HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-8-23, Page 1USSELS P
Wednesday, Augiust 23rd, 1944
will be held In the
;in the Interest of the North 'Huron
Liberal Association for
Grey Twp.
''All Are Invited To Attend '
i.MANN In Victoria, Hospital, Lon-;
don en. Sunday, Augustt .90th, 1;944,;
Mee. William Mann (Gertrude E„
..11areourne) beloved. wife .01 W411-'
lam Mann, in her Eat year.
1''Fnner+al was held from the dean-.
brook Presbyterian Cdtnrelt :on
Wednesday, August 23rd, 8044.'
Service et 2 .p. m,. Interment ,in
i�lnla Centtre Cemetery.
Seaforth, Ont.
"Thursday, Friday and Saturddy
August 24, 25, 26
^Second show starts 9148
;Joel' Maureen 'O'Hara
. Buffalo Bill
In Technicolor
...A -routine saga of the old 'Westl
'Monday, Tuesday, Wetineaday,
August 28th, 29th & 30th
Second show starts 9:45.
Eddie'^Bracken Betty -Mutton
The 'Miracle of Morgan's Creek
A -miracle of mirth that rocks the
world with laughter
—_— '
-Thursday, Friday & Saturday
August 81st, Sept. 1st, 2nd
W1Wiam -Bendix Walter Slezak'
starring Tutlulah Bankhead
First .show starts each evening at
'7:80; when single features such ..as
'these are -shown all patrons in by
:9:15 will -see complete show.
Matinee .each Saturday at 2:30
taw`�.:.mo• `- "--:rt „9inints Plaaha] aosul
"Behold :God is my salvation;
I will trust and not be afraid.”
Isaiah 12,2.
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
Minister -
10. A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 .A, M. Morning Worship
Rem. ;Mr. ,Kennedy, B. A.,
of Southampton
7 P. M. No .Evening Service
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaater.
U nrted Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh G Wilma
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Wass
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Junior Congregation
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Church of England
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
Paden of Brussels
12th Sunday. After Trinity
1944 -
August 27th,
8L John's Brunels –
10 A. Sunday
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Preacher—.Mr. H. G. Meir
of Seaforth.
St. George's Watton— -
this d
tie on
St. David's H n Y
10.30 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
3 P. M„ Evening. Prayer
and Sermon
Preacher, Mr. H,., so-• Mein
n' :x ,l '1 - m 5 • * * B.C.S. Re -Opens
Mrs. G. R. Oampbell .lucent the
week end . in.. female ,
• *
.Jack .Eapgar, .lues ;been a visitor
,w'itllt Mrs. M. Etdgar'.and-:family,
o * R
.,Mrs, A, L,ottea, ..accomnpantecl her
daughter Vire. ',Starling, to Detnait
for vacation.
* * e
:Ma', ;land .Mrs, .,J. . F. .Howard ,of
London spent the week- end wibh Mr.
and Mna, t9..H. „Bityan
* * s
Mrs. Ivan' Brothers and .. daughter•
.Corns sof .New ,Yorkane . vsiting Mrs.
Ir. :Brothers of •Brussels,
•* * •*
:airs. :Duuaterd, .•a'coomnpanled be
her a uaband, ,has •.been visting with
her .mother, .Mrs. ,A,, C. Becher,
* * #
Mr, ,and .Mas, 'Callen' Cameron and
Manley of ,Windsor -are .visiting
itelatives and frienda,'in this dstrtot
■ • * *
.Rev. Af, F. and Mrs 'Oldham left
on'Wedneeclayto Melt Dr, IJ,i H. and.
Mrs :Oldham at .Yasites near
* * *
Misses Betty and 'Margaret Evans
;have iwturated home rdlter:'ali enjoy-
able drolirlay with 'Geo. ,and Mrs.
:Evans nd1 :town,
* * *
Mm. 9L :Hunter, ;Esser., is -wresting
•with postmaster F. Hunter and
other :felonry. Ile is a one-time em-
ployee .of •t11te Brussels Post,
* * *
.Flt,Sgt. R. W, 03rytan, :Mrs. ;Bryan
and tobildren'have 'been Spending the
past week at 'the home of -the 'Forrn-
ees eaeernts, Mr, -anti Mee. ''J. H.
e s' v
Recent sesetto>,�s with .dlr. ane Mrs.
H. Manning were the latter'! sister -
item' Mee. S. le. Resell ,of Kitchener.
:and the los-mer's toucan Mr, Victor
Spading, Ales. !Sperling and laiiglt-
tesia ref leetroit,
* * *
Miss E. 'Cunningham, Reg, N., es
spending her vacation with 'cher
parents, Mr. and! Mrs. D. R. Cunning-
bonn before going to Toronto Una J'ureior• Malern, Essays el Puooek
versify w1 ere she .wi73 take .& '19Thea Advenluro ai Travel by Lockftt
course in Public Health. ''.Ne -w 6nls To W1ite
Rev, John Kerr, rector of Olisw•e'k •GIRADE 1317—in'bensIv'e Readings to
en Pastas neer Brantford was the Freruah. for Grade XII
pewter: preacher in his crit berme Latin Reatlee for High Sale's
ortutech of !St. David's, Flenlryn on
Henry LY Pant T Shakespeare
Sunday, Aug, 2.9+` He preached an Shorter Poesus'
im*reesive service on St. John Short Stories taatd Ilasays
14;6. Maseersug tEgeetive !English
r GRADE XI2I—Henley — Modern
'Sunday visitors at the home of Europe and the World
M•r. awd AA1s. Manming were Miss New Aneletdc geometry
Laura Manning et Kitchener; Air. Advturce'd Course dn. Algebra
' and Mrs. Cliff 'Sirobbrook and son Modals and Paeojaets-Dtltz
Charles, Mr. ansi Mrs. 0. A. Knox 'Shorter Poems
On Sept. 5th
Parents and atudeattis are `re•
re -
Retitled alai J3rueeele Continuation
& ho'ot opens on (Sees 6. Itivery
SITort Memel be anhude to secure the
neee„wsary boolcs beforehand. .Orders
should be placed at once.
Those 'employed in farm went will
be creased( 'from attendance- ate long
as neceeeary but they should try and
make a sttart on their etndies• lay
Farm leave 'certtfloatee me due at
once. No Departmental a1ertllteatea
can be issued to students 'en farm
teethe seatil these forms are se'eeleed
by the Principal,
'Noe emphasle foe post war eons-
ettructfon is being pieced on
etdiunation. Every boy and girl
should do hie utmost to get as much
es possible, MOS. ofliers a complete.
course ,to Senior Matriauiatitas (and
Honour !Graduation Diploma, Write
to tine Principal for ,advice, or in,
formation on eequiremeatte for
vousees, etc,
Address—Mr, M. Laycock,
Beachlille; Ont.
• B.C.S. Text Books
For 1944-45
GRADE: IX ---Junior School 2ng+lieh
Coarse For Grades IX 1 X,
Public +School ,Geogna@lsy
General Msaihemlatice Book •I
General !Science Book I
Bastc French
Essentials of Buslnests Practice,
Midsummer Night's, Dream
A History of The Canadian People
GRAD:E X—General Mathematics
, Book II :General :S'ctence Beak TI
see Gr IX
Lenin tor Secondary .Sohoole
lien Modern Playa
The Merchant of Venice
Fiftylorte Natneative Poems
t4Greenteantle—John Buchan
A History of The Canadian People
GRADE XI—*Anelent and Medieval,
flattery by (Nese and Phillips
Elements orf Physics -
I igde it Geomernt 1y for„High Schools .
Cones Moyer de Francois Part I
Intenseve Readings in French ;For
Or, XI
Dtsmaelii by Parker
Morten) Poetry by D'Oyley
and son Jimmie.
Mr. and Mrs, D. R, Ounniughann
returnted home tSaturday evening
after a six weeks' visit at the home
of their ,daughter, Mrs. W. Pasooe
and Mr. Pa'skboe at Oshawa, They
were at000rnpanied by Miss M.
Potts of 'Guelph,
e • *
rel s. Ease Anderson; received word
Monies of the :death sof her mother,
Mrs, Lavonda Young of Westport
Miter a long illness. IMre. Andersen
had just returned Thome from visiting
her mother and hard not expected her
deo& go sloon•
* * *
Rev, M. F. Oidhatm officiated at
the funeral service of Mr. Adam
Morrow, age 77, 'Con. 8, of WellesaeY
Twain„ east iii' Milrbarrk an Friday
afternoon, Ange t lsth. teternenit
m'etery In MIiliba k, O7.£
matte in Seace Anglican
dt, Mid, A.
Mioairow and eon' Mr. Ed. Morrow,
oleo Master Clifford Morrow a,ttead-
ed the service.
• • * -.,
We and Mrs. Karl Self, llarriston, ,
Mn and Mrs. Harold 'Millard end i
Bliclaund, St, Catherine% Mr, and
Mrs, Frank Stamper, Wroxeter and
. Andre Agar,Mr. and
Mr, and dirs. w
Mee Robert Habt.erman. of Mount
Forest and Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence
Willie and family oe Jamestown
n tvi dtor at tae hence to
were 'Sundae' s s
Mr. and Mrs. B. Wlii�ttard. and
attended the Memorial service held
roe er Wltittart
i e alto `Pi Ross
foe the 7t
in St. John,uW Anglsoaa Clburlb Sun.
dray eventing.
Public School Beginners
Nihlldren who were 5 year% old on
or before the first of February 1944,
will bea:badtted to school this fall, -
Short: Stoi1ee and Eseay-e
The View 0'f Waltefielcl—Goldsmitj
Com Mayen de Francois Part II
Short Storees- 4Hilis and Holbrook
'frier the Greenwood Tree- Hardy
Longer Poems, (iShebrels ,b Rusturnns
—The Epistle, Ode to The West
Windt Morse D'Arthur)
Ruth !McKerclser Speaks
-To Bluevale Auxiliary
tBlIUEVALE, Aug 28 -Mrs. Allan
Mtej(erehe,r was tee 'hostess for the
tweeting of the Goforth Auxiliary of
Knox :Phasaiyterian Church: The
president, Mdss Beane AMR -annoy
Pres slei. The scripture lesson was
reaud by Mdse Ruth MoKereher, who
alive gave an dnsbruotvo paper on
"India.” Several members . took
part in a seseion of prayer for
milsieitonan'ies. During the afternoon
'the g1ale worked' on an autograph
petit. At the close of the meeting
Meth was seated by file hostess.
Post Offices Sell Them
RANK$ •.. POP! O/l1C1/
MMITMIMT $?O„1 : IMWolits
*lotus . ToUAtCONlfliI •
100? Irons ,wd tOw WM emir
.4.••••• 'Iriiiiii•voirairasiasas
Wounded ,In .France
.Cluuner, A2'457 .Alvin Earl •Draw
ford hue received severe leg wounds
He hats been in France with the 3r
Anti Tank Battery, •1LO.A, His
• Arnold L. Earl, A.W,C,M. (Peed.)
Teacher of plane, violin and theory.
d Pupils prepared for examinations
In music.
parents, Mr, .and Mrs. David Craw-
Rord, Brimslsa .received ;ward -that do
that been wounded in the knees 'be
she11 fragment's.
Engagement Announcement
1VLr. 18. :C. ,Fox .aresounees• the
engagement of his 'daugahte' Ethel
Jatene, .to eoseph'Itisic, only son of
Mr. and Mo. Alex Brewer, The
mturv'dlage will 'take plate on Satur-
day, 'Sept. 2skl In Melville 'Presby-
terian Munch at :5 p.m,
'Benders Will bei received 'by' the
undersigned( till '.Saturday, Septem-
.ber asci at three °Week pen., for the
work 'to'be donne on the Fraser Drain
lm the 'Twit. of Grey. !Plans and speci-
R•oatione may be scans at the Clerk's
Office et Ethel, 'Ont. •Security will
he required. The 'lowest or .any
'tender- not necessarily aocapted,
J. H. Fear, 'Clerk
Tlthel, Ont.
St. John's Sunday
School Picnic
The annual (Sunday school and
•oongi egatlon picnic 'af St,e John's
Church was held, at the Flowing
Well Perk 'id
afternoon, Au
good attendant
was, good for
an ideal ,p
is -a place efo.
So- on 'Tdursdaty ,
11, There was a
"the weather
echelon. '. 'This is
picnic as there!
g and boating.
'The flowing w1 E 17 r 49 feet deep and
gulstues up e111 feet ]1b' the air. Gaines
and contests and races ware held.
'Supiiei wa'seeterved,•Everyoa had. a
,'very enjoyable time. - •4
worn' en's d
(The Augiisit hreetlne• •of Sl'. John's
Women's Gulid was held at the
'home of Mrss. A. Morrow in Brnsselts
on. Tuesday, August 15th. The
President Mrs G. Davis was in
dharrge. The meeting opened with
the hymn "Cast Thy Care On
Jesus." (allowed by the Scripture
Lesson I Goss 12:141 and prayer by
Rev. le. F. Oldham. Plans and
arnangeanents were made for ,the
annual emit to Formosa on Thurs-
diay, Amgustt 17 The monthly dues
of the mcnnlbers were paid. °Tho
hostas& served a delicious lundh at
the alone of the meeting,
County Bridge At Ethel
At the anonthy meeting of 011e
County :road commtistsdion, held Haat
week, Warden Fred Watson and
Engen.eer T. R Patterson said that
the new Ooanty bridge over ,the
Maitland River et Ethel. now settler
construction, was fast tatting shape,
It is a eonirrete arch structure, one
aspen of nineteen feet. Conerete Per
the olstat rents has been pouredi and
the false framework for the arches
has been &tented. The bridge, when
completed, will ,east about $:15,000,
The work is being done by day
Nephew Comments
On Action In France
(rhe following liaragrapii 3s an
excerpt taken' From an article by
Rosas Mout that appeared in the
Globe and Mail of August 16th. It
refers' to action in. France on the
road to Falaise, Lieut, McLaucilllin
is a nephew of R. J. McLaughlin of
"Lieut. Forbes M1Lauokiin, 29
of Granges Harbor, Salt Spring
Island, B.ii„ said !that although there
east' no limn line of defence the
fighting was "demur tough," and
another officer just back from
forward, acetas said "The N:azist ' e.re'
fighting Mike bloody wolves all the
There's A Catch, In It
„ .
v August 1styou can
gu , 7
is 10 0 ort goods
0 It of
g 0 worth
'Pram ,the United States, darty free,
, pravisletl yrnu have spent 48 hours
crass the border, there i.
o tar bet h ro a
.b s
cattle T
d" you t
10- 11 a rad3to he Ontario
ro Com i i e ulre that
Htyd 'mss oft n q s t
every piece of electrical equipment
in th
province 'beams its stamp of
approval t a d
certifying it safe an
y g Y,
if you buy 1101ror in the United
Mattel' You will run fats] of the
Ondarie Ureter -Control Board T e
third 'shag is where dad yoit get the
emirs, 4980', as yen are !allowed only
ellee0 to take caress, Better -shop at
home, where your doear le warth
1100 eende, x1111'Orate all this trouble.
Engagement Announcement
'Tine engagement is announced of
Many Rutbh 'eldest •dantghter of Noble
Guest and the late Mrs: Guest of
Molyroosl, Ont, to Wilbert Elwin
Somers, youngest eon of Mr. and
Mrs. Elwin (Somers of Ethel.
The -ni-a nage to bake place the
latter past• of August,
'Sincere thanks and appreciation
le Irene expressed to all my friends
and negihbours foal their thoughtful-
ness `tanks. the beautiful watch that
was given me et the presentation in
the Brussels Town Hall on August
lett h
Pte. Ross Duncan
Engagement 'Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. E. 411 Plum, Brea
sets, Ont., announce the engage.
mein! of their daughter, Vdiginda
'Irene .155 10,S,M. '(WO.II) Alvin John
Llayct, O0.1M,C„ son of Mtre. S.
Uflyot and the late Mr. Tlllyot, of
St Marys, the marriage to take
pintos - early in 'September.
Your Pooch
Should 'Be Polite
geed , , . im The American Weekly
with thiseSunetty's (Aug, 27) issue
of The 'Detreit 'Sunday Tiniest , , .
how master's! as well as pups will
learnt the ABC'S' of obedience in the
new velooels deg welfare workers
are stetting up all over the country
to eatery on good work started by
the training of was dogs. Get
,Sunday * Detroit Times.
Observe September 3 As
Empire 'Day' of Prayer
OTTAWA, Aug, 22—State ,Secme-
tnW •ltlldLerty ennoune5ed yesterday
that 'Rept 3 -,date of the outbreak of
war --wilt ,be observed' in Canada es
e. day of bumble prayer and inter-
cession to Alnuiglnty God and of
special dedication to national service
.and sacrifice." A similar observ-
ance will be heldthroughout the
Empire and a pro'elamation, 'signed
by true King, will be issued) shortly,
United Church W. M. S.
The. United 'Church W.M.S, met in
the lecture room of the church on
Friday seterneen weal the precedent,
Mrs. Hamilton in charge. The groin+
under the leadership of Mrs.
Manning had ehage of the meeting,
the subject of which was, Christian
Felloweatip and ,Social Welfare
taken' by Mise, E. Downing. A
nissionarry reading was stentributed
by' Mrs. Thomas. ' The meeting
closed with prayer for our country
by Mass Haanilbon.
Stuart Bryans
Reported Missing
Word avers been received by Mr,
and - SIrS. Ed. Bu'yans (d at 'their sols,
Flying Otdoer 'Stuart Francis Bryans
3e missing 'following operattane on
August le: Plying Officer Bryans
enlisted at North Bay in, May 1942.
Ile 'received his wings, ate a navigator
sat eninrltnl, Ontario, At ' the _ same
time he wee com'miasiened a Pilot
Officer. - He went. overseas in
October 1943 and served in England,
Men At Ireland for a short time and
then basIk .in England, While in
England lie .was pronibted to the
randy of Plying'01fd,ce,r. -
Personals,: F11. Sgt. and Mrs. Rua.
sell Bryne:s and fuer ly, Sneddon;
With :erlends hue; Mr, anti Mrs,
George Kirkby 'and family will leave
&lrrrrtly for -Sultan in 'Northern On-
tario, where Mr. Kirkby has serapt-
etd the peInclpa1ship sof a two -roomed
school M•r, and Mrs. William Walsh
suns 1Sha1•on in Galt and Hamilton;
Mr and 1Mrs, Robert Kirkby an Len-
den; Wk. J.- Ranine and daughter
Sharon, innd
St W e with Mr, an
r g, . d
Mrs,; Bert Anderson; S.S t„ W. C.
Bennett, Toronto, With bis• wife and
Mr. and Mr .
1y s, James Selma
o aril seri . Gre
or Fiala t r n
g+ y b1 to
with the foran•er s arenta Mr.
F and
Mrs. tgdlee Johnston; Mrs, 8, A, Me-
Spe'allclen and. son, Dennis home
arrived home tram. •Sedney, N,S,, and
wan wt stent Heine time witQt her
feeler; Miss Mary Dennis- with Mies
Bernice 9ackwell; Mrs, Moody.
Holland and' Barbara in Tweet..
ATTENTION Memorial Service Held
IBi^nesels: August 21, 1994 At St, John's Church
ens of Brussali — Cyt, John's Anglican Church was
De,,, Faaeeee, 1,
To the citizfilled to ,capacity on Sunday, Augaet
have pared through a period of very I
Dutriag the loot few weeks, we 1 21h alt 7 P'in: IOr tore Memorial
Soi„vice for Trooper Boos Frederlek
warns weather. As •a member ofI'IV !tarda, who was, killed in action
your boatel ofheal6h we have had In Italy on July .2Idt, The church
looked beauti9ul with white• and red
flowers and a ,beautiful wreath from;
the members of the Brussels
Imperial Legion, along with a photo-
g1la b of the deeewsed wore on 'the
tions 1't is yowl• village, pride iu your Holy Talrle, T. he solemn and imn-
vtltage and your„ hiorile will boa great preasdve sOrvtoe was in charge Imo;
help, tidlmess is tete +secret to clean-, the Rector Rev, M. F. Oldham.
press, l kntow some oY you hovte
trouble finding ways and means Of
.djspostinlg Of your garbage (but 1I
know you could do it, many ha et
ways and means for the removal r
burial. When allowed to remain In
a pile for' days it creates an awful
odor. flies and vermin accumulate.
Then. the ,citizens complain to your
medical Officer of Health who- lab-
ors den your interest to the best of
'his lability, such cater are a nuisance
to the public end detrimental to the
health, of the community. They are
contrary to the regulation of the
department .of health.
numerous 'ceii plsints which could
be everoome by very little effort.
We are all proud of our village, go
where you like, and it compares
favorably with any other, ne cite
You will *ay wiry do you not give
sus garbage ooltection, well it is quite
a eortuindrum to give a village the
wane privatises as a city atter all
you are the Ines that are going
to pay, but I promise you that this
question will be investigated
thoroughiay, and if leasable some
system of collection put in to effect,
If I happen to. be yotltr Reeve, or if
you ,can get somas else that is suit-
tou you I will gladly give him all the
information• and assistance possib'le,-
I ask your co-operation fn keeping
our vititige clean• and tidy..
Sincerely yours
R. J. Bowman
Chairman of the Board
of Health,
Meeting August 14, 1944
The counoil met on the above date
it the Tonnthsip Hall with all the
members prelsent, The Reeve pre-
sides, The minutes ;of the last meet-
ing were read and• adopted on motion
of Chas, Coultes. and Wm, 'Seale.
Moved by las, MjohHe seconded by
Jduvep Johnston( that the road bills
es presented by the Road Super.
intendent be paid and Carried, -
Moved by Wm. Speir seconded by
Mae 'Coultes Eat By -Law No, 6,
adopting Assessment Roll, be
passed: —Carried.
Moved by Harvey -Johnston
seconded by Chas. Coultas that By-.
Law No. 7 setting Township rate at
3.5 mills and county rate at 8.2
mills be. passed. —Carried.
.1NioveSl by Jas. Michie seconded by
,Spear that Wm. Brydges be re-
engaged as Tax Collector at the
.same eatery of $130. —Carried,
Alcoved by Harvey Johnston
seconded by Jas. M eleje that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
Seat. 11„ 1944 at 1 p.m- —,Carried,
The following accounts were paid:
rattly Construction Co.
(Lamont Thain) $425.00
Mrs; George Grass, relief 15,00
N. Higdgna, aluditdng6.00
Richard Ali000k, Cole Drain - 216.00
Dr, Crawford (B4O,H. ..,.,,, 2000
Cecil Wheeler, B4O.H. 3.00
Sate trans, B.0,11. and
servjdeb, 4,00
fins, T. i991tis, nursing fees ,,10.00
Calvi:n' Robinson, burying
dead animals - 2.50
Geo-, Mealtin,, 13,0,39 3.00
l9oaige Martin, Clerk
Speot:al Scripture Lessons, Hymns- --
and Prayers were used. The eermon-
was based on the well known verse
of St. John '15:13 "Greater love baht
no man than. this; that a man lay
dawn bee life for his friends:" This
is the supreme act of love. Trooper
Whj,ttard 'sacrificed ala that was
dear to tam, in order that righteous,
MSS, freedom, liberty and all that'
the .Christian religion stands• for-
mtdght prevail. Segue Christ • laid
clown His life for fire welfare of
other people, and all soldier boys
wito make the supreme sacridoe are
tenets of our Lord as they count not
their life dear to themselves. They
volunteered thele lives even to
deeta1. They 'realize all the barrens
and dardellipa of war, but nothing
stops them; There Ile the soldiers
of Ontario in the fields of Italy. We
like them are to -endhrxe hardness as
good soldiers of Jesus Christ and
uphold otl0 the noble titins they
died dor. There is a Roll Call of
Eternity when all good soldjerst of
Jesus Christ shall stand before their'
Coattails and :reeeive from Elim the'
words of Recognition, and Reoom
pens%, 'Well done, llhou good and'
lfaithdul servant, thou has been, faith
fel over a few things, I will make'
thee ruler 'Iver miuiy things, enter'
thou into .the ,joy of 'thy Lord" St.
Matthew 25:31, Mra. Wm. C. !Sing
officiated at the organ and Mr, Wm.
Tucker sang "Holy Father, -in Thy.
mercy, Hear our Earnest Prayer."'
At the ooncl'usjon of the sermon Mr:
Lorne Eck'mier sang "God Shale
Wipe Away All Tears." Mr. Wilfred•
'Cameron 'sounded the Last Post, et -
the eoinelusdon of the Benedictions
followed, by a period of silenoe. The
Invperial Legion' and other active
service mien, also the Local Re-
serve TIM, marched to the cltturoh.
The members of the Wb.ittaad
family were present. At the head•
of the Surplice Choir, the Union'
Jalck of the Imperial Legion was
envied by Mae Geraldine Stratton,
and the ,Ca.nktdtian Ensign was -
carried by Miser Betty Thuell. These•
flags. were deposited upon the altar
while the service was being held.
Hymns, used were; "For A11 The
,Saints Who from :their Labours
Resit"; "Casa Thy Came on Jesus,
Oh let Hire Whose Sorrow"; end'
."Abide With Me,"
IAN 411) W
Mr, and Mas. D!vid Blundell and
dteaugiliter Melanie of Southampton
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Frani! Little.
Mr. and Mrs, George Peaooek and
daughter of Ottawa are visiting with
hist parents anti brother and sis'ter-
in.ea,w Mr. land: Mrs, Tames Peacock
anid' Mir, .and Mrs. W. Peacock and
other friends at Bluevale and 1st
:Mire•. Harold Harris and sons awe•
visddting with her parents Mr. and'
M•rs, IOdrwardl Johnston ,and otheriri�ondls.
MissIsabel Douglas of Luoknow,.
visited lash week with Mr. and Mrs.
Mae. Bclsman and sons, 2nd Iine.
Mr, and Mos. Melville Matlters•
returned home lest Thursday after
A Woman's Point visiting with hie uncle and WAS -
and sionssins: Mr, and Mrs. 11. Owens
Conmudrtnn , and 'Mists R. Mather* at Welwyn,
1Sesr„ and also Mr. Theodora and
Wharton' Echo: "Clan anybody Miss Mvrtile Owen& and other
solve this a'irldle? The only hair cousins at Regina,
is to be had in town last. as :
t week
M •
r, an
d Enn•1Ma h t
rs vie#t tl
e for a
were those with an elastic ,edge, flow diaysi last week with Mr, - and
Many people, including the writer, Mtrs., llHdharl Johmaten. and Mrs.
do isSt-
vet Idlte the elastic edge, but Fleury Mother and Mr, and Msg.
no 'others, +cert were b •a'vai1 s 1
e and the Prank
t li:
l arw and family.
,store 1 1
s all had doeemsit the
w It Mr. surd Meso sparking Johnston
elastic,—bolt—•just ttry, sad' get a and family visited on Sunday with
pair 0f
parents M t
p r, and Mrs: E , art'
elastic. i mt
It si met Fly as be done and un Johnston tato at Bluevale,.
we have to take ,
lu e thechants nctr of Mr. and Meas H'arveY Roberesen
!having old ones with worn-out held at re -anon at their home for the
Castle slip off and humiliate us Brown's families who are visiting
before '501 and, sundry, of weer the their erfenkic bore at Brussels and
abominable kind that bitten at the 111grth,
waiHt, We don't know who's in arr. V'. 1]'iarniiten had his tonale
to dnugtnn ta
am a womea.°
and 45 hone again,
icharge a elostI0, but We bet dollars removed in- Wdmaam hospitallast