HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-13, Page 1TH POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, September 13th 1944 Yon* BRUSSELS, t�NI. VOTERS'LISTS, 1944 LVE l ALE BRUSSELS POST MUNICIPALITY OF BRUSSLLS COUNTY OF HURON` lr t: ,, Notice is hereby given' that The concert and auction epousoa'ed by the, Women's 'fust and Mems Club drew a large a have complied with sec4ion 8 of the VOTERS' LIST ACT and that I Hove posited up at my office at Brus- sels on the Thirtieth day of August, 1944, the list of all persons - entitled to vote du 'bite said Municipality at municipal elections and bleat each •list remains there . for inspection, And I hereby .Gall upon, all voters to take denmediate 'proceedings to have any ,errors or omissions tithe rectel according to Yaw, the last day tor appeal being tete Twenty- sixth day of Selrtmber, 1944. Dated' this 3Oth day of August, 1944. - R. S. Warwick,' Clerk of Municipality of Brussels, REGEN1 THEATRE. Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday & Saturday Sept. 14th, 15th, 16th. (2nd show starts 9:15) Dana Andrews Richard Conte The Purple Heart A sensational drama of Local News / Morse Council sale or ca o ews Items idly V isitoF..S j i o , iaale - Meeting Sept, 11, 1944 e >k * „ * w .x' ute The Council plot on tilt' above 'date y'0 the Township le 11 on Friday night in spite of rather• 1rn• favorable weather, The G•orrte oPehestra provided music while crowd was gathering and also 'es ed with the program when v numbers and readings were. enjo Rev. J. W. Johnston, was cshairman The proceeds amounted to $227 from the 'following oo-u•ces' tic] on a pig, donated by the Mo 1 w Club, $36:76, winner Earl Seale •ttckots on a hooked mug, donated Mrs, A, S•huw, 632,15, won'by 14 Ruby Duff, T0e'onto, who later turned it for auctioning when broug'ht another $4.90",- door Engagement Announcement tho Mr, and Mrs.William Ireland announce' eke eugagemeat *1! their only daughter, Mary Louise to - Mr,Stewart Harold McCall son ue Mr. and Mme, ArVlulr McCall of Walton, stet - coal yeti. • 0S iee'2F rano cinw� a x :t. Onit. rats j �y� DNA p MtIA ter Mari'lege to tette pdam in Sep• • "At Home" To Friends ler, and Mss. D. 0, Rose will be at !home to their 3riende o $ t 'd Solt, 16 from 3 to 5:10 and 7 to 0'30 •cn the occasion of their sixtieth wedding; anniversary: Blood Examination . For Next Blood Clinic Dr Jaanieson wilt be in bis - erne° r'� ,nom 2 to 4 ISu day Sept, 17th to �3 Sue day, rs' I a" accommodate any who wish thea by.. Held I Virtual 1 S7 t �rw� n it a avert' r r Y�..ax'� z.c� r'� blood examined re l p v ous to the lea New Blood. Donors Needed re- Do Your Duty -Enroll. Now it re- ceipts, $.115.55; produce booth, $12.72: baking and miscellaneous booth, $35130; hot 'log booth, .631.50; Emo- tion sale, 643.145; cosh . donations, $20.50, The expenses amounted to e $JG 3G, leaving -bat a encs of $202.02, which wide be used by the local Redr Coss unit. The hearty. co-operatlou of 1 community was greatly appre Med, also the services of 1'. Pell Wingh'am, es auctioneer, Lord's Supper Observed The Sacrament of ells Lorre Japanese -brutality! - Supper was o4iserved in Knox Pre byterian Church •on Sundae more ng conducted by Res. F. G: - Fow er. His message was based o the text, "Come unto Me all y bat tabor and are heavy lade 'or My yoke.to easy and My bin en is light" Next Sunday th easy day program will be Carrie ut by the Sunday school.. Rev. J. - W. Joluist'on conducts the service in the 'United Clench reaching :froom the text, "Oh the Ahad the wings, of 'e dove," point ng' out that Christiane should not on away or try to escape from 'made. Visitors: Mrs. .7 Cl1 Vvers with shrives in Toronto Mr. and .Mrs, wills Jones and` eon, of Brant. erd,'with Airs, 12ieton Smith, Miss Ianeaa'at Curtis returning llama eth Mrs. Jones for two woeke; re. Neil' B. McDacbern and Louise Canadians are playing part in the defeat -01' the Nazis an 'rho that defeat is 0110 there is hard bitter fighting to be done before it is ac0omplished, et will mean death to many of our men but many of those severely wounded case be served teem: death if there is an Un- failing 1 •1 g sr 1 p of blood ,.00 d tea t sea he when. it le :lost needed It is the ci• vital means by which your eon or lo, your neighbour's son will be keyed la ooane marching home again when victory is O011101et0. Can you with- hold the means of life from those 's wile need it? -74 ,yon fail . to be a - 8- blood donor someone close to - yoe 1• -neat' be buried in a tramway military - cemetery! ! Y 11 It Is a. disgrace to 011111ans at O home that our men .stn the Sighting n. fronts leave to give their blood 1•• before battle, to provide for neces- e eery transfusions after the battle„ d bemuse we fail to take- the necos- saey 'Vilna and make , the small d sacrifree of a blood donation to save the lives ol those who ars weunded t in our defence, icor is it r1gh1 that file eahne few people should be reguler donators when there are so matey who have never . given their blood et all. Would gem. want to feel that even one lefe noel been lest because you were - •bhouglitless at negligent? -B5 a first time donor at the Brahsisels clinic an Sep•, 22nd, New dorms kindly give their names to Mrs. H. B. Allen not later than Monday, Sept, 1R. Daisy and Violet Hilton ; the Donors Clinic, Sept 22nd. Pennons ,Siamese lwme, reveal , . , ' in The American Weekly with this • Sunday's. Detroit Times what CARD OP THANKS f We wish tg a valiant they encountered when: they were is bo thank aur friends and a ten o Europe and Blow they were neighbours Par the by'+ of 1 fl c1 taken t , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday e t. S p 18, 19, 20 1 (2nd show starts 9:15) Snolw White and the Seven Dwarfs Here comes the fun treat of the year in Technicolor , r Thursday, Friday, Saturday, o Sept. 21, 22, 33 Two Features (and show starts 13:459 P Richard Arlen Mary B. Hughes Timber Queen I 1 —Also— Henry Aldridge Haunts a House r Starring Jimmy Lydon I t First show starts each evening at r 7:30. When single features such as 0 these are shown all patrons in by I r 9:15 will see complete show. 1+ Matinee each Saturday and l holiday at 2:30. ly leintegatetesteeleentereataannetteablOdaati Suffer the tittle children to +ti come unto me and forbid them not ,for of such is the kingdom of heav en s�e Melville Church Rev. Yamuel Kerr, B.A., ILD. Minister 10 A. M. Sunday Schob! and Bible Claes 11 A. M. Morning Worship The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. 7 P. M. Evening Worship "Strength Through Joy" Louts D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP t(tE+ inns: ndetel+:+�+ United Church Minister—Rev, Hugh E. Wiles. 11 A. M. Morning Worship - "We Would See Jesus" .iunior Congregation 12 Church School and BibleSchool 7 P. M. Evening Praise "Led By The Spirit" Everyone Waleson, impopmcwomoopeapapersi Church of England Reotor.-Rev. M. F. Oldham Pariah of Brussel 15th Sunday After Trinity Sept. 17111, 1944 St. David's Henfryn-- Annual Harvest Thanksgiving: 10 A. M. Sunday School And Bible Class 11 A. M. Moaning Prayer and Sermon •,Preacher, -the Rector 7.30 Evening Prayer and Sermon Preacher,—Rev. P. H. Stetter le. Th., Blyth ; St. John's Brussels - 2 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 8 P. M, Evening Prayer and Sermon St, George's Walton No serviee'on this date'dn ac' - count Of Harvest Thanksgiving on tills date. - et A1'tigtr with Mrs, R. 1'. Garniss. The monthly meeting of the Wone- an's A:ssocdatonr of the United Church an the ,Sunday •s'choot room on Thursday' afternoon was conduct- ed by the president, 'Mrs, Alex Me- 01'ecicin, Following' a business dis- cussion, a .short program was en- joyed. Mrs; George Thomson ,gave a garoup of interesting readings and Mrs. A. MoCra;okin ren,tted, The hostesses were - Mrs. Fred. Selling, Mus', Fell, Mrs. .7..Fischer and Mrs. Curtis: The president, Mrs. Rayneond Elliott, presided et the monthly meeting- of the W. AL S, of Knox Presbyberian Church in the Church - on Thaireday afternoon. Mrs, Wal- ter Smillie read the sehip:ure lesson, Mrs. Gordon Mundell led in prayer and Mss. P. S. Mwea read the Glad Tidings prayer. Teta chapter, "Pllanting the -,Church in British eaetena," was reviewed by Mrs. leldree. Niohol. It outlined the die- ferent races in British Guiana with thein. many beliefs. The president offered the *losing prayer. The third quarterly meeting of the Ladies'- Add of - Knox Presby-- terian Clinical was held in the Sulu day school rooms on Thnrsda,y after. noon. The vice•preeident, 14110. Did red Nichol, presided. The opening prayerr was• offered. by Mrs. Mo Ewen. The_ treasurer reported a enbslbantia1 -am en the treasury The groups reported holding reg - near anont33ly meetings when quilt- ing was done Oar the Red Crossand for e1anch nupanse. C!amnandttees I were arranged for the bazaar to ' be Meld late in October. 'latus were made and a program committee .ale- , pointed for the annual Thanksgiv • hag ,Social, At the close of the meet= i inlg tends was eervo•1 by members of the Morrie group. Mrs, Wilson' Raneana, leolsseuain, Mon., has come east to visit old scenes and is being welcomed by a hest et frlende in Bluevale, 'W1ng- hasn, Morris and Pllrnborry, Farm erl;y Miss Thine thieb•ee, claugllter of Me late Albert Hughes, she wee born in ,Mortis a short distance ,from E1uevade, but ills lived in tete west for 26 years, never leaving been back in all 'that time. net sdster, Alatsei, Mrcn, Keeneth Weaver, lives at Pa 13. 11 as. Mansons knows, the• sadir'eee or war as her eon, :Sgt. Alan Rugines hansom, was killed lar, Italy on 3 y '24, after being overseas since leathery, 1940, Mrs, It,5nsom re. ceived letters from his 04ScSrs also from• His • Meblesfy ,K4ng Gieorge. Her 1400.in-law, 20, It T, 0rist0+w, le ilk 117:i,�aniil, Ilrliteealb,&&,use's at the 1ted• ()roes MONCRIEFF Monoriell' W,M.S, held a special meeting at the _home of Mrs. J. S'Iruthers, There ween' 2i) ladies present end e• good telegram was enjoyed. The meeting opened with a hymn and scripture reading from Exodalar by Mrs. 0G1iffo1'd Robertson, Roll calf was •annonmced by a verse of a fano:'rte 'hymn. A temperance reading wars' given by Mee. 0. Har - risen. Coanmittees were appointed to plan the Autumn thnitkoffering also to attend the 'conveul;on. to be held at Winthrop, and a readieg by Robert Smith was• included in the program. The offering was generous. The topic was given by 4 Mrs, Alex Mame. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. A social period followed. T11e hostess served launch. • • Anglican Church Notes 111ss. Gifford - Swarcman, Sioux yr rb all the em ere pc went, The . Rosa e Lookout, 10 visiting- with her parent Aly'. anti Mrs. D, C, Ross, Mr. W. 13, Stiles ie very 111 .a1' 11i ]tome here, His many friends hope to hear of a speedy recovery, Mr, W. L. McQuaarie of - Saska- teen, was a visitor last week with hie Meters Mrs, F. Strettoa and Mrs, B. Pringle. a I presided, The minutes of the legit meeting e were read and adopted oft motion of Ii. Yolineton and J, Miehi4, A petition was me0eived from the ratepayers of the Miles d:,hin to have . a portion, of same cleano3 tint,. Moved by J, Mi4hle seconded by R. Johnston that the Contract of * * * Me. and Mrs. Ryan and two sons of Mullett were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and 'vers, T3, Man- ntng, X '3 Mrs, 111, R, Oldham returners to Chatsworth on Monday after spend - n the past two months with her eon Rev. M. le. and Mrs. Oldham, * * au u c1a1 hold in virtual - slavery although I wreath and the tekei1a, or sYmpat:y i r their salary at a Berlin bheatea• was .shown- $3,506 a week. {let the September n1' nb out'• reeellt bereave - 17 17 issue of The. Detroit Sunday • Times. �^ The S)rurrie family, Atte United —_______— Attend District to trlct d Church Legion Mission g n Conference s2on Band Member's of 1ht brussels Branch of* the Canadian Legion, J. Thueli, 0. Doll and A. Oakley attended the d,istidcl; eonferenee of the -Canadian Legion held 1n Lis'towel on Sunday. There were 286 vetet•ans, repre- senting 30 'branches, registered at- 'th8 conference, Members Meowed a keen interest in daserlssions on subjects p=ertaining to the yelfai'e of veterans of both ware. • Morris Township Barn Destroyed By Fire The barn ora the term of Jas, 11lic;hie, 5tie con. of Morris, with all the 1944 season's crop, was totally deett•oyecl by fire on Sunday morn- iag, It is Said to have started from sparks from a gasoline engine. The dire gained headway so rapicUy • that efforts to 1301 it oat had t0 i8 abandoned and 'all the stook wars reauoved to safety. The adjoining re garage was also contused by the f flames. The house was also iu immenent-dengett but was saved Car and Truck Collided The monthly meeting of (11e Mdssion Band was held Sunday morning, :Sept. loth with an attend- ance of 23, Marjorie Sanderson was in charge. Masi, leen. Tyermao gave a most interesting talk On - David Livingstone 'which held the attention of the children. Item. J. le. Smith led in prayer. lPby11is Sullivan and and Ruth Thomas favore,1 the class with a duet. • U.S. Survey Discloses. - Sobriety in Army Camps The Office of War Information the 'Milted States has made a ssoaeet- to•coast survey of drineiag esndi- tiens in and aeou11d Army camps, This was undei'talcen to investigate rumors which .bad gained wide curl'ency, and to Provide honest and accurate .information about t11e millions of men who are cluing their patriotic duty ir, the armed services. The investigation disclosed that there is not excessive drinlailag rnong troops and that the'sale of ser d,n training camps is a positive aotot in Many sobriety. The O. eV, I. " made the farther ma:anent ,that n,o American Arley in all 'history leas been se orderly. * * * * * * * Mr 315r. J. hozell and son Ja Clinton and Miss Ruby Plum ,Setroit, were Sunday visitors w the formeits sister, Mrs, Ii, Manni and Mr. -Manning, Flight h g t Lieutenant Bowman Ge braith•, who has just corllplet courses at Vancouver and Victord is visiting at kids home here enrou .11 N ewfoundland. * * Mr. Norman Stelth of Barrie Sask., made a shat., visit this fiver. at his home on Albert St., and with lois salter, Mrs. MaRae, * * • Rev. M. F. Oldham conducted th .7 p,ra, service in' St, Thomas' Church . I�ep'rrtment f Health, I Insulin cleaning a porton of. 11,:echt Mitis drain be let to George Rord at 68,00 per hotly' plus morin„expenses. • 1'ried. Moved by C. Coultas seconded by J. Miohie that the Road 13i11s as presented by Roars Superintendent' be paid, --Carried. NMove(1 by C. Coudtes 501.0114m/ b3 ' ns on that 133 1a•. H Jah t til v N0, e to ek , ooliec t money for Meaning of Lemont Drain in Morris, and p Grey ngbe passed. --Carried. y Moved by Chas. Coupes seconded j by H. Johnston that the meeting 1- adjourn to meet again oil October' 04. 16, 1044 at 1 p.m: to ! The hollowing accounts were paid' Cecil Wheeler, damage to ' cattle by dogs .. ,...... „ 6120.00: n, Wallace Agar, valuating cattle 4.00- k Alexandra Marine and - General Hospital, Mrs A.Nethery :ewes, Cyrus .•Scott, Belgrave e Fair Grant Seaformr on Sept. 13.111, :while Rev. i 0 ea C 1'. le. Gilbert, rector of Seafarth of conducted Harvest Thanksgiving I W Searle, Mille drain A ear driven by Everett (Ghuck) Lowrie and a truck owned by the Mat Huron Produce driven en b Y altra) Stephenson. were badly damaged 1n a collision at the inter section one and a quarter miles north 'of Brassels, It is alleged. that the Lowrie car was turning around at the corner whew it was struck by the truck, both vehicles went into the ditch. Neither of the drivers were injured bet Donald' Riley, a passenger in the truck received a out in his forehead that required ',three stitches to close Melville W. M. S. The W.M,S. et Melville Church met on Friday afternoon, Sept. 8 at o'clock en Primary Roote. Mrs, S. The annual Sunday school picnic of St. Devid's, Chen011, I3enfryn, was held at the bush on the farm of Mr, Leslie Kerr on Friday, Senat. 1 with ideal weather and a good attend- ance, Games were played and races r'un, Supper Wass served at the close. A very pleasant time was spent. The anntua4' Harvest T11auk-sgiving s.erwice4 o4 St, David's Church, Henfryn will be held on Sunday, Sept. 17th at 11 a.m, and 7:30 ' Pen the morning ,preacher will be the rector and the evening • preacher wild be Rev, P. H. Streeter, rector of Blyth. - The Sunday selectee will be held at 3:e ani. - rSunday 511110oi and Bible Claes will 41e held he .21, John's Church on sonalays, (Sept, 17and 24 at, 2 p,na, Divine service to St. Jo11n1s, Chinch on ISun4ay, Sept. 17th at 3 p.m, an 0800unt of Harvest Th.a:nksteieing at I3enti'ya, ,Divine 'service in St John's Church es IS11na8ay,'Sept 2dt1 at T pen. The: will 1113• the amitrel Bible 5oeiety Seevice when the Rev. W, A, Mao Cletlry Well be the epeblx1 preacher in ,1016 dntereets of the Sotesty. Harvest Thanlrsglvinr• Services will be 1rold in 'St. '.Tohaa's Arti;lienn Church en 881118 3', Oct.. lst with services at 8:30 a.m:, 1.1 sen. and 7 p.111, clime at Wingaam Wednesday were Mee. Roy .Mame, Walter Sel. •lora.. Ward 'Gray, Wildon R0beet5on, Johi Fischer, Mre, James ,eobesi.on, flampbell ivobertson, ,Olatence Goll, Melville • Met/bets, Mre, Melville Metbers, Mrss. J. Wicketead, Charles 1Tahnsten, W, J. Peacook, Gordon Messer, Emus Johnston, Barry 311- IOd tit. Laeal ::sties assnsting were 34rs. Cato Johnston, Mrs. le, 0, row.. ler and dire ('oego 83et11eringtnm Kerr pesided and the meeting open- ed by singing Psalm 15, Mrs. Harold Parker read the scripture and Mrs, . Thos. Walker offered prayer. Thie was followed by singing of Hymn 890. The eeoretary and treasurer's reports, were read and adapted, The topic "New P Ilfey and New Advance:"' Clan the study book, on British, Guiana wee ably given by Mrs 0. Bae'ker and Miss Mary 1,amout discussed the life of Rev. J, Wilkie, D,1'. After singing of Hymn 582 the meeting eves closed by repeating the Lorai's Prayer in unisoa, - At The. Churches St. John's Church The service in •St Jobnee Churoe en Sunday, Sept, 10th at 11 a:m, was im charge •of Mr, 15 D. Brawn; Lay Reader of, St George's' Church, •1roderfeh, also Ereitayor of Coderirll Ile preached a very flue" sermon on "Th0 Oom'fortable Words" of Jesus Clnist, United Church - " The Leaver, rat ,L1fe" wee the eubeeoi: of the morn1314 sermon 10 ,the Untted'- flluureh, Misses Dorothy. Dennie 'and Ruth Wilson to01c Ake eleet,,pert Ot the anthem. ' In rhe •ov81ihlg .tire ministee spoke et Deana. bis three mighty Wren and the well of Bethlehem. Melville Church . hi Melville March an Sunday nio1'ning 'title minister resumed i11e series of sermdns en Soanos from the , life of leen. T.1ie earthen subleot was Tho stilling' of the storm, Mrs, Harold Smellien of Menktrieff was the vleitittg soloist and wing just lee ',Totlay, by Blenobo Leaver. In the evening the sr,mon dealt with the prephet Mao ret14 message. The *idling tolois4 in ,the evening was•M?•. Tuetter, who sling, The Ho333 Nee by Steven .kktive. v1190101 • Obituary * * * ,* * * *. * * Doris June Patterson Dei4s ' June ]? at e a n �t •• a o 10e year of daughter of Mr, and . Mrs, Rotor Patterson, who reside on. the bona 1 Clary of Morris and McKillop tow slips, was 41h.e lest: Metes) of polio- myelitis in this district, when ehe passed away in Victoria hospital on Monday, .1eptem:ber iltli- The child was present at school on the opening date Sept, 5th, but com- plained of a 9,eadache later that day. ,She became steadily, Wens and sbe -was relnoved,.to Victoria hospital, London on 'Saturday evening and was placed. in an iron lung. ; A private funeral service was held I om •the Thome of her parents on. Tuesday. Interment wee made fu Brussels cemetery, -She is survived by her parents and eight year old sister Barbosa. • John Shurrle There passed away in Grey town- ship on Sept. 9th at the home of his sloe, Mackenzie Sherrie, John Sherrie was in his. Seel': year. ` Deceaged was barn at St. Helens :loving to the 4th concession of Motels at the age of nine where be resided until six years ago. when be moved to tete 43111 08130eeeion of Grey to live with iidsson, Mackenzie ;Serueric .and hors, Shlrreie. He. was united in :marriage to Victoria Brad• slum who. predlocaeed him in 1937. He le surveyed by two sons: Clifford of Stratford and Mackenzie of Grey. One sister, Mies Rebecca Shln'rte of Brussels also elerviv00. Funeral services were ca1ndeeted Monday by Rev. '5..Korr, meteor of 1)4e13Glle .Pa'eebyterian Cvhlurok, Inter- ment War.W mettle in. llruesels cern tery. T4ie pallbearers were: 'Tdae's. McBer, Jr'„ Barmy Mae.Champion, aa•. Lake, Harvey McCutolheen, Ward Sellers and Elston Cardiff. Flower• bearers Were: Kenneth Spoil*, Lloyd Wheeler, Roy Finch and Warrenren Finch. Blyth Calf Club Met The Blyth Celt Glub meeting was 'held at the home of Mr, , 01)511 13 .Snell, Clinton. Caws, Breghaai, President of the Club was iib 'charge of the Meeting, cold Searles ,Snell Wee Seceetary, Tho membeem judged et Clue of Sherhorn heifers, and :wrote their ex1un111e Woes, pre1arai0ry to tile,,' achieve- ment day, next Thursday, •Sept0mbar Nth. J B, Matheson plaosd' a class and Mete 'ghee ,net thollons on: fitting and showing of coil, • la St. Albans, Atwood, * * * - Ma'. and Mrs. Clifford Sherrie, Mr and Mrs. .Roy Finch, Mr. and Mrs Wavren Finch, Mrs. Clarence -Finch cr Stratford; Mr, and - Mrs. Geo. darkness, Mr, and Mrs. John Cas Ilea of Teeswater; Mr. and Mrs. 011a3. Hoggait, Ma's, Geo, Hoggart, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tiotgart, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Addison of Hullott attenn- ed t]re funeral of Dir. Joann Sherrie on Monday. - Bluevale Flier Is 'Reported Missing ler. and Mas. Ed., Barnard of Blue d vele, received- word last week that their eon, Warrant officer First t,` Glass David Russell BernardBernardis re -I ported missing atter air operations 1e- overseas on 'August -261.h.On Thursday they hall received a letter ,from ;him whech wan written Aug. 08ed telling of trips over. Ger- many, and that he had a letter from Jack Dillow, who is now in France. Russell had expected to go en leave in-subout two weeks after he wrote this letter. He said that he had pictures taken and would send .them home as soon as posadble,` Resell, was a member of the famous Moose Squadron, He enlietod in April 1940 and after a period at Alanning Depot, Toronto, attended a wireless. .course at .Guelph receiving his wings at that ,into. Ile then went to Defoe, Sask., where Ile graduated as an air gwmler. For about a year and stx months he was o11 .patrol duty at Halifax and Sumanerside. 1?.E.I„ going overseas in October of last year. On April 5th 1es't year he was married to Lillian .Los'olr of Miidsiiay, She is living at present at Kincardine, Rueeell ' is a native of Morris township having been born near Jamestown and has lived near Blue - vale since he was four years old, I.1e attended Blueveee school and FVIngham High School and was with his father on the twine for alielrt 2 years. prior to hie enlistment. He ie. 27 years old. Jt1seela was highly creepe0ted throughout the community and took an active part in the Young People's Unionorf the United Church. 0 I It ia. hoped that better news. will ,I received � be ece yeti s Ile only. DIIFD ' FOOL'FJOST--In• Mt. Po.est On Snel- 1 l clay, 551ptember 10513, 1944, .Jeltza• beth C. Calder, beloved wife - of • Wm. 13. Forrest. Funeral was held in Mt, Forest on Tuesday, September 12tH, 1944, - Interment Amok place in Brussels cemetery at 4 p.m, BORN ODINN—To Mr, end Mrs. Pet (roa l at Walton, on Meeen•y, Sent; firth --a de,uglhter. , tit 4'l'II lIt 7n Beeeiseler on '9h•iday, Sept, 8441, to Mr. and Mrs,, Wins, 19eitn,ee of 1r0Y 'rownsblp•• a dallgtitelt•, Lyle Hopper, egalaliting i school sections 2e,0e M. Gbwing, bridge and damages •on Lamont drain 25,00' Carl Johnsten, Robertson drain . 68S.468S.49Richard Alcock, Cole drain .. 216.00 Mrs. G. Groes, relied' 15.00 Nelson Higgins, stamps, 0010.00• George Marti :, Clerk, 27410 15,00• 3.85- 28.84 Mrs. C. Elliott Dies Suddenly At Wingham WfNGHAM, Seat, 13.—The saddelr- dea:eh occurred yesterday in Wing'- Sam General Hospital of Mrs. Chas3o Dlliot s t, of Bluovale road„ in her 66th year, severed hours after admaittance. She was well known- here and was a native of Turnberry township. She was formerly Jessie Stewart lTosllwain, ,Surviving besides her husband are three sons and one daughter Leonard, of Mitchell, Harry, we Bluevale, Fred, at hoame; one daugh- ter, Mrs. Stewart Cowan, Wingham. Two sisters• also sairvave Mrs. Thomas Robertson, I{elwood, Man.,. Mrs. Frances Armetrong, Detroit. She was In religion, Presbyterian, Funeral service is Thursday at 2;30 p.01. with interment do Winghanx Cemetery. Wm. T. Abraham Chosen Winner Massey Scholarship Wen, T. Abraham, son of Mr; and Mr's, Tom Abraham of Wroxeter has been chosen as the winner of the 114aseey Scholarship for Huron, Comte, this year. Mr, Abraham is a, student entering the second year - at the 0,A.0. ,hie fall, 'This year the Huron County"•. Connell inaugurated this Scholaa.- obip. $50,00 is donated to the boy' on enteafng 4110 college and another* - $50.00 is given to him by the Massey Scholarship at the beginning of the: mew year, Wm, es' 20 years old. Ile received' Ids, Denier •Mattitculardor, Iron, the Wroxeter High IOolrooi. Atter staying' home one year, he - then went t*• Wingllam aural mocelved his Senior - passing in eleven - upped' school su14eete in one year. The Massey -Scholarship coni- audttee of Huron County fel+ this boy was the most deeerving of this - 'arlvaaxi. The Solvala,rslhhp committee le :Oam'poaed. of 'Warden, Fred Wat- son, Inopeoioal. for Needle Huron,. James Kinkoa0, and ,13ruos 1Vfathe- son, Agricultural ' :Representative for Huron Coangy. The 'Committee hopesthat a bey' ease be selooted snob. year 'ter this ,Soholarshlp and are re(nestee toe forward their a9plieations to Bruen Maitheaon by the end of June each Teat. 43 , , w. FOR SALE° A good 'ehhet Cook Sieve, e6pller resaireeir, atelKet ee I#ma els 1*►8t, P11o40 fid..