HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-27, Page 2OLD VIRGINIA • PIPE TOBACCO It's a reoi pipe smoker's tobacco ETHEL The regular evening service will be held in Ethel United Churce. next Sunday, October 1. 'The -pastor, Be, S. Brenton will be ia cherge. The anriiversary services of Ethel United Church will take place on Thanksgiving +Sunday, Oct. 9111, The new electric organ will he dedica e d Bev, Treat of Atwood, will be the speaker at 11 a. rain the mor I g and Rev. Reba Herron of Varna, will be the minister at eight in the evening. Special music by the choir. Mrs. Treat soloisit. Several frosl this community at- tended the Memorial Service for Pte. Percy Willis at Atwood Pres- leyterian Church last Sunday after- noon. Pte. Willis was killed in action in France August 12th, 1944. He was the son ot Wm. and Mrs. Willis of GOIVELDStOWD. He leaves his wife the former Doreen Lynn, o f aarrie and an infant daughter. Pte, willite mother was the daughter of reee late August and Dare. Eckmier fg this village. Weeley Somers had the misfortune eo have a severe fall while- working at the bridge last Saturday p. m. He had a bad shaking tie, a sprained ankle and back. His many friends hope or a seeedy recoverle Charles Hansuld's sale ef light horses last Friday drew quite a crowd. The Ethel War Unit are gathering the materials for making Christmas cake to send to our boys overseas. Auly acteatiens will be gratefully received. Please leave at one ot the general stores, lees. Mary le Aanes spent last 'eek with ler daughter leas, Coca Deteerau et Listowel who we ere Peppy to report is progressing rev:tenthly Deer ee appendicitis operation in Listowel Memorial Anyone welshing to donate eggs, ter, sugar CD' Mgt for the purpose or malting trait cake for the Christmas baskets for our boys in the service kindly leave your con- tribution at the store or get in touch with Mrs, Jack Wilson not later than Oct. 15th. Misses Margaret Rowland and Elsie. Franklin have gone to Toronto to secure positions for the winter mouths. The village group of War Warkers completed four glints in the Twp. rill last Wednesday. - We are sorry to report Mea. Geo. Krae. r 110t gaining 111, health as quisele as her many friends would Have your EYE Properly Cd for .414; e). Fv, F. Helmuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 like at ,see. Miss Ada Wardlaw of Ajar spent several days last week with her parents Dr, and Mrs Wardlaw. Harrision No County Nurses This Year The county -wide schiocl parsing plan, adtopted by Huron County Council at its June cession will net be inaugurated this. year, es original - le Planned, owing to the scarcity of qualified nurses. Wardell Fred Watson inrormed the press that the County was in receipt of a letter from Miss Margaret Wright, essist aet to the Provincial director of Public health nursing, stating tbat there was no improvement in respect to the supply ot nurses, nor was fere any immediate solution in sight. but that the needs of the County were being Rept in mind. School Buildings Are Valuable The hight and public school buildings in towns and villages all over Ontario are valuable, but Jan bow valuable Perhaps few realize. Over in Drayton, they know what the erection of a new school building realty coets Th -e contract for the erection of the new continuation and meek. school, to replace the one recently destroyed by ere, has recently bean let to a Toronto contractor. The contract is for $79;268. 4.2282 to this, the cost of 5.1ie, drilled well, architect's fee and equipment brings the total cast to $95,000. This will be met by in- surance $24,900, debentures 946,000, and probinoial grant $19t500. THE BRUSSELS POST eteednestleY, September 27te, 1944, Received Cigarettes Soeseweere in Italy 1 wish to thank the Brutes/a Legion and Mee ROMs Thomson for the cigarette they sent lnee they are very aoarce over here and I was sure glad to get them. Thanks e lot. C. le Riley CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE— hallae, 1Vire Derk FOR SALE - 200 belied Rack Pullets. ehone 434.-17 Alex Steles FOR SALE - 9 Young Pigs. Ed. Henderson Phone 68x -r-3 "In the flim you yent to, did the eero marry the heroine at the end of all their treubles?" "No; at the beginning!" viont,,--smi7J.,417:,7,3tw.,...._,-.."==.272=5-1==^0==ezemEZCsatang T NCREASED production of farm products is vitally important, and the shortage of farm help makes necessary the use of labor-saving devices to achieve that result. The Government has recognized this fact by author. izing increased production of farm machinery and equip. merit NEW DURO PUMPS are available in greater quantities this year, but still we cannot fill all our orders as the demand is so great. If yott are one who has been disappointed, don't blame your Duro Dealer as the greater part of our production is War Goods for the Armed Forces. We are also handicapped by shortage of materials and skilled labor. We will deliver as many putnps to our Duro Dealers as we pos- sibly can—they will do their best to take care of eoer needs. The Duro Special, 290 gale. per hr. 42 gal, galvanized tank, $96.00, toth. London, Hatnilton, Toronto, Demand EllfC0 Fittings and Fixtures for Bathroom, Laundry and ititclien, See your UV) Dealer regarding available styles. Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly Wiliam Gillespie phone 68 &vet* Otte &44 EoPtittr, nUh1SS IldrG. CO., ILIIVI/TE13 Lomosis Tsromts Hanifiton Swbu Wirm,peg. Ja-couvne FOR SALE - 200 White Leghorn Yearling Haus. ph -me 86-r-11. Jas. McDonald FOR SALE - 150 'Leghorn Pullets, 51/2 months old. Jack Themes Phone 17-r-4, FOR SALE— .4. Olean Cillo and a Baby Cerra age. apply to 'Phone, Brussels 64-r-6. CLEARING, AUCTION SALE —0 Notice to Creditors team Stock and Ineclemente, Lot 14, COD. 3, Grey, ,SEttarday, October In the estate of J'AM'ES McNICHOL,: 7111. Andrew Jackidn, Jr., laap. AUOTION SALE Of Household Effects beionging'th the estate of Dougnld and Mrs. Annie McDonald, Turnberre St. Brussels SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th • Sale Commences at 1 P. M. 1 extension table, 6 dining room chairs, 1 side board, 2 ohine. Celan. eta tall -leaf table, 3. sewing medicine (Singer), 1 nook range, 1 Quebec heater. 3 -burner coal oil stove with. oven, 1 wood heater, 1 two-bu-rner eieetrle Plate, 1 electi4o heater, 1 electric iron, 1 bedroom auite, 2 beds with spline, 1 single bed springs and mattrese, 1 dresser, 3 wash steeds, 1 high _bureau, 1 library table (oak), 1 sectional book case toak), 1 image, 1. atm ohalr, 1 locker leather upholeter (oak), 5 rocking cheers, 3 Anil chairs, 8 small +theirs, 1 desk, several small tables, 1 kitchen table, 6 *kitchen ehairs, 8 kitchen cupboards, 2 cloths chesee, 1 washing machine, wash tabs, 4 toilet sets, 1 dinner set, 2 elocka and 2 mirrors, 3 coal oil lamps, pots, pans, fruit jars, dishes, 1 clothes reek, 2 .coal ecuttlee, 1 rug, SaVer,81 small matte, 1 °repels separ- ator, 1. vegan. kettle The effects and property of the }ate Dougald McDonald will be sold, FOR SALE— Duram Cowe, due to freshen in Dec. and Jan., 10 Durham calves. Phone 5e -r-13 P. N. Tyerman, FOR SALE— A. Purebred .Shorbbern Bull. ser- viceable age. phone 25-r-12 Eared Speir LOST--sePa` A. sheeet of Beaeerboard 7 by 4 fe, off tertok nem. Ethel. Finder, notify the Bius,sele Poet Phone SI. FOR SALE -- 100 Acre Foran $Y2 Lot 23, Con. 6, Morris Twp., good buildings, near school, will sell stock, crop anal Im- plements. Wm. J.* Bernard Phone 16a-15, WANTED— Lady to learn Special beauty work to do in own home. Spare or full time. For details write Box 8, Listowel. FOR SALE - 22. to 30 head choice short•keep steers .mostly Herefords balance Durham Roans, also a number of lighter stook steers, G. F. Martin Gowanstown, Ont, FOR SALE— Fall samples have come, owing to sea -laity of goods it is wise to gte- orders for tailor-made clothing iv early. See— E. Bates. Phone 50x Brussels WANTED— To purchase pullets eight we-t or age and older. teerred Rcee:s New Hampshires and White Los horns Good prices tam. Writ. Tweddle Chick Ha.tcheriee Lactate. Fergus, Ontario. MEN AND WOMEN Watkins Dealers are making more Marley today than ever before. Dn- 16y the -security and benefits ef affiliation with the OLDEST and LARDIDST COMPANY of its kind in the woeld. Watkine have Ete buying power of $20se00,000,00 wttih invested ln raw material No .exper- lepee required. Every Watitine Pro. duce .sold on a guarantee 00 mete feet:toe on money retencled, All ,sales records were smashed iu 1943 — generous bonuses were paid • to all Watkins. dealers. Get into business tor yoarseit on our ea.ptial in your home or seelacerte locality -- write now for further information to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, 0-B-4, 2177 Masson, Montreal. late of the Township of McKillop In the County. of Huron, farmer, who died on or before the seven.: teenth day of February, A. D. 1944. TANE NOTICE that all parties baying claims or demand§ agalnet: the estate of the above deceased 011151 mull particulars+ and Proof of ' same to the undersigned Achniniza ratrix on or before the seventh day of October, A. D. laia, upon Which dale the ,seed Achninistratrec will proceed to .dietribute the assetswith regard only to those claim whieli she shell then bave received. DATED at Brussels this 19111 dee of September, A. D., 1614, TILIZA.BETH MeNICHOL Walton, Ontaro Administratrix by her soliotor 15L0/IBR 13. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. These include -1 baggy, 1 'cutter, considerable earpealor and garden tools, also brick cottage, franie barn and garage on 2 lots "0" of the Village of Brussels. The house and lots to be offered for sale euibjeot to a reserve bia. —TERMS CASH— S. Hilltop, R. -S. Warwick, Executors Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer Robt. Patrick, Clerk. Rev. W. A. MacCleary of Elora, Field ,Secretary of the elpPea Canada B1bhe•Sootetty was the special preacter in St. David's Church, Hen- fryn at the afternoon service on Senclay. Sept, 24th, He preached on Pealtn 9012 "So teadh tie to number our clays that WO may apply our hearts Mao wiedom." He eold ot the greet veorlt that the Society to accomplishing throughout the, world and the many languages in wbich Me Bib% ie printed, Rev. M. Oldham was in clutr,ea of the AOrriee. Mns. /Cent' officiated at she organ. The Women* Guild of Si, Devitt% Churce Henfryn staved dinner and eupPer at the IMME, or MIS. 'T. Kerr, Henteyn on Monday, Sept. 25th, when *Kerr beotheee held a very' sale of Shorthorn tealle, Ger• a prima were reteleed and the Guild from the sale et reetele reallead a, good sem AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock es Implements Being the estate of the late Wm. McFadzean, Lot 3, Con, 17, Grey Township • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th Sale commences at 12 o'clock HO RS BS 1 Cleale gelding 9 yrs, old 1 Clyde tome 6 yrs. old 1 -General purpose mare 11 yrs.. old+, CATTLE Good COW'S, supposed in calf 2 Yearlings crud Spring Celves 9 small pige and erome poultry IMPLEM'ENTS 1 Deering binder tt. cut 1 Deering Mower 6 St. cut 1 Watson mower 5 ft. out 1 Messey-Harris hay loader 1 Bey tedder and 1 Dump rake 1. dive drill with fentilier tittaclhtnent 1 Hoe drill with ^cultivator teeth 1 ,Spring tooth cultivator 2 Disc cultivators 1 8tsection harrows. 1 IVthOormick manure spreader 1 Land Potter and 2 walking plows 1 three -furrow and 1 two -furrow gang plows 1 .actuble mould board plow 1 tue'nip sower and. 1 seedier 1 Watson reaper and 1 root pulper 1 +heavy steel tired wagon 1 Celt steel tired wagon 1 wagon box and 1 gravel box 1 stook rack and 2 set sleighs 1 top buggy and, 1 open buggy 2 mutters and+ 1 buggy pole 1. hay rack and 1 Toner rack 1 sleigh /lox 1 cutting box and 1 canning mill 1 set 200-0 lbs. scales with platform 1 sot beam scales 1 +cream selpanator 1 °banter saw with frame 1 eihreeeheesepower gee engine 1 logboat and 1 stoneboat 2 set double harness 1 set deiviug harness 2 set single barneez 1 Dadharness heavy 2 Wheel/ beerows 1 corn barrow 1pig crate and 1 hen orate 1 root pulper 1 post hole deggee 1 wire twee ,stretoher contPlete 1 blacksmith Sorge and crow bars 3 set doubletrees, neeltyokes, ,chains end other small articles pine hunber for bay rack and wagon box large .quantily el good- lumber I 1926 13ttick 'coupe email eertese GRAIN • abreat 000 bushels oats about 100 bushels, wheat a quantity. or Trillicecl grain ft mow of bay FURNITURE 1 good kitchen range, Afedlarle enamelled a else ri fel Y .o,f household furniture' All will be sold for cash without reserve to Wind up the estate. The feria will be offered for sale If not gold previous. Terms Will be . made knowe day ef sale, AMES McleADZEAN, and ROBERT McFADZF.AN, temoutore LEWIS ROWLAND, Auctionete SILAS JOHNSTON, Clerk AUCTION SALE Pure bred Shorthorns on Monday, Oct. 9, at Lot .,13, ..Con. .3, „Hullett Twp. Three miles east end 11/4 miles north of Clinton, at 2 &clock. „Con- sisting of five cows with „calves ..at foot ,atid about 13 heifers, 1 hull calf ready for service, team Clydesdale colts well ..broken. . W. .E, „O'Neil, Auctioneer. GEORGE MANN, Proprietor, "Tsn't IVirelsoo Vouderfull?" etwe 51 hesellee, (atee so, vritlalt at the ereenere Etna tItinge yeti egtet eitenleti by just burning AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements Lot 25, Concession 1, Morris Twp. 1/2 miles West of Jamestown R.R. 2, Bluevale MONDAY, OCTOBER. 9th Sale commences at 1 p.m. HORSES Cray mare, general Monroe 6 ye. old single es double. Bay horse general purpose 9 yrs. old CATTLE 10 young Durham Cows due to freshen tram Feb. 1 to May 1 1 Hafer due Nov. 24 3 Heifer +due in Feb, • 5 two-year-old ,Steers 5 two-yeas...old Heifers, 1) to 10 hundred lbs 10 year-old Steers and :Heifers 10 Spring Calves IMPLEMENTS Massey-Harnis Binder McCormiok Deering Mower 6 -ft. +cut Duane Rake Hay Terlaec Mastsey-Haeris hey loader Spring tooth cultivator Set harrows Walking plow Riding plow Fertilizer (Will, Mae.see-Prarrie 11 disc, nearly new Maseey-Herris manure spreader nearly new Turnip sower Land Roller Set sleighs. Fenn wagon and rack J. set 2000 lbs. sales Fanning mill Root pulper De Laval Cream Separator Brooder shove and +canopy Extension ladder Portland cutter Buggy Seed drill , Number of ceder posts Forks, shovels, hoes, sling ropes Sang chains and numerous ()thee articles GRAIN About 1000 bushels mixed grain About 40 ton hey FURNITURE Quantity of household furniture ire eluding dining nem suite, kitchen table and chairs -and bedroom metes .and sanall tables. TERMS—CASH ALLAN RAMSAY, Prop. E. P. CHESNEY, ROB.T. PATRICK, Clerks HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer PILES ii))i:,•',17-,:uerscinic:1): should, - know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at it Solirce. Money beak if the filet bottle does not satiate. BUY from your druggist, F. R. Smithy at The Reicall Stere, Brussels.. ADVERTISING RATES Classified Ads (oath) , 25i Over telephone or cheeped 3k in Memoriam 505 Card of Thanks 50e Births, Marriages Deaths Free Men; Women Over 40 Feel itireak,Worn. , Old? Wont Norma Pop, vim, Vitality Deed week, meeneri, nybnimitel)estheittori sinks 10ttt' 5068 81 Otet Tn+ reAlliktrdigNige,5441110.'"I'r" So far this year, Long Distance caWng k almost 10 per cent. heavier than in 1943, when tell calls set an all—time high. So it is obvious why we must all continue to avoid needless Long Distance calls. Otherwise, pressing war business may be seriously delayed. And such delays can cost lives! Please make only necessary calls. NATIG16-1TPAR7S R E MNE NOW BE ER GT N e'nrkave Seippac* e iidaayitNauys tte akta& BUSINF SS CARD$ Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Enmements Prone 91 "The Brussels Post" and they will be Trokrd after Immediately. . For Information, elk. write _en,: eine!. SV. -18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. • ' ALL SALES CONDUC ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstofm and Automobile InsurAgoe Get particulars of our Special Automobile PORCY for Misers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D.. C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays --Emergencies and by appointment only. Henricalls in forenoons and 4 - 6 pan. Chas. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent.for Great. West Life Insurance Co. "'PHONE OFFICE szx BRIJAELS, ONT. RESIDENCE flaccid Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES tLioensed in Hurun and Perth counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION DUA ,iANTRED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jaolkson, shone 12 on 859 Sealorth R.R. BruoAnid Make art.anneirents at The Brussels Post er Ebner 0, Sell, Barrister Once, Brussels. RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVIA.M. Likened Funeral Diiecter and ginbalgeek PHONE 36 or 85 -- — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howl& Mutual Fire Insurance —also— Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PIRATE 42 PA apx 1 TURNBERItt ST, ,r BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland tu'op,ci For Huron Cotirity) SATISFACTION' GIJAItANTEED liffliOES REASONABLE For Engageteetits Phbrie 81 a.rh'i, Brussels Pete and thsy will be ,lookee After IMMedeltely For Information, etc., w ite or phone Lew, Rowland IRO .144 at Seaforth; cr write R.R. 2, Witten. W. S. Donaldson Licensed Auctioneer Phone 354.13 Atwood, Ont. for the Counties of Huron and forth -Ait ales Peattlei0yr attended to e— Charges moderate For §ngagemeate phone 31 'i'he f7trusele Pose' and they ow -44 ke looked after unisteillaiely. Pito