy, end at present . is ,eoneeoted'
with the Department of Defence,
Major ,Nadrin stated his fleet mauve
ill be to set e1) an egricul'taral
onunittee' in this district" to review
aim Problems, to campaign whole
eertedly rind to solicit personally
be vote of 700 servicemen nnw in
he armed Ponces Limn this district.
,Sperdal speaker et the convention
as George Wood, M.P. 0oa• Braut,
ho at the last Federal eleetiou, (le-
veled :Sy. Apps in the Brant riding,
nd for nine years has been Liberal
t ember•.
anada Stands First
Mr. Wood said never in the
l0terp of , this country has any
tarty such as the present govern -
net made seek a contribution to
there and particularly to the war
ffcrt 50 the King regime is doing.
smalls stance first in food and
mines to our forces end A.ilies
overeeee. Today 00) farmers have
reduced 40 per cent more .than
t any time previously, despite the
•et there ere fewer Harmers,
The speaker sale the present
government has been Pala' in leas-
ing contracts despite stroxlg oriti-
nisei trent the other parties. Con-
tracts are let according to merit
with respect. to helping the war
effort 100 per cent,
''1 say the Conservative party Is
toying to undermine the confidence
of the King government end talk
disunity. Why Because Mr, '[King's
Ideals ere too high dor his men -
ante and' poletiral jealousy has be.
eome rampant.°
Raps Drew, Smythe
Mr. Wood intimated John Brac-
ken was " a political zombie' ' and
stated Col, Drew should attend to
Hs own effete§ and leave matters
of military eigeiflOanre to mon of
military stators who lonely the inside
facto, Mr. Wood was refea•rOThg to
Drew and
chargee made by Col. en
(Sony Smythe with respect to Can.
melee soldiers being untrained.
"1f our Canaelo.n Army is poorly
trained, why did the Allies choose
5,000 Oanealian. oefleere to lead the
then oN invasion day and," centime
eel Mr. Mdod, "just recently Can-
adtans begged' their second largest
u r�nens.
but of Aso
bunch p
Today, said tee speaker, Cate
dian people are toeing critical
111055, "and we 11111)80 ali be un{tei
nut to have A, coned goverhment tit'
er4 with poet -war problems,^
"Return •Maolteatzie Klee to pear
a'," Ale t1iged,
by Jesus, The choir sang the 1
aut.hem, "0 Lord, how manifold are t
Thy Works," by Barnby.
Brussels United church
Mrs. Harold Campbell took the w
obligate part In the morning anthem f
at the United Church, The minister a
spoke about the menace of the liquor n
traffic 111 Ontario. Total abstinence C
aq a. Christian duty Ivan urged, in
the Sunday School peeled Mr. 1}: ; h
Dennis the 'Temperance eispet utter• i 1
dent spoke on the value of signing m
the pledge and a number cif pledge I o
elude were signed. The minister's e
text at the evening service was ; 0
"Return unto thy rest 0 my soul." e
Psalm 119.
St. John's Church 11
Sunday October l''Sth was obsery i a
5d a,s Childv'en's Day ' in St. Jollies fa
Church. There was a good attend-
ance at S. S. Session at 10 a. na., and
at the maiming service the Sunday
School sa1101rs occupied the front
seats in the church, At this' service
the ,Sacrament of infant Baptism
was administered upon Stanley Ed.
ward Dawson, the infant son of Mr.
and Meg, 01101ord Marks of Morrie
Twp., and upon Ronald Lloyd, the
infant son of Mr, said Mrs, harry
Workman of '31•ussel+s. Rev, M. F.
Oldham was in, charge and preached'
an appmopreete ,:sermon on Peter's
deliverance Prom prison and the
story of Rhoda as contained in
Chapter 12 of the Acts of the .Apost-
les, Mrs. Watson, began her duties
as organist en Gee ,Sunday.
Visits Aluminum Company
His Excellency, the Governorelen-
e1 at of Canada and Her ITigtmess
Princess Alice- paid an Informal visit
to the Arvidaarea, reeentiy, The
viae-regalparty ways received by the
A.leminttnn Arvidoofficials and Area
Comnna.mder, Maier H. er. Kerney,
M. el. who is also Ofifeor Command-
ing of NO. 2,1 ilosneeny Veteran's
Guard, A Guard of Honor, accompan-
ied their iae-band Was • nrl ted
b p s f r
y 1
h e an' •,
i V r Guard for ETxa
IVY o of s G His
eonenpy. Hollowing the inepection,
Hie Exaelleney ' chatted with many.
of tile officers anti other ranks re-
oslling (laye car World War NO. 1.
Shortly after, the vice -raged tarty
lent on, :a 'toter of 141seeet{on of the e
Aluminum plaint end area defeneos,
5TI'1, MARl'thl—le Mottle Township
on Wednesday, (Oct, 1191111, 1644,
Julius :Ste. Merle, in his 52nd
year. Funeral will be held 011081
St. Annbrese Calrlaolie Church In
Bruseelas onl Saturday, Oct, 21st,
1044, et 9:111 cm, Tniternnetat In
rildldanatip 418115e125y. .
Results of B.C.S.
Field Day
October 4th, 1941, the annual field
day was held al. the school on the
rear ea -lupus, :lotus of the etotn4':
could not be completed these so they
have taken place since.
Winners. were:
Senior Girls
75 yard dash --1 ,lean Hull
2Ptuth McDonald
3 Margaret hell
High jurap-1 Margaret Bell
2 Rath McDoreld
$ Jean Hull
dttanding Broad -1 Jean Hull 6' 1"
2 Margaret Bell 5' 5e/e"
3 Ruth McDonald 5' Pee"
Softball -1 Rath McDonald
2 Margaret 13511
3 Jean IInll
Running Dread -
1 Jean Heel 14' We"
2 latea'garet Bell 8' 9"
3 Ruth MelDonald 8' 2"
75 yard dash -1 Dorothy Fraser
2 Barth Jewell
3 Francis Straw
High Jump -1 Ruth Wilson
. 2 Dorothy Freer
8 Lillian Gibson
Running Broad -1 Ruth Jewell 10' 4"
2 Dorothy Fraser 9' 10"
3 Doris Bowman 9' 7"
Sof0bnll-1 Francis S11aw
2 Ruth Jewett
3 Ruth. Wilson
Standdang Broad—
1 Rath Wilson 6' 33"
2 Nora Shaw 6' Ate"
Francis Shaw 6' le.e"
2901 Jin Cameron 22 1)01010
3rd Mao 13aelter 20 points
Junior Boys—
!)iays le lie ee —La wile Cau6'ins
John Wilson
Donald McCutchr:an
i Standing Bread—
Donald MacDonald 0' 7"
Jelin Wilson
Lawrie Cousins
I-Ioward Ryan
I high Jump --Mae Spears 4' 6"
Donald MacDonald
Deltoid Coleman
Running. Breed—Mac Desire 13 '4•'
Hamlet Coleman
Donald MacDonald
100 yard dash—Donald MacDonald
Lawrie Cousins
8 1h. 50104 Put—trtewart Stiles 2R' 9"
Howard Backwell
Lawrie Cousins
2.20 yard dash --Donald MacDonald
Mae Speirs
,fiat Bowman
Junior Champions
1st Donald M"as.Derrald 19 eo11110
2ud Mac Speirs le points
33rd Lawrie Counties 8 points
Mr. and Mrs. P. Tyerman
Honored By Friends
A targe number of neighbors and
friends assembled in Brussels Tow
I Man 0111 Tlxntsday evening to speed
i a few theirs with Percy and Mrs
Tyeruian .who are leaving soon to
Memorial Service Held
In Melville Church
CM Sunday aftertleoil, begivalag at
1 3 o'clock, a memorial service was
held ill Mel'v lie Church for Trireme
Arthur McLean, son of Roderick Mc-
Lean, Lean, Morris Township, who died
ed' weenies on Angusi 12th last. Also
I, Privets .Gordon -Nichol, who was
i killed in France. fila parents new
Ilive al Hay, Ontario, Earlier they
time 3n Geo, Town.=hip end while
jthere Gordon' attended Sunday
.'chool in Melville Chure'9, 00.1 was
in Mr. Alen Lamont's class, This
memorial sc+l'vice was largely attend-
ed. The front cen re of the church
was reserved for relatives and
f1•iends. On the communion table
was a wreath by the McLean family
and. in %runt of it photographs of the
two deceased Soldiers. The church
was decortrtted with maple leaves,
me eert'dce •opeazed with the singing
of "0 (led of Bethel." This was
followed by the reading of Psedane
46 and 263. Then hymn 470, "Near-
er was God to Thee," Thfv was
toleewed by .prayer, Mr. William
Spear then sang, Face to Fate by
.Tohreton. Next the hymn, Asleep in
Jesus. The anessage was based en
the word, Remember, so often found
in ,Scripture. The choir sang, There
n is a land beyond the setting sun, by
J. M. Smteton; Theo dame the read-
• leg et the names, followed by a per.
✓ led of sdi•enee. The minister then
A recited Ten
nyson's p
m Crna
e the Bar. The closing hymn was
Y Abide with the, and was followed 37
1e the National -Anthem. The service
e closed with Benedietion,
their new home le lexeter,
pleasant social time was held. Dan
Ing was enjoyed to fine music b
Mori Warwick, Ma. Brewer, M
and tiles, Ohas. Davis and th
Kirkby Orchestra of Walton. Jim
Armstrong in his usual affable
mannerca.11eal Mr, and Mrs, 'i'yer-
mme to the platform. Cuarles Arm -
serene' reed the following address
and George Pollard and Donald
Spear presented the gifts whieh
were a handsome Tie -light electric
floor lamp and a beautiful plate
gloss living -room mirror, MT
Tyernnan in a few well chosen
sentences, • thanked everyone fon
their kindness and extended to all
a weleodne .3n their new 110108• Lunch
teas served and the remainder of the
evening Dec spent in clancinr'. Fol-
cwing is the address.
Brussels, Oct, 12, 19.14
leer Id'a- end Peecay:-
We. your Mende and neighbours.
nave gathered here tonight to bid
eu tarewell,before you leave our •
nmunmity to make your home else-
You 11110e always boor. a fine
•eainple 011' halneety, MMyatt, ane. 111)-I
ight •haracIer, whealever your.
tamp was mentioeml It was always
seociatcd with integrity,
You have spent the rest of your
Ives as our neighbours and are shall
1105 y011, but what is our lass will
e someone else's gain.
As a email token of our esteem we
ak you to accept these gifts, luny
hey ever remind you 00 us and let'
you 'knew that one hones are always
\valuing with a welcome to you, any fi
time you may cafe to visit ns
May God binge, protect, and keep
you in geed health, is the wish of all
Item tonigbt, Signed 011 their bs-
hslf;- Chas. Armstrong •
Goo, Pollard
Wnt. Spear
Junior Girls
60 71' dash -1 Mu.ntal Andersnm
2 Mary Bowman
Doreen Coutts
High Jump -1 Audrey Anderson
2 Mary Bowmaia
3 Mintel Andersen
Standing Broad—
1 M''urtal Anderson 6' 9" I
2 Audrey Andersen 6' 8"
35 Doreen Coutts 6' 2ee"
2 AAudrey*Anderson*Anderson 6' 6„
2 Doreen Coutts -
3 Helen Bishop
Running Broad—.
1 Muriel Anderson 13' 51,4”
2 Audrey Andersen 12' 10"
3 Doreen Coutts 11'
Muriel Anderson deserve, special
mention in her running broad jump
of 18" Re". This is a remarkabl
distance for a junior to make,
Intermediate Boys
Standing Broatt-1 nss Knight 7' 6"
Harold McCutoheen
Murray Matheson
High Ju11131—elccs Knight 3' 1.0"
Murray Matheson 3' 10'
Forest Whittard
Running Broad—
Murray Muthssou 13' 41,,"
Ross Knight
Forest Weettard
5 13. Shot Put—
Ross Knight 31.' 6"
Murray Matheson t
Harold Mc0ukeheen
100 yard dash—Rose Knight
Ken. Knight
Harold Mc0utcheen
24'0 Yard dash --Ross Knight
IKen. Knight
Harold McCutoheon
Bop Step and Jump—
Rose Knight 27' 2V4"
Ilarold Mcteu'tcheon
Murray Matheson
Intermediate Charreplons—,,,,
lel•. Rosa Knight 36 ,points
201 Murray Matheson 15 points
8u•d Harold lalc0utc'heon 8 points
Senior Boys
Standing Broad --Jen Cameron 7' 7"
John Spivey
Mac Seeker
h Juntp—Mac "Metter 4' Sys"
Sohn Spivey
Jam Otuneron
lttmuing Breed—Joke 14'
33,11 Cameron
Mae Busker
Hop, .Step anti J•nanp—
John Spivey 31' 8"
Mac Braker
Jinl Cameron
12 ib 61tut Pei—
Mac :Seeker 28' lee"
Jiutam n
Q la
.Tolm Spivey
109 yard dash—John Spivey
Marc 'Seeker
J1na Cameron
220 Yard drill --Toon .Spivey
Jim Ciameron
Mac Banker
1jc-nti:le dash (ripen)-.
Jlohe ,Spivey (qtr)
`Yeas Knight Ginter.)
Jen Rowinan (,Tr,)
V451110ing (tetienj---
Odnt Cameron
Mao Spoilt (3),)
Mee Booker (5r,)
Senior tthsMplorteee
tat fobs Spivey 112 ljaletai,
'Po the large and reeresettative
group of. nc0ghb0re and friends olio
Attended Mr fetew01 l party, we
extend ger thanks. We appr(c{oto
the lione0,r of Ville cmblebny, the
spl1 4k1 Music provided and rho
benniafel gifts prosanted to us,
P. 3T, and titre 1'yerxtiatn
Sept. 28th, 1944
The Ladies Aid
Brussels Peesibyteriau Church
My sincere thanks for the lovely
parcel I received a few days age. It
was very mcg alnereoie,ted by my
self and the vest of the boys in the
Platoon. Hoping to sae you all
Yours truly,
Clifford H. Riley
B. C. S. Notes
A wafter. mast watt held at the
settee] on Friday. 'Oietober 13. The
evening colstlnencecl by a sing 501V
conducted by Mr. Leyeoek^ 1livery-
0110 ,thoroughly enjoyed roasting the
hot' doge elver the toe and neighing
me with 0.30eelate milk end Melee.
When the tenet was 00er .everyone
dente Tn the achool to the 'music
emptied by the Matfett; Them
13r'etheee anti Elva Sholdico,
To the citizens of Huron County.
On Monday, October 23rd, Canada
launches her Seventh Victory Loan
with the slogan — 'Invest in Vic-
As an investment, it is the sound-
1est and most honourable that a Can-
adian citizen. ca11 make,4,e for the
Victory, it will iia the most moment-
ous of our history - "invest in Vic-
All signs indicants .that this Seventh
Victory Loan should be the best yet.
the crops have been exceptionally
good. Qur fighting forces have gene
from one triumph to another ever
since "D" Day. Now they are right
in the thlrk of the war's lastanti
most hitter phase — All that is to
encourage us. — It is also to k ha11-
enge es. This Seventh Loan should
be the best yet.
There are ,great days. Thee. are
the days for which we have ' been
1n•eta:net g for five years, 10;150 they
are conte and battles are betel, W021on every front and events 119.5 surg-
fng; on to a final victory.
Citizens of Huron—you have done
well for other Lorna in other days
of anxiety and peril
— Now, in
these 1110nn1entoaa days of saertio
and Victory, it is the time to d0
better than ever before. l0venta de-
mand it from ns, These days of
destiny inspire us t0 it. Your County
War Finance executive Is deeply
concerned that we make this
Seventh Loan the best yet.
I know we have the me8ms to do
it 3111 every Town and in every Town,
(hip. 1 behove we have the spirit
to do it as well,
T ask no more than that the people
of Huron prove themselves worthy
of their fighting sons.
Yours faithfully,
W. A, Beecroft.
"Invest In Victory".
Canvassing District 7th Loan
Ashelele Tewnchip $184.000
Wawanoeh West
��•..,..e.,-. 69,006
Oa11aorne Township.
iloderleh 4105,000
Wawattoeh Plast 60,000
Winghaan 191,000
'Purtiberry.'t`ewns41i9 76 000
TT•owicir Township 220,000
Morris TOWnrhlp 04,000.
Grey Township' ,,,,, • 118,004
Brussels 75,000
The Tina.i109 comtnt�tteo of the Red
Gross wish to thank all those who
001ttribeted to the 'etteimsa of the
intte•od-penntee sponsored by the
c¢rnettittee. The peeeoeds atneanted
to ed8.4:G.
Tueke sisal t
alta township 101,010
tvn p
McT0lblop Townobip 101,000.
Hellcat 'POwnehie ............ 101,000
Settee' th 160, nee
Stanley 'resemble 102,060
Goderteit Township ',,,,, 85,000
I -T nq 10 000
T e .ati and Hey Bast 0,
Zurich and T3ay Wee ,,,.,.,511,000
9 -Thorne Tawnellip 100,000
Denier 151,000
Sitel 0111 Wet 00,000
501pi1vee West 90;090
Minton ,,,. 1.80.600
$2,9 90,000
,tick arhytiae will eetalleor itis
t0rtrtll u45011 1 eeneert mud dall*e in
I311189:le Town 540111, Proceeds tar
smokeg tor boys nvelr6ea9, Watch
00.1' date and lttrther pertlen44.rs.