HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-26, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
The Trustees of
Ethel Police Village
Proclaim Monday, Aug. 7th
as Civic Holiday for Ethel.
Wm. Spence, Secretary.
To fail in line with other
municipalities in the Province,
the business people ask that
Monday, August 7th
Brussels Civic Holiday
And I hereby proclaim the same
a Public Holiday and ask that all
citizens observe it as such:
R. .1. Bowman, Reeve.
Seafortlh, Ont.
Thurs., Fri, and Sat.
July 27. 28, 29,
2nd show starts 8.15
Kay Francis Carole Landis
Four Jills In A Jeep
Martha Raye Mitizi Mayfair
Jimmy Dorsey and His Orcti'estra
Monday, Tuesday, WednesdS,,
July 31st, August let, 2nd
Ella Raines Pranchot Tone
Two Features -2nd ahold starts 8,45
Phantom Lady
Masterpiece of suspense.
Moonlight In Vermont
• with Glora •,ean
A Pleasing Musical
Next Thur., Fri. and Saturday
Aug. 3rd, 4th, 5th -2nd show 9:15
Texas To Tokyo
Richard Quine Ann Gwynne
A glorious story of youth fighting for
ani they love best!
First show starts eash evening at 7.30
Matinee each Saturday at 2:80 p.m,
"I was glad when they said
unto me, Let us go into-the,p
house of the Lord." A
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
10 A. M. Sunday School
w` and Bible class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
- The Minister
7 P. M. No Evening. Service
Louts D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United Church
14Inister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
10 A. M. Sunday School
and ealble,;Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Mr. Clarence McClennaghan"
The Evening Service Is
Church of England
Reotor.•Rev, M. F Bldheiie
Parise of BruuH.-'
8th Sunday After Trinity
.July 80th, 1944
$t. Johne Iruesete--
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
a1, A. M. Morning. Prayer
st, and Sermon
Stb ai
1,80 P.
ties Written. -
ening greyer
2,30 F. M. S'pndaywSch¢al.
and Bible blabs:
$t, Devices Henrys-
10,80 A. M. Sunday $ohete
end table Claes
8.86 P. M= Evening P'a ceir
and Sermon
A Reunion , o o * * * * 5 a
A reunion wase ]told at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Walter I•luggan on
luliabetll ,S.t„ ,Sunday of the late
eennes-, Wright fatuity of Jamestown.
Those attending were Mr and Mrs,
Melvin Willits and Mr, anti Mrs.
Wesley JOranye and. Melvin and Mr.
William Wriglkt. One sietc+r, Mrs.
William llarsea11 was unable to
attend, The .ladies are Lull sisters,
The family attended the memorial
service held for Mr. Roy Pierce in
the morning atter-wards holding a
picnic euppea• -on .the lawn. A nice
dime 'Mas had by 811 and- arrange -
menta were shade to tired another
next year.
* * a, * ro * * 1 *
* 8 x: * * * *
Miss Thelma Brothers, is spending
two weeks in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay are spend-
ing the week in Toronto,
Rev. H. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and
faintly are away, 'on vacation. '
hare Wm. Tucker, Wingltam d
visiting with her son, Wm. Tacker,
Mese Mary Lott is visiting friend
in -Sit, Thames, Landon and St. Mary
Leede Lowry, 'Paronto, is holid
ing with his mother Mrs. Georg
;Nes, Wuh, Menu, 12th con. o
Grey, es again to Victoria Hospital
Mrs, Newton McCauley is conal
melee'' at the rest home of Mrs• Bios
1;11daitt. or Blyth.
Mrs, R. Wineberg. Leamington
is a flattest at the home et Me. and
lam. 112. Wineb:erg..'
Dr. and 'Mrs Vern -on Ross sof Lon-
don spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Ross.
Miss ,Pearl Backer, Toronto,
been visiting with icer parents,
and Mrs. Wm, Banker.
Mrs, Della Mitchell of Winnipeg
was au visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Wheeler last .week.
28888 Eva Bsyane Totuanoci to Ter -
onto after, ,pending her vacation
with hew sister Mre. D, Denman.
Miss Betty Sanderson of Wingham
has been visiting with her cousin
Miss Phyllis' Sul'11va,n.
Joseph' Shaw, Monis, 'Nilo was in
Clinton boapIta0 wee able to return
to 'tile home on Tuesday evening,
T.1'pr. Warren• 0, -Phillips -of Camp
Borden and his leiter Helen 1sabell
of. Weelend spent the weeps end with
tbele grendinotter Mrs, R Dark,
Mese D'enba% Ross of` Winghem'
nd Peter Sweetmeat of Sioux Look-
ut are visiting their grandparents
8'1 and itrs. D, C Ross.
Alta. 'G, Dusebllen ,and Miss Karen
re 'holidaying; for three weeks, at
'ruble Beach, ' They were manna.
riled by Mies Lode :Phren who will
spend ss •week there. ,
0ongratulationa .are .extended to
ale 'Plum. on ,pasting her examinat-
ons. Lade has oO./tweeted her :third
ear in medicine at Western Uni-
l-rsity Lond,ont She will spend the
month eR Anugnat in. Listowel hospital
and Sainting anobaerving.
M1. and 118re; .1Pi+ed' Simian, and
07eld*en, Margaret, - Walleye and
rredact -of Olinton were visitors witb.
Mr, •and. Muss.ISdanle-y Wheeler least
week. Mrs. Siouan • w.as . guest
peaicer at ,t -he Majestic institute
ionto tut leers. D.' . ;11alninigways on.
Appleeattona are requested from
residents, of the County of Heronfor
'the 'position of County ,Constable
±or''the !County of Huron,,
The satooess±til applicant will be
eta,tioned in the, Village of Biytb.
All applientl iii to be made to the
aSe1ecitas'e Sereace, Godeaich, Ontario,
,by et r'cdocit noon an the Itis 154? a
of Angitst. t
All applicants will be required to ,
reamer hi omen at the Oottrt ]louse, 1
CModor1Ch; 0nitalrio, at 8,0e P, 111., on
Tnesida.y, August Sth.
Auction Sale
There will be offered for sale to
close the estate of the fate Hobert
Hislop, by Public Auction, one mile
West of Morrlsbank Cotner on
Friday, July 28th at 2 o'clock.
CATTLE -6 Poll .angos! 'Cowie with
eati•e4 et foot; 9 fad. cows; 1 fat
jletfor; 1,1'1011 Angus Bull 2 years ell,
Torras of tale --Cath
$ISN. .D. HIS•LOP, Administeetor
R. i?. 2 Wroxeter, Ont.,
* * * ,R * * * ,l
Samuel Mo.Cutcheon
The . sheath of Mr, Samuel Me-
(lobelleaat occunrod at the Listowel
Memorial Hospital ] tial earlY Wednesday
warning, ,7uly 19th, at the .age of
seventy-nine years. following a brief
illness, Be had only been' removed to
the 'hospital the previous evening.
A native of Grey township, Huron
minty. Mr. Mc•Cutcheorl was barn
Jemmy 11, 1882, 'the son of Robert
W. McCutcheon and 1a91izabeth Steph-
enson McCutehecn. lrollnwhlg'" ills
marriage to lemma Hayden, they
farmed on Oho second 00000ssio11
Grey. Airs. MMCetcheou' passed twee
Wednesday, July 26th, 1944
e 0 s m * k r *
* Blood Donors
w Urgently Needed
Michie • Beattie
Memorial Service Notice ! Burne Church, HAMA t township,
At Ebenezerh
C u1;ch Dr. W. 1). S. Jamieson will be in was. beautifully decorated with del -
A Memorial service will be halt iu his office on Sunday, July 30th, from Pilintum, lilies and fern for tate mar-
)2benezer• Church, Blnevale circuit 2-4 p. in. to test any prospective Plage on Wednesday afternogn July
for Cdn. 1.51 Lieut, D. King Hastings, bldod donor for the clime on August 19t11, at 2.30 o'elook, of Margaret
Sunday, July Nth at 2,20 p. nh. Ai1 6th, Who wish this done previous to ' Elizabeth. only daughter of Mr. and
are cordially invited to attend this the clinic. I Mrs, Robert Beattie, Bullet township
service 'rendering their great tribute Sincerely, to Geomgo Christopher Mic7lie, only
of respect to his parents and friends ' W. D. 2, Jamioson, sen; of Mr. and Mrs. Jas„ Miehle,
and the departed who cheerfully
CARD OF THANKS was ,pereormed by Rev. A. L.
_ Morris township. The ceremony
gave hie life far lee Menai'.
-•-- R e wish to thank our friends and Menzies of Londesboro. • The bride,
CARD OF TFIANKS neighbors and Rev., Mr. Wilson- for who entered the -eltureh on the arm
My sincere ttanlcs is expreised their words of sympabh,y during our of her father to the et -rains of the
foe the many acts of kindness and recent bereavement and to those B1dda1 Chorus w
uuengrin played
about forty yearn, ago Hurl sometime •i empathy of Ltedghboms and friends who sent flowers, these deeds were by Rues Mae 'Smith, 10olsed lovely
later Mr. MOCtuteheon moved to Lis- during the long lanais and at the greatly appreciated: in a floor length dress of white faille
bowel, where he bad since lived. He time of the d'oalh of my husband. It Mi'. and Mrs. Thos, Pierce taffeta. Her finger-tip veil fell from
was a member of Knox Presbyterian was all deeply appl'eeiatecl and will and family.
a 'hale headdress and site carried a
camel,. long be'rernembared. bouquet of red :Sweetheart Rosos.
Mrs: Russell Zundercoek. I Mailing List Revised The bridesmaid Miss Barbel
Serving la one son; lSlgtn, of
Hamilton; two brothers, Robert of
Bluevale, and John, 'Listowel• two
rasters. Mrs. William Martin, Dame
township and Mrs. Leander' Good,
Walkerton. Two sons predecnn.sed
him. Melvin and Edwin, who was
killed in the Illy t World War
The funeral was; held on Friday
afternoon, July 21, kern Mcl angh-
lln'.w Funeral Parlor, at two o'clock,
Rev. W. E, Kelley officiated., and
interment woe' made in Ileoleswortlt
George Emmerson Nurse
G. 111. Nurse. who for the past
three yens was a highly respected
business mane ;here, dies suddenly
at his, luorne in Brussels following, a
heart attach on Frielay ]Yearning
July 20th, alter being in precarious
health for the- Iasit lour months.
Son of Wm. Niurse a.nd• tine late
bh s. Nurse. the ,deoeas,ed • was born
iso aLanlbton County,- Dawn township
on December WW1, 1900. His marri-
age took place at E'Innir'a in 1920. For
eighteen •year's 2e'c*riduoted' a` gen.,
deal store at .Goldstone. He was a
resident of Listo!wei for three yaars
before coming' to Brussels, where he
carried en 5, msedl oar business and
was agent for Case farm machinery.
Widely -and favourably known .a
lame circle of business blends and
acgnaiotanoes 'regretted to swear of
his death.
He •leaves to mourn their lose hie
widow and five yeas olcl.son William,
his father, Wnt. Nues'e; and his
stepmother; two brothers, Harold
of Platteville; Melvin oil Galt . au'd
two .sisters, Nims. Albert Faikner
and Mr's. ;Sydney ;Spencer both ;-of
A pxivato funeral was oondected
from Mils late residence on 'Holiday,
July 24th, by Rev. Hugh Wilson of
the United 'Cameh of -which -Inc .was
a member. lineament was made -111
Li:stom•e1 cemeteey,
Pallbearers were It, B, Conrans,
Gerald -Gibson, Cruet. G rt.'Oampbell,
Wilfrid' Ceenet+on, Joe Wilton and
hSilanlay Thonnpson,
Interesting Paotclamation.
Zlhs following is an -interesting
proc)tanlation• •whi'ele was presented
to Donald Doll,, Who le serving
:ainosee the HMS Heide, in honor of
the feettth'at he had crossed the
Aretbc CJ!rcle Lath member of the
anew received midi a1 prolamation;
Alt 'Seainen, W2ea ever Ye May 13e,
Greetingsc Renew )A11 ate `-hy these
1'•resents that Donald Doll .A.B, did
on .Oat. 191h.; 194,'3: appear' In the
Nortirernanosth Reaches et my Realm,
embarked. be R M.S.:II.M,C,2, Haidu,
die latitude 60f,3,3' N, ,eald,Sin, longi-
tude Oo bound for the Darn and
Frosty Wastes of ' -•-! h01 L8wd of the
Midnight Striae and 'did with.Mec
Royal ,Pernession, enter 11ii,5 Dread
Region by meantime time Tho Artie
013reie ay. virtue. whereof, I, Neptimes
Ree. ialeta of the Raging Main, do
hereby declare hiin, to 'be a loyal and
trusty; Bluenose, and do.: call even
all lee'bergs, Polar Bears, Whales,
Narechale, ;Sealdons and otlier
Creatures •of tithe irrig'id IOo*tli, 'to
allow him due defeeence and rospetit,
eeeeboy lender paint of My 'Loyal
Dlsiuileasxire. ,,,,,,
Neptune's, Rex
Ruler 'of tho' lleging Main,
Aurora iloreaeds
Queen of ilia Majesty?,
Iwo:horn, PreVi tees
1 LIli b, Welt,
Comeratltting officer,"
a look at yarn label cm this 11Yichie, sister of the bridegroom,
Mind Reading . issue Does It bear the correct date? wore a floor length dress of coral
Is The Bunk OUT hailing list 'has been revised and sheer with finger -till veil to match
In the American Weekly with this 11f there are any error& we ask .you and marled veleta Killarney -Roses.
Sunday's (July 30') issue of The : to notify us at omice. Theuks is given The bridegroom was attended by las
Deti+oit Sunday Times+ Richard ' our subscribers who have promptly cousin Robert Granby, Morris town-
Tlimber, noted orchestra leader and renewed 'their subscription and we ship and the ushers were Stewart
magic expert, exposes numerous • MIS those who nave not done so to do Beattie, brother or the bride and
tnlelos ,to prove that nlintl reading ie I so at ,their earliest convenience A. C. 2 Gordon Martin, cousin of the
may noethirag but old-fashioned The Brussels Post
{ groom. During the signing of the
hocus-pocus in modern dress, Get register Mrs, A. 10. Menzies- sang,
Smndoy Detroit Times! I Was Battery Commander "all Walk Beside You." A reception
---- -- - { In Battle For Caen W5* held at the home of the bride's
Local 'Man Sells Brusselshla,lor Bob Hernertrgton of Wing- parents. Receiving with the bridal
Butchering Busines ham is one of the Battery command -
'Nene the bride's- mother,
M1'. llarvey MOCM1•um, 'whv for j waxing black crepe with a corsage
ors of a central Canacliar regiment
some nuanths has 'openateci a butcher j which has been in the thick of it in. of red roses. and the bridegroom's
breams's, in Brussels under the name °mother in a navy mantel silk crepe
Fra ,,e; Major I-iethexlugtona gun
of lam Mae Donald, has disposed' of I bat sly took part in the defence oC dress with corsage xf red roses. A
the ',trainees to lilt•, William Tucker, t buffet hmcheowas'•served to, about
who- has been operabing it for Mr. the salient ta.lten by Canadialuncheon.for
ty I Pantry who captured .the village of guests by Misses Gladys, Ida
McCallum. Laura
and Leiper. Later Ileaand
AteTanker is -a torei5r Wingllarn Catq�ignuet on the fringe of. the vital I Caen - sector. Mre. Mtehie left ,on a motor trip to
earn. • -Blyth Standard Northern Ontario On their return
At The Churches they wilt reside on the bridegroom's
Rat Contest e} farm in Morris township.
At Seafortr Fair Melville Presbyterian Church
The-Seafonble Agricultural See- In qtOl'velle. Church on Sunday the
iety;las decided to sponsor a drive services were in .charge of the min-
agadn,•ts rats -and iso offering 5 cents l aster. In the morning the sermon
a, tali tor 'all sat tains ehibited at text was fi+olti -G 1-a30ans 2:3, and the
weeds were '`Abi+ahban eelleved "Gad,"
Mists: ,lune Work sang a solo, "He
wipes the tear from every eye., by
Alexander Lee.
In the evening the sermon test
was from Nehemiah 6:8. N betnish
refused ' to eompr+umise. with his Deal Dorothy and Doug.
Skunks enemas, and 50114151 to early the We your friends and neighbors
alke a good look if you ,are about task 'ha believed God had set him. of'the Walton OColnrnuntty are. gath-
Fall Fair, ;and do addition to above
1'e offering a grand prize ot $50.00
to the person Jlaving caught the
geetatest number of rats Phis bounty
is open to 'anyone living is Seaforth,
Hallett, McIelllop and Tuckersmith,
animal that looks like a
had �a number etchioltens killed and
Mantes: a skunk for are, lose.
The plumber -meg the bell and as
it dliappened both the master and
rnisltress of the 'house came to the
door. As -they stood in the hall the
hiustbaird, who was very methodical
id: ,
"1 wadi before we go u,11'staisa to
aequaiutt you with tete trouble,"
"I'm very pleased to sheet you
ma'am," sad the plumber.
Newly -Weds Honoured
On Tuesday evening Sate 16th, a
presentation was, 'held in Walton
0onanrun ity Hall in honour of Me.
and Mrs. Douala Lawless. During
the evening an address to which the
emcee made a suitable reply was
read as follows.
to meet an- A solo, " I shall not pass again (rued 'here this evening bo celebrate
large Muck and white pussy cat : It tlsls 'way,"- .by Stanley Effinger, with you ,bids Jelappy event in your
may be a Melnik! We have heard was - sung by Mrs. Harold Smalldon. life, your c 18 rriagO.
that duck animals ,are abroad In this - In the Part rle Have always found
villarg+e. One resident had set' a ,Brussels United Church
rat.t ap in his then house and found At 'the morning service in the you both of the greatest help in
United Ohu1^tyh tribute was paid to community projects. You have never
uunuit1,go ten evidence that, though failed to give your talents in the
it brad gotten away :there had been a. Gunner Roy R. Pierce. who died
sknna tat bh.'e trap. Another man overseas' tie the result of w011010. work 01! the church and the Young
Mr. Wilfred Cameron played the People's Union whenever called upon
Last Post; two minutes• of silent do eo, asud yaw foresight has
prayer were followed by the National been of Peal help in our Young
Anthem. The Minister's text was ople's ;Crgtaetioa, We are fort -
taken from Proverbs, 29, "Where naPeris in havingniayou Terrain among
t'he're is reo vision the people us.
perish." Miss :Carrie l ingaton sang To, you Dorothy we Wish you every
very, apprlprietoly, "One sweetly happhlese in the course of your
solemn thollglnt'' married: 1'Lfe, and to you Doug. we
In the evening Mm. 'Wilson spoke of offer 'our congratulations. You
Carrying a 001j1 on your shoulder, ,have chosen; wisely and well your Dashwood -- Dr. Hobbs Taylor',.
Mrs. 81 B..Coosdne sang, "And did p'artener in life,
those feet." 'int excellent voice. At this time, we all wish you a
happy and prosperous married life
- and as a banglhlo evidence of the
•�- -�
esteem in which ,e'en aee hell in
thee vommundty, we ask yon to
accept tilts gift.
;Signed on behalf of Walton Community;
W. J. Leeuning and Doug. Travis.
After this lunch was served and
the remainder of the evening was
'nenit,d4tnei,ng to the muio• of Kirkby's
orehest/ra t
- •-ss.w
If you have net already enrolled
as a blood donor DO SO NOW.
If you knew that come gallant
young man needed yam argent help
that hie very life depended - on
a blood donation from you there
would be X10 heart/talon an your past
you would gladly give it -tent need
is very real and very urgent, There
are and w111 be many, now that our
anen are invading fortress Europe,
who will be in dire need at blood
translfusiions, these they can have
ONLY if we tut home give our blood
that they may have lite They have
proved themeelves waling to give.
their• lives ^±or us eau we not Only
be willing but eager to give our
blood so .1110± they need not die.
The next Brussels Clinic will he
held do the basement •of Lite P1!eeby-
terian Church on Tuesday, August
611. Give your• name to Mrs. II. B.
Allen at once.
Save A Life Enroll As A Blood
Donor. -
Seaforth Frolic
Attracts 4,500
.Seafort'h - Approximately 4,000
people thronged the Liens Park
Friday night for a final night's ern
joyment of the ,Seaforth Lion's tenth
annual summer carnival, One of the
main features of the evening was
the presence of. the Ipperwash Army
Pipe Band seder the leadership of
Pipe Major Norman Murray. Headed
by the Seaforth highlanders Band,
they paraded to the park piayiae;
several number's. There were 14
members in the visiting band.
The main entertainment feature
was a Toronto vaudeville troupe
.who thrilled the audience with
'bbeir acts of menlilnent and skin
Miss Lenora Habklrk, talented Sea
forth girl, gave en impromptu tap-
dance. Intexenissions were held
throughout tine program to allow
the people to try their skill at the
various games• or refresh them-
selves at the bbo't*a. __,
Lion Er E. A. McMaster was
chairman of the programa from the
platform. At 12:30 a. in., the draw
wets made for $280' in cash prizes.
The finch prize of $100 was wore
by Mervin Black, Pewee with
ticket number 23621; second prize
of $50 by Reginald McGee. Gad-
erecli, with ticket member 12210;
than; prize of $50 by- John Nichol,
62 Queens ;St„ W., 'Poronto. with
ticket number 3113516; toruth prize
of $25 was won by William H.
Knox, Londesboro, with ticket
number 700; Seth prize of 310 was
W011 by MIs. Patterson, 187 Vats
ave, Woodetook, with ticket num-
ber 2,799.8; sixth prize of $10 was
won by Mani Baria, 259 College st.,
Tonle), with ticket cumber 25696;.
and seventh prize of $5 was- won by-
yBert 'Gallop, Zumioh, with ticket
number 0200e
Dancing wets• held on bhe grounds:
theoug4aotet the evening.
Huron County
Gets Own Caddy
Appearing an
Brussels Town Hall
[To -night)
„esda July a26
X Farm Fr&ic
2 Hours music, song, inn and laughter
'rt rtig,at 9 p. m.b
Admission w Adults 5
Children 20c
Manistee Chopping MIR
Destroyed By Fire
Fire,'desol'ibed as oite`of the worst
in the h:isi;ory of the bevel, broker out
iu Walkeyls flour end feed hill at
Haa+rllstoe alertly atter midnight
Monday, dlnnneddateiy endangering
five tbonees, the town hail, lune] dom.
Piaaa17 siwaeeping d,ho mill and its
conuectilug sheds.
The 'toms fire brigade trained its
]rose ant the - threatened buildings,
erg no hope wee • held toe' the mill, A
call for asedstanoe, was gent to Palm,
croon and Walllterdon brigades,
Um rear of iiia: mill abate into
am Mehl business secfio'tof the
town: anrit dears' were entertained
that tete denoe!ge would be more ex-
tensive. i5dwiclr, Record,
' Sjro road the'staaney ,recipes•,
lOnaeh' ono a texritstialg winner,
'teem devehaig to herr kit +hen,
ham xtnsl ego for dioxin-,
M. L. A. for Simon, Saturday an-
nouo ed creation 0± the position of
police' magistrate for the county ot•
Huron,, a .dirty that for the past 15
years ,has' been performed by lenges-
tratee Iran nearby counties.
He also indicated the lilcellhoodk'
of a juvenile come set-up in Huron.,.
'No indication was given as to- the:
possible appointee.
The lest magistrate in Huron was
Ma. ihtr 'tis Reid, d. 1 reared g a , w 10 eti d 15'
yam* ago anal died 10 year& ago..
During the interval Magistrates
Makin,, oS ISteatfomd; . 'Walker, ot`•
Welkertanm and • Ian MacRae end..
C. W. Hawksbaw, Of Middlesex. -
performed the duties of cacti ine ail,
m'agistrate's emit Muses',
Invasion Troops Assured
Satisfactory 'Supplies of. Beer .
'Londeti-•-•rilhe British. Mindsttt•y 01
Pond, together with the, Navy, Atntp
and Air -Force Inrstittute and tike
British Brewing Industry, has unade
epeotai arrangements to fly eatfs8aet-
ary supplies of beer to the troo;pe
do Noranallay in specially preparett
auxili'a'ry ,Spitllse fuel tames,
tSuppliee, are oxpeeted to be mora
:generous, than •were seai'.abie ilc
'tale. Steely or Horth Africa ao4.
British 'eitiliane are cheerfully
talking a Oonsideaable out to ]Waite
this possible.
.Army sat•611orition hsive alwaya
eeraetvded ilait beta' is a 191011110
builder, .soeeed area to mail.
PaOblon. roto; Where will bo 121±10
Ghangie in 'men's peokete 11118 Y'ea1',