HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-26, Page 3OLD
It': a real
pipe smoker's
Miss Jean, Martin., Georgetown,
visited relatives itis Morriss end at-
tended the Michie -Beattie wedding
on Weduescl y of farts week,
Miles Beulah 'loiases' and Miss
Pauline Grenot of 'Sudbury visited at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, James
Michie last week.
Mrs, Cecil 'Gri➢➢ibh and son of
Bra.nenton ,are visdtbmg with Me and
Mee. Chas, Bosman,
Mr, and Mrs. Areh%e Parker and
scan of Toronto visited with her bro-
ther Campbell Robertson and her
brother and ester -in-law Mr, and
Mrs. Harvey Robertson and sons 1st
Miss Wm, Bs+ooks. and daughters
of Toronto visited for a few days
with Mr. and Nies,, Robert McLennan'
and falmllly let line,
Mir. and Mrs. Wesley McCuteheon
lead Hardly, Toronto, have been
•venliting relatives,
Miss Lillian Agar nnr'se•in-braindng
at Clinton hospital spent Sunday
with cher parents Mr, and Mee
Wallace Agar and her sisters 2nd
We were sorry to hear Lieut, D, K.
Hastings son of Mr. sad Mrs, Elmer
1`Iamtings shad been billed in suttee
in, Prance, We extend our synfpet'hy
to Mr, end Wire, Hastings and fannily.
Sorry to hear Mm, Chas. Parent lits
had Pneumonia and ander the Dr's,
Mee and hope he will soon be better
Miss is'abel McKinnon of Kitch-
ener spent the week end with her
parent's Mr, and Mrs. Robari .Me -
!Omen at Bluevale,
Members of the Walton Red Cross
nnit were guests cif the Winthrop'
Redd °toss' ,Society ladies on Tues•
day afternoon. Pour quilts were
completed, iMns, Paton, president of
the Winthrop, society, wasin charge
of the meeting.
• A short program included a read-
ing by Mas. William Montgomery
and an address by M•rs. Close, mese
deut of the rSeeforbh 'Red Gross ,Soo•
tressed the •dire
iety ars. t rase s
need of Red Cross; work and even
after hostilities iharve ceased Said
it will be :necessary to carry on the
work to help the people of was torn
Swope. '
There was a home -Made baking
counter and a counter of pillow
cases, :aprons, clothing articles and
both received splendid patronage.
Tickets were sold on a hooked that
old- the holder of the luck/ ticket
' was Mrs Bert Anderson. Little
Wayne McMichael made the Isaw.
Mrs, Ernest Tall thanked Mrs.
Close for her fine address and also
all, who helped make. the afternoon
' a swcoess.
Mrs, F. Wilson, president of the
Walton unit, extended thanks to the
Winthrop ladies.
Tf3E valwSSELS paw
1 with her friend, Miss Mattie Ellis,
persalt; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Heaslip
and son, Jack, Dunnvill, with Mr.
and Mrs, Robert Shaw; Mrs, Leslie
Clerks and daughter, Marilyn,
Pert 'Iowan, and Mee Petriela
Wray. Brantford, with Mr. and
Ms. F•I,erbent Shf1e11; Mrs. I{ing,
a Florida, Mi. and Mrs. Rey King,
Tomato, with relatives here; Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon, Holt, Jameabown;
with friends; Miss Ethel Beattie
and Mrs. Margaret Hay, Seaforth,
swith Mrs, il.. F. Gernles and Miss
Olive Scott; Mhz Isobel McKin-
non, Waterloo, with her parents,
Mr. and Mee R. H. McKitlntn;
Mr, and MVO, Myren Thornton,
Gerrie, with Mr. and Mrs, George
Thornton. ,
Mrs, W. J Johnston presided foe.
the oponing part a the temperance
programa at the monthly W. M. S.
Meeting of the United Cottrell oii.
Thursday afternoon. The worship
service was conducted by Mrs,
Arthur Shaw, Temperance read-
ings were given by Mrs. Fell and
Mra. Alex McGrackln', followed by a
reacting by Mrs• Edward Jolvtstou
and by Mrs M. L. Aitken, Mrs, W.
J. Johnston and Mrs, MoCrackin
offered a vocal duet.
Mess Louise Patton, Toronto, at
her home here; Airs. J. W. Cetdwell,
Winnipeg, Man., with her sister,
Mars. E. B. Jenkins, and her cousins,
Mrs. R. F. Genies and Miss Olive
Workmen are et work repeiring
the C. N. R. station Here as en
agent may be stationed hefie in
the near future,
The morning ,service .at Knox
Presbyterian Church was conducted
by the minister,. Rev: P. G. li'otwler,
leis subject was "The Habit of An
Easy Generalization," based an the
text, "Nathaniel said umbo him, Can
any good thing come out of
Nazareth Philip Said mato him,
Come and ,see."
At the United Church Rev. J.
• W. Johnston spoke on the thetne
"Interruptions in ,Chrislt's Meetings
:and the. Messages He Gave," A
duet was sung by Mrs. MoCrackelt
.and Mes, George Hetherington.
Personals: Maes P101renee Fowler,
Mantra, and Broke Fowler at
Godeniioh and had as their guests
Mir .and 'Mrs Peter S. Mcliwee and
Alfred Agar; Mrs, M. L. Aitken
Wednesday, July 26th, 1.80
Work bas ,commenced on the new
cement bridge south of JOthel,
Alex Pearson has
Howlett property and
a cold !storage 30 ,Peet
and an egg grading ata
The '➢oliowing places
Tepadnted: the United
soakage, interior of
Church, the W. H. Love block, Mrs.
Ziegllr's ,store front, homes of
Charles! Shearer, Bert Vodden, Dr.
Wandlaw and the Royal Hotel
Cameron Coreclhon• has had the
•hydro installed.
• Personels: Mr. bud Mrs Carntin
Richards have returned from. Port
Dover; George Eokmier with Mr.
and Mns.Alex McDonald,, Moles-
worbh, andMi, and Mrs, George
bought the
is building
by 40 'feet,
have been
Church par -
the United
This community is faced with the immediate task of
organizing to SAVE FOOD materials urgently
:Heeded by our invading Armed Forces.
There is not available at this moment one half the
farm help required , to save the abundant food
crops ready for harvest on farms in this community.
Yet these crops must be saved to feed our invading
armed forces—to whom food is as vitally important
as ammunition. They cant win if they don't eat.
The man power needed to save this food can be provided ONLY
in one way; and that way is by the citizens of this community
organizing td provide help for its farmers; organizing the "spare
hours" of its, men in the cause of Saving Food tor Victory.'
The organization has two parts:
1, Organizing a Farm Commando Brigade, with office and tele-
phone, where information can be given and the enlistrtients
of loyal citizens received and through which men may be
placed on farms requiring help most urgently.
2. Enlisting every available man in the commtmity who will
pledge his evenings, week=ends, holidays, half -days; every
spare hour - during this critical harvesting period.
The Department of Agriculture of the Ontario Government will
provide organizers and will co-operate and assist at every point
an the formation and operation of the Farm Commandos,
The need is. Urgent! It Requires Immediate Action!
Unless such help is provided thousands of bushels
of vitally -needed grain will go to waste in the fields
in this district.
to YOU!
Council You can lend, effectively,
the weight .of your official influence by
appeals to your townsmen by proclaiming a
"Help the. Farmer" holiday when the situa-
tion demands; by permitting municipality
vehicles totransport commandos to and
from forms; by giving leadership in organ -
it ation work.
• Employers You can give vital
assistance by releasing a shift, or your entire
staff, for a day or more; by impressing the
urgency of their going 10 the farms for the
period of release.
• Merchants You can organize to •
go in a body with your staffs on the weekly
half -holiday, evenings and week -ends; or
you could close your stores for an entire day
once 4a week to assist during this critical
• Clergymen You can impress the
need on congrogations;"call organization
meetings of your men and boys; assist ser-
vice dubs and other bodies to organize
• Mechanics Alsoartisans, labour-
ers, clerks, salesmen, students. You can •.
provide the greatest service because you
constitute the largest body of citizens. Assisi
in organization wherever you can, but par-
ticularly in pledging your spate hours to
help on the farms.
'* Service Clubs You can add to
your laurels of social service by enrolling
members for this;nestconstructive task; by
forming committees to work an cooperation
with commando headquarters on many
phases of the work.
Officials of the Municipol. Council, Executives of Board of
Trade, Merchants' Association and Service Clubs should
arrange for an organization meeting as soon as possible. Ask'
the Agricultural Representative of the dittriat to be prosent,
He will be glad to assist and cooperate in every way, Or write
direct to Oratorio Farm Service,.Parllemant Buildings, Toronto,
for information and literature. Lot the farmers know what you
aro doing, eeltst their aid in helping you to help them,
Act Now, The. Need is Urgentl
Menzie, Crembrookl Mrs, Peary
Stevenson and Miss Jowl have re
turned from Brantford; Mrs, T.
Sehroetier and Karen, Torun to•
Mr, and Mrs. L. S. Watllaw, Lie
;ewnl, wilt Dr. anal Mrr. 1tVard•
King George of Britain
In Italy To Visit Troops
Flies To Naples To Make
Inspection Trip Of
Front Line Areas
•NAPLPS, July 06-1{ing George of
Britain has arrived to make an
inspection toe of the Italian war
theatre which will include Grips to
fotweod fronts near the German
Gothic line north of RomS
The Ring landed here Monday
night after flying from Britain
with bomber and fighter escort,
in an R.A.F. Transport Command
aircraft piloted by Wing Omdr,
Henry Collins.
He was weaning a field marshal's
uniform as he steppe'] onto the
landing field of ,the botnb•hattered
airfield, and, .appeared fresh after
his tourney.
At the field to greet him were:
Admiral Sir John Cunningham,
Allied naval commander in this
Outstandingly Good
of Iain plane foe five minutes chat• Machan Penally
Gather For Reunion
ting with the four -man committee Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Machan, Grey,
and members of his own small Hosts for First Family Reunion on
party. With him were his seers- Wednesday.
Lary, Sir Eric Mieville; Col. lion, The first reunion of the Machan
Sir Piers Legh, hie equerry; Group family proved a Isuecessful event
Capt. E, H. Hilden, captain of the when one hundred and seventy -live
King's flight; a bodyguard and guests gatherei Wednesday, July 19
two valets. at the home of Me and Mrs, Stanley
The King spent about 20 minutes Meehan, 12th con. Grey. Visitors
in the cockpit before retiring last were present from Blyth, Wingham.-
night 81e was interested particul- Monkton, Listowel, Atwood and sur -
tarty be the automatie Pilot, rounding community,
I During the afternoon readings
Flew Over Vesuvius, were given. by Dolores Meehan and
Collins flew in over the volcano Mts. Gordian Wood, and solos by
Vesuvtvs and carefully circled the Glenna Machan, Margaret Inglis.
theatre; Iiarold McMillancl, British field throe tines before landing. Vernice Machan, Marilyn Bertha,
minister to the French •Committee to Runways on the airport were Austin and Mz.tel Wheeler, and
Algiers.;Algiers.;aid Air Vice Marshal G. B. smooth, but most buildings were a 'Short talk by by Mr, Wm, Machan, Sr.
A. Baker shatterel or flattened by Allied Races anrd other being,
were ere
Ifo, Majesty is making his first bombs while the ,Germans held it. joyed, the ch hers being, boys, 1-5,
D'onglae Meehan; boys 6-8, Douglas
Machan; boys 9-11, Clarence Ile -
Nichol; boys 12-14, Clayton Machan;
young men, Clayton Machan; girls,
visit to Italy since the start of the Collins said: "We left on Satur-
war. day evening, arrived in North Af-
Coiling said the King and his en- rice the next day and continued
towage took off from Britain late to Naples after a three-hour rest,'
.Saturday, arrived in North Africa 1-5, Karen Meehan; girls 6-8, Mar.
Sunday, and flew on to Naples The flight was made in an R.A.P, garet Rose Machan; girls 9-11, Laver
after a three-hour rest. The trip T. raae'iiort Command aircraft with Meehan; girls 1,2-14, Dolores Mach -
was uneventful, he .said, and was a crew of five. an; young women, Margaret Inglis•;
made under favourable weather con -Before leaving Britain, the Ring t kicking ,slipper, Elaine Machan and
signed a warrant under a Gree s Ralph Keifer; threading needle,
The 'King, on his first visit to Seals aPPninting five Counsellors of Hugh Bartle, Mrs J. Renick; tieing
Italy since the outbreak of war, ap- State to act far him .during his ab- men's tie, Lawuon Meehan, Mut .J-
peared fresh after the swift trip, Bence ft+ori the realm. They are Machan; coat race; Vallance and
broken by one three -ban: halt. Gen. Queen Elizabeth, Princess Elivabeth, Mary Inglis; biscuit strung contest,
Sir lTemry Hartland. Wilson, Medi- the. Duke of Gloncester, the Princess nate, Aiaohau; slow race, Ivan
terranean theatre commander, first Byes (tbe I%ing's sister),,aid Machan; three legged race, ladies,.
greeted. him. Then Admiral 'Sir Princess Arthur of Connaught. 11010e and Lois Machan; three
John Cunningham, Allied Naval leggel race, men, Vallance Inglis and
Conmar,der in this, theatre, and Princess Elizabeth, who was 18 Leonard Machan, .
Harold: MhMilland, British. Minister last April,• acts els a counsellor for A bountiful supper was served, and
to the Frenoh Gommittee in Al tbe first time, in accordance with a hearty vote of thanks tendered Mr.
glens, and Air Vice -Marshal G. B. the amended provisions, of the Ae- and Mrs. Mecham for their hospital -
A Barber greeted the Monarch in germs Act of 1337, which was alter. sty. Mr. acrd Mee. Vallance Inglis
that order. ed by Parliament at the King'a r invited the gathering to their home
The King stood under the wings request last year, {for the next reunion.
SImrtO f Materials -
= Facto
�' -r-v'� ••� , j-�� /l'/i dot
or a -of for Help
are available in greater quantities this year but still not enough to meet
the demand.
The Dominion Government authorized increased production of Farin
Machinery and Pumping Systems because it was recognized that labor-
saving devices were necessary for_the farmers to increase production of
farm products.
We will supply our Duro Dealers with as many Duro Pumps as uta-'
terials and manufacturing facilities will permit, but War Productions
must come first.
Keep ,in touch with your Duro Dealer- he will do his best to take
care of your needs. He will also assist you to secure permit to purchase
from your Rationing Officer at the War-
time Prices and Trade. Board.
EMCO Quality Bathroom Fixtures and
Fittings are still available in a good range
(!? •t'trE of styles and prices. Consult your EMCO
dealer regarding those now available.
Brussels, Out.
• Phone 68