HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-13, Page 3Blended for Quality
,ervier, the Surgity teel at
2 13,111. and gave a brief tddress. The
apt -TIM speaker at the service wee
A picnic and Poelal for the scholars ". t, the now rectal.
of Bt. George's . ,Church Sunday 01 /St- ThomasChurch, Seafortb,
ilobool WEL1 held a t the1 win delivered an appropriate
Bert Anderson on lc°o,
ar Day. Clement —)-lon 111ph. 5:20, "Giving
JOok 141 0, O., 0, O.O
Sask., event the week and with Ilir, At erso gave the li a mein 1 1 -Tart Fall Fair Dates
and mr.s "toy, 1351,1,4,111 Mr. and 1.),The President tePorWd 011 the
I), 12,1,1(111,1t,'i-aeielt.se11,70.,0110131.1) ttirrE:1' 64:110. ii,c311Yactiairazie
el,121,1"iimr al:5,1r4 1 14,4 01)01.4. ..:111,30,1C)110,1 1 (1I1 143 4iveitcsomlithogi.11.1e tabde-
• , 111111 hopes to resume lila duties ',11111+0Wra7,11417‘8011:71,1110re:atv-e11)10a nieue\s,1:; 14•":101:ton
supper this season and comMitteee No:RwagIfearvInuheurg
lc nnui) were appointed.
The two societies are -cooperat-,
big in routtIng 1/0X0 3 6
Meetings of special ;re,. 1-41 WM*.
114111 Wednesday afteoroon the
1,\ fon s y See ,y W1
• IN'oinen's Association of Knox
irrl ecl Church were entertained at
filo home of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler. con.
4. Morris. There was a large
al lemlunee of members and a 110111'
1101' of visitors,
441. ;!li'sinnary niekinq 31414eon-
duct cd by, the president, 311.4.
Miehle, who also read the
S were played and a • irks alwity tor all thing,. Unit, God scriptures and led in prayee The
very enjoyable. Ilme was $perd, a' 4 the leather in the name of our • '' " WW1 a
Lunch was served at the ',o,.e, 1.0111 Jesus Christ " 119emnucrated verso of scripture beginning with
There Will be no serviee In St 111, ' Pd.
Um malty causes of thank
'Bent. 13.14
Sept. 14-15
Sept. 14-15 111444i-1115
Sept. 14-16
Sept. 12-13
Sept. 11-13
W,41 fl(lP0i111l')1 (133 Eo11ow Mre, 1. 1101.011 . ...... S VSept,2121:2133
Sopt. 15-16
14 pt. t12-2108
N 1Valsh, Mrs, L. StOnebouSe, Mrs- r jalnebt,e.or
fit pper, MI 5: ...Proeter. .A ape
hy Mrs. R. Chat:alley.
imena, ',Sharing the Load," was glv.
Galt Sept. 20-21
Sot 21-23
Sept. 19-20
Liebowel ........ ,......„ Sept. 20-21
Mildamy Sept. 19-20
Paisley Sept. 18-19
The rogulair' monthly meeting of
the Women's ir.stitui-1 was held at ,
oP wasan Sept 19-20
Segt. 21.22
Sept. 18-20
Sept. 21-22
Sept. 20-27
Sept. 29410
........ Sept. 25.28
the home of Mrs. Sarderson with
the preistlent. Mir. IVIoNanotton, in
, Stratford
sgiving. -bc first letter of the month Vie chair. Marton
rges Clutch OA- Sept. 17th. Next her efficient manner at tbe organ
eervioe will be at 1;31 p.m. on =1 the chrdr rerdeved two anthems,
Slinday, Sept, 24111 with Sunday and Ilette.ing," ana -Count
School at 2:30 p.m. Your Dressings." There was e good
attendance and 'the service was
The meeting of the tro41e41 15 '111101111 impressive with the
Women will rot be held this month 11' thanksgiving'
joseph Campbell had a sucees.qui
sale on Tuesday. I -Ie Intends leaving' 14I MISS Jean ' 41111414111
for the 'West very shortly to 43 -1,7^n, with her parents, Mr. ard
the winter months. 141, 9. 11.11401 13Tabkl,t-, Dr, Oldham,
Joseph Ryan has sold 1119 g-^ ',*,,ree. 1943 54 a visitor ill • town
farm to his son ,Joseph, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ryan are taking up residence
in Brutvielis where they will 1'01119
from tanning.
The Overseas Box Committee is
planning a bingo for Friday 1111131(1
of next week, the proceeds to he
used for Christmas parcels for Ole
soldiers from the village.
The annual Tiarvest Thanksgiving
service of St. George's Wt1 1 WU' was
1101d on Struday, Sept. 1,0th at 3 p.m.
with ideal weather, The church was
-ta,stefully decorated with Ali 11111111
flowers, butts and yeatables and
pres.ented a beautiful appearance,
Rev. M. F. Oldham, reetor, conducted
l*E01411:41R•031„: e7:112•11S.N.IrderIDAME0a=1:1034,1.6015=.
The secretary, Mrs. George Mar
the (Mantes '4'44)4last
meeting. MI'S Harty C.Inmbell gave
1111'0(01 statemenM
t. rs. lter-
hell. Wheeler and Mrs. Norman
Walsh were appoint 411 delegates to
the sectional 11143441151114344115 1,1 he 111513,1ei111513,1in
4,11 110 S 211 Mrs. ,139s343 Wheel-
'.1*..4 '11•ewart Prorttr were
,r,Ne.ty to order
i1431r1stma4 1'.') 11(1 which wilt lie 41111(141111(1'
and the i"i"ercle 00111150 to 1118
Mrs. Gowlan rl , Wei gus, vis -
her sister, Mrs. Thomas Wil- 'Ar!F11011 Band. Prins were made for
1114 Arillarli Autl,lnu thankoffering
,tatn,q0n; mr, and Mrs 1111 meeting which will be be14l-.00 Ocl.,
here returred to Victorierille after
week's vacation; MN Harvey
Craig mid Mrs; Carl 01,11 1-03 left
sf week to visit relatives in • the
WpEt; Xtues.ell Sholdice and son
Gary, Brodbagen, with Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Sholdice; Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Beunett In the Georgian BaY
district; Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyden
and son George, Mrs, Ralph Wright,
Miss Lorna Forrester, all of Huns
her 13ay, also Miss - Edith Nicolle, (WM.) of Strongileid,
Mrs. 'Mollie and Vies. Marl :older -
90(1 introduced the new stmly book
"West of the Date Line: and were
csistecl by Mrs. A. 11, n . A
duet by 1111*:,.. C. 131, Dunlop and,
11'rs. rA,1 Pre was e1)j17411.
Mre. 71,, Chamney ya‘re a
sure r ea ding.
'I lie Women's IV-m.4;1111mi
mg was held will the ',reed( 11,
Mrs. S. Procter, in charge. A. short
cetctional service was held when.
1.110 eronn joir ell '01 11 1,••1,1,:a 43(4''
l011dilig on "Meditallm" from the
MIssi onary Monthly. kt ihutcs were
veva by Mrs. .0, Precte,.. 111r0 30110
/p. /x/.;•.- ..,/er/V ,%.,/,' 7
:-'11is were diectus.sed and a cam -
formed for an open mee1-
1ag in October to raise funds for
Christmas boxes for boys and girls
1 the armed forces froth this coin-
mit- thy.
The .roJi-call was answered by
"(Ida Neighboring," and brought
torth a good response Alre,
131"nney was 111 charge of soma in -
it., e • Items. Mrs, Nobes
the topic "lime -Grown Cere-
al.", Miss Helen Sawtell played a
eitno sole,
to 'S:),,derson was chosen
le4egate. to the convention to
•.-M in C1181411 next mouth.
1•":0, ('496(1 at the close by
Irsteof- assisted by Mr). .1 N.
1.11enrnl.‘r.rs. IT, Wylie
The flyer Federation of Agricul-
re 411434110, mentiug and. banquet
1-11 Lc hold on Tuesday, Oct. 5th at
7 p.m. in Ethel United Church,
„.. .00,22motonnot-Rel..19!.!•.
A 'w
Every Canadian looks forward to that head-
line. Every Canadian believes that 'some day soon
a great victorious convoy will thunder down the road to Ber-
lin. Huge Canadian trucks . . . Canada's crack battle equip.
ment, and gallant Canadian soldiers, world's finest fighting
men, will all be there. ,
Will you be with them tm the road?.. , or at least, on the way?
The sinashing defeats we must inflict upon the enemy before
that day, however, cannot be won except by fierce, determined
• fighting . . • and the First Canadian Army, you may be sure,
A will help to deal the hammer blows that punch the way along
40 the Berlin road.
0 That's why Canada's Army needs men and needs dim NOWA
20 join for General Service TODAY!
When Peace has come, you'll be proud to know (and kno*
that the world -knows) you had your place in the mighty forc
that fought its way to final VICTOR'', it IT ON YOUR I
I* ',I t• '71
Port Elgin
Zurieh ........ SePt 29-30
• Sept, 25-26 1
11 nesrsons having claims against persons having claims against the
-the Estate of Ru,ssell Reid, Sunder -
cock, late of the Village of Walton,
in the 'County or Huron, Retired
Farmer, deceased, who'died on the
Teeswater Otcober 3-4 to file proof -thereof with the under -
5th day of jury, 1944, are required
Tiverton October
signed on or before the 16011 day of
September, 1944 1
Voiraliterson Christmas P431? Nov.21-22 Immediately after such date the
assets of the Estate will be dis-
Sept, 29-30
Sept. 29-30
Sept 25-25
Sept, 25-29
Sept. 27
Sept. 26-27
Sept. 26-30
Sept. 26-27
Wedreetlay. iSepleMigr 1301, 3.04t
Se an be r
Pair Opened by Hon. T. I.. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture.
Judging starts at 1 o'clock sharp.
Ontrar'o's greFe.est light Lezae +ow
$100.00 purse for Gentleman's outfit
$100,00 purse for Heavy Horse on line.
$150.00 purse for 228 trot c: pace.
$150.00 purse for 2.24 trot or pace.
$50.00 purse Gentleman's road races
15.2 and frver—under 15.2
Parade .of prize winning Livestock at 4.40
See the Palomino in front of Grandstand at 2.25
Gray's Full Line Midway will be on
grounds ai day.
Special Clowns performing
Not an Idle Moment
Concert McDonald's Hall on September 21
Bob Cook and his Entertainers
Jitney Dance at Arena
Old Time Dance at Cumberland's Hall
In the Estate of Seams Bird All
DayBeld October 34
Fordwich October 6-7
Meabord ............ October. 4.5
Owen Sound October 23
St. Maims October 4-5
Dstate of James Bird late of the
Village of Cranbrook deceased. who
died on or about the 8th day of July,
1944 are hereby notified to send in
to the undersigned on, or Defore the
I 9211 day of iSeptember, 1944 fail
particulars of their olaims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the -
said .estate will be distributed
amongst the parties -entitled thareto,
having regard only to claims, of
which the undersigned shall then
have nottiee:to the exclusion of ail
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person ,of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distri-
buted or any part the,reof.
Datil at Serape:al tlhis gist day ot
August 1944.
H. G. Meir, Sea5orth, Ord.
Solicitor for Administrator
The anniversarrserviees of Union
United Church will be hel.1. on Sun-
day, Oct. 29.
Mr., -and Mrs. .Stanley Meehan, and
Mr's..Cleaver of Ethel 'visited at
Streetsville, Waterdown and Haniii-
tribuiled amongst 'the parties en,
titled thereto having 'regard only to
claims then reeerved.
DATED at Seeforth. this 15th day
of August, 1944.
Seaforth, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executrix,
ton with relatives on 'Sunday.
1000 MEN W -.-TED
43 kalS!
MHIS is an appeal to THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. The Packing
Plants of Ontario, which process and ship your livestock for
export, ARE SERIOUSLY SHORT OF MEN. Every available Farmer
of Ontario is urged to offer his services for employment in one of
the Packing Plants in this province as soon as the essential work
of the farm is completed. OVER 1,000 men are required to start in
the month of September alone. Good hourly wages Will be paid.
Transportation to the plant will be provided. Assistance will be
given in arranging board and room.
With full staffs, the Packing Plants of Canada have ample capacity
to handle even the tremendously increased numbers of cattle, sheep
and swine, which Canadian farmers have ready for market this year.
When operating to capacity the Packing Plants can keep the market
cleared and livestock can be slaughtered, processed and shipped at
its most profitable time, when it is at its market peak. Thus, losses
which occur when animals are held beyond the peak — through
additional feeding costs, through falling away from peak condition
and through the danger to price structures when supply threatens
to exceed demand — are avoided.
Last year several hundred Ontario farmers volunteered for work in
the plants in processing their own products and protecting their own
interests. Production for export this year has increased by 40%.
Avail'able man -power has shrunk by 28%.
The Ontario Farm Service Force, in conjunction with Employment and Selective
Service has undertaken the task of raising sufficient help from Ontario Farmers
to keep Packing Plants operating to capacity this year. This department of
the Ontario government's Department of Agriculture feels that this extension
of its service is as vitally important to the interests of the farmers of this prov-
ince as anything it has yet undertaken. The need of meat as a primary essential
food to our Allied Armies, to the people of Great Britain and to the starving
millions in countries being liberated by our victorious armies, is the basic
consideration. /n addition, efficient operation in the processing and marketing
of livestock is necessary in protecting the greatest export market ever opened
to Canadian farmers.
Your services are needed from now until spring. If you cannot devote that
fall period et time, a month or mare will be of great assistance.
OFFER TOUR SERVICES AS SOON RS POSSIBLE. 11 you COMM! go to work at once, call or write,
stating that you will come, and at whoa iikde you wili be available. Remember you will he serving
your own bast interosts as well as playing a vital pautoric part In sainting your country,
• for full information or offering your services, apply in pel son, phone or write to your nearem race of
or write to
Published under Authority of WP.450