HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-20, Page 1POST PUBLISHING Blood Clinic September 22nd The September Blood Cliuiowill be held In afire 'basement of Melville Presbyterian Church on irriday mor- iilog, SeOtennber 22nd, Blood is ur- gently needed—don't fail oar fight^ ing nionl CROKINOLE PARTY Melville Church Basement FRIDAY, SEPT. 22nd at 8 P.M. PRIZES LUNCH Admission: Adults 25c Children 15c Proceeds in aid of the Sunday School . EGEN1 THEATRE. Seaford!, H :ATRE- Seaffortis, Oiit. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 21, 22, 28 Two Features l2nd show starts 8:45) Jimmy Lydon Henry Aldrich's Little Secret Oh boy! Henry's In the soup again! -Also— Richard Arlen Mary B. Hughes Timber Queen Gripping adventure in the great north woods! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. 25th, 26th,- 27th Unforgettable picture of the yeear Ginger Rogers In Tender Comrade with Robert Ryan Fruth Hussey Thursday, Friday & Saturday Sept. 28%, 29th, 30th • Two Features Ann. Writer in Hey Rookie . " The kheki.go-wacklest musical of 'em ail! —Alao— tRussell Hayden in Silver City Raiders Het lead and fists of steer! Coming— Lady In The Dam OnenetSinentnameseneenomereneenteeereenteeriene What kind'of church would nay church be, If every church member were Just like me? Melville Church Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. tk ll(Llnlater 11 A. M. Morning Worship .RALLY DAY SERVICE Sunday School and congi'egat ion will meet togther for this special service. Praise led by Junior Choir. 7 P. M. Evening Service with- drawn in favour of the Bible Society Service in the Anglican Church, Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP a ztalstan aKrK :r6-urdtleZK EleXtaui El United Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wllaoe 11 A. M. Morning Worship Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible School 7 P, M. The Evening Service is withdrawn for the Bible Soc. iety Service in tat. John's Anglican Church. Everyone Welcome rindetagrailfitelegiMenielorilatidifitel Uritirch. of England " Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham Parish of Brussels 161h Sunday After Trinity September 241n, 1944, 8t, John's Brussels 2 P. M. Sunday School and' Bible Giese St. John's Brussels - 7 P. M. ,Evening !Prayer, and Sermon Annual ,Service of Braseols Branch of the Bible Society, Preacher, Rev W. 14.`MeCleary 8t. George's Walton 1.80 P. M. Evening .Prayer and Sermon Preaoher, The Reotor 2.80 P. M. Sanday Sohool and Bible Class et. David's Henfryn 2.80 .p M. Sunday School and Bible Class :*.80 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Preacher, Rev; W. H. McCleary ,r Memorial Broadcast I [OUSE RUSS iJlsten to the Memorial 1'ragranlme sponsored by the Arcade Store of Tenement to be broadcaet over elation CILNX Winghatm starling Sunday, ,Sept. 24th, 10:30 to 10;45 in the morning, Casualties teem eur- roauding dis.trlct mut of bhis com- munity will be announced on the programme. !Don't forget the hour 10:30 to 10:45 this. Sundae, morning Sept. 24101, Newt, weds Honoured Me. and Mni; Joseph Brewer, who were recently married were guests I uproar .outside at about 11 p.m. the North Section United W.M.S. To Meet The Woman's Missionary Society of the melted Church, Huron, Prc•e- byterial, Sias platin;;' to hold the North Sectional meeting la the Ethel United- Church on Tuesday, Septem, 'ber 128th, with morning anal after- noon sessions, Mrs, Childs of Lon don, London Conference Branch Presfd'eut, will be .the guest speaker. Chivari Held Mr, a.oel Mrs. Joseph Brewer were treated to a ohivari en Monday night, ;Sept. 11, Alter a hilarious •04 honour when their neighbours end friends gathered in ilrnss•els Town Nall on Friday night, Sept. 1380 and presented them with It antecetlaneons shower of many lovely and useful gifts. The arcom•panying sddt•ess was read by ;toss Duncan: Dear Ethel and Joe: We, your friends and oeigliboairs have gathered here ,this evening to spend a few nappy hours with you, and 'be express our good wishes to .you upon. your .recant marriage. We have watched Joe grow rip on the 4th eine 0f Menlo and although. Ethel was not raised in the country, she ae not a stranger to our midst. We are very happy be have you take crit s'esiidence In ear community. As you both venture upon the hd.g0 seas of matrimony, we wish yen both all the health, wealth happiness and suceess in your new under. taking. We would like you to accept these stets as: a token of the high esteem you are held in elle commun- ity. Signed on behalf of Ward Seiler% Fraaeis Delman, Dunt Brewer. The gee= responded on behalf of bintseld' and Ado bride thanking their friends for their gi'fta and good wishes. The evening was pleasantly spent to dancing GREY eongratueatiene. and best wishes are extended to NLr. and Mrs, Fred tlxtoby who will celebrate the filty- seventlh anniversary of their mar. adage .on Thuaadey, Sept. 21st, Mr, and Mies. Oxteb,y are both aajoying fairly good S ealtti. ;Mise Aerie Ilaolcwelh has returned frame visiting relatives in Detroit Flint and Ssginaw. Her uncle Mr. ASex Arnett of Detroit accompanied her ;horns and spent the week end witch Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oortcby. The 'Grey Federation of Agricul- ture Annual Meeting and Banquet will be held• on Thursday evening in Ethel United, chue'ch basement. Guest speakern will be Alex McKinney, Jr, Provincial President and Dr, Me- 0.A.C. S. St 5313, 6. sobool was the scene lot a happy gathering on 'Tuesday night of last week when friends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs, Wilhurt Sooners anat in honour of their regent marriage. The bride and groom were made the recipients of many Lovely and useful gifts' while the Mellowing address 'was read bet Joe Martin for wilioh they expreseed their thanks. The evening wets spent do dancing, Dear Ruth a•nd Wilburt: We your Srdends and neighbours of this community are gathered here this evening to celebrate with you this happy event in your life; your marriage, We understand you are going •te operate Mo. C''>•uest's farm at Holy - road so that we cannot leek forward to your roontlnued presence 3 n ,oar midst ,However our loss le an othes'e gain aid we trttat that they' Twill find yeti to be geed eiei'glibors an honest brullhdqui., 41nil induebriotrs oolupte, always anxious and willing to lend re ha.ntd in every community ' activity af• worth and helping others at every opportunity , We wish you, Ruth, mucic hstpp^ i teens during your married lite, and we 'dongnatulrete yell, 'Wilbert, - we know you will make ye't.1r married life 'a great 0500ee8. Alt 'this orate, we all wish youa happy .and prosperous: married life and 110 show ,the place yen have held fa the hearts of this community we ask you lo accept those gifts. Mr, and Mas, George rohnstos1 motored to Niagara Plains on Monday of this weep, Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Stephenson and Norman and Ross Spent the week. pend, in: Toronto and Niagara', Fans mild were aln0ng titre Saab passengers 0S the season tat talt,e the bowls trip on the 0aylr0a front Tbromto•to grams. bride and .groom cameout and invited the crowd in. The hostess served lunch after whin'! .a sing sang was held followed by a'datiee. 7:be crowd dispersed, after singing, "Boor They are Jolly good fellows." United Ch Tech The United Clnue'o) Yeung Peoples Society met en Monday evening for re -organization, The following - off - leers were elected: — President Imogen ;Sanderson.; Vice-Prse., John ,Spivey; Secretary Margaret Bell; Treastarer Kathleen Willits; Pianist ischia Brothers; Asst., 'Ruth Wil- son; ehrfetian F'el'lowship 63on- venor, Dorothy Dennis; Missionary Convenor, Ranh Wilson; gitizen,ltip Convenor, Jing. Oomerose and ,Clevist- lan ©vulture Sonvenior, Patsy Ander- son. Women's Guild The regular meeting of St. John s Women's'. Gelid was held on Tues., Sept, 12 in the chnreb vestry with a good attendance of members. The meeting was opened with a hymn followed by the , ,Scripture Lesson fsctiah 40:1-112 and prayer by the rentor. Monthly dues were paid. Alter considerable discussion it was decide& not to have the annual supper on account of the rationing og sugar and butter. Plaits were made For the decoration of the church. dor .Harvest Thanksgiving. Lunch. was served at the close of the meeting, Anglican Chinch Notes A United ,Service's of the eon- g'regahtons of the local 'flnited, Free byterian and Angleton Ohurohes will be held in at. John's, Angltean church at 7 p. m. on ,Snnalay, Sept. 24th, This is the Annual Service of the Brussels Branch of the Upper Can. ado Bible Saeiety, Preacher, Rev. W. H. McCleary, field seel'etary of ;the society. Sunday, September 17 Harvest Node (Services were observed in St. Davide& Mulch, Hen5ryn. The -church was artistically decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables. The rector, 'Rev. Maurice. F. Oldham, preached in the .morning and Rev. P, PI. Streeter of Blyth in the evening eo good. congregations. Mrs.' Godelen of Ethel assng "There's A ' Bertaniftu3 'Land" and Mrs. Thos. Kerr and Mrs. Lester McCreigl t presided at the organ, The people portrayed thankful hearts with Heroes' offerings. Wednesday, September 2Oth, 1944 BRUSSELS:COUPLE HAD SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY Saturday, 'Se3beilebea• 10th, was great day in the lives 'of me, and Mrs, David 0, Roe• 04 llr^rrssel a. It was their 6060 wedding aneiversar3' and a Multitude of fnleods called to extend eengrstulateonle. They were Aso ih•o recipients of beautiful- floral gifts, cards and telegrams, 0410 of which was from ,the Klee: and 01111 en extending congratulations and best wishes. During the afternoon and evening, at their home "Gees Mita," they gracdouehy received their friends, who were very pleased that they were both enjoying good health, Mr. Roes is 80 and MTS. Ress 82. Ten years ago, when they cele- brated their 50th anniversary, they had their: piietures taken -and one could ne,tlee 14btfe etnange in tens grand old coulaI5 since that 1i.111.e. in teresetng also was thee: wedding photo•ef 65 yeses ago and those taken at the lime of bhaie sliver wedding. The guests were weleesna4l by one of Ole grandchildren, Kares Blau, et Toronto. After visiting with M:r, and Mrs. Ross also Mrs: John E. Smith, of 1130sels, eiater 0f the groom, guests were ushered late rho dining roam by members of the fancily. During the afternoon Mrs. George Roes of Wimgham, and Mei. -Vernon Rose sof London, floured tea.. Grande d.augduteia of .the bride and groom were assilstants, Barbara and - Mary Roles of Wtnghanl, Ann and Sheila 1 : in of Terrence Mrs. Gifford Oman of Sioux Lrokoat cad 'se, Munro Wein of Toronto, offici- d at tate tea table in the evening, fisc grandchildren again assisting Tire family in honour of their par- ents, presented a baptismal font to Derssed•s• United Gh:ureh which was dedicated by the pastor, Rev, Hugh Wean, diming the morning service on 1•6unday. All the family wore Name for the celebration and the dedication scrvice. They are: Mrs. R. J. 'Mc- Lautehlin, of Brussels; Mks Gertrude , Rade, ref Toetnelv.; Dr. George Roes, 1 el ; Wingleasa; De, Vernon Ross, of Lenaleor; Mrs. Gifford Swertman, of elonx Loolaortt; Mrs. Memo Blain, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roe are Both life- long reeklente cS Brnseeds commune Mr, Ross, Twee b6336n bn Brassets, eve of abbe late )hr.. and Mrs. David Roos.. Per many Fears he cemducted a genual dry geode and mento furnistings business. Mrs.. Rose was the former Maria Sane Ames and ds a native of Grey Township, Mar parents, Ata'. 41riel Mrs. Samuel Ames, were pioneers sf the township clear- ing the virgin lausli to snake their 1r'nne, Prior 'bo her marriage an the lath o43 September, 1:934, she tang -ht echoed in Brussels. We hake great pleasance in extend- ing the telecitarelons of the people of chis • district to Mr. and Mre. Ross. Husband Killed In Action Mrs. Harry Oitanaipdon recently received word that Captain. Wm. Roxborough of the Royal Edmonton Regiment had been iteRed in aoblbn 111 Italy. ,Captain.Rexb0rough was the husband of the former Miss Olga MoKey, a coatis -of Aire. H. CSa npi on'e, Miss McKey was borne and spent her early life, in Brussels, iter father, Angus McKay, was a partner with J. R. Smith in the- :hardware horsiness henv before going to the west. Mrs. Rnseborongh and her -four year old sou Billy are living in Medicine Ha,t, Friends of the family here regret bo learn .of her bereavement. At The Churches • Melville Church Theservices, en Sunday in . Aielt vide Shure% were encnterge of the Minister. -Tit the tnotning the saera- 01u0nt of .the Leree Supper was 001- eb,rated, The choir eang an anthem, The songof Hope anal Peace by Gertrude SalieSonci. Ln the evening the S0175013 sub- ject was, 'Strength, tkrougie Joy, and the;text was NNekemiala 8, thedosingeerie of verso 10. Miss Surae Worit ,sang very beauilful8y, Evening end Morning lay dill .I£et'bert Oakley. llnitetl Church Tho reaeiving .and dedhcation of a mea^. Baptismal Font; took p1a00 tai the United C1aa1a+c9e, Tke Bapltiemal Font, _ which is a canoed ' furnishing Curio in the Form of A Hen's Egg Ilene t11a,kty some strange 'looking eggs at climes. We bate load eoveral V for victoanx, 0550 but the latest specimenon dieplay' is the Town 'clerks' office Brussels laid by a, Sussex pullet owned by 3, Rutledge CARD OF THANKS We lake this opportunity of tilaniting our neighbours and all who responded to the call "for help, when our barn was burned. Their hoip wa-s greatly appreciated. Mr. and Ma's. James Mollie. United Church W. A. The September meeting of the W. A. was held in the church parlor and at large crowd enjoyed the social . evening's entertainment. These baking part in the programme died exceptionally well. Rev, Hugh Wilson, was .hairman and the orobestra-!played sweetly, "The Day is dying in the West" A reading by Mrs. Wilson, a piano Bola Laurie Omens, a solo Mrs. Campbell, piano solo, Karen Duechlin, piano solo, Thelma Brothers. Numerous 00n - tests were played; one being inimical 6410115 '•and beautiful aid tinge pieces is the queerest sane we have .were played at the piano by Mrs. seen for some time. It is a mobbled , Thomas, Rberyone wela:amed Mrs. brown and white color, Sae side' Bernard who ,la gnit0 smart and in to slightly flattened and en this her 92n41 year andocoupies her 'time' surface, surrounded by deep angle 1 knitting nuanoranle pairs of socks indentations is, it you neo` your 1 for our soldiers and encloses a note imaginationa 1i1tie, a fairly good and has received lovely letters from naiudatvtre snap of North America. them, The National Anthem was Now will someone please tell las I sung and broththe was served by e c of exceptional beaaty, was present, ed thy the [stein-bergofthe Roes family Im honour of '101e sixtieth wedding anniversary at their paten* Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ross, ''Thto ,gift was reooived nodaolomw- lodged by814r.,R. 3. Hoover en behalf 01 dl)e Elders, 01.2401031 and mem- here of the „Brussels United Church. There followed a brief Dedication Ceremony nominated by the minis• ice'. , 'The etibieot of the morning mar. mon Baca "They would. foe Josirf:' The oillatr Sang, ""blew 'Thank We A'il Oifr God." - In tits evening rhe n,inieter spoke. tan latrine einidatneo, The chair 'snag "1110041 lis' tn'tliis evening Bohr," wN,at !!tele is the signof? courvet:ores Duff's Ur;ted Church Su %ir.tve re 43aer rvices �^ i^ !rS a,is: 4itit Special Speaker — Rev. W. J. Maines R. A. (A Former Pastor) of Tilbury, Ont. Services. at 11 A. M. and 7-30 P. M. Special Musicusic by the ehoit and visiting soloist. .0 are invited to attend these service& ST BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Notice To Brussels Council, Meeting Telephone Renters Brunele, Sent„ 5th, 1944 Owing bo -the shortage 01' tele Tho regular monthly .meeting drf phones those whose relate are not the I3iusseds Municipal Council was pwid by Out 1st will hrive 3011113 bold on the above date, All mem- removed. bels being present whet the accept- ion of I', M, Barns. The minutes of the Ilael. meeting being read it was mowed by W. Cameron; seconded by R, Cousins that the minutes be adopted,—Carried. The following bills wore present. Geo. Evans, August salary 85,00 G. McDowell, August salary •••• MOO R. S. Warwick, August'eall.y ,, 95.00 lirusaols llydre-1]lectrlc: Street lights IIa11 lights R. W. Kennedy, Printing C. T. Davidson, Insurance R. J, Lovell, Stationery Marketing of Livestock May Be Seriously Affected By Man -Power Shortage The dearth of employable . man- power, 3111X11. Stas remelted fire peak this year, looms as it potential threat to the largest and )npet profitable market ever established for Canadian meat. Shortage of competent help has been an onerous problem to Can- adian Femme for moat of the war Years. While the situation hat; been made . somewhat easier, through organized efforts of both federal and provincial governments, in enlisting and transporting students aa,d urban eitizene. to assist en farms in busy •crisis, farmers and their families leave toiled gigantically and Some through magnificently, in pro - during eesential foods for the nation is the hast four years. '• The tire],) season of 1944 has; been, beyond say doubt, the most difficult of all for the farmer; still abundant field and orchard crops have been and are being successfully harvested and, processed. tiedtrw another problem confronts the farmer—tile geowdng demand for Canoxlian meat created by invading Allied Armed Forces, and the stew- ing millions of liberated conntriee, has encouraged the enterprising and patriatie Canadian Farmer to rise more end more live stock to 4311 beth denetestic and export needs. . 4n 1645, su14eient live stook to pradieoa ens Milton 000 million peauds of -dressed and cared treats wan .railed in Canada. It seemed a mfieacie of protection in co.mparisen. wiS.h even the increased production of other war years. Yet, this year over ons and a quarter ' billion ponds were produced in the Brat alit nwanthe The total los -hie, year eereefeal Pesci] over two billion patinae; an increase of 40% over 1943. On Canadian farms today there is live stock which should be shipped acid processed into a' billion pounds of meats by December 3ist of this year. The only obsbacte that can hinder the ful:fillmenit of that tre- mendous quota is Shortage of Men to Operate the Packing Plants, Packing Plants ote Canada have the facilities and capacity to meet these tremendously increased ra- mils-en teaute. They are the key hitt in channeling Canadian live 'stock as insp0oted heats to our vast export lnarket But they must have men to operate the plants. It is urgently essential that Pack- ing Plante shall keep both slaughter pens and farms clear of all available animals, for .sreveral reasons. In the first place, live stock is marketed when it hes reached prime condition. Every day's delay in . shipping or slaughtering means lose to the farmer, as animals "go back" from peak condition. 14 kept on the farm, delay means increased feeding costs es well. More significant still, if Live stock is Draftee('easter than it can be marketed, a surplus is bounds to occur. When supply threatensto be greater than demand, the present desirable and profitable' price sle,uiotite-''and even ' the "floor" prloe--beeones endangered. • Again, any failure to meet emotes would imperil the exce170nit connections made in *1e export market and hopes for maintaining a deskabls portion with a return to nerntalcy. • So Canadian Farmersare faced with .the problem of devoting as much time sepossible this Fall and Winter, in working in Packing Plants ?to otheroe.urce of maxi power can protimes the requif+ed 315ilttbe50 pf men Fanners''Ontario Fanners' Ore urged to own their wn interests 37 bowmtng 0m1310yed, at good hourlywager, 111 zany one Of Ontario's 18 plants,. Transportation Will be paid end olds-tatce given in In'601iiaig living necommodatlons By doing so, Tamarthe faar prefit4 in •t,wus ways: he protects and hei50 eiaimlain both a very desirable price level for his livestickand a fntuate market that can. mean - many ,thousands of dollars to him, and he gets well paid whale doing so. 1.11 offices `off Employment and 'Selective Service will give tali information, provide tnarttsporbation, and place , applies/tits ' In plaits Application should be made at the nearest fecal 'Sed t•193 5erVtice - 641)10. . 99.00 1.25 58.00 8.50 2.70 G. al. Dennis, Hauling gravel 8,00 Moved by R. Cousins; seconded by W. Cameron that the scoouufs ' ae read be paid.=Carried, There 'being no further 'husiness the Council now adjourned, Married In England The Cdarn'ch of 13ngiaud, Newplrt Shropshire, Eng., was the setting for the marriage on August 2nd, of Mise Madge Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Davies to Flight Lieutenant John E. Cunningham,son .a.&ire. R. Cunningham, Toronto, t'ht., Canada. -Given in marriage by her father the bride - wore a white -wedding gown of orepe georgette with bus - hop sleeves and sound neokline trim- med with sequins. Her full length. veil was of embroidered net and she carried dark red e'os-es, The two bridesmaids were stress- - ed alike wearing shell pink figmsred satin, with pink organdy picture hatsand carried pink organdy muffs trimmed with rosebuds. Attending as, groomsman was Fly- ing Officer Jack Leyland opt Van- eoever, B. C., Canada. After the reoeptkonhe couple left for Bognor Regis on the south coast et 7nur85and. BE Rte- ,I.a CTine funeral of James. McGee, 29- rear -old son of Mr. and . Mrs, Leask McGee, ,concession 10, Bast Wawa - nosh, was heldfronm the home' of his parents. on Friday adternlaon burial follow- ed by bual in Wingharm cemetery. Death was caused by a wound received when a gun he was oiling accidentally discharged. The funeral which was largely attended, was conducted by Rev. G. H. Dunlop, minister of Brick United Church of which Mr. McGee was a faithful member. 5. trio of Mr. and Mme. Alex, Robertson a,nd John Mo - Gee sang two numbers. The pall- bearers were 14ieiville Beecroft, Ot- berville, Roy McGee, Toronto, Jaek McGee, Dungannon, Gilbert Bee- croft, Alex Robertson and Gordon'McGee, The foItowing children car- ried dowers, James, Barbara and WilliamIrwin, Donis and Jack Shiei, Elinor Wightman, Wilfred and Miner Mel, Donald and Nel- son DOW and Sidney Thompson. - t'ereonals: Mr, and -Mrs. Thomas Padree.vice, Londesboro, with Mrs: Van Oarnp; Mrs. J. A.: Brandon from B1,miia. Elora and Drayton; Mrs. J. Mustard and sons, Cameron and Fraser with Mr. and Mrs, 3. A. Geddes; Mars, J. A. Leaver, Wing• navy with Mrs. John'fdonitest Sr. Sarmamlont of the Lord's .Supper was. •observed In the Presbyterian Chasolt, with the minister, Rev, 5.. Herr is charge. Personale: lafre, Alice Murray London, with Mr, and. Mrs. T. B. Jdiimtston; Mr. and Mrs• S, Stewart and son, . and Miss Edith Iiaray, Cadr,awe, and Mies 'Ruby moray, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Miltea'; Mies, Myrtle Yuilt and friend, Mies Elizabeth Kearns, Her - with Mr, and MTS. . Joseph Yull1;, Mr, awl .Mrs. Harmon Mit. ahelt, Rothsay, with Mr. and firs. J. M Coultas and Mr. and Mr's, R. Robinson, Beet Wawanoslx, with FI. C:oultes; Mr, and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler. Received Cigarettes Somewhere in Italy Aug, 7813, i944 Brussels Fleet:len Dear Sirs': - 1 received your carton at Sweet .naperal Otgerebtea and they were very much appreciated ae cigarettes are ,real 0110rae over hero at the present time. Hoping, to see you Ali in tete tear future. Tomas 810Ie, elittord llk+ri�