HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1944-7-19, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
July 19th, 1944
To fall in line with other
municipalities in the Province,
the business people ask that
Monday, August 7th
Brussels Civic Holiday
And 1 hereby proclaim the same
a Public Holiday and ask that ail
citizens observe it as suet'.
R. J. Bowman, Reeve.
We wieh to thank all our friends
and neighbours fpr the 'Madness in
words' ,and deeds shown to nus in our
recent sad bereavement. They mina
always be reemmbered,
Mats. James Bird and I''and1y
Seaforth, Ont.
Thurs., Fri. and Sat.
July 20, 21, 22,
2nd show starts 9.15
Trouble Brewing
Another George Formby Riot
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
July 24, 25, 28,
Two Features -2nd show starts 8,45
Ray Milland Ruth Hussey
The Uninvited
Gripping. Thrilling! Fascinating!
• Mr. Big
StarringDo O
.Wald" Connor
Next Thur., Fri. and Saturday
July 27. 28, 29,
2nd show starts 3.15 -
,Kay Francis Carole Landis
Four Jilts In A Jeep
Martha Raye Minn Mayfair
First show starts eash evening at 720,
Matinee each Saturday at 2:80 p.m.
Melville Church g
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., 3.0. ti
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
The minister.
7 P. M. Evening Worship
The Minister
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster:
U nited Church
Minister -'Rev. Hugh C. WIlw.,
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Whose Life Was Given
For Freedom
Sermon Subject: -
"Living For Big Things"
Junior Congregation
7 P M. Evening Praise
"A Chip On Your Shoulder"
Church of England
Rector, -Rev. M. F, Oldham
Pariah of Brussels
7th Sunday After Trinity
July 23rd, 1944
Ste John's Brined, -
10 A. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Prayer,
and Sermon
St. George's Waiters -
1'10 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2.80 Pe Mn Sunday School
And Bible Claes
St. Meld's H•nfryn--
10.80 A. M. Sunday soot
and Bible Claes
8.80 F. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Services at theee hoard for tho
rest of the eummer.
Toronto Conservatory
Music Examinations
The 1ollo•tvdng are the results of the
muscle examinatiana at the Toronto
Conservatory of Music heli) at List
wei on. July M
thPupils ofLaub D.
Tltompebn• of )3rueeele, in piano and
Grade I Plano
Kenneth wood, Pass 08 marks.
Marjorie Senaa'erson, Pass 13 marks.
Grade 11
Duncan ,7amdeeon, Its -a. 70 marks,
Betty 'Cousins, Hon. 78 marks,
Grace laentr, :Hon. 78 mance
Grade 1I1
Joyce Oliver, Hon.. 74 marlcs•,
Mamie Oliver, Hon, '78 marks,
Grade VI
Mairy Wilton, Hon, 77 marks,
Grade VII
Thelma Brotlleae, Hon. 74 marks'.
Thelon Brothers, lariat Glass Hon,
91 merles.
Ruth Wilson., 'Mist Class Hon. 89
marks. (February).
Bewley -McIntyre
WEST I,ORNE--A pretty wedding
of interest to a wide circle of friends
was' solemnized quietly at the home
00 Mrs, Agnes McIntyre, Saturday,
July 15 at 3 'o'olook when Margaret
30„ only daughter of Mrs Mclutyre
and the, late Mr, Nen Mefntyre be-
came the 'bride of Richard .Arthur
Bewley, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs,
3. A. Bewley of Blyth. Rev F. G.
Purchase perforneeet the eere,utouy
and the vows were made before an
impeeseive ,altar arrangement of
lovely Teams, Regal lilies and •hy-
The bride was charming in her
street length gown of romance blue
sheer with jadleet effect in matching
lace. She carried a white Bible and
pink sweet heart roses' with white
ribbon streamers. A sweetheart rose
bandeau held in place lien• shoulder
length veil and her only a,ulament
was her mother's, wedding necklace
:set with diamond's. Doug white
mitts and other accessories were in
The. beidesenaid, Miss Marlon Leith
who •carne from Landon, Our the event
was b.erootruingfly gowned in floral
design silk jersey, brown -and' aqua
shades, with corsage an -0 head
these -of Talisman rosea, white lace
gloves and 'other white accessories.
'Carpus) Walter Bewley, brother
of the groom *ate 'best man and
attoncled Prom Camp Tpperwash, Mr.
3. 11, Bewley, the groom's father
was also present
The bride's mother chose silk
jersey in floral ,de,sign of mauve
shades and white with oars -age of.
neatens ivory roses. 'Vie groom's
mother wore floral silk jersey in
pastel shades of man ee, green and
yellow with ooa'sage of Johanna Hill
rases, and gladioli, Miss Beatrice
Meted' sang very sweetly ` •Until'•
and Mrs F. G. Pueshase played the
wedding m'us'e.
'delicious buffet luncheon w.li0
s'erv'ed by the bride's aunts, Mrs.
Archie MoMdllan. West Leone; Mre,
Hugh' MoDonald, Mart and Mrs.
Francis 'DeIS1sam, , Mulaeldric assisted
by Mass Fred Hsieh, Matricide, Miss
Aalne Morredrt, West Lorne and )hiss
Dorothy ICriter, Rodney. Mrs, De -
Shaw 'poured tea from a table
atbraetive with cut wooe'k lineal cloth
centered with the artistic fonr'tier
wedding oauke and tour white lighted
taperoandiles' in sinter sconces. The
toast to the bride was proposed lie
She minlster and 3aa 'piii•;T responded
to by the groom,
Mr, -and Mrs. Bewley left !manedd,
lately after the luncheon amid
showers of oonfetti for • their
wedding ;trip. The bride travelled
in a ]!llec crepe dress' and white ,
beef haat with, en oft -the -face vett, - l
Many beautiful and useful gifts
testified to the high 'esteem of their
frieatls. This' aropuler couple both
taught ,in the .local public-eabooi.
They well reside fan Petrolia where
the grown has accepted, a posl.tlou on
the teaching duff of the Central
publila school. .
Mrs, Addison Taylor
A lite long aesidenit 03 tbis coin.
'tunny, Mrs. Addison Taylor, Jied at
the home of her daughter, Mrs,
David Shoidtce, on IS'undlay, July 9111,
sure 'heti been 111 a heart Jon
diem Por three months priorto her
Born in Grey township, on Jawuai'y
22nd, 1887, site was the daughter of
the hate Mr. and Miss. Robert Me-
Nmighbon. She resided in Grey
township uni.il the death o3 e.er
husband, Addle= Taylor who
died, a year ago July Stir, She is
survived by a daughter, Mrs, David
Shaklee° of Wilton, A son, Milton
Lowe, predeceased her in 1033. A
ba'oehem, 'Dr. MGNaugnton also pre-
deoeese( her some years ago. Mrs,
Ina Forcer and Mrs. Foster of
Kincardine rare cousins.
Rev. Hazelwood of Walton United
thumb oanduoted funeral 'services.
from the none 00 oer 'sondn•law,
David Shea ice, lot 30, don, 13, on
Tuesday, July 11OIt with, interment 3n
Brussels cemetery,
Padlbeae•era: were, Clai+k Matheson.
Harvey Demons, - Lrrnest Cardin,
Gordon McGavdn, Douglas Hem-
ingway and Harvey Stephenson. •
Died In British Columbia
Word tee been a•eeeit!ed of the
snhcl!clen death an, Oliver, B..1, of
Victoria Elieabeth'Middleton
(Beene) llros,dioo4 oe "Brigend
Panne" end concession of Tucker -
smith where the deceased was born,
She was teikon sin elenly in at a
summer res -art and later taken to
St. Memento' I3ospitai, Oliver, B.C.,
where she Reseed away on Wednes-
day, June Mist aObe1' a very short
111n'ess'." Mese ' 13maadfo'ot was the
elder slaughter of ebbe late Mr, and
Mrs, W. G. Broadfoot of "Brigend
plarnm"' second eanlcessi!on of Tucker -
smith where deceased was born.
Miss Breadlfoot was a member of
Pdesbyterian Ohnrch and took an
aotiive ltvte estM church affairs. She
was loved by a1'1 who knew her. The
homesteadi wee taken out of blob by
their miandfsb)•ivei•, ,the late James
Broadfoot over 100 yeaote ago. He
maim tram Dura,tries, Ayrshire,
,Scotland when the. land was all
Mesh out of which he cleared his
home, line ,had a good sterling
character and will be missed so
much wherever slue was known,
Lnterment took place in British
Columbia. Mine Broadfoot was very
swccessi0nl dm, her business, being
second highest do the province, Miss
Broadfoot is' survived by one sister
(Agnes) G. 3. Mrs' George T.
Fiewitt who ,elves, on, the family
ltonuesteed 1'n Tniakers'mtt'h and one
hrobanea• WlHase W. B. Broadfoot of
Oliver, B,C„ who are left to mourn
the Mose, of a laving sister. One
brother, Jamey 'Cherries Stewart
Broadlfoot pned'eeeas'ed he: several
year's ago. Welter It, Broadfoot of
1'6th canaession of Grey is a 00nsin,
LT - �1 e: * * is* * s * S Brussels !Council Meeting
ocal. News QQt.� s Items W£ D 1 JV G Brussele, July 3Y•d, lett,
•; r r * ;l'he regulon nhoaabhly meeting' Of tto
McCallum -Vincent Beues'el8 Muncipal Council was held
on the above date, All nmeanbere pros
BLYTH •,- Westfield United 'ens, The manatee of the last meeting
Church was beautifully decorated being read ft was moved by R. Cons
Saturday etterndan fel' the map ins; seconded by W, Cameeonl that
mage of Doreen, romly deughtar of the minutes be adopted,. -"Carried,
Mr. and Mrs, Roland Vincent, The following b111s were tree-onted:
'Westfield, to Me. Harvey McCailuan, Goo. Ruane, June aurum., newer
G. McDowell, Zone salary ,., 50,00
R. S. Warwlak, June salary ,,,, 35.00
F. Duncan, Wood Eos Nettles ,,,, 1620
Bremen I7ydro, Street lights ....99.00
Hall lights 2.20
Dd. Henderson, •Cutting grass ,56,55.
John Tay.aws, Cutting grass . , 17,15
le, J, Road, Broad eupervlston,,.. 25.00
Retire ear June ............... .. .. 10.00
Moved by W. Wens; secondee) by
F, Semis that the aceouats be paid
Moved by W. Wtlllis; seconded ' by
F. •Semis that we grant $300., to
Wing'3awn Hospital Board to be paid
when building commences. Carried
Moved by R. Cousins', seconded by
W. Cameron that By-law No, 4, 1944
setting the rate for 1944 at 35 mills
be read :the third time and finally
passed. -Canted.
Moved by W. Willis, seconded by
W, Cameron that By-law No. 3, 1944
be read the third time anal Anally
pawed, -Carried.
There being no further business
the Council now adjourned.
Freak Ducks Sugar For Canning
141as. Rally Mantel Grey Township, Housewives in'tel'estee in canning
reports baying love freak clucks about - may now use the second set of can.
2 months old: Two of the daces have aging .sugar coupons Ffi to F10 in re
one foot webbed and the other foot .tion book three, according to W.
not webbed. The :other three have Harold McPhillips, prices and supply
'feet like Bene, that is., not webbed relnes!eetativo for Western Ontario.
otherwes'o 'rite dualrs are nerfeet. mush coupon may be, used to' buy Ionly son of Mr. and Mrs, .Duncan
_. 14ue Pound of 'agar. 7Yhis makes, all
l l4IlcCauum, Blyth,, the altar
CARD OF THANKS 1 the aauml11g.s'gar coupons F1 to F10 festooned with white tu11e. - with
S'inoeee thenke ds' expressed to,maw vane. Home canners may also
neighbours and *lends for their ue'e their valid preserves coupons for
many acts off hindeess end words of I sugar. Each, preserve coupon may be
synrpatilty daring the illness and at need- for en pound of sugar, .
the :timne of the death of Mre, -
Addison Taylor, anise for Revere It
was all much appreciated.
Mr. and Mre% David ,Sholdlce
At Pettawawa Camp •
Brussels members of the 99th
Battaruy of Wiegham who are at
Pebtawawa ogee" wins elle batteries
from Kindardline, Wiagham and
Listowel are 'Sgt. Sanderson G.,
Genuses, J. Willis," B. Elliott, 111.
Backer, 0. Riley, D. Sanderson, W.
Pieta and, W. !Sullivan,
And We Pride Ourselves on
Our Educational System
There is MUM. Cemmeut 011 'the
fast• that a 1'5 -year old Kinloss town•
ship boy -was a witness. In a court
case at Wel'kerton, and it was learn-
ed that he 'had never been, to school,
could' not read or write, and had not
beets, to churn'. or Sunday School for
the post six or ,seven years. He did
not knew what an oath was, nos bile
meaning of perjury. He had heard
it said that the Bible was "a good
book." In a day when, we pride our -
Off to a Good Start The maid of honor, ;Miss Irene
selves on, our educational system The
Metes* of the bridegroomSome rook . pullets, of W. Stephen -
eon which were hatched on March 11 ante om oivilizatibn, such instances ware a floor length
are likely to deflate our ego. ' gown h Pale
lake then fleet egg 011 July 8th,. that table satin with matching shoulder
ie' when they were on,ty 3, m'onbhs and length veil, foaming a hat and she
27 allays old. This is, some sort of a Raise $27,181 For carried a bouquet of pale pin)
record we steer& as- rooks don't I Red Cross roses- Miss Betty Pelrservice, the
usually commence laying until they The Life buoy 'Follies have played ' bridesmaid, choee a floor length
are five menthe old, to 57,292 people, end raised $27,181 I gown of maize satin, with. matehing
shoulder length veil, embroidered Morris Township Connell Meeting
with tiny blosaonm The bridegrooui. ,July 10th, 1944.
was, attended ,by John Clegg, Cain The Oouneil mat en the amore date
ton and the usher was Lorne Hay, in the Township Hall with alt the
Exeter, cousin of the bridegroom members, present. The Reeve- pre -
bravoes. of 'the Red Cross throughout • Later the wedding dinner and re. sided. '
ception On two w
Ontario 'havep were held at
benefitted as the en. the home of The i ,
e m wiates of The last 'meeting
tire pitceecls to th'e Pollees were the bride's Parents., with about 20 1 were read and adopted on motion of
nem, a• ,over to em, Lever Brothers � P esent. Mrs. McCallumMcCallumwas Ohas. Coulter, and HarvsY Johnston.
have mid all costes.. Reel Cross 1 errs an' employee of the Baatk 00 Coni- I Moved by C. 'C'ontltee and second -
'nose for some time. On their re
tutn from their honeymoon, )lir.
mid Mae. McCalh,an will reside in
pink rosebuds- and green sprigs, en-
twined, termed a lovely background
for tall atantierds ,of ' blue delphin.
ium and whlte hydrangea, centred
villa a, basket of delphinhum and
lilies, Rev, Haadld Snell officiated,
assisted by Rev. Hugh Wilson, a
former pastor, During the signing
ot the register Jaok Cook, Cl1nton�
snug, "For: You," accompanied be
A. Cook, organist of Blyth 'United
Church, who also played the
wedding muscle. The bride, given
in. marriage by her father, looked
length gown of noon length gown of
white satin with yoke of brocaded
net. Her finger-tip veil formed a
halo and she awned a bouquet of
deep pink roses.
Oats Already Cut • -
Cllft Marks, Morris Twp,• cat a
!field of oatmeal. Friday, July 4th, We
understand ,this is at least tree weeks.
earner than is usual as even early
varieties in 'this district are seldom
ready for cutting before the first
week in August, '
The farmers got little or- no rest
'between haying and harvest as, the
harvesting of wheat is already well
tender way on many farm,'.
Melville W. M. S.
The W. M. S. 'ot Me3ville ,, °heron
met on Fridaly afternoon, Jnly 7th, at
noloak. Mos. Kers, the president,
opened 'tote meeting with prayer.
alter which 'Pslam 36 was sung. Mrs.
George Evans 'read tale Scripture
Meson and prayer was- offered by
Mars. Claret Matheson After Hymn
410 wee 'sung, the secretary's and
treasurer's imports were read and
adopte-d, and the offering was taken
Mrs. Jos, Wilton continiued the inter-
es'ting study of initial Guiana, ter
•topic being 'The Early Yeare--Obet-
eoles: and M'tehods," Hymn 798 was
then Bung and the meeting closed
by repeating the Lord's- Prayer in
Trousseau Tea
Moe. Oharles' Vodd•en' entertained
at a ,brausseau tea o5. Thursday'. June
Wr'2nd, in the anfteawoon and evening,
nn honour of Iter daughter, - Ruth
Mr Meer Dooislallta, hie, wife and
Mr, and Para. Angus, Mcelallteter of
Flint, Mich., visited art the home of
J. J. Gomel tz and other friends for
a few drays. -
Lynn Dewane 'opened the harvest.
'nig season last !Sat*ua'dey when he
out wheat on ¢lwo of his farms
Thee a'nd Gordon Knight took n
lot of the (hard work and difficulties
of labour shortage, out of haying by
investing .in , a buck rake and a
'eubbtug box. They teal: off 107 acres
;of )hay without any extra help, The
hay del out lip and blown into the
anorw, which has' the advantage of
,saving both time toed! space, -
t Miss Kate McNabb of Toronto
spent elle Week solllnf on old friends
in Grey, 'She ie always welcome,
The many reloads! of Mrs. H'enr'y
Wei'seiuberg will be pleased to know
that she ea some better as she le
able to be, ug •a little whale every
Pnivfuce Cooll Robertson of Ipper-
wash spoon the week end with his
family, lie looks' 'tie if "rhe a,rin9
egnoes• with him.
Mr, and Mrs. Colwell Speiram and
sans ei eluate end Ivan and Mr, and
Mics. Legne Mel)onald anti Mrs.
H. 'Ca'm'pbell epent the week end at
Waft ga Beach where tbe3 iisltod
'Maize, 1,. $nrllwe11 of Guelph ie
spending her bollda/IS at the home of
her parents, Sf. oral Mile, McNabb.
Red Cross Notes
The !monthly teen w'1' lbe demon,
•timuedduring July and August.
July Shipment:
20 pr.', pyjaan(nti, 26 girls' tlr65505,
1,0 girl&' brands and dreese0, 13
nnillie, 5 pile, gloves, 80 ribbed
halmtete, 60 Pre. wervioe seeks. 26
sleeve1efie s!vge15 era., 2Ti turtleneck
for Red Cross in, Ontario. it was an-
pounced Ray Otis as the talented
group of professional players conclu.
decltheir season, Through the gen-
erosity of
y Lever Brothers
Morris Council
branches being required only to pro•
vide a hall. The Follies have - given
104 ,concerts, in and of Red Cross
since September 30th, 1043. They
will resume their schedule 1'n Sept-
At The Churches
Melville Presbyterian Church
On 'Sunday morning the service
in Meiv110e Church was, in charge qi
the minister who preached •from •6t.
John 14;3, end .the worcas there of
Jesus: "I will -!come again." Mr,
William ,Speir sang a solo. In the
evening the service wee in Charge of
the Rev, J. C. Ross of Bolton.
Brussels United Church
At the United Chorell in the nmorn•
lug warship ,the minister book as his
subject, "The Wrath of - Men shall
melee Gott,"' Hissers Ruth Jewell
and Phyllis' Sullivan sang very
sweetly in a 'duet.
Miss • Idella Bryans and_ Mr, Lloyd
Psabel, whose mamrage to Mr. John Wheeler -sang 'iS'oftly and Tenderly
Pipe, Moak plane on July 5tie 'Teams 1e Calling" at ' the evening
The guests were received by alas,
Voddeni and the brads -elect. Mrs.
litueray. Ferguson ant Miss Beth - to the groomsman a leather billfold,
Coyle'. displayed her lovely trous- St. John's Anglican Church Fallowing the ceremony, 011e wed
Beau and many beautiful - haad'made
linens, china and household articles. On aeeouaut of the 04th anniversary ding party motored to the home of
Mms, A. McLeod, Clinton aunt of the services in St. George's Church, the bride where they were received
birde, .pnesdded': at the tee table, Mrs. on July 16th the se!rviv,e was held by the bridals mother, who was
3.n ,St, J'ohn's;' Baras'sels at 9 air, The dressed in airforce blue sheer with
of into on• and Miss. Beth , Holy 'Communion wits administered corsage of pink msec,
ISna a assfstey oaut ha the refresh. 1 and 'rho •reotor preached ors the text
inmate, Mamy !beawtisul gifts. vwete FoUlorvvwng congratulations, the
1St. John 6,58, 130cept Ye aat the flesh
received ehorwieng the esteem with I bride led Ota way to, elle tliaeirig-room
'w'htoh the bride is held' in the of the son of man and drink His I tvhet;e the wedding dinner was serv-
conlmunity, blood, ye have qua life in You," :The i ed by the bride's aunt, Miss .Susan
teething and. sigulflcance of the I Ronkri'ug of iiddeidcit• and lits.
Holy Communion was given, Serv18e Sydney Lansing of the Base Line,
weld be held each 'Sunday at 11 a.m. The room wee beputifully decorat•
fir rthe acct of smmmet. Sunday ed with pink and white streamers
Wheal at 10 a.m'. i caught in the centre of a large white
C4odereich, f July 10, -- The polios': - - bell, from WWII streamers reached
committee of Iiuroni County Council to each earner et tine table terminat-
met lest night en 3 passed' the follow, Funeral Service Hell!
For Thomas D. Holmes Ing in a bow of plink and white, The
leg Motions "That the position of •
I :bable 'decorated in leant and white.
trete officer be abolished' and that •Remains. of Thomas, DeWitt was centred with the 'wedding cake,
Norman Lever, who on* .tele) the Holmes, :ecru 'af 'este farce Rov, Jobn Pink tulle •a'ud rose-les;ds' encircled
poaitio1 ,since 1921, be ' gluon -,ons and Sane Niemen arrirned in. Lou, , the cake,
menthes pay dui,T
• lieu of the notice, the don uesday at noon and femoral i
abolition' to take place immedaitely was Saeid' from the, a ,R, station to i Reskete of aioees. and dela lilies
and: (rime, county 'clerk be authorized Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Rev. C. P, also decorated' the dining room and
to ask far ep4lieatdion for a tousle i McLean of Dundee Street Centre itvtng room.
county 'constable to be stationed at United !Church, oftloieted at the ' Leber in the afbao aoen, the bride
01yell, 'each county constable, to 10510 i ganees4de, Mr, Hoene, died Sun- u (mened nem teem lug costume. a
atter the trade 3n his' own area? I nay .at the Geredal Hospital, Toronto. two•piece 45*8e of beige crepe, beige
The motion viten carried unantree. He was else .tatter of Robert Holmes, , tett hat, hrown aeoess'arlee and
aunty ,by the 'aommtlttee, composed •i of London, and brother of Luella .and oaory<img a cli'esitendeld coat to match.
of: 'Reeve Hasok] Moffatt of Turn. , Wendell Holmes, .also of London, I Amld showers of coefeei and good
berry, chairman; s'eorge Arm- I 'DeWitt Hollies learned the shoe n;isteis tee bride one groom lett on a
rong'df any; W, J. Bal?ser of'Gos beeinese with Mn Root, Downing motor 'trip to Hiltohener, Itiiagatra
,5141 Wrnlen Fred Watson of when his, father was the Methodist Fall', xoaionto and points oast
runiey. Preacher here. 1310 mmrtltor wars the omen. were present from
The three nasty anstaablos In sister of Hon, Thomas' Greenway of Brussel%% .Acs ui.,' Clinton, Cederich
Huron are; Joan Fergueen of The. Crystal City, Mian, DeWitt line e ' and 1.1ondssbens,
tatty lllmnerr Mint of 3eafeetb and wondentul store on Hider street west The bride and groom *Ill reside In
civaileis 8a44er of Wingllam, , *Rik :nom% as vett,aie throes. laendeebor6,
service. Mr. Wilson spoke on some
things 'that the church eland's for,
Londesboro United Church manse
was ,the scene of a :peetty wedding an
' Wednesday July ,5!t!h at 11 a,m, when
l Rev. Mr. Menzies•united in marriage,
IiaOh Isabel, - younger daugi.ter .02
Mr. and Mme. Oharles Vedder, of
Hallett and Jlohn Orval Pipe i also of
Hallett, eon. of Mr. William Pipe and
the late Mrs,. Pepe of Bnussalsl.
The beide looked very charming
in a street length dress, of white
sheer and Corsage of pink ear
nations'. Her only adorument was - a
seeing of peen%, the gift et the
groom. Mrs Bent Deer . ot Auburn,
sister o0 the bride, was, matron, of
honour. She were a street length
dresel of rose sheer .and oorsmge of
white carnations. Me, Mervyn Pipe,
Webber of the gaooan, was grooms-
The groom's gift to the matron of
honour was a sliver betterrlislu and
'Huron Change
Police System
qd by Jas. Michie drat the tenders of
Loony and Looby to canster•at a new -
bradge at Phelan'! fpm $1800., and re-
pair abutments. of 4th line bridge for
$25,00 per oubbe yard of concrete ac -
,cording to plans 'and specifications,
be accepted subject to the approval
of ,the Disibeiot Municipal Engineee-
Oara'led. eallanne
Moved en Chas, Ooultea seconded
by Jas, Miahie teat Morris. Township
give Wingham Hospital a grant of
$1'000:, for the purpose of building a
new wing end purchasing equtpn1 ret.
Amendment m'o'ved by Harvey
Jonston, seconded by Wm. Speer that
M'onres Townshty give Wingham Hos-
pital a giant of 4500e for the perpose
of bending a new wing and marcher,
e rchaw-
ing equipment,
Amendment Carried.
Money to be paid before end ot
Moved 'by Hervey Johnston second-
ed by Wm. Speir that the road bills -
as presentted Road Superintendent be
paid, -Carried',
Moved by Harvey J'olongton second-
ed by 'Chas. Coultes that a resolution
allowing 'those portions of 11.5.S. No.
3 and U. S. S. No. 17 which 110 wit&
in MToslhi!p , ecoma
pant oforris +the Easwnt W31wanitoosbh Ecbooe,l
Area, be palesed.-Csi; clad.
Moved by Jas. Micii4e,,seoonded by
Chas, Coutes ,that',hie, Meeting 511
journ to meet again] on August 14th,
1944, ntt 1.p. m. -Oa tiled.
The following amounts were paid:.
Mun*ddpal World' asutkpiies) .,..: 34(1
Blyth !Standard (adveattising) 8e.2e
Advance Times' (advertising) 482!D
Jas, Michie ( 14a'nb killed) ,,,, 418.00
Wallace Agar (valuating lamb) 41.50
MOS. George Gross (nelien ..,. $16,00
George U, Martha,
Chane Ign Primes
Of Fresh Vegetables
The seasonal change in the price
of fresh vegetable's goes into street .
on July 15th andremains in effect
until Daily Met, according to W.
H.larold McPhillips, prices and saps
ply repreeentattve for Western Ont.
The retailer may self at the maxi-
mum price but his inark'np 1e rat
to exceed 30% un Selling mh 1110 act-
ual cost, Garrets, Waelled 3 1)j4. tor
16e,unwisabed 9 lbs. for 14c In
benches, 3 one mania bunches 34e-,
parsnips, washed 3 lbs, for 26e, i[ri
waehed 3 Sm. far 2 re turnips Teta-
togas, weehed 8 its, for lie, unlash..
e1 3 lbs, 1'1'c, white washed 3 lbe, 20e,
unwashed 3 lire 13e; fresh tops 3 ane
pound barehes 23o; beide wanted f
11>s. 18e, vnwathied 8 the. 16o, belga
tons 3 dee Denial 1,Unahee #e, r