HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-19, Page 21. : etrical Far :: Equipment THE VW C. WOOD CO, LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of IY lking Machines, Milk Coolers, Grain Grinders, Oat Rollers, Feed Mxertg Electric Fences and Refrigeration. Also. Surge and Universal Milking Machines can be had with little or no waiting. Local Agent— Harold Thomas Phone 80x Brussels, Ont. Must Be Marked Although the now 1344 gasoline ration books: have now been in use for several weeks, garage and ser- vice station meet report there ie still some misunderstanding or lack of knowledge on the part of ration book owners.. It is point- ed out that each gasoline coupon, CLASSIFIED I ADS before being acceptable to the die. ttihuter, inuet have the vehicle 11- eensre number marked 1n ink, and the oil controller advisee tliat it is desirable that motorists should do this as soon as possible A blank coupon should not be detached from a book, and cannot be ac- cepted for gasoline. NINIAL DISABLED DEAD or t'yerickJy rerreos•ed in Clean Sanitary truck,.. Phone collect, 72 BRUSSELS W Miami Stone Sons Limited BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ON'T'ARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer. D. Bell,- B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Serviced Wednesday Afternoon BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daly from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) USINESS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements P. one 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. l er Information, etc., write or phone either 81•.'-18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDU.C'. ED IN A SA7JSFACTORY MANNER. MOCIERATELY PRIGEb. Allan A. Lamont Agent for --Fire, Windstorm, and Auto/while 1Llsym_altll Get per1icuiars of. our Special Automobile Policy for farmers, Queen St. Brussels Thane 657 W. D. S. Jami'.son, M.D., C.M., Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Fours -1 . 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 1.1 - 12 a.m. When possible. Saturday evenings uutlr1 10 p. s. �J days—Emergencies and by appointment only. kianie calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chase T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance A4cide'nt and Sickness Atgenk.for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87r-2 Darold Jackson spierDIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES eene.ed In Huron and Perth Couptlesc PRIQE8' ;REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUA 4 ,NTggD Fop ;nformation, etc., wrlte or phone Harold J6,04,11on, phionp.12 on 658 Seal orth R.R. 1. r3 un,,f old y oke ar"angen'ents at The Brussels Poe, or Elmer O. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. E. RANN Furniture FPNEl ►L hJVi AMB'ULAIVCE SERYI,CE. Licensed %uncoil Director and. Emba firer PION* 36 or 495 - -- BRUSSELS, ONT JAMES McFA.DZ EAN Howick"Mutual Eire Insurance --attic—° Hartford Windstorm Tornado 'lnsarance Automobile Insuranc LTURNIIEMAY ONT. PHO IE 42 P Q,.1VREl2IkX ST'.:--�-% sx ?LS,Lewis l ;o wland (Licenetd For Duron Cou,�{ ) SFAC11ON GIJAANTi:ED * PRICES RgABCNA LEgements phgne $1 ''Tho BrusselsPost" and thbybo looked aftor Immed+titety rmation, eto.•, +n' rte or phone Lew..Rowland 8ORd '44 at Seaforthi cr write RJL g, Walton. onaldson — Lic'ensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 Atwood, Ont. for the Counties of Huron and Perth sales promptly attended to * Charges moderate gagements phone 31 "The Brusels Post" and they will be looked after immediately. Tito m .«' FOR SALE- 3 Yorkshire Sows. phiue 17-r•4 Jaek th'yaius FOR SALE — A 7 -ft, cut Binder in good repair. phone 23-r-9 Jaynes Moses FOR SALE- 3-bggtrnar Loa4-oil awe in good repair, complete -with. oven. Fe. further particulars phone 35, Feed Finn's Mineral for Healthy Cows and Hoge. Adams' Feed Brussels. WANTED— d rewar's •Groceterla will buy Gooseberries and Black Currants. Phone 5 Ask our price. FOR SALE - 115 Hybrid Pullets, Rocks and New liampshires, 5 months old, starting to lay._ r phone 42-r-19 George Blake FOR SALE- 1.1ft. cut Frost & Wood Binder in good repair, also 1 litter of 10 choice young pigs, 6 weeks old. J. P. McIntosh Phone 55-r-6. Do your calves scour. Red Blood Quickly Tablets will step them. Adams' Feed Brussels. FOR SALE— 5 Young Pigs, weaned, also 2 Chunks of Piga Wm. Speirs , Phone 54-r-4, Are your hogs stiff, scurfy, and pale. Use Hog Fix -it flxes'em. Adams' Feed Brussels, INTERNATIONAL REPAiRS•— Get Inrterniational Repairs at the Adenia Chopping Mill, Brussels THE BRUSSELS POST FOR SALE.— took a moults to arrive in I,,uiilaud Timber frame builcmg 2507 time! but uiifertunetely it took another 10 bey mostly bock Elm 18 ft. posts one' clays 10 'catch up with me, it le really halt of roof le covored with steel 1,,eely µlel we w e.014a101y be abia sllinglee with one lean to 1545 and :., hare a good big "feed" out of one lean to 14x40 this building was that. 40x69 the rafter were set back to You know I've recital so many make it 2Gx60 should a 40x60 be more parcels from so many orlanlzations sellable the present rafters can be j and different people around ?,'altos extended and girls placed on beta 1 that I'm slightly, confused. 1 didn't ends to make it e, 40x60 this building i realize ,that Walton had so many wartime organizations but all of you are certainly doing grand work. The ,country will be a busy spot these days and the present and especially the past month will be WILKINSON late of the Village really a wonderful time of year. of Brussels in the County ofThere still isn't anwthing like 1115 Huron, widow, who died on or grand old Ontario countryside tro about the fifteenth day of Novem- ber, A. D., 1943. FOR SALE— Brick tHouse on Turnberry Street, Brussels, belonging to the late Isabella Walker. apply to 3. C. Baeker, Brussels. Are your chicks pale, anaemic, or weak? Use Red Blood Quickly Tab- lets. Adams' Feed Brussels. WANTED— To purohase pullets eight weeks or age and older. Barred Rooks, New Hampshires and White Leg - .horns, Good prices paid, Write Tweddls _ Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, PART TIME MAN OR WOMAN WANTED— For established Watkins route of steady easterners. Must be honest and realtable, .have travel outfit or means of getting arse. No Genital or exper- ience reclaimed. Write The 3, R. Watkins Company Dept, 0-5-4. 2177 Matson ;Street, Montreal. is in fair condition. P. Ament, Brussels, Ont. Start In your own part time business. If you have been, laid off in a war plant, if your formwork or other occupation does not take all of Your time, if you are honest and depend- able, military exempt, willing to work for finanicial independence, we'll establish you 1n your own business, supplying household and farm nocesstties, Suitable travel out- fit required, Credit furnished: Write The J. R. Watkins Company, dept. 0.5.4, Montreal, Que. ve your EYES !areal' `'d NOW F. Fn II.611) uth Notice to Creditors In the estate of EI-IGAI3ETH ANN TAKE, NOTBOE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail resticuians and Proof of same to the solicitor for the execut- rioes on or before the 32nd day of July A. D. 1944, upon which date the said executrices will proceed to dis- tribute, the assets with regards only to those claims which they shall then have received. Dated at Brussels. this 4th day of July, A. D., 1944. Lila Dark Mina Blanche Executrices, by their solicitor ELMIELI, D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. OPTOMETRIST Phone 118- _ Hsirriston mow..: SAWS—. - Crosscut saws filed and gumaned if necessary. Also handsaws, pruning saws bucksaws. SHARPEN--- Knives, HARPEN—(Knives, scissors, every thing with an edge. New handles put on saws and knives. Leave Them At TH 13RUSSELS POST matter where you mai go. I have a slight change of address as I expect to be moving around considerably and expect to be with the British Army. Its going to be a bit of a dhange but its all in a war- time. Again, many thanks snit every success to each and everyone of You. As ever, Bob Hamilton Juno 19, 1944 Dear Mrs. Rowland: Parcel from the ladies received to- day. Will you please pass along my thanks to them. It was a pleasant surpslse. There :sure are a lot of new people around home now. I haven't met you that I remember of but may he Notice to erPditors spared Dor the honour some day. I In the estate of DOUGALD HUGH hear from home quite regular so McDONALD late of the Village of have a minds picture of things Brussels and County of Huron gentleman, who dled on or about the 9th day of June, A. D. 1944. TAKE NOTICE that all parties that happen, I see the oasts are coming iu head and the peas in bloesotn, We had a POPPY in bloom in Use back yard having claims or demands against Really them le little How's that I can tell so mush say goad bye and the estate of the above deceased again. must mail particulars and prior of thanksSincerely, same to the undersigned executor on Wallace Shannon or before the 29,h day of July, A. D. 1944; upon which late the said ex- ecutor aecutor will proceed to distribute the assets with regards only to those claims which he Shall then have re- ceived. DATED at Brussels thus 12th day of July, A. D. 1944. ROBERT S. WARWICK, Brussels, executor by his solicitor IILNLI7R D. BELL, Brussels, Ontario. Letters From Overseas The following ranters were re- ceived by Mrs. L. Rowland who is secretary -treasurer of she Walton U.F.W.O. Tues:, July 4th, 1944 Dear Ate, IRowland:- I am very pleased to tell you th,et to -(lay I received a parcel from the Walton Fanw Women. As you are ,the See, I wish to ask you to express my sincere thanks to all who made it possible for ice to have this gift. The parcel arrived all in good shape and you can be sure it will be duly. appreciated, Now I am sure you will be glad to hoar that a fellow can ' have a pretty fair time over here, That le under the circumstances. Entertain• anent as a rule consists. of games., Picture shows, swimming in the river and the odd time by the beach. I had. She pleasure of a day ie ;tome too. As I oiose this letter I wish once again to express my thanks to all. Yours, A. M. Nichol (Alvin is a son of Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Nidliol of Exeter, formerly of Walton). . June 81. 1944 Dear Pnieuds:- Received parcel ,today, it was in good condition and a swell treat, things wo oant get over' Isere and It le really nice to know you people at Walton have not forgotten mel That means more to me than the nice parcels: thanks, a million. I suppose things have changed a lot at Walston, I know they have for me, mother gone and the girls away, They will not let sue Bay what or where I anise 3 will just have to let that go for now. Please thank every- one, for me. 1lope to see you all soon, All my Best Wishes. As ever, Dtok Drager June 24, 1944 Dear Friends: - lust a .line to thank you fol' the very waicoane parcel I received yesterday, It sure is appreciated offer (here• .as it consisted of food whichis unobtainable lie.re, So tltanlcing you onee again your kindness I remain Sincerely Harry Marshall July1, 1944 Dear hniaitIsl Many, many Wtastks for the grant, parcel of foodstusff whielt caught up nIltis silo yostorday, 6t actually dirty for Wedno3433y, July 10111, 1944 "Long Distance Telephoning is heavier than it was a year ago" /Ps TNie Far the first three months of this year Long Distance lines handled calls at a rate which would represent an increase, over the full year, of nearly three and one-half million calls. So you see we're not out of the woods yet—and won't be until the war is won. Please continuo to keep wartime communication lines clear —use Long Distance for essential calls only. Delays can coet lives! REMEMBER- NIGHT RATES NOW BEGIN AT 6 P.M; t e r9&. e'e 8e4wice OWAstr GUyz7S Z Walai'di 5 A Message to Canadian Motorists T1HE invasion of Europe has thrown a vast and critical burden upon the petroleum resources of the United Nations. In the first eight days of the cam- paign alone Allied aircraft flew 56,000 sorties. Many thousands of oil -burn- ing warships and landing barges are shuttling ceaselessly across the Chan- nel. Tanks, trucks, jeeps, mobile artillery, ambulances, by the thou- sands, are in action. The driving power behind all this activity is petroleum—gasolene and fuels drawn from a dwindling crude oil supply. But—there is only so much oil. If existing supplies are to prove adequate, the most stringent economy of gasoline and fuel oil must be prac- tised here at home. Canada is able to produce only 15% of her own gas and • oil needs. The remainder must be imported from the cominon pool of the United Nations. and the bulk of this is shipped here by tankers. Critical manpower is needed to produce our gasoline and oil. Precious lives and precious ships 035 C1/1/1/0 89041MiDei 700 loos must be risked to deliver it to our shores. Invasions, and the difficulties of supply and transportation are not our only problems. Right here in Canada gas and oil are needed in enormous quantities for vital war purposes. The Coinmonwealth Mr Training Plan has consumed as much as 548,000 gallons in a single day. Canada's Navy expanded since war 'began from 15 ships to 650—consumes over 2,150,000 gallons every week. Army training, war plant operation, food production, essential trucking — all are huge consumers, of gasoline and petroleum products. Gasoline is ammunition— ammo. nitron of which we have all too little. To waste a gallon of it is a crime against our fight- ing men, An amwuucomsnf issued by Tho Department of Munitions and Supply, Honournbfo C. 0. Howe, Mininfor Answering Your Questions e about the Gasoline Shortage How much gasoline was consumed dun. log the 54 days of pro -Invasion bomb- ing?...More than 200,000,000 gallons, How much fuel oil does a battleship take in one refueling' .. , Enough to heat an overage house for 350 yoan. Row much fuel dogs ono armoured division consume M every five miles of advance? ... 10,000 gallons. How many gallons 05 petroleum prod- ucts are required fo supply the needs of 500,000 European invasion troops foe o Wook? .. Ovor 25,000,000 gallons. Me -TAX