HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-26, Page 2. •THE W. C. WOOD CO. LTD. GUir.PH, ONT. Manufacturers of Elect xi Fan <<ilqua meta Milking Machines, Milk Coolers, Grain Grinders, Gat Rollers, Feed Mixers, Electric Fences and Refrigeration. Also Surge and Universal Milking Machines can be had with little or no waiting. Local Agent— Harold Thomas Phone 80x Brussels, Ont. Must Be Marked Although tlhe new 19.1 gasoline ration books have now been In use for several weeks, Barrage and ser- vice station men report there is still some misuaiderstanding or t lack of knowledge on the part of ration book owners. I1 is point- ed out that each gasoline eoupon, 1 a}aickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucno. Phare collect. • 72 BRUSSELS before being aeoepptable to tne dis• tributor•, must have the vehicle 11• cense number marked In ink, and the oil controller advises that it is desirable that motorists should do this as soon as possible A blank coupon should not be detached from a book, and cannot be ac- cepted for gasoline. ANMAL]fig DISABLED !DEAD or W illiam Stone Sons Limited AMMa BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Ehaer•D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service Wednesday Afternoon BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00.) e MMSIMSS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Prone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. 'For Information, etc., write or phone either 51•,.19 OR 41X st Bruesels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC', ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED, Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get parteculars of our Special Automobile Policy for ferniere. Queen Si. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. Jarnie.son, M.D., C.M., L,M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. . Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings OVA 18 p.sn. Buaedays— mergencies and by appointment onlr. Houle calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.sn. Chas, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for, Great West Life Insurance Co, 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT, RESIDENCE a2..2 Harald Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRIDES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUA3,ANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold JAsekobw, phone 12 on 858 Sualorth R.R. *1:; B uceftpld MOke ar"angen•ente at The Brussels Pot er Elmer D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels, D. P. l AP.IN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE. L4eeiakesl Lunate, Director and Eanbaleuer PHONE 36 or 8S-- BRUSSE 4 ONT. JAMES McFADZEA.$ Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Autoznebile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERR? ST, --x--- -- BI#tJS sEIS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Lloenecd For Huron County) SATISFACTION. 0IJAl1 ANT4E0 PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 81 "The Brussels Poet" anti they will bo looked after lmmedaltely For information, eta,, w Re or phone Lew, Rowland 880 t'•a4 at Seaforth, sr write S.R. s, dalton. W. S. Donaldson — Licensed Auctioneer. Phone 35-r-13 Atwood Ont, for the Counties of Huron and Perth' All sales promptly attended to — Charges moderate Por Engagements (phone 31 "The Brusels Post' and they ow- 61 Will he looked after in neetiiately. Silo CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED— A Used Portable Type -writer, apply at the "Brussels Post" FOR SALE— . 3 -burner Ooal•oitl ,Stove is good repair, coanpliete with oven. For further particulars phone 88, FOR SALE— Pair of pure bred Yorkshire Flogs (white), ready for service, price reasonable if taken at once W. J. Grant Picone 25-r•G. me) the first water, it ns now poas- LOST— A checked Wool .Sweater between Brussels and the corner of 14th eon, of Grey. apply at the Post, FOR SALE— Oats _—._..._ --. Oats grown from 1942 crops, have been fanned, 'also some soy beans. John MtuNair, Lot 30, Onn. 14, 2'Arkey. Phone 43-1,7 or Phone 44x, FOR SALE - 2 p'c. Grey Dressmaker Suit, full length Coat, sloe 1,4, also Black Chesterfield Coat, velvet trim. size 88. Reasonable. Mrs. M. Yolieolc Phone 107x. FOR SALE— - •Ool'ony House and Jamesway Brooder Move, also 100 Leghorn Pullets, 5 months old. Alex Gululteen . Phone 46-r4. Lot 16. Concession 17, Grey. Feed Finn's Mineral for Healthy Cows and Hogs. Adams' Feed Brussels. Do your calves scour. Red Blood Quickly Tablets will step them. Adams' Feed Brussels. Are your hogs stiff, sourly, and pale. Use Hog Fix -It ftxes'elo. Adams' Feed Brussels. FOR SALE— Br:ok Motes on Tarnbarrp Street, Brussels, belonging to the lata Isabella Walker. etpply to J. C. Baekor, Brussels. Are your chicks pale, asaetate, se weak? Use Red Blood 4tutetaitg Tam lets. t - Adams' Feed lOrva th* WANTED— To purchase pullets eight week or age and older. 8osred; Roam, New Hampshires and White Let horns. Good prices paid. Write Tweddie °hick Itatoheriee limited, Fergus, Ontario. PART TiME MAN OR WOMAN WANTED— Der estabttshed Wabklne rite et steady eustotnerts. Must be hottest act rotatable, have travel outfit or mesas of getting one, No Capital or e>Qper- ieuee required. Write The S. 1R. Watkins Camtpany Dopt G4.4. 2177 Mason Street. Moutreat. Start in your oldie part time business. If you have been laic s(s8 is a tilt Plant, if your farmwworrk er i occupation does not take all e! saw I time, if you are honest cad dam* I able'military exempt, wIllatg *0 work for Celeste -lel tarde sortie, we'll establish you fa your two business, supplying household and farm necessities. •Suitable travel out- fit utfit required. Credit furnished. Write The J, R. Watkins Company, dept. 0-13-4, Montreal, Que. give your EYES Properiyeared furl row e a st with OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriaton SAWS— Crosscut saws filed and gummed if necessary. Alto handsaws, pruning saws & hacksaws. SIIARPEN— >tnnives, scissors, every. thing with art edge, New handles pot on saws and knives. Leave Theot At THE BRUSSELS POST THE BRUSSELS POST . li'atint,sday, July 20911, 1911 FOR SALE— Mi McGregor. in R * with �a at1,s aerreanter. The 1 • bt l . , Miss egor Concert C omporty About 125, 8 -month's old New. hampohire Red -erred Bock Hybrid pullets. Apply to phone 25 r5 Carl Iiemiugway FOR SALE— Tiuhber frame builalu.g 25x07 tins• bei• mostly Rock Dom 18 D. posts one half of rood is covered with steel shingles with one lean to 15x25 and one lean to 14x40 this building was 40x60 the rafter were 'set i sok to make 1t 25x60 should a 40x60 be more sutiable the present rafters can be extended and girts placed on botn ends to mace it a 40x80 this building le in fair condition. P, Arent, Brussels, Oat. Notice to Creditors In the estate of DOUGALD HUGH McDONALD Tate of the Village of Brussels and County of, Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the 9th day of June, A. D. 1944. TAKE NOTbCE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased muett •mail particlu1ars and prior of same to the undersigned execnoor on or before the 29th day of July, A. D. 1944, upon wallah date the said ex- ecutor will proceeds to distribute the assets with regards only bo those claims which he shall then have re- ceived. DATED at Brussels this 12th day of July, A. D. 1944. ROBERT S. WARWfC.K, Brussels, executor by his solicitor ELMSR D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. BELGRAVE 1 presented a program of music, song, 44 and magic on an outdoor stag. des orated with evergreens and tla s 1 and equipped with loud ups rite r , Rev, G. 11. Dunlop meted as chair. man, 14ov. P. 11. Steeelee of Illyth also spoke briefly.�'� The lucky ticket was d"awls ona .H yearling heilac• donated by the • ;� president, C. R. Ooulte,, and the winner was Miss 011ie McGill, Blyth. .A large bingo stand was wolf patronised and refreshment booths were ort the grounds. An outdoor dance •platforne was erected but a heavy downpour of rain just as the ; dunce was about to get underway, cancelled all activity and the crowd repaired to the - Porrestere' Hall, Belgrave, where' jitney dancing was carried on. The net proceeds are not yet known. but it was considered' a very sucessdut event. Personals; Misses Beaulah Freem- an(' Pauline Gmanmow, Gathcelle with Mr. and Mrs. James Michie; Mise Jean Martin, Georgetown, attended the Mlchle•Beattie teed - ding In Lortdeeboro on Wednesday; Mrs. Richard Yule, London, with Mrs. J. A. Brandon; Mrs. Alex Manning is .a patient in the Wing. ]Want hospital where 'iiia underwent a melds. •oper'atlon on TI'huvstlay. - The annual outdoor entertainment of the Beierave Red Cross Society was held at the hone or Mr. and Mss. John M0G101, oonoession 4, Morrie township, on Thursday even, Did You Ever Wonder? HOW DIRT ROADS CAN BE MADE WATERPROOF BY ADDING POWDER? Smacking of wizardry or (pardon Inc), the first water, It i5 now poss- ible for an automobile, Splashing through a ,puddle of water on a dirt road, to kick nwe dry dust instead of mud - in its wake. This remarkable effect is possible A I, agent arves :er .arts at .the only It said road Inas been treated with a .new product developed by the FTereuies Powder Company, This pro- duct is known as Stabinol, It con- sists of specially "treater resin and other eheanieals and .:mines in the form of a dry powder which. mixes readily -with loose dry soli, To obtain a stable, waterproof surface 0na: dirt 10811, this resist compound is simply mixed with the top tow, inches of soil. Nor 1s any great quantity of the chemical need- ed, treatment of soil of average composition requirtirt; perhaps five p:nnds per square yard.. As •a .result of treatment with Sta-. the. waterproof top layer nr soil prevents water Peen seeping through to turn the naturalun- derneath into mud. Ther, 100. - this powder -dry layer resists the rise of moisture from the saebs•otl by cupid. la.y action: The water train a shower, when it hi fine falls on a road er airfield treated with this: -ebemh@oat compound, is fared with: two .alternattves: it oar, remain harmlessly on top until it ceporates; or it oar run off- • Reports indicate that the treat- tuc:rl does• not increase the load -bear - i: g capacity of the surface, but it does prevent the soot from getting wet and so losing its strength, Treatment \vibe Sttabinol does not change the appearance of the soil and does not eros as 'a soil binder. .As a consequence of this latter fact, it elcatld be used only to treat soils which have already a sufficient quantity of natural bonding material. ft is, h. ever, effective in treating a wide variety of types of soils, special success being h.tt with soils, etztaining plenty of silt or 018)1, 1t is belivecl that this type of soil rhi,tizatte0 tenement w211 afford protection to the surface for' years. iWEAR. IT ON voui{ A&At' One look in your mirror will give you the answer . . , Am I man or mouse ... am) one of those who lets the other fellow fade all the danger, take all the. risks? Look yourself straight in the eye and ask yourself this one question .. , Have I the guts? The guts to wear the G.S. badge on my sleeve ..to fight that my home, my people may be free. You'll need months of thorough training to make you fighting -fit. Your Your place Is beside every man who has the courage to see it through Canada's Ariny needs you NOW, and needs you for overseas servicer