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It's a real
pipe smoker's
Hawick Council '
Fordwilh, Atugnet 5611. 1944.
The Council met in the 'United
Church Hall, according to adpour.
nlent, the membees all present, 1110
Reeve D. L. Weir in the ohalr.
The minutes of last regular meet-
eeting, oleo special meetings om July 21,
July .24th and July 20t1t, were read
and .on motion of MoOailinn and
Parrish, wero adopted.
Moved by Inglis :and Parrish that
the Treeslurer be hereby instructed
to. prepare a .tsabemomt of reoeipts
and Expenditures on Municipal Drain
No. 17 and that the Clerk be also On-
struoted to prepare an Amending By-
law in.accordlance there -with, Carried,
Moved by Famish and Inglis that
Treasurer be hereby instructed to pre -
Dere a,Statment of Receipts and Ex
penddturee on. Municipal Drain, Uinta
No, 4, and that the Clerk be also in-
trusted to prepare an Amending By-
law In accordance therewith. Carried,
Moved by Winter and McCallum
that the Treasurer be hereby in.
exacted bo prepare a.Statement of Re.
ceepts and expendltares on Municipal
Drain No. 16 and the Olerk be also
instnnoted bo prepare an Amending
By-law in accordance therewith.
Moved by Winter and .Inglis• that
the Certified Cheque of Roy Vegan
on the 1943 gusavel eontract be re-
leased. Carried.
Moved Illy Winter and Inglis that
J. II. Wylie, T. A. Roberts, Elmer
Fartesh and 1Saae Gamble be a come
tnittee to compile the Honor Roll of
the Municipality and to bavo it
properly inscribed. Carried,
Mdved by 7'or1rislit and 0loCall-
un1 brat the application of Donald
Townsend, to be Caretaker of
Wroxeter Township Hall for the
balance of 1044, the sialery to be
355,00 Per 'annum, be aeoe ted.
Moved by Parrish and Inglis that
the Road Accountas as approved,
be ,paid, Carried.
Moved by McCallaum and Famish
that the following accounts be paid,
United Church, FordwicOi, rent of
hall .,..,.,.,,32.00
Isaac Gamble, part salary
as olealr,,.., 35.00
W. R. Fraser, M,D,, operation,
Erl'and.Revee 50.00
Manioipal World, 1944
ISbaitubes and .supplies 4.47
County Treasurer, Hospital
Depenise's for E. Bever '
and D, Koake
.T. L. Walkom, postage etc.,
Coll, D. Div 5.00
George Radford, •oonetnuoting
open portion Municipal
Drain. No. 16 - 764.?5
lllred A, Edgar inspecting and
resteking Municipal
LDrotiln Nlo. 10 • s 25,00
George •RadIorl repairing
Branch E:. Municipal
Drain No 10 305.00
George Radford repairing 13.
Trunk Channel Munlcipao
Drain No. 10 ........................ 315.00
Fred A. Edgar C. E„ Survey
Report, Inspection and;
a:ssisitanoe, B. Trunk Char.
, _ 111/•1.
TI -IE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, August rob, 1044
41041 ]train No. 10 05.00
Drury CoiustruCtion Co., Oon-
struL-Ling Mun, Drain,
Minto No, 4
Fall Fair'Aatee
Sept 13.14 1
Sept. 14.15
Sept. 18.14
Sept, 14.16
Sept, 14-16
Sept, 14-10
Sept. 15.16
Sot, 12.10
Sept, 11-13
Sept, 15-16
993.80 Kineat'dine
Drury (lonstructlon 'Co., Cort- 1.1011'S Lieard
stenciling Mae. Drain No. 17 3577.35 ,tt 'rlin
Relief 30.7E ,17iallaud
Moved by Inglis and 1\[eCallum Miivsieou
Red :this Council do now adionrn to New lkuneees
zneet iu the Township 'Hall, WI'ox' (itangeville
Oar on 'the 5th day of September. or (eieteen,
ed hfio call of the Reeve. ---Carried Paimelston
Isaac Gamble. Clerk Ofre,1hroy
--- - -- Acton ...................».,.......
l4ir. and Mrs. A•rlruckle and family
visited on ISnoaday with Mr, end Mrs,
Oliver Campbell and gamily,
Mr, and Mier, Cooper Net'hery and
Isabel spent .Sunday afternoon with
her parents Mr. and Mrs, • Richard
Johreton and Dmmta. SeLulorth
Dr. Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Shaw Stratford
and daughter of Toronto vieitod with W,4anton
his another We. Arthur Shaw and Ar shut
other trien494 at Bluevale and the let . Atwood
llne. w.(l Aylmer
Mrs. Michel john and daughter Ayton
left on Monday Par her home at I Cluestay
Kingston, to be with her husband Clifford
who has arrived iirom overseas to Dungannon
spend a furlough. •Elderton
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Mc.Cutelmon of Luoknow
1 Brussels vislited on Sunday with Mr. Leamington
and Mrs Oliver Campbell and family Mltdhell
000 line. Port Engin
We were sorry to hear Mr. Spar- gm,iee
ling Johnston got his foot badly Beyt!ieltl
hurt when one of his oows. klciked Fordwiah
and trooped an his foot, We hope It
will soon be better again,
Mr. and Mn's. Robt. Warwick and
Miss Viola Mothers visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tan.
Mosses• and family.
MT, and 14ITs. Wm. Mochelwaiu of , Walkerton Christmas fair Nov.21.23
Auburn. visited on Wednesday with
their ooue9n and MT and Mess Rich-
ard Johnston and MT. and Mrs. Chas.
Johnston and sons, LOOK AT YOUR LABEL
Enlbeo .
opt. 11-13
Sept. 22.23
Sept. 19-20
Sept. 13
Sept. 20.21
Gait Sept. 21-23
Gemco& Sept. 19-20
Listowel Sept. 20-21
Mildamy Sept, 19-25
Paisley Sept. 18-19
Powassau Sept. 19-20
••,- Sept. 21-22
Sept. 18-20
Sept, 21-22
Sept, 20.27
Sept. 29-30
Sept. 2528
Sept. 29-30
Sept. 29-30
Sept. 25-26
Sept. 28-29
Sept. 27
Sept. 26-27
............. Sept. 25-30
Sept. 26-27
Shpt 29.50
.. Sept, S 2546
October 0-4
October 6.7
Meaford .......... October' 4.5
Owen Sound Ooto601' 2 3
St. Maims
111-1 --
A brick building 15' by 05' with
matched lumber lining.
Phone 59.
Feed Finn's Poultry Tonic and
Vitamin Builders -stops Cannibalism,
Adam' Feed, Brussels.
Quality Guaranteed
Quantity of choice hard maple
wood; Qaantity of hard maiele wood FOR SALE -
hand Maple Wood also a quantity polies mixed; oleo liars maple a Elm Wood.
furnace wood Joe Ilolros Phone 15 r-5.
Torrance Dundee, Phone 13-15, BlyI th. Rn R. 4 Bruseole.
se Finn s Dart -Min for Mastitis: R SA E -
it does the lob. I 60 March. hatched Leghorn Pullets
Adams' Feed, Brussels. also 7 Chunks of Pigs.
Ross Cunningham Phone 23-r-15
A Oar Key -owner can Have same
by applying .at the Brussele Post anti
paying expenses.
Electric Range For Sale-
McClary Electel'c Range, looks like
new and is in excellent condition.
Phone nauseate, 25x.
1 Oxford Ram coining '9 years old
and 3 young ewes.
M. A. Fraser Phone 17-r-19.
get con. of Morris.
Are your laying birds pale and
scoury? Use Finn's Poult,y Con -
October 4-5 ditioner and Intestinal Cleanser.
Otceber 3-4 Adams' Feed, Brussels.
... October 3
Horxesvwlrt..r,Aaeedam^IE .as,...., rNIXTM xmRMOsiL'tu+ns, _ ORWICONOWWW
t95a @tzm�nL•ANIE".....,217C_Cep.:4341
Now that I can go I'm not going to stick around and
let the other fellows do it.
Bill and Tack went over last week, and Fred's been
over there a year. Now it's my chance.'
It's going to take months of training before I can
get fighting -fit, so I'd better get moving
Yes sir! I'm going now, to tell Dad and
Mom that I":11 on may way to sign up.
l> t
A girl or woman for upstairs or
dining-noom, good wages and work-
ing conditions.
' apply to Box 512
ft you have been discharged from
the Armed Forces or laid orf in a
war leant, it your fariawark or
other ,occupation does not take all of
your time, if you awe honest and
dependalbie, military exempt, willing
to work for financial independence,
well establish you in, your own part
time business, snikplying household
and .fawns necessities, Suitable travel 1
.outfit required Credit furnished.
Write, The J. R. WATKINS Com -
pony, DDPT. 0-B-4, 27.77 Mason,'
C000ldiesis can be stopped - use
"Kews" and Poultry Conditioner and.
Intestinal Cleanser as directed.
Adams' Feed, Brussels.
To purchase pullets eight weeks
or age and older. Barred Rooks,
New Hampshires and White Let-
horns Good prices pain WAIN
Tweddle Chick Hatcheries .Lamttd4,
Fergus, Ontario.
Notice to Creditors
All pe
p rsons having claims against
the estate of Joseph J yellers late
of Uhe Township of Morrie in the
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased,
who died on or about the twenty-
, sevenbh day of February, 1944, are
notifilel0 to send to J H. Crawford,
l Tingham, Ontario, on ar before the
264thday of August, A. D. 1944, full
particulars of their o1'aims in writing.
Immediately after the said 26911. day
of August, the assets aE the said,.
testator will he diett'ibnted amongst
the panties entitled thereto, having
regard. only to .ollainns• of wllieh the
executors shall then have notice.
Dated this 4th day of August,
A. D. 1944.
eeng11am, Ontario.
Solicitor for the executors.
A drunk was wanting along the
eurb with one foot on the sidewalk
and the outer In the gutter, relates
Reader's Digest. A cots lloltowed him
for two blocks, and then said, 'Dome
along, buddy, and I'll help you home,
"Thank God:" said the drunk. "I
thought I was a cripple."
»ire az,1 ',0 M.zt srsr...r.
EN war demands have been
filled ... when invasion gasoline,
aviation gasoline, Navy fuel oil, petro-
leum for the manufacture of explosives,
synthetic rubber, and gasoline for war
industry, farming and essential truck-
ing all have been taken from Canada's
oil supply -it doesn't leave a lot for
the civilian!
Figure it out for yourself. It takes
5,250,000 gallons of gasoline to fuel
5,000 bombers and fighters for a
mission over Germany. It takes enough
oil for one fueling of a battleship to
heat an average house for 350 years. It
takes 18,000 gallons of gasoline to keep
one armoured division on the move for
one hour.
From petroleum and petroleum
gases we obtain the gasoline and fuels
needed to power planes and ships and
tanks as well as the raw material for
acetone, ammonia and toluol for ex-
plosives, organic chemicals for an-
aesthetics, naphthas for camouflage
paints and plastics and resins for war
weapons production.
This is why civilian gasoline is short.
This is why it's upto every motorist,
to every owner of an oil -heated home,
ir�,K�u�f01/111,4t, 1 riF:
41164 #3
Ah announCOftht issued by.
Tha Nonmetal of Munitions tend Supply,
Honourable C. b, Rowe, Minister
to exercise the strictest economy in
gasoline or fuel oil usage. Every gallon
we can do without here at home is one
gallon more :For the fighting men. And
they need every gallon they can get.
Two full years of gasoline rationing
and fuel bit control in Canada have
saved 393,000,000 gallons of gasoline
and 175 million gallons of fuel oil - a -
total saving of 568,000,000 gallons of
petroleum products. Yet, despite thin
saving, gasoline stocks on hand in
Canada, as of March 31st, this year,
were 55,000,000 gallons less than at
the commencement of rationing, April
1, 1942.
Oil has a mighty war job to do -yet
supplies are short and are constantly
dwindling. Oil powers the attack on
every front. Oil can mean the difference
between success or failure, between
light casualty lists and
heavy. Oil is vital ammuni-
tion -not to be wasted, not
to be needlessly, frivolously
Answering Your
Questions about the
Gasoline Shortage
What aro Canada's total yearly re-
quirements of motor gasoline? L
Approximately 800,000,000 gal-
lons, Do these requirements have
to cores' boor military and civilian
needs? . . les, Wby cannot this
supply be increased? . , . llocause
total hemispheric supplies are in-
adequate to meet both the colossal
war demand and civilian needs..
There is not enough oil,there are
not enough tankers, for oth. How
macs of Canada's petroleum needs
is sulrpi ice' 'root Canadian welds?
...Only 1>'/o Why can't this home
r'oductioo: be increased? Every
effort is being made to do no. More
new wells are being drilled or pie -
,pared for drilling, than at any time
an the history of Western Canada,
but we have yet to find a new
Turner Valley, War does cot wait
for new production,
MS -44X