HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-27, Page 1THS BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, September 27th, 1944
Brussel Red C1.•ass
Mile -Of -Pennies
under the auspices of the finance committee
will be held on
Saturday, Oct _ 7th
In case of rain the mile -of -pennies will be held
a week later, Oct. 14.
Notice Leelands, Provincial -Secretary - for
The Nlorils hraneh of the Feder- Farm 'Radio Forums Other pro -
nano. of Agriculture is holding its grarnme. - — _
banquet in the Presbyterian Church,
• Brussels, on Oct, 10th. The director T1 a TOWNSH."tF been
The 1944 Tax Roll bas been conn•
for yonar sldbool district has tickets' pleted and handed to the collector,
for ,salt, getone from him. The 'County Rate is 7 mills, Twp. Rate
speaker for the •evening is Mr, W, is 4 milts pine 1 still subsidy, Gen-
'eral School Rate is. 2 mins plug 1
mill anis:W dy. 'Prisateee Rates as
tier regtdsitions, .
will say of the Lord,. He Is
Refuge and my Fortress.
...,Me1valle Church.
Rem I re,
rn star
.10.L50.Sunday School and
^^"Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
7 P. M. 'Evening Service with -
i• 9l n• in favour of the Argil•
seriii- Harvest Festival Service.
•cam and Choirmaster.
gl.ed 'Hirci
44` f d ar-Rev, Hugh C., Wilese
"41045 A .IW. The Session
'.i: Will Meet
i1 A. M. Morning Worship
The Holy -Communion_
12...Church, School and
Bible School
47"'0:hail. The Evening Service is
withdrawn that we may attend
;The Harvest Home Service In
St. John's Anglican Church.
]1Tot9eV is hereby given boat I
hove ,connglied ''with section 3 of the
V'ST>3RiSS'•.7,IST ACT and that I
lie posted` , at my office in Mor-
in 'Pwp e Twentieth day of
Septa '' - the fiat of all per-
tain* e ' ' to • vote Ip, the Raid
unini•,+ rfi•` ` Municipal elections
lit list remain there
for Imams on,
And I hereby ca iapon all, voters
to ire dm diets' •roceedings to
any.��1,yer , scions - cot-
.. Actin r'cco In'g, sto i' 'aw, the last
ley for ,, atnpea7` i tb.e Twenty
flre(t day of„ etc. rt . 44,
eongevl; ' n,,
•Olerlt �o tilt 'lity of
Ito TaNn hi of Mhrris.
it Seatforth; O.
: ,,Thursday, Fridays "S�t�gl�y,
Sept. 21, 22, 23
' Two Features
(and Show snails 8:45)
Jimmy on
Henry A#1ichs Little et
e 'aalni
h' ba' i n th sen 9
• Y Henry'sY .;f
Richard Arlen Mary B Hughes
Timber Queen
Sipping adventure in the linnet
north woods! •
Mettday, Tuesday, W edn•edall;
Oct, 2nd,'3rd, 4th r
Second' Shoy-9.16 k;
' Ginger Rogers
Lady in The Dark ea'
iii Technicolor --The most beatii ur
production Hollywood has e
Thugs y, Friday B. Saturday;
Oct•. lith, 6th, 7th y;
Errol P'Iynn Paul 1„y,ICtis
In in a, well chosen brown tailored suit
Uncerta In WOO Wan .,brown aecnientler. On their
tenon' then will be "at home" to
} their frionde•dtn the greetnng Tann
*keit of Willett
Telephones and tolls $400$29
Municipal Drains 9211.91
Ethel Village .352.49
Walton Street Lights
.... 54.00
Dom 952,00
Total of Collectors Roil ...,, 57259.83
Farmer's Federation 376.90
J. B . Fear, Clerk
Bartiff • Knight
ST, TIIOMAtS—Tire marriage of
Jean Lois Knight, Regan., daughter,
of Mrs. Fred• Knight, Curtis, street,
io Cpl, Harry Bruce Cartliff
of Kingston, tion 09 Mr, and Mrs. H.
Bartlett, of Clinton, was •a lovely
ceremony at First United. Church.
Rev. S. Ed'Vyartlty officiated; and T.
Ni'eon'played tate' Wedding
Given in marriage by her oldest
brother, Verne Knight, the bride
wore a • gracefel wedding gown of
w'tttte isatin and net' with white
feather headdress. holding her flimsy
bridal veil, She carried" a shower
'bouquet of Better Time roses and
stephanotis. The bride was ,attended
by her .easter, Miss Thelma Knight,
as maid of honor, wearing a smut
dretsa In. fuistchda ,and purple stones,
with. unlatching headdress and
shoulder-enlgitI Veil, and "' carrying
'Talism'an roses and gladioli, The
'bridesmaid was the bride's niece,
1VEi01e June Clarke, gowned int del-
phinium bhue, with a headdress of.
rose velvet and blue holding her
shoulder•lengt8t veal, She - •oarried
pink 03n aeolif erases, and gladioli.
Douglas Dartliff, of Camp Borden,
wrse his brother's groom:intan, and
the ueltes a were Dr, G. Elliott and
Beecher Streets, of Clinton. The
reception was held at the ;Grand
.0entnal Hotel, For the wedding trip
to Toronto, the bride donated! a smart
dress( in line green wool, with brown
accessories They will. inalce "their
home in Kingston,
McCaII - Ireland
Flowers ,and maple leaves 'lit
euitunne shades tounied the - setting
et the home of Mr and Mire, Ireland
at 8 :span, Saturday forthe marriage
on their only daughter, Mary Louise
and ,Hiaaold Stewart MoCally aider
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthu MoOa11.
Rev, Samuel Kerr offtoiated, Mrs,.
Jchn Brynner played lite wedding
infinite 'and Mr. . George Cowan of
Heiman sang ''.Because" during the
signing of .the register.
The bride wlas given in marriage
by her father. She wore a Boor.
length white bnoc4iited satin gown
with fimgeniength 'veli, Her bouquet
being 73riarcliffe roses',
She was amended by 'Els grooan'e 1
esiater, ,hiss Isabel McCall', who '
wore a pale blue gown with shoulder- 1
length veil and 'carried 't iiongniefr rof
yellow "nmlIniS" •J'anies Ireland the
bill(NI'S brother, was grootnenan,''
The br de+er nniather wore green crepe
with. odrsage of red roses and the
groom's, Mother was attired in wine
Oacena -wilth noreage to Metol,,
After oongratuletionar were receiv-
es, the bride and groom with their
gitesds( ;itaseeeeded to the beaut.dfdl
dining robin whish was decorated ins
intik and white,
Later fie bridal armee left by
Motor ' for a sliest 'honoymoon to
ba9tern Points, The bride travelling
Caminil•'- . ' ..
1 * x m * * * N'otice To 84 Donors At
PEOPLE WE KNOW I Loc Cy �,y e Telepixone Renters
* * Owing to the ehoi tale of tele.
was t a
1 Blood C'inic Here
Blood Clinic No 6 held
Mary Helen Eclunier sheat Sunday _ phones those twines rents aro not
Brussels :at Melville Presbyteriaa
with her parents. Chasolt on Fridays September 22nd
• • v
Mina M. Potts, Guelph was a week
end guest with Mr. and Mrs, D. R.
• • *
Mr, and b4 s. Neil H. Robb of
Belleville visited with Mr, and Mrs
W. EL Robb of town.
m * .s
Mr. 'Gifford Swartmau of Sioux
Leekout has been a visitor at • the
home of Mr, and Mrs. D. O. Ross,
a • r
Lieut, B. V. and Mrs. Nabors and
son Murray of I•Iarrisburs, P.A.,. ar
visiting with L. W. and Mrs
Ripe Raspberries Engagement Announcement
Charles, 1511805' has another crop' of Mr, and M. Frank Miti-hen wish
ripe raspberries" this. Sank After pro- to annahree, the engagement of their
(hieing .a normal cropat the usual outs danighter Elisabeth to Ray
time Mr. M}1Uer'e• raspberry tones mond McLennan Bronson second
are no's yielding another sultrily of eldest eon of Mr, and the late Mrs,
berries. Last year the same thing Henry Branson of Toronto, Marriage
oecmred and while this fall's crop to lane place on Oct. Gtir in Toronto.
is not as plentiful' they are delletcsus• raspberries: j County Salvage Collection
1 Plane have been completed for a
Word From Fortner. Minister I county -wide salvage collection of
Now In
France !
Panels and rags, for which there is
The fallowing is . taken from a , urgent need. The dates are October
e l letter received by Mrs. D. C. Ross ; 16 to 20, inclusive, and rite pupils' of
, from Capt, 0. L. Lewis, a padre with every euahool in the county are being
the Canadian Army in France and ' asked to bring se much of this
formerly of Brltseels.. i salvage. to their respective schools
' ae possible. County taroks will coin-
! thence collection on October 23rd,
These arrangements were nxade
when 99r. Laird, superbiser for the
National Salvage Committee, .visited
Ooderloh on Tuesday and Wednes-
day of last week and conferred 'with
. ocntnty officials and public School
inspectors all of, whom are giving
their w1hoIeitiearted support.
At The Churches
Melville Church'
The morning service in Melvil
Church ,centred in the Rally Da
Programme. The Sunday Sch
jointed, the congregation far
this service, The •choir was compos-
ed ,of boys angirls from th
s . r
Dr. and Mrs, H. G. Armstrong and
family end Mise Helen Arnntsrong,
Toronto,-,- were, week -end guests with
James B. and Mrs. Armstrong,
• * •
Rev. M. F. Oldham conducted, the
evening eervice on 'Sept, th in St.
Marl's Church, Auburn., when Rev,
P. H,, Streeter conducted Harvest
Thanksgivingiving in St. David's,
* • .
,The Rev, r •
J. F. Reycr 'and Mrs,
ReycraSt 7rave been sp :fling a few
days. in the parsonage. Mr. and
'Mts. Reycrant are en route to- their
new home at Port Acthar where Mr.
Reyci-eft will begin his . ministry in
Trinity United : Church..
• * * *
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. P'isohea
Ilartley Pincher, Mrs( Wm, Iiastingsy
Mr .and Mrs- Stanley Fischer and
eon Carmen, Mr. N. ' Chapman and
Mr. and .Mrs R. W. `Kennedy and
sons all attended the military
memorial service for Sergeant W.
G. Wallace held in the Newbridge
United Church in -Sunday,
New Ration Book
To, 'Be -Distributed i
•R .._
esidents of Brussels, and district
win receive their Na.. 5 Ration Books
duduring the week of October 14.21,
it has been announced' Complete
information es' to the time and dates
will. be given later. The new novice
wili be good fon' 60 -weeks so that if
necessary books will he distributed.
early in O'c'tober neap year.
No Deer Season y
In Bruce County
Partridge Season' Will Be
For Two Weeks
Hunters will have to be satisfied
tide year with partridge hunting as
it bass 'hem announced • that there
will be no deer. shooting allowed in
Bruce this yeas It is, expected also
Ord Oren',ren', Sdmeoe and 7)uergfn will•
ale» have closed .deer Season, this
Thetas will be pantiidge hunting
en dtwo week have been allocated
Bar this pusplumose, October 7 o 14,
and. November 6 to 1'1, all dates
inclusive, Five birds yer day may
be taken, with a limit of 25 birds for
tate season.
Huron Holstein • Cali \ Club
Achievement Day -
• • The following are the results, of
the Hu)•on' Holretein Calf Club
achieveatent day. heli in conjunction
with: the ,Seabortb Fa11 Fair:
Bruce Roy, 'Londesboro' 916
Murray Roy,`Lendesibotre 908
Noma. Leeming, Walton 875"
John F. Van; Esmond, Clinton ,;,, 88.3
Geo '11u0rtet,`'Goderidh :, , „ 86'l.
John, Campbell Bayfield 849'
Carol Campbellfle+l
, l ayd 8.40
Evelyn Tnn ton, Goderieb 824
Roes Leeming, Walton., 813'
Pr,MteK,ec'hnie, goderich 73I
Billy li9lan, God lioh 456
W.' i3: Olistte , Goderieh ..,.:445
;Ed, Caitlin, Goderich 345
J Tlll;e two .Chu tion : boys did not
,show (theft naives, 'beneuse of a
recent beeeaveanent in the family,
'Mae following le ,the ehipmiont Ee,
�Yeptenther; .
50 pr, service ago*
20 Sar. !novae
10 rrib)aod lianas
30 turtle neck sweaters
5 aleeveleee aweatere
5 soarvee
0 tUilidron'e s0veato99
15 pr, pnie iaa
10 this' Women
1,0 dints" tampers
1,i1 'pia• l jatiiwptro it
8+ guilts
Regarding the Red ;Cress, 1 expect
you are.catryang on still. I have seen
piles of snuff over here and I know
what it has meant to; the relief ot.
the angering, .I often think howbard some of you worked for the
Oiling of these quote& and expect
you are st111 doting t again—Give
my love to all those workers,
Did This Ever
Occur To You?
A man was, an the habit of open-
ing his Bible at random and picking
the first thing iap n which his eyes
a �r'glhtedl •as soanethdng that would be
helpful to. 'nim, One 'day tate verse
he read was; "Judas went pot and
hanged' himself," and not thinking
this unite 'suitable,. lie Snot .the. Good
BooIk and,ogened it again at .an -
,oilier place, The verse. his eyes• fell
upon was, "Go then .and do 1i
wise." 13e' tried again, and thin time he read, "What -Piondeose els
Majestic Women's Institute
The regular meeting of the
Majestic Institute was lJeld on Sept,
14t'h., sit :. the ,home of ' Mrt:- Jansen
Bryanei with a good attendance of
ladies pre'sen't. Tune topic "Sel-
beansl" was ably taken by Mrs.
Thornes Davidson. Roll Call was
answered by "Something New I
have tried in any Garden." It was
moved to, send a pound box of
Ckoacla4e to the boys overseas whose
parents belenge'd to the institute.
It was delolcded to pack a bate, of
clotbing to be ,sent to Mrs. Montan
of Camerol, Any conrtributloue sof
sxadond hard clothing or chrildren's
shoes will be tbanlefully received.
A11 'contributions to be left at the
home of Mins, Herb Manning, The
meeting closed with a sing song
after which a dainty lunch was,
:cried, byterian United and Anglican. Rev,
M. F. Oldham of St. Jahn's Church
was in charge of the servise. Rev. S.
Kerr of Melville Presbyterian
Church read the Old Testament
Scripture Lesson Isaiah 53, and Rev.
H C. Wilson of the United Church
read the New Testament .Scrip-
ture ,Lesson St; Luke 4115-80. Mr.
John .Sohnock, ,president of the
local branch stroke a few words on,
behalf of the BaeouMve and work of
the society: The special preacher
was'IR'ev, W, A. MadCie'ary of Elora,
Field Seot'etesy of the Upiier Gan-
n& Bible Society, He preached on
the text Psalm 90;12, "So leach its
tb nitknber OUT days, that we stay
apply our heerte unto wisd(,ni,'' He
stave e. splendid report of the work
the Bible (Society ;is doing through-
0sh the worldand the great numbor
of 1engnmges in which the Bible is
piiinited, Mr. Wm .Tacker sang the
solo, "In a Monastery Garden." Mrs.
Wan, C. King officiated at the.orgaa.
Tb,e annual meeting of the Exeewtive
Was held at the Anglican rectory .aa
Paid by Oct, ls�t will have phonesremoved .
Letters received from those in
overseas „service by the U.P,W.O, of
* 0 s •
Dear. Friends:
I received your very wetcom
parcel yesterday. It was in ver
good ,condition; and we enjoyed i
very small.
The weather certainly 1s ewel
lately. We don't get the cstrem
heat that you,you,get in Canada but i
certainly is swell.
We11 cheerio and ail the bsst
Yonra truly,
TPF. W A. Nichol
• • •
Dear Mrs, Rowland:
S received the parcel yo,t sent ' to
Me on behalf :of .the Farm Women of
Walton and waw delighted with at. Ix9
want to eress my appreciation
and thanks. to you all for your kind -
I guess you will all be pretty
busy these titres when help is scarce
le I hope the crops ere real good over
there and Shat the weather is good
for the 'rar
vesdiin .
d, with I
Zine 'crops here are fairly good
most of the cutting is done and they
are busy threshing, meet of it being
done with flails. Fruit is plentiful
now, it won't be long till the grapes
wilt be ripe and they sner grow olta
of therm there, but I guess moot of
them will be used for making wine.
7 spent three days in Rome a
Ot while ago and Visited some of
the histarac places, .that Nome is
equu'day School, In the absence of M
tire organist due to illness airs
Wm. aging presided 9t the organ.
The eventing service tv'ae withdrawn
m favor of the Bible ,Society eervice
dteld in the Anglican Cituroh,
United Shureh
The Rev .J, Is. Reyoraft of Port noted for, among them • 'were 'St,
Arthur Ontario, was the guest Peter's Church and the coliseum It
preaches- at the morning service 01 is, .I believe the largest eburet in
the United, Church. Mr. Reynraft the tyorld, and- I wet amazed at• the
oboes ills tuft front the Book -os architecture and'the work it nrtust
- Daniel "Ins Jnowet31 What is In have been to csanstruet suck a
building. We hall a guide with us
explaining the history of the church
and ft was, very interesting,.
Rome is tIse most modern place I
have seen in Italy. It has good wide
streets fold the , people are well
dressed and seem more friendly
than most places. T have been,
Well. I guess I had better -Sign off
wishing you ail the best of luck, and'.
thanking you 'very mircii fol' your
Wnt. Yells,
•the Darkness." The choir gave an
excellent rendition of the antaem
"Praise the Lord O Jeriisal'em,
The .evening -service was withdrawn
to .permit the members to attend
the )3195e 'Society service in t'i'e
Annual Service of Brussels
Bible Society ".
The annual service of the Brtiseel's
Brunet of the Uppers Canada. Bible
Society was 'held in St. John's
Anglican Church on Sunday, '$apt.
24th at 7 P.m. The service is an
union one of the three ch ares Pres -
First Printing of Bible
In Canada Shipped to U. S.
The Sint Canadian printing' of the
Bible is now rolling off the Presse
of the Canadilan brandli' of Ilia Ox-
ford' University Press, and already
26,009 copies :have been .shipped to
Mao tinted 'States to help out the
Bible shortage, said W, H. Clarke
ane (ger, - In April of this year Mr
Clarke presented' Prime Minister
King. with the first Bible printed on
Canadian Paper '*2 Canadian print•
ers,.botind in (Capladiau leather, The
remaining 5,000 copies of this run ,
are, being sold, ` es ' quickly as. they
are finished, in Canada. 'Fite man- ;
power shortage in the printing, in.;
duets), led to the fact that the New
York branch a ' Orford University
Preen has not been able to 1111 its
orders. The Canadian contribution i
oils be 'billy a drop in the buoket,
aoeordili(g to 'lair, Clarks, but the 1111 -
portant iBatng as that Canada kaki
been able to publish. a 13ible. They
have never used file type et Bible
* * t
Dear Mrs. Rowland,
I received the parcel' from the.
Farm Women's, Society_ the other
day. So. I'm writing bh:ks note to
thank you anti the Farm women very
The passed vias very' good indeed
and it certainly was appreciated,
Yours sincerely,
Frank Me,rsball
• • *
/Kin. i5,, Rowland,
Walton R.R. 1, Ont. ,
Dear Mrs, Rowland;
Islot,3ong ago I received a parcel
sent by you for the Walton Farm
Woman. I- would like to thank the
ladies .for their kindness, The parcel
a riven in good condition and I can
assrirs you ,thrat the contents: were
Innen appreciated.
At the 'bane I was padre at 3 Ccln,
Genera Hospital. More recently I
have moved to this unit. I am , baso,
as all of ars are in the field and have
a fine uaat to work with The weather
Here brae been warm and there is
dust everywhere. However we ate'I
Tuesday eyeaing, Gent. 26th fe make going farwamd and 'Sun is what
paper before, Obmis•tion'Science 1 at'5wnge[nents tar the annual can- eounte.- The sif000mllaris are expect -
Monitor, visas, ed and the 'ulster we Move ilio
no -otter( till be o R
tie iMie opimisticabout the
Church of England
Sib John's Church Brussels
Rector, Rev. Maurice F. (nth..
17th Sunday After Trinity, October 1st, 1944.
8,30 A. M. Holy Commuwiota r
10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible ciao
11 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon,•Preaclser,
p, M. Evening Prayer and Sermon
Preachers Rev. J. N ponaldson, B. Ai LTh,
Rector of Lucknow'anti Ripley
St. lbavidis Henfryn
2 P. M. Sugdpr (School and Bible Otess
8 P. Ni, Hold bommunlen and Sermon
St, Worsen Welton--•
No Sunday School or Service en Ohio, state.
,tralce 'Ye The Lord, Psalm 14811.
•'She !teeter
war ending in 1944.
J hen a letter n;eceritly from Mrs;
Gilbert,',Sibe and the children had
Jost returned from their holiday , 01
Mho bench wsioere they. spent „a
month, +.
Sites srriving h, Italy lust fall
T bane soon a good doal of the
'eonntry. (Shortly atter the frail of
Rome I spent is fay days there lend
Sound It vary interesting, 1 1.113nle
most of the Canadians }aa MAY have
lied a Inane t3tere, .Sialic them the
Ecom itis, steadily moven Northward
mut with the invasions of trance
proving stn ettcoee0ful we Mtn expect
in s,ae Gernileiny: befare too lbng,
Again .my f2ienlrry fol' your kind,
tress Aird may kindest; rregitr'lr.- to 611
frlend'(t Ifs Werlton, I Miinteitti'
ltnitr(s sltitiserely,
P'aissek A. G4lbert
under supervision of Mrs, Jackson,.
Nurse 1'echrrlofan, assisted by Mit1a
Wall, Mobile Unit Truck Driver,
The following are those who
r(sststed in malting the clinic
possible: ReceptionMt, .Miss 111.
Downing; Assistant, Mre., Galbraith;
Acting Daotors; Dr, Jamieson, 1)r.
Oanne}i, Dr. Redmond, Dr, 1-Sodd;
Office Staff; Secretary, Mrs. II,
Attend Reception Norse, Miss Short -
reed, Asst. Reception Nurse, Mrs,. B,
Walker, History Clerk, Mrs, W.
'eott, ,Steltoga+a.pher, M1 s, Laycock,.
Chart' Clerk, Mrs, . K. Tyerman
Can .Sea, Mrs, R. J. McLauchlln
Acting /lenses, Mrs. Jamieson, Mrrs,
C. Armotions, Mrs, R, Warwick,
Mrs, F. Fowler, Mrs, S. KerrMies
L., Noble, Mrs, T. Elba, bin. F.
Grainger, Mrs, R. Whitfield, Mrs, 19.
The Snack Bar was convened by
Mie. J. Gib%en with the follavfing
assistants Mrs. G. Samir, Mrs, C.
Buschllen, Mrs. C. Backer Mrs. J.
Little, Mrs. R. Hamilton, Mrs, H.
Thomas, Mies 3, King, Mr. B.
Fifth :Donation
Stuart Kerr
Andrew Turnbull
Kenneth Nichol
Fourth Donation
H. C. Wilson
Mrs, `cera Hastings
" Inrdgene Sanderson
Janet Icing
Tlehn Thynne
Mrs. Viola Bowler
Third •Donation
Adrian MoTaiggart
Clara Bissell
Reward Growing
Harald Jacicln
Jbhm .Wheeler
Iden. Tyeriman.
Eva McCracken
112rs Winnifred Edgar
..That Sinitht
Mrs. G. 1VlcDowell
Wm. Harman
Mrs. C. Martin
1Vlentyn McCauley
Alvin Rutledge
Kenneth Bray
Mac Shaw
Harvey Stephenson
Wilfred Keifer
Prank Carter,
'Stanley Moeller
Jim Ireland. •
Victor Young ,
Malin -Ice Lancook
Second Donation
Cliff Bue 1alin
John Perris
Harry Allen
Iain McDonald
Frank Mitchell
'Eiden Willson
W. Jig UYIcCnutctieon
Doug. Hemingway
'Reg. Watson
Mas. Wes, Kerr
Carl Renninig'way
Mr.s M. Stewart
Helen Cox
Jack Cox
Melville Lamont
Wait. 3. (Unlit
Carl JJ0klin
Cliff Kernagben:
Mrs. John twill
Stanley Bray
Joe Martin
Bertram Hemingway
Tom Stra etas
Man. M. 'Sitepheneon
.Albert Cardiff
,pias. Oameron
ISittiart MoNe
(Mrs. W. 'Batt
Clarence Yaill
Alex Chink
Ken. Aeheon
Mns. 11, A -n Ituanis
First Donation ,
Intl, Harvey Dennis
Mrs. Asahin Winds
Influent Brewer
Mrs, Jloltn Pienher
C. D. 110liott
C1ai'enoe Martin
Mrs. A. Clark
Hervey 3s iv bt
9855, J', Wilson
Mtn Besi Sawa
1ti re. V, Ellaoott
11d, Xing
21:ft g
Mrs . Jolla B'owm'en
/tits. P. *singer
Rota Mribontlid
Mas leeker,
Mrs. M Innen*
Attu, . , R;oiar