HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-8-30, Page 2Outstandingly Good "S TEA MORRIS 14 Ir, and Mrs. Ambrose Bagshaw, Hamilton spent the week -end with Mr: and Mrs. Russel Currie and family, also called to see Miss Mar- tha Currie, who is at present in the Wildman hospital. .Muss Betty Currie has returned dome after spending her holidays at Toronto and 'Camp Magwa. Severn L^ AT Falb. t BRITISH EAT PEACHES —AT $1.50 APIECE 1.mnitoners had pinealpples or the August bank. 'holiday—at a cost of ^•••n $1.6 to $2'1 each. Watermelons were $7 apiece, grapes about $5 a poiU tl end peaches 30 cents to $1.50 each. JL4 YOUR LABEL— )qi,y renaoveaa un Clean Sanitary troch,.. 12 BRUSSELS tone Sons Limited DISABLED DEAD or Phonic collect. BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer -D. Bell,•B A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service Wednesday Afternoon BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 Cantil 12030 and from 1:30 until GOO (except Thursday f'rom9:00 Lentil 12:00) #' THE, BRUSSFJ •.5 POST AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements: aria 'Household Effects Lot 30, Con. 5, MoKillop TWp. 4 Mlles North-west of Seaforth on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 13th Sale Commences at 1 P. M. Terms Cash -- No reserve as farm has been. sold. Frank E. Stirey, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Lot 6, Concession 5, Morris TWp. VA miles East of Belgrave THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st Sale commences at 1 P. M- 1 Gow 3 years old to freshen , Nov, let 1 Gow 7 years old to freshen In Oct- ' 1 registered Dunham Bull, 2 yrs, old 1 set of 'Scales, 2000 lbs. 1 Buggy 1 Cutter 1 'Wheelbarrow 1 Light Wagon 1 Extension Ladder 1 Light Wagon Forks, 'Shovels, Chains, 4 Barrels• 1 3 -burner Perfection Goal 011 Shove wtih Oven 1'Dining Room Suite and Chairs. 2 Chemical Toilets 4 Iron Roasting Pots Bells and Springs Lamps, Lanterns 3 Silver Teakettles, Dishes 1 Churn Lawnmower Numerous other Household Items About 1125 'cords of Mixed Dry Wood Other Articles Too Numerous To To Mention. TERMS—CASH No reserve bid, everything must be sold, as the farm has been sold. ALEX. BRYANS. Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer . BUSINESS CARDS earls Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FC'R HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Prone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. For information, etc., write or phone either 31•,15 OR 41X et Brussels, Ona ALL SALES CONDUC'. ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Wincl to:ru, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy i'or fanners. Queen St. Frits -cls 'Phone 057 CHRISTMAS, GIFTS FOl1 OVERSEAS FORCES 1.5 SEPT, — 25 OCT, "Da rat open until Christmas„ That exciting phrase sboulcl soon be mairlltlg its ''aialiearanee oni parcel mak despite' 'Hine fact that nu'aw places in Canada are just recovering - from bice hottest spell , on record, Postmaster General William M1i1Oek. advises that it is time to make plans for Christmas gift pareei2 to members of the Armed FOroes Overseas. The Christdnas maititmg period this 'year 15— SEPTEMBER 15 — OCTOBER 25 Naturally parcels sent to -those serving in the more remote, theatres of war should be .sent the earliest. Suggested "dealine" mailing- dates are:— SEPTEMBER 15—The Bar luset, India, Burma, Ceylon, etc, OCTOBER 5—Tine Middles East area l+Sgrypt, 'Aran, Iraq, Syria, etc. OCTOBER 10—Cenbra8 'Mediterran- eaai Forces. OCTOBER .25—The United Kingdom and France, In view of the rapid progress o1 the war these dates might posisibly be snbieot to ,chauge, - Last Obelstmay season (Oct.-Nov.- Dec.) Oct.-Nov:Dec) over 12,000,000 lbs. of parcel mail alone were dispatched to the Fomes 'Overseas from Canada, 17t!la year an even greater volume is expected. Therefore, EARLY MAIL- ING IS NTOC'ESSARY to enable Postal officals. to Dope with the ' handling, and to •oar'r3' out arrange- ments for transportation on trains and Ships. Remember that cargo space Is Sun ata premium. Bear -1n' mind this year that the mall must travel greater distances—many of i our troops are farther a'tleld''—ou different fronts fighting under the conditions of mobile warfare—.plenty of time must be allowed between nuailnng .and delivery. Picture the Chaos, it everyone should wait till the last mdnnnte to mail -Postal . authorities' would be .faced with the impossible ta'slt < of providing suf- ficient aipaoe aboard the last ships leaving in time to ensnare Christmas B.C.S. Text Books For 1,944-45 - GRADE TX—Junior.School English Course far Grades IX & X. Public School Geography General Metheait'atics Rook I General !Science Book I Basic Fren'dh Essentials of Business, Practice Midsummer Night's Dream A History of The Canadian People GRADE X—General Mathematics Book II General Science look n see Gr IX Latin tor ' Secondary Schools e Plays Ten Modern The i\Ierahant of Venice Fifty.tour Noranative Poems 1Greennnantle—Jo'hn Buchan A History of The 'Canadian People *New GRADE XI—OAncient and Medieval History by New and Phillips - Ebenivents of Pinrysics Madera Geometry for High Schools Couas Moyers de Francois Part 1 Intensive Readings in French ,for G. XI Disraeli by Parker Modern Poetry by D'Oyley . junior ,,,Modern Essays by Pocock The Adventure of Travel 1)y Lockitt '''Learning To Write New GRADE XII—Intensive Readings in French for 'Grade XII Ls kin Reader for Vigil Schools Henry IX Part T Shakespeare P'horte'r Poems Short Stories and Essays Mastering Effective English - GRADE XIII—Flenley — Modern Europe and the World New Analytic Geometry Wvancied Course 4n Algebra. Nlod'ela and Projects—Ma Shorter Poems Short Stories, and ,Essays The Vicar Of Waked•eld—C,cldsmitb Cour Mayon de Francois Part II Short Stories. -Hills and Holbrook Under the Greenwood Tree --'lardy Longer 'Poems (Shohrab & R.u.stum, -°The Epistle, Ode to The. West Windt Norte D'Atthur) Wednesday, Angus't 30U11, 1944 - N )171 TO EIVIPLOYERS ND TUE1111 MALE EMPLOYEES Iv an order sighed on August. 15th, 1944, by the under- signed Minister of Labour under authority of National SelectiveServiee Mobilization Regulations: Commencing August '22ini, 1941. S• Everyo employer ,documents required held by 1• larly t d cry employer is requiredahuletic the etieb male employee newly engaged documents held by each newly engaged . between May lst, 1944, and August within n 7 days oi'' the 1911 d to report to ' the Regis- mnle employee, wt i 2nd, •, irn employee's engagement, to determine if 'war for his mobilization Division by such employee possess. documents to Aitgpst 29111, 1944, on any such em - show that lie is in- good etuntli:1g under nloyee. found not to possoee documents. National Selective Service. Mobilization as referred to; Military Call-up); to, is required by the Regulations to Regulations (that is, in relation to the 4. Any male employee here referred • Z. Everyemployer must report. 00 Present his alocnmeuts to his employer of Schedule 9 to the Registrar for his fila. purpose$ Inspeetibu; Mobilization Division, concerning any 5. Penalties aro provided for any em- employee found not to possess, docu. ployer' or .male employee who 'fails to talents as refererd to;. complywiththese Regulations. • By an earlier order, etiaployers were required to check the` documents held by their male employees, and to report by May lot, 1944, on doubtful"eases as well as cases where. employees did not possess documents. Tho procedure, for the present con. sinning check, although being notified to employers in "Notice mailed, is identical with that set forth to Employers and their Male Employees",` which' is now being in "Employers' Guide", which covered the cheek made before May 1810944.. Employers are asked to rein.rrnber that they do not report on men who do possess the necessary documents -only on those who fail to present documents for examination, or where there is' doubt that the document presented actually proves good standing.. The employers of Canada co-operated very satisfactorily on the first check, made op to May ist hist. This co-operation. was decidedly helpful, and is 'very much appreciated. Further co• operation is now earnestly requested. Schedule 9 and details as to doctenuents which prove good standing, are available through the Employment and Selective • Service Offices. NATI NAL SELECTIVE SERVICE A. MacNA&IARA HUMPI R Y MITCHELL Director, National Seteative Service ninisl.er of Labour o•w•a,a,•++ delivery The result would' mean a j no td1sal)Poliut our men by nailing ADVERTISING RATE 'h'earlesis 'Clis^is!tmas Day for thous- ii'le!te Armed Forties address that 1 t'e.a late for Glnristmas clolivey. I IMO ands overseas, looking forward eager- appears on the parcel. Prepay all Classified Ads (Dash) to getting their Christmas gifts mlail, .00aaectly. By retraining from Pesone who MAIL EARI.,Y FOR time. writing r gad 'Pones A .suggestion to fmtlier help our Forces Oevrseas •dust gifts are being' Overseas can resit 'assured that the Gard r lank' Over telephone or charged 36e I in Mernorlam t100 t Y In ' tang to a member of the Armed CHRISTMAS to the Armed 50. of boys and girls,- on Active Service .sent until actually mailed', mach •anubbtorn'ties will do everything girths, Marriages Deaths Frog Ire 11 receive their gifts from home is, to ',Forty Can be saved' the soldier. Do possible to make delivery on t vol!urltary 'out down, as tar as poslsible, an the size of the package, e'veh though -the maximum weight at the special rate of 112 ceiuts, per Pound is 11 lbs. This, will enable authorities, to slhip a greater number of 'wools in the cargo space avail- able. The bitter dislappo14ment caused by late arrival of Christmas gifts ` ! Can be snared oma Fighting .Services too if. citizens WM give the most careful attention to correct address- ing and proper packing. Last Christmas season ,tihousencls of parcels were received at the Base Post 'Office in a damaged condition, They had to be set aside for repair or readdressing an order bhat they might be safely .lent 00 to death's salon. T1.1:10 caused delay anti- extra -work ler the Postal . Corps. . The longer the distance a parcel . must' travel under wartime conditions to reach its des'tinati'on: at a 'battle - front, the more imperative is care- ful pacicinlg. i Earls parcel ,s1vo'old be carefully packed: in 'corrugated shock, proof containers, the contents 7ompunot :so': that they Will not' shake loose end- break. ant of the package, 'Phan the parcelsshould be wrapped 1n 1 sevenlai Sweatt ,oe wr'ap'ping paper, end seeuuely 'tied with strong , twlme On no account should "Shoe - Boxes'' be ,naked as, containers—they easily 'crush and break. Avoid using fancy* a,colnurecl Ohris'tnuas paper as au clltside wrae'per, or colored ,'ilybon to tie. For o,dded eeouaii!t>y.parcels may be sewn in 'strong oaten or similar 1 auu rn 1 tr rt a ut rc 7 Try +z qm, t r, fabric, t ! r Muir av r Any substance likely to leak, Hlll,ial p Iron, t I S 4 spr•e!ad .and .deane.ge tine mailsy , if sent et lalll, mast be _enc1esed! in sealed metal containers,• witth, Inde seevre!ly, s'old'ered on -then surround. cit wiltih. absorbent material in oosrugated cardboard and securely wrapped and !tied, 1. Teresdt trultsl, -grape's, pear's, etc., ,er diner items 'likely to Spell fro not acceptable, , ' DO NOT 11 tII. GT A,S'S JARS OR BOTTDDS; The ruling of matches, safety matches, lighter fluid or ,any other Inflammable substance is prohibited by leW. , A 'caoinpldte Gu§Moine Declaration . 001011ld be attached to daub parcel., A15 mail ts'houl;d be telly and Cleanly aduiaressod in lark,, without Misleading abbreviations, ?lees a return address' on the rnvor of exalt 11$ Iittrriiitan contents 5iv1n4' Hire balite alae parcel Sada else o, dill amens lend -� - - - artlsi'or40 riO the W. D. S. ,lart'Foon, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physa, i.,ni and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 -.4 and 7 •- 8 p.in. Also 11 - 12 a.nt. when possible. - Saturday evenings t,4,41a zi'.• p-uxn. 'Sundays--Ernergertcies and by eppoinntent only. Home calls in frcrenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas, T. Davi '4s n Insurance ance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile: and Fire Insurance Accident and S ch ccs • Agent .for Great Wer,fc Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUJSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 83' -2 ,.. Ha�°cldd Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in Hurun and Perth Counslest PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GLIAIANTEED For Information, eta., write or phone Harold Jiokaon. phony 12 on 658 Seaforth R.R. 1, a;-uo.P,nid - Make arran©eneats at The Brussels Post er Elmer D. Bell, Barrister 01noe, Brunanli. D. RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERV1& E. Uceneed 3unetal Diirector and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFA.DZEAN flowick Mutual Fire Innarance artfora Windstorm Tornado Insuraitae Automobile koeorra ce PHONE 42 P.G _10.9X 1 . TURNI3Ed� V ST. __: -z .. _-. I104.1SSE";4, ONT. (Lloenscd For Huron County) • SATISi=ACTION' GUAr$ANTEL'D - PRICES REASONABLE or SngagemI-fts Phone 21 "The Brussels Post" and they will be locket' after lrrimedaitely For information, etc., w ite or phone LOW. Rowland Qua r.34 at Seaforth; or write B.R. 2, Walton. W. S. Donaldson dsonn --- Licenzec Auctioneer Phone 3.ri-r-13— Atwocd, Ont. ? r for the Cottntiea of Huron and Perth All .rales promptly attended to --- Charges moderate For Engagements phone 31 "The 13rusels Post,' and they Phone -• fd2 will be looked after inmaediate!y. HU) ;V:0014400,44.0=.1 V .+ter Eli, WOW. Over 40 Feel Weak, Wog Old.? Want Hernial Pep, #itsi, Vitality ? 00e4 tall: ru duun,-ex auottO� oo"dltloa m`k. htt10r i .ten tb 1 t 40.1 ra1. l 1 arna ta �n 3.:. iln.,a100(1t rn'_ b',, von, Vllril1Y. lir t lontf:3' of , (19010(01'abietr1 nnlr 300, Icer v your Y 1�'•PLS Int ui If 111 111 4131.* th OPTOMETRIST 4s r -\t =1Shorthje his w illi -`1 • eL `��� � iri► t ,f sr mat or � Hein sr • • are available in greater quantities this year but still 1 the demand, The Dominion Government authorized increased production of Farm Machinery and Pumping Systems because it was recognized that labor- saving devices were necessary for the farmers to increase production of farm products. Keep in touch with your Duro Dealer — he will do his best to take. care of your needs. He will also assist you to secure permit to purchase from your Rationing Officer at the War- time Prices and Trade Board. EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are still available in a good range of styles and prices. Consult your EMCO dealer regarding those now • available. ot-enough to meet We will supply our Duro Dealers with as many Duro Pumps as ma- terials and manufacturing facilities will permit, but" War production must come first. Bnstrtls, 344 1111- ... Bei on Toronto, HaMilton Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver