The Brussels Post, 1944-8-9, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Education a
War Necessity
The tUniversity of Western
Ontario :is devoted to the train-
ing of men and women for the
duties and, responsibilities of
In these doys—
(a) Trained leaders ore greatly
needed In every walk 'of
(b) Qualified scientists are now
in urgent demand and will
likely be required in greater
numbers in the near fu-
(c) Men and women with high
academic and professional
training are a warneces-
The Army, Navy and Air
Force want men for key jobs
who are fully qualified and
trained. Our Armed Services
demand the best we have.
In the time of crisis men
andwomen who have health
and ability should qualify them-
selves for the services of the
Education means the training
of the mental and moral powers
or natural endowments of the
individual either by a system of
study and discipline or by the
hard experiences of life, It Is
such training that gives strength
to men and makes them great.
September 5th — Students in
Medicine in all years except
the first year.
September 18th -Public Health
and Nursing students.
September 23rd, 25th, 26th—
' Students in Arts, Science,
Business Administration, Sec-
retarial Science, first year or
pre -Medicine," etc., etc.,
For further particulars ree
gnrding scholarships matriculo-
tion, loan funds,; ,c6urses- of
study, write THE. REGISTRAR
Telephone Metcalf 5080
"Therefore we both labour and
suffer reproach, .because we g
trust in the living God who is G
the Saviour of all men, special
ly of those that believe."
t•Timothy 4:10.
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D.
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11. A. M. Morning Worship
The Rev. W. A, Williams,
formerly of Cranbrook and
Ethel, in charge.
7 P. M. No Evening, Service
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United ited 'Church
flMister-elev. Hugh C. Wlla'M
10 A.M. Sunday School
and „Bible Class
11 A. M.:.Morning Worship
"Mr. Clarence' Mcplennaghanr'
The Evening Service ie
Church of Engran'r
R.etor..Rev. M. F. ?Wham
:Parish of Brussels •
10th Synday After Trinity
August 13th,1944.,
St. John's Brusiele--
10 Az M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
at Geoilers Walters—
1.30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2,80 Pn M. Sunday School
and Bible Glaes.
St. David's H.nfryn
10.80 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
8.8S P. M. EvenMf Prayer
grid Serf1ae
Prune Minister Mackenzie King
Vaal guest of honor. Monday night .at a
dinner in Ottawa celebrating his 25th
anniversary as leader of the Liberal
party in Canada.
Native Of Brussels,
London Hotelman, Dies
LONDON, Ont., Ang. 3,—The
death oocucmed Wednesday of
Thomas W. dlddhardeom, proprietor
of ;the O.P.R. Hotel. He 'suffered a
stroke about two weeks' ago,
Mr. Richardson bought the C.P.R.
Hotel about 11 yams ago. Prior to
coming to . London be was a Pro-
ve:s eal policeman Dor many years,
and Dor a time was pl'ovineial con-
stable at Kitchener.
About e0 years of age, he was
b'oam int Brussels district, He is 'sur-
vived by his widow, 'Ddna,
Family Party At Bluevale
. On the occasion_ of a visit from
their daughter, Mrs..Earl Heaslip, of
Dunnville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw
gave a•lawn .party: for stns Fraser
Yamdly, Guests; i eludedi Mr.-afte Mrs.
J. A. Geddes and Mis. Robert Nioital-
son, Be'lgrave; Mrs. ,Dann, Mustard
and some LadhJin- and Cameron, oY
Menlo; Earl Heaslip and ' son Jack,
Dunnville; Mr. and Mrs, Milton Fraser.
end children' .Dorothy and Bob,
Morris; Miss Martha, Fraser and Airs,
J'anses: Rober.'itsion; Bluevale.
The founders .of the family were
Mr, and Mas, Laohlin Fraser, pioneers
of the, finst.:,line of Morris. Their only
son, William, lives at 'Swift ;O'urrent,
Bask, Of their ,seven daughters, the
youngest, Mats. 'Robert Zetterstrom,
Manitoba, died in 1917.
Best Time To Get
• Rid Of Granary. Weevil
This' is the beat time to get rid of
the granary weevil when most of
the, granaries are empty. Farriers
would be well ,advised to clean. out
any olid grain and thoroughly spray
walls end •floors with doal•al, The
use of an -oil cam in the cracks is a,
goods dice,
If a man is.oertain'ot having we.o'vit
the may be well advlhsed to repeat
this operation. . . .
Tire weevil is often the cause of
the grain lueateng' in, the bin. • The
beetles tJherwselIvee .are brown', about
one eight, of an. inch long.
J, 13. Matheson,
Agrtaatnral Representative,
Tor Henan County.,
Repair job on Mothers "Train, NIA
Lot 15 and 16, Concession 2, ,Morris.
Township will be let by'.puhlio auct-
ion. Tuesday, August 16th, 1344 at
7 p.: m.
George Macron, Clerk.
,REGp,N7 I!LA'TRE ..
, .'Seaford, Ont.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
' ' August 10. 11, 12 Thos. McDonald
Ola Olsen Chick Johnson, [G'amleron Cochrane
F • CrHouse
azy Stuart Cochrane
u us Comedy 'Packed with Musial
ria John McGill
f John Bowman
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Mre, H. Tyree),
August 14, 16, 18 Mrs C. ,Matheson
Follow The Bobs rina Jinn. Warwick
George Raft Vera Zg
Y` Mas, R, �amrett,
Jeanette. MacDonald Dinah Shoda Ely'i,n-Ilitgins
Andrews Sisters Mrs, Wan.• Hintinge
48 other stars and 4 bands Mns; Gee, Hustle
--x Jack McDonald
Thursday, Friday & Saturday Wre, Brewer
August 17, 18, 19` Dm. Jamiesoa
James Cagney Grace George Mrs', Gowing
Johnny Come Lately ,at, -.Mrs b. MoLood
Comedy 1 Drama i Romance 1 /Dwelled McTaggart
Bert, Godden
Ancor ;S,nl'th
Melvin Jerinyn
Joan 'Sthlitib
Q, Debtor, .•,
-Mi' . W, 51, 'Bell
Splendid Response To
Appeal For Blood Donors
Blood Clinic No, 5 was held in
Brussels tut Melville Presbyterian
Claret on Tuesday forengon•, August
8, 1944, urider supervision of Mee
Ainsley, Nure Teobnielam, assisted
by Miss Naug7tton, Mobile' Hutt
']'mak Driver.
The following are Mose wee
assisted in making the Clinlo
possible; Receptionist, Miss E,
Downing; Assistant, Mrs. Galbraith;
Arsting fleactore, Dr. Jamieson, Dr.
Redlmond, Dr, Cuaiw,forte.
Aotihig Narsesg Mrs, Grainger, Mrs,
W.D!S. Jamieson, Mrs, P. Fowler,
Mus S. Hentingway, Mrs. T. Ellis,
Mrs. R. S. Warwilek, Mrs, 9. Xerr
Mrs, -E. W. Whitfield. Miss' Nob
Miss M, JSdiortreiekl, Miss' Jenne
Sanderson, eine. Wacker,
Office ;Staff, Secretary, Miss .le
Scott; Assistant Mrs, J. Armstron
Stevi'ograpier, Mise Isobel Low
Chart Clerk, Miss G. now; Ca
Sec., Mrs, R. J. IMoLtuudelin.
71he ,Sasaok Bar was convened
14i'e, J. Gibson with the foliow.i
assdetkvnta: Mrs. K. Tyervnan, . Dire
C. Seeker, Mrs. G. Semis, Mre, R.
Hamilton, Mrs P. McArthur.
8t11—W.lfrid iShototreod
911).—'Mrs: Bobs Campbell
Sieh = Etwin Hall
Gerald Gibson
Wilfrid Oameroni
HAI—William King, Jr.
William King, Sr.
Nelson •Sleightholm
Goro Ion ,Sanderson
Margaret: Rowland
D. A. Rano'
Jean Mcleoneed
Mary Sh•ortreed
.Stewart Stevenson'
3rd—Ajvda Bogan
Ed, Jewell
Mrs . J. Spivey
Mns, A. Bird
A. Bird
Geo. MoGubeheon
Jim Mads
Wm, Stephenson
Mrs, Norhnan Thompson
' i3Kmeir Jamieson
•CClarenee ,Stewart
Grahaan 'Work
Arnold Earl
Geo. -Pearson
Aith'aw Bremner
W. D. Henderson
L. Wight
Geo. Hislop
1VIrs, R. ;Sellers
Mrs', J. McDonald
Slyvester Raynard
Mvariel McDonald
Mrs. Frank. Shaw
Mildred Turnbull
Mrs Roy Thuell
Gilbert Bliley
Tim Dilworth
Mee McI/stash
Mrs, Rooney
Wm•. ;Spear
Jos: Henries
Helen Meteadheon
'Gad Henderson
, ,lames Michie
Greco :Stewart
Mervyn Pipe
hel—AObert Wood
' ;David McLeod,
Chas. R. Davidleon
Mervyn Grainger
Mrs, A. Dunbar
Mns, Sleightifolm
John 'Vein
Mje, W. Cameron
Chins', T. Davidson
Julius' libeller
1Vffs. A. Tbynne
Mrs. Wan, Fraser
Mrs. 'G. ISandereee
Chester Earn s'
Geo. 'Smiths..
Mrs. R, Gemmell.
Mrs. ;Dennstedt
Herbert Plet'eh
Mid, .Wm. ,Evan's
t "than, Bernard'
R. Jacirite•
Wednesday, August 9th, 1944
Outstanding Features
Of Family Allowances
1 --Fora child less than alx years
•old., .$5 a month.
2—For a child six or more years
old but less' than 10 years old, e6 a
3—Poe a ehild 10 or mato yearn
old but lees than 13 years old, $7 a
4 ---Pana ohhld 13 or nw»'e years
old, but less than 111 years old, 58 a
month, Provided that the above
sates shall be reduced •by 51 per
wrath in respect of the firth child by
$2 per month in respeet of tee sixth
child and seventh child, and by 3,3.
per month in respect of the eighth
child and any add tional child or
Farrely allowances at the above
rates. will be paid by the ,federal
government commencing July 1,
Liberals have .consistently ad -
wooed social reforms all through
the yeas and now oomes one of
the roost forward, moves ever made
by any government in gets country.
It is estimated that the plan will
cost ietween $200,000,000 'and
$:250,000,000 a year, but it will
benefit proably a million Canadian
In all Canada there are 3,409,911
ehildren be ween the ages of baby-
hood and fifteen, clivid'edr_as follows.
1'. E. I. 30,484
N. S. " 1.79.569
N. B. . 155,319
Que. 1,133,137
Ont, 968,933
Man, 204,684
Sask. 386,520.
Alta. 243,547
B. C, 187,427
The reasons that it is impossible
to give an exact tiigue oe the num-
ber of families which will benefit
Is that income taxpayers are al-
ready allowed deductions of so
much per ,child—and this will be
;adjusted to prevent duplication of
.Simple storms will be delivered
ased later •colleete* by postman.
At first, all .children must be
Poems will require nanhes• and
dates of births .of children.
db not now pay in-
come tax will not be aoeessable
allowances bring Lnoome over
preeent minimum.
Allowances .are to be applied ex-
'cI'nnlively tower* the malntenraiee
care, ' training edweetion, and ad-
vancement of the children%
No allowance will he paid to
auencbers od awned .forces in addi-
tion to dependents' 1111owances pro-
rovided for families, of men on active
service. Children Inv orphanages
or other institutions now rnain-
tadned, by the state will not be
LocalNews its s PEOPLE WE KNOW
Mr, and Mrs, 0. Whitfield, 'St,
Mr, ankl Mre. Garman Richards
wdeh to •thank all those Who extend-
ed slynnpabhy during thee: recent
bereavennent Mr floral brtbutes, loan
of cars and to those who assisted in
any way,
I wattld like to thank Mr. Lay-
cock and the pupils 01. Grade X
Brussels, Continuation ;School for the
presentation al' the iServiee Identi-
fication Dracelef to me,
le' Ate. Ted Mitchell,
the flwhibeleont damp, Toronto
an Letter Of Appreciation
gt I greatly appreciate Sha many kind
Y; aobs of 1e0ndnese and delicaoles sent
rd in personal calls and letters cf 'seem
pathy scent the by neighbors and
by friend's during my recent illness.
ng kind tlee'ds like these ;ive long in
F1rat Show starts each evening at
0;30; when singlefeatures such „as
these are shown all patrons In by
0;18 will soo ,
Matinee each SMurdey at 2'30
my memory.
Mrs. N. McCauley
The Clue of The
Talking Dog
Set upon in. tt0ue lonely woods, the
wonder dog who could talk was
unable bo save his. ,crippled master.
But 10 years. later his surprise
courtroom testimony helped convict
the .killers. Read about this unique
ease in Mee Ameidcaa Weekly with.
;this! ,Sunday's (Aug. 13) issue of The
.Debi;odt ;Sunday Times
We wish to thank ale our kind
4rlends t;or their kind thoughts acid
beautittel cards . of 'sympathy and
,also +Rev, Mr. Kerr and Rev. Mr.
Oldham in, our bereavement.
Mr, and heti, Ben Wliittard
and' Family.
Fell Down Stairs
Terry Roth Thine -year-old son of
Mr. and Mist- Hahn.,- Robb, had a
nainww' eaealie frond s igoue' injury
whenr he fell down .the cellar stairs
at the Robb Bakery on Friday . It
1 was feared that he had suffered
neatens ]hatok injuries and• he vias
• rushed to the :doctor.' Fortunately
no bones were broken and; after
several days 'discomfort and en-
fonoed rest we are glade to report
Terry has recovered from his moving to Ethel two years later. sister Mrs. Jas. Armstrong,
mishap. 'Mien a young man he was ap- * 40prenticed to an older brother, .Iohn,
wiltere he Learned blackemithing.
Inc 1892 he married Hannah Hall
o f Grey townsihip who predeceased
him. in, 'March, 1942. For 30 years
Mr. Dokunler operated a black-
smith shop at Jamestown, then re-
tired to live in the village of Ethel
22 years• ago, He Is survived by'7iis
only daughter (Perna), Mrs, Cell -
:nen Richards.
The funeral Was ;held front the
Dthel United Ohtrrch, Rev, S. H,
Brenton, officiated, Lorne ricketier
sante "Crossing trite Bar."
The' pallbearers- were ' George
Menzies, Alex McDonald, Glenn
Dckmier, Charles Haneuld, Well
Lynn, end Roy Hall. The flower.
bearete were Oecdd Bokrn.tar, Quest
Dobson, Jewett Hall, ;George Pear-
son Kenneth and Dan Wilbee
Relatives ' and friends• attended
fibro Gerrie, Forcbwieli, Gowans
tiwn, Atwoodt, Briansels, James-
town., Bluevale, Guelph,. Port 501gin,
and. Toronto.
It has been decided tc clew the
Workroom for the remainder of
August 81 will reopen en: Wednes.
day, 'Sept. 0
Huron -Perth 'Liberals
Send Message To King
Seatorth, Aug, I—A telegram was
se'n't yesterday to the Rt. Icon. W. L.
MadICenele Ring on behalf of the Ldb-
erale et the rleling of Huron -Perth,
extending biteir heartirest congratul-
ation)) to 'him on his 25Th annivers-
ary as their leader, Text of the
telegram which was sign'ect by the
President, A. R. ;Campbell, and the
secretary, W. L. White, was;
"On behalf of tale Liberals• of
the riding of Huron -Perth, we
extend .to you our ]heartiest eon-
gratu1etions on your 254th annivers-
an°y as our leader, May health and
many years of continued service
,attend you. 'Sincere best wishes."
Baby Skunks Make Home
On Parsonage Lawn
A faultily of young skunks have
taken up rtheir abode at Rev. 7. W.
Johns'en's home, Bluevale. Tl,ey are
.the prettiest of sights playing on the
Parsonage lawn,' which theysearch
for .grubs. They were turned out en
a 'cold world to fend for themselves
.at an early age, as it is supposed
theirs was the mama, killed at a neigh-
boring chibken house. Unprejudiced
nature students ,say skunks are good
creatures to have around, as their
food is mainly pests, like bugs and
beetles. Chickens is .the last thing
they think of eating when supplies
Dain. In fact they have but one trif-
ling fault which the hypersensitive
Pindlsi annoying—,hie unfortunate de-
velopment in the adult of a B. O
. comaYiex,
George Eckmier
George 'Daimler, a highly respect-
ed resident of Ethel, Passed away
suhlenly at hie home-. The departed
man was. the youngest, at a fancily
of 18 of the late Daniel Hclemier
Catharines, with friends in this
* .
Mites Elizabeth Baeker, London,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, C.
* * r
Mr. and Mrs. Graham. Stewart
. with dulls parents Mir, and Mrs'. P.
r • .
Mr. John Clark, Waterloo, has
been viedting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Aldworth,
✓ * *
Miss .H'elen Ross, Montreal and
Mises Marion Urea, Ingersoll with
Mrs, J D. Smith,
r . s
Miss Jessie Little is spending her
holidays with Mrs, D. C. Reid of
Clinton, New Jersey,
* *
Mr.. Cliff Busdblin has gene to
Bauble Beach to join hiss wife and
daughter Karen Tor a week's holiday,
• • *
Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Procter, Mrs.
Walter' Kehr and John have been
visitng at Port Colhou! ne,
. r *
Geo. and Mrs, Evans returned
home :Saturday after spending a
holiday on the Muskoka Lakes,
. .
Mr. and Mas, Irwin Hogarth of
Tara were visitors on Civic Holiday
with Rev. M. F. and MTs. Oldham,
* * .
Mrs. Frank Gerry, her daughter
Mas, Tweedie and baby Gerry, of
Tomenta, are visiting with Mr. and
Mre. N. F. Gerry.
a r
Mr. Maurice Morrow of the
R.C.MP,, Ilalifax and Mr, Ed. Soovie
of Toronto areguests of the farmer's
mother Mrs. A. Morrow,
. . rs
Major H. B. Kerney, M.M., of the
Atbantic Command, spent a few days
last week with lilt wife and parents,
Mr. and Mss. F. Kerney.
•Chas. Metier of the Royal Can.
adieu Mounfted Pollee, a former
resident, was a recent visitor in
r r
Aims: H. M. Clack of 'Peronto spent
and Dilzebebb Fischer, He was loot week with her parents Mr. and
barn lin Fullerton bownship 1 . 1366, Mas•, James Fultonand with her
Mrs. John McKay Dies
Suddenly In Wingham
WINIGHAIM, Aug. 4.—The sudden
dearth occurred- in Wingham General
HospllaJ of Mrs. job". McKay,
formerly Janet 'Stokes, in her 24th
year, Bonn at Jamestown she
married Jolla McKay in 1983 and
since resided in Winglvam. She was
a member of the United Ohurch,
Surviving besides her husband are
two .small .children, Joan and How-
ard; her mother and a half-brother;
'kneel. KaLngiss, Her father died in
March of this year.
Anglican Church ' Notes
The services in the churches of
the Anglican. Parish were in .keeping
with the annual remembrance of
the Transfiguration of our Lord,
.A;ugrtnst 61tuh. The semen was based
on 'this majestic event recorded by
the 'Gospels 01' Matthews, Mark aril
Luke, :'IThe three great virtues of
Law ae relireseIrted by Moses; dire
Moline as taught. by Elijah and love
ars; shown by Jesus Christ are ever to
be adhered to in our lives.. 'God by
rbhes event gave special witness that
Jesus is His Son,
The Holy Communion' wee cele-
brated at ea8lr'eerviiee,
Mrs. Wight
-Msec IeeVIc.Arter
Ivan McAtter
Mrs. D. RemIngrvray
Mrs, Didou Wilson
Mrs, Joe Wilton
Mrs, W. Mt8nnlane
]Mrs. Raynard
Mrs, H. Speir
Mrs's John Pennington
lithe Pennington
Mee, Jae, Bremner
Mr's, R, ICe'naedy
C. 'McCracken
Mrs,, Jas, Armstrong
Estelle Ounitinghani
Doris Cttntnbngluam
lean Scott
The comhnitbee at tide time world
like to exprees eppreeldtldti t0 the
beettee, Siaattdeulerly hem the country
who have Tome le ,ter 94411 clinic so
laiadfhily sdnee the beginning of the
evens. 'They are worthy of this Word
• • of comtiteedittiou,
Me, Orville Riahards of Toronto
has been spending a few .days, with
Mr. arid Mrs Carmtan..Ricbards,
,Mr..Duncan • M'eDonal'd and his
raugilht'er Mats, Cottrill of Port Elgin
sitlteni'ed the tiunerai of the ince Mr.
George S3okxnler.
Rev. el. F. and Mrs. Oldham and
Mrs. M. A. Oldham were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grummett etc
Dundalk on Wednesday of lest week.
Mns. iLilIian Claris Miss Gloria
Clark were at the home of the
former's mother, Mr&. C, Seller,sI.
wthdle Mr's. iSellers was .in Toronto
bast week,
* * *
The ermine Sunday school picnic
.of St. John's S,S. will be held on
Thuniday afternoon, August 17.
'Ohi'lth'u wishing .transiportation are
naked; to come to 'tie eliurch at
1 pan
* * *
Mesa C. Resell trWm. Clinton and
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Knox and Mr,
sued Mrs, C. Knox of Hullett town-
ship spent last weekend with Mr.
and Mrs, H. Manning,
Flrt, ,Sgt. Sltretten, Mars. Stratton
and Miss Geraldine 300e been visit-
ing Flt. Sgt. R. W. Bryan and Mrs.
Bryan of Shedden, Plt. Sgt, St1'ettan
left Sunday 'to return to his station
at Goose Baye Laboraidor.
* * *
Muss Helen M. Currie, Reg.N„ of
Mount Hamilton lI7spital, daughter
of IMe', and Mrs' P, M. Orn'i•le, oti At.
wood, obtained 5 A's and 2 13's, con.
ing Gest in cher 'clines en the teal
ALTON ' results •a a post graduate course hi
1, eItnical •
0UDeh'visien'at Toronto Dat.
Personale, : Miss . , ,101sde Purbrick, veradrty.
Hamilton, visited Miss Mary .Hunt- . a a,
phriee; Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Miller Mr, and; Mrs, A. 'I8, Zapfe, Meds
lett for ,their home In Provost, Alta, Betty Lon Zaptie and Mr. T, T.'
w ere Mr, Miller 3s inspeetos' of Hanes; ode Taranto, Pivot Officer T, B.
ecllnoiots, atter emending some time Ashbourne, St. Catheminee, WO.
with relatives; 1VYtsees Mary and Manrray 43. Zapfe of the R.C,A.F.,
Grace Davidson, Ajax, with their Yernhonitb, 1I..9', and Mr. and Mrs„W,
mole ane aunt, lir. aitd Mrs, Walter A. Willett of Pst1'ttton, Sn:,sJc„ have
Davidisenl; Mies Irene Bailey, To been guests of Mrs, Robert. Thomson
ionto, at Atte home of her uncle a , Riveeetde,
antb aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence a Ir s
,euminiits; Miss. Edith 1•I,a0r`kweil, Among dm visitors et the; ]tame of
.Stmt tlord, at her Thome here; Mr,
and Mrs, Willem Humphries in
Goieriebe Miss henna Sanderson
at )3ayllstd; Iver, ands Mrs Thoanes
Walaon, Lender), with Mr. see, Mrs,
W. O. Bonnett and fattiily; Mrs, 3. 'Bti+rae`lte, L.onda'h,; Mrs Maude Vele
Nettleton of O'eeforte ie ime'reeiree fleet of Toronto; kite. W. L, AKS'
830norvhs10 to healtt and lima rotitrned Itativoy oaf Manttretal and Mr. arse Mrs.
101 Walton ta: e'pen•t1 few dDy
s With W. le 1iadher and sons Latey and
jtOr (tomato, mil, W. '0, !1'330718tt. Volley etI Iliedgeport,
Farm Implement
Production Opens
.Canadian implement firms, operat-
ng• on short schedule since war
started through lack of materials,
roared into renewed action this
month on °outpaces; lvttle& would
help relieve a shortage of equipment
and spare ]harts on fawns,
Donald Gordon, cltai:renan of the
Prices Board said that factories
]Moiled pciadtace more than. 230,000
bone of implements and spare parts
duping the 12 mionths which started
July est, This is about 18 per cent
More than ' ler the corresponding
period .ot 1989.40.
01 the total 70 per cent, or 161,000
tens, would be earmarked Ter bonne:
'oonls!llniption, and the remainder,
69,009 tons, belittling 23,000 tone
,mla tuttenbai'ere have contracted to
supply the United Nations; Relief
and ;Rehabilitation Administratte%
would be exported.
He said the implement industry
Would continue to "eeneemtrete Da
spare partes et) Tarhvers could keep
their ynn.dwwn inwchinne3 in 'week-
orkleg order, This 'type of produotion
would be "150 per Dent more than to
Record Crop Year
With whealin the picture once
more as a .conereedity ingreat de-
mand 4nternationrally, Canada's crop
year ended July 31 with, a couple of
new records tuokecl wider its belt.
Mr. mild Mrs, J. 11. Biyian during the r Aocordthg to present estimates,
past two weeks were, Plm. Sgt; J. H, states George McIver, clutirinan of
Stretton a Goose Bay, Labor'ador, the Ce,nadian Wheat 0oard, total:
Mr. and Mrs. 3. to Howard of To- grain movement for tie crop year
mete;- (Mr. Howard is now at Naval will be 60 million bushels, 60 Inilltou
bushels greater than `tate l revioula
record,, set in the banater year of
1328. Taos includes all Nhleat,
anoved itktenia4ly, by railway, from.
o0ufltt'3 points to ,terfnfttitle,
010, f