HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-9-6, Page 1RUSSELS
VOTERS' LISTS, 1944 I * * *
Notice is hereby• given that I
have 'compiled width seolion 8 of ,bhe
have posted up at my office at Brus-
sels on the Thil+teeth day of August,
1944, the fiat oi' all persons entitled
to vote in, the said Municipality at
municipal electIansl and that snrch
list remains (there for inspection.
And I hereby 'oa11 upon all Voters
to 'tale immediate proceedings to
have .any errors or ouxissi
reetel ace rding to Yaw, the last
day for appeal being bhe Twenty-
sixth day Y of tm ar
a Se ,
m b
-Dated' this 39111 day of August,
R. S. Warwick,
Clerk of Municipality of
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
September 7, 8, 9
Starring Georg. Formby
A newer, funnier George In his
best hit Hilarious Role I
George On The Home Guard
Monday, Tuesday, Wedn,.sday
Sept. 11th, 12th, 13th
.Ann Sheridan Dennis Morgan
Shine On Harvest Moon
' A :Lavish Musical — jammed
with popular entertainment.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
Sept. 14th, 15th, 16th.
The Purple Heart
Starring J. Andrews
A Sensational Drama of Japanese
First show starts each evening at
7:30. When single features such as
these are shown all patrons in by
. ,a i5 will, see complete .show. .
Matinee each Saturday and
holiday at 2:30.
What doth it profit a main if
he gain the whole world and
lose his own soul?
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., LD.
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Scenes from the life of Jesus'
The storm on the lake.
7 P. M. Evening Worship
The challenge of the
Book of Amos.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United ` Church
1MInister—Rev. Hugh C. WIIaN
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"The Leaven Of Life'''.
Mission Band
12 Church School and.
Bible School
7 P. M. Evening Praise
"David And The Water
Of Bethlehem."
Everyone Welcome
Church of Ell I:arld
ector.-F&.ev. M. F.Oldham d 3330
Pariah of Brussels
14th Sunday After Trinity"
Sept. 10th, 1044.
St. John's Brussels --
40 A, M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A, M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
P1'earher—M1', 5, O. BrOwn
Be -Mayor of 'Ooderich
St, Orerge's Weirton—
Harvest Thanksgiving
2 P. 'Sunday School Service
Address by the Rentor
3 P. PJI. Evening .Prayer
and .Sermon
Peoria/Mr., Rev, 0. F. Qiibertr.
,Hector of Seaforth
St, David's Henkryn
10.3 Scheel
Sunday O A. M. Sun y
No se1'vdoe en' aotount of Hate.
Vest 1'honkaglv(ng In AtweQ l
1.1 A. Mi and "7.80 i'• .h4'
Wednesday, September 6th, 1944
* * * * * *
One of the o prettiest of early
autaanl1 weddings Look place Sutur.
day al the ihome of kir, anil llrs. E.
G. Plato, Brussels, when their elder
daughter, VIIrgtnia Irene, became
the bride of GSM, Alvin lellyot
(WU. 2
), district hoadc,lualteaa, Lone
don,' youngest son of Mrs. 'Ullyot
and the late Mr, S', Ullyot of
S1, Marys, A profusion oe multi-
x d but flowers formed tlx
background 4or the ceremony*, Ile
H. Wilson ofilciated, The bred
a floor -len
g win f,
g .tshlone
on princess lines with Gull skirt
two -tout net over -organza and satin
The 'full .skirt, ending in a -sligh
train, was gathered gracefully to the
long Steed bodide of ivory satin.
The bride ..chose far travelling, a
Powder blue Silk jersey with. •acces-
sories 'bo hatch After a honeymoon
in Northern Ontario, the young
couple will reside on the gl'a01n's
Taxan en the 4t1 line of Morrie.
Guests were present Nom Winni-
peg, Toronto, We'oxete:', 13luevale,
1,lthel and Brussels,
ns and cwt flow -
ere formed an attracliti•t setting in.
St 151145 Church, Wingiham on
August 3.Ot11 at 2 pan. when Rev. E,
o 10. Gallagher united 'in marriage,
,, Miry Ruth •eldest (laughter of Nolle
o Guest and the late Mrs. Guest, of
Hol r
Y oetl' �t i�
d t Elwin i u S 11 i•.
of Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin
Somers, Ethel.
t rite bride wore a street length 1
dress of white sheer with white
accessories. Mrs, Cameron Somers
The long Gall sleeves tapered to matron of honour wore o. '.dress of
points over the hands. Her pointed white •sheer and Miss Doris Somers;
finger tip veil of white triple not sister of the groom, was bridesmaid
hung softly from a Mary Queen, of in powder blue 011344on:
Soots headdress which was edged Mr. Cameron 'Somers, brother of
with.tiny ,pearls 'she bride was Ih'e groom was best man, After
given, in marriage by her father and the ceremony' the bridal couples
She .carried a bouquet of, Rapture returned to the home •of the groom's
roses, The bri(le+s only attendant pa1'ante, whore about fifteen guests
was, Wiles. Barbara :Michie, gowned In sat clown to -0 well Spread table,
toe -length triple sheer in pole eos'al decorated in pink and white and
shade inset with dace al a deeper centred with the three -tiered bride's
shade: Her shouti<der-length veil of cake, Lllle0ered by the ,hustes,.
m+atehing net was ,held in place by They rebeived many gists; which
a'Sweetheart headdress, Hor bou- wore well chosen and useful. For
quet wee of white and coral gla- the present they will reside at the
(Boli. The best man was LAa home of the groom's ' parents, 6th
Frank Webster, Guelph. Following Con. Grey and their many friends
the 'ceremony a s'eception wee ,held. wish 'them a happy and useful life.
For going away bhse eteee chose an Friends were -present Jirom Holyrood,
autumn ,gold dressmaker suit with
brown velvet collar. filer aceessariee
were of the same shade of brown
and she wore a corsage of Talis-
ma.n roses,The couple w111 reside
on Waterloo st,, .London, .Out-of-
town guests 401- the wedding' were
Mies Ruby Plum, Mr. H. Laird,
Detroit; Mu•, E. Smielldun, 'Poledo
Ohio; Mrs. M. Ullyot, Mr. tend Mrs,
S. U2 yo't and M1•. and Mrs, G.
Uliyot, ISt, Malys; Miss 'Tess True-
man, Red Deer, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs,
R. ISm0114on Mrs, 0. Addison, Miss
Ribh Reynolds, London, and Mr,
George 'Smalldon, erre:brook,
Pretty autumn flowers banned the
altar of Melville Presbyterian
Church Brussels, on 'Saturday, Sept.
2nd at 5 'p.m., when, Ethel Irene,
daugliter of Mr. S. C. Fox and the
late Mrs. Fox, Brussels, was united
in holy bonds ofmatrimony to
Joeep,h Etiio, only son of Mr. and
Mee. Alex Brewer of Morris. Rev.
Samuel ISerr, pastor of the church,
pexl5ormed ,the wedding ceremony,
and Mr. IL., D. Thompson, organist
of the church, presided at the organa
Roes Cunningham attended the
Entering the elrurah to the •strains
of the wedding music,, the bride,
given in marriage by her Rather,
looked lovely Ilea floor length gown
of white chiffon' over satin, fashion•
ell wildly a brocaded boddee, Shirred
waist band, peter pan collar, bishop
sleeves, and a full skirt Her floor
length veil wee 'held he place -'by a
flowered' bandeau. .S•re carried a
boquet of pink Ba'larcliffe roses.
Mrs. Tack Lowe,, sister ' of the
bride, attended as mahron of honour,
and .chose a 0111,0et length dress of
blue .sheer, fashioned .shriilar to
that of the bride, and hel; shoulder
length veil was also held in place by
a flowered 'bandeau. She carried
Meetly Giadtolue. Little Mies
Marry Kerr made a ` charming .little
jue.4ior bridesmaid, She was dressed
in pink sills with pink shoulder
length, veil, fashioned the sante a5
the matron of honour, slid carried' a
Idella BI•yens—Incomplete returns.
Graeme Scott -E. 'Comp, 3, E'. Lit, 0,
Trig, 2, A1:g, 3, Phys. 3, Chem. 3,
Jean 'Speiman--Eng. Lit. 0, Alg, C.
Barbara Thynne- 0. Comp. 2, F1
Lit, 3, Mod.. Hist. 0, Alg, 3, P11ys.
0, Chem, C, Fr, Attie .'3, French
Lames 0.
Jean Yu3—D. Comm. 2, E. Lit, - 8,
.Idecil Hist. 2, Alg, 1, Trig. 2, Phys.
1, Chem 1, Fr, Auth. 2, Fr.
Oolnm. 2, -
Vereni-ca - Blodce-- ]0..Comp. 0, E. Lit.
0, Mod. Hist, 3, Alg, 0, Myelin
1114 to hear Grom. -
Tena Armstrong—EL Lit, ' 0, Mol.
coloured beer -pet of f=loppy Day •
Roses) and Gdpsophi a.
Master Kennetth. Bowler, nepbew'
.of the bride, wins wing beater,
The guests were Ushered to their
peens, 61111011 were indicated by bows
of White satin ribbon, aid sweet
Pees by Jack 'Lowe ail Charlie
Lake. -
During +131.5 iagndng of the register,
Mns. teha+rles McCntclteon, hunt of
the bride sang very sweetly, "011
P'oa 1fe Me."
A re0.9tien 513(1 wedding dinner
Wee held in the Queetne Betel,
where 131e ,table- were decorated to
Pink end white for the ooeoosion,`a16*
the bride's ttable 7155 entered Wilk
a, three-story wedding coke, '1`'10
Meats Arnd 0a✓
a 140030 titer,
�Clurtohacn ..and Rlla�ycsr D v
Mr. IGerr 1)1011(5ged a towel, Le eke
Weide and. groom, to vpideli file t'Uo0111
reeattr14 d fti a MW Well chosen
Listowel and ;Ethel
Upper School Report
For B.C.S.
The Sollowing Ss one standing
obtained by the - students of Gr.
XIII in the June examinations:
1 edves standing ,over 74%.
2' is fromn 66 to 74.
3 is from 60 to 65. -
.. C.is.frod 50 to 50. .
Helen Arnn.sti+ong—long, Comp. 1,
Erg. 'Lit. 2, Alg, 1, Trig. 1, Phys: 1,
tObeln. 1, French . A. 2, French
Comp. 1. r
[sabot Bowman—E. Gonne. 2, E. Lit.
• 0, Mod. Hist. 3, Alg,: 3, Trig. C,
Phys. 3, Chem. 2, Fr. Anth. 0,
Fr. Comp. 3. -
Hist, C. • .
Helen McOwtcheon.✓E, Lit, 3.
Plane Crash Kills
Marine Lieutenant
Seonnd Lt. William 3, Camelbn,
Jr., 20, U.S, Marine 0orns fighter
piltat of 118 North Terrace Maple•
wood, INT .3., was Milled Wednesday,
August 9, when his plane crashed
(luring la routine flight,- 30 mUles
north ' of ,'Daytona Beach,
whel'e bo was stationed, Fre was the
son 'of -William 3. 'Cameron, execu-
tive vetepresddent of the Home In-
surance Co., New 'York and Mrs,
Clfthlxevem. . .
Tat. 'Cameron, 'who) was barn in.
Maplewood, attended schools' these
and was. graduated, from Pingry
Shbol, Hlisabebh, After completing
blia freshman: year •art Yale Uni-
versity in tile• 1945 War Class he
entered the Naval Air Force, taking
lero1•Niideirury flight training in 001"
%tell, Hie pre-flight training was
taken at 011np01 Hill, N'.C.,- andhis
primary itigllt foatniThg - at Penn
1!1.11iann'a. 'He was, ootnanisaloned a
Marine Oorpe' pilot at Pensattole,
,il1onkda. When he was 111110(3 he was
'taking advanced salua,dran 41111 as 41,
fighter pilot,
Shtrvlvieg besides hies parents, see ,
a glister like, A.Ttain r Marnhull, wife
of ld. Arthur 155(11 tell,
now overseen,
Seretiiees5 were. cenducvted Monday,
Aeg et 14th ,el; silt pan, in 'the First
0llurc9 of • Orange (Presbyterian).
lies, Da', Raymond. ]m
ing Tind uLe
E o ,
ClaSipr, o fl isted,
,Mrs. Wan, Canier03 of Cranbrool,
14 lits tgranclutothee andd' ralvin
tinanerdn, idfe uMl>c d.
Local News Items
1 wish to than]( all my neighbours,
friends, and relatives for 111011• -11.104
expressions re sympathy, hY, kind awls
and kind wishes. during my recent
acoldel.tl They were all muchappreciated, 1111 Bruce
Mr, and Mrs, B. Whittard 01(91 s4
their sincere 'thanks .and approcia-
tivn. to Rev. Nl, F. Oldham, members
of the Brussels 13rancal of the
Legion, the ones who sent (lowers, MORRIS
R i[�v
those who asaioted and those RIS.
service Poo- their San Trooper Ross
WhJtLaoidl expressed respect' and
Large Enrolment
In Grade IX
The fall school Lerm opened hero
on Tnesclay of ,this week with one
new teacher on the -staff of ' the
nubile oobool, Miss B 23allai;tyne
replaces Miss J. Ring. There were
ox131 10 ;yanng1ters who ,started' off. in /grade one. Eighty enrolled in
the continuation s•ohooi wit3i4t 31
students. in first foam, this is the
largest number of first corm
students Por .same years.
Private Life Of
The Siamese Twins
Daisy .and Violet Hilton, begin ,
in The American Weekly with this:
•Sunday'e (Sept. 10) - leme of The
Det«oht ,Sunday Times ... the in-
timate and never before toil story of
(hair fight ,for love and tha 1 in
ip es .
Be inure to read the. revoi'atlons 'of
the -Siamese Twins - - .the story they
I never intended to tell: Get Sunday's
Detroit Times, - -
whose attendance at the memorial
Former Brussels Boy
Wounded In France
PCI. James J. Parrish, of the Royal'
Hamilton :Light Infantry, who is a
former Brussels. boy, was %rounded
in Prance on August 237th. Pte. Par-
rish enlisted at Hamilton in 1940 .and
after le airing at Cannel Borden, went
overseas in 1941, He was born in
Morois township ,elle eon of the late
Mus. James Parrish of Brussels and
'was a' baker employed at the W. E.
Willis Bakery before g.,ing to Strat-
ford some years ago. His wife, the
tonne: .Melena McCullteig31 of Logan
township, and 'daughter Carol Ansi,
reeide in Stratford, s
Pte. Arthur McLean
Fatally Wounded
Pte. Arthur McLean, son. of Mr.
and ',Mrs. Roderick McLean of 7 -•con,.
of Moi'i'is tonvnsltip'paid the supreme
eacs'ifice in the defence of his
country when he was fatally wound-
ed in France on August 12111; Pte.
MoLean was 21 years old on March
He enlisted at London in June of
1941 and went overseas with the
Sherbrook Fusiliers tnvo years ago
in November. The sympathy of the
community is extended to kis
•b011857 d peafowls, his brother
Donald and sisters, Mrs, Jack
Pennington (Mary); - Mrs. Donald
Carrie (Janet); Fanny, Doris, Ella,
Ruby and Grace.
At The Churches
United Church
The National Day toe prayer far
the A,nmed Pewees was, observed in
the United) Church on Sunday morn-
ing, The l u+bject was Divine inter-
vention, In the evening tho minister
spoke of the controversy between
Oiliest and (the eeligeous' leaders of
his day, -, 'and the mean of 1110 epithet
"Thou art , a .So,mslrian."
Melville Church
In Melville .Church on Sunday
morning the nolsion+al day of player
was oleserved, The music:, the Sore,
1:411r0s read, and the message cent -
reds in '111110, iSpeciel prayerswale
oftfered Por the . nation, the armed
fiances, the canoe of •61'eedmn, and our
ellesnies in tlltte weld conflict, Mise
Olive emirate was the visiting solo-
ist, and sang; . "We thank Thee for
all," In the .evening the minister
preachad 011 the theme: The For -
Ward Reach; and the text woe
Phililltel a ns `3:13,14.
St, John's -Church -
Ms'. H. G, Meir 'of Seott:ti1, presi-
dent elf IHulron Deosose Lae'ineli'is
Atesaoeailion .05191eterl se211005
the 'elbttm0hos In the local 'Anglican
paelieih en August. 87.
The lem111ee Day of Prayer was
observed in 'St, ,f'oam's 01llrlill. oft
S3nduay, (Sept. R,rd 'p1t9 Special
prayers, intercessions; hymns and
serephure leesolls. The rector, :Iievr
141, F. Oldhll'nu was in charge end
delivered an; 4iVrolnlat0 sermon,
Tee Rlthel Women's Institute will
Alex 1
ams of Mrs, A o
eheld et 4rleh
b t
sifter 0011
n !Ph redo u
Peeanskln, o u y +
Sept, 141,31 at 2;80. Topic 1Iy 111[89,
Werdiaele ranel Mee, Iticlatrrle, Contest
i11e418i'rabgr11 1ellatict, -
Miss Marion Hull who has been
s9encldilg the poet live months with
her sister and brothel' -in -taw, Mr.
and MTS, Wmx, Flood a1 Windsor has
retie:nett to her home on the 5th
line of Morris.,
The directors of the Morris Fed-
eration et Agriculture met In. the
township .hall' on .Thursday evening,
August 31st, and made arrangements
fora banquet to be in the -Pres-
byterian Church Brussels in the let
or and week In October. They Ore
hoping 4o have a man from Toronto
to speak on Faran. Radio Forums,
Watch lar further native.
Mr. and Mrs. Bent 3'ohr:at0n and.
baby •af Weibel' visited on •Sunday
•al(tel'noon with his - :uncle and aunt
iia•, and Mrs •Richard Johnston and
Ealtma and 'took in: B1ievale Oberoh
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson
visited on Sunday afternoons with liis
bisotherdn-law and siste1 Mr, and
Mrs. Will Peacock'and son. -
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Barnard re-
ceived she sad news last week their
sou Russel' was missing. in Prance,
Me. end/ 'Mrs, Cooper Nethery and
Murray spent ,Sunday afternoon
with ,their uncle and aunt Mr, and
M149. Will Johnston,.
We are sorry to hear Mrs, George
Wheeler is still bedfast, having
fallen through a hop door in :the
barn and hope she. will soon be
better again.
A,barge number of talks' took in
Binevale United Church Anniversary.
on Sunday morning and evening. .
Mies Isabel 11McKinnon is spending
'a couple of weeks' holidays, with her
parents IMI'. and Mrs. Robt. Mc.
Kinnon at Bluevale,
:Moa :Spence, McKinnon of. the
R,C,A.P. at London spent the week
end with has parents Mr, and MTs.
Robt. MoKinnow, -
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mothers - and.
familyWeltedon Sunday •afternoon
With Mr. and Mrs' George Thornton
at Bluevelle. •
Ali stohoole wee'e reopened for
the fall 'term on Tuesday, . Septem-
ber ebb,
Miss "Thelma Caldwell, Blyth, wsls
a recent visitor at the . home of
Mr, end Mrs, Harvey Dennis, 7th
concession. -
Mrs, Albert Cardiff 4bh, con„ was
enjoying a visit with her sister Mrs,
Fna.nk Lawless, Oranhrook.
Miss. Isabel McDonald, Walton, alas
been appointed teacher for. B. S.
No, 3,
Me. and Ws, Stanley . Whoelor
enjoyed ,a week -end trim to Hamilton
and Niagara, Falls.: .. _. .
Jetties Ireland a Tomer resident
of the 7tlh 0011., le a vtsitar with
his sisters.in n t:. and alsq his
brother 'Will Ireland, Morris, he liv-,
es in lSlaskatt itte and ft. is 22., years
since he last visited here.
Mme John',Boyd. and daughtere of
McKillop spent .a few days • lust week
with 1101' smother - Mrs, R, 1Vtiller, 12th
concession. -
Me a.nd. Mre, Mervin .111iller and I
fancily of De•odhagen, spent the holt- i
dee' wi't11:Mat5, R; Mines', 12th eon.
Mr, and Mas, Wm, Boyd and-iiltle
daughter (Boris, and Carl Loinherda
of fl13oKiilop visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Belt -punt 1emlegway on Sunday.
Mr, Herold Speer left ter the
Weal. on Thursday .afternoon,
Mr, and Mi's, Mervin Miller and
family, Mms, R. Miller and Stewart
visited ,with Mr. end Mrs, Wm.
Miller sad family on •Sunclnv last,
Miss lean McDonald os Breesels,
a r tford Normal
,r of .t a g]Flt luau S 0
S,Oh0ol, is the 111w tea:ehel' kit 'Sol -
gnaw 5,311301 whedl) opened on
Ba ma, Nliohle i1 am
Min a'oir
her new 415thell In Hensali nubile
echlaol. Mise :E9dritls N[a411011egiian !111
13xrnr e4lold - and ',M%a (903'137• Wade
* '" * s * * * ° ' Have You Enrolled
Holiday V sitars As ,Blood Donor
You give Wm. blood to eavv 11 wound -
Jas. rinse(, It:C.A.F., was a holiday, ed soldier's Wei Blood is urgently
Ivisitor tut his home. needed. The Blood Banks must
* „ e I have a never failing supply. Titmice
Mr. Arthur Synott spent the hall. ands of our mon are fighting a
day in Norwich.. winning ;battle on many flouts but
* * *
battles take a heavy toll of wa5mded
Norman Thom son It ' men and Ib•
p C.A.I., was 1004 plasma 001st be
a holida i h
y v si o1 at he's name •here, to cava their lives. Many
n ' r here dieve responded to the need
Cpl, Ed. Garton of the Flume but •tbera' are many we10 Have not.
Guards, Quebec, is home on leave, Be a iia+sttime donor at the Brweaele
M r clinic to the ]held here 011 Sept. 22nd,
Dank Parker, Fort Erie, i5
visit- Give
Name e
Mrs. r H.P.Allen.
ing with hiss mother Mrs. H. Parker.'
M 4 Tuan
Cpl. Harold Parker; Clinton, spent Early In October the holiday with his mother Mrec-H. The ninth -of October, 1944, has
been appointed Thanksgiving Day b9
Proclamation In the Canada Gazette,
In quaint words the 1lxaeia/nation
reale: "We therefore considering
that these blessings vouchsafed to
the people of the Domaaioll of Cane
acia do call for a solemn anti nublie
a.cknowlednnent have thought fit, . by
and with the adroice of Our Privn
Council tor Canada, to appoint, and:
We d'o appoint Monday the ninth
day Oetobe - next 85 a day of general
thanksgiving to Almighty God for
the blessings with whioh the people
of Our Domiiuion of Canada have
been favored, doing this year;' and
We do .hereby invite all Our people
of -Canada to .observe the said day as
a day of general thanksgiving."
M1', and 11211s. T. L, P1e.'9t returued
last week Brom a vacation in the
Mr. anti NM's. IL Hawkins and
Tamely, Windsor were holiday visit -
ora here, •'
* *
Mr. and Mrs, ,Sam Sorters, Detroit
were visitors with , Mrs. - Mary
So fetus
e • *
Mrs. M. W4u.eberg returned home
this week after spending a month in
New York, -
* * *
J. Howard, R.C.N. and Mrs.
Howard with her. parents, Mr: and
Mrs. J. H. Bryan -
M *, Ye
Mrs. C. Workman and flues Mar.
'garet Workman, Leamington were
recent visitors in town.
Miss Margaret Robinson has re-
turned bonne after spending the past
week in Part J13•Sgiu,
111a•. :and fella. Archie Holmes and
children, Brantford, were vieiturs
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Somers.
* • .49
Leonard. Dawson, Leamington, was
a visitor at the home of Mr - and Mrs
R. W. Kennedy on Monday,
r• 7 *
Mrs. Lillian Clark and daughter
Gloria were week end visitors/ with
Mr. and Mas. Archie Smith, Seafortlr.
* * '*
Dr. I. H. and Mae. Oldham. of
Yarker, Ont, an•e the gueste of Rev,
M. F. and Sins, Oldham at St. John's
* * * -
Mis. Wm. Twoker and children
returned Home on Tuesday after
spending severe' weeks with rela-
tives at St Mary's.
* * *
Mr, and Mrs% Harold Ohapman,
Mess. Jean C1apn1an and Mr. and
Mrs. J, Keyswetter, Kitchener - were
week end holiday guests with rela-
tives here.
* *
Mr. and Mrs 0. Heimpel and son
StnallCord spent the week end with
Mr: and Mas, F. Stephenson. Mise
Doreen. 'Stephenson, who spent the
past month- In ,Stratford returned
home with (them.
* * e.
.Mrs. W. J. 'Saunders, Mr, and Mrs.
Sas. 19aiindeesi and ,Stuart Snowden
.of Ayr ,and Pilot Officer: Gordon
Seundets, of the - R. 0. A. F, Ferry
Command', were -'Sunday visitors.
with. N. Chapman and Mr. and Mss,
R. W. Kennedy,
✓ a s
Rev. 11'I, F. and Mrs. Oldham were
:guests- with Dr, J, H. and Mrs, Old-
ham at Yorker'last week, The form.-
0r officiated at ,St, Anthony's Church
Yorker land St. Luke's) Camden East
on Ang. '87th saki..- aseis'ted St. James
CJnatroh iICengston at the evening 1800"
New Vegetable Prices
' h» Price for root vegetables 1n
this region change on September 3.
and remain effective 1153111 Noverbee
34), The prices- /ettoted are the retail
ere' maximum selling prices. 'they..
are. worked ,cat on the basis that the
retailer .paid the wholesale ceiling
pagce. If dile ,rbol0 gale price was
below the established ceiling, 1110 re -
,bailer must compute his selling
pries oe hie ,actual cost, pills a
ivark-119 of 30 per tient
Retailers' maximum %e11109 prices
e16': 0011015, washed, 3 901.111411, 350,
unwe,slled, 3 I:uuds, 10e; fresh top
bunch, 3 bundles 20c. Cabbnge, or
dinary, 3 :pounds, 1jtc; red '1r Savoy,
3 paunch, 16c, Pa3'snilns, washed, 3
pounds, 1)x^ salwaeded, pountts
2 'Turnips, 'Oi l0 l Tiltaba .ad
fYc. 1'111 i 1 w r
p, y g ,
Iwashed ,or waged, 8 lxrundr, 1 1e 1111•
washed oa' 3111wi08541, 8 pounds, tis. Nleg Ireah 'top hunch, 3 buinchos 20e,.
at Den/niter. •
W. G. McNall Receives
Government Appointment
Mr. 'George McNeil has received
the appointment through the Provin-
cial Government of rnspeetor for the
C00lanlssiener of Loans, Toronto,
and Sims deities, to commence at -
Mr. Me/rail's ters'1ory covers the
Whole of the Counties of. Huron and
Bruce, and .ctizens o2 the Village
will also foam. with pleasure that
bias appointment will permit him to
,r011103n in Blyth, which le conven-
iently located in the centre of 'his
inspectorate. He has already :puri
chased, his dome here.
With many years' municipal 5X-
penience behind him, Mr. McNall es
undoubtedly well qualified for his
new appointment. For 8 years he
was reeve of Mie Municipality of
Bieut12, and while In attendance at
County Council in Goderioh served
as Chairman of the County Home
Comani'ttee, the Agricultural Com-
mittee, and was. Administrator of
01d Age Pensions in the Munlcipalie
ties, of Blyth, Brussels', Dungannon,
Bast Wawanosli, •Morris and Bullet
Is Veteran Of Two Wars
'George In a veteran of the last 'two
wars'. In World War. I he 'served
with distinction for the entire four
yeaas% and was awarl el the Military
Medal. In the present conflict he.
served' Se years, returning from'
overseas ,service in January, 1944,
attaining ,Mie rank of Company.
Sergeant-Major. - -
He was also President oC the Blyth
Ag14ewltunai Soed'ety for 2 years, and
fe a member •o1 Birth Lodge A. F. te.
A. M., ,No, 303.
Well known . throughout the
County, theappointment should be
a popular Some, and local citieens are
joining with Met of other friends
in congratulating MT. McNall on
hie appointment,—Blyth Standard.
Mrs. Harry Walker
Buried M Dungannon
The death of Mrs. Harty Walker
.of Brussels oecua'ed ' In Winghaen.
heepllal on Monday, August 28th..
While .able to go abotnt until a few
d'at'e ago (before her death, Mrs.:
Walker was in poor health for some'
time. She was the oldest daughter
of the late Beneer in Avgltstins andi
Sarah Anal Morningstar Augustine/
and was bowl nut Por -est 74 years ago.
iSlhe was,. weeded to'? Harry Walker
49 'year's ego. Hie predeeeeeed her
six yearseago, They went to live at
Ingersoll afb0r their marriage end
lived successively at Goderiele Port
Arthur 004' Btmrssels, She is surviv-
ed by. one , son, Lieut. Stoney A..
Walker of tete 'V5erons Guard at
Niagarat»on•.the•I.ake. There are two
gneeer1irildron, - 0, E. AOgustine Of
Blyth is at brother and Mrr, A. 13.
Pentland of Hume/MO% a sister.'
Tho body resited' u't Nut home of Mrs,
Pentland t at. DergannOn, where the
,l+tlncrnh wlass held oh Werinesday,
,A115-0lsi 40111 0,t 12.80 11. 1n. Interment
wino 10159) lu Dungannon oemeterv.
ti`nmlp`6 white 'washed 51' 33101(84
nd ;t8r 9,a''hed sly un
1�x19 r inti , w waA
3 petuxle, 1,30. 330ots, washed, li
1)001101,161, aiailya6'hed, 3 peunae,