HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-8-16, Page 1RUSSELS P POST PUBLISHING ING I-IOUSE Wednesday, August 16th, 1944 BRUSSELS, ON TARIO Boyhood Home Of King Bought For Liberals Preservation of .tee boyhood home. stead of Primo Minds,ber Mackenzie King was twssared by ptw•ehaee of the site bya Kitchener man When name was not divulged and presentaton of the property to the Waterlao North Liberial Association to be held in trust Announcement was made on ISatmxday of She traiusaetion involy- ing the old Jahn King residence and 111 acres of wooded ground- on ,Spring Street, Kitchenee•, where the .priane• mint ber spent hie boylutod J. Albert iSmith, president of the Liberal `organization, said it was in- tended to develop the property as a national historic site REGENT T I ATRE.. Seaforth, Ont. Thursday, Friday & Saturday August 17, 18, 19 Second show starts 9:15 James Cagney Grace George Johnny Come. Lately Comedy 1 Drama ! Romance I. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday August 21, 22, 28 2 Features: 2nd show starts 8.45 Merle Oberon Laird Cregar The Lodger A psychological melodrama, .packed with suspence. —Mso— Laurel and Hardy, in Dancing Masters —s— Thursday, Friday and Saturday August 24, 26, 26 Second show starts 9:15 Joel McCrea Maureen O'Hara Buffalo Bill in Technicolor A routine saga of the old West! First show starts each evening at 7:30;wwhen single features such ..as these are shown all patrons • In by 9:15 will see complete show. Matinee each Saturday at 2:30 leieleADDisemeireareeeseMeeseteetealeeetreleee "Greater love hath no man ,- than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." St. John 15:13. I elvifle Church Rev, Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D. Minister 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship. Rev. Mr. Preston of Avonton, in charge. 7 P. M. No Evening Service Louis 0. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP elate eleleesteteleteteee leette•tere E O United Church, ,Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Mao* 10 A. M. Sunday School and. Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship "Mr. Earl Anderson" The Evening Service. Is withdrawn. A WELCOME TO ALL Church of England Reotor.•Rev. M. F. OldhamPI Parket of Brussels August 20th, 1944 filth Sunday After Trinity St. John's Brussels -- 10 russels-10A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 P, M. Memorial Service ° Memory of ' Trooper Rose Whittard. St. QeorIe'e Wattenr 3.30 P, M. Sunday School and Bible Class. 4 le,. M, Evening Prayer and Sermon Inti Devitt* H•ntryn•- 10.$0 A, M. Sunday School and Bible Class 2,00 le, ►,t, Evening Prayor and Sermon 0 n Letters Received By Cranbrook Society • -111te ealioweng letters ware received. for parcels sort by the Cranbrook Red CMOS Society.. Flyleg Officer, W, I, Williams, J35975 R. C, A. 11', 443 IS la1w., Q verseae, Dear 1VLrs, McDonald,— was, s c'Donaid,— Was', so pleased 0 .few clays ago to get a: parcel irom the Cranbroioic Red Cross. 11 was 'so good to be remembered by yaw, and, thanks so very mace. I indeed lack fere urd to thanking you persenaliy, but 1 um a:iraid have a tour : of Metope to see through first. It was aLL in tine shape, and I as- sure !you ;nota bit of it did not find good use, almost immediately. I luope, you well not need carry on the work through another summer,. b;dt in the meantime my most sincere thanks, and ail' goadwistas for the suo'cesa of the Oranbrouk Recl Gross, Vary 'senesrely, ..Ivor Williams. w * r My Dear Mms, Peale,—. I receiv'ed the (parcel sent by the Cl'anlolio,ok Red' Crosti. recently.. 1t was ,in excellent condition and I surd appreciate it. While in Canada I never thought I would give a hoot "11 .any body Glome thought IA one ar net, Gee, 1 sure was wrong. Aside Prom the .almost unbeidewable value of it, eeeeiving one ,of those parcels Cheers one up a heck of a lot." , I am in good health, and enjoying any ,stay in. 11b44 0oui by as well as one can under the circumstances. I ,only b.ope it wont' bei too tong, Yours slneerely, Irvine' Dunn. P. S. I almost forgot be thank you, Thanks a million.' • trying, • * • • To the Red Cross, Cranbrook,.- 1 received your parcel in good con- dition, • I was, out on, 0 scheme sleeping on Mlle ground in the bash. We are sleeping In tents ion slbraw mattresses blue meals are good now, for the first week or so we were here they were not good at ail. We11 thanks very much far ,the panwel. Jack Gordon. 5 * x Dear Mitis. McDthied L;— I rebelved the parcel yesterday th,e ladies of the ,Red' Cross sent me, S want to thank you very much for et, and Scan assure you that it was reeler appreciated very mach. It arrived, in good condition and there were many ,useful articles, in it. I um, fine emfoy eg ,good health. and hope.•th'is tinkle, everyone the tame, We who are over here are all looking forward teethe day when we can metul`n home ono° more 'when there is peace, security and happiness With beat wishee to everyone, Lyle Evans. * * * Dear Mrs. MaDonalcL,— Dve;rydhing was very nice, and 1 Was glad. to receive the parcel. Please thank the ladies, of the Red Cross and Mrs: M. Cameron tar eemennber- ing me, .After ,all the rainand mud eSunny" Italy Buns cisme into its own, weather has been g'e'and lately. Things. are going well here and we hope to 'eee' tine end of it soon,— Italy oon, Italy isn't eel we were given to ese. Peet,--rnight of been dieferent en peace time, As- airways, Glen Bunter, * * s Dear F01110,--. .Twat yesterday was surprised and very pleased to receive a parcel from you In good ' condition, • for which I take thee opportunity of a IOW minutes, to spare right' now and thank all of you very much for it. . 1 hope everyone there is. ,enloying , as. good ,health as .myself ane I have ' ltearlrd. ,df quest 'a, few sebe,ngee' in the,, community ter oulhhough I am quite a distance 'trout you, Ina interested n 1. an Hiatt you are, We have bad grand 'sprang Weather until ebbe past week theme hoe been quite a late of rain. but I mese de Wes no doubt needed, things do look meas better now any w ay. Andnow it ie time 3 'was back to W ork again so again T will Sal thanks a lot and wisktng you all the ,best, I will sign off. Your truly, -Stanley Cano,pb'el1. a* • Monte M; McDonald, — S want 1tR etry td gift; or • few limes away 411111 aiffettrtibon, Yo yen itp Seed' dent, o11 Cranbrook Red Cross. To let Yoh know that t received your parcel a tow days ago, Please accept my 'bhanlcs Lor the 'very kind remembrance Mass Mc- Donald, •a parcel ream back home, is always greatly appreciated over bere, and yowls was very much a treat Indeed, ,and arrived in fairly good condli'tioin,it was really swell o.1 you all M think of me. There Isn't a great deal of news, I can send you from tele vont of 'lime world. it would be peetty badly out of dote anyway by the tinl,e it would reach you. Anyhow you owe bet everything is going feeroureably. So 1 will sign orf -for now. Thank- ing you again far the swell parcel. I remain- as, ever, J. R. Mitchell. * r * Dear Ladies, -- I wish iso 'thank you all for the lovely box I received; Seano boxes take guile a while but as a rule they come pretty good. There is nett- ing late a box ora few letters, eo cheer uO fellows up, W. J. Coutts. w Or Dear Mrs. McDonald,— I received the panel you sent me Pram 'the Cranbrook Red Cross. Was very glad_ to •get them, I certainly ap- prealabed at very much. . Paratrooper R. P. Cameron, * p: * * sr * * * PEOPLE WE KNOW • • • • • * • • • Mrs, et. Allen and daughters were visitors In ,Stratford last week, Sgt. Frank Mitchell of the R. C. A. F. event the week end at his home here. ,. 'R • ,Norman Thompson, R. C. A. F. was a week -end visnbor at his biome here: ■ e 1' Andrew ,Swautman, Sioux Lookout, is visiting with. Oris' grandparents Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ross, * * * Miss'. Henry Wietlhuttes, of Detroit, was visiting in and around Brussels afar e..few days. e • ••. Niles Agnes Bleed,, St. Catharines, is the gnes:t of her sister Ars. H. Allen and ear. Allen, * .* .• James Brest of the R.C; A.F. •spent the Week -end with his parents Me. end Mrs. T. L. Prost. * * * Miss Idella Bryans has gone to London, where she leas secured a position) wilth. the London Life Insur- ance Co,, * * * Mr. and Mae. Esinners'on Grey, and Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Leppaid of Dundalk were callers at the Rectory on Saturday. • • 'Mr. and' Mus. el. Williams Pontiac Mich„ :have been gueets with elle Meler's •another Mrs. J. Watson and other relatives. Is in Bev. Jahn and Mrs. Kerr of Hali- burbon,, and Miss Emma Kerr of Here emu .were vii litors with Rev, M. F.I and Mee, Oldham last Friday. * • Dr. A. W. 3. and Dens. Gilpin of Delman spiel*. a few days with tneir Annt at the home of Mies Mary Helen Kerr, ,celebrating 81st birthday of Miry, W. H. Herr. -. * • Mats W, Rose receivedewordi Fri- day that her .nephew Leonard David- son was killed in action on July 26111, in.France. Leonard 1s a son of David; Davidson of Neseleton, - Ont. , • • • Mw, :and Mrs, 'Rae of Winuipeg and Weston Ont., are spending two weeks with the Salter's sister, Mrs, Geo. Ream ,at the heme of Mr. Unreel Kerr, 6111 line Morels. To Remove Stumps A friend handed us the following. tip to remove ,stumps which we are publishing .its elle hope it will prove smoke to sane of our readers: "In tare fall et the year bore a - one -inch hole In the middle of the stmup ten inlahes deep. VIII tbds hole with one - belt pound of. vitriol, ,and cork the hale up very. eight 1n the spring the whole sump and i'oote extending to ,blue very end wool be found: so rotten that they ' .caneasily be eeedileateki." Its, ,gelttieg• +laute,'5 remai1tee -the fine, dleeteeman, "amid we ltave:a'L L• NewsBrussels Council Meetingca_ iterriS 13russelsr August 11th, 1944 i August bPub li c School chool Be ginner s Children who were6 ,cans old on be cosec ream Au u t 10thThe Eremite, Public. Legate' willLibrary To Be Closedu teem lerare the first o1' February 1944, Lite regular montltiy meeting o ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,,ry the 13atreeely Muni.sipal Council was hold on the above date, All mem• belt being present with the excep- .ia a t n of F'Saunis. 2ho minutes of the bast saleevhug being reed it was moyed by W. Cameron, Seeonded by W, Wiens that 'lie minutes be adopted,--rlaarie& Tke tolto'wing accounts were pres'elnted:- Ed. Henderson, cutting weeds 6.80 R. W. Kennedy, printing - 17,00 C. T. 1Davidson, inuseeance 210.40 Brussels Hydro, street lights 99,00 ball lights ' ' 2.10 Goo. L1a,ams, July salary 86.00 G. McDowell, July salary 50.00 R. S. Warwick, July salary .;, 35.00 Charity 05.00 Moved by R. B. Cousins; seconded by W. Wilds• that the accounts be padal. Carried. . There being no furtherbusiness the Brussels Bowling Tourney On Seaforth Careens e i Thirty-four Entries Compete I Men's !Doubles Wednesday Night Tlhere is= doubt but that the Sea- forth ea fort 'h Mewling w 01ub kite a tate gait B b greens in Weetorn. Ontseto, as is evi- denced, not only by the popularity of the local club's' ,terna'ments, but by +tbe Peet ,Ghat other clubs el • the dis- trict are tieing them to stage tourna- ments. For the second time, Brussels B'owllthig Club used the local greens• to eltage a 3.4 entry en their annual men's doniiles' tourney held on Wed- n:ee'dey evening, under perfe:t wea- 1 ober condition. On Tlruasday evening, August 17th,. Clinton Club will hold their annual. i moo's doubles ,on the same greens. On Wednesday, Au,guet ::3rd, Sea - forth will stage their annual. Tl - o nTp I Tournament, ane of 'the big events. in I Western Ontario Bawling. Brussels Games C. Draper, Clinton, '2 wins, R. Sper- ling, Clinton, 2 wins; L. Heard, Clin- bon, 1 win B, Velnd'be, Clinton, 1 win; VV:'Jainleronn'Clinton, 1 win; Hugh Hawkes% Clinton, 1 win; G. McOlay, Clinton, 3 Meese; George Matheson, Godeeicln, 3 wins plus, be; E. Prid1am Godeadeh, 2 wins; T, Prichard, Gode- riolt, 1 win; J. R. Wheeler, Goderich. 1 win; Bert Sanderson, Goderioh, 1 win; J. Baker, Goderioh, 1 win; D. A. Rauh, Brussels, 1 win; Dan Mc- 7.tavioh, Brussels, 2 wins; A. Rut- ledge, Brussels, 2 winsi; H. Champ- ian, Brussels, 1 win; R. 3. Bowman; Brussels, 1 wini; W. E. Willis, Brussels, 3 lasses; C. P. Sillsc Sea - forth, 1 win; B. F. Christie, Seatoetle 8 wins plus 13; W. G. Willis S'eaforbh, 2 wins.; R. E. Bright, Seaforth, 3 wine plus' 16; E, II 'Close 'Seato•th, 3 losses; R. J. Sproat, 2 wins; R. 7. Winter, Sea- fort'h, 3 losses; M. A. Reld, 3 losses; H. ,Sherbondy; Wingham; 2 wins; Donald. Rae, Wein'ghane a wins, plus lei; 0 Hazelgrove,, WiegliaM, a wins.; J. A. Cowan, Blyth, 1 win; H. Vodden Blyth, 3 wine plus 15; J. Logan, Brtussels; 2 wins; J. J. Muff, Sea - forth, 1 win. The winners: 1st, 3. Hsotham• and le E, Bright, ,Sooioe'bh, 3 wine• plea 16; 2nd, Fred Hunt and G. 'Matheson, Godeiaeh, 3 wins • plus' 1e; Srd, R. Docherty ante H. Vodden, Blyth, 3 wins plus 15; 4th, George :Pahnston and B. le. Christie, Seaforth 3' wins plus 13. --Enron Expositor. Sept 5,tlh when 'the librarian, Mee. Balganityne, is On vacation, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The contract of cleaning a portion of the'Seneth Drain will be let by public nueetion at 5 a. Lot 29, Con, 7, Morels Twp., en Monday, August 21ist, at 7:30, p.m, George Martin, Cleric LOST-- An OST— An orange crate containg lunch; also baby basket and auto rug; be. Melted to have been lost between Morrie bank corner and Walton ma, Sunday. Finder please notify the Brussels .Post, Phone 31, Wind Damages Tree The high wind an Friday afternoon New drown one of the huge limbs, of the Serge maple tree on the elver bank at the howling green, The 111111 branch, ormsiied ,through the roof of Me bowling green iloius•e and smash- ed a ,porter. of the railing of the steps from' elle road to the greens, Blyth Physician Sells , Practice To Hamilton Man De. H. A. S. drakes, Blyth, hag, sold his practice hereto Dr. Hold of Ham- ilton who will take over his duties .shortly. The former came here from Dungannon about six years ago and for ,health 'reasons :has given up iris pe'a:ctioe, for less arduous work. With his wife and son "Bob" he will take up. ,rdsiden•ae in Toronto, where Dr. yokes will engage an hospital work. Where Is Our Fabulous 'Mother Lode? Are hors'eshoes' Melly? They are —,for one Wast Virginia boy. Pitch-- leg itch lag horseshoes, he uncovered true •seconel largest diamond ever found in America, Read ... din The A.meri Iy1 can Weekly with this Sunday's (Aug. 20) %slue of The Detroit Sunday Times, , -.. haw scientists are exited ever where ,Salo continent's unquestioned nahwnal diamond ]hoard is located. Get Sunday's Datrdiit Times•. New Regulations For -Used Car Sales .New regulistions applying - to, the •stile of cased cars were announced on Monday by ,the Prices, Board in e move to check sales at illegal prices' d3iq,ective, Angue't bait, an cars held' by dealers must parry a pride •bag Sind reports of sales must be made iby dealers and private in- dividmals,, In aclklition, indtvictuale advert -doing a need •cec' far sale must give •full parti,cu'lars, including name and address, thrill e.eseriptiin of the ear and: bhe proposed selling price. Private individuale selling a oar can- not insist on a trade-in and dealers cannot weevil's, a hrade-in as part payment when the prospectve pule chasms, is eligible toe new oe used ices. Tbssie-ins, may be required by dealers on sales in other classes of bowers, but a reasonable vahlation must be given to the car turned in. ETHEL • The 1,3111 'annual Beienes. and, Ter.- gusion reunion wail held in water Tower. Paris, Listowel, August 7411, with 194 present. A very enjoyable day .wase.spent, niton t11e 1u11a11 Com niittee Serving a very . bonun'tiful dinner crud stepper and the• sports Hilder the m'ana,gement cif .Sam and Norman' 33etnies„ The oldest couple dm the. g'round's 'being Mr, ,and. Mrs, ,Tulin TJeirnes of Tidier The young- est baby. was Sen,dra Grace Hewett. The person. ageing the furthe'St die- anoe was. Jim Beirnes of Port dem The T1uo .bttsinless lot 1945 Was raandwoted by the president eSeet Oonley and selydta,ry Jean Conley, A. n,o'w board of directors. were sleet• ed, 'Fisc reunion. for 1:045 will be held in .Water' TOWer Park unless further notice 1.s given Mr Edward Bairn -ea -of Mat'kdate grave a.1l a cordda1 weloeme to •go to Eugene Palle, eon' 3945 whi es was very hutch tapprobiated, Atter the business Wass over e11 ioined le singing Goat Save The Meg. edtlim M. y oiiar `late 1. aught a aibl le afi411. _ g g Dill eniet ll ' 'bobs' the tenet at 'W tilt, repla:ti he a n , A, I p "tot'� let'teecretdre bid oris ;et alta, note i1eb,kin�" end 'bben g l 4/Sine," 'Wee: "What§ she kitireking nriW?' will. be admitted to school this fall. Pet Pony At Bluevale - Struck By Lightning .Shanley Darling's pony was struck by lightning but a veterinary surgeon is bringing it .around again. It is like a dircuis pony end a favorite with both 'obildern. and grown-ups in Bluevele, Notice To Members Of Brussels Legion And All Returned Men All Legion members. returned men and members of the militia, in un- iform, are asked to meat et the town hall 'B,russels at 6:30 p. m. en. Sunday, August 20411, to attend the mem- orial s'e'rvice for bile late Trooper Roils Whittard in 1St. John's Anugla- eau Chur5h et 7:00 o'•elock, BLUEVALE The cervica In the TJn-ted' Chime on iSunday morning was, in charge of th members of the Women's Mission- ary ,Society. 'Mrs. M. L. Aitken cons du,eted dAle service. The t "Means!' Mrs. -George Hether- minestee off Zion Church, officiated, i Council edloumned. • * * * :6 :k 'Ir * Ob:tuary� Mrs, Robert M. Yuill CARLETON PLACE, Aug. 3.— The .funeral -af Mrs. Robert M, I Yud-ll, 'Who died in A'hnonte, Sunday, i was held Tuesday afternoon Isom Fleming Brothers funeral Home. Lake avenue east, to the Auld Kirk-' Nemo was Cemetery. Rev E. C. Bellow's,, ingiton gave ea address, s'ires,sing the value of rnissionery endeavor. Robert Shaw assisted with the service. Tare -choir sang an anthem eestl, hynms. were sung appropriate to the theme Nest Sunday there *?ani, friends were present from Toronto, Wingham, Brussels, Bel. grave, 13�aiderslsot, Beekwilts, Ram- I say, Alm,onhe, Palaenham and other - aohnbs. Nlre Tudil was been in Bruce will be no services at Bluevale and County, near Teeswater. Following! Ebenlezer, her nuasriage to Mr. Y,uill in 1908; the I ,Service was wiblecdrawn in Lenox 'ample cane to reside on.. the Yvill Preslnyterr'an Church 031 Sunday ,homestead, in Ramsay, where they and next Sunday the service will' lived until:1e years 'ago when they moved luta Caulleton Place. Alas. 'brill weer e: devout member of - Memorial Park United Church, of 'the Wamenlm Missionary Society and i the Woman's Assooia,tiiu, but owing to ,fairing health was hirable to 'take ,pert in eny a' ,tivities of late years, Beetles her husband, .she le surviv- ed by two slaters, Miss Margaret Yuii11, ,of Carleton Place, and Mrs. Bert Petrie, of the united States, ler spending idle remainder of Avg- ,,iso one brother, Joseph Ywil1, oY Mussels, Ontario. . Ottawa Journal be condected by C. MsC;arroll stu- dent minister at Molesworth and. Gornto. Mee. Ransiome of Boessevclic, Man., is visiting el -lanes, She was the termer Miss Edna Hughes: It is 36 years since she left this io- canity.. Visitmrs: Mies Ruby Duff, To- ronto, after vilsibing Mrs. William Rile, Cuyahoga Falils, Akron, Ohio, vet with her sisters, Mise Duff end Mee. M, L, Adten; Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie; Mre. II. R. Scott, Seaforth, and Mies Helen Beattie, Toronto, with Mrs. le. F. GarnisS; Mr. and. Mrs, George Patterson, Toronto, with NIr. and Mrs. J. Wicicstead; Mire. J. Lovell, Wroxeiee, accompanied by her sister, IV13as A. B. Fraser, Pilot Mound; Men., at the home of Miss Daft; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snaith, Morris, with Mr. end Mire. J. E. Smith; AW2,' Dorothy Aitken bas, completed .basic training ,at Roeleilile and is now gotta/tee at SR. Hubert, Que. Mrs Gari Johnston opened her house on Tuesday afternoon for the war wank meeting of blie Women's JAMESTOWN Many friends 00 the late George Eolauier, 'Prom J'ameetown. and dis- trict, paid their lash respects, to him, by attending his funeral en' Ethel United Ohurch on August 2nd, 1944. The older residents will well: remember hem se our village black. smith. He was, known to his friends as eGordie." He and Mrs. l8clemier, (wino predeceased him in March `1042) came to Jamestown as bride and groom, fifty-two years .ago, For thirty years• he gave of leis best to a host 'of entslbernerb',-specializing in Institute arranged by the convener: homseishoeing, wood -work and re - Mrs., George, Thomson. The press pairing. Has, genial manner and dent, Mise., Jean Elliott, presided. "Benefits. Derived From Rations ing," proved a rids -1101y refl. call Economy 'and hatter healble were the outstanding results. The re• turnsfox the talent money wen onesenu,aging, ,over 510, being real- ized for our work. Miser Jean E,1- services and activities in the Hall Mott was named, bo speak over honest, kindly ways, made Nen e friend to ell. He was one of the origional-bnustbees -at Victoria Hall, and was, treasurer of same: from the. time it was erected in 1901 until he moved to Ethel in 1982. The pro- greeis of the community, the religious S9ation '.OKNX next Wednesday ea and his family hneo-v on the Woonenlo, Tustibuie program, mbe question of , a Dutch auction and ether money -raking schemes were dismissed. - - est syanpa'bhy is extended to Tris During the 'allternoon a war gnlit daughter (Forne), Mrs. - Carman wee quilted. A picnic. h 11031 Wes Richards' of ]7hheL served. on the lawn, . The attend- , once of members and visitors was Police Make Big Haul goat rend alb enjoyed. a pleaearrt From Grand Bend Hotel anid prodtable setternoon• 1 GRAND BEND, Aug.- 14—'One Mrs, TIltomai 00511beel , nes the provincial pollee -man and fear county honored guest els; her home on, Tues- constables raided the Imperial Hotel day when members ' oi' her family here yescterda4y, ,seizing nasi, 100 gathered to ,celebrate her 92nd oago0 of boor and. nine bottles of beetlb,day, 0ii:eses included her chile Ileum. siren and grranabohiidran, a brother, Pollee said OroWn Attorney 1), E. uuioGeti said nephew, and were piss• Hoimeri G,oderieh, has been Gan'shflt- 5,1111 from Pliilsdeiphla," Toronto, erd' and ehargos will be laid. O'aiatowel, N1,oieew•oaitlb„ Wingham, The raid was made by Proviso -t 1 7llindon and Detroit. Many Pneusis Oans4abie Wiiifsm Gardiner, Gou called- during dile 0RarnoWon and erica, and Comity Cons'ta'bles Jahn evening ho oxt'end eangi'atulatlons. Feegm,sloat, 7pac�gter; I3 Snell, Sea - Visitors: Mat and Mrs:. Barry forhie; C. Salter and Garden, Deyell, Stowe, Mars. May ,and B. C, Ding, 3Vgduam Toronho, gut the Sandelrson hone; Covetabin. le Ferguson steed the Selz• Percy Diaknont, Doiroi't, with ills lire neo dile longest lniade 1n ibis, 22 ,:unit, limo, Thomes� Coultas; Mrs. , yaare aa4 counr,ty ooitst5118.0 J, Midge, Lode and 'Davetl, Ford - r' it, and t ire W. SC S with Mr Vl W I SDR wl S S PENtl IAIt u..-. t9 Mann: Mr „and .Ars, Poter S. Me, B in g Baur . biriestnxa to The J9welt with Dere gsal Semolina nest Triessels Post.11 yott wont thele to Itr uncle } *Ott better thrid ever. n Massey Fund Scholarship At a meeting held in the Agrioul- inrmal O.ieice, Clinton, Thursday. Aug. net 10th, plane were made to have a a suitable boy selected for this Sdiluolarship The local Committee is composed of Bruce Matheson, Agricultural -Representative, Warden Fired Watson and Inspector for North Huron, Mimes, Kinkead. This yeas the County , Council have donated $30,60 to a needy boy Who is planning on going . to the O,A.C. this Fall, This amount ds dnuplicetedl by a like amtount froio the'Maa;soy Etnrd. 950.00 'wall be paid to the boy ons en nee an the other 550,00 wI1 bt paid on the test of the new year. Any boy who le desirous of going this Fail 'should tile his ' applidation sidibh Melee Ma heron, A Junior lviaracniation is e s required tar entrance to the -College. Appel -cation,' or inquiries, should be eeceived not later' than August 10th. Methodist iChnirah, aced, - he wars. at Helm of hiller 'United. Church Mitil She 'time,, of his, passing. Our warm- Wingham -.Citizen Choice Of Comtcii For Police Post Gordon Dayell Choice From Ten Applicants; Charles Salter Will Be Statlunel At Blyth GOD17R1CH, Aug, 10--Grrrdere Dagen of tile - Wdsrgham pollee farce Wee chosen tram ten anOiteants for the posltign oe ecunty constable, by the •poi'ice committee of F.lnron county eounoil on Tuesday -night. This' 11a in aeeorllanee with a de- cisdon made at a fo rner meeting to.ato ls& the pttttion of traffic officer :tnd appoint a tomtit 000 Pty' constable Constable Dayeti wfl take neer the Wingham area. and County Con- table Charles• :Satter, of Wingham, will be Stationed at Myth This ar- rangement was /nage by tate men ttismslelves, The ,other two cdanty constables, Jobn Ferguson and Bel- mar Singh; are stationed at Exeter and S'ondon♦h respectively. tech will look ate? Prattle regshlaticne in his area besides lids other thitica, Conartable Myall i '.1' urn torr sit r y 1 y to m:obi abet h p man Gas, bebn amens iter of iiia Wltrgha,.tli Polito torte ter the Piot *veyent'e, -